Publications of Francis Beaumont


  • Beaumont, Francis. The vvoman hater. As it hath beene lately acted by the Children of Paules. London: Printed by R[obert] R[aworth] and are to be sold by John Hodgets in Paules Church-yard, 1607. ESTC No. S123070. Grub Street ID 142593.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The masque of the Inner Temple and Grayes Inne: Grayes Inne and the Inner Temple, presented before his Maiestie, the Queenes Maiestie, the Prince, Count Palatine and the Lady Elizabeth their Highnesses, in the Banquetting house at White-hall on Saturday the twentieth day of Februarie, 1612. At London: Imprinted by F[elix] K[ingston] for George Norton, and are to be sold at his shoppe neere Temple-bar, [1613]. ESTC No. S115567. Grub Street ID 135258.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The maides tragedy. As it hath beene diuers times acted at the Blacke-friers by the Kings Maiesties Seruants. London: Printed [by Nicholas Okes] for Francis Constable and are to be sold at the white Lyon ouer against the great north doore of Pauls Church, 1619. ESTC No. S115757. Grub Street ID 135447.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The maids tragedie. As it hath beene diuers times acted at the Black-Friers by the Kings Maiesties Seruants. London: Printed [by G. Purslowe] for Francis Constable, and are to be sold at the White Lion in Pauls Church-yard, 1622. ESTC No. S117403. Grub Street ID 137073.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster, or loue lies a bleeding. Acted at the Globe, and Blackfriers. By his Maiesties seruants. The authors being Francis Beaumont, and Iohn Fletcher. Gentlemen. London: printed by A.M[athewes]. for Richard Hawkins, and are to be sold at his shop in Chancery-lane, adioyning to Sarjeants Inne gate, 1628. ESTC No. S125401. Grub Street ID 144643.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornefull ladie. A comedie. As it was now lately acted (with great applause) by the Kings Majesties Seruants, at the Blacke-Fryers. Written by Fran: Beaumont, and Io: Fletcher, Gentlemen. London: Printed by B. A[lsop] and T. F[awcet] for T. Iones, and are to be sold at his shop in St. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleet-street, 1630. ESTC No. S118487. Grub Street ID 138141.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The maids tragedie. As it hath beene divers time acted at the Black-Friers, by the Kings Majesties Servants. Written by Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher Gentlemen. London: printed by E[lizabeth] P[urslowe] for William Leake, and are to be sold at his shop in Chancery-lane, neere the Rowles, 1641. ESTC No. R358. Grub Street ID 118161.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Comedies and tragedies written by Francis Beaumont and Iohn Fletcher Gentlemen. Neverprinted [sic] before, and now published by the authours originall copies. London: printed for Humphrey Robinson, at the three Pidgeons, and for Humphrey Moseley, at the Princes Armes in St Pauls Church-yard, 1647. ESTC No. R22900. Grub Street ID 101610.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The woman hater. As it hath beene acted by his Majesties Servants with great applause. Written by John Fletcher Gent. London: printed [by William Wilson?] for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1648. ESTC No. R22387. Grub Street ID 97627.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The vvoman hater, or The hungry courtier. A comedy, as it hath been acted by his Majesties Servants with great applause. Written by Francis Beamont and John Fletcher. Gent. London: printed [by William Wilson?] for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1649. ESTC No. R19909. Grub Street ID 77470.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornfull lady. A comedy. As it was acted (with great applause) by the late Kings Majesties servants, at the Black-Fryers. Written by Francis Beaumont. and John Fletcher. Gentlemen. London: printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1651. ESTC No. R223523. Grub Street ID 97321.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornfull lady. A comedy. As it was acted (with great applause) by the late Kings Majesties Servants, at the Black-Fryers. Written by Francis Beaumont. and John Fletcher. Gentlemen. London: printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1651. ESTC No. R209937. Grub Street ID 86153.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornefull lady. A comedy. As it was acted (with great applause) by the late Kings Majesties Servants, at the Blacke-Fryers. Written by Francis Beaumont. and John Fletcher. Gentlemen. London: printed [by William Wilson?] for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1651. ESTC No. R38682. Grub Street ID 120746.