Publications of Henry Ainsworth


  • Ainsworth, Henry. The communion of saincts. A treatise of the fellowship that the faithful have with God, and his angels, and one with an other; in this present life. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, by H.A. Imprinted at Amsterdam: By Giles Thorp, 1607. ESTC No. S118775. Grub Street ID 138424.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. The confession of faith of certayn English people, living in exile, in the Low countreyes. Together with a brief note of the special heads of those things wherin we differ fro[m] the Church of Engla[n]d. [Amsterdam]: Reprinted [by Giles Thorp], in the yeare. 1607. ESTC No. S119852. Grub Street ID 139490.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. An epistle sent unto tvvo daughters of VVarwick from H.N. the oldest father of the Familie of Love. VVith a refutation of the errors that are therin; by H.A. Imprinted at Amsterdam: By Giles Thorp, 1608. ESTC No. S1318. Grub Street ID 145764.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. Counterpoyson. Considerations touching the points in difference between the godly ministers & people of the Church of England, and the seduced brethren of the separation. Arguments that the best assemblies of the present Church of England are true visible Churches. That th preachers in the best assemblies of Engl. are true ministers of Christ. Mr Bernards book intituled The Separatists schisme. Mr Crashawes questions propounded in his Sermon preached at the crosse. Examined and answered by H.A. [Amsterdam: G. Thorp], A[nn]o D[omin]i 1608. ESTC No. S117963. Grub Street ID 137630.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. A defence of the Holy Scriptures, worship, and ministerie, used in the Christian Churches separated from Antichrist: Against the challenges, cavils and contradiction of M. Smyth: in his book intituled The differences of the Churches of the Separation. Hereunto are annexe a few observations upon some of M. Smythes censures; in his answer made to M. Bernard. By Henry Ainsworth, teacher of the English exiled Church in Amsterdam. Imprinted at Amsterdam: By Giles Thorp, in the yere 1609. ESTC No. S117973. Grub Street ID 137640.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. An arrow against idolatrie. Taken out of the quiver of the Lord of hosts. By H.A. [Amsterdam: G. Thorp], Printed. 1610. ESTC No. S90058. Grub Street ID 149559.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. The book of Psalmes: Englished both in prose and metre with annotations, opening the words and sentences, by conference with other Scriptures by H. A. Imprinted at Amsterdam: By Giles Thorpe, Ao. Di. 1612. ESTC No. S115621. Grub Street ID 135312.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. An animadversion to Mr Richard Clyftons advertisement. Who under pretense of answering Chr. Lawnes book, hath published an other mans private letter, with Mr Francis Iohnsons answer therto. Which letter is here justified; the answer therto refuted: and the true causes of the lamentable breach that hath lately fallen out in the English exiled Church at Amsterdam, manifested, by Henry Ainsworth. Imprinted at Amsterdam: By Giles Thorp, Ano. Di. 1613. ESTC No. S118900. Grub Street ID 138545.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. Annotations upon the book of Psalmes. Wherin the Hebrew words and sentences are compared with, and explained by the ancient Greek and Chaldee versions: but chiefly by conference with the holy Scriptures. By Henry Ainsworth. [Amsterdam: Printed by Giles Thorp], The second edition: in the yere 1617 [i.e. 1618]. ESTC No. S121282. Grub Street ID 140875.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. A reply to a pretended Christian plea for the anti-Chistian [sic] Church of Rome: published by Mr. Francis Iohnson a?. 1617. Wherin the weakness of the sayd plea is manifested, and arguments alleaged for the Church of Rome, and baptisme therein, are refuted; by Henry Ainsworth. Anno 1618. [Amsterdam]: Printed [by Giles Thorp], in the yere 1620. ESTC No. S122155. Grub Street ID 141712.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. Annotations upon the first book of Moses, called Genesis. Wherein the Hebrew words and sentences, are compared with, & explained by the ancient Greek and Chaldee versions: but chiefly, by conference with the holy Scriptures. By H.A. [Amsterdam]: Imprinted [by Giles Thorp], in the yeare 1621. ESTC No. S122447. Grub Street ID 141993.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. Annotations vpon the five bookes of Moses, and the booke of the Psalmes. Wherein the Hebrew words and sentences are compared with, and explained by the ancient Greeke and Chaldee versions, and other records and monuments of the Hebrewes: but chiefly by conference with the holy Scriptures, Moses his words, lawes and ordinances, the sacrifices and other legall ceremonies heretofore commanded by God to the Church of Israel are explained. With an advertisement touching some objections made against the sinceritie of the Hebrew text, and allegation of the Rabbines in these annotations. As also tables directing unto such principall things as are observed in the annotations upon each severall booke. By H.A. London: printed by Iohn Haviland for Iohn Bellamie, and are to be sold at the two Greyhounds in Cornehill, neere the Royall Exchange, 1622. ESTC No. S113425. Grub Street ID 133160.