Publications of Thomas Craig


  • Craig, Thomas. Henrici illustrissimi ducis Albaniæ comitis Rossiæ, et Mariæ Scotorum reginæ epithalamium. Per Tho. Craigum. [Edinburgh]: Impressum Edinburgi per Robertum Lekprevik, anno 1565. ESTC No. S91555. Grub Street ID 150589.
  • Craig, Thomas. Serenissimi, & invictissimi Principis, Iacobi Britanniarum et Galliarum Regis, Stephanophoria. Per T. Cragium I.C. Edinburgenum. [Edinburgh]: Excudebat Robertus Charteris typographus, Anno Dom. 1603. ESTC No. S118519. Grub Street ID 138174.
  • Craig, Thomas. Ad Sereniss. et potentiss. principem Iacobum Sextum e sua Scotia decedentem paræneicon. [Edinburgh]: Excudebat Robertus Waldegraue Sereniss. Reg. Maiest. Typographus, M.D.CIII [1603]. ESTC No. S116446. Grub Street ID 136132.
  • Craig, Thomas. Jus feudale tribus libris comprehensum. Quibus non solm consuetudines feudales & prædiorum iura, quæ in Scotia, Anglia, & plerisque Galliæ locis obtinent, continentur; sed universum ius Scoticum, et omnes fer materiæ iuris clar & dilucid exponuntur, et ad fontes iuris feudalis & civilis singula reducuntur. Authore clarissimo & doctissimo viro Mro Thoma Cragio de Riccartoun, in senatu Edinburgensi patrono celeberrimo & iurisconsultissimo. Londini [i.e. Edinburgh]: impensis Societatis Stationariorum, 1655. ESTC No. R40350. Grub Street ID 122157.
  • Craig, Thomas. Jus feudale tribus libris comprehensum. Quibus non solm consuetudines feudales & prædiorum iura, quæ in Scotia, Anglia, & plerisque Galliæ locis obtinent, continentur; sed universum ius Scoticum, et omnes fer materiæ iuris clar & dilucid exponuntur, et ad fontes iuris feudalis & civilis singula reducuntur. Authore clarissime & doctissimo viro Mr. Thoma Cragio de Riccartoun, in senatu Edinburgensi patrono celeberrimo & iurisconsultissimo. Edinburgi: impressum, anno Dom. 1655. ESTC No. R232723. Grub Street ID 104403.
  • Craig, Thomas. Scotland's soveraignty asserted. Being a dispute concerning homage, against those who maintain that Scotland is a feu, or fee-liege of England, and that therefore the King of Scots owes homage to the King of England. Wherein there are many judicious reflections upon most o the English historians, who wrote before the year 1600. and abundance of considerable passages, which illustrate the history of both kingdoms. By Sir Thomas Craig, author of the book de Feudis. Translated from the Latin manuscript, and a preface added, with a short account of the learned author, and a confutation of that homage said to be performed by Malcolm III. King of Scotland, to Edward the Confessor, lately found in the archives of England, and published in a single sheet, by Mr. Rymer, the King's historiographer. By Geo. Ridpath. London : printed for Andrew Bell, at the Cross-Keys in the Poultrey, 1695. ESTC No. R228219. Grub Street ID 100921.
  • Craig, Thomas. Scotland's soveraignty asserted. Being a dispute concerning homage, against those who maintain that Scotland is a feu, or fee-liege of England, and that therefore the King of Scots owes homage to the King of England. Wherein there are many judicious reflections upon most of the English historians, who wrote before the year 1600. and abundance of considerable passages, which illustrate the history of both kingdoms. By Sir Thomas Craig, author of the book de Feudis. Translated from the Latin manuscript, and a preface added, with a short account of the learned author, and a confutation of that homage said to be performed by Malcolm III. King of Scotland, to Edward the Confessor, lately found in the archives of England, and published in a single sheet, by Mr. Rymer, the King's historiographer. By Geo. Ridpath. London : printed for Andrew Bell, at the Cross-Keys in the Poultrey, and sold by Thomas Brown, Alex. Henderson, George Mosman, John Valens, John Mackey, Mrs. Ongstone, Rob. Allen, booksellers in Edinburgh, 1695. ESTC No. R12732. Grub Street ID 60881.
