Publications of Jean Palairet


  • Palairet, Jean. A concise description of the English and French possessions in North-America, for the better explaining of the map published with that title. By J. Palairet, ... London: printed by J. Haberkorn: and sold by Mess. Nourse, Vaillant, Millar, Roque; Owen; [and 8 others in London, and 1 in Dublin], 1755. ESTC No. N5239. Grub Street ID 36375.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new royal French grammar, containing ... plain rules to attain to the thorough ... understanding ... of the French tongue ... A table of terminations ... fables by Mr. de Fenelon ... By ... John Palairet ... London: printed by E. Howlatt, and sold by M. Chastel, A. Rocayrol, J. P. Coderc, J. Brindley, and J. Jackson, 1730. ESTC No. T210186. Grub Street ID 238424.
  • Palairet, Jean. Nouvelle méthode pour aprendre a bien lire, et a bien orthographier. En deux parties. La premire regarde les commenans, ... La seconde est pour ceux qui savent déja lire: ... Par Jean Palairet, ... Londres: imprimée pour M. Chastel, 1732. ESTC No. N42039. Grub Street ID 28392.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new royal French grammar; containing, I. Easy and plain rules ... II. Familiar phrases and dialogues, ... III. Three vocabularies; ... The second edition corrected, with additions. By John Palairet, ... London: printed for John Nourse, 1733. ESTC No. N41858. Grub Street ID 28211.
  • Palairet, Jean. A short treatise upon arts and sciences, in French and English, by question and answer. The second edition. Enlarged with an infinite number of things both curious and instructive. ... By John Palairet, ... London: printed by M. Chastel; and by the author, 1736. ESTC No. N46286. Grub Street ID 31156.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new royal French grammar; containing, I. Easy and plain rules to attain to the thorough ... understanding, ... of the French tongue. ... II. Familiar phrases and dialogues, fables by Mr. de Fenelon, ... III. Three vocabularies; ... By John Palairet, ... London: sold by P. Vaillant and N. Dunoyer; M. Chastel; A. Rocayrol; J. Jackson; J. Nourse [and five others], 1738. ESTC No. N49639. Grub Street ID 33820.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new Royal French grammar; containing rules for the pronouncing and writing of the French tongue, some familiar Phrases, Dialogues, Fables, and three Vocabularies: By John Palairet, French-Master, &c. to Their Royal Hignesses, the Duke, the Princess Mary, and the Princess Louisa. Hague: printed for John Neaulme, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T94094. Grub Street ID 313708.
  • Palairet, Jean. A short treatise upon arts and sciences, in French and English, by question and answer. The third edition. Enlarged with an infinite number of things both curious and instructive. ... By John Palairet, ... London: printed for J. Nourse, 1741. ESTC No. N22940. Grub Street ID 12298.
  • Palairet, Jean. Nouvelle methode pour apprendre a bien lire, et a bien orthographier. En deux parties. La premire regarde les commenans, ... La seconde est pour ceux qui savent lire: ... Par Jean Palairet, ... Londres: imprimé pour Jean Nourse; & Moise Chastel, 1743. ESTC No. N42043. Grub Street ID 28396.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new Royal French grammar; containing rules for the pronouncing and writing of the French tongue, some familiar Phrases, Dialogues, Fables, and three Vocabularies: By John Palairet, French and Writing-Master to their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Cumberland, the Princess of Hesse, and the Princess of Danemark. London: printed for Paul Vaillant, facing Southampton-Street, in the Strand, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T94096. Grub Street ID 313710.
  • Palairet, Jean. Nouvelle méthode pour apprendre à bien lire, et à bien orthographier. En deux parties. La premire regarde les commenans, ... La seconde est pour ceux qui savent lire: ... Par Jean Palairet, ... Londres: Imprimée pour Jean Nourse; & Moise Chastel, 1748. ESTC No. T94071. Grub Street ID 313686.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new royal French grammar; containing rules for the pronouncing and writing of the French tongue, ... By John Palairet, ... London: printed for Paul Vaillant, 1750. ESTC No. N18962. Grub Street ID 8390.
  • Palairet, Jean. Nouvelle introduction à la géographie moderne, en deux parties: la premiére contient un abrégé d'astronomie, & un traité de l'usage des globes; la seconde, une connoissance succinte de toutes les parties de la terre & de l'eau; ... Par J. Palairet, ... [London]: Imprimé à Londres par J. Haberkorn: et se vend chez Mrs. J. Nourse & P. Vaillant; J. Neaulme, à Amsterdam & à Berlin; & P. Gosse, à la Haye, 1754-55. ESTC No. T94070. Grub Street ID 313685.
  • Palairet, Jean. Atlas méthodique, composé pour l'usage de Son Altesse ... le prince d'Orange et de Nassau, ... par Jean Palairet, ... [London]: Se trouve à Londres, chez Mess. J. Nourse & P. Vaillant; J. Neaulme à Amsterdam & à Berlin; & P. Gosse à La Haye, 1755. ESTC No. T150709. Grub Street ID 196366.
