Publications of Francis Coggan

Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.

What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.

In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:

  1. "printed by x"; or
  2. "sold by x"; or
  3. "printed for x" or "published by x";

or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):

  1. "printed and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.

Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.

David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:

The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
     London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
     London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
     London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.

D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).

Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.

A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).


  • Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
  • Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
  • John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
  • John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
  • David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
  • Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
  • D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
  • Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).

Sold by Francis Coggan

  • Horneck, Anthony. Four tracts: I. A discourse against revenge, (shewing the exorbitant passions in man) from Mat. V. 21, 22. II. Questions and answers concerning the two religions; viz. that of the Church of England, and the other of the Church of Rome. Intended for the use and benefit of the younger sort of people. III. An account of an evening-conference with a Jesuite in the Savoy, Jan. 22. IV. A disswasive from popery, being a letter to a lady to preserve her from apostacy from the communion of the Church of England. By A. Horneck, D.D. late prebendary of Westminster, and preacher at the Savoy. With a preface by Mr. Edwards. London: printed for S.L.W.H.S.K. and D B. and are to be sold by A. Roper, R. Clavel, and Fr. Coggan, in Fleet-street, and the Inner-Temple-lane, 1697. ESTC No. R218441. Grub Street ID 93098.
  • The psalms of David in metre: fitted to the tunes used in parish-churches. By John Patrick, D. D. Preacher to the Charter-House, London. London: printed for L. Meredith, and sold by D. Browne without Temple Barr, T. Benskin against Lincoln's Inn Back Gate, J. Walthoe and F. Coggan in the Temple, 1701. ESTC No. T91796. Grub Street ID 311619.
  • Patrick, Simon. The christian sacrifice. A treatise shewing the necessity, end and manner of receiving the Holy Communion: together with suitable prayers and meditations for every Month in the Year; and the Principal Festivals in Memory of our Blessed saviour. In four parts. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Simon Lord Bishop of Ely. London: printed by J. H. for the assigns of L. Meredith, and are to be sold by D. Brown, J. Walthoe, Tho. Benskin, and F. Coggan, MDCCI. [1701]. ESTC No. T141018. Grub Street ID 188633.