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster or, Love lies a bleeding: acted at the Globe, and Black-friers, by his Majesties Servants. The authors being Francis Beaumont. and John Fletcher, Gent. London: printed for William Leake, and are to be solde at his shop at the signe of the Crown in Fleetstreet, between the two Temple gates, 1652. ESTC No. R12110. Grub Street ID 60327.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Poems: by Francis Beaumont, Gent. Viz. The hermaphrodite. The remedy of love. Elegies. Sonnets, with other poems. London: printed for Laurence Blaiklock, and are to be sold at his shop neare the middle Temple Gate in Fleet-street, 1653. ESTC No. R208894. Grub Street ID 85114.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Poems, by Francis Beaumont, Gent. Viz. The hermaphrodite. The remedy of Love. Elegies. Sonnets, with other poems. London: printed for William Hope, at the signe of the blew Anchor on the North-side of the Old Exchange, 1653. ESTC No. R208895. Grub Street ID 85115.
  • Beaumont, Francis. A king and no king. Acted at the Black-Fryers, by his Majesties Servants. And now the fifth time printed, according to the true copie. Written by Francis Beaumont & John Fletcher Gent. London: printed for William Leak, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Crown in Fleet-street, between the two temple gates, 1655. ESTC No. R16492. Grub Street ID 64329.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Poems. The golden remains of those so much admired dramatick poets, Francis Beaumont & John Fletcher gent. Containing, The Hermaphrodite two sexes. The remedy and art of love. Elegies on the most eminent persons; with other amorous sonnets, and conceited fancies. Together, with the prologues, epilogues, and songs, many of which were never before inserted in his printed playes. The second edition enriched with the addition of other drolleries by severall wits of these present times.. London : printed for William Hope at the backside of the Old Exchange, 1660. ESTC No. R223524. Grub Street ID 97322.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The maids tragedy, as it hath been divers times acted at the Black-Friers, by the Kings Majesties Servants: written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, Gentlemen. The sixth impression, revised and corrected exactly by the original.. London : printed for William Leake, at the Crown in Fleet-street, between the two Temple Gates, 1650 [i.e. 1660?]. ESTC No. R28885. Grub Street ID 111914.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The beggars bush. Written by Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher, Gentlemen. You may speedily expect those other playes, which Kirkman, and his hawkers have deceived the buyers withall, selling them at treble the value, that this and the rest will be sold for, which are the onely originall and corrected copies, as they were first purchased by us at no mean rate, and since printed by us. London : printed for Humphrey Robinson, and Anne Mosely, at the three Pigeons, and at the Princes Arms in Saint Pauls Church-yard, 1661. ESTC No. R6179. Grub Street ID 126540.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Beggars bush. Actus primus, Scæna prima. London : by Thomas Johnson for Francis Kirkman, 1661. ESTC No. R176520. Grub Street ID 69017.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster or, Love lies a bleeding: acted at the Globe, and Black.friers [sic], by his Majesties servants. The authors being Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher, GentDT. The sixth impression.. London : printed for William Leake, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Crown in Fleetstreet, between the two Temple gates, [not before 1661]. ESTC No. R19721. Grub Street ID 77291.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster. Or, love lies a bleeding. Acted at the Globe, and Black-friers, by his Majesties Servants. The authors being Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher, Gent. The fifth impression.. London : printed for William Leake, and are to be sold at his shop at the Sign of the Crown in Fleetstreet, between the two Temple gates, 1652. [i.e. 1661?]. ESTC No. R223465. Grub Street ID 97270.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The knight of the burning pestle. Full of mirth and delight. Written by Francis Beamount, and Iohn Fletcher. Gent. As it is now acted by her Majesties Servants at the Private house in Drury lane. 1635. London : Printed by N[icholas]. O[kes]. for I. S[pencer?]., 1635 [i.e. ca. 1661?]. ESTC No. S101209. Grub Street ID 130045.
