Publications of Richard Ware I
Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.
What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.
In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:
- "printed by x"; or
- "sold by x"; or
- "printed for x" or "published by x";
or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):
- "printed and sold by x"; "printed: and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.
On this last point, trade publishers such as Mary Cooper appeared in imprints as having "printed" or "published" the work, though they did not own the copyright. The lists below reflect only the information on the imprint, except where ESTC provides extra information.
Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.
David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:
The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.
D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).
Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.
A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).
- Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
- Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
- John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
- John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
- David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
- Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
- D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
- Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).
Printed by Richard Ware I
- A supplement to the New version of Psalms by Dr. Brady and Mr. Tate; . The eighth edition, corrected: ... London] : In the Savoy: printed by R. Ware, [1717?. ESTC No. T93014. Grub Street ID 312757.
Sold by Richard Ware I
- The orthodox communicant, by way of meditation on the order for the administration of the Lord's-Supper, or Holy Communion; according to the liturgy of the Church of England. London : engraven by J. Sturt & sold by R. Ware at the Bible & Sun on Ludgate Hill, & J. Tinney at the Golden Lion in Fleet Street, [1721]. ESTC No. N474481. Grub Street ID 396066.
- Forms of prayer, proper to be used before, at, and after the receiving of the Holy Sacrament: some of which may be fitly made use of upon other occasions. To which are added, some meditations, proper to excite a holy and devout frame of mind. The fifth edition.. London : printed for Benj. Barker at the White Hart in Westminster-Hall, and sold by J. Wyat, and J. Holland, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, A. Bettesworth, W. Taylor, R. Ware, S. Birt, J. Hazard, in Pater-Noster-Row, S. Harding, in St. Martin's-Lane, and J. Parker, in Pall-Mall, 1723. ESTC No. N31850. Grub Street ID 20726.
- Le Clerc, Sébastien. A treatise of architecture, with remarks and observations. By that excellent master thereof Sebastian Le Clerc, . London] : sold by Mr. Richd. Ware and John Innys. Mr. Osbourn. Mr. Senex. Mr. Sam Tooke & Mr. Ben Motte. And John Sturt, 1724. ESTC No. T208309. Grub Street ID 237219.
- The historical part of the Holy Bible or The Old and New Testament exactly and compleatly describ'd in above two hundred historys curiously engrav'd by J: Cole from designs of ye best masters. London] : Sold by Richard Ware at the Bible & Sun Warwick lane at Amen Corner. Likewise sells all sorts of Bibles Com prayers & Testaments, [1725?. ESTC No. T130293. Grub Street ID 179451.
- The saviour of the world. Just publish'd, in folio, 4to, and all other sizes fited to bind up with the Bible, A brief concordance, for the more easy finding out of the useful places therein contained; by J. Downame, B.D. London] : Sold by R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner, near Warwick Lane, [1726?. ESTC No. T504394. Grub Street ID 414270.
- Marcel, Guillaume. Chronological tables of Europe. From the nativity of our Saviour to the year MDCCXXVI. ... that one may immediately find either pope, emperour or King; and thereby know in what time or Kingdom he reign'd, . London] : Sold by Mr. C Bateman & R. Ware. Mr B. Motte. Mr. Stag. Mr. J. Brotherton, & J. Sturt engraver, [1726. ESTC No. T89422. Grub Street ID 309322.
- Melmoth, William. The great importance of a religious life consider'd. To which are added, some morning and evening prayers. The sixth edition.. London : Printed for B. Barker at the College-Arms near Dean's-Yard, Westminister; and sold by D. Browne without Temple-Bar; A. Bettesworth, J. Orborn and T. Longman J. Hazard, S. Birt, B. Whitledge and R. Ware in Pater-noster Row, 1728. ESTC No. T174573. Grub Street ID 211658.
- Sturt, John. The historical part of the Holy Bible. Or The Old and New Testament exquisitely and accurately describ'd in near three hundred historys. Engraven by John Sturt, from designs of the greatest masters. London] : Sold by Richd. Ware at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate Hill; all sorts of Bibles and common-prayers, adorn'd with Mr. Sturts fine cuts, his engrav'd common prayer and orthodox communicant, etc., [1730?. ESTC No. T127098. Grub Street ID 176934.
- The historical part of the Holy Bible. Or The Old and New Testament exquisitely and accurately describ'd in near three hundred historys. Engraven by John Sturt, from designs of the greatest masters. London] : Sold by Richd. Ware at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner; all sorts of Bibles and common-prayers, adorn'd wth. Mr. Sturts fine cuts, his engrav'd common prayer and orthodox communicant, etc., [1730?. ESTC No. N510909. Grub Street ID 411347.