Printed for Francis Coggan

  • The London post, with the newest intelligence, both forreign and domestick. London [England]: printed for Francis Coggan in the Inner Temple-lane, 1697. ESTC No. P3511. Grub Street ID 56837.
  • Pix, Mary. The innocent mistress. A comedy. As it was acted, by His Majesty's Servants at the Theatre in Little-Lincolns-Inn-Fields. Written by Mrs. Mary Pix. London: printed by J. Orme, for R. Basset, at the Miter within Temple-Bar, and F. Cogan in the Inner-Templelane [sic], 1697. ESTC No. R3117. Grub Street ID 113973.
  • Pix, Mary. The innocent mistress. A comedy. As it was acted, by His Majesty's Servants at the Theatre in Little-Lincolns-Inn-Fields. Written by Mrs. Mary Pix. London: printed by J. Orme, for R. Basset, near Temple-Bar in Fleetstreet, and F. Cogan in the Temple, 1697. ESTC No. R229115. Grub Street ID 101708.
  • Methodus novissima intandri placita generalia: or, A new, compleat and exact method (according to the several alterations that have been made by the late rules of court, or otherwise) of drawing and entring declarations, pleas, issues, continuances, verdicts, judgments, process ministerial and judicial, cognizance of plea, privilege of Parliament pleaded, as well by the clergy of the Convocation, as by the members of the House of Commons, proceedings upon writs of error, and divers other matters relating to pleas and pleadings in the courts of Kings Bench, Common-Pleas and Exchequer: with a copious table. To which is added a compleat analysis of the science of true and correct pleading; with explanations of every particular branch thereof. By the author of Formulæ bene placitandi. London: printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins esquires, for D. Brown at the Black-Swan without Temple-Bar, T. Leigh, and D. Midwinter, both at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church yard and F. Coggan, in the Inner-Temple-Lane, MDCXCIX. [1699]. ESTC No. R29138. Grub Street ID 112153.
  • The present condition of the Muscovite empire, till the year 1699. In two letters: the first from a gentleman, who was conversant with the Muscovite ambassadour in Holland: the second from a person of quality at Vienna, concerning the late Muscovite embassy, his present Czarish Majesty; the Russian empire; and Great-Tartary. With the life of the present Emperour of China. By Father J. Bouvet, missionary. By the author of The antient and present state of Muscovy. London: printed for F. Coggan, in the Inner-Temple-Lane, MDCXCIX. [1699]. ESTC No. R19507. Grub Street ID 77103.
  • Gander, Joseph. A vindication of a national-fishery: wherein is asserted, that the glory, wealth, strength, safety, and happiness of this kingdom; with the flourishing of trade, and growth of navigation: as also the employing the poor of this realm, doth depend (under God) upon a national-fishery. And all the general, vulgar, (tho' erroneous) objections against encouraging the fishery of England, answer'd, and confuted. To which is added, the sovereignty of the British-seas. London: printed for F. Coggan, in the Inner Temple-Lane, MDCXCIX. [1699]. ESTC No. R227035. Grub Street ID 99940.
  • Three discourses relating to the duty of prayer. Of the omnipresence of God. Of prayer: and of a spiritual mind. London: printed for Francis Coggan, in the Inner Temple-Lane, 1699. ESTC No. R220887. Grub Street ID 95126.
  • Feign'd friendship: or The mad reformer. As it was acted at the theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. London: printed for Daniel Brown, at the Bible without Temple-Bar; F. Coggan in the Inner-Temple-Lane; E. Rumballd in Russel-street Covent-Garden, and Rob. Gibson at the Crown in Middle-Row in Holborn, [1699?]. ESTC No. R17867. Grub Street ID 70321.
  • Reasons humbly offered for passing of the bill for the establishing and re-gaining of the fishery. London: printed for F. Coggan, in the Inner Temple-Lane, and sold by J. Nutt near Stationers-Hall, 1699. ESTC No. R227694. Grub Street ID 100570.
  • Drake, James. The history of the last Parliament: began at Westminster, the tenth day of February, in the twelfth year of the reign of King William, An. Dom. 1700. To which is added, the short defence of the last Parliament, &c. By the same author. London: printed for Fra Coggan in the Inner-Temple-Lane; Robert Gibson in Middle Row, and Tho. Hodgson, over against Grays-Inn-Gate in Holbourn, MDCCII. [1702]. ESTC No. T146955. Grub Street ID 193546.
