Publications of Bonaventure Des Périers


  • Des Périers, Bonaventure. The mirrour of mirth, and pleasant conceits: containing, many proper and pleasant inuentions, for the recreation and delight of many, and to the hurt and hinderance of none. Framed in French by that worshipfull and learned gentleman Bonaduenture de Periers, groom to the right excellent and vertuous princesse the Queene of Nauara: and Englished by R.D. At London: printed by Roger Warde: dwelling a litle aboue Holburne Conduit, at the signe of the Talbot, 1583. ESTC No. S4102. Grub Street ID 148198.
  • Des Périers, Bonaventure. The mirrour of mirth and pleasant conceits. containing, many proper and pleasant inuentions for the recreation and delight of many, and to the hurt and hinderance of none. Framed in French by that worshipfull and learned gentleman Bonaduenture de Periers, and groome to the right excellent princesse the Queene of Nauarre: and Englished by T.D. London: Printed by Iohn Danter, dwelling in Ducke Lane, neare vnto Smithfield, 1592. ESTC No. S113591. Grub Street ID 133321.
  • Des Périers, Bonaventure. Cymbalum mundi. Or, satyrical dialogues upon several subjects, by Bonaventure des Perriers, Valet-de-Chambre to Margaret de Valois, Queen of Navarre. To which is prefix'd a letter containing the history, apology, &c. of that work. By Prosper Marchand. Done into English from the French. London : printed for A. Baldwin, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXII. [1712]. ESTC No. T92151. Grub Street ID 311945.
  • Des Périers, Bonaventure. Cymbalum mundi: or satyrical dialogues on various subjects. By Bonaventure des Perriers Gentleman of the Bed Chamber to Marguerite de Valois Queen of Navarre. With a critical letter containing the history and analysis of the work, together with an Apology for it. Done into English from the original. London : printed by T. Sharpe, for J. Newton in Little-Britain, MDCCXXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. T135354. Grub Street ID 183785.
  • Des Périers, Bonaventure. Cymbalum mundi: containing four poetical and satyrical dialogues, on various subjects. By Bonaventure des Perriers ... With a critical letter containing the history and analysis of the work, ... Done into English from the original. London : printed by W. and J. Newton, and sold by T. Payne, 1724. ESTC No. N49559. Grub Street ID 33776.