- The harlot's progress: or, the humours of Drury-Lane. In six cantos. Being the tale of the noted Moll Hackabout, in hudibrastick verse, containing her whole life; which is a key to the six prints lately publish'd by Mr. Hogarth . I. Her coming to Town in the York Waggon; her being betray'd by an old Baud into the Arms of Colonel Ch-s; her early Improvement in the Sweets of Fornication; and some Dialogues, Serious and Comical, between a Country Girl in the Waggon, and a Parson. II. Her living with a Jew; some merry Intrigues in the Jew's House; with Satyri`cal Pictures in the Jew's Chamber. III. Her living in a Baudy-House in Drury-Lane; her Extravagance, Company, Baudy-House Equipage, Pictures, and other Drury Decorations; with her being detected by Sir J---n G---n. IV. Her Usage at Tothil-Fields Bridewell; with some merry Adventures of Fops, Pimps, Whores, Bauds, and Panders, who were committed to keep her Company. V. Her Sickness and Death; Disputes between two noted Quacks, Temple-Ba. The third edition.. London : printed for B. Dickinson at Inigo Jones's Head, against Exeter-Exchange in the Strand ; and R. Mountague at the General Post-Office in Great Queen-Street, near Drury-Lane : and sold by J. Brotherton at the Royal-Exchange ; R. Ware in Amen Corner ; A. Dodd near Temple-Bar; J. Brindly in Bond-Street; J Jolliff in St. James's Street; and J. Stagg in Westminster-Hall, [1732]. ESTC No. N2113. Grub Street ID 10517.
- Forms of prayer, proper to be used before, at, and after the receiving of the Holy Sacrament: Some of which may be fitly made Use of upon other Occasions. To which are added, some meditations, proper to excite a Holy and Devout Frame of Mind. The sixth edition.. London : printed for Benj. Baker near the King's-School, Westminster: and sold by A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Osborn and T. Longman, R. Ware, S. Birt, J. Hazard, and B Creake in Pater noster Row; T. Astley in St. Paul's Church-Yard; J. Clarke in Duck-Lane; S. Harding in St. Martin's Lane; J. Jackson in Pall-Mall, and C. King in Westminster Hall, MDCCXXXII. [1732]. ESTC No. T146737. Grub Street ID 193349.
- The harlot's progress: or, The humours of Drury-Lane. In six cantos. Being the tale of the noted Moll Hackabout, in Hudibrastick verse, containing her whole life; which is a key to the six prints lately publish'd by Mr. Hogarth. I. Her coming to town in the York waggon; her being betray'd by an old baud into the arms of Colonel Ch-s; her early improvement in the sweets of fornication; and some dialogues, serious and comical, between a country girl in the waggon, and a parson. II. Her living with a Jew; some merry intrigues in the Jew's house; with satyrical pictures in the Jew's chamber. III. Her living in a baudy-house in Drury-Lane; her extravagance, company, baudy house equipage, pictures, and other Drury decorations; with her being detected by Sir J---n G---n. IV. Her usage at Tothil-Fields Bridewell; ... V. Her sickness and death; ... VI. Her burial; the funeral pomp of harlots in triumph; six mutes, sisters of the trade; the parson, a very wag; the clerk, a sly-boots; and the undert. London : printed for B. Dickinson at Inigo Jones's Head, against Exeter-Exchange in the Strand; and R. Mountague at the General Post-Office in Great Queen-Street, near Drury-Lane: and sold by J. Brotherton at the Royal-Exchange; R. Ware in Amen-Corner; A. Dodd near Temple-Bar; J. Brindly in Bond-Street; J. Jolliff in St. James's Street; and J. Stagg in Westminster-Hall, 1732. ESTC No. N65621. Grub Street ID 47465.
- Melmoth, William. The great importance of a religious life consider'd. To which are added some morning and evening prayers. The seventh edition.. London : Printed for Benj. Barker near the King's-School, Westminster: and sold by J. Downing, in Bartholomew-Close; A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Osborn and T. Longman, R. Ware, S. Birt, J. Hazard, and B. Creake in Pater noster Row; T. Astley in St. Paul's Church Yard; J. Clarke in Duck-Lane; S. Harding in St. Martin's Lane; J. Jackson in Pall-Mall, and C. King in Westminster Hall, MDCCXXXII. [1732]. ESTC No. T163794. Grub Street ID 202162.
- The harlot's progress: or, the humours of Drury-Lane. In six cantos. Being the tale of the noted Moll Hackabout, in hudibrastick verse, containing her whole life; which is a key to the six prints lately publish'd by Mr. Hogarth. I. Her coming to Town in the York Waggon; her being betray'd by an old Baud into the Arms of Colonel Ch-s; her early Improvement in the Sweets of Fornication; and some Dialogues, Serious and Comical, between a Country Girl in the Waggon, and a Parson. II. Her living with a Jew; some merry Intrigues in the Jew's House; with Satyrical Pictures in the Jew's Chamber. III. Her living in a Baudy-House in Drury-Lane; her Extravagance, Company, Baudy-House Equipage, Pictures, and other Drury Decorations; with her being detected by Sir J---n G---n. IV. Her Usage at Tothil-Fields Bridewell; with some merry Adventures of Fops, Pimps, Whores, Bauds, and Panders, who were committed to keep her Company. V. Her Sickness and Death; Disputes between two noted Quacks, Temple-Bar an. The second edition.. London : printed for B. Dickinson at Inigo Jones's Hea against Exeter-Exchange in the Strand ; and R. Mountague at the General Post-Office in Great Queen-Street, near Drury-Lane : and sold by J. Brotherton at the Royal-Exchange ; R. Ware in Amen Corner ; A. Dodd near Temple-Bar ; J. Brindly in Bond-Street; J. Jolliff in St. James's Street; and J. Stagg in Westminster-Hall, [1732]. ESTC No. N7146. Grub Street ID 51692.
