Publications of John Hayward


  • Hayward, John. The first part of the life and raigne of King Henry the fourth: extending to the end of the first yeare of his raigne. Written by I.H. [London]: Imprinted at London by Iohn Wolfe, and are to be solde at his shop in Popes head Alley, neere to the Exchange [i.e. G. Eld, 1604-10?], 1599. ESTC No. S92894. Grub Street ID 151539.
  • Hayward, John. The sanctuarie of a troubled soule. Written by I.H. London: Printed by [John Windet for] I[ohn] W[olfe] and are to be sold at the Exchange by Cuthbert Burby, 1601. ESTC No. S122989. Grub Street ID 142513.
  • Hayward, John. The sanctuarie of a troubled soule. The third time enlarged, by I. H. London: printed by I. Windet, & are to be sold at the Exchange by Cuthbert Burby, 1602. ESTC No. S125407. Grub Street ID 144649.
  • Hayward, John. The sanctuarie of a troubled soule. The third time enlarged, by I. H. London: printed by I. Windet, for Cuthbert Burby, and are to bee sold at his shop at the Exchange, 1602. ESTC No. S126807. Grub Street ID 145682.
  • Hayward, John. The sanctuarie of a troubled soule. At London: Printed by H. Lownes, for Cuthbert Burby, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Swanne, 1604. ESTC No. S120339. Grub Street ID 139975.
  • Hayward, John. A reporte of a discourse concerning supreme power in affaires of religion. Manifesting that this power is a right of regalitie, inseparably annexed to the soueraigntie of euery state: and that it is a thing both extreamely dangerous, and contrarie to the vse of all auncient empires and commonwealths, to acknowledge the same in a forraine prince. At London: Imprinted by F[elix] K[ingston] for Iohn Hardie, and are to be sold by Iohn Flasket, dwelling at the signe of the blacke Beare in Paules Church yeard, 1606. ESTC No. S116592. Grub Street ID 136279.
  • Hayward, John. The first part of the sanctuary of a troubled soule by Io. Hayvvard. London: Printed by I. Windet for Cuthbert Burby, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyeard at the Sign of the Swan, 1607. ESTC No. S3178. Grub Street ID 147461.
  • Hayward, John. The first part of the sanctuary of a troubled soule. Newly enlarged by Io. Hayvvard. London: Printed by I. Windet, for Cuthbert Burby, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyeard at the sign of the Swan, 1607. ESTC No. S116379. Grub Street ID 136066.
  • Hayward, John. The second part of the sanctuary of a troubled soule. Newly enlarged by Io. Hayvvard. London: Printed by I. W[indet] for Cuthbert Burbie, 1607. ESTC No. S121166. Grub Street ID 140762.
  • Hayward, John. The first part of the Sanctuarie of a troubled soule. Newly corrected and enlarged, by Ioh. Hayuuard. London: printed [by W. Stansby] for Eleazer Edgar, and Ambrose Garbrand, and are to be sold at their shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Wind-mill, 1610. ESTC No. S92895. Grub Street ID 151540.
  • Hayward, John. The sanctuarie of a troubled soule. By Io Haywarde. London: Printed by George Purslow, 1616. ESTC No. S122570. Grub Street ID 142104.
  • Hayward, John. The sanctvarie of a troubled soule. By Jo Haywarde Dr. of lawe. London: printed by George Purslow, 1618. ESTC No. S123526. Grub Street ID 143013.
  • Hayward, John. The sanctuarie of a troubled soule. By Sr. Ioh. Hayward knight, Doc. of Lawe. London: Printed by George Purslow, 1620. ESTC No. S122569. Grub Street ID 142103.
  • Hayward, John. Davids teares. By Sr Iohn Hayward knight, Doc. of Lawe. London: Printed by Iohn Bill, 1622. ESTC No. S116549. Grub Street ID 136236.
  • Hayward, John. Christs prayer vpon the crosse, for his enemies. Father forgiue them, for they know not what they doe. By Sir Io. Hayvvard Knight, Doctor of the Lawes. London: Printed by Iohn Bill, M.DC.XXIII. [1623]. ESTC No. S122571. Grub Street ID 142105.
  • Hayward, John. Dauids teares. By Sr John Hayward knight, Doc. of Lawe. London: printed by John Bill, 1623. ESTC No. S2720. Grub Street ID 147079.
  • Hayward, John. The sanctuarie of a troubled soule. By Sr. Joh. Hayword, Doc. of Lawe. London: printed by George Purslow, 1623. ESTC No. S2723. Grub Street ID 147081.
  • Hayward, John. The first volume of the workes of Sir Iohn Hayward knight, hitherto published. Contayning, 1. The liues of the three Normane kings. 2. The history of K. Henry the fourth. 3. An answer to Doleman. 4. A treaty of union. [London]: Collected by Iohn Bill, M.DC.XXIII. [1623]. ESTC No. S92892. Grub Street ID 151537.
  • Hayward, John. The second volume of the vvorkes of Sir Iohn Hayward Knight, hither to published. Contayning 1. A sanctuary of a troubled soule. 2. Dauids teares. 3. The prayer of Christ vpon the crosse for his enemies. [London]: Collected by Iohn Bill, M.DC.XXIII. [1623]. ESTC No. S92893. Grub Street ID 151538.
  • Hayward, John. Christs prayer vpon the crosse, for his enemies. Father forgiue them, for they know not what they doe. Reuiewed and enlarged by Sir Io. Hayward Knight, Doctor of the Lawes. London: Printed by Iohn Bill, M.DC.XXIIII. [1624]. ESTC No. S116377. Grub Street ID 136064.
  • Hayward, John. The sanctuarie of a troubled soule. By Sr Joh Hayward knight Doc. of Lawe. London: printed by G Purslow and are to bee sold by R Dawlman at the Brazen Serpent in Paules church yard, 1631. ESTC No. S3876. Grub Street ID 148020.
  • Hayward, John. Dauids teares. By Sr. John Hayward knight, Doc.of Lawe. London: Printed by Richard Whittaker, 1632. ESTC No. S2721. Grub Street ID 147080.
  • Hayward, John. The historie of the life and raigne of Henry the Fourth. Written by Sir Iohn Hayvvard Knight, Doctor of Law. London: printed for William Sheares and are to be sold at his shop in Coven-garden neare the New Exchange, MDCXXXIX. [1639]. ESTC No. S122951. Grub Street ID 142475.
  • Hayward, John. The sanctuarie of a troubled soule. By Sr Joh Hayward Knight Doc. of Lawe. London: printed by Ieane Bell, 1650. ESTC No. R10114. Grub Street ID 58512.
  • Hayward, John. The right of succession asserted, against the false reasonings and seditious insinuations of R. Dolman alias Parsons, and others. By the learned Sir John Hayward Kt. Doctor of Laws. Dedicated to the King; and now reprinted for the satisfaction of the zealous promoters of the bill of exclusion. London : printed for Mat. Gillyflower, Will. Hensman, and Tho. Fox; booksellers in Westminster-hall, 1683. ESTC No. R11039. Grub Street ID 59364.