Bristol, George Digby.
The speeches of the Lord Digby in the High Court of Parliament, concerning grievances, and the trienniall Parliament.
[London]: Printed for Thomas Walkely, 1641.
ESTC No. R2652.Grub Street ID 109827.
Bristol, George Digby.
The speeches of the Lord Digby, in the High Court of Parliament. Concerning grievances, and the trienniall Parliament.
[London]: Printed for Thomas Walkley, 1641.
ESTC No. R212559.Grub Street ID 88139.
Bristol, George Digby.
The third speech of the Lord George Digby, to the House of Commons, concerning bishops, and the citie petition, the 9th. of Febr: 1640.
[London]: Printed [by John Dawson] for Tho: Walkley, 1640 [i.e. 1641].
ESTC No. R210026.Grub Street ID 86234.
Bristol, George Digby.
The third speech of the Lord George Digby. To the House of Commons, concerning bishops, and the citie petition, the 9th. of Febr. 1640.
[London]: Printed for Tho. Walkley, 1641.
ESTC No. R28535.Grub Street ID 111597.
Bristol, George Digby.
August. 5. Two letters, the one from the Lord Digby, to the Queens Majestie: the other from Mr. Thomas Elliot, to the Lord Digby, with observations upon the same letters. Also a noat [sic] of such armes as were sent for by His Maiestie out of Amsterdam, under his owne hand Die Lune 1. August. 1642. Ordered that these two letters with the observations upon the same, be forthwith published in print. Hen. Elsinge Cler. Parl. D. Com.
London: printed by R.O. and G.D. for John Bartlet, 1642.
ESTC No. R10381.Grub Street ID 58756.
Bristol, George Digby.
Two letters the one from the Lord Digby, to the Queens Majestie: the other from Mr. Thomas Eliot, to the Lord Digby, with observations upon the same letters. Also a note of such arms as were sent for by His Majesty out of Amsterdam, under his own hand.
London: printed by A.N. for Richard Lownds, 1642.
ESTC No. R36375.Grub Street ID 118661.
Bristol, George Digby.
August 6. Two letters, the one from the Lord Digby, to the Queens Majestie: the other from Mr. Thomas Elliot to the Lord Digby, with observations upon the same letters. Also a note of such armes as were sent for by his Majestie out of Amsterdam, under his owne hand. Likewise the opposition the Marquesse of Hartford received, in executing his Majesties illegall commission of array in Sommerset-shire. Die Lunæ 1 August. 1642. Ordered that these two letters, with the Observations upon the same, be forthwith published in print. Hen. Elsynge cler. Parl. D. Com.
London: printed for George Lindsey, 1642.
ESTC No. R37478.Grub Street ID 119708.
Bristol, George Digby.
Two letters, the one from the Lord Digby to the Queenes Maiesty, the other from Mr. Thomas Eliot, to the Lord Digby, with observations upon the same letters. Also a note of such armes, as were sent for by His Majesty, out of Amsterdam, under his owne hand.
London ;: Printed for Iohn Wright, 1642.
ESTC No. R40765.Grub Street ID 122524.
Bristol, George Digby.
Two letters of note. The one from the Lord Digbie to the Queen. The other, of a late overthrow which the English gave the rebels, in Ireland.
London: printed for Iohn Tompson, 1642.
ESTC No. R173062.Grub Street ID 66759.
Bristol, George Digby.
A true and impartiall relation of the battaile betwixt, His Majesties army, and that of the rebells, neare Newbury in Berk-shire, Sept. 20. 1643. With the severall actions of the Kings army since His Majesties removing it from before Gloucester. Sent in a letter from the army to a noble lord.
[Oxford: L. Lichfield], Printed, 1643.
ESTC No. R205220.Grub Street ID 82012.
Bristol, George Digby.
A true and impartiall relation of the battaile betwixt, His Maiesties Army, and that of the rebells neare Newbery in Berk-shire, Sept. 20, 1643. With the severall actions of the Kings Army since His Maiesties removing it from before Gloucester. Sent in a letter from the Army to a noble lord.
Printed at Oxford [i.e. London?]: by L. Lichfield, 1643.
ESTC No. R5147.Grub Street ID 125616.
Bristol, George Digby.
The Lord George Digbie's apologie for himselfe, published the fourth of Ianuary. Ann. Dom. 1642.
[Oxford: Henry Hall], Printed in the yeare M.DC.XLII. [1642, i.e. 1643].
ESTC No. R5749.Grub Street ID 126169.
Bristol, George Digby.
Two letters of his sacred Maiesty, one, in vindication of him, touching the Irish affaires; the other, concerning the late mis-interpretation of one maine passage in his late letters.
