Publications of John Gauden


  • Gauden, John. The love of truth and peace. A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament. Novemb. 29. 1640. By Iohn Gauden, Bachelor in Divinity. Published by their command. London: printed by T.C. for Andrew Crooke in Pauls Church-yard at the Greene Dragon, 1641. ESTC No. R5024. Grub Street ID 125506.
  • Gauden, John. The love of truth and peace. A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament. Novemb. 29. 1640. By Iohn Gauden, Bachelor in Divinity. Published by order of that House. London: printed by G. M[iller]. for Andrew Crooke in Pauls Church-yard at the Greene Dragon, 1641. ESTC No. R492. Grub Street ID 125411.
  • Gauden, John. Three sermons preached upon severall publike occasions. By John Gauden, D.D. London: printed by R. Bishop, for Andrew Crook, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Green Dragon in pauls Church-yard, 1642. ESTC No. R8318. Grub Street ID 128504.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London]: Reprinted in R.M. for James Young, 1648. ESTC No. R41948. Grub Street ID 123430.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the pourtracture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London: printed by William Bentley], Printed anno Domini 1648 [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R221619. Grub Street ID 95747.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London: printed by Henry Hills], M.DC.XLIX. [1649]. ESTC No. R221630. Grub Street ID 95759.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London: printed by Henry Hills], M.DC.XLIX. [1649]. ESTC No. R221636. Grub Street ID 95762.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. Hage: printed by Samuell Broun, M. DC. XLIX. [1649]. ESTC No. R215333. Grub Street ID 90393.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. Together with His Maiesties praiers delivered to Doctor Juxon immediately before his death. [London: printed by Henry Hills], M.DC.XLIX. [1649]. ESTC No. R13359. Grub Street ID 61465.
  • Gauden, John. The kingly myrrour, or King Charles his last legacy to the prince his son. Written a little before his death. Containing many excellent instructions and directions, how to carry himselfe in all estates and conditions. And may serve as a good monitor for all the princes i Christendome. London: printed for C.V., 1649. ESTC No. R209063. Grub Street ID 85279.
  • Gauden, John. Apophthegmata aurea, regia, Carolina. Apophthegms I. Theological. II. Moral. III. Political. Collected out of the incomparable Eikōn basilikē. of His most glorious Majestie King Charls the First. London: printed by William Du-gard for Francis Eglesfield at the Marigold in St Paul's Church-yard, 1649. ESTC No. R331. Grub Street ID 115745.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the pourtracture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings with prayers used in the time of his restraint. Also His Majesties reasons against the pretended jurisdiction of the high court of justice. Hereunto is anexed a letter from the Prince of Wales. [London]: Reprinted in regis memoriam [by William Bentley] for John Williams, 1649. ESTC No. R221665. Grub Street ID 95782.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London: printed by John Grismond for Richard Royston], M.DC.XLVIII. [1648, i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R10559. Grub Street ID 58920.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. With a perfect copie of prayers used by His Majesty in the time of his sufferings. Delivered to Doctor Juxon, Bishop of London, immediately before his death. [London]: Printed [by John Grismond], in the yeer 1649. ESTC No. R31988. Grub Street ID 114732.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London: printed by John Grismond for Richard Royston], M.DC.XL.VIII. [1648, i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R32832. Grub Street ID 115501.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. Vel imago Regis Caroli, in illis suis ærumnis & solitudine. Hagæ-Comitis [i.e. London]: typis S.B. [i.e. William Bentley] impensis J. Williams, & F. Eglesfield Londinensium, apud quos væneunt sub signo Coronæ, & sub signo Calthæ in Cœmeterio St Pauli, 1649. ESTC No. R215044. Grub Street ID 90162.
  • Gauden, John. [Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitude and sufferings.]. [[London]: Reprinted [by William Dugard] in R.M., Anno Dom. 1648 [i.e. 1649]]. ESTC No. R235438. Grub Street ID 106546.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London: printed by John Grismond for Richard Royston], M.DC.XLVIII. [1648, i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R18840. Grub Street ID 76344.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. Hage: printed by Samuell Broun, M. DC. XLVIIII. [1649]. ESTC No. R33416. Grub Street ID 116036.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtracture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. With a perfect copy of prayers used by His Majesty in the time of his sufferings. Delivered to Dr. Juxon Bishop of London, immediately before his death. Printed at London: [by Thomas Newcomb], 1649. ESTC No. R40394. Grub Street ID 122190.