  • Beaumont, Francis. A king and no king. As it is now acted at the Theatre Royal, by His Majesties Servants. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher Gent. London : printed by Andr. Clark, for William and John Leake at the Crown in Fleetstreet, betwixt the two Temple-gates, M.DC.LXXVI. [1676]. ESTC No. R25274. Grub Street ID 108980.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornful lady: a comedy. As it is now acted at the Theater Royal, by His Majesties servants. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher gent. The seventh edition.. London : printed by A. Maxwell and R. Roberts, for D.N[ewman]. and T.C[ollins]. and are to be sold by Simon Neale, at the Three Pidgeons in Bedford-street in Covent-Garden, 1677. ESTC No. R24847. Grub Street ID 108594.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornful lady. A comedy. As it was acted with great applause by the late Kings Majesties servants, at the Black-Fryers. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, gentlemen. The seventh edition corrected and amended.. London : printed by A[nne]. Maxwell and R[obert]. Roberts, for D[orman]. N[ewman]. and T[homas]. C[ollins]. and are to be sold by Langley Curtis in Goat Court upon Ludgate-hill, 1677. ESTC No. R223464. Grub Street ID 97269.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Fifty comedies and tragedies. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, Gentlemen. All in one volume. Published by the authors original copies, the songs to each play being added. London : printed by J. Macock [and H. Hills], for John Martyn, Henry Herringman, Richard Marriot, MDCLXXIX. [1679]. ESTC No. R13766. Grub Street ID 61841.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The maids tragedy, as it hath been acted at the Theatre Royal, by Their Majesties Servants. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, gentlemen. London : printed for R. Bentley and S. Magnes in Russel-street in Covent-Garden, 1686. ESTC No. R32560. Grub Street ID 115267.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster, or Love lies a bleeding. A comedyDT As it hath been divers times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers: and now at the Theatre Royal, by Their Majesties servants. The authors being Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher, gentlemen. London : printed for Richard Bentley and S. Magnes in Russel-Street near Covent-Garden, 1687. ESTC No. R36646. Grub Street ID 118899.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The prophetess: or, The history of Dioclesian. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. With alterations and additions, after the manner of an opera. Represented at the Queen's Theatre, by Their Majesties Servants. London : printed for Jacob Tonson at the Judges Head in Chancery-lane near Fleet-street, 1690. ESTC No. R2373. Grub Street ID 107587.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornfull lady: a comedy. As it is now acted at the Theatre Royal, by Their Majesties servants. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher gent. The eighth edition.. London : printed for Dorman Newman at the Kings-Arms in the Poultrey, 1691. ESTC No. R28892. Grub Street ID 111917.