  • Savage, John. A compleat history of Germany, comprehending the lives and reigns of all the Emperors, from its origin to this time. Extracted from the best authors, and private memoirs by Mr. Savage. To which are added, the effigies of all the Emperors, curiously engraven on copper plates ... London: printed for A. Roper, A. Bosvile, R. Basset, and F. Coggan, 1702. ESTC No. T147254. Grub Street ID 193817.
  • The law of corporations: containing the laws and customs of all the corporations and inferior courts of record in England. Treating Of the Essentials of, and Incidents to, a Corporation. Of Mayors, Bailiffs, Serjeants, &c. and their executing Process. Conusance of Pleas. Actions brought in Inferior Courts, Declarations, Pleadings, Venue, &c. Habeas Corpus, Procedendo, Bail. Errors in the Stile, Declarations, Pleadings, Venire's, &c. Actions brought by and against Corporations. Of Grants by or to a Corporation and of Misnomer in both. By-Laws, Customs. Disfranchisements and Causes of Disfranchisements. Quo Warranto's. Mandamus's and their Returns. Dissolution of Corporations. With the Explication of several Acts of Parliament relating to the same. Together with the Stiles and Titles of most Corporations in England. Necessary to be known not only by the Stewards, Attorneys, and other Members of the Body Politick, but by all the Professors of the Common Law. London: printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, Esquires; for Isaac Cleeve at Serjednts-Inn-Gate in Chancery-Lane, Iohn Hartley next door to the Kings-Head Tavern in Holborn, Francis Coggan in the Inner-Temple-Lane, and Thomas Hodgson over against Greys-Inn-Gate in Holborn, 1702. ESTC No. T116022. Grub Street ID 167707.
  • The history of King William the Third. In III parts. London: printed for A. Roper, at the Black Boy in Fleet-Street; and F. Coggan, in the Middle Temple Lane, 1702-03. ESTC No. T91241. Grub Street ID 311089.
  • Drake, James. The history of the last Parliament, began at Westminster, the tenth day of February, in the twelfth year of the reign of King William, An. Dom. 1700. By the author of The short defence of the last Parliament. London: printed for Fra. Coggan; Robert Gibson, and Tho. Hodgson, 1702. ESTC No. T146485. Grub Street ID 193122.
  • French Nobleman.. Characters of the royal family, ministers of state, and of all the principal persons in the French Court. With a short account of the French King's revenue, and of his land and naval forces. Written by a French nobleman to his friend in England. London: printed for Francis Coggan, in the Inner-Temple-Lane: and sold by John Nutt near Stationers-Hall, 1702. ESTC No. T146861. Grub Street ID 193464.
  • The conveyancer's assistant and director: being a treatise containing tables to all sorts of conveyances; as Leases, Grants, Bargains, Sales, Mortgages, Lease and Re-Lease, Demise and Re-Demise, Deeds of Settlements, Jointures, Trusts, &c. As also To all the Parts and Materials of Conveyances; as Considerations, apt Descriptions, Reservations, Exceptions, special and proper Covenants, Conditions, Proviso's, Trusts, &c. Together With some proper and useful Forms of Expression, and Law Cases under each Title. Not only very useful for Clerks and Practisers of the Law, but also for inquisitive Country Gentlemen, who by the References and Directions hereof in a short time, and for a small Charge, may attain the Art of Drawing neatly and properly upon any Occasion. London: printed by the assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkyns, Esquires, for Fran. Coggan in the Middle Temple-Lane, 1702. ESTC No. T96163. Grub Street ID 315630.
  • Savage, John. The antient and present state of the Empire of Germany; containing the respective histories of the electorates, principalities, &c. And an account of the Empire and all its dependencies. To which is added, a new and exact map of Germany, by Mr. Moll. London: printed for A. Roper, A. Bosvile, R. Basset, and F. Coggan, 1702. ESTC No. T147214. Grub Street ID 193776.
  • Chevreau, Urbain. The history of the world, ecclesiastical and civil: from the creation to this present time. With chronological remarks. By the learned M. Chevreau. In five volumes. Done into English by several hands from the fourth and best edition. With a large Alphabetical Index of the principal Matters, Persons, and Places. Vol. I. London: printed for D. Brown, at the Black Swan, without Temple-Bar; T. Benskin, against Lincoln's-Inn Back-Gate; J. Walthoe, in the Middle-Temple Cloysters; J. Hartley, next the King's-Head Tavern, in Holbourn; F. Coggan, in the Inner-Temple Lane, 1703. ESTC No. T78570. Grub Street ID 300352.
  • Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne. A discourse on the history of the whole world, dedicated to His Royal Highness the Dauphin. ... Written originally in French by James Benigne Bossuet, ... Faithfully Englished. London: printed for M. T. and sold by Fran. Coggan, 1703. ESTC No. T195235. Grub Street ID 228963.
  • The History of the reign of Queen Anne, digested into annals. London [England]: printed for A[bel]. Roper, at the Black-boy over against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet, and F[rancis]. Coggan in the Inner-Temple-Lane, 1703-MDCCXIII. [1713]. ESTC No. P2204. Grub Street ID 55908.
  • The history of King William the Third. In III. parts. Vol. I. The second edition. Comprehending the time from His Majesty's birth, ... London: printed for A. Roper; F. Coggan; and Wm. Davis, 1703. ESTC No. N33092. Grub Street ID 21611.
  • The law of errors and writs of errors. Being a treatise wherein is contained the nature and end of the writ of error. ... London: printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, Esqs; for Isaac Cleave, M. Wotton, and F. Coggan, 1703. ESTC No. T123879. Grub Street ID 174192.
  • Burnaby, William. Love betray'd; or, the Agreable Disapointment. A comedy. As it was Acted at the Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. By the Author of The Ladies Visiting-Day. London: printed for D. Brown at the Black-Swan without Temple-Bar, F. Coggan in the Inner-Temple-Lane, Fleet-Street, W. Davis at the Black-Bull, and G. Strahan at the Golden-Ball against the Exchange in Cornhill, 1703. ESTC No. T63746. Grub Street ID 288890.
  • The history of the reign of Queen Anne, digested into annals. Year the first. Containing, Besides other Memorable Transactions, a Particular and Genuine Account of the late Expedition into Spain; and the Proceedings of both Houses in the last Session of Parliament. London: printed for A. Roper, at the Black-Boy over against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet, and F. Coggan in the Inner-Temple-Lane, 1703. ESTC No. T105889. Grub Street ID 159109.
  • The history of the reign of Queen Anne, digested into annals. Year the first. Containing, Besides other Memorable Transactions, a Particular and Genuine Account of the late Expedition into Spain; and the Proceedings of both Houses in the last Session of Parliament. London: printed for A. Roper, at the Black-Boy over against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet, and F. Coggan in the Inner-Temple-Lane, 1703. ESTC No. T122946. Grub Street ID 173475.
  • A new book of declarations, pleadings, verdicts, judgments and judicial writs; with the entries thereupon. Many of the same being upon new cases and statutes in the late reign. With various other Useful and Necessary Entries. Compiled by Mr. Henry Clift, Late of Furnivals-Inn. And now digested and published for the common benefit of the professors of the law, by Sir Charles Ingleby, Knight, Serjeant at Law. With a perfect table to the whole. London: printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins Esqs; for Charles Harper, William Freeman, Timothy Goodwin, Matthew Wooton and Francis Coggan, in Fleetstreet and the Inner-Temple-Lane, 1703. ESTC No. T135905. Grub Street ID 184253.
  • Liturgia, seu liber precum communium, et administrationis Sacramentorum aliorúmque rituum atque ceremoniarum ecclesiæ, juxta usum ecclesiæ anglicanæ: una cum Psalterio seu Psalmis Davidis, ea punctatione distinctis, qua cantari aut recitari debent in ecclesiis. Itémque forma & modus faciendi. Ordinandi & consecrandi episcopos, presbyteros, diaconos. Huic editioni precum formula accessit, quæ, durante comitiorum ecclesiasticorum consessu, utriq; domui convocationis usui esse solet; triginta novem ecclesiæ Anglicanæ articulis insuper adjectis. Londini: excudebat E. Jones, impensis D. Brown, T. Benskin, J. Walthoe, & F. Coggan, MDCCIII. [1703]. ESTC No. T142207. Grub Street ID 189630.
