Tusser, Thomas.
A hundreth good pointes of husbandry, lately maried vnto a hundreth good poynts of huswifery: newly corrected and amplified with dyuers proper lessons for housholders, as by the table at the latter ende, more plainly may appeare: set foorth by Thomas Tusser Gentle man, seruant to the right honorable Lorde Paget of Beudefert.
[London: Printed by Henry Denham?] In ædibus Richardi Tottylli cum priuilegio, Anno. 1570.
ESTC No. S111444.Grub Street ID 131292.
Tusser, Thomas.
A hundrethe good points of husbandrie, lately maried vnto a hundrethe good points of huswifery newly corrected and amplified with dyuers proper lessons for housholders, as by the table at the later end, more playnly may appeare. Set foorth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman, seruaunt to the right honorable Lorde Paget of Beudesert.
[London: printed by Henry Denham?] In ædibus Richardi Tottelli, 1571.
ESTC No. S95607.Grub Street ID 153563.
Tusser, Thomas.
Fiue hundreth points of good husbandry vnited to as many of good huswiferie, first deuised, [and] nowe lately augmented with diuerse approued lessons concerning hopps [and] gardening, and other needeful matters together, with an abstract before euery moneth, conteining the whole effect of the sayd moneth with a table [and] a preface in the beginning both necessary to be reade, for the better vnderstanding of the booke. Set forth by Thomas Tusser gentleman, seruant to the honorable Lord Paget of Beudesert.
Imprinted at London: In Flete strete within Temple barre, at the signe of the Hand [and] starre by Rychard Totell, anno. 1573.
ESTC No. S113940.Grub Street ID 133665.
Tusser, Thomas.
Fiue hundreth points of good husbandry vnited to as many of good huswiferie, first deuised, [and] nowe lately augmented with diuerse approued lessons concerning hopps [and] gardening, and other needeful matters, together with an abstract before euery moneth, conteining the whole effect of the sayd moneth with a table [and] a preface in the beginning both necessary to be reade, for the better vnderstanding of the booke. Set forth by Thomas Tusser gentelman, seruant to the honorable Lord Paget of Beudesert.
Imprinted at London: In Flete strete within Temple barre, at the signe of the Hand [and] starre, by Rychard Tottell, anno. 1573.
ESTC No. S118708.Grub Street ID 138358.
Tusser, Thomas.
Fiue hundreth points of good husbandry vnited to as many of good huswiferie first deuised, & nowe lately augmented with diuerse approued lessons concerning hopps & gardening, and other needefull matters : together with an abstract before euery moneth, conteining the whole effect of the saide moneth : with a table & a preface in the beginning both necessary to be reade, for the better understandinge of the booke / set forth by Thomas Tusser ...
[London]: Imprinted at London in Flete strete within Temple barre at the signe of the Hand & Starre, by Richard Tottill, 1573.
ESTC No. S1388.Grub Street ID 145825.
Tusser, Thomas.
Fiue hundreth points of good husbandry vnited to as many of good huswiferie, first deuised [and] nowe lately augmented with diuerse approued lessons concerning hopps [and] gardening, and other needeful matters, together with an abstract before euery moneth, conteining the whole effect of the sayd moneth with a table [and] a preface in the beginning both necessary to be reade, for the better vnderstanding of the booke. Set forth by Thomas Tusser gentleman, seruant to the honorable Lord Paget of Beudesert.
Imprinted at London: In Flete streete within Temple barre, at the signe of the Hand & starre by Rychard Tottell, anno. 1574.
ESTC No. S113941.Grub Street ID 133666.
Tusser, Thomas.
Fiue hundreth points of good husbandry, vnited to as many of good huswiferie, first deuised [and] now lately augmented with diuerse approued lessons concerning hopps [and] gardening, and other needeful matters, together with an abstract before euery moneth, con[t]eining th whole effect of the sayd moneth with a table [and] a preface in the beginning both necessary to be reade, for the vnderstanding of the booke. Set forth by Thomas Tusser gentelman, seruant to the honorable Lord Paget of Beudesert.
Imprinted at London: in Flete strete within Temple barre, at the signe of the Hand [and] starre, by Rychard Tottell, anno. 1576.
ESTC No. S124008.Grub Street ID 143453.
Tusser, Thomas.
Fiue hundreth points of good husbandry vnited to as many of good huswiferie, firs deuised, [and] nowe lately augmented with diuerse approued lessons concerning hopps [and] gardening, and other needeful matters, together with an abstract before euery moneth, conteining the whole effect of the sayd moneth with a table [and] a preface in the beginning both necessary to be reade, for the vnderstanding of the booke. Set forth by Thomas Tusser gentelman, seruant to the honorable Lord Paget of Beudesert.
Imprinted at London: in Fletestrete within Temple barre, at the signe of the Hand [and] starre, by Richard Tottell, anno. 1577.
ESTC No. S113196.Grub Street ID 132936.
