Mede, Joseph.
Clauis apocalyptica ex innatis et insitis visionum characteribus eruta et demonstrata. Ad eorum usum quibus deus amorem studiúmq[ue] indiderit prophetiam illam admirandam cognoscendi scrutand'que.
Cantabrigiæ: [Printed by T. and J. Buck] impensis authoris, in gratiam amicorum, anno MDCXXVII. [1627].
ESTC No. S112504.Grub Street ID 132261.
Mede, Joseph.
Clauis apocalyptica ex innatis et insitis visionum characteribus eruta et demonstrata. Ad eorum usum quibus Deus amorem studiúmq[ue] indiderit prophetiam illam admirandam cognoscendi scrutand'q[ue].
Cantabrigiæ: Apud Thom. Buck celeberrimæ Academiæ typographum, ann. Dom. 1632.
ESTC No. S112555.Grub Street ID 132311.
Mede, Joseph.
The name altar, or thysiast?rion, anciently given to the holy table. A common-place, or theologicall discourse, in a colledge chappell, more than two yeares since. By Joseph Mede B.D. and fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge.
London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for John Clark, and are to be sold at his shop under St Peters Church in Cornhill, M DC XXXVII. [1637].
ESTC No. S124222.Grub Street ID 143614.
Mede, Joseph.
Churches, that is, appropriate places for Christian vvorship; both in, and ever since the Apostles times. A discourse at first more briefly delivered in a colledge chappell, and since enlarged. By Joseph Mede, B.D. and fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge.
London: Printed by M[iles] F[lesher] for John Clark, and are to be sold at his shop under St Peters Church in Cornhill, M DC XXXVIII. [1638].
ESTC No. S122056.Grub Street ID 141614.
Mede, Joseph.
The reverence of Gods house. A sermon preached at St. Maries in Cambridge, before the Universitie on St. Matthies day, anno 1635/6. By Joseph Mede B.D. and late fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge.
London: Printed by M[iles] F[lesher] for Iohn Clark, and are to be sold at his shop under St. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1638.
ESTC No. S122057.Grub Street ID 141615.
Mede, Joseph.
The apostasy of the latter times. In which, (according to divine prediction) the world should wonder after the Beast, the mystery of iniquity should so farre prevaile over the mystery of godlinesse, whorish Babylon over the virgin-Church of Christ; as that the visible glory of the true church should be much clouded, the true unstained Christian faith corrupted, the purity of true worship polluted. Or, the gentiles theology of dæmons, i.e. inferiour divine powers: supposed to be mediatours between God and man: revived in the latter times amongst Christians, in worshipping of angels, deifying and invocating of saints, adoring and templing of reliques, bowing downe to images, worshipping of crosses, &c. All which, together with a true discovery of the nature, originall, progresse, of the great, fatall, and solemn apostasy, are cleared. Delivered in publique some years since upon I Tim. 4. 1,2,3. By Ioseph Mede B. D. and late fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge.
London: printed by Richard Bishop for Samuel Man dwelling at the signe of the Swan in Pauls Church-yard, 1641.
ESTC No. R22768.Grub Street ID 100567.
Mede, Joseph.
Diatribæ. Discourses on divers texts of Scripture: delivered upon severall occasions, by Joseph Mede, B.D. late fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. Printed by the authors own copy. The contents you shall finde in the next leafe.
London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for John Clark, and are to be sold at his shop under S. Peters Church in Cornhill, MDCXLII. [1642].
ESTC No. R20480.Grub Street ID 81678.
Mede, Joseph.
The apostasy of the latter times. In which, (according to divine prediction) the world should wonder after the beast, the mystery of iniquity should so farre prevaile over the mystery of godlinesse, whorish Babylon over the virgin-church of Christ; as that the visible glory of the true church should be much clouded, the true unstained Christian faith corrupted, the purity of true worship polluted. Or, the gentiles theology of dæmons, ... supposed to be mediatours between God and man: revived in the latter times amongst Christians, in worshipping of angels, ... bowing downe to images, worshipping of crosses, &c. All which, together with a true discovery of the nature, originall, progresse, of the great, fatall, and solemn apostasy, are cleared. Delivered in publique some years since upon I. Tim. 4. 1, 2, 3. By Ioseph Mede B.D. and late Fellow of Chists Colledge in Cambridge.
