Publications of Thomas Hobbes


  • Hobbes, Thomas. Ad nobilissimum dominum Guilielmum Comitem Devoniæ, &c. De mirabilibus * pecci, Carmen Thomæ Hobbes. [London: printed by G. Purslowe, 1627?]. ESTC No. S125414. Grub Street ID 144656.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Humane nature: or, The fundamental elements of policy. Being a discovery of the faculties, acts and passions of the soul of man, from their original causes; according to such philosophical principles as are not commonly known or asserted. The second edition, augmented and much corrected by the authors own hand. By Tho. Hobbs of Malmsbury. London: printed by T. Newcomb for John Holden at the Anchor in the New-Exchange, 1651. [i.e. 1650]. ESTC No. R202436. Grub Street ID 79675.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. De corpore politico. Or The elements of lavv, moral & politick. With discourses upon several heads; as of the law of nature. Oathes and covenants. Severall kind of government. With the changes and revolutions of them. By Tho. Hobbs of Malmsbury. London: printed for J. Martin, and J. Ridley, and are to be sold at the Castle in Fleet-street, by Ram-Alley, 1650. ESTC No. R210231. Grub Street ID 86424.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Humane nature: or, The fundamental elements of policie. Being a discoverie of the faculties, acts, and passions of the soul of man, from their original causes; according to such philosophical principles as are not commonly known or asserted. By Tho. Hobbs of Malmsbury. London: printed by T. Newcomb, for Fra: Bowman of Oxon, 1650. ESTC No. R210232. Grub Street ID 86425.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Philosophicall rudiments concerning government and society. Or, A dissertation concerning man in his severall habitudes and respects, as the member of a society, first secular, and then sacred. Containing the elements of civill politie in the agreement which it hath both with naturall and divine lawes. In which is demonstrated, both what the origine of justice is, and wherein the essence of Christian religion doth consist. Together with the nature, limits, and qualifications both of regiment and subjection. By Tho: Hobbes. London: printed by J.G. for R. Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1651. ESTC No. R202404. Grub Street ID 79645.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan, or The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill. By Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. London: printed for Andrew Crooke, at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1651. ESTC No. R17253. Grub Street ID 66379.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan, or, The matter, form, and power of a Common-wealth ecclesiastical and civil. By Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. London: printed for Andrew Crooke, at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1651. ESTC No. R236807. Grub Street ID 107464.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Humane nature: or, the fundamental elements of policy. Being a discovery of the faculties, acts and passions of the soul of man, from their original causes; according to such philosophical principles as are not commonly known or asserted. The second edition, augmented and much corrected by the authors own hand. By Tho. Hobbs of Malmsbury. London: printed by T. Newcomb for Francis Bowman of Oxon, 1651. ESTC No. R234102. Grub Street ID 105467.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. De corpore politico. Or The elements of law, moral & politick. With discourses upon severall heads; as of the law of nature. Oathes and covenants. Several kinds of government. With the changes and revolutions of them. By Tho. Hobbs of Malmsbury. London: printed by Tho: Roycroft for John Martin, at the Bell in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1652. ESTC No. R27431. Grub Street ID 110597.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. De corpore politico, or, The elements of law, moral and politick with discourses upon severall heads, as of [brace] the law of nature, oathes and covenants, several kinds of government : with the changes and revolutions of them by Tho. Hobbs of Malmsbury. London: Printed by T.R. for J. Ridley, and are to be sold at the Castle in Fleetstreet ..., 1652. ESTC No. R41339. Grub Street ID 122985.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. De corpore politico. Or The elements of law, moral & politick. With discourses upon severall heads; as of the law of nature. Oathes and covenants. Several kinds of government. With the changes and revolutions of them. By Tho. Hobbs of Malmsbury. London: printed by T.R. for J. Ridley, and are to be sold at the Castle in Fleetstreet, by Ram-Alley, 1652. ESTC No. R226887. Grub Street ID 99808.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Of libertie and necessitie a treatise, wherein all controversie concerning predestination, election, free-will, grace, merits, reprobation, &c. is fully decided and cleared, in answer to a treatise written by the Bishop of London-derry, on the same subject. By Thomas Hobs. Dedicated to the Lord Marquess of Newcastle. London: printed by W[illiam]. B[entley]. for F. Eaglesfield [sic] at the Marygold in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1654. ESTC No. R20187. Grub Street ID 79171.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Elementorum philosophiæ sectio prima De corpore authore Thoma Hobbes Malmesburiensi. Londini: excusum sumptibus Andreæ Crook sub signo Draconis viridis in C?meterio B. Pauli, 1655. ESTC No. R202403. Grub Street ID 79644.