  • Gauden, John. The religious & loyal protestation, of John Gauden Dr. in Divinity; against the present declared purposes and proceedings of the army and others; about the trying and destroying our Soveraign Lord the King. Sent to a collonell, to bee presented to the Lord Fairfax, and his generall councell of officers, the fift of January 1648. Imprimatur Ja: Cranford. London: printed for Richard Royston, dwelling in Ivie Lane, anno Domini 1648 [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R18555. Grub Street ID 74577.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. London: printed [by John Grismond] for R. Royston in Ivie-lane, M.DC.XLVIII. [1648, i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R17330. Grub Street ID 66917.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The povrtraictvre of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and svfferings. [London: Thomas Newcomb], M.DC.XLVIII. [1648, i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R224520. Grub Street ID 98152.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Maiesty in his solitudes and sufferings. Corck: Printed by Peter de Pienne .., 1649. ESTC No. R34866. Grub Street ID 117360.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtracture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London]: Reprinted in R.M., Anno Dom. 1648. [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R29847. Grub Street ID 112766.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majesty in his solitudes and sufferings with the papers which passed at Newcastle betwixt His Majesty and Mr. Al. Henderson, concerning church-government. Anno Dom. 1646. Also prayers used in the time of his restraint. Hereunto is annexed, A letter from the Prince of Wales. London: printed for R. Royston, at the Angel in Ivy-lane, 1649. ESTC No. R30430. Grub Street ID 113281.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London]: Reprinted [by William Dugard for Francis Eglesfield] in R.M., An. Dom. 1648 [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R213537. Grub Street ID 88967.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. At Paris: and are to be sold at a surgeons shope in the rüe Bethisy, ouer against the lord President Belieure, M.DC.XLIX. [1649]. ESTC No. R29887. Grub Street ID 112801.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London: printed by John Grismond for Richard Royston], M.DC.XLVIII. [1648, i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R221519. Grub Street ID 95659.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the pourtracture of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings with prayers used in the time of his restraint: also His Majesties reasons against the pret?ded [sic] jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice. Hereunto is annexed a letter fro the Prince of Wales. London: reprinted in regis memoriam, anno 1649. ESTC No. R37786. Grub Street ID 119980.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. Ou portrait roial, de sa Majesté de la Grande Bretagne: dans ses souferances & solitudes. Contenant, ses meditations sacrées, prieres, derniers propos, conferences de Neufchastel avec Henderson, touchant le gouvernement de l'eglise Anglicane; et quelques autres pieces non encor mises en lumiere. Imprimées a La Haye, [i.e. London: William Dugard], l'an. MDCXLIX. [1649]. ESTC No. R232284. Grub Street ID 104109.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings : whereunto are annexed his praiers and apophthegms &c. [London]: Printed in R.M., 1649. ESTC No. R40202. Grub Street ID 122029.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. Vel imago regis caroli, in illis suis ærumnis et solitudine. Hagæ-Comitis [i.e. London]: typis S.B. impensis J. Williams & F. Eglesfield Londinensium, apud quos væneunt sub signo Coronæ, & sub signo, Calthæ in Coemeterio S. Pauli, 1649. ESTC No. R209449. Grub Street ID 85680.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London: printed by John Grismond for Richard Royston], M.DC.XLVIII. [1648, i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R221528. Grub Street ID 95667.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London]: Printed [by Thomas Radcliffe and Edward Mottershead], anno Dom. 1648. [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R221537. Grub Street ID 95673.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London]: Printed [by Thomas Warren], anno Dom. 1648 [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R221543. Grub Street ID 95677.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings: together with his private prayers, used in the time of his restraint, delivered to D. Juxon, Bishop of London, immediately before his death. [London: printed by Roger Daniel], MDCXLIX. [1649]. ESTC No. R23863. Grub Street ID 107709.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie, in his solitudes and sufferings. [London]: Printed [by Thomas Radcliffe and Edward Mottershead], anno Dom. 1648. [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R221546. Grub Street ID 95680.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitude and sufferings. [London]: Reprinted [by William Dugard] in R.M., Anno Dom. 1648 [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R221552. Grub Street ID 95685.