  • Beaumont, Francis. A king, and no king. As it is now acted at the Theatre-Royal; by Their Majesties Servants. Written by Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher, Gent. London : printed for R. Bentley, at the Post-House, in Russel-Street, in Covent-Garden, 1693. ESTC No. R16630. Grub Street ID 64453.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster: or, Love lies a bleeding. A tragi-comedy. As it is now acted at His Majesty's Theatre Royal. Revis'd, and the two last acts new written.. London : printed for R. Bentley, at the Post-House in Russel Street, in Covent Garden, 1695. ESTC No. R20965. Grub Street ID 85880.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornful lady. Tenth edition.. London : For J.T., and are to be sold by G. Harris [and 11 others], [1695?]. ESTC No. R28894. Grub Street ID 111919.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The maids tragedy, as it hath been acted at the Theater Royal, by Their Majesties servants. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, Gentlemen. London : printed for Richard Wellington at the Dolphin and Crown at the West-End of St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1704. ESTC No. T52945. Grub Street ID 279941.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The royal merchant: or, beggars-bush. A comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. London : printed for H. N. and sold by William Keeble, at the Black Pull in Cornhil; Thomas Atkinson, at the White Swan in St. Paul's Church Yard; John Isted, over against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet; Francis Faucet, at the Blue Anchor in Salisbury Exchange, Strand; and Richard Standfast, in Westminster-Hall, [1706?]. ESTC No. N12858. Grub Street ID 2831.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The loyal subject; or, the faithful general: a play. Acted at the Theatre-Royal, by Her Majesties servants. The authors Mr. Beaumont and Mr. Fletcher. With a preface. London : printed for H. N. and sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers Hall, MDCCVI. [1706]. ESTC No. N19173. Grub Street ID 8602.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The royal merchant: or, beggars-bush. A comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. London : printed for H. N. and sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, 1706. ESTC No. T32942. Grub Street ID 263623.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The loyal subject; or, the faithful general: a play. Acted at the Theatre-Royal, by Her Majesties servants. The authors Mr. Beaumont and Mr. Fletcher. With a preface. London : printed for H. N. and sold by W. Keble, [1706?]. ESTC No. T138980. Grub Street ID 186846.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornful lady: a comedy. As it is now acted at the Theatre Royal, by Her Majesty's Company of comedians. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. Gent. The tenth edition.. London : printed for J. T. [Jacob Tonson] and are to be sold by G. Harris and J. Graves, in St. James's-Street. J. Barnes in Pall-Mall. D. Newman in Leicester-Fields. J. Harding in St. Martin's-Lane. W. Lewis, and T. Archer in Covent-Garden. B. Lintot and E. Sanger at Temple-Bar. J. Knapton in St. Paul's Church-Yard. R. Smith and G. Strahan, at the Royal-Exchange, [1710?]. ESTC No. T32940. Grub Street ID 263621.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The works of Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher; in ten volumes. Adorn'd with cuts. Revis'd and corrected: with some account of the life and writings of the authors. London : printed for Jacob Tonson, at Shakespear's-Head over-against Catherine-Street in the Strand, MDCCXI. [1711]. ESTC No. T179167. Grub Street ID 215952.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The works of Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher; in seven volumes. Adorn'd with cuts. Revis'd and corrected: with some account of the life and writings of the authors. London : printed for Jacob Tonson, at Shakespear's Head over-against Chatherine-Street in the Strand, MDCCXI. [1711]. ESTC No. T138981. Grub Street ID 186847.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The prophetess: or, the history of Dioclesian. Written by F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. With alterations and additions, after the manner of an opera. London : printed for J. T. [Jacob Tonson] and sold by W. Mears at the Lamb, and J. Browne at the Black Swan, without Temple-Bar, 1716. ESTC No. T42790. Grub Street ID 271566.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The prophetess. A tragical history. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. And sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1717. ESTC No. T117632. Grub Street ID 169218.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornful lady. A comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J.T. and sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1717. ESTC No. T122095. Grub Street ID 172819.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Beggars Bush. A comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London: : printed for J. T. and sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1717. ESTC No. T21490. Grub Street ID 241175.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The maid's tragedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. and sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1717. ESTC No. N3846. Grub Street ID 26143.
  • Beaumont, Francis. A wife for a month. A tragi-comedy written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. [Jacob Tonson] and sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1717. ESTC No. N25025. Grub Street ID 14373.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The loyal subject. A tragi-comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. And sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1717. ESTC No. N3238. Grub Street ID 21061.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The humorous lieutenant. A tragi-comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. [Jacob Tonson] and sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1717. ESTC No. T25463. Grub Street ID 257889.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster: or, love lyes a bleeding. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J.T. And sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1717. ESTC No. T42232. Grub Street ID 271030.