  • Savage, John. A select collection of letters of the antients. Written originally by Phalaris, Solon, Socrates, Pythagoras, Euripedes, Xenophon, Aristotle, K. Philip, Alexander the Great, Democritus, Heraclitus, Diogenes the Cynick, Isocrates, Hippocrates, The Emp. Julian, &c. Greeks. Cicero, Seneca, Augustus Caesar, Mark Anthony, Brutus and Cassius, Pompey, Mithridates, Germanicus, K. Herod, Agrippina, Poppaea, Caracalla, M. Aurelius, Aurelian, Qu. Zenobia, &c. Romans. Whereby is discover'd the Morality, Gallantry, Wit, Humour, Manner of Arguing, and in a Word, the Genius both of the Greeks and Romans. By Mr. Savage. London: printed for J. Hartley, next door to the King's-Head Tavern in Holborn; F. Coggan, in the Inner Temple-Lane; W. Davis, at the Black-Bull in Cornhill; R. Gibson, at the Roe-Buck between the two Temple Gates in Fleet-Street; and T. Hodgson, over against Grays-Inn-Gate in Holborn, 1703. ESTC No. T115955. Grub Street ID 167638.
  • Harris, John. Lexicon technicum: or, an universal English dictionary of arts and sciences: explaining not only the terms of art, but the arts themselves. By John Harris, M.A. F.R.S. London: printed for Dan. Brown, Tim. Goodwin, John Walthoe, Tho. Newborough, John Nicholson, Tho. Benskin, Benj. Tooke, Dan. Midwinter, Tho. Leigh, and Francis Coggan, 1704. ESTC No. T142409. Grub Street ID 189791.
  • Harris, John. Lexicon technicum: or, an universal English dictionary of arts and sciences: explaining not only the terms of art, but the arts themselves. By John Harris, M.A. F.R.S. London: printed for Dan. Brown, Tim. Goodwin, John Walthoe, Tho. Newborough, John Nicholson, Tho. Benskin, Benj. Tooke, Dan. Midwinter, Tho. Leigh, and Francis Coggan, 1704. ESTC No. T142411. Grub Street ID 189793.
  • The history of the reign Queen Anne, digested into annals. Year the second. ... London: printed for F. Coggan, 1704. ESTC No. T122950. Grub Street ID 173480.
  • Psalmanazar, George. An historical and geographical description of Formosa, an island subject to the Emperor of Japan. Giving An Account of the Religion, Customs, Manners, &c. of the Inhabitants. Together with a Relation of what happen'd to the Author in his Travels; particularly his Conferences with the Jesuits, and others, in several Parts of Europe. Also the History and Reasons of his Conversion to Christianity, with his Objections against it (in defence of Paganism) and their Answers. To which is prefix'd, a preface in vindication of himself from the reflections of a Jesuit lately come from China, with an Account of what passed between them. By George Psalmanaazaar, a Native of the said Island, now in London. Illustrated with several cuts. London: printed for Dan. Brown, at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar; G. Strahan, and W. Davis, in Cornhill; Fran. Coggan, in the Inner-Temple-Lane; Fran. Coggan; and Bernard Lintott, at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-Street, 1704. ESTC No. N17869. Grub Street ID 7337.
  • The history of the reign of Queen Anne, digested into annals. Year the second. Containing, The most Memorable Transactions both at Home and Abroad: In which are Inserted several Valuable Pieces, never before Printed. London: printed for F. Coggan, in the Inner-Temple-Lane, 1704. ESTC No. T122951. Grub Street ID 173481.
  • Psalmanazar, George. An historical and geographical description of Formosa, an island subject to the Emperor of Japan. Giving An Account of the Religion, Customs, Manners, &c. of the Inhabitants. Together with a Relation of what happen'd to the All thor in his Travels; particularly his Conferences with the Jesuits, and others, in several Parts of Europe. Also the History and Reasons of his Conversion to Christianity with his Objections against it (in defence of Paganism) and their Answers. To which is prefix'd, a preface in vindication of himself from the reflections of a Jesuit lately come from China, with an Account of what passed between them. By George Psalmanaazaar, a Native of the said Island, now in London. Illustrated with several cuts. London: printed for Dan. Brown, at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar; G. Strahan, and W. Davis, in Cornhill; and Fran. Coggan, in the Inner-Temple-Lane, 1704. ESTC No. T137016. Grub Street ID 185087.