  • Gauden, John. The religious & loyal protestation, of John Gauden Dr. in Divinity; against the present declared purposes and proceedings of the army and others; about the trying and destroying our Soveraign Lord the King. Sent to a collonell, to bee presented to the Lord Fairfax, and his generall councell of officers, the fift of January 1648. Imprimatur Ja: Cranford. London: printed for Richard Royston, dwelling in Ivie Lane, anno Domini 1648. [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R227147. Grub Street ID 100057.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. Whereunto are annexed his praiers and apophthegms. &c. [London]: Printed by W[illiam]. D[u-gard]. [for Francis Eglesfield] in R.M., anno Dom. 1649. ESTC No. R224767. Grub Street ID 98282.
  • Gauden, John. The religious & loyal protestation, of John Gauden Dr. in Divinity; against the present declared purposes and proceedings of the army and others; about the trying and destroying our Soveraign Lord the King. Sent to a collonell, to bee presented to the Lord Fairfax, and his councell of warre, this fift of January 1648. London: printed for Richard Royston, dwelling in Ivie Lane, anno Domini 1648. [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R235000. Grub Street ID 106220.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē. The pourtraicture of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London: printed by Thomas Warren], Printed anno Dom. 1648 [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R221597. Grub Street ID 95726.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the pourtraicture of His Sacred Maiesty in his solitudes and sufferings. [London: printed by Thomas Warren, 1648 [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R221600. Grub Street ID 95731.
  • Gauden, John. King Charles his farewell. Left as a legacy to his deare children; written a little before his death. Containing many excellent admonitions and directions how to demeane themselves in all estates and conditions. With his prayers in the time of his troubles. London: printed for SKG, 1649. ESTC No. R209521. Grub Street ID 85753.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn basilikē the povrtraictvre of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. [London: Thomas Newcomb], M.DC.XL VIII. [1648, i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R221611. Grub Street ID 95741.
  • Gauden, John. Hieraspistes: a defence by way of apology for the ministry and ministers of the Church of England: humbly presented to the consciences of all those that excell in virtue. By John Gauden, D.D. and minister of that Church at Bocking in Essex. [London]: Printed for Andrew Crooke, and are to be sold at the Green Dragon in St. Paul's-Church-yard, 1653. ESTC No. R7254. Grub Street ID 127532.
  • Gauden, John. The case of ministers maintenance by tithes, (as in England,) plainly discussed in conscience and prudence. Humbly propounded to the consideration of those gentlemen of the committee, who are in consultation about it. By John Gauden, D.D. London: printed by Thomas Maxey, for Andrew Crook, and are to be sold at the signe of the Green Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1653. ESTC No. R3663. Grub Street ID 118885.
  • Gauden, John. Hierotelestia gamik? Christ at the wedding: the pristine sanctity and solemnity of Christian marriages, as they were celebrated by the Church of England. Humbly presented to those gentlemen whom it concerns to consult and resolve what is best. By John Gauden, D.D. at Bocking in Essex. London: printed by E. Cotes, for Andrew Crook, and are to be sold at the Green Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1654. ESTC No. R202121. Grub Street ID 79379.
  • Gauden, John. A discourse of auxiliary beauty. Or artificiall hansomenesse. In point of conscience between two ladies. [London]: Printed for R: Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-Lane, 1656. ESTC No. R202122. Grub Street ID 79380.
  • Gauden, John. Funerals made cordials: in a sermon prepared and (in part) preached at the solemn interment of the corps of the Right Honorable Robert Rich, heire apparent to the Earldom of Warwick. (Who aged 23. died Febr. 16. at Whitehall, and was honorably buried March 5. 1657. at Felsted in Essex.) By John Gauden, D.D. of Bocking in Essex. London: printed by T.C. for Andrew Crook, and are to be sold at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1658. ESTC No. R202275. Grub Street ID 79519.