  • Beaumont, Francis. A wife for a month. A tragi-comedy written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J.T. [Jacob Tonson] And sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1717. ESTC No. T32937. Grub Street ID 263617.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The custom of the country. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. [Jacob Tonson] And sold by J. Brown, 1717. ESTC No. T32938. Grub Street ID 263618.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. [Jacob Tonson] And sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1717. ESTC No. T32939. Grub Street ID 263619.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The maid in the mill. A comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. [Jacob Tonson] and sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1718. ESTC No. N25027. Grub Street ID 14375.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The pilgrim. A comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont. And Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. [Jacob Tonson] And sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1718. ESTC No. T45438. Grub Street ID 273751.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The spanish curate. A comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. And sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1718. ESTC No. T49559. Grub Street ID 277341.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The woman hater. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. and sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1718. ESTC No. T121908. Grub Street ID 172660.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The coxcomb. A comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J.T. And sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1718. ESTC No. T121925. Grub Street ID 172678.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The maid in the mill. A comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. and sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1718. ESTC No. T118340. Grub Street ID 169888.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Love's cure: or, the martial maid. A comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. And sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1718. ESTC No. T121711. Grub Street ID 172470.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Wit at several weapons. A comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. T. [Jacob Tonson] And sold by J. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar, 1718. ESTC No. T32936. Grub Street ID 263616.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife, a comedy. Written by Mr. Beaumont and Mr. Fletcher. London : printed by J. Darby for M. Wellington, and sold by A. Bettesworth in Pater-Noster-Row, and F. Clay without Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XX. [1720]. ESTC No. T32944. Grub Street ID 263625.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Beggars bush. A comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. Dublin: printed by A. Rhames for W. Smith at the Duchess's-Head in Dames-Street, 1724. ESTC No. T21491. Grub Street ID 241183.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres of London and Dublin. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. Dublin: re-printed, and sold by James Hoey and George Faulkner at the Pamphlet-Shop opposite the Tholsel in Skinner-Row, 1728. ESTC No. T46927. Grub Street ID 274939.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The prophetess: or, the history of Dioclesian. With alterations and additions, after the manner of an opera. London : printed for J. Tonson: and sold by W. Feales, at Rowe's Head, the Corner of Essex-Street, in the Strand, MDCCXXXIII. [1733]. ESTC No. T175253. Grub Street ID 212335.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornful lady. A comedy. London : printed for J. Tonson: and sold by W. Feales at Rowe's Head, the Corner of Essex-Street, in the Strand, 1733. ESTC No. T115008. Grub Street ID 166785.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife. A comedy. London : printed for J. Tonson: and sold by W. Feales at Rowe's Head, the Corner of Essex-Street, in the Strand, MDCCXXXIII. [1733]. ESTC No. T46926. Grub Street ID 274938.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The humorous lieutenant. A tragi-comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. Tonson; and sold by W. Feales at Rowe's Head, the Corner of Essex-Street in the Strand, MDCCXXXIV. [1734]. ESTC No. N3688. Grub Street ID 24834.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster: or, love lies a bleeding. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. As it is acted at the theatres. Dublin: printed by S. Powell, for George Risk, George Ewing, and William Smith, 1734. ESTC No. N12441. Grub Street ID 2442.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife. A comedy. As it is acted at the theatres of London and Dublin. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. Dublin: printed by R. Reilly on Cork-Hill. For W. Smith Bookseller, at the Hercules in Dames-Street, MDCCXXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. N23324. Grub Street ID 12683.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The royal merchant: or, the beggars bush. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent Garden. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. London : printed for W. Feales, and the book-sellers of London and Westminster, M.DCC.XXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. T132471. Grub Street ID 181391.