Publications of John Cotton


  • Cotton, John. God's promise to his plantations; [Three lines from Samuel] As it was delivered in a sermon by John Cotton, B.D. and preacher of God's word in Boston. [Seven lines from Psalms]. [Boston] London, printed by William Jones for John Bellamy, and are to be sold at the three Golden Lyons by the Royal Exchange, 1634. Reprinted at Boston in New-England, by Samuel Green; and are to be sold by John Usher. Anno. 1686. ESTC No. W12439. Grub Street ID 321709.
  • Cotton, John. Gods promise to his plantation. As it was delivered in a sermon, by Iohn Cotton, B.D. and preacher of Gods word in Boston. London: printed by William Iones, for John Bellamy, 1630. ESTC No. S91535. Grub Street ID 150572.
  • Cotton, John. Gods promise to his plantation. As it was delivered in a sermon, By Iohn Cotton, B.D. and Preacher of Gods word in Boston. London: printed by William Iones, 1630. ESTC No. S1074. Grub Street ID 130108.
  • Cotton, John. Gods promise to his plantations As it was delivered in a sermon, by Iohn Cotton, B.D. and preacher of Gods word in Boston. London: Printed by William Jones for John Bellamy, and are to be sold at the three Golden Lyons by the Royall Exchange, 1634. ESTC No. S116722. Grub Street ID 136410.
  • Cotton, John. The way of life. Or, Gods vvay and course, in bringing the soule into, keeping it in, and carrying it on, in the wayes of life and peace. Laid downe in foure severall treatises on foure texts of Scripture. viz. The pouring out of the spirit, on Zach.12.10,11, &c. Sins deadly wound, on Acts 2.37. The Christians charge, on Prov. 4.23. The life of faith, on Gal. 2.19,20. By that learned and judicious divine, and faithfull Minister of Iesus Christ, John Cotton. London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for L. Fawne, and S. Gellibrand, at the Brasen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1641. ESTC No. R11739. Grub Street ID 59995.
  • Cotton, John. An abstract or [sic] the lavves of Nevv England, as they are novv established. London: printed for F. Coules, and W. Ley at Paules Chain, 1641. ESTC No. R9081. Grub Street ID 129194.
  • Cotton, John. God's mercie mixed with His iustice, or, His peoples deliverance in times of danger. Laid open in severall sermons. By that learned and judicious divine, and faithfull minister of Jesus Christ John Cotton. London: printed by G. M. for Edward Brewster, and Henry Hood at the Bible on Fleet-Bridge, and in S. Dunstanes Church-yard, 1641. ESTC No. R2386. Grub Street ID 107707.
  • Cotton, John. The true constitution of a particular visible church, proved by Scripture. Wherein is briefly demonstrated by questions and answers what officers, worship, and government Christ hath ordained in his Church. By that reverend and learned divine, Mr. Iohn Cotton, B.D. and pastor of Boston in New England. London: printed for Samuel Satterthwaite, at the signe of the black Bull in Budge Rowe, neare to Saint Antholines Church, 1642. ESTC No. R10034. Grub Street ID 58432.
  • Cotton, John. A brief exposition of the whole book of Canticles, or Song of Solomon; lively describing the estate of the church in all the ages thereof, both Jewish and Christian, to this day: and modestly pointing at the gloriousnesse of the restored estate of the church of the Iewes and the happy accesse of the gentiles, in the approaching daies of reformation, when the wall of partition shall bee taken away. A work very usefull and seasonable to every Christian; but especially such as endeavour and thirst after the setling of church and state, according to the rule and pattern of the Word of God. Written by that learned and godly divine John Cotton, Batchelor of Divinity; and now pastor of the congregation at Boston, in New-England. London: printed for Philip Nevil, at the signe of the Gun in Ivie-Lane, 1642. ESTC No. R20552. Grub Street ID 82245.
  • Cotton, John. A modest and cleare answer to Mr. Balls discourse of set formes of prayer. Set forth in a most seasonable time, when this kingdome is now in consultation about matters of that nature, and so many godly long after the resolution in that point. Written by the reverend and learned, John Cotton, B.D. and teacher of the Church of Christ at Boston in new England. London: printed by R[ichard]. O[ulton]. and G[regory]. D[exter]. for Henry Overton, in Popes head-Alley, 1642. ESTC No. R22201. Grub Street ID 96070.
