Publications of John Manwood


  • Manwood, John. A treatise and discourse of the lawes of the forrest: wherin is declared not onely those lawes, as they are now in force, but also the originall and beginning of forrestes: and what a forrest is in his owne proper nature, and wherein the same doth differ from a chase, a park, or a warren, with all such thinges as are incident or belonging thereunto, with their seuerall proper tearmes of art: as more at large doth appeare in the table in the beginning of this booke. Also a treatise of the purallee, declaring what purallee is, how the same first began, what a purallee man may doe, how he may hunt and vse his owne purallee, how far he may pursue and follow after his chase, together with the lymits and boundes, aswell of the Forrest, as the Puralley. Collected and gathered together, aswell out of the common lawes and statutes of this land, as also out of sundry learned auncient aucthors, and out of the assises and iters of Pickring and Lancaster, by Iohn Manwood. At London: Printed by [Adam Islip? for] Thomas Wight and Bonham Norton, 1598. ESTC No. S111993. Grub Street ID 131756.
  • Manwood, John. A treatise of the lavves of the forest: vvherein is declared not onely those lawes, as they are now in force, but also the originall and beginning of forests: and what a forest is in his owne proper nature, and wherein the same doth differ from a chase, a parke, or a warren, ... Also a treatise of the pourallee, declaring what pourallee is, how the same first began, what a pourallee man may do, how he may hunt and vse his owne pourallee. ... Collected, as well out of the common lawes and statutes of this land, as also out of sundrie learned auncient authors, and out of the assises of Pickering and Lancaster, by Iohn Manvvood. Whereunto are added the statutes of the forest, a treatise of the seuerall offices of verderors, regardors, and foresters, & the courts of attachments, swanimote, & iustice seat of the forest, and certaine principall cases, iudgements, and entries of the assises of Pickering and Lancaster: neuer heretofore printed for the publique. London: Printed [by Adam Islip?] for the Societie of Stationers, Anno Dom. 1615. ESTC No. S111855. Grub Street ID 131622.
  • Manwood, John. A treatise of the laws of the forest, wherein is declared not onely those laws, as they are now in force, but also the original and beginning of forests; and what a forest is in its own proper nature, and wherein the same doth differ from a chase, a park, or a warren, with all such things as are incident or belonging thereunto, with the several proper terms of art. Also a treatise of the pourallee, declaring what pourallee is, how the same first began, what a pourallee-man may do, ... together with the limits and bounds, as well of the forest, as the pourallee. Collected, as well out of the common laws and statutes of this land; as also out of sundry learned ancient authors, and out of the assises of Pickering and Lancaster: by John Manwood. Whereunto are added the statutes of the forest; a treatise of the several offices of verderors, ... and certain principal cases, judgments, and entries of the assises of Pickering and Lancaster. Never heretofore printed for the publique. The third edition corrected, and much inlarged.. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, 1665. ESTC No. R235229. Grub Street ID 106384.
  • Manwood, John. A treatise of the lavvs of the forest, wherein is declared not only those laws, as they are now in force, but also the original and beginning of forests; and what a forest is in its own proper nature, and wherein the same doth differ from a chase, a park or a warren, wit all such things as are incident or belonging thereunto, with the several proper terms of art. Also a treatise of the pourallee, declaring what pourallee is, how the same first began, what a pourallee may do, how he may hunt and use his own Pourallee, how far he may pursue and follow after his chase; together with the limits and bounds as well of the forest, as the pourallee. Collected, as well out of the common laws and statutes of this land; as also out of sundry learned ancient authors, and out of the assises of Pickering and Lancaster by John Manwood. Whereunto are added the statutes of the forest; a treatise of the several offices of verderors, regardors and forestors, and the courts of attachments, swanimote and just. The third edition, corrected and much enlarged.. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, 1665. ESTC No. R18159. Grub Street ID 72118.
  • Manwood, John. An abridgment of Manwood's Forest Laws. And of all the acts of Parliament made since; which relate to hunting, hawking, fishing, or fowling. London : printed by F. C., for N. C., 1705. ESTC No. T121424. Grub Street ID 172252.
  • Manwood, John. Manwood's treatise of the forest laws: Shewing not only the laws now in force, but the original of forests, what they are, and how they differ from chases, parks, and warrens; which all such things as are incident to either: together with the proper terms of art, collected out of the common and statute laws of this realm; as also from the assises and iters of Pickering and Lancaster, and several other ancient and learned authors. Treating also of the office of agistors, beadles, foresters, keepers, rangers, verderors and wood wards, and of the courts of attachment, &c. with all the variety of cases relating to forests, chases, parks, and warrens; and all the laws concerning the game made, adjudged or repealed, since the year 1665. The whole digested under proper titles in an alphabetical order. The fourth edition, corrected and enlarged. By William Nelson, of the Middle-Temple, Esq;. London : In the Savoy: printed by E. Nutt, (executrix of J. Nutt, assignee of Edward Sayer Esq;) for B. Lintott at the Cross-Keys, R. Gosling at the Mitre and Crown, J. Pemberton at the Buck and Sun, all in Fleet-street; and T. Ward in the Inner-Temple-Lane, 1717. ESTC No. T122597. Grub Street ID 173260.
  • Manwood, John. An abridgment of Manwood's Forest laws. And of all the acts of Parliament made since; which relate to hunting, hawking, fishing, or fowling. With precedents of warrants for game keepers, licences to hunt, hawk, &c. London : printed by H. P. for N. C., 1721. ESTC No. T133103. Grub Street ID 181973.
  • Manwood, John. Manwood's treatise of the forest laws: shewing not only the laws now in force, but the original of forests, what they are, and how they differ from chases, parks, and warrens; with all such Things as are incident to either: Together With The proper Terms of Art, collected out of the Common and Statute Laws of this Realm; as also from the Assises and Iters of Pickering and Lancaster, and several other ancient and learned Authors. Treating also of the Office of Agistors, Beadles, Foresters, Keepers, Rangers, Verderors and Woodwards, and of the Courts of Attachment, &c. With all the Variety of Cases relating to Forests, Chases, Parks, and Warrens; and all the Laws concerning the Game made, adjudged or repealed, since the Year 1665. The Whole digested under proper Titles in an Alphabetical Order. The fifth edition, corrected and enlarged. By William Nelson, of the Middle-Temple, Esq;. London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, (assignee of Edw. Sawyer, esq; for Dan. Browne, at the Black-Swan, without Temple-Bar, MDCCXLI. [1741. ESTC No. N52735. Grub Street ID 36723.