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. The questions concerning liberty, necessity, and chance clearly stated and debated between Dr. Bramhall, Bishop of Derry, and Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. London: Printed for Andrew Crook .., 1656. ESTC No. R16152. Grub Street ID 64034.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Elements of philosophy, the first section, concerning body. Written in Latine by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. And now translated into English. To which are added Six lessons to the professors of mathematicks of the institution of Sr. Henry Savile, in the University of Oxford. London: printed by R. & W. Leybourn, for Andrew Crooke, at the Green Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1656. ESTC No. R22309. Grub Street ID 96993.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Stigmai age?metrias, agroichias, antipoliteas, amatheias or Markes of the absurd geometry rural language Scottish church-politicks and barbarismes of John Wallis Professor of geometry and Doctor of divinity. By Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. London: printed for Andrew Crooke, at the Green Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1657. ESTC No. R28097. Grub Street ID 111202.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Elementorum philosophiæ sectio secunda De homine. Authore Thoma Hobbes, Malmesburiensi. Londini: typis T. C[hilde]. sumptibus Andr. Crooke, & væneunt sub insigni viridis Draconis in Cæmetirio Paulino, 1658. ESTC No. R215247. Grub Street ID 90318.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Examinatio & emendatio mathematicæ hodiernæ. Qualis explicatur in libris Johannis Wallisii geometriæ professoris Saviliani in Academia Oxoniensi. Distributa in sex dialogos. Authore Thoma Hobbes Malmesburiensi. Londini : Excusum sumptibus Andreæ Crooke, sub signo Draconis viridis in c.miterio B. Pauli, 1660. ESTC No. R10296. Grub Street ID 58681.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Dialogus physicus, sive De natura aeris conjectura sumpta ab experimentis nuper Londini habitis in Collegio Greshamensi item de duplicatione cubi. Authore Tho: Hobbes Malmesb. Londini : typis J.B. & prostant venales apud A. Crook sub insigne Draconis in Cæmeterio Paulino, 1661. ESTC No. R24378. Grub Street ID 108177.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Problemata physica. De gravitate. Cap.I. De Æstibus marinis. Cap.II. De vacuo. Cap.III. De calore & luce. Cap.IV. De duro & molli. Cap.V. De pluvia, vento, aliisq[ue] varietatibus. Cap. VI. De motuum speciebus. Cap. VII. Adjunctae sunt etiam propositiones duae de duplicatione cubi, & dimensione circuli. Londini : apud Andream Crooke in C.miterio D. Pauli sub signo Draconis viridis, 1662. ESTC No. R24987. Grub Street ID 108713.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Mr Hobbes considered in his loyalty, religion, reputation, and manners. By way of letter to Dr Wallis. London : printed for Andrew Crooke, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Green-Dragon in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1662. ESTC No. R31029. Grub Street ID 113859.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. De principiis & ratiocinatione geometrarum. Ubi oftenditur incertitudinem falsitatemq[ue] non minorem inesse scriptis eorum, quam scriptis physicorum & ethicorum. Contra fastum professorum geometriæ. Londini : apud Andream Crooke in C.miterio D. Pauli sub signo Draconis viridis, 1666. ESTC No. R18886. Grub Street ID 76641.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Thomæ Hobbes malmesburiensis Opera philosophica, quæ Latin scripsit, omnia. Ant quidem per partes, nunc autem, post cognitas omnium objectiones, conjunctim & accuratis edita. Amstelodami: apud Ioannem Blaeu. Prostant tiam Londini apud Cornelium Bee, sub insignibus regalibus in vico vulgò vocato Little Brittain, 1668. ESTC No. R178061. Grub Street ID 69945.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Quadratura circuli, cubatio sphæræ, duplicatio cubi, breviter demonstrata. Auct. Tho. Hobbes. Londini : excudebat J.C. sumptibus Andrææ Crooke, 1669. ESTC No. R20475. Grub Street ID 81637.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Three papers presented to the Royal Society against Dr. Wallis. Together with considerations on Dr. Wallis his Answer to them. By Tho. Hobbes of Malmsbury. London : printed for the author; and are to be had at the Green Dragon without Temple-bar, 1671. ESTC No. R25546. Grub Street ID 109088.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Rosetum geometricum, sive, Propositiones aliquot frustra antehac tentatæ cum censura brevi doctrinæ Wallisianæ de Motu / authore Thoma Hobbes, Malmsburiensi. Londini : Excudebat J.C. pro Guilielmo Crook .., 1671. ESTC No. R36598. Grub Street ID 118859.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Principia et problemata aliquot geometrica antè desperata, nunc breviter explicata & demonstrata. Autore T.H. Malmesburiensi. Londini : excudebat J.C. pro Gulielmo Crook, ad signum Draconis Vixidis in Vico Vulgò Vocatò without Temple-bar, M.DC.LXXIV. [1674]. ESTC No. R9792. Grub Street ID 129838.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Ad nobilissimum dominum Gulielmum Comitem Devoniæ, &c. De mirabilibus * pecci, *The peak. Carmen Thomæ Hobbes Malmesburiens. Londini : excudebat J.C. pro Gulielmo Crook, ad signam Draconis Viridis in vico vulgò vocatò, without Temple-Bar, 1675. ESTC No. R35996. Grub Street ID 118342.