  • Cotton, John. A modest and cleer ansvver to Mr. Ball's discourse of set formes of prayer. Written by the reverend and learned John Cotton, B.D. and teacher of the Church of Christ at Boston in New-England. Published for the benefit of those who desire satisfaction in that point. London: printed for H. Overton in Popes-Head Alley, [1642?]. ESTC No. R212884. Grub Street ID 88424.
  • Cotton, John. The doctrine of the church, to which is committed the keyes of the kingdome of Heaven. Wherein is demonstrated by way of question and answer, what a visible church is, according to the order of the Gospell: and what officers, members, worship and government, Christ hath ordayned in the New Testament. By that Reverend and learned divine Master John Cotton, B.D. and teacher of the church in Boston in New England. London: printed for Samuel Satterthwaite, at the signe of the Black Bull in Budge Row, 1642. ESTC No. R171548. Grub Street ID 65738.
  • Cotton, John. The Churches resurrection, or The opening of the fift and sixt verses of the 20th. chap. of the Revelation. By that learned and reverend, Iohn Cotton teacher to the Church of Boston in Nevv England, and there corrected by his own hand. London: printed by R[ichard]. O[ulton]. & G[regory]. D[exter]. for Henry Overton, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head-Alley, 1642. ESTC No. R27919. Grub Street ID 111053.
  • Cotton, John. The powring out of the seven vials: or An exposition, of the 16. chapter of the Revelation, with an application of it to our times. Wherein is revealed Gods powring out the full vials of his fierce wrath. 1. Upon the lowest and basest sort of Catholicks. 2. Their worship and religion. 3. Their priests and ministers. 4. The house of Austria, and Popes supremacy. 5. Episcopall government. 6. Their Euphrates, or the streame of their supportments. 7. Their grosse ignorance, and blind superstitions. Very fit and necessary for this present age. Preached in sundry sermon at Boston in New-England: by the learned and reverend Iohn Cotton BB. of Divinity, and teacher to the church there. London: printed for R.S. and are to be sold at Henry Overtons shop in Popes-head Alley, 1642. ESTC No. R22938. Grub Street ID 101875.
  • Cotton, John. A letter of Mr. John Cottons teacher of the church in Boston in Nevv-England, to Mr. Williams, a preacher there. Wherein is shewed, that those ought to be received into the church who are godly, though they doe not see, nor expressely bewaile all the pollutions in church-fellowship, ministery, [sic] worship, government ... [London]: Printed at London for B[enjamin]. Allen, 1643. ESTC No. R29720. Grub Street ID 112664.
  • Cotton, John. The doctrine of the Church, to which are committed the keys of the kingdome of heaven. Wherein is demonstrated by way of question and answere, what a visible church is, according to the order of the Gospel: and what officers, members, worship and government Christ has ordained in the New Testament. By that late reverend and learned divine Mr. John Cotton, B.D. and teacher of the church of Boston in New-England. London: printed for Ben: Allen & Sam: Satterthwaite, and are to be sold in Popes head Alley and Budge-row, 1643. ESTC No. R27920. Grub Street ID 111055.
  • Cotton, John. The keyes of the kingdom of heaven, and power thereof, according to the VVord of God. By that learned and judicious divine, Mr. Iohn Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in New-England, tending to reconcile some present differences about discipline. Published by Tho. Goodwin. Philip Nye. London: printed by M. Simmons for Henry Overton, at his shop entring into Popes-head Alley, out of Lumbard-street, 1644. ESTC No. R19748. Grub Street ID 77315.
  • Cotton, John. The keyes of the kingdom of heaven, and power thereof, according to the VVord of God. By that learned and judicious divine, Mr. Iohn Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in New-England, tending to reconcile some present differences about discipline. Published by Tho. Goodwin. Philip Nye. London: printed by M. Simmons for Henry Overton, and are to be sold at his shop entring into Popes-head Alley, out of Lumbard-street, 1644. ESTC No. R23263. Grub Street ID 104350.