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The prophetess: or, the history of Dioclesian. Written by F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. With alterations and additions, after the manner of an opera. Dublin: printed by S. Powell, for James Hoey, at the Sign of the Mercury in Skinner-row, opposite to the Tholsel, MDCCXXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. T175073. Grub Street ID 212151.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The humorous lieutenant. A tragi-comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson, 1736. ESTC No. N53741. Grub Street ID 37644.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornful lady. A comedy. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson, 1736. ESTC No. N22186. Grub Street ID 11554.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife. A comedy. London : Printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strana, MDCCXXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. N13173. Grub Street ID 3109.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The royal merchant: or, beggars bush. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Smock-Alley. ... Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. Dublin: printed by R. Reilly, for W. Smith, 1736. ESTC No. T199343. Grub Street ID 231507.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The royal merchant: or, Beggars Bush. A comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Smock-Alley. By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. Dublin: printed by R. Reilly, on Cork-Hill, for W. Smith, Bookseller, at the Hercules in Dame-Street, M,DCC,XXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. T168962. Grub Street ID 206820.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The royal merchant: or, The beggars bush. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent Garden. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. London : Printed and sold by the booksellers in town and country, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T168966. Grub Street ID 206824.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornful lady, a comedy. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. Dublin: printed by S. Powell, for T. Moore, at Erasmus's - Head, in Dame-Street, Bookseller, MDCCXLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T16503. Grub Street ID 203295.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The humorous lieutenant, a tragi-comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. As it is acted at the theatres. London : printed for J. S. near Barbican, MDCCXLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. N17472. Grub Street ID 6942.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The humorous lieutenant, a tragi-comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. As it is acted at the theatres. The third edition.. London : printed for J. S. near Barbican, 1744. ESTC No. N17473. Grub Street ID 6943.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife. A comedy. By Beaumont and Fletcher. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand, MDCCXLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. T132474. Grub Street ID 181394.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The loyal subject. A tragi-comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. Dublin: printed by James Esdall, on Cork-Hill, M,DCC,XLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T38756. Grub Street ID 268175.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The loyal subject. A tragi-comedy. Written by Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. Dublin: printed by James Esdall, 1748. ESTC No. T189607. Grub Street ID 225019.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The works of Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher. In ten volumes. Collated with all the former editions, and corrected. With notes critical and explanatory. By The late Mr. Theobald, Mr. Seward of Eyam in Derbyshire, and Mr. Sympson of Gainsborough. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper in the Strand, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T139208. Grub Street ID 187077.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife. comedy. By Beaumont and Fletcher. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper in the Strand, MDCCLIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T46930. Grub Street ID 274943.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The prophetess: or, The history of dioclesian. A dramatic opera. With all the new songs, &c. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. London : Printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand, MDCCLVIII. [1758]. ESTC No. T176988. Grub Street ID 213957.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The scornful lady, a comedy. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. Dublin: printed for William Williamson at Mecaenas's-Head in Bride-Street, MDCCLVIII. [1758]. ESTC No. T47188. Grub Street ID 275160.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The prophetess: or, the history of Dioclesian. A dramatic opera. With all the new songs, and the masque. As performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson, 1759. ESTC No. T176989. Grub Street ID 213958.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster, or love lies a bleeding. A tragedy. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. With alterations. As it is acted at the theatres in London and Dublin. Dublin: printed for, and sold by Thomas Wilkinson, [1760?]