Jewel, John.
A defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande, conteininge an answeare to a certaine booke lately set foorth by M. Hardinge, and entituled, A confutation of &c. By Iohn Iewel Bishop of Sarisburie.
Imprinted at London: in Fleetestreate, at the signe of the Elephante, by Henry VVykes, anno 1567. 27. Octobris.
ESTC No. S93364.Grub Street ID 151883.
Jewel, John.
A defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande, conteininge an answeare to a certaine booke lately set foorthe by M. Hardinge, and entituled, A confutation of &c. By Iohn Iewel Bishop of Sarisburie.
Imprinted at London: in Fleetestreate, at the signe of the Elephante, by Henry VVykes, anno 1567. 27. Octobris.
ESTC No. S112182.Grub Street ID 131946.
Jewel, John.
A defense of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande. Conteininge an answeare to a certaine booke lately set foorthe by M. Hardinge, and entituled, A confutation of &c. Whereunto there is also newly added an answeare vnto an other like booke, written by the saide M. Hardinge, entituled, A detection of sundrie foule errours &c. Printed at Louaine, Anno. 1568. and inserted into the foremer answeare, as occasion, and place required, as by special notes added to the margine it maie appeare. By Iohn Iewel Bishop of Sarisburie.
Imprinted at London: In Fleetestreate, at the signe of the Elephante, by Henry VVykes, Anno 1570. 16. Iunij.
ESTC No. S112264.Grub Street ID 132029.
Jewel, John.
A defense of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande. Conteininge an answeare to a certaine booke lately set foorthe by M. Hardinge, and entituled, A confutation of &c. Whereunto there is also newely added an answeare vnto an other like booke, written by the saide M. Hardinge, entituled, A detection of sundrie fowle errours &c. Printed at Louaine, Anno. 1568. and inserted into the foremer answeare, as occasion, and place required, as by special notes added to the margine it maie appeare. By Iohn Iewel Bishop of Sarisburie.
Imprinted at London: In Fleetestreate, at the signe of the Elephante, by Henry VVykes, Anno. 1571. 16. Septembris.
ESTC No. S112296.Grub Street ID 132057.
Jewel, John.
A replie vnto M. Hardinges ansvveare: by perusinge whereof the discrete, and diligent reader may easily see, the weake, and vnstable groundes of the Romaine religion, whiche of late hath beene accompted Catholique. By Iohn Iewel Bishoppe of Sarisburie.
Imprinted at London: in Fleetestreate, at the signe of the Blacke Oliphante, by Henry VVykes, anno. 1565.
ESTC No. S125474.Grub Street ID 144713.
Jewel, John.
A replie vnto M. Hardinges ansvveare: by perusinge whereof the discrete, and diligent reader may easily see, the weake, and vnstable groundes of the Romaine religion, whiche of late hath beene accompted Catholique. By Iohn Iewel Bishoppe of Sarisburie.
Imprinted at London: In Fleetestreate, at the signe of the Blacke Oliphante, by Henry VVykes, Anno. 1565.
ESTC No. S112269.Grub Street ID 132032.
Jewel, John.
A replie vnto M. Hardinges ansvveare: by perusinge whereof the discrete, and diligent reader may easily see, the weake, and vnstable groundes of the Romaine religion, whiche of late hath beene accompted Catholique. By Iohn Iewel Bishoppe of Sarisburie.
Imprinted at London: In Fleetestreate, at the signe of the Blacke Oliphante, by Henry VVykes, Vicesimo Ianuarij. Anno. 1566.
ESTC No. S112275.Grub Street ID 132037.
Jewel, John.
Ioannis Ivelli, Sarisbvriensis in Anglia episcopi, adversvs Thomam Hardingvm, volumen, in quo viginti septem qu ætiones & scripturis, & omnium conciliorum ac patrum monimentis, quæcunc; sexcentis à nato Christo annis antiquiora sunt, desceptantur, atq; explicantur. Ex Anglico conversvm in Latinum à Guilielmo VVhitakero Collegij Sancta Trinitatis apud Cantabrigienses socio. Quæstionum, sive articulorum seriem, pagina proxima continet.
Londini: excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius Typograph, Anno M.D. LXXVIII. [1578].
ESTC No. S93365.Grub Street ID 151884.
Jewel, John.
Ioannis Iuelli, Sarisburiensis in Anglia nuper episcopi aduersus Thomam Hardingum, volumen alterum, in quo viginti septem quæstiones & scripturis, & omnium conciliorum ac patrum monimentis, quæcunque sexcentis a nato Christo annis antiquiora sunt, disceptantur atque explicantur: ex Anglico conuersum in Latinum, a Guilielmo VVhitakero Collegij Sanctæ Trinitatis apud Cantabrigienses socio. Quæstionum, siue articulorum series, in ea pagina, quæ librum ipsum proxim præcurrit, continetur.
Londini: Excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius typographus, impensis Thomæ Chardi bibliopolæ ad insigne galeæ in C meterio D. Pauli, 1578.
ESTC No. S123164.Grub Street ID 142682.
Jewel, John.
A viewe of a seditious bul sent into Englande, from Pius Quintus Bishop of Rome, anno. 1569. Taken by the reuerende father in God, Iohn Iewel, late Bishop of Salisburie. Wherevnto is added a short treatise of the holie Scriptures. Both which hee deliuered in diuers sermons in his cathedral church of Salisburie, anno. 1570.
At London: printed by R. Newberie, & H. Bynneman, Anno. 1582.
ESTC No. S2759.Grub Street ID 147111.
Jewel, John.