  • Craig, Thomas. Scotland's soveraignty asserted. Being a dispute concerning homage, against those who maintain that Scotland is a feu, or fee-liege of England, and that therefore the king of Scots ows [sic] homage to the king of England. Wherein there are many judicious reflections upon most of the English historians who wrote before the year 1600. and abundance of considerable passages, which illustrate the history of both kingdoms. By Sir Thomas Craig, author of the book de Feudis. Translated from the Latin manuscript, and a preface added ... lately found in the archives of England, and publish'd in a single sheet, by Mr. Rymer, the King's historiographer. The second edition.. London : printed for Andrew Bell, at the Cross-Keys and Bible in Cornhil, 1698. ESTC No. R171588. Grub Street ID 65762.
  • Craig, Thomas. Concerning the right of succession to the kingdom of England, two books; against the sophisms of one Parsons a Jesuite, who assum'd the counterfeit name of Doleman; by which he endeavours to overthrow not only the rights of succession in kingdoms, but also the sacred authority of Kings themselves. By ... Sir Thomas Craig ... written originally in Latin ... and now faithfully translated into English, with a large index ... and a preface by the translator. London : printed by M. Bennet, for Dan. Brown; Cha. Brome; Geo. Sawbridge; R. Hartly; and Geo. Strahan, 1703. ESTC No. N5252. Grub Street ID 36505.
  • Craig, Thomas. The right of succession to the kingdom of England, in two books; against the sophisms of Parsons the Jesuite, who assum'd the counterfeit name of Doleman; by which he endeavours to overthrow not only the rights of succession in kingdoms, but also the sacred authority of Kings themselves. Written originally in Latin above 100 Years since, by the Eminently Learned and Judicious Sir Thomas Craig of Riccartoun, the Celebrated Author of the Jus Feudale, and now faithfully translated into English, with a large index of the Contents, and a preface by the translator, giving an account of the Author and of his Adversary. London : printed by M. Bennet, for Dan. Brown without Temple-Bar; Cha. Brome, at the Gun at the West end of St. Paul's Church-Yard; Geo. Sawbridge, at the 3 Flower de luces in little Britain; J. Hartley, in Holborn; and Geo. Strahan, at the Golden-Ball over against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill, 1703. ESTC No. T144321. Grub Street ID 191194.
  • Craig, Thomas. D. Thomæ Cragii de Riccarton, Equitis, In Senatu Edinburgensi Patroni celeberrimi & jurisconsultissimi, Jus feudale, tribus libris comprehensum: Quibus non solm consuetudines Feudales, & Praediorum jura, quae in Scotia, Anglia, & plerisque Galliae locis obtinent, continentur; sed universum jus Scoticum, & omnes fer materiae juris clar & dilucid exponuntur, & ad fontes juris Feudalis & Civilis singula reducuntur. Editio tertia, prioribus multò emendatior. In qua singulae Diegeses, sive librorum capita, in Paragraphos distinguuntur, praemissis unicuique eorum summariis: Textuum praeterea ex S. S. Scriptura, jure Canonico, Civili, Feudali & Municipali, cm ab Auctore allegatorum, tum aliorum eodem pertinentium loca ab illo praetermissa, in inferiori pagina fideliter adnotantur. Ubi etiam mutationes ab Auctoris temporibus in jure nostro ex statutis publicis factae, quatenus materia ferebat, breviter subjiciuntur. Accessit rerum & verborum index locupletissimus, unà cum Regularum seu Axiomat. Edinburgi: apud Tho. & Walt. Ruddimannos, MDCCXXXII. [1732]. ESTC No. T144476. Grub Street ID 191348.