Bugg, Francis.
De Christiana libertate, or, Liberty of conscience upon it's [sic] true and proper grounds asserted & vindicated. And the mischief of impositions, amongst the people called Quakers, made manifest. In two parts. The first, proving, that no prince nor state ought by force, t compel men to any part of the doctrine, worship, or discipline of the Gospel. By a nameless, yet an approved author, &c. The second, shewing the inconsistency betwixt the church-government erected by G. Fox, &c. and that in the primitive times: being historically treated on. To which is added, A word of advice to the Pencilvanians. By Francis Bugg.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by Enoch Prosser, at the Rose and Crown in Swithins Alley, at the east end of the Royal Exchange, 1682.
ESTC No. R14734.Grub Street ID 62728.
Bugg, Francis.
The painted-harlot both stript and whipt, or the second part of Naked truth, containing. A further discovery of the mischief of imposition, among the people called Quakers, by reason of a certain law or edict, made by G. Whitehead, S. Crisp, and others of the leaders and preachers of G.F's party, a yearly-meeting, or general council, held at London, the 27th. of the 3d. mo. 1675; strictly requiring us neither to forsake, decline, nor remove our meetings, like worldly, fearful, and politick professors: whereby their usurpations are manifest, and how they began to exercise dominion over the consciences of their brethren, ... Being also a brief answer to a part of G. Whiteheads book, called, Judgment fixed, &c. and S. Caters Narrative: of which R. Sandiland's book gave advertisement, ... entituled, The Lib. of an apost. cons. &c. ... By a lover of justice, F Bugg. Mildenhall, the 16th. of the 5th. month, 1683.
London : printed by J. Gain for the author, anno, 1683. and are to be sold by F. Smith, at the Elephant and Castle in Cornhill: where also may be had the authors former book, entituled, De Christiana libertate, &c. which was printed, anno, 1682, [1683].
ESTC No. R27234.Grub Street ID 110420.
Bugg, Francis.
The Quakers detected, their errours confuted, and their hypocrisie discovered. By a lover of the truth as it is in Jesus, Francis Bugg.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by Edward Gyles bookseller in Norwich, and Ralph Watson bookseller in St. Edmunds-Bury, 1686.
ESTC No. R3243.Grub Street ID 115142.
Bugg, Francis.
A letter to the Quakers, viz. to Geo. Fox, Geo. Whitehead, Fra. Camfield, Stephen Crisp, and the rest of your preachers.
London : printed for S. Norris, and are to be sold by most book-sellers in London, Aug. 30. 1690.
ESTC No. R3242.Grub Street ID 115132.
Bugg, Francis.
A letter to the Quakers, viz. to Geo. Fox, Geo. Whitehead, Fra. Camfield, Stephen Crisp, and the rest of your preachers.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by several book-sellers, Aug. 30. 1690.
ESTC No. R203766.Grub Street ID 80853.
Bugg, Francis.
One blovv more at new Rome. Being an appendix to Battering rams, &c. Containing a farther discovery of the grand errours, deep hypocrisies, and Romish practices of the leaders and teachers of the people called Quakers; but more parricularly [sic] G. Whitehead: being an answer to some part of his book, stiled, Innocency against envy, &c. By Francis Bugg.
London : printed for Joh. Guillim, book-seller, in Bishops-gate-street, over against the Great James, 1691.
ESTC No. R27233.Grub Street ID 110419.
Bugg, Francis.
Battering rams against new Rome: containing a farther discovery of the grand hypocrisie of the leaders and teachers of the people called Quakers. Together with a publick challenge to meet G. Fox, G. Whitehead, W. Penn, and S. Cater, to prove matters of fact. To which are added some queries propounded to their Protestant hearers, who are not of G.F's party. By Francis Bugg. Licensed, Decemb. 3. 1690.
London : printed for Joh. Gwillim, book-seller, in Bishops-gate-street, over against the Great James, Jan. 12. 1690/1.
ESTC No. R3241.Grub Street ID 115122.
Bugg, Francis.
New Rome unmask'd, and her foundation shaken; by a farther discovery of the grand errors, deep hypocrisies, popish practices, and pernitious principles of the teachers and leaders of the people, call'd, Quakers; containing also, A brief answer to three books, wrote by G. Whitehead, one of her chief cardinals in nine months time, against Fran. Bugg. The I. entituled, Innocency against envy, &c. The 2. The contentious apostate , and his blow, &c. The 3. The contentious apostate recharged, &c. As also, a brief narrative of the conference between the said G. Whitehead and Fran. Bugg; whereby his notorious lyes are manifest, his errors and deceitful practices confuted and detected. All which is plainly demonstrated to the capacity of every impartial and intelligible reader, by one who was more than 25 years a member of their society, being carried away with thei dissimulation. By Francis Bugg. Licensed, May 4. 1692.
London : printed for the author, 1692. And are to be sold by John Gwillin, [sic] bookseller in Bishopsgate-street, over against the Royal-James, and John Dunton, at the Raven, in the Poultry, and Sam Manship, at the Black-Bull in Cornhill, [1692].
ESTC No. R34387.Grub Street ID 116917.
Bugg, Francis.