Oxford [i.e. London]: printed by Leonard Lichfield, printer to the Universitie, 1645.
ESTC No. R200243.Grub Street ID 77789.
Bristol, George Digby.
Two remarkable letters concerning the Kings correspondence with the Irish rebels. The first by Digby in the Kings name to the Irish Commissioners. The second from the Lord Muskery one of those Commissioners in answer to Digby. Also a full state of the Irish negotiation at Oxford now treated, set forth in the rebels propositions, and the Kings particular concessions. Published according to order.
London: printed by F. Neile, dwelling in Aldersgate-street, 1645.
ESTC No. R200255.Grub Street ID 77800.
Bristol, George Digby.
The Irish papers, containing the Lord Digbyes letter, and the Lord Inchiquins answer, with other speciall passages of the overtures concerning the whole designe in Ireland; the plot of the rebells discovered: and preparations for the comming in of the Marquisse of Ormond to the Parliament, whose strength in Dublin is betweene 5. and 6000. men. October 1. 1646. These Irish papers are appointed to bee printed, and are published according to order.
London: printed by F. Leech, anno Dom. 1646.
ESTC No. R201126.Grub Street ID 78581.
Bristol, George Digby.
Two letters of the Lord Digby to the Lord Taaff, the Rebels General in Munster: Taken in the said Generals Cabinet, in the late battel between him and the Lord Inchiquine; shewing the Lord Digbies activeness there, to uphold a party among the Rebels for the King, against the Parliaments Forces in that Kingdom. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that these letters be forthwith printed and published. H:Elsynge, cler. parl. d. com.
London: printed for Edward Husband, printer to the Honorable House of Commons, Decem. 4. 1647.
ESTC No. R204620.Grub Street ID 81540.
Bristol, George Digby.
Letters between the Ld George Digby, and Sr Kenelm Digby kt. concerning religion.
London: printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Prince's Arms in St Pauls Church-yard, 1651.
ESTC No. R212615.Grub Street ID 88181.
Bristol, George Digby.
Letters between the Ld George Digby, and Sr Kenelm Digby kt. concerning religion.
London: printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Prince's Arms in St Pauls Church-yard, 1651.
ESTC No. R209464.Grub Street ID 85696.
Bristol, George Digby.
Elvira: or, The vvorst not alvvays true. A comedy. Written by a person of quality.
London : printed by E. Cotes for Henry Broom in Little-Brittain, 1667.
ESTC No. R232462.Grub Street ID 104259.
Bristol, George Digby.
Elvira: or, The vvorst not alvvays true. A comedy. Written by a person of quality. Licens'd Roger L'Estrange. May 15. 1667.
London : printed by E. Cotes for Henry Brome in Little-Brittain, 1667.
ESTC No. R9341.Grub Street ID 129437.
Bristol, George Digby.
Elvira: or, The worst not always true. A comedy. By the Right Honorable George late Earl of Bristol. Licens'd. Roger L'Estrange.
London : printed by A.C. [i.e. E. Cotes] for Henry Brome, at the Gun in St. Pauls Church-yard the west-end, 1677.
ESTC No. R9340.Grub Street ID 129436.
Bristol, George Digby.
Bibliotheca Digbeiana, sive Catalogus librorum in variis linguis editorum, quos post Kenelmum Digbeium eruditiss. virum possedit illustrissimus Georgius Comes Bristol: nuper defunctus. Accedit & alia bibliotheca non minus copiosa & elegans. Horum auctio habebitur Londini, apud insigne Leonis Aurei ex adverso oenopolii, cujus insigne Caput Reginae in platea vulgo dicta Pater-Noster-Row, Aprilis 19. 1680.
London] : The catalogue is to be delivered gratis by H. Brome, at the Gun, and B. Tooke at the ship in St. Paul's Church-yard, [1680.
ESTC No. R227276.Grub Street ID 100184.
Bristol, George Digby.
Bibliotheca Digbeiana, sive Catalogus librorum in variis linguis editorum, quos post Kenelmum Digbeium eruditiss. virum possedit illustrissimus Georgius Comes Bristol. nuper defunctus. Accedit & alia bibliotheca non minus copiosa & elegans. Horum auctio habebitur Londini, apud insigne Leonis Aurei ex adverso oenopolii, cujus insigne Caput Reginae in platea vulgo dicta Pater-Noster-Row, Aprilis 19. 1680.
London] : The catalogue is to be delivered gratis by H. Brome, at the Gun, and B. Tooke at the ship in St. Paul's Church-yard, [1680.
ESTC No. R26083.Grub Street ID 109439.