London: printed by Richard Bishop for Samuel Man dwelling at the singe of the Swan in Pauls Church-yard, 1642.
ESTC No. R5154.Grub Street ID 125622.
Mede, Joseph.
A paraphrase and exposition of the prophesie of Saint Peter, concerning the day of Christs second comming; described in the third chapter of his second epistle. As also, how the conflagration, or destruction of the vvorld by fire, (whereof Saint Peter speaks) and especially of the heavens, is to be understood. By Ioseph Mede, B.D. late fellow of Christs College in Cambridg.
London: printed by R. Bishop, for Samuel Man, dwelling at the sign of the Swan in Pauls Church-yard, 1642.
ESTC No. R12987.Grub Street ID 61119.
Mede, Joseph.
The key of the Revelation, searched and demonstrated out of the naturall and proper charecters of the visions. With a coment thereupon, according to the rule of the same key, published in Latine by the profoundly learned Master Joseph Mede B.D. late fellow of Christs College in Cambridge, for their use to whom God hath given a love and desire of knowing and searching into that admirable prophecie. Translated into English by Richard More of Linley in the Countie of Salop. Esquire, one of the Burgesses in this present convention of Parliament. With a præface written by Dr Twisse now prolocutor in the present Assembly of Divines.
Printed at London: by R.B. for Phil. Stephens, at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the gilded Lion, 1643.
ESTC No. R12329.Grub Street ID 60527.
Mede, Joseph.
Daniels vveekes. An interpretation of part of the prophecy of Daniel: By Joseph Mede, late Fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge.
London: printed by M.F. for John Clark, and are to be sold at his shop under S. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1643.
ESTC No. R9174.Grub Street ID 129278.
Mede, Joseph.
The apostasy of the latter times. In which, (according to divine prediction) the world should wonder after the beast, the mysterie of iniquity should so far prevaile over the mysterie of godlinesse, whorish Babylon over the virgin-church of Christ, as that the visible glory of the true church should be much clouded, the true unstained Christian faith corrupted, the purity of true worship polluted. Or, the gentiles theology of dæmons, i.e. inferiour divine powers: supposed to be mediatours betweene God and man. Revived in the latter times amongst Christians, in worshipping of angels, deifying and invocating of saints, adoring and templing of reliques, bowing downe to images, worshipping of crosses, &c. All which, together with a true discovery of the nature, originall, progresse, of the great, fatall, and solemne apostasie, are cleered. Delivered in publick some years since upon I Tim. 4. 1, 2, 3. By Joseph Mede B.D. and late Fellow of Christs College in Cambridge.
London: printed by L[uke]. N[orton]. for Samuel Man dwelling at the signe of the Swan in Pauls Church-yard, 1644.
ESTC No. R19597.Grub Street ID 77179.
Mede, Joseph.
The vvorks of that reverend, iudicious, and learned divine, Mr Ioseph Mede, B.D. late Fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. Being discourses on divers texts of Scripture, and four treatises formerly printed: but now revised and corrected according to the authors own manuscript. Whereunto are added, sundry discourses on other texts of Scripture, never before published: as also a treatise of the Christian sacrifice, by the same author. Together with two tables, one of the principall contents. Another of the places of Scripture expounded.
London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for John Clark, and are to be sold at his shop under S. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1648.
ESTC No. R233095.Grub Street ID 104709.
Mede, Joseph.
Diatribæ. Discourses on divers texts of Scripture: delivered upon severall occasions, by Joseph Mede, B.D. late fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. Printed by the authors own copy. The contents you shall finde in the next leafe.
London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for John Clark, and are to be sold at his shop under S. Peters Church in Cornhill, MDCXLII. [1642, i.e. 1648].
ESTC No. R230619.Grub Street ID 102894.
Mede, Joseph.
Diatribæ. III. part. Or, A continuation of certaine discourses on sundry texts of scripture: delivered upon severall occasions. By Ioseph Mede, B.D. late fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. Never before published, being exactly printed according to the authors own manuscripts.
London: printed by J. G. for John Clark, and are to be sold at his shop under S. Peters Church in Corn-hill, M. DC. L. [1650, i.e. 1649].
ESTC No. R206193.Grub Street ID 82748.