The converted Quaker's answer to the allegations of his old brethren the Quakers, in their printed case presented to the House of Commons, December, 1693.
The second edition enlarged..
London : printed by Tho. Milbourn in Jewen-street, 1693.
ESTC No. R229490.Grub Street ID 101962.
Bugg, Francis.
Some of the Quakers principles and doctrines, laws & orders, &c. Reprinted for the sake of such as have not as yet seen them, or that have not duly weigh'd and consider'd the tendency and dangerous consequence of many of them. Licensed, Sept. 20. 1692.
London : printed for John Gwillim, bookseller, over against the Great James in Bishopsgate-street, and Richard Baldwin in Warwick-lane, 1693.
ESTC No. R2875.Grub Street ID 111789.
Bugg, Francis.
New Rome arraigned, and out of her own mouth condemned: containing a farther discovery of the dangerous errours and pernitious principles of the teachers and leaders of the people called Quakers, which tend to overthrow the Christian faith: in answer to George Whitehead's Charitable essay, &c. who for his false testimony, together with eleven of his witnesses that came in to his assistance, are examined, tried, and convicted of perjury, and for the same put into the pillory. By one who was more than five and twenty years a member of their society, being carried awa with their dissimulation, Francis Bugg.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by J. Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, R. Baldwin in Warwick-lane, and J. Guillim in in Bishopsgate-street over against the Great James, 1693.
ESTC No. R24750.Grub Street ID 108505.
Bugg, Francis.
New Rome arraigned, and out of her own mouth condemned. Containing a farther discovery of the dangerous errors, and pernicious principles of the leaders and teachers of the Foxonian Quakers: which tend to overthrow the Christian faith, to obstruct the Jews conversion, to encourage Mahumetism, and to pervert the right way of the Lord; which whether so or no, deserves the examination and consideration of the Christian ministry of all Protestant Churches, as they tender God's glory, and the good of souls. To which is added, Ten articles of the Christian faith, wrote by Geo. Keith, who was persecuted by the Quakers in Pensilvania for his Christian testimony. The second edition, with some alteration and additions, by Francis Bugg. Licensed, June 18th. 1694.
London : reprinted for the author, and are to be sold by J. Gwillim, book-seller, in Bishops-gate-street, 1694.
ESTC No. R202485.Grub Street ID 79720.
Bugg, Francis.
Quakerism withering, and Christianity reviving or, A brief reply to the Quakers pretended vindication. In answer to a printed sheet deliver'd to the Parliament. Wherein their errors, both in fundamentals and circumstantials, are further detected, and G. Whitehead further unmask'd. By an earnest contender for the Christian faith, Francis Bugg. Licens'd, March 3. 1693/4.
London : printed for the author, and sold by J[ohn]. Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, and J[ohn]. Guillam bookseller in Bishopsgate-street, 1694.
ESTC No. R23819.Grub Street ID 107670.
Bugg, Francis.
A second summons to the city of Abel, 2 Sam. 20. To deliver up Sheba, the son of Bichri, that man of Belial; by way of metaphor, alluding to the Quakers and Geo. Whitehead. And may serve for a reply to their answer to my printed sheet, stiled, The Quakers Yearly Meeting impeached, &c.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by John Gwillam bookseller in Bishopsgate-street, 1695.
ESTC No. R21466.Grub Street ID 89857.
Bugg, Francis.
The Quakers yearly metting [sic] or convocation impeached on the behalf of the Commons of England, by Francis Bugg.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by John Guillam in Bishopsgate-street, 1695.
ESTC No. R23821.Grub Street ID 107673.
Bugg, Francis.
The Quakers set in their true light, in order to give the nations a clear sight of what they hold concerning Jesus of Nazareth, the Scriptures, water baptism, the Lords Supper, magistracy, ministry, laws, and government. Historically collected out of their most approved authors, which are their best construing-books, from the year of their rise 1650, to the year of their progress 1696. By Francis Bugg, Senior.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by C. Brome, at the Gun at the west end of St. Pauls, and J. Guillim, bookseller in Bishopsgate-street, 1696.
ESTC No. R29140.Grub Street ID 112156.
Bugg, Francis.
The Quakers set in their true light, in order to give the nations a clear sight of what they hold concerning Jesus of Nazareth, the Scriptures, water baptism, the Lords Supper, magistracy, ministry, laws, and government. Historically collected out of their most approved authors, which are their best construing books, from the year of their rise 1650, to the year of their progress 1696. By Francis Bugg, senior.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by C[harles]. Brome, at the Gun, at the west end of St. Pauls, 1696.
ESTC No. R23820.Grub Street ID 107672.
Bugg, Francis.
The picture of Quakerism drawn to the life. In two parts. The first, shewing the vanity of the Quakers pretence of their being the one, only Catholick Church of Christ; and that the apostolick order thereof; is re-established amongst them; and them only; also shewing, that legal punishment is not persecution, whereby the Christian magistrates of the English government, are cleared from the odious scandal of persecution; charged on them by the Quakers. The second, containing, a brief history of the rise, growth, and progress of Quakerism; being a modest correction of the general history of the Quakers wrot in Holland by Gerrard Croese. By Francis Bugg, Sen.