  • Palairet, Jean. Description abrégée des possessions angloises et franoises du continent septentrional de l'Amérique, pour servir d'explication à la carte publiée sous ce mme titre, par J. Palairet, ... Londres: chez Messrs. J. Nourse, P. Vaillant, & J. Rocque; J. Ward; R. Sayer [and five others in London, Dublin, The Hague, Amsterdam and Berlin], 1755. ESTC No. T151138. Grub Street ID 196633.
  • Palairet, Jean. Description abrégée des possessions angloises et franoises du continent septentrional de l'Amérique, pour servir d'explication à la carte publiée sous ce mme titre, par J. Palairet, ... Londres: chez Messrs. J. Nourse, P. Vaillant, & J. Rocque; J. Ward; R. Sayer; G. Owen; & J. Chapelle. A Dublin, chez Mr. J. Rocque. A La Haye, chez Mr. P. Gosse. A Amsterdam & à Berlin chez Mr. J. Néaulme, 1755. ESTC No. N6220. Grub Street ID 44599.
  • Palairet, Jean. A concise description of the English and French possessions in North-America, for the better explaining of the map published with that title. By J. Palairet, Agent of their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Provinces, &c. London: printed by J. Haberkorn, in Gerrard-Street, Soho: and sold by Mess. Nourse, Vaillant, Millar, Roque, in the Strand; Owen, near Temple-Bar; Sayer, in Fleet-Street; Ward, on Cornhill; Dunoyer, in the Hay-Market; Jackson and Jolliffe, in St. James-Street; Davis, in Piccadilly; Chastell, in Compton-Street, Soho; and Mr. Roque, in Dublin, MDCCLV. [1755]. ESTC No. T13194. Grub Street ID 180907.
  • Palairet, Jean. Description abrégée des possessions angloises et Françoises du continent septentrional de l'Amérique, pour servir d'explication à la carte publiée sous ce mme titre, par J. Palairet, ... Londres: chez Messrs. J. Nourse, P. Vaillant, A. Millar & J. Rocque; J. Ward; Chastell; Dunoyer; & J. Chapelle. A Dublin, chez Mr J. Rocque. A la Haye, chez Mr P. Gosse, Junior. A Amsterdam, chez Mr J. Lacaze. A Berlin, chez Mr. Néaulme, 1756. ESTC No. T94069. Grub Street ID 313683.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new Royal French grammar; containing rules for the pronouncing and writing of the French tongue, ... By John Palairet, ... London: printed for Paul Vaillant, 1757. ESTC No. T94095. Grub Street ID 313709.
  • Palairet, Jean. A short treatise upon arts and sciences, in French and English, by question and answer. The fourth edition. Enlarged with an infinite number of things both curious and instructive. ... By John Palairet, ... London: printed for John Nourse, 1757. ESTC No. N46288. Grub Street ID 31158.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new royal French grammar: containing rules for the pronouncing and writing of the French tongue, some familiar phrases, dialogues, fables, and three vocabularies. By John Palairet, French and Writing - Master to their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Cumberland, the Princess of Hesse, and the Queen of Denmark. London: printed for Paul Vaillant, facing Southampton Street, in the Strand, M.DCC.LXI. [1761]. ESTC No. T130585. Grub Street ID 179677.
  • Palairet, Jean. Nouvelle methode pour apprendre a bien lire et a bien orthographier. En deux parties. La Prémiére [sic] regarde les commenans, & les conduit graduellement, d'une Manire fort aisée, de la Connoissance des simples Lettres de L'Alphabet, à la Lecture des Mots les plus longs & les plus difficiles. La seconde est pour ceux qui savent lire. Elle comprend les Rgles nécessaires pour les perfectionner dans la Lecture & dans l'Orthographe, & traite de la Division des Syllabes, de la Ponctuation, des Lettres Capitales, de L'Elision, des Accens, &c. à la fin de laquelle on a mis un Recueil des Mots qu'on prononce de mme, ou fort approchant, mais qui écrits différemment ont tout un autre Sens, &c. Pour l'usage de S.A.R. Mme. la Princesse Louise, Reine de Danemarc. Par Jean Palairet, Ci-Devant Précepteur pour la Langue Françoise, &c. de L. A. R. Monseigneur le Duc de Cumberland, Madame la Princesse Marie, & Madame la Princesse Louise. Londres: chez Jean Nourse, P. Vaillant, & la veuve Chastel, [1765?]. ESTC No. T78611. Grub Street ID 300390.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new royal French grammar; containing rules for the pronouncing and writing of the French tongue, ... By John Palairet, ... London: printed for Paul Vaillant; and sold by P. Elmsly, 1767. ESTC No. N41859. Grub Street ID 28212.