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. Annotations vpon the second booke of Moses, called Exodus. Wherein, by conferring the holy Scriptures, comparing the Chaldee and Greeke versions, and other records of the Hebrewes; Moses his words, lawes, and ordinances are explained. By H.A. London: Printed by Iohn Haviland for Iohn Bellamie and Beniamin Fisher, and are to be sold at the two Greyhounds in Cornhill, and at the Talbot in Pater Noster Row, 1622. ESTC No. S116037. Grub Street ID 135730.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. Annotations vpon the five bookes of Moses, and the booke of the Psalmes. Wherein the Hebrew words and sentences are compared with, and explained by the ancient Greeke and Chaldee versions, and other records and monuments of the Hebrewes: but chiefly by conference with the holy Scriptures, Moses his words, lawes and ordinances, the sacrifices and other legall ceremonies heretofore commanded by God to the Church of Israel are explained. With an advertisement touching some objections made against the sinceritie of the Hebrew text, and allegation of the Rabbines in these annotations. As also tables directing unto such principall things as are observed in the annotations upon each severall booke. By H.A. London: printed by Iohn Haviland for Beniamin Fisher, and are to be sold at the signe of the Talbot in Pater noster row, M. DC. XXII [1622]. ESTC No. S115053. Grub Street ID 134749.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. An arrovv against idolatrie. Taken out of the quiver of the Lord of hosts. By H.A. [Amsterdam: Successors of G. Thorp], Printed. 1624. ESTC No. S115945. Grub Street ID 135637.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. The communion of saincts. A treatise of the fellowship, that the faithfull haue with God, and his angels, and one with an other; in this present life. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, by H.A. [Amsterdam]: Reprinted [by R. Plater], in the yeare of our Lord 1618 [i.e 1628]. ESTC No. S125781. Grub Street ID 145005.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. The communion of saincts. A treatise of the fellowship, that the faithfull haue with God, and his angels, and one with an other; in this present life. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, by H.A. [Amsterdam]: Reprinted [by R. Plater], in the yeare of our Lord 1628. ESTC No. S116652. Grub Street ID 136340.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. The communion of saincts a treatise of the fellowship, that the faithfull haue with God, and his angels, and one with an other, in this present life / gathered out of the Holy Scriptures by H.A. Amsterdam: Printed by Richard Plater dwelling by the Long Bridge, 1628. ESTC No. S1426. Grub Street ID 145863.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. Certain notes of M. Henry Aynsworth his last sermon. Taken by pen in the publique delivery by one of his flock, a little before his death. Anno 1622. Published now at last by the said writer, as a love token of remembrance to his brethren to inkindle their affections to prayer, that scandalls (of manie years continuance) may be removed, that are barrs to keep back manie godly wise and judicious from us, wherby we might grow to farther perfection again. [Amsterdam]: Imprinted [by the successors of G. Thorp], 1630. ESTC No. S115946. Grub Street ID 135638.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. The booke of Psalmes in English metre. [Amsterdam: Richt Right Press], 1632. ESTC No. S185. Grub Street ID 146254.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. Annotations vpon the five bookes of Moses, the booke of the Psalmes, and the Song of Songs, or, Canticles. VVherein the Hebrevv vvords and sentences, are compared with, and explained by the ancient Greeke and Chaldee versions, and other records and monuments of the Hebrews but chiefly by conference with the holy Scriptures, Moses his words, lawes and ordinances, the sacrifices, and other legall ceremonies heretofore commanded by God to the Church of Israel, are explained. With an advertisement touching some objections made against the sinceritie of the Hebrew text, and allegation of the Rabbines in these annotations. As also, tables directing unto such principall things as are observed in the annotations upon each severall booke. By Henry Ainsworth. London: Printed by M. Parsons for Iohn Bellamie, and are to be sold at his shop in Cornehill, at the signe of the three Golden Lyons, neere the Royall Exchange, 1639. ESTC No. S113429. Grub Street ID 133164.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. An arrouu against idolatrie taken out of the quiver of the Lord of Hosts / by H.A. [Amsterdam: Richt Right Press], 1640. ESTC No. S561. Grub Street ID 149179.