  • Psalmanazar, George. An historical and geographical description of Formosa, an island subject to the Emperor of Japan. Giving an Account of The Religion, Customs, Manners, &c. of the Inhabitants. Together with a Relation of what happened to the Author in his Travels; particularly his Conferences with the Jesuits, and others, in several parts of Europe. Also the History and Reasons of his Conversion to Christianity, with his Objections against it (in defence of Paganism) and their Answers. To which is prefix'd, a preface in vindication of himself from the reflections of a Jesuit lately come from China, with an Account of what passed between them. By George Psalmanaazaar, a Native of the said Island, now in London: The second edition corrected, with many large and useful Additions, particularly a new Preface clearly answering every thing that has been objected against the Author and the Book. Illustrated with several cuts. To which are added, a map, and the figure of an idol not in the former edition. London: printed for Mat. Wotton, Abel Roper and B. Lintott, in Fleetstreet; Fr. Coggan in the Inner-Temple-Lane, G. Strahan and W. Davis in Cornhill, [1705]. ESTC No. T137017. Grub Street ID 185088.
  • Bowack, John. The antiquities of Middlesex; being a collection of the several church monuments in that county: also an historical account of each church and parish; with The Seats, Villages, and Names of the most Eminent Inhabitants, &c. Part I. Beginning with Chelsea and Kensington. Now in the Press, part II. Will Contain the Parishes of Fulham, Hammersmith, Chiswick, and Acton. London: printed by W. Redmayne for S. Keble at the Great Turk's-Head in Fleetstreet, D. Browne at the Black Swan and Bible without Temple-Bar, A. Roper at the Black Boy in Fleetstreet, R. Smith at the Angel and Bible without Temple-Bar, and F. Coggan in the Inner-Temple-Lane, MDCCV. [1705]. ESTC No. T144068. Grub Street ID 191009.
  • Higden, William. The case of the admission of occasional conformists to the Holy Communion, before they renounce their schism, consider'd; ... London: printed for Samuel Keble, Francis Coggan, and William Keble, 1705. ESTC No. N26804. Grub Street ID 16170.
  • French Nobleman.. Characters of the Royal Family, ministers of state, And of All the principal persons in the French court. With an exact account of the French king's revenue. Written by a French nobleman. London: printed for A. Roper, at the Black-Boy in Fleet-Street; and F. Coggan, in the Inner-Temple-Lane: and sold by John Nutt near Stationers-Hall, 1705. ESTC No. T64261. Grub Street ID 289344.
  • Gildon, Charles. The deist's manual: or, a rational enquiry into the Christian religion. With some Considerations on Mr. Hobbs, Spinosa, the Oracles of Reason, Second Thoughts, &c. By C. Gildon, Gent. Publisher of the Oracles of Reason. To which is prefix'd A letter, from the author of The method with the deists. London: printed for A. Roper in Fleetstreet; Fran. Coggan in the Temple; and Geo. Strahan in Cornhill, 1705. ESTC No. T96801. Grub Street ID 316250.
  • Higden, William. The case of the admission of occasional conformists to the holy communion, before they renounce their schism, consider'd; By way of Appeal to the Catholick Church of the Primitive Ages, and to the Church of England, as by Law establish'd since the Reformation. Offer'd, with all due Respect, to the Reverend Clergy. London: printed for Samuel Keble, at the Turk's-Head in Fleet-Street; and Francis Coggan, in the Inner-Temple-Lane, 1705. ESTC No. T109112. Grub Street ID 161927.
  • An historical, physiological and theological treatise of spirits, apparitions, witchcrafts, and other magical practices. Containing an account of the genii or Familiar Spirits, both Good and Bad, that are said to attend Men in this Life; and what sensible Perceptions some Persons have had of them: (particularly the Author's own Experience for many Years.) Also of Appearances of Spirits after Death; Divine Dreams, Divinations, Second Sighted Persons, &c. Likewise the Power of Witches, and the reality of other Magical Operations, clearly asserted. With a refutation of Dr. Bekker's World bewitch'd; and other authors that have opposed the Belief of them. By John Beaumont, gent. London: printed for D. Browne, at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar; J. Taylor, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard; R. Smith, at the Angel without Temple-Bar; F. Coggan, in the Inner-Temple Lane; and T. Browne without Temple-Bar, 1705. ESTC No. T111486. Grub Street ID 163758.