  • Gauden, John. 'Iera' da'krya. Ecclesiæ anglicanæ suspiria. The tears, sighs, complaints, and prayers of the Church of England: setting forth her former constitution, compared with her present condition; also the visible causes, and probable cures, of her distempers. In IV. books. By John Gauden, D.D. of Bocking in Essex. London: printed by J[ohn]. G[rismond]. for R. Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1659. ESTC No. R7566. Grub Street ID 127823.
  • Gauden, John. A sermon preached in the Temple-chappel, at the funeral of the Right Reverend Father in God, Dr. Brounrig late Lord Bishop of Exceter, who died Decem. 7. and was solemnly buried Decemb. 17. in that chappel. With an account of his life and deathDT Both dedicated to those honorable societies, by the author Dr. Gauden. London : printed by J. Best for Andrew Crook, at the Green-Dragon in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R202119. Grub Street ID 79377.
  • Gauden, John. Considerations touching the liturgy of the Church of England. In reference to His Majesties late gracious declaration, and in order to an happy union in Church and state. By John Gauden, D.D. Bishop elect of Exceter. London : printed by J.G. for John Playford at his shop in the Temple, 1661. [i.e. 1660]. ESTC No. R4986. Grub Street ID 125465.
  • Gauden, John. The bloody court, or, The fatall tribunall. [London?]: Printed for G. Horton; And published by a Rural Pen, for general satisfaction, [1660?]. ESTC No. R43858. Grub Street ID 124710.
  • Gauden, John. A sermon preached in St. Pauls Church London, before the right honourable the Lord Major, Lord General, aldermen, common council, and companies of the honourable city of London February 28 1659. Being a day of solemn thanksgiving unto God for restoring of the secluded members of Parliament to the House of Commons: the common council: and preserving the city, and a door of hope thereby opened: the fulness and freedom of future parliaments: the most probable means under God for healing the hurts, and recovering the health of these three Brittish kingdomes. By Joh Gauden, D.D. London : printed for Andrew Crook, at the Green Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R24048. Grub Street ID 107881.
  • Gauden, John. A petitionary remonstrance presented to O.P. Feb. 4. 1655. By J.G. D.D. A son, servant, and supplicant for the Church of England: in behalf of many thousands his distressed brethren (ministers of the Gospel, and other good schollars) who were deprived of all publique imployment, (as ministers, or schollars) by his declaration, Jan. 1. 1655. London : printed by Thomas Milbourn for Andrew Crook, at the Green-Dragon in Pauls-Church-yard, 1659 [i.e. 1660]. ESTC No. R207143. Grub Street ID 83565.
  • Gauden, John. Megaleia theou Gods great demonstrations and demands of iustice, mercy, and humility, set forth in a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at their solemn fast, before their first sitting, April 30. 1660. By John Gauden, D.D. London : printed by J. Best, for Andrew Crook, at the Green-Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R16267. Grub Street ID 64138.
  • Gauden, John. The religious and loyal protestation of John Gauden, Dr. in Divinity: against the declared purposes and proceedings of the army and others, about the trying and destroying our Sovereign Lord the King. Sent to a Colonel, to be presented to His Excellency the Lord Fairfax, and his General Council of Officers, the 5. of January, 1648. London : printed for Richard Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1660. ESTC No. R24963. Grub Street ID 108692.
  • Gauden, John. Analysis. The loosing of St. Peters bands; setting forth the true sense and solution of the Covenant in point of conscience so far as it relates to the government of the Church by episcopacy. By John Gauden, D.D. London : printed by J. Best, for Andrew Crook, at the Green-Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R202274. Grub Street ID 79518.
  • Gauden, John. Cromwell's bloody slaughter-house; or, His damnable designes laid and practised by him and his negro's, in contriving the murther of His sacred Majesty King Charles I. discovered. By a person of honor. London : printed for James Davis, and are to be sold at the Grey-hound in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R3582. Grub Street ID 118180.
  • Gauden, John. Antisacrilegus: or, A defensative against the plausible pest, or guilded poyson, of that nameless paper, (supposed to be the plot of Dr. C. Burges, and his partners;) which tempts the Kings Majestie by the offer of five hundred thousand pounds, to make good by an Act of Parliament to the purchasers of bishops, deans, and chapters lands, their illegal bargain, for ninety nine years. By John Gauden, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to the Kings most excellent Majesty. London : printed by J.B. for Andrew Crook, at the sign of the Green-Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R202281. Grub Street ID 79525.