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. A catalogue of the works of Mr. Hobbes. London : printed for W. Crooke, 1675. ESTC No. R9888. Grub Street ID 129930.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. A supplement to Mr. Hobbes his works printed by Blaeu at Amsterdam, 1661. Being a third volume, containing I. De mirabilibus Pecci. 2. Three papers to the Royal Society against Dr. Wallis. 3. Lux mathematica. 4. Prima partis doctrinæ Wallisianæ de motu cansura brevis. 5. Rosetum geometricum, sive propositiones aliquot frustra antehac tentatæ. 6. Principia & problemata aliqout geometrica, ante desperata, nunc breviter explicata & demonstrata. 7. A catalogue of the author's works. London : printed by J.C. for W. Crooke, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1675. ESTC No. R31534. Grub Street ID 114319.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. A letter about liberty and necessity: written to the Duke of Newcastle, by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury: with observations upon it, by a learned prelate of the Church of England lately deceased. London : printed by J. Grover, for W. Crooke, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1676. ESTC No. R14544. Grub Street ID 62561.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan, sive De materia, forma, & potestate civitatis ecclesiasticæ et civilis. Authore Thoma Hobbes, Malmesburiensi. Londini : Apud Johannem Tomsoni, M. DC. LXXVI. [1676]. ESTC No. R215248. Grub Street ID 90319.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. A letter about liberty & necessity. Written to the Duke of Newcastle, by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. With observations upon it. By the late Right Reverend Father in God, Benjamin Laney Lord-Bishop of Ely. London : printed by J.C. for W. Crook, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1677. ESTC No. R28661. Grub Street ID 111712.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan, or the matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill. By Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. London : printed [by John Redmayne and Christoffel Cunradus] for Andrew Ckooke [sic], at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1651 [i.e. 1678]. ESTC No. R13936. Grub Street ID 61997.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Decameron physiologicum: or, ten dialogues of natural philosophy. By Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury. To which is added The proportion of a straight line to half the arc of a quadrant. By the same author. London : printed by J. C[ottrell]. for W. Crook at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1678. ESTC No. R2630. Grub Street ID 109632.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan, sive De materia, forma, & potestate civitatis ecclesiasticæ et civilis. Authore Thoma Hobbes, Malmesburiensi. Londini : typis Joannis Thomsonii, M. DC. LXXVIII. [1678]. ESTC No. R213465. Grub Street ID 88915.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. De mirabilibus pecci: being the vvonders of the peak in Darby-shire, commonly called the Devil's Arse of Peak. In English and Latine. The Latine written by Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury. The English by a person of quality. London : printed for William Crook at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1678. ESTC No. R22330. Grub Street ID 97118.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. The life of Mr. Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. Written by himself in a Latine poem. And now translated into English. London : printed for A.C. and are to be sold in Fleetstreet, and without Temple-bar, 1680. ESTC No. R13395. Grub Street ID 61499.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. The last sayings, or dying legacy of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmesbury, who departed this life on Thursday, Decemb. 4. 1679. London : printed for the author's executors, 1680. ESTC No. R26062. Grub Street ID 109420.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Considerations upon the reputation, loyalty, manners, & religion, of Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury. Written by himself, by way of letter to a learned person. London : printed for William Crooke, at the Green Dragon without Temple-bar, 1680. ESTC No. R6871. Grub Street ID 127170.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Thomae Hobbes Angli Malmesburiensis philosophi vita. Carolopoli [i.e. London] : apud Eleutherium Anglicum [i.e. William Crooke], sub signo Veritatis, MDCLXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R31111. Grub Street ID 113928.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Thomae Hobbes Angli Malmesburiensis philosophi vitaDT. Carolopoli [i.e. London] : apud Eleutherium Anglicum, sub signo Veritatis, M DC LXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R235804. Grub Street ID 106825.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Tracts of Thomas Hobb's containing I. His life in Latine, part written by himself, since his death finished by Dr. R.B. II. His considerations on his reputation, loyalty, manners and religion. III. His whole Art of rhetorick, in English IV. His discourse by way of dialogue concerning the common laws of England. V. Ten dialogues of natural philosophy. &c. London : printed for William Crooke at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1681. ESTC No. R14546. Grub Street ID 62563.