London : printed for, and are to be sold by W. Kettleby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, and W. Rogers at the Sun in Fleet-street, 1697.
ESTC No. R6912.Grub Street ID 127212.
Bugg, Francis.
A sober expostulation, with some of the hearers of the Quakers, against the insolent boldness of their mercenary teachers. In two tracts, viz. their Sober expostulation with the clergy, &c. By G. Whitehead. Primitive Christianity continued, &c. By Jos. Wyeth. Being a vindication of Mr. Archer, Mr. Smithies, and the reverend author of the book, intituled, The snake in the grass, from the Quakers foul imputations; as well as a farther discovery of the audacious insolency of the ring-leaders of that sect: being a forerunner of a farther confutation of their error and pernicious principles, which tend to undermine the Christian religion. By Francis Bugg, Senior.
London : printed for C. Brome, at the Gun, at the west end of St Paul's, [1698].
ESTC No. R28541.Grub Street ID 111603.
Bugg, Francis.
Seventy queries to seventy Quakers. Or, A second sober expostulation with the hearers, amongst the Quakers, by way of interrogation; touching the doctrine and practice of their mercenary teachers, expecting their answer, or else shall conclude by their silence, they assent to what is objected against them by Fra. Bugg.
London] : written by the author of The pilgrim's progress, from Quakerism to Christianity, &c. Sept. 1698. and both sold by W. Kettleby, at the Bishop's-Head, in St. Paul's Church-yard, London, [1698.
ESTC No. R219419.Grub Street ID 93955.
Bugg, Francis.
The pilgrim's progress, from Quakerism, to Christianity. Containing a farther discovery of the danger of the growth of Quakerism, not only in point of doctrine, but also in their politicks, in what they call their church-government, both from matter of fact, practice and experience; from the connection of the use and design of their silent meetings, their monthly, quarterly, and yearly meetings, &c. their fund or common stock; with the consequence of it. Together with a remedy proposed for the cure of Quakerism. To which is added an appendix: shewing, wherein ther is a most damnable plot contrived and carrying on by New-Rome, and that by a united confederacy against the reformed religion, and the professors thereof; both magistrates, ministers and people. With a challenge to Geo. Whitehead, (her chief cardinal) to prove the same. By Francis Bugg, Sen.
London : printed for, and are to be sold by W. Kettleby, at the Bishops-Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1698.
ESTC No. R20074.Grub Street ID 78230.
Bugg, Francis.
Some reasons humbly proposed to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal assembled in Parliament, why the Quakers principles and practices should be examined, and censured or suppressed. As also, some reasons why I thus proceed.
London : printed for the author, by Rich. Janeway, jun. on Addle-Hill, near Doctors-Commons, and sold by J. Robinson, at the Golden-Lion, in St. Paul's Church-yard; where also may be had his other books, 1699.
ESTC No. R233112.Grub Street ID 104722.
Bugg, Francis.
The Christian ministry of the Church of England vindicated and distinguished from the antichristian ministry of the Quakers. Containing a brief reply to a false and foolish libel, stiled, A letter to the clergy of the diocess of Norfolk and Suffolk, &c. by a nameless author, yet a pretended member of the Church of England. Wherein his folly is detected; his lies confuted; his weakness discovered; and his malice reproved. By a member of the Church of England, Francis Bugg.
London : printed for the author: and are to be sold by J. Robinson at the Golden-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard. And H. Rhodes at the Star in Fleet-street, 1699.
ESTC No. R35451.Grub Street ID 117863.
Bugg, Francis.
Quakerism expos'd to publick censure, by a brief narrative of the proceedings between some of the Norfolk clergy and the Quakers, at a late conference at West-Dereham Church; wherein is set forth the Quakers challenge, the clergies charge, and the gentry's petition, prepar'd ready to present to the Parliament. Also, a brief answer to four of the Quakers books and papers relating to the same. All publish'd to prevent false reports. By Francis Bugg.
London : printed for the author: and are to be sold by J. Robinson at the Golden-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard. And H. Rhodes at the Star in Fleet-street, 1699.
ESTC No. R35452.Grub Street ID 117864.
Bugg, Francis.
Some reasons humbly proposed to the Lords spiritual and temporal and Commons assembled in Parliament, why the Quakers principles and practices should be examined, and censured or suppressed. As also, some reasons why I thus proceed.
London : printed for the author, by Rich. Janeway, jun. on Addle-H[ill near Doctor]s-Commons, and sold by J. Robinson, at the Golden-Lion, and W. Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard; and E. Harris, at the Harrow in L[ittle Britain w]here also may be had his other books, 1699.
ESTC No. R233986.Grub Street ID 105383.
Bugg, Francis.
William Penn, the pretended Quaker, discovered to hold a correspondence with the Jesuite's at Rome. To which is added, A winding-sheet for Ann Dockwra: by Francis Bugg.
London : printed for J. Gwillim, against Crosby-Square, in Bishops-Gate-Street, 1700.
ESTC No. R213100.Grub Street ID 88621.
Bugg, Francis.