Mede, Joseph.
Josephi Medi Clavis apocalyptica ex innatis & insitis visionum characteribus eruta & demonstrata: unà cum commentario in Apocalypsin: quibus accessit hac tertia editione conjectura de Gogo & Magogo, ab eodem autore. Ad eorum usum quibus Deus amorem studiúmq[um] indiderit prophetiam illam admirandam cognoscendi scrutand'que.
Cantabrigiæ: apud R. Daniel celeberrimæ Academiæ typographum, ann. Dom. 1649.
ESTC No. R3810.Grub Street ID 120233.
Mede, Joseph.
A paraphrase and exposition of the prophesie of Saint Peter, concerning the day of Christ's second coming, described in the third chapter of his second Epistle. As also, how the conflagration, or destruction of the world by fire, (whereof Saint Peter speaks) and especially of the heavens, is to be understood. By Joseph Mede, B.D. late fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridg.
London: printed by R. Leybourn, for Samuel Man, dwelling at the sign of the Swan in Pauls Church-yard, 1649.
ESTC No. R9095.Grub Street ID 129206.
Mede, Joseph.
Paraleipomena. Remaines on some passages in the Revelation. Whereunto are added Severall discourses concerning the holinesse of churches. By Joseph Mede, B.D. late Fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. Never before published, being exactly printed according to the authors own manuscripts.
London: printed by J[ohn]. G[rismond]. for John Clarke, and are to be sold at his shop under St. Peters Church in Corn-hill, M.DC.L. [1650].
ESTC No. R2396.Grub Street ID 107800.
Mede, Joseph.
The key of the Revelation searched and demonstrated out of the naturall and proper characters of the visions. With a comment thereupon, according to the rule of the same key, published in Latine by the profoundly learned Mr. Joseph Mede B.D. late Fellow of Christs-Colledge in Cambridge; for their use to whom God hath given a love and desire, of knowing and searching into that admirable prophesie. Translated into English by Richard More of Linley in the County of Salop, Esquire, one of the Burgesses in this present convention of Parliament. The secon edition in English, whereunto is added A conjecture concerning Gog and Magog by the same author.
Printed at London: by J[ohn]. L[egate]. for Phil. Stephens at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the gilded Lion, anno Dom. 1650.
ESTC No. R1085.Grub Street ID 59190.
Mede, Joseph.
A paraphrase and exposition of the prophesie of Saint Peter, concerning the day of Christ's second comming, described in the third chapter of his second epistle. As also, how the conflagration, or destruction of the world by fire, (whereof Saint Peter speaks) and especially of the Heavens, is to be understood. By Joseph Mede, B.D. late fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridg.
London: printed by R. Leybourn, for Samuel Man, dwelling at the sign of the Swan in Pauls Church-yard, 1650.
ESTC No. R230726.Grub Street ID 102974.
Mede, Joseph.
The vvorks of that reverend, iudicious, and learned divine, Mr Ioseph Mede, B.D. late Fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge. Being discourses on divers texts of Scripture, and four treatises formerly printed: but now revised and corrected according to the authors own manuscript. Whereunto are added, sundry discourses on other texts of Scripture, never before published: as also a treatise of the Christian sacrifice, by the same author. Together with two tables, one of the principall contents. Another of the places of Scripture expounded.
London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for John Clark, and are to be sold at his shop under S. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1648. [i.e. 1650].
ESTC No. R9043.Grub Street ID 129164.
Mede, Joseph.
A paraphrase and exposition of the prophesie of St Peter, concerning the day of Christ's second coming: described in the third chapter of his second Epistle. As also, how the conflagration, or destruction of the world by fire, (whereof St Peter speaks) and especially of the heavens, is to be understood. By Joseph Mede, B.D. late Fellow of Christs Colledg in Cambridg. The third edition, corrected in sundry places, and enlarged with some additionall observations out of the author's own manuscripts.
London: printed by T. Maxey for Samuel Man, at the sign of the Swan in Paul's Church-yard, 1652.
ESTC No. R5255.Grub Street ID 125711.
Mede, Joseph.
Josephi Medi, Collegii Christi apud Cantabrigienses aliquando Socii, Opuscula Latina ad rem apocalypticam fer spectantia; quorum catalogum dabit versa pagina.
