Gerhard, Johann.
A Christian mans weekes worke. Or The dayly watch of the soule. Contayning fifty two deuout meditations ... Divided into seauen dayes exercise. Wherein is set downe 1. The misery of man. 2. His mortification. 3. Meanes of reconciliation. 4. The nature & helps of faith. 5 True safety and repentance. 6. True sanctification. 7. The fruition of eternal glory. Written and reuised by Io. Gerhard D. of Diuinitie, superintendent of Heldburge. Englished and familiarly disposed by Rich. Bruch, minister of Gods Word.
Printed at London: By T. S[nodham] for Roger Iackson, and are to be sold neere the Conduit in Fleetstreet, 1611.
ESTC No. S115938.Grub Street ID 135630.
Gerhard, Johann.
The conquest of temptations: or Mans victory ouer Satan, especially, the great assaults, at the agony of death. Full of very strong and effectuall consolations, to sustaine and comfort the weakest heart, in the greatest conflicts which can befall a Christian in the whole course of life, and approach of death. Gathered by the holy and deuout labour of Iohn Gerard, Doctor of Diuinitie, and superintendent of Heldburge. Newly englished by Rich. Bruch, Minister of Gods word.
London: printed by T. S[nodham]. for Roger Iackson, and to be solde in Fleetstreet neere the great Conduit, 1614.
ESTC No. S5215.Grub Street ID 149032.
Gerhard, Johann.
The soules vvatch: or A day-booke for the devout soule. Consisting of one and fiftie heauenly meditations, with other godly prayers, fitted to all the dayes in the weeke, for morning, noone, and night: and seruing for diuers occasions. The whole booke diuided into seauen dayes exercises, doth meditate on 1 The euils present, and to come. 2 The meanes to auoyd these euils. 3 Comforts in the workes of Gods grace. 4 The nature, effects, and helps of faith. 5 Diuers Christian exercises & consolations 6 An holy and sanctified conuersation. 7 The beginnings of eternall glory inHeauen. Written and reuised by Ioh. Gerhard, D. of Diuinitie, and superintendent of Heldburge. There is newly published another comfortable booke of the same author, called, The conquest of temptations. Both Englished by R.B.
Printed at London: by Thomas Snodham, for Roger Iackson, and are to be solde neere the Conduit in Fleetstreet, 1615.
ESTC No. S92668.Grub Street ID 151364.
Gerhard, Johann.
The soules vvatch: or, a day-booke for the deuout soule. Consisting of 52. heauenly meditations, and diuers godly prayers, fitted to all the dayes of the weeke. Being holy exercises for a sanctified conuersation and spirituall riches for the inward man. By Iohn Gerhard D of Diuinitie, and superintendent of Heldburge. Englished by R.B. With the Lords Prayer expounded by him.
Lo[n]don: printed [by G. Purslowe] for R. Iackson, 1621.
ESTC No. S113831.Grub Street ID 133557.
Gerhard, Johann.
The conquest of temptations: or Mans victory ouer Satan, especially the great assaults at the agonie of death. Full of very strong and effectuall consolations, to sustaine and comfort the weakest heart, in the greatest conflicts which can befall a Christian in the whole course of life, and approach of death. Gathered by the holy and deuout labour of Iohn Gerhard, Doctor of Diuinitie, and superintendent of Heldburge. Englished by R. Bruch minister of Gods word.
London: Printed by I. H[aviland] for Roger Iackson, and are to be sold in Fleetstreet neere the great Conduit, 1623.
ESTC No. S118438.Grub Street ID 138092.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards prayers: or, A daily exercise of piety. Diuided into foure parts. Wherein are contained certaine formes of heauenly prayers. 1 Of confession of sinnes. 2 Of thanksgiving for benefits. 3 Of petitions for our selues. 4 Of supplications for others. Written originally in the Latine tounge, by Iohn Gerard Dr of Diuinitie, and superintendant of Heldburg. And translated into English by R. Winterton Mr of Arts, for the benefit of the English reader.
London: printed for R. Iackson, and are to be sold at his shop ouer against the Conduit in Fleetstreet, 1625.
ESTC No. S124955.Grub Street ID 144250.
Gerhard, Johann.
The meditations of Iohn Gerhard Doctr of Divinitie, and superintendent of Heldburge. Written originally in the Latine tongue. Newly translated into English by Ralphe Winterton fellow of the King's Colledge in Cambridge.
[Cambridge]: Printed by Thomas Bucke and Iohn Bucke, printers to the Vniversitie of Cambridge, 1627.
ESTC No. S118757.Grub Street ID 138406.
Gerhard, Johann.
The meditations of John Gerhard Doctor of divinitie and Superintendent of Heldeurge. Written originally in the Latine tongue newly translated into English by Ralphe Winterton, fellow of the Kings Colledge in Cambridge.