  • Gauden, John. Kakourgoi, sive Medicastri: slight healers of publick hurts set forth in a sermon preached in St. Pauls Church, London, before the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, Lord General, aldermen, Common-Council, and companies of the honorable City of London. Febr. 28. 1659. Being a day of solemn thanksgiving unto God for restoring the secluded members of Parliament to the House of Commons: (and for preserving the city) as a door of hope thereby opened to the fulness and freedom of future Parliaments: the most probable means under God for healing the hurts, and recovering the health of these three Brittish kingdoms. By John Gauden, D.D. London : printed for Andrew Crook, at the Green-Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R204351. Grub Street ID 81324.
  • Gauden, John. Analysis. The loosing of St. Peters bands; setting forth the true sense and solution of the Covenant in point of conscience so far as it relates to the government of the Church by episcopacy. By John Gauden, D.D. London : printed by J. Best, for Andrew Crook, at the Green-Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R202296. Grub Street ID 79541.
  • Gauden, John. Kakourgoi, sive Medicastri: slight healings of publique hurts. Set forth in a sermon preached in St. Pauls Church, London, before the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, Lord General, aldermen, Common Council, and companies of the honorable City of London. February 28. 1659. Being a day of solemn thanksgiving unto God, for restoring the secluded Members of Parliament to the House of Commons: (and for preserving the city) as a door of hope thereby opened to the fulness and freedom of future Parliaments: the most probable means under God for healing the hurts, and recovering the health of these three Brittish kingdomes. By John Gauden, D.D. London : printed for Andrew Crook, at the Green Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R215531. Grub Street ID 90550.
  • Gauden, John. Analysis. The loosing of Saint Peter's bands; setting forth the true sense and solution of the covenant in point of conscience, so far as it relates to the government of the church by episcopacy. By John Gauden, D.D. London : printed by J. Macock, for Andrew Crook, at the Green Dragon in St Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R40269. Grub Street ID 122088.
  • Gauden, John. The bloody court; or, The fatall tribunall: being a brief history, and a true narrative, of the strange designs, wicked plots, and bloody conspiracies, carryed on by the most sordid'st, vile, and usurping tyrants, in these late years of oppressions, tyranny, martyrdome, and persecutions. Discovering, I. The poysonous asps, king-killing basilisks, weeping hypocrites, and devouring caterpillars, who in their damnable treasons have far supressed the Powder-Conspiracy, ... II. An exact description of these hard-hearted Belshazzars, infamous impostors, Luciferian brats, ... who with iron hands, and adamantine hearts, would also have pull'd our present Lord and Soveraign out of the arms and embraces of his loyal and liege subjects. III. The bloody tragedy of all tragedies, against King, lords, and commons ... with th[e] manner how it was prevented; and the exposing of these ... to the needles, hammers, lasts, slings, carts[,] and flails; and all true subjects to enjoy their rights. [London?]: Printed for G. Horton; and published by a rural pen, for general satisfaction, [1660]. ESTC No. R225669. Grub Street ID 98809.
  • Gauden, John. Hiera dakrya, Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ suspiria. The tears, sighs, complaints, and prayers of the Church of England: setting forth her former constitution, compared with her present condition; also the visible causes, and probable cures of her distempers. In IV. books. By the Right Reverend Father in God, John Lord Bishop of Exon. London : printed by J.G. for R. Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-lane, MDCLX. [1660]. ESTC No. R218829. Grub Street ID 93438.
  • Gauden, John. Anti Baal-Berith: or The binding of the Covenant and all Covenanters to their good behaviours. By a just vindication of Dr. Gaudens Analysis (that is, his resolving of the Covenant to law and justice, to duty and conscience, to reason and religion: or his dissolving it) against the cacotomy of a nameless and shameless libeller the worthy hyperaspites of Dr. Burges. Also against the pittyful cavils and objections of Mr. Zach. Grafton [sic], a rigid presbyter. With an answer to that monstrous paradox, of no sacriledge no sin, to alienate Church lands, without and against all laws of God and man. Written by the author of the Analysis. London : printed by John Best, for Andrew Crook at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1661. ESTC No. R202101. Grub Street ID 79367.