  • Cotton, John. Sixteene questions of serious and necessary consequence, propounded unto Mr. John Cotton of Boston in New-England, together with his answers to each question. Printed according to order. London: printed by E. P. for Edward Blackmore at the signe of the Angel in Pauls Church-yard, 1644. ESTC No. R17699. Grub Street ID 69282.
  • Cotton, John. The doctrine of the Church, to which is committed the keys of the kingdome of heaven. Wherein is demonstrated by way of question and answer, what a visible church is, according to the order of the Gospel: and what officers, members, worship, and government Christ hath ordained in the New Testament. By that reverend and learned divine Mr. Jo. Cotton, B.D. and teacher of the church at Boston in New-England. London: printed for Ben: Allen, and are to be sold in Popes-head Alley, 1644. ESTC No. R9380. Grub Street ID 129470.
  • Cotton, John. The keyes of the kingdom of heaven, and power thereof, according to the VVord of God. By that learned and judicious divine, Mr. Iohn Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in New-England, tending to reconcile some present differences about discipline. The second time imprinted. Published by Tho. Goodwin. Philip Nye. London: printed by M. Simmons for Henry Overton, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head-Alley, 1644. ESTC No. R19722. Grub Street ID 77292.
  • Cotton, John. The covenant of Gods free grace, most sweetly unfolded, and comfortably applied to a disquieted soul, from that text of 2 Sam. 23. ver. 5. Also a doctrinall conclusion, that there is in all such who are effectually called, in-dwelling spirituall gifts and graces, wrought and created in them by the Holy Ghost. By that reverend and faithfull minister of Gods word, Mr. John Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in New-England. Whereunto is added, A profession of faith, made by the reverend divine, Mr. John Davenport, in New-England, at his admission into one of the churches there. Imprimatur, John Downame. London: printed for Matthew Simmons, 1645. ESTC No. R200283. Grub Street ID 77826.
  • Cotton, John. The vvay of the churches of Christ in New-England. Or The vvay of churches walking in brotherly equalitie, or co-ordination, without subjection of one church to another. Measured and examined by the golden reed of the sanctuary. Containing a full declaration of the church-way in all particulars. By Mr. J. Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in New-England. Published according to order. London: printed by Matthew Simmons in Aldersgate-streete, 1645. ESTC No. R209858. Grub Street ID 86077.
  • Cotton, John. The vvay of the churches of Christ in New-England. Or, the way of churches walking in brotherly equality, or co-ordination, without subjection of one church to another. Measured and examined by the golden reed of the sanctuary. Containing a full declaration of the church-way in all particulars. By Mr. J. Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in New-England. Published according to order. London: printed by Matthew Simmons in Aldersgatestreet, 1645. ESTC No. R222670. Grub Street ID 96622.
  • Cotton, John. The povvring out of the seven vials: or, An exposition of the sixteenth chapter of the Revelation, with an application of it to our times. Wherein is revealed Gods powring out the full vials of his fierce wrath. 1. Upon the lowest and basest sort of Catholikes. 2. Their worship and religion. 3. Their priests and ministers. 4. The house of Austria, and popes supremacy. 5. Episcopall government. 6. Their Euphrates, or the streame of their supportments. 7. Their grosse ignorance, and blind superstitions. Very fit and necessary for this present age. Preached in sundr sermons at Boston in New-England, by the learned and reverend John Cotton, BB. of Divinity, and teacher to the church there. London: printed for R.S. and are to be sold at Henry Overtons shop in Popes-head Alley, 1645. ESTC No. R27279. Grub Street ID 110465.
  • Cotton, John. The covenant of Gods free grace, most sweetly unfolded and comfortably applied to a disquieted soul, from that text of 2 Sam. 23. Ver. 5. Also a doctrinall conclusion, that there is in all such who are effectually called, in-dwelling spirituall gifts and graces, wrought and created in them by the Holy Ghost. By that reverend and faithfull minister of Gods Word, Mr. John Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in New-England. Whereunto is added, A profession of faith, made by the reverend divine, Mr. John Davenport, in New-England, at his admission into one of the churches there. Imprimatur, John Downame. London: printed M[atthew]. S[immons]. for Iohn Hancock, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Alley, 1645. ESTC No. R30971. Grub Street ID 113808.