A modest defence of my book, entituled, Quakerism expos'd: as also, of my broad sheet; with a scheme of the Quakers yearly synod; and other books, presented anno 1699. to the ParliamentDT And G. Whitehead's inside turn'd outward, by reprinting his ancient book Ishmael, &c intirely; shewing thereby the Quakers ancient testimony of contempt of the Holy Scriptures, and blasphemy against the blessed Trinity; and they tell us they are not chang'd. By Francis Bugg.
London : printed by R. Janeway, Jun. for the author; and sold by J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-yard; H. Rhodes, at the Star at the corner of Bride-Lane, Fleetstreet; Ch. Broome at the Gun in Ludgate-street; and J. Marshall at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street, 1700.
ESTC No. R19514.Grub Street ID 77109.
Bugg, Francis.
A just rebuke to the Quakers insolent behaviour, in their two books, i.e. A just censure, &c. the other, A sober reply, &c. both presented to some members of Parliament. Also a dialogue between a civilian and a Quaker.
London : printed for the author, by Rich. Janeway, Jun. near Doctors-Commons, 1700.
ESTC No. R203340.Grub Street ID 80457.
Bugg, Francis.
The pilgrim's progress, from Quakerism to Christianity: containing, a farther discovery of the dangerous growth of Quakerism, not only in points of doctrine, but also in their politicks; respecting their government within the government, and opposite to it; together with their fund or common bank to support the same: with a remedy proposed for this malady; and the cure of Quakerism. To which is added an appendix, discovering a most damnable plot, contriv'd and carrying on by New-Rome, by an united confederacy, against the reformed religion and professors thereof; as will appear from the design of their silent meetings, their monthly, quarterly, second-day, six-week, and yearly meeting; all which are particularly herein treated on. The second edition, corrected and enlarged. By a servant of the Church, Fr. Bugg.
London : printed by R. Janeway, Jun. for the author; and sold by J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-yard; and Ch. Brome, at the Gun in Ludgate-Street, 1700.
ESTC No. R20744.Grub Street ID 83826.
Bugg, Francis.
A brief reply to George Whitehead's book, stiled, A rambling pilgrim; in answer to a book, intitled, The pilgrim's progress from Quakerism to Christianity: shewing the danger of the Quakers government within the government, and opposite to it, as contriv'd and carried on in their monthly, quarterly, six-week, second-day, and yearly meeting or convocation, contrary to the laws of the land, and particularly, to the Act of toleration. By Francis Bugg.
London : printed by R. Janeway, Jun. and sold by J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Churchyard, and C. Brome, at the Gun in Ludgate-street, 1700.
ESTC No. R24749.Grub Street ID 108504.
Bugg, Francis.
A seasonable caveat against the prevalency of Quakerism. Containing a list of one of their parliaments, and forty-four of their canon laws. As also their errors in doctrine, and Politicks in Government, and the Methods they take to support both; likewise Geo. Whitehead's mournful letter of condolance, Mr. Crisp's letter of reproof to Ann Docwra, and G. Fox's last will and testament. Together with an Expostulatory Conclusion, reflecting on the Quakers Petition, by their witnessing against Parliaments, &c. a Hint also of their Arbitrary Government in Pensilvania, a touch-stone for Robert Barclay's Apology. Published for information by F. Bugg.
London : printed for the author, and sold by J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and Ch. Brome, at the Gun at the West-End of St. Paul's; and Geo. Strahan, at the Ball over-against the Royal-Exchange, 1701.
ESTC No. T47255.Grub Street ID 275223.
Bugg, Francis.
The last will of that impostor Geo. Fox, the Quakers great apostle and admired idol, .
London : printed by R. Janeway, for the author; and sold by J. Robinson; and Ch. Brome; and Geo. Strahan, 1701.
ESTC No. T154603.Grub Street ID 198686.
Bugg, Francis.
News from New Rome, occasioned by the Quakers challenging of Francis Bugg, whereby their errors are further exposed. With a brief reply to Henry Pickworth's narrative; and something in answer to two of the Quakers books presented to some members of Parliament. By Francis Bugg. News, Numb.1.
London : printed by R. Janeway, for the author, and sold by J. Robinson; and Ch. Brome; and Geo. Strahan, 1701.
ESTC No. T43074.Grub Street ID 271687.
Bugg, Francis.
News from New Rome, occasioned by the Quakers challenging of Francis Bugg, Whereby their errors are further exposed. With a brief reply to Henry Pickworth's narrative; and something in answer to two of the Quakers books presented to some members of Parliament. By Francis Bugg.
London : Printed by R. Janeway, for the author, and sold by J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-yard; and Ch. Brome, at the Gun at the West-end of St. Paul's; and Geo. Strahan, at the Ball over-against the Royal-Exchange, 1701.
ESTC No. T142260.Grub Street ID 189673.
Bugg, Francis.
News from New Rome, occasioned by the Quakers challenging of Francis Bugg, whereby their errors are further exposed. With a brief reply to Henry Pickworth's narrative; and something in answer to two of the Quakers books presented to some members of Parliament. By Francis Bugg. News, Numb. 1.
London : printed by R. Janeway, for the author, and sold by J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-yard; and Ch. Brome, at the Gun at the west-end of St. Paul's; and Geo. Strahan, at the Ball over-against the Royal-Exchange, 1701.
ESTC No. N70264.Grub Street ID 50939.