  • Gauden, John. A pillar of gratitude humbly dedicated to the glory of God, the honour of His Majesty, the renown of this present legal, loyal, full, and free Parliament upon their restoring the church of England to the primitive government of episcopacy; and re-investing bishops into their pristine honour and authority. Anno 1661. London : printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for Andrew Crook at the Green-Dragon in St Pauls Church-yard, 1661. ESTC No. R809. Grub Street ID 128293.
  • Gauden, John. Joannis Episcopi Exoniensis Consilia et voce & scripto tradita XLIIII. fratribus filiisque, sacris ordinibus per ipsum Episcopum & primores Presbyteros in Ecclesia Cathedrali Exoniensi more patrio, prisco & Catholico initiatis, Januarii 13. 1660. Londini : typis J. Flesher, & prostant apud R. Royston sacræ Regiæ Majestatis bibliopolam, MDCLXI. [1661]. ESTC No. R181354. Grub Street ID 71981.
  • Gauden, John. Joannis Episcopi Exoniensis consilia et voce & scripto tradita XLIIII. fratribus filiisque, sacris ordinibus per ipsum episcopum & primores presbyteros in ecclesia cathedrali Exoniensi more patrio, prisco & Catholico intiatis, Januarii 13. 1660. Londini : typis J. Flesher, & prostant apud Adr. Crook sub signo Viridis Draconis in C.meterio D. Pauli, MDCLXI. [1661]. ESTC No. R207830. Grub Street ID 84154.
  • Gauden, John. Causa Dei: = Gods pleading his own cause, set forth in two sermons preached at the Temple in November, 1659. By Dr. Gauden, Bishop of Excester. London : printed by John Best for Andrew Crook at the Green Dragon in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1661. ESTC No. R216426. Grub Street ID 91325.
  • Gauden, John. Stratost=e aiteutikon A iust invective against those of the army and their abettors, who murthered King Charles I, on the 30 of Jan., 1648 : with other poetick pieces in Latin, referring to these tragick times, never before published / written Feb. 10, 16[4]8, by Dr. Gauden, then Dean of Bocking in Essex, now Lord Bishop of Exeter. London : Printed by T.L. for James Davies, and are to be sold by Phil. Stephens .., 1661. ESTC No. R38755. Grub Street ID 120810.
  • Gauden, John. Considerations touching the liturgy of the Church of England. In reference to His Majesties late gracious declaration, and in order to an happy union in Church and state. By John Gauden, D.D. Bishop elect of Exceter. The second edition.. London : printed by J.G. for John Playford at his shop in the Temple, 1661. ESTC No. R218825. Grub Street ID 93434.
  • Gauden, John. A discourse of artificial beauty, in point of conscience, between two ladies. With some satyrical censures on the vulgar errors of these times. London : printed for R. Royston at the Angel in Ivy-lane, 1662. ESTC No. R8975. Grub Street ID 129099.
  • Gauden, John. The strange and wonderfull visions and predictions of William Juniper of Gosfield in Essex, relating to the troubles of England, as they were by him delivered to Dr. John Gauden then at Bocking. And now Lord Bishop of Exon·. London : printed for J. Davies, and are to be sold by Simon Miller at the Star in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1662. ESTC No. R10908. Grub Street ID 59244.
  • Gauden, John. A discourse concerning publick oaths, and the lawfulness of swearing in judicial proceedings. Written by Dr. Gauden, Bishop of Exeter. In order to answer the scruples of the Quakers. London : printed for R. Royston, book-seller to the Kings most excellent Majesty, at the Angel in Ivy-lane, 1662. ESTC No. R542. Grub Street ID 125868.
  • Gauden, John. Stratost=e aiteutikon. A just invective against those of the army and their abettors, who murthered King Charles I. on the 30 of Jan. 1648. With some other poetick pieces in Latin, referring to these tragick times, never before published. Written Feb. 10, 1648. By Dr. Gauden, then Dean of Bocking in Essex, now Lord Bishop of Exeter. London : printed for Henry Eversden, at the Gray-hound in St. Pauls Church yard, 1662. ESTC No. R223667. Grub Street ID 97454.
