William Abbington (fl. 16791705)



  • Bookseller


  • William Abbington
  • William Abington
  • William Abingdon
A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725, by Henry Plomer (1922)

ABINGTON, or ABBINGTON (WILLIAM), bookseller in London, (i) Black  Spread-Eagle at the West-end of Pauls; (2) Three Silkworms, near the Wonder  Tavern, Ludgate Street. 1679–1705. Succeeded Elizabeth Calvert at the  first address. First entry in T.C., Trinity, 1679 [l. 359]. Dunton calls him  "beauish Abington". He published in 1683 nos. 1 and 2 of Scotch Memoirs,  by way of dialogue between John and Elymas. [Timperley, p. 565.]

Notes & Queries "London Booksellers Series" (1931–2)

ABINGDON, WILLIAM. He first commenced as a bookseller at the Black Spread Eagle at the west end of St. Paul's in 1679. By 1700, however, he had shifted to the Three Silkworms, near the Wonder Tavern in Ludgate Street. I have found no record of him after 1705.

—Frederick T. Wood, 18 July 1931


ABINGDON, WILLIAM. Arber's 'Term Catalogues' gives him as Abington.

—Ambrose Heal, 8 August 1931