- Melmoth, William. The great importance of a religious life consider'd. To which are added some morning and evening prayers. The eighth edition.. London : Printed for Benj. Barker near the King's-School, Westminster: and sold by J. Downing, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, T. Longman, J. Batley, C. Rivington, T. Astley, S. Austen, S. Birt, R. Ware, J. Hazard, F. Jefferies, J. Clarke, D. Browne, S. Harding, and J. Jackson, MDCCXXXIV. [1734]. ESTC No. T200448. Grub Street ID 232075.
- A critical review of the state trials. Containing, I. The substance of the indictment, or Charge. II. The evidence. III. The prisoner's defence. IV. The points of law arising. V. The event of the trial, or the fate of the prisoner. VI. Remarks on the whole. By Mr. Salmon. London : printed for William Mears, at the Lamb on Ludgate-Hill; and J. Stone, against Bedford-Row; and sold by Mess. J. J. and P. Knapton; Mess. Innys and Manby; Mr. Rivington; Mr. Austen; Mr. Midwinter; Mr. Parker; Mr. Davis; Mess. Batley and Wood; Mess. Bettesworth and Hitch; Mr. Osborn; Mess. J. and J. Pemberton; Mr. Isted; Mr. Corbet; Mr. Tonson; Mr. Millar; Mr. Strahan; Mr. Brotherton; Mr. Symon; Mess. Hatchet and Comins; Mr. Clarke; Mr. Hazard; Mr. Birt; Mr. Ware; Mess. Ward and Wicksted; Mr. Waller; Mr. Meighan; Mr. Williamson; Mr. Gyles; Mr. Bradley; Mr. Payne; Mr. Lewis; Mr. Lyon; Mr. Chrichley; Mr. Millan; Mr. Ryal; Mr. Penn; Mr. Fox; Mr. Jackson; Mr. Jolliffe; Mr. Brindly; Mr. Shropshire; Mr. Hodges; Mr. Nevil; Mr. Jefferies; Mr. Wilmot; Mr. Thurlborne; Mr. Creighton; Mr. Leake; Mr. Carlos; Mr. Brysan; Mr. Dillon; and Mr. Millar, M.DCC.XXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. T151093. Grub Street ID 196609.
- Emblems, for the entertainment and improvement of youth: Containing hieroglyphical and enigmatical devices, relating to all parts and stations of life; together with explanations and proverbs, in French, Spanish, Italian, and Latin, alluding to them, and translated into English the whole curiously engrav'd on 62 copper plates. London] : Sold by R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Warwick Lane at Amen Corner, [1735?. ESTC No. T226287. Grub Street ID 247861.
- Church of England. Diocese of London. Bishop (1723-1748 : Gibson).. The bishop of London's three pastoral letters to the people of his diocese; particularly to those of the two great cities of London and Westminster. In defence of the gospel-revelation, and by way of preservative against the late writings in favour of infidelity. The seventh edition.. London : printed by S. Buckley; and sold by J. J. and P. Knapton, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, F. Clay, J. Batley, A. Ward, T. Longman, and R. Hett, MDCCXXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. T85807. Grub Street ID 306089.
- The whole book of Psalms: collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, &c. with the usual hymns and spiritual songs: together, with all the ancient and proper tunes ... Compos'd in three parts. ... By John Playford. The nineteenth edition; done on the new-ty'd note, corrected and amended. To which is added, a new introduction to psalmody.. London : printed by A. Pearson, for the Company of Stationers; and are to be sold by Richard Ware, 1738. ESTC No. T94877. Grub Street ID 314405.
- Burton, John. A treatise on the non-naturals. In which the great influence they have on human bodies is set forth, and mechanically accounted for. To which is subjoin'd, a short essay on the chin-cough: With A New Method of treating that Obstinate Distemper. By John Burton, M. B. Cantab. M. D. Rhem. York: printed by A. Staples; and sold by him and J. Hildyard, Booksellers, in York;and also by J. Clarke, at the Bible, under the Royal-Exchange; J. Longman, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row; J. and P. Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate-Street; C. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; R. Ware, at the Bible in Amen-Corner; J. Hodges, on London-Bridge; C. Hitch, in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Clark, in Duck-Lane; J. Wilcox, in the Strand; and Ward and Chandler, at Temple-Bar, Booksellers, in London, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T116620. Grub Street ID 168286.
- Albin, Eleazar. A natural history of English song-birds, and such of the foreign as are usually brought over and esteemed for their singing. To which are added, figures of the cock, hen and egg, of each species, exactly copied from nature; by Mr. Eleazar Albin: and curiously engraven on copper. Also a particular account how to order the canary birds in breeding. London : Printed for and sold by R. Ware, the Corner of Warwick-Lane, Pater-noster-Row, 1738. ESTC No. T170583. Grub Street ID 208271.
- Church of England.. The thirty nine articles, and the constitutions and canons of the Church of England; together with several Acts of Parliament, and proclamations, concerning ecclesiastical matters, That were not in the former Editions, Some whereof are to be read in Churches: to which are added, His Majesty's directions for the preserving of unity in the church , and the purity of the Christian faith; particularly in the doctrine of the holy Trinity: and the Archbishop of Canterbury's letter to the bishops of his province, concerning persons to be ordained, or licensed for Curates. London : printed by John Baskett, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty; and sold by R. Gosling, in Fleet-Street; J. Hazard, S. Birt, R. Ware, J. Longman, A. Bettesworth, J. Clark, in Duck-Lane; and the rest of the booksellers in London and Westminster, 1739. ESTC No. T102476. Grub Street ID 156286.