Cantabrigiæ: per Thomam Buck almæ Academiæ typographum. Impensis Gulielmi Morden bibliopolæ, 1652.
ESTC No. R3812.Grub Street ID 120254.
Mede, Joseph.
Diatribæ pars IV. Discourses on sundry texts of Scripture: delivered upon severall occasions; by Joseph Mede, B.D. sometimes fellow of Christs College in Cambridge. Never before published. And Mr Mede his epistles, in answer of divers letters from learned men: containing short discourses touching some points of divinity: and explaining divers difficult texts of Scripture: as also a short view of the authors life and death. With a catalogue of the texts and epistles; and a table of the chief heads and Scriptures expounded.
London: printed by J.F. for John Clark, and are to be sold at his shop under S. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1652.
ESTC No. R202909.Grub Street ID 80085.
Mede, Joseph.
Dissertationum ecclesiasticarum triga: de sanctitate relativa. Veneratione sacra. De sortitione & alea. Quibus accednnt [sic] Fragmenta sacra. A Josepho Medo, Anglo, S.T.B. Scripta.
Londini: typis Tho: Roycroft: impensis Jo. Martin, Jac. Allestrye, & Tim. Garthwait, in C?miterio D. Pauli, 1653.
ESTC No. R15135.Grub Street ID 63097.
Mede, Joseph.
The apostasy of the latter times. Or The gentiles theology of dæmons: revived in the latter times amongst Christians, in worshipping of angels, deifying and invocating of saints, adoring and templing of reliques, bowing down to images, worshipping of crosses &c. Delivere in publique some years since in severall discourses upon I Tim. 4 1,2,3. Together with A paraphrase and exposition of the prophesy of St. Peter, concerning the day of Christ's second comming. Described in the third chapter of his second epistle. As also, how the conflagration or destruction of the world by fire (whereof St. Peter speaks) and especially of the heavens is to be understood. By Joseph Mede B.D. Sometime fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge.
London: printed by T.R. for Samuel Man dwelling at the Swanne in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1654.
ESTC No. R216833.Grub Street ID 91696.
Mede, Joseph.
The apostasy of the latter times. Or The gentiles theology of dæmons: revived in the latter times amongst Christians, in worshipping of angels, deifying and invocating of saints, adoring and templing of reliques, bowing down to images, worshipping of crosses &c. Delivere in publique some years since in severall discourses upon I Tim. 4 1,2,3. Together with A paraphrase and exposition of the prophesy of St. Peter, concerning the day of Christ's second comming. Described in the third chapter of his second epistle. As also, how the conflagration or destruction of the world by fire (whereof S. Peter speaks) and especially of the heavens is to be understood. By Joseph Mede B.D. Sometime fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge.
London: printed by T.R. for Samuel Man dwelling at the Swanne in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1655.
ESTC No. R220219.Grub Street ID 94637.
Mede, Joseph.
The vvorks of the pious and profoundly-learned Joseph Mede, B.D. Sometime Fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge. Corrected and enlarged according to the author's own manuscripts.
London : printed by James Flesher, for Richard Royston, bookseller to His most sacred Majesty, MDCLXIV. [1664].
ESTC No. R27555.Grub Street ID 110708.
Mede, Joseph.
The vvorks of the pious and profoundly-learned Joseph Mede, B.D. sometime fellow of Christ's Colledge in Cambridge· Corrected and enlarged according to the author's own manuscripts.
[The third edition].
London : printed by Roger Norton, for Richard Royston, bookseller to His most sacred Majesty, MDCLXXII. [1672].
ESTC No. R19073.Grub Street ID 76872.
Mede, Joseph.
The vvorks of the pious and profoundly-learned Joseph Mede, B.D. sometime fellow of Christ's Colledge in Cambridge. Corrected and enlarged according to the author's own manuscripts.
[The fourth edition].
London : printed by Roger Norton, for Richard Royston, bookseller to His most sacred Majesty, MDCLXXVII. [1677].
ESTC No. R4749.Grub Street ID 125214.
Mede, Joseph.
A discourse upon I. Tim. 5. 17. concerning preaching and ruling elders. Taken from the works of the pious and profoundly learned Joseph Mede,.
London : printed for W. Keblewhite, 1702.
ESTC No. N7061.Grub Street ID 51117.