. ESTC No. T206214. Grub Street ID 235750.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The humorous lieutenant. A tragi-comedy. Now acting at the Theatre-Royal, in Crow-Street. Written by F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. Collated with all the former editions, and corrected, by Mr. Theobald, and Mr. Seward. Dublin: printed for Peter Wilson, 1761. ESTC No. T168257. Grub Street ID 206185.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The royal merchant; or, the beggars bush. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand, MDCCLXI. [1761]. ESTC No. T67570. Grub Street ID 292043.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife. A comedy. As it is acted at the theatres of London and Dublin. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. Dublin: printed for W. Smith, Bookseller, at the Hercules in Dame-Street, M.DCC.LXI. [1761]. ESTC No. T175373. Grub Street ID 212464.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster a tragedy. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. With alterations. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Dublin: printed for P. Wilson, J. Exshaw, S. Price, E. Watts, J. Potts, and A. M'culloh, 1763. ESTC No. N12439. Grub Street ID 2439.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife. A comedy. As perform'd at the theatres. By Beaumont and Fletcher. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand, MDCCLXIII. [1763]. ESTC No. T132473. Grub Street ID 181393.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster, a tragedy. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. With alterations. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand, MDCCLXIII. [1763]. ESTC No. T42231. Grub Street ID 271029.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster, a tragedy. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. With alterations. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. The second edition.. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand, MDCCLXIV. [1764]. ESTC No. T45437. Grub Street ID 273750.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife. A comedy. As perform'd at the Theatres. By Beaumont and Fletcher. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand, MDCCLXVII. [1767]. ESTC No. T32945. Grub Street ID 263626.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The royal merchant: an opera. Founded on Beaumont and Fletcher. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal, in Covent-Garden. Dublin: printed for G. Faulkner, 1768. ESTC No. T168290. Grub Street ID 206217.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Select plays of Beaumont and Fletcher. In two volumes. Volume the first. Glasgow: printed for Robert Urie, MDCCLXVIII. [1768]. ESTC No. T32943. Grub Street ID 263624.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The royal merchant: an opera. Founded on Beaumont and Fletcher. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal, in Covent-Garden. London : printed for William Griffin, in Catharine-Street, in the Strand, M.DCC.LXVIII. [1768]. ESTC No. T32946. Grub Street ID 263627.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife. A comedy. As perform'd at the theatres. By Beaumont and Fletcher. London : printed for Woodfall and Byfield; T. Davies; T. Lowndes; and S. Bladon, MDCCLXXII. [1772]. ESTC No. T46929. Grub Street ID 274941.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife: a comedy, by Beaumont and Fletcher. Altered as it is acted at the Theatres Royal in London and Edinburgh. Edinburgh: printed by and for Peter Williamson, 1773. ESTC No. N13181. Grub Street ID 3117.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife, and have a wife. A comedy. By Beaumont and Fletcher. Edinburgh: printed and sold by J. Robertson, 1774. ESTC No. T211762. Grub Street ID 239245.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife and have a wife. A comedy, by Beaumont and Fletcher. As performed at The Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, ... by Mr. Hopkins, prompter. London : printed for John Bell, and C. Etherington, at York, 1776. ESTC No. T46931. Grub Street ID 274944.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife and have a wife. A comedy. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : printed for T. Davies; C. Corbett; T. Lowndes; and S. Bladon, M.DCC.LXXVI. [1776]. ESTC No. T46935. Grub Street ID 274947.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife and have a wife. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. London : printed for and sold by W. Oxlade, 1777. ESTC No. N13182. Grub Street ID 3118.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife and have a wife. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. London : printed for J. Wenman, No 144, Fleet-Street; and sold by all other booksellers in town and country, M DCC LXXVII. [1777]. ESTC No. T46928. Grub Street ID 274940.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster. A tragedy. As altered from Beaumont and Fletcher, and performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. ... regulated from the prompt-book, ... by Mr. Wild, prompter. London : printed for John Bell, 1778. ESTC No. T42229. Grub Street ID 271026.