  • Cotton, John. The grounds and ends of the baptisme of the children of the faithfull. Opened in a familiar discourse by way of a dialogue, or brotherly conference. By the learned and faithfull minister of Christ, John Cotton, teacher of the Church of Boston in New-England. London: Printed by R.C. for Andrew Crooke at the sign of the Green Dragon in Pauls-churchyard, 1647 [i.e. 1646]. ESTC No. R201141. Grub Street ID 78596.
  • Cotton, John. The controversie concerning liberty of conscience in matters of religion, truly stated, and distinctly and plainly handled, by Mr. John Cotton of Boston in New-England. By way of answer to some arguments to the contrary sent unto him, vvherein you have, against all cavil of turbulent spirits, clearly manifested, wherein liberty of conscience in matters of religion ought to be permitted, and in what cases it ought not, by the said Mr. Cotton. London: printed for Thomas Banks, and are to be sold at his shop in Black-Fryers on the top of Bride-well Staires, 1646. ESTC No. R201241. Grub Street ID 78687.
  • Cotton, John. Milk for babes. Drawn out of the breasts of both Testaments. Chiefly, for the spirituall nourishment of Boston babes in either England: but may be of like use for any children. By John Cotton, B.D. and teacher to the church of Boston in New-England. London: printed by J. Coe, for Henry Overton, and are to be sold at his shop, in Popes-head Alley, 1646. ESTC No. R22867. Grub Street ID 101332.
  • Cotton, John. Gospel conversion: discovering, 1. Whether any gracious conditions, or qualifications, are wrought in the soule before faith in Christ. 2. How the assurance of a mans salvation is to be evidenced. 3. The manner of the soules closing with Christ. Opened by John Cotton, at a conference in New-England. Together with some reasons against stinted formes of praising God in Psalmes, &c. Now published for the generall good, by Francis Cornwell, minister of the Gospel. London: printed by J. Dawson, 1646. ESTC No. R2650. Grub Street ID 109805.
  • Cotton, John. A conference Mr. John Cotton held at Boston with the elders of New-England, 1. concerning gracious conditions in the soule before faith. 2. Evidencing justification by sanctification. 3. Touching the active power of faith. Twelve reasons against stinted forms of prayer and praise. Together with the difference between the Christian and antichristian church. Written by Francis Cornwell, a minister of Jesus the Christ. London: printed by J. Dawson, and are to be sold by Fr. Eglesfield, at the signe of the Mary-gold in Pauls Church-yard, 1646. ESTC No. R17280. Grub Street ID 66556.
  • Cotton, John. The controversie concerning liberty of conscience in matters of religion, truly stated, and distinctly and plainly handled, by Mr. John Cotton of Boston in New-England. By way of answer to some arguments to the contrary sent unto him. VVherein you have against all cavils of turbulent spirits, clearly manifested, wherein liberty of conscience in matters of religion ought to be permitted, and in what cases it ought not, by the said Mr. Cotton. London: printed for Thomas Banks, and are to be sold at his shop in Black-Fryers on the top of Bride-well Staires, 1646. ESTC No. R201137. Grub Street ID 78591.
  • Cotton, John. Singing of Psalmes a Gospel-ordinance. Or A treatise, wherein are handled these foure particulars. 1. Touching the duty it selfe. 2. Touching the matter to be sung. 3. Touching the singers. 4. Touching the manner of singing. By John Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in New-England. London: printed by M[atthew]. S[immons]. for Hannah Allen, at the Crowne in Popes-Head-Alley: and John Rothwell at the Sunne and Fountaine in Pauls-Church-yard, 1647. ESTC No. R201424. Grub Street ID 78849.