- Church of England.. The thirty-nine articles and the constitutions and canons of the Church of England; together with several acts of Parliament, and proclamations, concerning ecclesiastical matters, that were not in the former editions, . London : printed by John Baskett; and sold by R. Gosling, J. Hazzard, S. Birt, R. Ware, T. Longman, A. Bettesworth, J. Clark, and the rest of the booksellers in London and Westminster, 1739. ESTC No. T220954. Grub Street ID 244443.
- Defoe, Daniel. The secrets of the invisible world disclos'd: or, an universal history of apparitions sacred and prophane, under all denominations; whether, angelical, diabolical, or human souls departed. Shewing I. Their various Returns to this World; with sure Rules to know, by their Manner of Appearing, if they are Good or Evil ones. II. The Differences of the Apparitions of Ancient and Modern Times; and an Enquiry into the Scriptural Doctrine of Spirits. III. The many Species of Apparitions, their real Existence, and Operations by Divine Appointment. IV. The Nature of seeing Ghosts before, and after, Death; and how we should behave towards them. V. The Effects of Fancy, Vapours, Dreams, Hyppo, and of real, or imaginary Appearances. VI. A Collection of the most Authentic Relations of Apparitions, particularly that surprising One attested by the learned Dr. Scott. By Andrew Moreton, Esq ;. The fourth edition, adorn'd with cuts.. London : printed for J. Cecil in Exeter-Exchange in the Strand ; and sold by H. Chapelle in Grosvenor Street near Grosvenor Square ; E. Withers in Fleet Street ; J. Hodges on London-Bridge ; S.Birt Avy-Mary-Lane; J. Hazard and J. Wright over against Stationers-Hall, Ludgate; R. Ware Amen-Corner; J. Marshal Gracechurch Street; J. Marshal Newgate-Street; and T. Gardner without Temple-Bar. MDCCXL. (pr. 4 s 6 d.) ; [and 6 others in London], [1740]. ESTC No. T70848. Grub Street ID 294493.
- Boyse, Samuel. Miscellaneous works, serious and humorous: in verse and prose. Design'd for the amusement of the fair sex. Reading: printed by J. Carnan, and sold by R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Warwick-Lane, London; J. Newbery, at the Bible and Crown in the Market-Place, Reading; and J. Wimpey, on the Bridge in Newbury, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T131113. Grub Street ID 180162.
- Melmoth, William. The great importance of a religious life consider'd. To which are added some morning and evening prayers. The tenth edition, corrected and enlarged.. London : printed for B. and B. Barker. And sold by C. Rivington, R. Ware, S. Birt, M. Downing, [and 10 others in London], 1741. ESTC No. N30827. Grub Street ID 19745.
- A short, Plain, and Practical exposition of the prayers, rubricks, Rites, and Ceremonies Authoriz'd and prescribed in the Book of Common-Prayer of the Church of England. Containing The Harmony of the several Parts and Offices, and the Substance of the Liturgical Remarks of Bp. Sparrow, Dr. Comber, Mr. Wheatley, and the other Learned Writers on the same Subject: Carefully collected into a narrow Compass, chiefly for the Convenience of those who have not the Opportunity of perusing many and larger Books; but made serviceable to All by the Addition of new Observations: And therefore Proper to be bound up with the Book of Common-Prayer. Reading: printed and sold by J. Newbery and C. Micklewright, at the Bible and Crown in the Marketplace; also by R. Ware in Amen-Corner, and S. Birt, in Ave-Mary-Lane, London; and by most booksellers in town and country, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T195487. Grub Street ID 229167.
- A new manual of devotions. In three parts. Part I. Containing prayers for families and private persons. Part II. Containing offices. ... Part III. Consisting of an office for the holy communion: to which are added some occasional prayers. The eighth edition corrected.. London : printed for B. and B. Barker; T. Osborne; and E. Wicksteed. And sold by M. Downing; C. Hitch, T. Longman; R. Ware, S. Birt, B.Dod; J. and P. Knapton; J. Rivington; [and 5 others in London], 1742. ESTC No. T227948. Grub Street ID 248661.
- Loggon, Samuel. The history of the brotherhood or guild of the Holy Ghost, in the Chapel of the Holy Ghost near Basingstoke in Hampshire; Dissolved by King Edward VI, and Re-Establish'd by K. Philip and Q. Mary. Wherein is contain'd The History and Antiquities of Holy Ghost Chapel near Basingstoke, and an Enquiry into the Patronage of that Chapel. With an Account of another Religious House founded at the same Place by King Henry III. Reading: printed for the author, by J. Newbery and C. Micklewright; and sold by R. Ware in Amen-Corner, and T. Cooper in Pater-Noster-Row, London, 1742. ESTC No. T147341. Grub Street ID 193899.
- Forms of prayer, proper to be used before, at and after the receiving of the Holy Sacrament: ... To which are added, some meditations, . The seventh edition corrected.. London : printed for B and B Barker: and sold by M. Downing, R. Ware, S. Birt, J. Clarke, T. Longman [and 8 others in London], 1742. ESTC No. T213920. Grub Street ID 240541.
- The great importance of a religious life consider'd. To which are added some morning and evening prayers. The eleventh edition, corrected and enlarged.. London : printed for B. Barker, near the King's School, Westminster. And sold by R. Ware, S. Birt, M. Downing, J. Clarke [and nine others in London], 1745. ESTC No. N505751. Grub Street ID 401592.