Bugg, Francis.
A narrative of the conference at Sleeford in Lincolnshire, between Francis Bugg and Henry Pickworth, August 25, 1701. Wherein, not only the contradiction of the Quakers to the Holy Scriptures, in the great fundamentals of Christianity, but their great inconsistency one with another; and particularly, between Fox, Whitehead, Penn, &c. and their highly renown'd author Robert Barcley, in his Apology, is chiefly manifested and detected. Also, an account of the occasion of this conference; and how the Quakers books came to be burnt at the market-cross; with several certificates for confirmation. To which are added, two chapters, shewing how the Quakers assume to themselves, those divine attributes due only to God Almighty, and his son Jesus Christ. Writ and publish'd by Francis Bugg.
London : Printed for the author, and sold by John Taylor at the Ship; and R. Wilkins at the King's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1702.
ESTC No. T39572.Grub Street ID 268802.
Bugg, Francis.
Distinct advice on two different heads, given to the people call'd Quakers. First, with respect to a conference to be had with their teachers at Banbury, the 21th of September 1702. Second, relating to a conference already had at Colchester, May the 21th 1702. With a brief account of the same. By Francis Bugg.
London : printed for the author, and sold by J. Taylor, and R. Wilkins, 1702.
ESTC No. T34698.Grub Street ID 264963.
Bugg, Francis.
Vox populi: or, a cloud of witnesses, proving the leading Quakers great imposters by undeniable evidence, both of the Divines of the Church of England, and many of the ... preachers amongst the Protestant Dissenters . .
London : printed by R. Janeway, for the author, and sold by H. Mortlock, W. Kettleby and Ch. Broome, 1702.
ESTC No. T52632.Grub Street ID 279677.
Bugg, Francis.
A bomb thrown amongst the Quakers in Norwich, which will reach their friends in Bristol, and set fire on the combustible matter thorow their whole camp in England and Wales.
[[Norwich]: Printed at Norwich, and sold by Norwich book-sellers, and by J. Taylor, and R. Wilkins, London, 1702].
ESTC No. N62641.Grub Street ID 44938.
Bugg, Francis.
A bomb thrown amongst the Quakers in Norwich, which will reach their friends in Bristol, and set fire on the combustible matter thorow their whole camp in England and Wales.
Norwich: printed for the author, and sold by the book-sellers in Norwich, 1702.
ESTC No. T64361.Grub Street ID 289419.
Bugg, Francis.
Quakerism deeply wounded, and now lyes a bleeding in Sleeford and Colchester.
London : printed for the author, and sold by J. Robinson and Ch. Broome, 1702.
ESTC No. T46162.Grub Street ID 274348.
Bugg, Francis.
The Quaker's charm discover'd: whereby they bewitch, not only their own deluded followers with their sorceries, who take [] for truth their teacher say, or write; but also many other unthinking people, who being unaquainted with their wiles, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, are too often carried away with their dissimulation. By a brief reply to their late book intituled Fruits of retirement &c. especially that part of it wrote against the Bishop of Cheshire, with remarks upon, not only their most scandalous reflections upon the said Bishop, but also upon the government, and the Church of England by law established.
London : printed, and sold by J. Taylor, at the Ship, and R. Wilkins at the King's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, [1702].
ESTC No. T46164.Grub Street ID 274350.
Bugg, Francis.
Vox populi: or, a cloud of witnesses, proving the leading Quakers great imposters by undeniable evidence, both of the divines of the Church of England, and many of the most eminent preachers amongst the Protestant Dissenters. Humbly submitted to authority. By Francis Bugg.
London : printed by R. Janeway, for the author; and sold by H. Mortlock, and W. Kettleby , in St. Paul's Church-Yard ; and Ch. Brome, at the Gun in Ludgate-Street, 1702.
ESTC No. N48104.Grub Street ID 32710.
Bugg, Francis.
Vox populi: or, a cloud of witnesses; proving the leading Quakers great impostors ... By Francis Bugg.
London : Printed by R. Janeway, for the Author; and sold by H. Mortlock, and W. Kettleby, in St. Paul's Church-yard; and Ch. Brome, at the Gun in Ludgate-street, 1702.
ESTC No. N64005.Grub Street ID 46078.
Bugg, Francis.
The last will and testament of that impostor George Fox, the Quakers' admired idol, written with his own hand, and is now lying in the prerogative-office, by Doctors-Commons, London .
London] : The fifth edition: printed for Francis Bugg, and sold by C. Brome, and J. Tayler in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1703.
ESTC No. T224328.Grub Street ID 246587.
Bugg, Francis.
News from Pensilvania: Or a Brief narrative Of several Remarkable Passages in the government of the Quakers, In that Province. Touching their Proceedings in their Pretended Courts of Justice; their Way of Trade and Commerce; with Remarks and Observations upon the whole. Published by the Author of The Pilgrim's Progress, &c.
London : printed, and sold by the booksellers, [1703].
ESTC No. T25441.Grub Street ID 257869.
Bugg, Francis.
A bomb thrown amongst the Quakers in Norwich, which will reach their friends in Bristol, and set fire on the combustible matter thorow their whole camp in England and Wales.