Certaine sermons preached before the Queenes Maiestie, and at Paules crosse by the reuerend father Iohn Iewel ... ; whereunto is added a short Treatise of the sacraments, gathered out of other his sermons made vpon that matter, in his cathedrall church at Salisburie.
Imprinted at London: By Christopher Barker ..., 1583.
ESTC No. S2758.Grub Street ID 147110.
Jewel, John.
An exposition vpon the two Epistles of the Apostle S. Paul to the Thessalonians, by the reuerend Father Iohn Ievvel, late Bishop of Sarisburie. Whereunto is adioined a very necessarie table of the principal matters contained in this exposition.
At London: Printed by Ralfe Newberie, anno salutis, 1584.
ESTC No. S1254.Grub Street ID 144642.
Jewel, John.
A sermon made in latine in Oxenforde, in the raigne of King Edwarde the sixt, by the learned and godly father Ihon Iewel, late Bishop of Sarisburie, and translated into Englishe, by R.V. Dedicated vnto the Bishop of London, as appeareth in the commentarie of Ma. Caluine, vpon the Galathians, in Englishe.
[London]: Imprinted at London, by Thomas Purfoote, and are to bee sold at his shop, withoute Newgat ouer againste S. Sepulchers Church, 1586.
ESTC No. S93366.Grub Street ID 151885.
Jewel, John.
Deffynniad ffydd Eglwys Loegr: lle y ceir gweled, a gwybod, dosparth gwir Grefydd Crist, ag anghywirdeb creyfydd Eglwys Rufain: angenrheidiol i bawb ei ddealld, a madws i ddynion ei ddyscu, o ran arwain eu buchedd yn y byd hwn, fal y caffont fywyd tragwyddol yn y byd a ddaw. Wedi ei gyfieuthu o Ladin, yn Gymraeg, drwy waith M. Kyffin.
[London]: Richard Field a 'i printiodd yn Llunden, 1595.
ESTC No. S5095.Grub Street ID 148945.
Jewel, John.
Certaine sermons preached before the Queens Maiestie, and at Paules crosse, by the reuerend father Iohn Ievvel late Bishoppe of Salisbury. Wherunto is added a short treatise of the sacraments, gathered out of other his sermons, made vpon that matter, in his cathedrall church at Salisburie.
Imprinted at London: [By Richard Bradock?] for William Leake, dwelling in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Holy Ghost, 1603.
ESTC No. S122053.Grub Street ID 141611.
Jewel, John.
The vvorks of the very learned and reuerend father in God Iohn Ievvell, not long since Bishop of Sarisburie. Newly set forth with some amendment of diuers quotations: and a briefe discourse of his life.
London: Printed by [Eliot's Court Press for] Iohn Norton, printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, 1609.
ESTC No. S112177.Grub Street ID 131941.
Jewel, John.
The vvorkes of the very learned and reuerend father in God Iohn Ievvell, not long since Bishop of Sarisburie. Newly set forth with some amendment of diuers quotations: and a briefe discourse of his life.
London: printed by Iohn Norton, printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie, 1611.
ESTC No. S112179.Grub Street ID 131943.
Jewel, John.
Certaine frivolous obiections against the governement of the Church of England; answeared by John Jewel, sometimes Bishop of Sarisbury.
London: printed by T. Cotes, 1641.
ESTC No. R16536.Grub Street ID 64368.
Jewel, John.
Apologia Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ. Autore Joanne Juello, olim episcopo Saruburiensi.
Cantabrigiæ: excudebat Joannes Hayes, florentissimæ academiæ typographus; impensis Joannis Creed bibliopolæ Cantab, 1683.
ESTC No. R1989.Grub Street ID 77450.
Jewel, John.
The apology of the Church of England; and an epistle to one Seignior Scipio a Venetian gentleman, concerning the Council of Trent. Written both in Latin, by the Right Reverend Father in God, John Jewel Lord Bishop of Sarisbury. Made English by a person of quality. To which is added, The life of the said bishop; collected and written by the same hand.
London : printed by T. H[odgkin]. for Richard Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685.
ESTC No. R12811.Grub Street ID 60962.
Jewel, John.
An apology for the Church of England. Written originally in Latine by the most reverend and learned prelate John Jewel, sometime Lord Bishop of Salisbury: and newly made English from the most correct edition.
London : printed by R.R. and are to be sold by Randall Taylor, near Stationers Hall, 1685.
ESTC No. R16896.Grub Street ID 64701.
Jewel, John.
An apology for the Church of England. Written originally in Latine by the most Reverend and learned Prelate John Jewel, sometime Lord Bishop of Salisbvry: and newly made English from the most correct edition.
London : printed by R[obert]. R[oberts], and are to be sold by Randal Taylor, near Stationers Hall, 1685.
ESTC No. R188325.Grub Street ID 76282.
Jewel, John.
Apologia ecclesiæ anglicanæ· Autore Joanne Juello, olim Episcopo Sarisburiensi.
Priorum editionum collatione castigatior..
Londini : impensis Tho. Dring, ad insigne Occæ, in vico vulgò vocato Fleetstreet, 1692.
ESTC No. R10388.Grub Street ID 58763.
Jewel, John.
The apology of the Church of England. Written in Latin in the year 1562, by ... John Jewel, ... Translated into English by Tho. Cheyne.
London : printed by subscription for T. C., 1719.
ESTC No. T22242.Grub Street ID 245319.
Jewel, John.
Apologia ecclesiæ anglicanæ: or, the apology of the Church of England. Written in Latin in the year 1562, by the Right Reverend Father in God John Jewel, then Lord Bishop of Salisbury. Translated into English by Tho. Cheyne, Rector of Lilly, in the County of Hertford, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Plimouth.
London : printed for Jonah Bowyer, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1720.
ESTC No. T93298.Grub Street ID 313002.