- The aviary: or, magazine of British melody. Consisting of a collection of one thousand three hundred and forty four songs, With Titles of the principal tunes prefixed. Disposed in an Alphabetical Manner, for the more ready finding out each Song. London : printed and sold by J. Mechell, at his Printing-Office, the King's-Arms in Fleet-Street. Sold also by Mess. Longman and Shewell, in Paternoster-Row; R. Ware, in Amen-Corner; S. Birt and B. Dod, in Ave-Mary-Lane; T. Astley and J. Rivington, in St Paul's Church-Yard; J. Brotherton and W. Meadows in Cornhill; and J. Hodges and T. Harris, on London-Bridge, [1745?]. ESTC No. T143946. Grub Street ID 190905.
- The aviary: or, magazine of British melody. Consisting of a collection of one thousand three hundred and forty four songs, With Titles of the principal tunes prefixed. Disposed in an Alphabetical Manner, for the more ready finding out each Song. London : printed and sold by J. Mechell, at his Printing-Office, the King's-Arms in Fleet-Street. Sold also by T. Longman, in Paternoster-Row; R. Ware, in Amen-Corner; S. Birt and B. Dod, in Ave-Mary-Lane; T. Astley and J. Rivington, in St Paul's Church-Yard; J. Brotherton and W. Meadows in Cornhill; and T. Harris, on London-Bridge, [1745?]. ESTC No. T184891. Grub Street ID 221160.
- D., P.. An essay on the Lord's supper: wherein is shewn, the nature and end of that sacrament; the obligation to frequent it; the proper dispositions for receiving it; and the advantages of a worthy reception. To which are added, prayers, Thanksgivings, and Meditations, suitable to the Subject. London : printed and sold by J. Mechell, at his Printing office, the King's-Arms, in Fleet-street. Sold also by Messrs Longman and Shewell, C. Hitch, T. Astley, R. Ware, S. Birt, B. Dod, J. Baker, J. and J. Rivington, J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, J. Davidson, J. Hedges, P. Vaillant and M. Chastel, M.DCC.XLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T60823. Grub Street ID 286594.
- Melmoth, William. The great importance of a religious life consider'd. To which are added some morning and evening prayers. The twelfth edition, corrected; to which is now added, a short character of the author. London : printed for B. Barker. And sold by R. Ware, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Longman [and seven others in London], 1748. ESTC No. T213453. Grub Street ID 240271.
- D., P.. An essay on the Lord's Supper: wherein is shewn, the nature and end of that sacrament; The Obligation to frequent it; The Insufficiency of the Excuses usually brought for absenting from it; The proper Dispositions for receiving it; and the Advantages of a worthy Reception; Suited to the meanest Capacity: Together with Notes, explaining the Texts of Scripture, and illustrating several other Particulars, relating to this holy Ordinance. To which are added, prayers, thanksgivings, meditations, and Directions, to assist the devout Christian in the due Discharge of that great Duty. By a gentleman of Clapham, in Surry. The second edition.. London : printed and sold by M. Mechell, at her Printing-Office, the King's-Arms, in Fleet-Street. Sold also by Messrs. Longman and Shewell, C. Hitch, T. Astley, R. Ware, S. Birt, B. Dod, J. Baker, J. and J. Rivington, J. Brothertox, W. Meadows, J. Davidson, J. Hodges, P. Vaillant, and M. Chastel, M.DCC.XLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T79485. Grub Street ID 301046.
- Gentleman of Clapham in Surry.. An essay on the Lord's Supper: wherein is shewn, the nature and end of that sacrament; The Obligation to frequent it; The Insufficiency of the Excuses usually brought for absenting from it; The proper Dispositions for receiving it; And the Advantages of a worthy Reception. Suited to the Meanest Capacity: Together with Notes, explaining the Texts of Scripture, and illustrating several other Particulars, relating to this Holy Ordinance. To which are added, prayers, thanksgivings, meditations, and Directions, to assist the Devout Christian in the due Discharge of that Great Duty. By a gentleman of Clapham in Surry. The second edition, corrected, and enlarged.. London : printed and sold by M. Mechell, at her Printing-Office, the King's Arms, in Fleet-Street. Sold also by Messrs. Longman and Shewell, C. Hitch, T. Astley, R. Ware, S. Birt, B. Dod, J. and J. Rivington, W. Meadows, J. Davidson, J. Hodges, P. Vaillant, M. Chastel, and J. Woodyer, M.DCC.XLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. N69043. Grub Street ID 50272.
- Melmoth, William. The great importance of a religious life considered: to which are added, some morning and evening prayers. The thirteenth edition, corrected.. London : printed for B. Barker, near the King's-School, Westminster. And sold by R. Ware, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, E. Wicksteed, J. Hodges, W. and D. Baker, B. Dod, and J. and J. Rivington, 1750. ESTC No. N65885. Grub Street ID 47690.
- The aviary: or, magazine of British melody. Consisting of a collection of one thousand four hundred and seventeen songs, With Titles of the principal Tunes prefixed. To which is added, An index disposed in an Alphabetical Manner, for the more ready finding out each Song. The second edition, containing a great number of new songs, ... London : printed and sold by M. Mechell, at her Printing-Office, the King's-Arms in Fleet-Street. Sold also by T. Longman and C. Hitch in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; S. Birt and B. Dodd, in Ave-Mary-Lane; J. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; J. Brotherton and W. Meadows in Cornhill; J. Hodges on London-Bridge; and J. Fox in Westminster-Hall, [1750?]. ESTC No. T141211. Grub Street ID 188792.