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The dramatick works of Beaumont and Fletcher; collated with all the former editions, and corrected; with notes, critical and explanatory, by various commentators; and adorned with fifty-four original engravings. In ten volumes. . London : printed by T. Sherlock, Bow-Street, Covent-Garden; for T. Evans, and P. Elmsley, in the Strand; J. Ridley, St. James's Street; J. Williams, no. 39, Fleet-Street; and W. Fox, Holborn, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T138982. Grub Street ID 186848.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The chances. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. London : printed for Harrison and Co. No 18, Paternoster-Row; and sold, likewise, by J. Wenman, Fleet-Street; and all other Booksellers, MDCCLXXX. [1780]. ESTC No. T30401. Grub Street ID 261283.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Altered from Beaumont and Fletcher. London : printed for Harrison and Co. No 18, Paternoster-Row; and sold, likewise, by J. Wenman, Fleet-Street; and all other booksellers, MDCCLXXX. [1780]. ESTC No. T42230. Grub Street ID 271028.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife and have a wife. A comedy, by Beaumont and Fletcher. As performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, BY Permission Of The Managers, by Mr. Hopkins, Prompter. London : printed by C. Etherington, for J. Bell, at the British Library, in the Strand, 1781. ESTC No. T132472. Grub Street ID 181392.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife and have a wife a comedy. Altered from Beaumont and Fletcher. By David Garrick, Esq; Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. London : printed for W. Lowndes; and S. Bladon, 1786. ESTC No. N13183. Grub Street ID 3119.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife and have a wife. A comedy, by Beaumont and Fletcher. As performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, ... Dublin: printed for W. Colles, 1789. ESTC No. T118488. Grub Street ID 170032.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife and have a wife. A comedy. Altered from Beaumont and Fletcher, by David Garrick, Esq. Taken from the managers' book, at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. London : printed for R. Butters, No. 79, Fleet-Street; and sold by all booksellers in town and country, [1790?]. ESTC No. N13179. Grub Street ID 3115.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster. A tragedy. Altered from Beaumont and Fletcher. Taken from the manager's book, at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane. London : printed for R. Butters, No. 79, Fleet-Street; and sold by all the booksellers in town and country, [1790?]. ESTC No. N12445. Grub Street ID 2446.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife and have a wife. A comedy. By Beaumont and Fletcher. Adapted for theatrical representation as performed at the Theatres-Royal Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, By Permission of the Managers. London : printed for the proprietors, under the direction of John Bell, British Library, Strand, Bookseller to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, MDCCXCI. [1791]. ESTC No. T46933. Grub Street ID 274946.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster. A tragedy. As altered from Beaumont and Fletcher. Adapted for theatrical representation as performed at the Theatres-Royal Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, By Permission of the Managers. London : printed for the proprietors, under the direction of John Bell, British Library, Strand, Bookseller to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, MDCCXCI. [1791]. ESTC No. T42227. Grub Street ID 271024.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster. A tragedy. As altered from Beaumont and Fletcher. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane, and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, By Permission of the Managers. London : printed for the proprietors, under the direction of John Bell, British Library, Strand, Bookseller to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, MDCCXCI. [1791]. ESTC No. T42228. Grub Street ID 271025.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife and have a wife. A comedy. By Beaumont and Fletcher. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers. . London : printed for the proprietors, under the direction of John Bell, British Library, Strand, Bookseller to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, MDCCXCI. [1791]. ESTC No. N24416. Grub Street ID 13779.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Rule a wife and have a wife. A comedy. By Beaumont and Fletcher. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers. Dublin: printed by Graisberry and Campbell, for William Jones, No. 86, Dame-Street, MDCCXCII. [1792]. ESTC No. T46932. Grub Street ID 274945.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The royal merchant: an opera. Founded on Beaumont and Fletcher. As it is performed at the theatre royal, in Covent-Garden. [Dublin]: Printed for G. Faulkner, in Parliament-Street. MDCCLXVIII. Sold by G. Walsh, 19, Wood-Quay, [1795?]. ESTC No. T45359. Grub Street ID 273676.
  • Beaumont, Francis. The humorous lieutenant. A tragi-comedy. Now acting at the Theatre-Royal, in Crow-Street. Written by F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. Collated with all the former editions, and corrected, by Mr. Theobald, and Mr. Seward. [Dublin]: Sold by G. Walsh, 19, Wood-Quay, [1795?]. ESTC No. T36833. Grub Street ID 266708.
  • Beaumont, Francis. Philaster. A tragedy. As altered from Beaumont and Fletcher. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers. . London : printed for the proprietors, by Bunney and Gold, 1799. ESTC No. N19284. Grub Street ID 8710.