Edinburgh: Printed by John Hart, Anno Dom. 1631.
ESTC No. S92669.Grub Street ID 151365.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards meditations written originally in the Latine tongue by John Gerard doctor in divinitie, and superintendant of Heldburge. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge.
Printed at Cambridge: [by T. and J. Buck], anno Dom. 1631.
ESTC No. S124951.Grub Street ID 144246.
Gerhard, Johann.
The soules watch: or, A day-booke for the deuout soule. Consisting of 52 heauenly meditations, and diuers godly prayers, fitted to all the dayes of the weeke. Being holy exercises for a sanctified conuersation, and spirituall riches for the inward man. By Iohn Gerhard Dr of Diuinity, and superintendent of Heldburge. Englished by R.B. With the Lords Prayer expounded by him.
London: Printed by Thomas Harper for Iohn Harison, and are to be sold at his shop in Pater noster row at the signe of the Vnicorne, 1632.
ESTC No. S117393.Grub Street ID 137062.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards meditations written originally in the Latine tongue by John Gerard doctor in divinity, and superintendant of Heldburge. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton fellow of the Kings Colledge in Cambridge.
[Cambridge]: Printed by Thomas Buck printer to the University of Cambridge, 1632.
ESTC No. S124952.Grub Street ID 144247.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards meditations, written originally in the Latine tongue by John Gerard Doctor in Divinitie, and superintendant of Heldburge [sic]. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge.
[Cambridge]: Printed by [Thomas Buck and Roger Daniel] the printers to the Vniversitie of Cambridge, 1635.
ESTC No. S122600.Grub Street ID 142132.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerard's meditations, written first in Latine, by Iohn Gerard, Doctor in Divinitie, and superintendant of Heldburg. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton, fellow of King's Colledge in Cambridge.
Aberdene: Printed by E. Raban, 1637.
ESTC No. S117298.Grub Street ID 136970.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards meditations, written originally in the Latine tongue by Iohn Gerard Doctor in Divinitie and superintendant of Heldeburg, translated, and revised by Ralph Winterton fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge.
Printed at Edinburgh: by the heires of Andrew Hart, 1637.
ESTC No. S92670.Grub Street ID 151366.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards prayers; or, a daylie practice of pietie: divided into foure parts. 1 of Confession of sinnes. 2 of Thanksgiving, for benefits. 3 of Petitions for our selues 4 of Supplicatio[n]s for our neighbours. Written (originally) in the Latine tongue, by Iohn Gerard; Doctor in Divinitie, and Superintendent of Heldeburg. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton, Fellow of Kinges Colledge in Cambridge. Wherevnto is added a morning and euening prayer, for a familie.
Printed in Aberdene: By Edward Raban, 1638.
ESTC No. S113839.Grub Street ID 133565.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards meditations, written originally in the Latine tongue by Iohn Gerard Doctour in Divinitie, and superintendant of Heidelberg. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge.
[Cambridge]: Printed by R. Daniel, for T. Buck, 1640.
ESTC No. S118373.Grub Street ID 138026.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards meditations, written originally in the Latine tongue by John Gerard Doctour in Divinitie, and superintendent of Heidelberg. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge.
[Cambridge]: Printed by R. Daniel, printer to the University of Cambridge, 1640.
ESTC No. S124953.Grub Street ID 144248.
Gerhard, Johann.
The summe of Christian doctrine, written originally in Latine by John Gerhard Doctour in Divinitie; and translated by Ralph Winterton Fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge.
Cambridge: printed by Roger Daniel, 1640. And are to be sold by William Hope, near the Exchange in Cornhill, [1640].
ESTC No. S4062.Grub Street ID 148166.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards meditations, written originally in the Latine tongue by John Gerard Doctor in Divinitie, and superintendent of Heldburge. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge.
[London]: Printed by the printers to the Vniversitie of Cambridge, 1644.
ESTC No. R230059.Grub Street ID 102437.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards meditations, written originally in the Latine tongue by John Gerard doctour of divinity, and superintendent of Heidelberg. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton Fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge.
Cambridge: printed by Thomas Buck, one of the printers to the Universitie, 1651.
ESTC No. R177389.Grub Street ID 69511.
Gerhard, Johann.
Johannis Gerhardi Meditationes sacræ. Edito nova accurata.
Londini: excudebat Rogerus Daniel, MDCLV. [1655].
ESTC No. R15542.Grub Street ID 63469.
Gerhard, Johann.
Ioh: Gerhardi meditationes sacræ.
Oxoniæ: apud Henricum Hall, academiæ typographum, impensis Roberti Blagrave, 1656.