- Halfpenny, William. Twelve beautiful designs for farm-houses, with their proper offices and estimates of the whole and every distinct building separate; with the measurement, and value of each particular article, Adapted to the Customary Measurements of most Part of England, But more particularly for the following Counties, viz. Middlesex, Surry, Essex, Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Somersetshire, &c. By William Halfpenny, Carpenter and Architect. London : printed for R. Sayer, Printseller in Fleet-Street, and sold by J. Brindley, Bookseller to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, in Bond-Street; Mr. Heath, Mathematical Instrument-Maker, in the Strand; Mr. Bowles in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and Mr. Ware on Ludgate-Hill, M.DCC.L. [1750]. ESTC No. T78310. Grub Street ID 300175.
- Emblems, for the Entertainment and Improvement of Youth: containing hieroglyphical and enigmatical devices, relating to all parts and stations of life; Together with Explanations and Proverbs, in French, Spanish, Italian, and Latin, alluding to them, and Translated into English: The Whole curiously Engrav'd on 62 Copper Plates. London] : Sold by R. Ware at the Bible and Sun in Warwick Lane at Amen Corner, [1750?. ESTC No. T65124. Grub Street ID 290040.
- The christian's manual: being a translation from the Enchiridion militis Christiani of Erasmus. London : printed by J. Oliver; and sold by R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; S. Birt, in Ave-Mary Lane; W. Frederick, at Bath; and Benj. Hickey, at Bristol, M.DCC.LII. [1752]. ESTC No. T138062. Grub Street ID 185931.
- The Christian's manual: being a translation from the Enchiridion militis Christiani of Erasmus. By John Spier, . The second edition.. London : printed by J. Oliver; and sold by R. Ware: S. Birt; W. Frederic, at Bath; and J. Fletcher, Oxford, 1752. ESTC No. T138063. Grub Street ID 185932.
- Sermons and discourses on moral, theological, and practical subjects. In two volumes. ... By William George Barnes, M.A. lecturer of St. Bride's, London. London : Printed [by Charles and John Ackers] for the author; and sold by Mr. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; Mr. Browne, at Temple-Bar; Mr. Meadows, in Cornhill; Mr. Davis, in Fleet-Street; and Mr. Baldwin, jun. in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.LII. [1752]. ESTC No. N498277. Grub Street ID 364660.
- Boyse, Samuel. Miscellaneous works, Serious and Humorous: in verse and prose. Design'd for the amusement of the fair sex. Reading: printed by J. Carnan, and sold by R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Warwick-Lane, London; J. Newbery, at the Bible and Crown in the Market-Place, Reading; and J. Wimpey, on the Bridge in Newbury, MDCCLII. [1752]. ESTC No. T179160. Grub Street ID 215946.
- A poetical translation of the Psalms of David. From Buchanan's Latin into English verse. By the Rev. Thomas Cradock, . London : printed for Mrs. Ann Cradock; and sold by R. Ware, 1754. ESTC No. T91790. Grub Street ID 311613.
- A copy of a poll of the burgesses and freeholders of the town and county of the town of Nottingham, for electing two burgesses to serve in Parliament ... taken in the Town-Hall in the Market-Place, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 18th, 19th and 20th days of April 1754 (in the exact order they voted) before John Fellows and Thomas Sands, gentlemen, sheriffs. Candidates, the Right Hon. George Augustus Lord Viscount Howe, Sir Wilughby Aston, Bart. John Plumptre, Esq; with an alpabetical [sic] index, for the readier finding any person's name. Nottingham: printed by Tho. Collyer, and sold by R. Ware, London; S. Fox, J. Roe, and S. Trimer in Derby, S. Simmons in Sheffield, and E. Monk in Mansfield, M.CC.LIV [1754]. ESTC No. T185193. Grub Street ID 221428.
- Melmoth, William. The great importance of a religious life considered: to which are added, some morning and evening prayers. The fifteenth edition, corrected.. London : printed for B. Barker, and sold by R. Ware, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes [and 5 others in London], 1755. ESTC No. N63578. Grub Street ID 45726.
- Forms of prayer, proper to be used before, at, and after the receving of the Holy Sacrament: Some of which may be fitly made use of upon other occasions. To which are added, some meditations, proper to excite a holy and devout frame of mind, and also a short account of the end for which the Holy Sacrament was instituted. The eight edition corrected.. London : Printed for B. Barker near the King's School, Westminister: and sold by R. Ware, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, B. Dod, and J. and J. Rivington, MDCCLV. [1755]. ESTC No. T202143. Grub Street ID 233175.
- Melmoth, William. The great importance of a religious life considered: to which are added, some morning and evening prayers. The sixteenth edition, corrected.. London : printed [by James Bettenham] for B. Barker, near the King's School, Westminster. and sold by W. Innys and J. Richardson, R. Ware, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hudges, W. and D. Baker, B. Dod, J. Rivington, M. and T. Longman, and P. Davey and B. Law, 1756. ESTC No. T80880. Grub Street ID 301826.