[[Norwich]: Printed at Norwich, and sold by Norwich book-sellers, and by J. Taylor, and R. Wilkins, London], 1703.
ESTC No. T22955.Grub Street ID 249431.
Bugg, Francis.
The last will and testament of that impostor George Fox, the Quakers admired idol, written with his own hand, and is now lying in the prerogative-office, by doctors-commons, London: attested so to be, by G. Whitehead, S. Mead, and W. Ingram; as more largely is recited in my book, quakerism drooping, &c. p. 147. Printed 1703. And this will may serve for an answer to the Quakers grand query in their book a light shining out of darkness, &c. P. 116. Viz. Is not the Gospel of John as bad Greek as any Quakers English? I answer, No. Compare St. John's Gospel with this will.
The sixth edition..
London] : Printed for Francis Bugg, (who supposes that there are many necessary Houses in England, Scotland, and Ireland, where with the white of an egg this will may be cleaved up; and it will be as extensive in its use and application, as that legacy C. Fox, in his will, gave to Dr. Thomas Lower, namely, the thing people give glisters with) and sold by C. Erome, and J. Tayler in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1703.
ESTC No. N33954.Grub Street ID 22393.
Bugg, Francis.
A brief reply to the Quakers book, falsely call'd, VindiciƦ veritatis; said to be an answer to John Stillingfleet's treatise, Seasonable advice concerning Quakerism.
London] : Printed for H. Mortlock, at the Ph.nix in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1703.
ESTC No. T29643.Grub Street ID 260998.
Bugg, Francis.
The last will and testament of that imposter George Fox, the Quakers' admired idol, written with his own hand, and is now lying in the prerogative-office, by Doctors-Commons, London: attested so to be, by G. Whitehead, S. Mead, and W. Ingram; as more largely is recited (with the letter of administration in Latin) in my book, Quakerism drooping, &c. p. 147.
The fourth edition..
London] : By Francis Bugg, 1703.
ESTC No. T227356.Grub Street ID 248469.
Bugg, Francis.
Quakerism drooping, and its cause sinking: ... By a servant of the church, F. Bugg. Also, a reply to the Quakers apology, why they refused to meet Francis Bugg the 21st of September 1702, to defend themselves from his charge. By Ben. Loveling,.
London : printed for the author, and sold by C. Brome, J. Taylor, and R. Wilkins, 1703.
ESTC No. T46163.Grub Street ID 274349.
Bugg, Francis.
A Christian invitation to the Quakers of Bristol, and Norwich, for a friendly conference, in defence of their principles, from the following charge; where I intend to meet them, viz. at Bristol some time in the beginning of May next, and at Norwich in July next, To see whether there be a Quaker in England that dare appear in the defence of their principles from the charge following, viz.
London : printed for the author, 1704. And sold at the Gun, the Ship, the Green-Draggon, and the King's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, and J. Goddard bookseller in Norwich, [1704].
ESTC No. N44241.Grub Street ID 29724.
Bugg, Francis.
A bomb thrown amongst the Quakers in Norwich, which will reach their Friends in Bristol, and set fire no [sic] the combustible matter thorow [sic] their whole camp in England, Wales and America.
[New York: Printed by William Bradford, 1704].
ESTC No. W17903.Grub Street ID 327481.
Bugg, Francis.
The great mystery of the little whore unfolded, and her witchcrafts (by which she hath Deceived Nations) discovered. Whereby the Quakers are once more set in their true light. By way of dialogue between first, a Church of England-Man. Secondly, a Protestant dissenter. Thirdly, a right-bred Quaker. By a Servant of the Church, Francis Bugg. All which is humbly submitted to Authority.
London : printed for the author, and sold by Tho. Bennet at the Half-Moon R. Wilkins at the King's Head, Edw. Evets at the Green Dragon, in St. Paul's Church Yard; and Ralph Smith at the Bible under the Piazzas of the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1705.
ESTC No. T114684.Grub Street ID 166482.
Bugg, Francis.
A quaker catechism. To which is added, The shortest way with Daniel De-Foe.
London : printed by H. Hills for the author, and sold at the Half-Moon, and at the King's Head, in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1706.
ESTC No. N21920.Grub Street ID 11279.
Bugg, Francis.
Quakerism struck speechless; or, a farther discovery of The great mystery of the little whore; whose witchcrafts are hereby farther laid open and unfolded, whereby the Quakers are once more set in their true light. By a dialogue tripartite. Containing also a full Answer to Two Reviews, touching the Quakers late Sham Confessions to the Parliament, quoted by Daniel Foe. Written by a Servant of the Church, Francis Bugg. All which is Humbly submitted to Authority. Par II.
London : printed for the author, and sold by Tho. Bennet at the Half-Moon, R. Wilkin at the King's-Head, J. Knapton at the Crown, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and Ralph Smith at the Bible under the Piazza of the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1706.
ESTC No. T114679.Grub Street ID 166476.
Bugg, Francis.
A Quaker catechism. To which is added, The shortest way with Daniel De-Foe.
London : printed and sold by H. Hills in Black-fryars near the Waterside, [1706.
ESTC No. T221309.Grub Street ID 244667.
Bugg, Francis.
