Thomas Shelmerdine



  • Bookseller

Thomas Shelmerdine, bookseller at the Rose Tree in Little Britain.

The Life and Errors of John Dunton, by John Dunton (1705)

Mr. Shermerdine is a Man of very quick parts. I have heard him say he'd forgive any Man that could CATCH him. His Shop is usually well furnish'd with valuable Books; out of which I once made a very Choice Collection. He understands his Trade to a Nicety (and talks much to the purpose, if one cou'd but TRACE him). He'll give as much for a Library as any Man whatsoever; and I think he Learned this Generous Quality from his MASTER HUSSEY, who once gave me Seventy Five Pound for a Parcel of Books, that I thought I had purchas'd too dear at Sixty.

A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725, by Henry Plomer (1922)

SHELMERDINE (THOMAS), bookseller in London, Rose Tree, Little Britain, 1698–1711. In Easter 1698 he advertised the third edition of Counsellor Manners his last Legacy to his Son, by J.D. [T.C. III. 69.] He was still there in 1711. [Postman, February 3rd, 1710/1711.]

Notes & Queries "London Booksellers Series" (1931–2)

SHELMERDINE, THOMAS. He had established himself at the Rose Tree, Little Britain, in 1698, and was still trading there in 1712. Dunton declares that he had a profound knowledge of the bookselling trade, and would give a good price for any valuable book which came his way.

"Notes on London Booksellers and Publishers, 1700–1750"
Notes and Queries (10 October 1931), p. 256


THOMAS SHELMERDINE, BOOKSELLER, 1698–1712.—Mary, daughter of Erasmus Dryden (died 1654). by his wife Mary, daughter of the Rev. H. Pickering, D.D., son of Sir Gilbert Pickering, is said to have married "—Skermadine, bookseller." It would be interesting to know if this was the man mentioned above. Mary Dryden was probably born about 1630–1634, and was one of the ten sisters of John Dryden, the poet.

Notes and Queries (24 October 1931), p. 298

J. Michael Treadwell Research Notes (1999)
Stats Regs (McK only 2 Shellmerdines)
1446. John SHELLMERDINE, son of Ralph of Manchester, Bs. appt to George Eversden |  25 Aug 1675 |  4 Sept 1682 |   
2315. Thomas SHELLMERDINE, son of Daniel of Twyford, Derby, clerk, app to Christ. Hussey |  8 Apr 1678 |  7 June 1686 7 Feb 1704


No bindings to either Shelmerdine in 17.
Only the one Sh bd to in 18.

7344. John READ app to Samuel DRURY |  2 Mar 1702 |  7 Mar 1709 |  TO to TS 6 Mar 1704 & fd by him
7343. Thomas PAYNE app to Tho. SHELMERDINE |  4 Jul 1709 |  — |
7342. John MILLS app to           "     " |  1 June 1713 |  4 Jul 1720 |


Marriage Tax 1695 101.13 (St. Botolph Aldersgate)

Thomas Shelmerdine -:4:- -:2:-
Agnes his wife -:4:-  
Eliz: Holford -:4:-  
Cordelia Gamble -:4:-  
skip one
Christopher Hussey    


Bib. Annua 1 only 1701, p. 18 Pf. T. Shelmerdine, Rose Tree, Little Britain (under divinity)
MC 1714–17 - nothing
MC 1723–30 - nothing
Foxon - nothing
Wing only Ralph (1656, 57, 61, 73, 85, (2)) & John (1698(2))
Copy Regs (WPW) Tho. Shelmerdine (only the one & 1 entry only)

VIII, 261