  • Cotton, John. The bloudy tenent, washed, and made white in the bloud of the Lambe: being discussed and discharged of bloud-guiltinesse by just defence. Wherein the great questions of this present time are handled, viz. how farre liberty of conscience ought to be given to those that truly feare God? And how farre restrained to turbulent and pestilent persons, that not onely raze the foundation of godlinesse, but disturb the civill peace where they live? Also how farre the magistrate may proceed in the duties of the first table? And that all magistrates ought to study the word and will of God, that they may frame their government according to it. Discussed. As they are alledged from divers Scriptures, out of the Old and New Testament. Wherein also the practise of princes is debated, together with the judgement of ancient and late writers of most precious esteeme. Whereunto is added a reply to Mr. Williams answer, to Mr. Cottons letter. By John Cotton Batchelor in Divinity, and teacher of the Church of. London: printed by Matthew Symmons for Hannah Allen, at the Crowne in Popes-Head-Alley, 1647. ESTC No. R836. Grub Street ID 128536.
  • Cotton, John. Severall questions of serious and necessary consequence, propounded by the teaching elders, unto M. Iohn Cotton of Boston in New-England. With his respective answer to each question. London: printed for Thomas Banks, and are to bee sold in Black-Friers on the top of Bride-well Staires, and in Westminster Hall, at the signe of the Seale, 1647. ESTC No. R20974. Grub Street ID 85967.
  • Cotton, John. The way of Congregational churches cleared: in two treatises. In the former, from the historical aspersions of Mr. Robert Baylie, in his book, called A disswasive from the errors of the time. In the latter, from some contradictions of Vindicæ clavium: and from, some mis-constructions of learned Mr. Rutherford in his book intituled The due right of presbyteries. By Mr. John Cotton, sometime preacher at Boston in Lincoln-shire, and now teacher of the church at Boston, in New-England. London: printed by Matthew Simmons, for John Bellamie, at the signe of the three Golden-Lions, in Cornhill, 1648. ESTC No. R22936. Grub Street ID 101859.
  • Cotton, John. A briefe exposition of the whole book of Canticles, or, Song of Solomon: lively describing the estate of the Church in all the ages thereof, both Jewish and Christian, to this day. And modestly pointing at the gloriousnesse of the restored estate of the Church of the Jewes, and the happy accesse of the Gentiles, in the approaching dayes of reformation, when the wall of partition shall be taken away. A work very usefull and seasonable to every Christian; but especially such as endeavour and thirst after the settling of church and state, according to the rule an patterne of the Word of God. Written by that learned and godly divine John Cotton, Batchelor of Divinity; and now pastor of the congregation at Boston in New-England. London: printed by J. Young for Charles Green, and are to be sold at the signe of the Gun in Ivie-Lane, 1648. ESTC No. R9440. Grub Street ID 129523.
  • Cotton, John. The controversie concerning liberty of conscience in matters of religion, truly stated, and distinctly and plainly handled, by Mr. John Cotton of Boston in New England. By way of answer to some arguments to the contrary sent unto him. VVherein you have, against all cavills of turbulent spirits, clearly manifested, wherein liberty of conscience in matters of religion ought to be permitted, and in what cases it ought not, by the said Mr. Cotton. London: printed by Robert Austin, for Thomas Banks, and are to be sold at Mrs. Breaches shop in Westminster-Hall, 1649. ESTC No. R206153. Grub Street ID 82717.
  • Cotton, John. Singing of Psalmes a gospel-ordinance. Or a treatise, wherein are handled these particulars: 1. Touching the duty it selfe. 2. Touching the matter to be sung. 3. Touching the singers. 4. Touching the manner of singing. By John Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in New-England. London: printed for J.R. at the Sunne and Fountaine in Pauls-Church-yard: and H.A. at the Crowne in Popes-Head-Alley, 1650. ESTC No. R37666. Grub Street ID 119881.
  • Cotton, John. Of the holinesse of church-members. By John Cotton teacher of the Church of Christ in Boston in New-England. London: ptinted [sic] by F[rancis]. N[eile]. for Hanna Allen, and are to be sold at the Crown in Popes-head Alley, 1650. ESTC No. R206316. Grub Street ID 82851.
  • Cotton, John. Christ the fountaine of life: or, Sundry choyce sermons on part of the fift chapter of the first Epistle of St. John. Preached by that learned judicious divine, and faithfull minister of Jesus Christ, Mr. John Cotton B.D. now preacher at Boston in New-England. Published according to Order. London: printed by Robert Ibbitson, and are to be sold by George Calvert at the signe of the half Moone in Watling street, neer Pauls Stump, MDCLI. [1651]. ESTC No. R206444. Grub Street ID 82969.