Hidden things brought to light, whereby the fox is unkennell'd: and the bowells of Quakerism ript up, laid open, and expos'd to publick view; by a dialogue tripartite. Whereby the Quakers inside (to speak Figuratively) is turn'd outward; and The great mystery of the little whore farther unfolded. Setting forth the Quakers Creed, their Prayers, their X. Commandments, their disturbing Churches, their incouraging and discouraging Wars and Fighting; the Multitude of Books, Epistles, &c. said to be writ by G. Fox in 8 Years time; the impossibility of it from divers considerations grounded upon Reason and Fact: His Self-Exaltations, and his Disciples Adorations of him: His 12 Miracles, and other Blasphemies; James Nayier being Hosannah'd into Bristol, his raising the Dead: His Fasting 16 Days together: His Tryal and Sentence by the Parliament, and other Matters; many whereof never publish'd by me before. Whereby the Quakers Hypocrisie, and damnable Heresies, their Blasphemy and gross Idolatry, ar.
London : printed for the author, and sold by Eliz. Bennet at the Half-Moon, R. Wilkin at the King's-Head, J. Knapton, at the Crown, T. Child, at the White-Hart in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and Ralph Smith at the Bible under the Piazza of the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1707.
ESTC No. T114681.Grub Street ID 166479.
Bugg, Francis.
A seasonable caveat against the prevalency of Quakerism; by a clear manifestation of a spirit of persecution in the Quakers, had they power to their will, by their proceedings against Francis Bugg, for going to their Meeting in Norwich, September 29. 1706, and asking thi single question, viz. Do you own the 9th Commandment, i.e. thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour?.
The second edition corrected..
London : printed for the author, and sold by R. Wilkin, and T. Goddard, bookseller in Norwich, 1707.
ESTC No. N21492.Grub Street ID 10862.
Bugg, Francis.
Goliah's head cut off with his own sword, and the Quakers routed by their own weapons: by a dialogue tripartite. Shewing the Quakers Hypocrisie and Dissimulation; their several Advances thereby; their Ingratitude to the Government, by their fresh attacking the Church Establish'd. Whereby The great mystery of the little whore is farther unfolded. Written by a Servant of the Church, Francis Bugg. Humbly Dedicated to the First Parliament of Great Britain. Part IV. Price 3s.
London : printed for the author, and sold by R. Wilkin at the King's-Head, J. Knapton, at the Crown, W. Carter at the Green Dragon, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and R. Smith at the Bible under the Piazza of the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1708.
ESTC No. T114680.Grub Street ID 166478.
Bugg, Francis.
An abstract of the Quakers present principles, humbly laid before the Honourable, the House of Commons, assembled in Parliament.
London : printed for the author, and sold at the Kings-head, Crown, and Green-dragon, in St. Paul's-Church-Yard, 1709.
ESTC No. T25867.Grub Street ID 258102.
Bugg, Francis.
Quakerism anatomized, and finally dissected: shewing, from plain fact, that a rigid Quaker is a cruel persecutor. Prepar'd, by way of dialogue (together, with the four foregoing parts) as an antidote against the venom of three large folio's, put forth by the Quakers, since the death, and as the works, of their founder, George Fox, thus entitled, 1. A journal, &c. of the travels, sufferings, life, doctrine, visions, revelations, and miracles of George Fox, pages, about-800 2. A collection of the epistles, &c. of George Fox, pages, about-400 3. Gospel-Truths, &c. said to be the books of George Fox, pages, about 1200 Whereby the great mystery of the Little whore is farther unfolded. Written by a servant of the church, Francis Bugg. Part. V. Price 3 s.
London : printed for the author, and sold by R. Wilkin, at the King's-Head, J. Knapton, at the Crown, and W. Carter, at the Green-Dragon, in St. Paul's-Church-Yard, 1709.
ESTC No. T114682.Grub Street ID 166480.
Bugg, Francis.
John Whiting, a Quaker-Author, at the Blue-Ball in Holbourn, posted for a coward.
London : printed for the Author, sold by B. Bragg,, 1709.
ESTC No. T29152.Grub Street ID 260590.
Bugg, Francis.
A retrospective-Glass for the mis-led Quakers; whereby they (as well as Others) may see the deceivableness of their ring-leaders, and well perceive their deep-laid hypocrisies. I. By their pretending, that they cannot seek to outward Authority; whilst no People upon Earth seek more to outward Authority. II. By their Mock-Parliament, shewing thereby, that they have a Government within the Government, and directly opposite to it. III. By a Sermon prepared for George Whitehead, containing a full Answer to a Book they presented to the Parliament, Anno 1709. IV. By a Court of Conscience, held November the 24th, 1709. viz. A just and lawful Tryal of the Quaker Teachers, by a perfect Proceeding against them; and they being Righteously Examin'd, Weighed and Measured; They, by their own Rule are Judged and Condemned, as being contrary to the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, and all the Ministers of Christ in former Ages; And they being brought to the Bar of Justice, these Things are truly charged,.
London : printed for the author, and sold by R. Wilkin at the King's Head, J. Knapton at the Crown, and W. Carter at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1710.
ESTC No. T114677.Grub Street ID 166474.
Bugg, Francis.