Tusser, Thomas.
Fiue hundred pointes of good husbandrie, as well for the champion, or open countrie, as also for the woodland, or seuerall, mixed in euerie month with huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of huswiferie, corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented to a fourth part more with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the fermer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, herbes, bees, and approoued remedies for sheepe and cattle, with many other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the reader. Also a table of husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of huswiferie at the end: for the better and easier finding of any matter conteined in the same. Newly set foorth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman, seruant to the honorable Lord Paget of Beaudesert.
Imprinted at London: By Henrie Denham [beeing the assigne of William Seres] dwelling in Pater noster Row, at the signe of the Starre, 1580.
ESTC No. S118718.Grub Street ID 138367.
Tusser, Thomas.
1585. Fiue hundreth pointes of good husbandrie, as well for the champion or open countrie, as also for the woodland or seuerall, mixed in euerie month with huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of huswiferie: corrected, better ordered, and newlie augmented to a fourth par more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, herbs, bees, and approoued remedies for sheepe and cattell, with manie other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the reader. Also a table of husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of huswiferie at the end, for the better and easier finding of anie matter conteined in the same. Newlie set foorth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman.
At London: Printed in the now dwelling house of Henrie Denham in Aldersagate street at the signe of the Starre, [1585].
ESTC No. S118929.Grub Street ID 138574.
Tusser, Thomas.
1590 Fiue hundreth pointes of good husbandrie, as well for the champion or open countrie, as also for the woodland, or seuerall, mixed in euerie month with huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of huswiferie. Corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, hearbs, bees, and approoued remedies for sheepe and cattell, with manie other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the reader. Also a table of husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of huswiferie at the end, for the better and easier finding of anie matter conteined in the same. Newly set foorth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman.
At London: printed [by R. Yardley and P. Short] for the assignes of William Seres, [1590].
ESTC No. S124465.Grub Street ID 143824.
Tusser, Thomas.
1593 Fiue hundreth pointes of good husbandrie, as well for the champion or open countrie, as also for the woodland or seuerall, mixed in euerie month with huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of huswiferie. Corrected, better ordered, and newlie augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, hearbs, beés, and approoued remedies for sheépe and cattell, with manie other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the reader. Also a table of husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of huswiferie at the end, for the better and easier finding of anie matter conteined in the same. Newlie set foorth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman.
Imprinted at London: By Richard Yardley, and Peter Short, dwelling on Bredstreet hil at the signe of the Starre, [1593].
ESTC No. S118721.Grub Street ID 138370.
Tusser, Thomas.
Fiue hundreth pointes of good husbandrie, as vvell for the champion or open cuntrie, as also for the woodland or seuerall, mixed in euery moneth with huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of huswiferie, corrected, better ordered, and newlie augmented to a fourth part more with diuers pther lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of the windes, planets, hops, hearbs, bees, and approued remedies for sheepe and cattle, with many other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the reader. Newly set forth by Thomas Tusser gentleman.
Edinburgh: Printed by Robert Walde-graue printer to the Kings Majestie, 1599.
ESTC No. S113197.Grub Street ID 132937.
Tusser, Thomas.
1599. Fiue hundreth pointes of good husbandrie as well for the champion or open countrie, as also for the woodland or seuerall, mixed in euery month with huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of huswifery. Corrected, better ordered, and newlie augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, herbs, bees, and approoued remedies for sheepe and cattell, with manie other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the reader. Also a table of husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of huswiferie at the end, for the better and easier finding of any matter conteined in the same. Newlie set foorth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman.
At London: printed by Peter Short, dwelling on Bredstreete hill at the signe of the Starre, [1599].
ESTC No. S123310.Grub Street ID 142822.
Tusser, Thomas.
1604. Fiue hundreth points of good husbandrie: as well for the champion or open countrie, as also for the woodland or seuerall, mixed in euery month with huswiferie, ouer and besids the booke of huswiferie. Corrected, better ordered, [and] newly augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, plants, hops, herbs, bees, and approued remedies for sheepe and cattell, with manie other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the reader. Also two tables, one of husbandrie and the other of huswiferie at the end of the booke: for the better and easier finding of any matter contained in the same. Newlie set foorth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman.
At London: Printed [by Robert Waldegrave?] for the Companie of Stationers, [1604].
ESTC No. S118728.Grub Street ID 138377.
Tusser, Thomas.
1610. Fiue hundred points of good husbandry. As well for the champion or open country, as also for the woodland or seuerall, mixed in euery moneth with huswifery, ouer and besides the booke of huswifery. Corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented, to a fourth part more with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, plants, hops, herbes, bees and approued remedies for sheep and cattell, with many other matters, both profitable and not vnpleasant for the reader. Also two tables, one of husbandry, and the other of huswifery, at the end of the booke, for the better and easier finding out of any matter contained in the same. Newly set foorth by Thomas Tusser, Gentleman.