  • Cotton, John. Christ the fountaine of life: or, Sundry choyce sermons on part of the fift chapter of the first Epistle of St. John. Preached by that learned judicious divine, and faithfull minister of Jesus Christ, Mr. John Cotton B.D. now preacher of the Gospel at Boston in New-England Published according to order. London: printed by Robert Ibbitson, MDCLI. [1651]. ESTC No. R20419. Grub Street ID 81193.
  • Cotton, John. A briefe exposition with practicall observations upon the whole book of Ecclesiastes. By that late pious and worthy divine, Mr. John Cotton, pastor of Boston in New-England. Published, by Anthony Tuckney, D.D. Master of St. Johns Colledge in Cambridge. London: printed by T[homas]. C[hilde]. for Ralph Smith at the Bible in Cornhill, 1654. ESTC No. R20578. Grub Street ID 82425.
  • Cotton, John. The covenant of grace: discovering the great work of a sinners reconciliation to God. By John Cotton, minister at Boston in New England. Whereunto are added Certain queries tending to accommodadation [sic] between the Presbyterian and Congregationall churches. Also, a discussion of the civill magistrates power in matters of religion. By the same author. London: printed by M[ary]. S[immons]. for Francis Eglesfield and Iohn Allen, at the Marigold, and Rising Sun in Pauls Church-yard, 1655. ESTC No. R37665. Grub Street ID 119880.
  • Cotton, John. The covenant of grace: discovering the great work of a sinners reconciliation to God. By John Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in New-England. Whereunto are added: Certain queries tending to accommodadation [sic] between the Presbyterian and Congregationall churches. By the same author. Also, a discussion of the civill magistrates power in matters of religion. By some elders of divers churches in N.E. London: printed by M.S. for John Allen at the Rising Sun in Pauls Church-yard, 1655. ESTC No. R10606. Grub Street ID 58959.
  • Cotton, John. An abstract of laws and government. Wherein as in a mirrour may be seen the wisdome & perfection of the government of Christs kingdome. Accomodable to any state or form of government in the world, that is not antichristian or tyrannicall. Collected and digested into the ensuing method, by that godly, grave, and judicious divine, Mr. John Cotton, of Boston in New-England, in his life-time, and presented to the generall court of the Massachusets. And now published after his death by, William Aspinall. London: printed by M.S. for Livewel Chapman, and are to be sold at the Crown in Popes-head Alley, 1655. ESTC No. R23786. Grub Street ID 107638.
  • Cotton, John. A brief exposition with practical observations upon the whole book of Canticles. Never before printed. By that late pious and worthy divine Mr. John Cotton pastor of Boston in New England. Published by Anthony Tuckney D.D. Master of Saint Johns Colledge in Cambridge. London: printed by T[homas]. R[atcliffe]. & E[dward]. M[ottershed]. for Ralph Smith at the signe of the Bible in Cornhill, neere the Royall Exchange, 1655. ESTC No. R1573. Grub Street ID 63641.
  • Cotton, John. An exposition upon the thirteenth chapter of the Revelation. By that reverend and eminent servant of the Lord, Mr. John Cotton, teacher to the church at Boston in New-England. Taken from his mouth in short-writing, and some part of it corrected by himselfe soon after the preaching thereof, and all of it since viewed over by a friend to him, and to the truth; wherein some mistakes were amended, but nothing of the sence altered. London: printed by M.S. for Livewel Chapman, at the Crown in Popes-head Alley, 1655. ESTC No. R207258. Grub Street ID 83663.
  • Cotton, John. A practical commentary, or An exposition with observations, reasons, and vses upon the First epistle generall of John. By that pious and worthy divine Mr. John Cotton, pastor of Boston in New-England. London: printed by R[obert]. I[bbitson]. and E[llen]. C[otes]. for Thomas Parkhurst, and are to be sold at his shop at the Three Crowns over against the great conduit, at the lower end of Cheapside, M.DC.LVI. [1656]. ESTC No. R26042. Grub Street ID 109400.