The Quakers present principles farther expos'd to publick view: Respecting I. Their contempt of the Holy Scripture. II. Their denying Jesus to be Christ. III. Their contempt of ordinances. IV Their antimonarchical principles. V. Avouching their principles still to be the same they were fifty years ago; and that in every respect, &c. Written by a servant of the church, Francis Bugg.
The second edition corrected..
London : Printed for the Author, and sold, with other of his books, at the King's Head, the Crown, Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1711.
ESTC No. T181623.Grub Street ID 218159.
Bugg, Francis.
The quakers infallibility shaken all to pieces: or, their sinful pretence to a sinless perfection in this life confuted, by the Universal Experience, of the best Men in all Ages, as by the Confession of the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Primitive Christians, Saints and Martyrs, do plainly appear in the Holy Scriptures, and Martyrologies. By way of appendix. Confirming, As well from plain Fact, as other Demonstrations, the several charges against Quakerism in the six foregoing parts, of what Nature or Kind so ever. With an index. Written by a Servant of the Church, Francis Bugg. Par Vii. Price 2s. 6d.
London : printed for the author, and sold by R. Wilkin at the King's Head; J. Knapton at the Crown, and W. Carter at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and T. Baker at the Bible in Ludgate-Street, MDCCXI. [1711].
ESTC No. T114678.Grub Street ID 166475.
Bugg, Francis.
The Quakers present principles farther expos'd to publick view: respecting I. Their contempt of the holy scripture. II. Their denying Jesus to be Christ. III. Their contempt of ordinances ... Written by a servant of the Church, Francis Bugg.
London : printed for the author, and sold, with other of his books, at the King's Head, the Crown, and Green Dragon in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1711.
ESTC No. T14841.Grub Street ID 194767.
Bugg, Francis.
The quakers present principles farther expos'd to publick view: respecting I. Their contempt of the holy scripture. II. Their denying Jesus to be Christ. III. Their contempt of ordinances. IV. Their Antimonarchical Principles. V. Avouching their Principles still to be the same they were Fifty Years ago; and that in every Respect, &c. Written by a servant of the Church, Francis Bugg.
The third edition enlarg'd..
London : printed for the author, and sold, with other of his books, at the Kings Head, the Crown, Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1712.
ESTC No. T25440.Grub Street ID 257868.
Bugg, Francis.
A finishing stroke: Or, Some gleanings, collected out of the Quakers books. By way of prologue. Never before publish'd. (With directions to the book-binders, who bind up this folio with the seven following parts:) Whereby the great mystery of the little whole is farther unfolded. Written by a servant of the Church, Francis Bugg.
London : Printed for the author, and sold by R. Wilkin, at the King's-Head; and H. Clements, at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXII. [1712].
ESTC No. T114683.Grub Street ID 166481.
Bugg, Francis.
Quakerism father expos'd, by XII arguments against their desired simple affirmation. Also a court of conscience held December 5. 1712. where twelve Quakers were convicted of perjury, and condemn'd. To which is added, one of their primitive epistles, with some animadversions thereupon. By a Servant of the Church, Fran. Bugg.
London : Printed for the author, and sold by R. Wilkin, at the King's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1713.
ESTC No. T17769.Grub Street ID 214601.
Bugg, Francis.
The picture of Quakerism once more drawn to the life. Containing XX articles of their faith. Together with XX modest queries, humbly propounded to the wise in heart, ... Humbly dedicated to authority, by a servant of the Church, Fra. Bugg. .
London : printed for the author; and sold by R. Wilkin, and Hen. Clements, 1714.
ESTC No. T14233.Grub Street ID 189734.
Bugg, Francis.
The picture of Quakerism once more drawn to the life. Containing XX articles of their faith. Together with XX modest queries, humbly propounded to the wise in heart, ... Humbly dedicated to authority, by a servant of the church, Fra. Bugg. .
London : printed for the author; and sold by R. Wilkin, and Hen. Clements, 1714-19.
ESTC No. N11588.Grub Street ID 1588.
Bugg, Francis.
A new frame for the picture of Quakerism, in eight parts. ... Written by a servant of the church, and humbly dedicated to authority. .
London : printed for the author, and sold by R. Wilkin, and W. and J. Innys, 1719 [1720].
ESTC No. T39847.Grub Street ID 269050.
Bugg, Francis.
The holy gospel of the blessed Jesus defended; the honour and dignity of his person vindicated, from the contempt cast upon both, by the ringleaders of the people called Quakers Shewing That by their Doctrine and Practice, they are setting up a New Religion, and thereby Saping the very Foundation of the Christian Religion, suffered for in the Flames by our Martyred Ancestors. With the Methods they have taken to deceive the Nation, and to advance their Party. All which is humbly Dedicated to Authority. By a servant of the church, Fra. Bugg.
London : printed for the author, and sold by Rich. Wilkin, at the King's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1723.
ESTC No. N33134.Grub Street ID 21654.
Bugg, Francis.
Strong motives for an impartial examination, of the principles, doctrines, and practices of the Quakers, ... By a servant of the church, Fran. Bugg.
London : printed for the author, and sold by Rich. Wilkin, 1724.
ESTC No. N37202.Grub Street ID 25155.