At London: printed [by Nicholas Okes] for the Company of Stationers, [1610].
ESTC No. S118733.Grub Street ID 138382.
Tusser, Thomas.
Fiue hundred points of good husbandry. As well for the champion or open countrey, as also for the woodland or seuerall, mixed in euery moneth with huswifery, ouer and besides the booke of huswifery. Corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a dyet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, plants, hops, hearbs, bees, and approued remedies for sheepe and cattle; with many other matters both profitable, and not vnpleasant for the reader. Also two tables, one of husbandry, and the other of huswifery, at the end of the booke, for the better and easier finding out of any matter contained in the same. Newly set forth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman.
At London: Printed [by Thomas Purfoot] for the Company of Stationers, An. Dom. 1620.
ESTC No. S118741.Grub Street ID 138390.
Tusser, Thomas.
Five hundred points of good husbandry. As well for the champion or open countrey, as also for the vvoodland or seuerall, mixed in euery moneth with huswifery, ouer and besides the booke of huswifery. Corrected better ordered and newly augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a dyet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, plants, hops, hearbs, bees & approued remedies for sheepe and cattle; with many other matters both profitable, & not vnpleasant for the reader. Also two tables, one of husbandry, and the other of huswifery, at the end of the booke, for the better and easier finding out of any matter contayned in the same. Newly set forth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman.
At London: printed [by T. Purfoot] for the Company of Stationers, An[no] Dom[ini] 1630.
ESTC No. S112533.Grub Street ID 132290.
Tusser, Thomas.
Five hundred points of good husbandry. As well for the champion or open countrey, as also for the woodland or severall, mixed in every moneth with huswifery, over and besides the booke of huswifery. Corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented to a fourth part more, with divers other lessons, as a dyet for the farmer, of the properties of windes, plants, hops, hearbes, bees, and approved remedies for sheepe and cattell; with many other matters both profitable, and not unpleasant to the reader. Also two tables, one of husbandry, and the other of huswifery, at the end of the booke, for the better and easier finding out of any matter contained in the same. Newly set forth by Thomas Tusser, Gentleman.
London: Printed by I[ohn] O[kes] for the Company of Stationers, 1638.
ESTC No. S118742.Grub Street ID 138391.
Tusser, Thomas.
[Fiue hundreth points of good husbandry vnited to as many of good huswiferie, firs deuised, and nowe lately augmented with diuerse approued lessons concerning hopps and gardening, and other needeful matters, together with an abstract before euery moneth, conteining the whole effect of the sayd moneth with a table and a preface in the beginning both necessary to be reade, for the vnderstanding of the booke. Set forth by Thomas Tusser gentelman, seruant to the honorable Lord Paget of Beudesert].
London? : Richard Tottell?, 1579?.
ESTC No. S469689.Grub Street ID 148641.
Tusser, Thomas.
Five hundred points of good husbandry. As well for the champion or open countrey, as also for the woodland or several, mixed, in every moneth, with huswifery, over and besides the book of huswifery. Corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented to a fourth part more, with divers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, plants, hops, hearbs, bees, and approved remedies for sheep and cattel; with many other matters both profitable, and not unpleasant to the reader. Also two tables, one of husbandry, and the other of huswifery, at the end o the book, for the better and easier finding out of any matter contained in the same. Newly set forth by Thomas Tusser, gent.
London : printed by J.M. for the Company of Stationers, 1663.
ESTC No. R4378.Grub Street ID 124655.
Tusser, Thomas.
Five hundred points of good husbandry. As well for the champion or open countrey, as also for the woodland or several, mixed in every moneth, with houswifery, over and besides the book of houswifery. Corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented to a fourth part more, wit divers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, plants, hops, hearbs, bees, and approved remedies for sheep and cattel; with many other matters both profitable, and not unpleasant to the reader. Also two tables, one of husbandry, and the other of houswifery, at the end of the book, for the better and easier finding out of any matter contained in the same. Newly set forth by Thomas Tusser, gent.
London : printed by T[homas]. R[atcliffe]. and M[ary]. D[aniel]. for the Company of Stationers, 1672.
ESTC No. R7075.Grub Street ID 127361.
Tusser, Thomas.
Five hundred points of husbandry: directing what corn, grass, &c. is proper to be sown; what trees to be planted; how land is to be improved: with whatever is fit to be done for the benefit of the farmer in every month of the year. By Thomas Tusser, Esq; To which are added notes and observations explaining many obsolete terms used therein, and what is agreeable to the present Practice in several Counties of this Kingdom. A Work very necessary and useful for Gentlemen, as well as Occupiers of Land, whether Wood-Ground or Tillage and Pasture.
London : printed for M. Cooper in Pater-Noster-Row ; and sold by John Duncan in Berkley-Square, near Grovesnor-Street, MDCCXLIV. [1744].
ESTC No. N7424.Grub Street ID 52359.