  • Carter, Samuel, of the Inner-Temple, Esq.. Lex vadiorum. The law of mortgages. Wherein is treated the nature of mortgages, and the several sorts of proviso's in the same deed, or by deed absolute; Defeazance, Demise and Redemise; or by Covenant, and otherwise: With special Clauses, Conditions and Covenants; Explained and illustrated by many adjudged Cases at Common Law, and by Presidents. Likewise of the payments of the mortgage-money, by whom and to whom; and several Cases and Rules of Tender. Also of assignments of mortgages; and the Manner of Assignees Transferring, Accounting, &c. With proper and Well-Pen'd Presidents, according to the Circumstances of Cases. And further, of the equity of redemption, and the Nature of it, and how it is governed by the Rules of Equity; and of Releases of Equity of Redemption, and how Transferrable or Extinguishable; With the Niceties of buying in Precedent Incumbrances. And several other Matters and Cases adjudged in the High Court of Chancery (with Presidents of Bills, Answers, Pleas) &c. T. London: printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins Esqs; for M. Wotton, at the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet; and F. Cogan, in the Inner Temple-Lane, MDCCVI. [1706]. ESTC No. N3662. Grub Street ID 24589.
  • The history of the reign of Queen Anne, digested into annals. Year the fourth. Containing The most Memorable Transactions, both at Home and Abroad: And in which are inserted several Valuable Pieces, never before printed. London: printed for Francis Coggan, in the Inner-Temple-Lane, 1706. ESTC No. T122947. Grub Street ID 173476.
  • The history of the reign of Queen Anne, digested into annals. Year the fourth. Containing The most Memorable Transactions both at Home and Abroad: And in which are Inserted several Valuable Pieces never before Printed. London: printed for Francis Coggan in the Inner Temple Lane, 1706. ESTC No. T122948. Grub Street ID 173477.
  • La liturgia Ynglesa, o el Libro de Oracion Commun y administracion de los sacramentos, Y Otros Ritos y Ceremonias de la Y Glesia, Segun el y Glesia, Segun el uso de la Yglesia de Ynglaterra: juntamente con el Psalterio ô psalmos de David, Apuntados c?omo ellos son para ser Cantados ô Rezados en Yglesias. Hispanizado por D. Felix Anthony de Alvarado, Ministro de la Palabra de Dios. Londres: impresso por G. Bowyer, acosta de Fran. Coggan en Inner-Temple-Lane, 1707. ESTC No. T140403. Grub Street ID 188168.
  • Glossographia Anglicana nova: or, a dictionary, interpreting such hard words of whatever language, as are at present used in the English tongue, with their etymologies, definitions, &c. Also, The Terms of Divinity, Law, Physick, Mathematicks, History, Agriculture, Logick, Metaphysicks, Grammar, Poetry, Musick, Heraldry, Architecture, Painting, War, and all other Arts and Sciences are herein explain'd, from the best Modern Authors, as, Sir Isaac Newton, Dr. Harris, Dr. Gregory, Mr. Lock, Mr. Evelyn, Mr. Dryden, Mr. Blunt, &c. Very useful to all those that desire to understand what they read. London: printed for Dan. Brown, Tim. Goodwin, John Walthoe, M. Newborough, John Nicholson, Benj. Took, D. Midwinter, and Fran. Coggan, 1707. ESTC No. T96984. Grub Street ID 316432.
  • Vallemont, abbé de. Curiosities of nature and art in husbandry and gardening. Containing several new experiments in the Improvement of Land, Trees, Fruits, &c. And also nice and useful Observations relating to the Vegetation and Propagation of Plants; with choice Secrets to make Plants, Flowers and Fruits larger, more beautiful, and to ripen earlier than usual. With several copper cuts. London: printed for D. Brown, at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar; A. Roper, at the Black Boy over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet; and Fran. Coggan, in the Inner-Temple Lane, 1707. ESTC No. T129254. Grub Street ID 178732.
  • Harris, John. Lexicon technicum: or, an universal English dictionary of arts and sciences: explaining not only the terms of art, but the arts themselves. Vol. I. By John Harris, D.D. and F.R.S. London: printed for Dan. Brown, Tim. Goodwin, John Walthoe, Tho. Newborough, John Nicholson, Dan. Midwinter, and Francis Coggan, MDCCVIII. [1708]. ESTC No. T142407. Grub Street ID 189789.
  • Higden, William. The case of the admission of occasional conformists to the Holy Communion, before they renounce their schism, consider'd; ... London: printed for Samuel Keble, Francis Coggan, and William Keble, 1708. ESTC No. T200086. Grub Street ID 231878.