Printed for Richard Ware I
- Meager, Leonard. The new art of gardening, with the gardener's almanack: Containing, the true art of gardening, in all its particulars. I. Site of a proper plat of ground, for planting fruit-trees; with the manner of planting, grasting, imbuding, inoculating, and ordering all sorts of fruit-trees, and fruits in all seasons. The art of making cyder, perry, and wines of divers sorts of fruits. II. Of the kitchen-garden, and what things are proper to be done in it, as to herbs, plants, roots, berries, fruits, &c. III. Of the flower-garden, how to order it, and rear choice flowers, slips, layers, sow seeds, make off-sets, and plant them in their proper Earths, seasons, and due waterings; with the names, and description of the most material ones. IV. Of greens, how to order and preserve them; with rules for the conservatory, and green-house. To each head is added an almanack, shewing what is to be done every month in the year. By Leonard Meager. London : Printed for R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-corner. And sold by T. Norris, at the Looking-glass on London-bridge: S. Bates, at the Sun and Bible in Giltspur-street: A. Bettesworth at the Red Lion in Pater-noster-Row, [1720?]. ESTC No. T83110. Grub Street ID 303591.
- Sorocold, Thomas. Supplications of saints; a book of prayers and praises, in four parts. I Daniel's Devotion. II. Paul's Assembly. III. David's Suit. IV. Moses's Song. I. Thrice every Day. II. Companies. III. Every one alone. IV. Praises and Graces. Wherein are Three most excellent Prayers, Made by the late Famous Queen Elizabeth. The 42d edition, corrected and enlarged. By Thomas Sorocold. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner: T. Norris, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge: S. Bates, at the Sun and Bible in Giltspur-Street: A. Bettesworth, at the Red Lion in Pater-Noster-Row, 1723. ESTC No. T139925. Grub Street ID 187746.
- Dyche, Thomas. A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. ... By T. Dyche, . The tenth edition.. London : printed for Richard Ware, by assignment of the executrix of S. Butler, 1724. ESTC No. N17902. Grub Street ID 7373.
- Horneck, Anthony. The happy ascetick: or, the best exercise, together with prayers suitable to each exercise. To which is added a letter to a person of quality, concerning the holy lives of the primitive Christians. By Anthony Horneck, D. D. Late Prebendary of Westminster, Preacher at the Savoy, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. The sixth edition corrected.. London : printed for Samuel Chapman, at the Angel in Pall-Mall; and Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun, in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T99571. Grub Street ID 318673.
- Horneck, Anthony. The fire of the altar: or, certain directions how to raise the soul into holy flames, before, at, and after, the receiving the blessed sacrament of the Lord's supper. With suitable Prayers and Devotions. To which is prefix'd, A Dialogue betwixt a Christian and his own Conscience, concerning the True Nature of the Christian Religion. The fourteenth edition. By Anthony Horneck, D. D. late Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty, and Prebendary of Westminster. London : printed for Samuel Chapman, at the Angel in Pall-Mall; and Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, 1724. ESTC No. T127986. Grub Street ID 177635.
- Sacred geography, contained in six maps, viz. I. Shewing the situation of paradise, and the country inhabited by the patriarches. II. The peopling the world by the sons of Noah, and the Israelites journeying in the wilderness. III. A plan of the city of Jerusalem, with a view of Soloman's [sic] Temple, and all the sacred utensils therein. IV. The Holy Land, divided into the twelve tribes of Israel, in which is exactly traced our Saviour's travels. V. The land of Canaan. VI. The travels of St. Paul, and the rest of the apostles. The whole very useful for the better understanding of the Holy Bible. London : Printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, MDCCXXV. [1725]. ESTC No. N510908. Grub Street ID 436871.
- Sacred geography, contained in six maps, viz. I. Shewing the situation of paradise, and the country inhabited by the patriarchs. II. The peopling the world by the sons of Noah, and the Israelites journeying in the wilderness. III. A plan of the city of Jerusalem, with a view of Solomon's Temple, and all the sacred utensils therein. IV. The Holy Land, divided into the twelve tribes of Israel, in which are exactly traced our Saviour's travels. V. The land of Canaan. VI. The travels of St. Paul, and the rest of the apostles. The whole very useful for the better understanding of the Holy Bible. London : Printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, MDCCXXV. [1725]. ESTC No. T195298. Grub Street ID 229012.
- Dyche, Thomas. The spelling dictionary; or, a collection of all the common words and proper names made use of in the English tongue; Carefully compared with the Original Languages, from whence they are derived, and marked, as they are to be pronounced. Whereby Persons of the meanest Capacity may attain to Spell and Write English true and correctly. By Thomas Dyche, Master of the Free School at Stratford-Bow, in Middlesex. The second edition, revised by the author.. London : printed for Thomas Norris, at the Looking-Glass on London Bridge; and Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, in Warwick-Lane, 1725. ESTC No. T113325. Grub Street ID 165270.
- Downame, John. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful Places therein contained. Carefully perused and inlarged by Mr. John Downame, B. in Divinity. And allowed by the special Privilege of His Majesty K. Charles I. of Blessed Memory, to be Printed and Bound with the Bible in all Volumes. The whole Book now carefully revised and made more useful by many Hundred of Additions and Amendments. London : printed by D. Leach, for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner, 1726. ESTC No. T123064. Grub Street ID 173572.