  • Cotton, John. An exposition upon the thirteenth chapter of the Revelation. By that reverend and eminent servant of the Lord, Mr. John Cotton, teacher to the Church at Boston in New-England. Taken from his mouth in short-writing, and some part of it corrected by himself soon after the preaching thereof, and all of it since viewed over by a friend to him, and to the truth: wherein some mistakes were amended, but nothing of the sense altered. London: printed for Tim. Smart, at the Hand and Bible in the Old-Bayly, 1656. ESTC No. R6199. Grub Street ID 126556.
  • Cotton, John. A censure of that reverend and learned man of God Mr. John Cotton, lately of New-England, upon the way of Mr. Henden of Bennenden in Kent, expressed in some animadversions of his upon a letter of Mr. Henden's, sometimes sent to Mr. Elmeston. 2. A brief and solid exercitation concerning the coercive power of the magistrate in matters of religion, by a reverend and learned minister, Mr. Geoge [sic] Petter, lately of Bread in Sussex. 3. Mr. Henden's animadversions on Mr. Elmestons's epistle revised and chastized. London: printed by J[ohn]. G[rismond]. for John Stafford, at the signe of the George neer Fleet Bridge, 1656. ESTC No. R20949. Grub Street ID 85721.
  • Cotton, John. A briefe exposition with practicall observations upon the whole book of Ecclesiastes. By that late pious and worthy divine, Mr. John Cotton, Pastor of Boston in New-England. Published, by Anthony Tucknfy [sic], D.D. master of St. Johns Colledge in Cambridge. London: printed by W[illiam]. W[ilson]. for Ralph Smith at the Bible in Cornhill, 1657. ESTC No. R14564. Grub Street ID 62580.
  • Cotton, John. Spirituall milk for Boston babes in either England. Drawn out of the breasts of both testaments, for their soules nourishment: but may be of like use for any children. By John Cotton, B.D. and teacher to the church of Boston in New-England. London: printed for Henry Cripps, in Popes-head-Alley, 1657. ESTC No. R233982. Grub Street ID 105379.
  • Cotton, John. The saints support & comfort, in the time of distress and danger, with divers other treatises. delivered in severall sermons upon divers texts of Scripture. By that learned and judicious divine John Cotton, of Boston in New-England. London: printed and are to be sold by Thomas Basset in St Dunstans Church-yard in Fleet-street, 1658 [i.e. 1657]. ESTC No. R20973. Grub Street ID 85957.
  • Cotton, John. A defence of Mr. John Cotton from the imputation of selfe contradiction, charged on him by Mr. Dan: Cavvdrey written by himselfe not long before his death. Whereunto is prefixed, an answer to a late treatise of the said Mr. Cavvdrey about the nature of schisme. By John Owen: D:D:. Oxford: printed by H: Hall; for T. Robinson, 1658. ESTC No. R2830. Grub Street ID 111386.
  • Cotton, John. A practicall commentary, or An exposition with observations, reasons, and vses upon the first Epistle generall of John. By that pious and worthy divine Mr. John Cotton, pastor of Boston in New-England. London: printed by M[ary]. S[immons]. for Thomas Parkhurst, and are to be sold at his shop at the Three Crownes over against the great conduit at the lower end of Cheapside, M.DC.LVIII. [1658]. ESTC No. R5113. Grub Street ID 125587.
  • Cotton, John. A practicall commentary, or An exposition with observations, reasons, and vses upon the first Epistle generall of John. By that pious and worthy divine Mr. John Cotton, pastor of Boston in New-England. London: printed by M[ary]. S[immons]. for Elisha Wallis, and are to sold at his shop at the Guilded Horshooe in the Old Bayly, M. DC. LVIII. [1658]. ESTC No. R231679. Grub Street ID 103671.
  • Cotton, John. A treatise of the covenant of grace, as it is dispensed to the elect seed, effectually unto salvation. Being the substance of divers sermons preached upon Act. 7. 8. by that eminently holy and judicious man of God, Mr. John Cotton, teacher, of the church at Boston in N.E. London: printed by Ja. Cottrel, for John Allen, at the Rising-Sun in Pauls Church-yard, 1659. ESTC No. R209963. Grub Street ID 86176.