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. The communion of saincts: a treatise of the fellowship that the faithfull have with God, and his angels, and one with an other; in this present life. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, by H.A. Imprinted at Amsterdam: [Richt Right Press], 1640. ESTC No. S4486. Grub Street ID 148478.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. The communion of saints. A treatise of the fellowship, that the faithfull have with God, and His angels, and one with an other; in this present life. Gathered out of the holy scriptures, by Henry Ainsworth. London: printed by T.B. for Iohn Bellamie, and Ralph Smith, at the three golden Lions in Corn Hill neare the Exchange, 1641. ESTC No. R19990. Grub Street ID 77540.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. The orthodox foundation of religion, long since collected by that judicious and elegant man Mr Henry Ainsworth, for the benefit of his private company: and now divulged for the publike good of all that desire to know that Cornerstone Christ Jesus crucified. by S.W. London: printed by R.C. for M. Sparke, junior, and are to be sold at the Blew Bible in Green-Arbor, 1641 [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R8781. Grub Street ID 128915.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. A censure vpon a dialogue of the Anabaptists, intituled, A description of what God hath predestinated concerning man. &c. In 7 poynts. Of predestination. pag. 1. Of election. pag. 18. Of reprobation. pag. 26- Of falling away. pag. 27. Of freewill. pag, 41- Of originall sinne. pag. 43. Of baptizing infants. pag. 69- by Henry Ainsworth. London: printed by W. Iones, 1642 [i.e. 1643]. ESTC No. R11122. Grub Street ID 59435.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. A seasonable discourse, or, A censure upon a dialogue of the Anabaptists, intituled, A description of what God hath predestinated concerning man; is tryed and examined, wherein these seven points are handled & answered, viz. 1 Of predestination 2 Of election 3 Of reprobation 4 Of falling away 5 Of freewill 6 Of originall sinne 7 Of baptizing infants. By Henry Ainsvvorth. London: printed for Benjamin Allen, dwelling in Popes-head-Alley, 1644. ESTC No. R10804. Grub Street ID 59146.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. A seasonable discourse. Or, A censure upon a dialogue of the Anabaptists: intituled, A description of what God hath predestinated concerning man; is tryed and examined, wherein these seven points are handled and answered, viz 1. of predestination 2. of election 3. of reprobation 4. of falling away 5. of freewill 6. of originall sinne 7. of baptizing infants. By Henry Ainsworth. London: printed by M. Simmons for Livewell Chapman, at the Crowne in Popes-Head-Alley, 1651. ESTC No. R4838. Grub Street ID 125336.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. The art of logick; or The entire body of logick in English. Unfolding to the meanest capacity the way to dispute well, and to refute all fallacies whatsoever. By Zachary Coke of Grays-Inn, Gent. London: printed by Robert White, for George Calvert, and are to be sold at the sign of the half Moon in Pauls Church-yard, near to the little north-door, 1654 [i.e. 1653]. ESTC No. R9220. Grub Street ID 129322.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. The old orthodox foundation of religion left for a patterne to a new reformation / collected long since in Amsterdam by Mr. Henry Ainsvvorth, that judicious and learned man for the benefit of his private company ; and now republished for the profit and information of Presbyterians, Independents, Papists, Anabaptists, Arminians, Antinomians, Ranters, Quakers, Seekers, and all that desire to know Christ Jesus & him crucified by S.W. London: Printed by F. Cotes and are to be sold by Michael Spark .., 1653. ESTC No. R4836. Grub Street ID 125329.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. The art of logick; or, The entire body of logick in English. Unfolding to the meanest capacity the way to dispute well, and to refute all fallacies whatsoever. The second edition, corrected and amended. By Zachary Coke of Grays-Inn, Gent. London: printed for John Streater, and are to be sold by the book-sellers of London, 1657. ESTC No. R209562. Grub Street ID 85794.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. Two treatises by Henry Ainsworth. The first, Of the communion of saints. The second, entitled, An arrow against idolatry, etc. To this edition is prefixed, Some account of the life and writings of the author. Edinburgh: printed by D. Paterson. And sold by W. Laing, bookseller, head of the Canongate, M DCC LXXXIX. [1789]. ESTC No. N72175. Grub Street ID 52007.
  • Ainsworth, Henry. Two treatises by Henry Ainsworth. The first, Of the communion of saints. The second, entitled, An arrow against idolatry, etc. To this edition is prefixed, Some account of the life and writings of the author. Edinburgh: printed by D. Paterson. Sold by M. Gray, C. Elliot, G. Mudie, W. Laing, J. Guthrie, and W. Martin; and at London, by J. Strachan, and Elliot and Kay, Strand, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789]. ESTC No. T142820. Grub Street ID 190021.