Alexander Milbourn (d. 1708; fl. 16841693)


  • Grubstreet: 18066
Alexander Milbourn, printer. "Judeth Daughter of Alexander Milbourne [at?] Green Arbour" buried at St. Sepulchre, Holborn, 17 July 1705.—London Metropolitan Archives; Church of England Parish Registers, 1538-1812; Reference Number: P69/SEP/A/001/MS07219/003. "Alexander Milbourne from Green Arbour Court" buried at St. Sepulchre, Holborn, on 8 June 1708.—London Metropolitan Archives; Church of England Parish Registers, 1538–1812; Reference Number: P69/SEP/A/001/MS07219/003.
A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725, by Henry Plomer (1922) MILBOURN (ALEXANDER), printer in London, 1684–93. Son of Thomas Milbourn (?). With E. Milbourn (a brother?), S. Hinch, and J. Mason (q. v.) he printed a broadside in the Thames Frost Fair of 1684. At the sessions held at the Old Bailey in April 1693 he was bound over to come up for judgement at the next sessions, for printing a libel. [B.M. 515. 1. 2 (148).]
Old Bailey Online Alexander Milbourne.
Royal Offences: seditious libel.
31st May 1693 Alexander Milbourne a Printer, was tryed for Composing and Printing a Scandalous Libel, with an intent thereby to disturb the King and the Present Government, in which false and pernicious Libel there were several Virulent and Malicious Expressions; the Prisoner was seen to put the Libel under a Bolster of a Bed, which he owned to be his at the same time, which was proved by Two Witnesses, but they might be mistaken; and Mr. Milbourne by his Counsel called several good Men for to vindicate his Reputation; one of which was the Minister of St. Sepulchres Parish where the said Milbourne lived, who said that he always apprehended him to be a very honest discreet Person, and a man well-affected to the present Government, and that he always frequented the Church; the same was Corroborated by some Booksellers with whom he had dealings, all which being considered by the Court, he was Acquitted. Reference Number t16930531-36