  • Palairet, Jean. A short treatise upon arts and sciences, in French and English, by question and answer. The fifth edition. Enlarged with an infinite number of things both curious and instructive. ... By John Palairet, ... London: printed for J. Nourse, 1767. ESTC No. T207184. Grub Street ID 236480.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new Royal French grammar: containing rules for the pronouncing and writing of the French tongue, ... By John Palairet, ... London: printed for Paul Vaillant, and sold by P. Elmesly [sic], 1769. ESTC No. T94097. Grub Street ID 313711.
  • Palairet, Jean. Nouvelle methode pour apprendre a bien lire, et a bien orthographier. En deux parties. La premire regarde les commenans, ... La seconde est pour ceux qui savent lire: ... Par Jean Palairet, ... Dublin: imprimée pour T. Ewing, 1769. ESTC No. N42055. Grub Street ID 28408.
  • Palairet, Jean. Nouvelle methode pour apprendre a bien lire et a bien orthographier. En deux parties. La prémiére [sic] regarde les commenans, ... La seconde est pour ceux qui savent lire. ... Pour l'usage de S.A.R. Mme. la Princesse Louise, Reine de Danemarc. Par Jean Palairet, ... Londres: chez Jean Nourse, P. Vaillant, M. Chastel, & P. Elmsly, [1770?]. ESTC No. T225236. Grub Street ID 247196.
  • Palairet, Jean. A short treatise upon arts and sciences, in French and English, by question and answer. The sixth edition. Enlarged with an infinite number of things both curious and instructive. ... By John Palairet, ... London: printed for J. Nourse, 1779. ESTC No. T132233. Grub Street ID 181178.
  • Palairet, Jean. Nouvelle méthode pour apprendre a bien lire et a bien orthographier. En deux parties: la prémire regarde les commenans, ... La seconde est pour ceux qui savent lire. ... Pour l'usage de S. A. R. Mme la Princesse Louise, Reine de Danemarc. Par Jean Palairet, ... Londres: chez P. Elmsly, & F. Wingrave, successeur de M. Nourse, [1780?]. ESTC No. N12498. Grub Street ID 2496.
  • Palairet, Jean. Nouvelle méthode pour apprendre a bien lire et a bien orthographier. En deux parties. La premire regarde les commenans, ... La seconde est pour ceux qui savent lire. ... Pour l'usage de S. A. R. Mme. la princesse Louise, reine de Danemarc. Par Jean Palairet, ... Londres: chez C. Nourse, & P. Elmsly, [1785?]. ESTC No. T211099. Grub Street ID 238911.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new Royal French grammar; containing rules for the pronouncing and writing of the French tongue; some familiar phrases, dialogues, tables; and three vocabularies. By John Palairet, French Master to their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Cumberland, the Princess of Hesse, and the Queen of Denmark. London: printed for C. Nourse, opposite Catherine-Street, in the Strand, M.DCC.LXXXVI. [1786]. ESTC No. T132223. Grub Street ID 181169.
  • Palairet, Jean. A short treatise upon arts and sciences, in French and English, by question and answer. The eight edition. ... Revised and carefully corrected by Mr. Du Mitand. ... By John Palairet, ... London: printed for C. Nourse, 1788. ESTC No. T94090. Grub Street ID 313704.
  • Palairet, Jean. A short treatise upon arts and sciences, in French and English, by question and answer. The ninth edition. Revised and carefully corrected. ... By John Palairet, ... London: printed for F. Wingrave, successor to Mr. Nourse, 1792. ESTC No. T94091. Grub Street ID 313705.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new royal French grammar; containing rules for the pronouncing and writing of the French tongue; some familiar Phrases, Dialogues, Fables; and three Vocabularies. By John Palairet, French Master to their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Cumberland, the Princess of Hesse, and the Queen of Denmark. London: printed for F. Wingrave, successor to Mr. Nourse, in the Strand, M.DCC.XCII. [1792]. ESTC No. T144880. Grub Street ID 191695.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new royal French grammar; containing rules for the pronouncing and writing of the French tongue; some familiar phrases, dialogues, fables; and three vocabularies. By John Palairet, ... London: printed for F. Wingrave, successor to Mr. Nourse, 1793. ESTC No. T209084. Grub Street ID 237797.
  • Palairet, Jean. A short treatise upon arts and sciences, in French and English, by question and answer. The seven editino [sic]. Enlarged with an infinite number of things both curious, and instructive. ... By John Palairet, ... [Calcutta]: London. Calcutta reprinted by G. Manuel, 1795. ESTC No. N22941. Grub Street ID 12299.
  • Palairet, Jean. A new royal French grammar; containing rules for the pronouncing and writing of the French tongue; ... By John Palairet, ... London: printed for F. Wingrave, successor to Mr. Nourse, 1796. ESTC No. T206017. Grub Street ID 235622.