  • Cotton, John. A treatise of the covenant of grace, as it is dispensed to the elect seed, effectually unto salvation. Being the substance of divers sermons preached upon Acts 7. 8. by that eminently holy and judicious man of God Mr. John Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in N.E. The second edition, by a copy far larger than the former; and corrected also by the authors own hand. This copy was fitted for the press, by Mr. Tho. Allen minister in Norwich.. London : printed for William Miller at the Guilded Acorn near the little north door in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1662. ESTC No. R224101. Grub Street ID 97823.
  • Cotton, John. Spiritual milk for babes. Drawn out of the breasts of both Testaments, for their souls nourishment: of great use for children. By John Cotton, B.D. and teacher to the Church of Boston in New-England. London : printed for Henry Cripps, in Popes-head-Alley, 1662. ESTC No. R174283. Grub Street ID 67504.
  • Cotton, John. A discourse about civil government in a new plantation whose design is religion. Written many years since, by that Reverend and worthy Minister of the Gospel, John Cotton, B.D. And now published by some undertakers of a new plantation, for general direction and information. Cambridge [Mass.]: Printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson. MDCLXIII. [1663]. ESTC No. W37955. Grub Street ID 348757.
  • Cotton, John. Spiritual milk for babes, drawn out of the breasts of both Testaments, for their souls nourishment: but may be of like use for any children. By John Cotton, B.D. and teacher to the Church of Boston in New-England. London : printed for Peter Parker, near Cree-Church, 1668. ESTC No. R223172. Grub Street ID 97059.
  • Cotton, John. A treatise of the covenant of grace, as it is dispensed to the elect seed, effectually unto salvation. Being the substance of divers sermons preached upon Act. 7, 8. by that eminently holy and judicious man of God, Mr. John Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in N.E. London : printed and are to be sold by Nath. Crouch, in Exchange-Ally, over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1671. ESTC No. R223173. Grub Street ID 97060.
  • Cotton, John. A treatise of the covenant of grace, as it is dispensed to the elect seed, effectually unto salvation. Being the substance of divers sermons preached upon Act, 7. 8. by that eminently holy and judicious man of God, Mr. John Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in N.E. The third edition, corrected, and very much enlarged, by the authors own hand.. London : printed for Peter Parker, in Popes-head-Ally, next Cornhill, 1671. ESTC No. R21866. Grub Street ID 93296.
  • Cotton, John. Nashauanittue meninnunk wutch Mukkiesog, wussesemumun wutch sogkodtunganash Naneeswe Testamentsash; wutch ukkesitchippooonganoo ukketeahogkounooh. Nogon'ac wussukhmun ut Engllishm'anne unnun-toowaonganit, nashpe ne 'anue, wunnergen'uc nohtrompeantog. Noh asoow'esit John Cotton. Kah yeuyeu qoshkinn'umun en Indianæ unnontoo-waonganit wutch oonenchikqun'aout Indianae Mukkiesog, nashpe Grindal Rawson. Wunnaunchemook'ae nohtompeantog ut kenugke Indianog. Cambridge [Mass.]: printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green, kah Bartholomew Green, 1691. ESTC No. R213380. Grub Street ID 88843.
  • Cotton, John. Nashauanittue Meninnunk wutch Mukkiesog ... Negonáe wussukhùmun ut Englishmánne Unnontoowaonganit, nashpe ne ánue, wunnegenùe Nohtompeantog. Noh asoowe⁶sit John Cotton. Kah yeuyeu qushkinnúmun en Indiane Unnontoowaenganit wutch oonenehikqunàout Indiane Mukkiesog, nashpe Grindal Rawson. Wunnaunchemooka¹e Nohtompeantog ut kenugke Indianog. [Two lines from I Peter in Algonquian]. Cambridge [Mass.]: Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green, kah Bartholomew Green. 1691. ESTC No. W13708. Grub Street ID 323057.
  • Cotton, John. A treatise I. Of faith. II. Twelve fundamental articles of Christian religion. III. A doctrinal conclusion. IV. Questions and answers upon church-government. Taken from written copies long since delivered by the late Reverend Mr. John Cotton, teacher of the First Church in Boston, in New-England. [Boston]: Printed [by Bartholemew Green?], in the year 1713. ESTC No. W28174. Grub Street ID 338324.