  • Gauden, John. Cháris kai eir=en=e: or Some considerations upon the Act of uniformity; with an expedient for the satisfaction of the clergy within the province of Canterbury. By a servant of the God of peace. London : printed for Edward Thomas, and Henry Marsh, 1662. ESTC No. R26763. Grub Street ID 110026.
  • Gauden, John. Eik=on basilik=e. The pourtraicture of his Sacred Majesty in his solitudes and sufferings. London : printed by R. Norton for Richard Royston, bookseller to His most Sacred Majesty, MDCLXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R204383. Grub Street ID 81343.
  • Gauden, John. Aurea dicta. The gratious words of King Charles I. of glorious memory: for the Protestant religion of the Church of England. Collected out of Eik?on basilik?e. Oxford: printed by L. Lichfield for John Barksdale, bookseller in Cirencester, anno Domini 1682. ESTC No. R225066. Grub Street ID 98416.
  • Gauden, John. The whole duty of a communicant: being rules and directions for a worthy receiving the most holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper. By the right reverend Father in God, John Gauden, late Lord Bishop of Exeter. He being dead yet speaketh. The second edition with additions out of the reverend prelates original copies.. London : printed by E.R. for L.C. and Hen. Rodes next door to the Bare Tavern, near Bride-lane in Fleet-street, 1685. ESTC No. R217413. Grub Street ID 92199.
  • Gauden, John. Eik=on basilik=e. The pourtraicture of His Sacred Majesty in his solitudes and sufferings. London : printed by R. Norton for R. Royston, bookseller to His most Sacred Majesty, MDCLXXXV. [1685]. ESTC No. R18413. Grub Street ID 73828.
  • Gauden, John. The whole duty of a communicant: being rules and directions for a worthy receiving the most holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper. By the Right Reverend Father in God, John Gauden, late Lord Bishop of Exeter. The third edition with additions out of the reverend prelate's original copies.. London : printed by D.M. for L.C. and are to be sold by Christopher Skegnes, at the Golden-Ball, in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1687. ESTC No. R234793. Grub Street ID 106059.
  • Gauden, John. The whole duty of a communicant: being rules and directions for a worthy receiving the most holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper. By the right reverend Father in God, John Gauden, late Lord Bishop, of Exeter. He being dead yet speaketh. The third edition with additions out of the reverend prelate's original copies.. London : printed by D.M. for Hen. Rodes, next door to the Swan Tavern near Bride Lane in Fleet street, 1687. ESTC No. R230532. Grub Street ID 102841.
  • Gauden, John. The whole duty of a communicant: being rules and directions for a worthy receiving the most Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. By the Right Reverend Father in God, John Gauden, late Lord Bishop of Exeter. He being dead, yet speaketh. The fourth edition.. London : printed by D[avid]. M[allet]. for Hen. Rodes, next door to the Swan-Tavern, near Bride-Lane in Fleet-street, 1688. ESTC No. R177543. Grub Street ID 69612.
  • Gauden, John. A discourse of artificial beauty, in point of conscience, between two ladies. London : printed by J.L. for Luke Meredith at the Star in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M DC XCII. [1692]. ESTC No. R26155. Grub Street ID 109505.
  • Gauden, John. The whole duty of a communicant: being rules and directions for a worthy receiving the most Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. With meditations and prayers for every morning and evening throughout the week. Also, some useful directions and considerations, in order to a holy life, after we have received the Blessed Communion. By the Right Reverend Father in God, John Gauden, late Lord Bishop of Exeter. The seventh edition. London: printed for N[icholas]. Boddington, at the Golden Ball in Duck-lane; and H. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-lane, Fleet-street, 1698. ESTC No. R177544. Grub Street ID 69613.
  • Gauden, John. Several letters between two ladies: wherein the lawfulness and unlawfulness of artificial beauty in point of conscience, are nicely debated. Published For the Satisfaction of the Fair Sex. London : printed, and sold by Tho. Ballard, at the Rising Sun in Little Britain, 1701. ESTC No. T112490. Grub Street ID 164482.