ESTC No. R177387.Grub Street ID 69509.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards meditations and prayers. Written originally in the Latine tongue by John Gerard doctor of divinity, and superintendent of Heldeburge. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton, fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes printer to the University, 1670.
ESTC No. R177390.Grub Street ID 69513.
Gerhard, Johann.
Joannis Gerhardi Meditationes sacræ.
Editio novissima..
Londini : ex officina Roberti Battersby, æræ Christianæ M.DC.LXXII [1672].
ESTC No. R39972.Grub Street ID 121821.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards meditations and prayers. Written originally in the Latine tongue by John Gerard Doctor in Divinity, and superintendent of Heldeburge. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton fellow of Kings College in Cambridge.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes printer to the University, 1674.
ESTC No. R212879.Grub Street ID 88419.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards meditations and prayers. Written originally in the Latine tongue by John Gerard Doctor in Divinity, and superintendent of Heldeburge. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton Fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge.
Cambridge: printed by John Hayes, printer to the University, 1679.
ESTC No. R231272.Grub Street ID 103404.
Gerhard, Johann.
Divine consolations against the fear of death: in a dialogue between a minister and a tempted Christian. Written by John Gerhard the author of the meditations. To which is added, the Christians triumph over death, with divine contemplations, ejaculations and poems thereupon.
London : printed for Nath. Crouch at the George over against the Stocks Market, at the lower end of Cornhill, 1680.
ESTC No. R24967.Grub Street ID 108696.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerards meditations and prayers. Written originally in the Latine tongue, by John Gerard ... Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton ...
Edinburgh: printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson ..., anno Dom. 1681.
ESTC No. R177391.Grub Street ID 69514.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerard's meditations and prayers. Written originally in the Latin tongue by John Gerard doctor in divinity, and superintendent of Heldeburge. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton fellow of Kings College in Cambridge.
London : printed for A. and J. Churchil, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1695.
ESTC No. R39973.Grub Street ID 121822.
Gerhard, Johann.
The christian's support under all afflictions: being the divine meditations of John Gerhard, D.D. Contemplating God's Love to Mankind, The Benefits of Christ's Passion, & The Advantages of a Holy Life, with Prayers Suited to each Meditation. Render'd into English from the Latin original. By Thomas Rowell, M. A. Rector of Great Cressingham, Norfolk.
London : printed for E. Curll, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar; and E. Sanger, at the Posthouse, at the Middle-Temple Gate, Fleetstreet, 1709.
ESTC No. T91327.Grub Street ID 311180.
Gerhard, Johann.
The christian's support under all afflictions: being the divine meditations of John Gerhard, D. D. Contemplating I. God's Love to Mankind. II. The Benefits of Christ's-Passion. III. The Advantages of a Holy Life. IV. Of the Nature of true Religion. With Prayers suited to each Meditation. Render'd into English from the Latin original. By Thomas Rowell, M. A. Rector of Great Cressingham, Norfolk.
The second edition, with additions..
London : printed for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1715.
ESTC No. T91347.Grub Street ID 311201.
Gerhard, Johann.
Holy meditations. Written originally in Latin by John Gerhard. Newly translated into English. With some account of the author and his writings.
London : printed for J. Isted, 1718.
ESTC No. N7331.Grub Street ID 52266.
Gerhard, Johann.
Holy meditations written originally in Latin by John Gerhard. Newly translated into English. With some account of the author and his writings.
London : printed for J. Clarke , at the Golden Ball in Duck-Lane ; and James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London Bridge, 1724.
ESTC No. N7333.Grub Street ID 52268.
Gerhard, Johann.
The christian's support under all afflictions: being the divine meditations of John Gerhard, D. D. Contemplating I. God's Love to Mankind. II. The Benefits of Christ's Passion. III. The Advantages of a Holy Life. With Prayers suited to each Meditation. Newly translated from the Latin original by Thomas Rowell, M. A. Late Rector of Great-Cressingham, in Norfolk.
The third edition..
London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, T. Longman, and J. Wood, in Pater-Noster-Row; and E. Curll, in Rose-Street, Covent-Garden, [1739].
ESTC No. T91326.Grub Street ID 311179.
Gerhard, Johann.
Free grace in truth. The XXIVth Meditation of Dr. John Gerhard's: translated from Latin into English. With notes, for the better understanding of the author's meaning. Upon desire. By John Dylander, Minister of the Swedish Church, Wiccaco, near Philadelphia.
Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, 1741.
ESTC No. W35653.Grub Street ID 346316.
Gerhard, Johann.
Gerard's meditations and prayers: or, a daily practice of piety. Written originally in the Latin tongue, by J. Gerard. Translated by R. Winterton, ...
Edinburgh: printed for James Reid, 1750.
ESTC No. T185059.Grub Street ID 221307.