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Thomae Hobbes Angli Malmesburiensis philosophi vitaDT. Carolopoli [i.e. London] : apud Eleutherium Anglicum, sub signo Veritatis, M DC LXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R483169. Grub Street ID 125308.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. The art of rhetoric, with a discourse of the laws of England. By Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. London : printed for William Crooke at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1681. ESTC No. R7393. Grub Street ID 127660.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Thomae Hobbes Angli Malmesburiensis philosoph[i] vita. Carolopoli [i.e. London] : apud Eleutherium Anglicum, sub signo veritatis, [1682]. ESTC No. R181359. Grub Street ID 71982.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Thomæ Hobbes Angli Malmesburiensis philosophi vita. Carolopoli [i.e. London] : apud Eleutherium Anglicum, sub Signo Vertitatis, 1682. ESTC No. R36599. Grub Street ID 118860.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Behemoth, the history of the causes of the civil-wars of England, and the councels and artifices by which they were carried on, from the year 1640. to the year 1660. Written by Thomas Hobbs of Malmsbury. Printed from the author's true copy. London : printed for W. Crooke at the Green-Dragon without Temple-Bar, MDCLXXXII. [1682]. ESTC No. R28656. Grub Street ID 111707.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Seven philosophical problems and two propositions of geometry by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury ; with an apology for himself and his writings. London : Printed for William Crook, 1682. ESTC No. R28663. Grub Street ID 111714.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Tracts of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmsbury. Containing I. Behemoth, the history of the causes of the civil wars of England, from 1640. to 1660. printed from the author's own copy: never printed (but with a thousand faults) before. II. An answer to Arch-bishop Bramhall's book, called The catching of the Leviathan: never printed before. III. An historical narration of heresie, and the punishment thereof: corrected by the true copy. IV. Philosophical problems, dedicated to the King in 1662. but never printed before. London : printed for W. Crooke at the Green-Dragon without Temple-Bar, MDCLXXXII. [1682]. ESTC No. R19913. Grub Street ID 77474.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Magni philosophi Thomae Hobbes Malmesburiensis vita. Partim per se ipsum & reliqua per Dr. R.B. conscripta. Cum elencho authorum qui pro & contra ipsum scripsere. Et catalogo librorum per eundem editorum & scriptorum. Londini] : Juxta exemplar Londini impressum, Anno MDC.LXXXII. [1682. ESTC No. R226529. Grub Street ID 99532.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. De mirabilibus pecci. Being the wonders of the peak in Darby-shire, commonly called the Devil's Arse of Peak. In English and Latine. The fifth edition corrected, &c. The Latine written by Thomas Hobs of Malmsbury. The English by a person of quality. London : printed for William Crook at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar nigh Devereux Court, being the passage into the Middle-Temple, 1683. ESTC No. R28096. Grub Street ID 111201.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Hobbs's tripos, in three discourses: the first, Humane nature, or the fundamental elements of policy. Being a discovery of the faculties, acts and passions of the soul of man, from their original causes, according to such philosophical principles as are not commonly known, or asserted. The second, De corpore politico. Or the elements of law, moral and politick, with discourses upon several heads, as of the law of nature, oaths and covenants; several kinds of governments, with the changes and revolutions of them. The third, Of liberty and necessity; wherein all controversie, concerning predestination, election, free-will, grace, merits, reprobation, is fully decided and cleared. The third edition. By Tho. Hobbs of Malmsbury. London : printed for Matt. Gilliflower, Henry Rogers, booksellers in Westminster Hall, and Tho. Fox next the Fleece Tavern in Fleetstreet, and at the Angel in Westminster-Hall, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R12077. Grub Street ID 60293.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Historia ecclesiastica carmine elegiaco concinnata. Authore Thoma Hobbio Malmesburiensi. Opus posthumum. London] : Augustæ Trinobantum, anno salutis, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688. ESTC No. R5585. Grub Street ID 126014.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan, or, the matter, form, and power of a common-wealth ecclesiastical and civil. By Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. London : printed for Andrew Crooke, at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1651 [i.e. ca. 1700]. ESTC No. R13935. Grub Street ID 61996.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. A true ecclesiastical history, from Moses, to the time of Martin Luther, in verse. By Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. Made English from the Latin original. London : printed for E. Curll in the Strand, M.DCC.XXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T78309. Grub Street ID 300173.