  • Gauden, John. Eikōn Basilikē. The pourtraicture of His Sacred Majesty King Charles I. In his Solitudes and Sufferings: Together with A Character of the Royal Martyr. Dedicated to His Grace the Duke of Ormonde. Rom. 8. More than Conqueror, &c. Dublin: re-printed for Edward Lloyd, and are to be Sold at the Oxmantown and Printing Coffee house in Church-Street, 1706. ESTC No. T70193. Grub Street ID 293970.
  • Gauden, John. The whole duty of a communicant: being rules and directions for a worthy receiving the most holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper. With meditations and prayers ... By ... John Gauden, . The tenth edition.. London : printed for N. Boddington; and, H. Rhodes, 1707. ESTC No. N25722. Grub Street ID 15075.
  • Gauden, John. The whole duty of a communicant: being rules and directions for a worthy receiving the most holy sacrament of the Lords supper. With meditations and prayers for every Morning and Evening throughout the Week. Also, Some Useful Directions and Considerations, in Order to a Holy Life, after we have Received the Blessed Communion. By the Right Reverend Father in God, John Gauden, late Lord Bishop of Exeter. The tenth edition.. London : printed for N. Boddington, at the Golden-Ball in Duck-Lane; and H. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-Lane, Fleet-Street, 1710. ESTC No. T215602. Grub Street ID 241597.
  • Gauden, John. The whole duty of a communicant: being rules and directions for a worthy receiving the most holy sacrament of the Lords supper. With meditations and prayers for every Morning and Evening throughout the Week. Also, Some Useful Directions and Considerations, in order to a holy life, after we have Received the Blessed Communion. By the Right Reverend Father in God John Gauden, late Lord Bishop of exeter. The twelfth edition.. London : printed for N. Boddington, at the Golden Ball in Duck-Lane; and H. Rhodes, at the Star, the Corner of Bride-Lane, Fleetstreet, 1716. ESTC No. T231906. Grub Street ID 257265.
  • Gauden, John. Eik=on Basilik=e. Tou pateros kai tou huiou. Or, The pourtracture of King James the First, and King Charles the First; part of it drawn by their own hands. Together with the articles of marriage betwixt Prince Charles and the Infanta of Spain, as also the articles of marriage betwixt him and Maria of France, for the bringing in of popery. London : printed for S. Popping at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1717. ESTC No. T146405. Grub Street ID 193054.
  • Gauden, John. The pious politician: or, remains of the royal martyr; being apophthegms and select maxims, divine, moral, and political. Left to posterity by that incomparable prince our late sovereign King Charles I. Faithfully collected. London : printed for Tabor Hoskins, and sold by J. Roberts, at the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1722. ESTC No. N12382. Grub Street ID 2385.
  • Gauden, John. The duty of a communicant: Being useful directions for the receiving the blessed sacrament of the Lord's Supper. With prayers and meditations for every day and evening in the week: with directions to a Holy Life after the sacrament. Also, an explination of all the feasts and fasts observed in the Church in England. By the late Lord Bishop of Exeter. London : Printed, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1722. ESTC No. T207909. Grub Street ID 236932.
  • Gauden, John. The whole duty of a communicant: being rules and directions for a worthy receiving the most Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. With meditations and prayers for every Morning and Evening throughout the Week. Also, some Useful Directions and Considerations, in Order to a Holy Life, after we have Receiv'd the Blessed Communion. By the Rt. Rev. Father in God John Gauden, late Lord Bishop of Exeter. The fourteenth edition.. London : printed for John Clarke at the Golden-Ball in Duck-Lane, 1723. ESTC No. T103383. Grub Street ID 157012.
  • Gauden, John. Eik=on Basilik=e. The pourtraiture of His Sacred Majesty King Charles I. In his Solitudes and Sufferings. Rom. Viii. More than Conqueror, &c. To which is added, The royal martyr; or, the life and death of the said king. Written by Richard Perencheif, D. D. one of His Majesty's Chaplains,. London : printed for D. Browne, J. Walthoe, J. and J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Wyat, R. Wilkin, D. Midwinter, J. Bonwick, A. Bettesworth, R. Robinson, C. Bowyer, J. Downing, W. Mears, R. Gosling, W. and J. Innys, T. Ward, A. Ward, S. Birt, and B. Motte, 1727. ESTC No. T70192. Grub Street ID 293969.