- Horneck, Anthony. The crucified Jesus Or, A full account of the nature, end, design, and benefits, of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. With necessary directions, prayers, praises, and meditations, to be us'd by persons who come to the Holy Communion. By Anthony Horneck, D.D. late chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty, and prebendary of Westminster. The sixth edition.. London : Printed for R. Ware at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, at the end of Paster-noster-Row, MDCCXXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. N26760. Grub Street ID 16133.
- Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful Places therein contained. Carefully Perused and Enlarged by Mr John Downame, B. D. Allowed by his Majesty's Special Privilege to be Printed and Bound with the Bible in all Volumes. London : printed by D. Leach, for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner, the End Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T82284. Grub Street ID 302865.
- Fiddes, Richard. A general treatise of morality, form'd upon the principles of natural reason only. With a preface in answer to two essays lately published in the Fable of the bees. ... By Richard Fiddes, . The second edition.. London : printed for J. Brotherton; J. Booth; and R. Ware, 1726. ESTC No. N65970. Grub Street ID 47765.
- Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful Places therein contained. Carefully Perused and Enlarged by Mr John Downame, B. D. Allowed by his Majesty's Special Privilege to be Printed and Bound with the Bible in all Volumes. London : printed by D. Leach, for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner, the End Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T81468. Grub Street ID 302266.
- Dyche, Thomas. A companion to the Lord's table. Declaring plainly the Nature of that Holy Sacrament, the Obligations, which all Christians have to receive it, the true Notions of worthy and unworthy Receiving; the necessary Preparation to it; And the great Advantages of rightly performing this Duty. With short and pious Forms of Prayer, to be used in Private, before, at, and after Receiving. Written for the Encouragement of the Well-Meaning Professors of Religion, in the Orthodox Church of England. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, 1726. ESTC No. T164166. Grub Street ID 202435.
- Sacred geography, contained in six maps, ... The whole very useful for the better understanding of the Bible. London : printed for Richard Ware, 1727. ESTC No. T82347. Grub Street ID 302927.
- Pickman, (Charles). Cha. The tradesman's guide; or the chapman's and traveller's, best companion. Containing I. Two Alphabetical Lists of all the fix'd and moveable Fairs, Marts, and Statutes throughout England and Wales; the Days of the Month they begin on, and the Names of the Counties wherein they are kept. II. An Explanation of all the fix'd and moveable Feasts throughout the Year. III. A Description of the Highways and Roads, and Directions how to Travel from London to any Market-Town in England or Wales. IV. A Table of all the Market-Towns in England and Wales, with the Days on which they are kept. V. A large Alphabetical List of all the Stage-Coaches and Carriers; with the Signs of the Inns they come to, and the Days of their setting out. VI. The Rates of Carts, Watermen, Hackney-Coaches and Chairs; and where to complain in Case of Offence. Vii. A List of the Number of all the Members each Town and County sends to serve in Parliament. Viii. Tables of Interest, at 3, 4, 5 and 6 l. per Cent. from 5 s. to 100. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXVII. [1727]. ESTC No. T107034. Grub Street ID 160106.
- Hamond, J. An historical narration of the whole Bible. In two parts. The first, treating of the Old Testament, with the various Histories of the Lives, Eminent Examples, and Glorious Actions of the Patriahchs, Judges, Kings and Prophets; interspers'd with many plain, profitable and pious Instructions and Observations thereupon. The second, containg an account of the life and travels of our Blessed Saviour and his Apostles. With a Summary of the Matter, Doctrine, Scope, and Divine Authority of all the Canonical Epiltles. And an Explanation of several chief Heads in that Mysterious Book of St. John's Revelation. By J. Hamond, D. D. The Whole being an useful Guide to such as desire to read the Holy Scriptures to their Spiritual Comfort and Advantage, and curiously adorn'd with proper Cuts engraven by Mr. John Sturt. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXVII[1727]. ESTC No. T138364. Grub Street ID 186225.
- Dyche, Thomas. A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. The First proper for Beginners, shewing a Natural and Easy Method to pronounce and express both Common Words, and Proper Names; in which particular Care is had to shew the Accent, for preventing Vitious Pronunciation. The Second, for such as are advanc'd to some Ripeness of Judgment, containing Observations on the Sounds of Letters and Diphthongs, Rules for the true Division of Syllables, and the Use of Capitals, Stops, and Marks, with large Tables of Abbreviations, and Distinctions of Words, and several Alphabets of Copies for Young Writers. By T. Dyche, Schoolmaster at Stratford-Bow. The twelfth edition.. London : printed for Richard Ware at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, 1727. ESTC No. T186211. Grub Street ID 222372.
- Horneck, Anthony. The crucified Jesus: or, a full account of the nature, end, design, and benefits, of the sacrament of the Lord's supper. With Necessary Directions, Prayers, Praises, and Meditations, To be us'd by Persons who come to the Holy Communion By Anthony Horneck, D. D. late Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty, and Prebendary of Westminster. The seventh edition.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, at the Red Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Hazard, at the Bible against Stationers-Hall; J. Hooke, at the Flower de Luce against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet; and R. Ware, at the Bible in Amen-Corner, MDCCXXVII. [1727]. ESTC No. T114852. Grub Street ID 166638.
- G., R.. The complete constable. Directing constables, headboroughs, tithingmen, church-wardens, overseers of the poor, surveyors of the highways, and scavengers, in the duty of their offices, according the power allowed them by the laws: wherein the constable's duty, relating to the passing of rogues, vagabonds, and sturdy beggars, is fully set forth. To which are added, an abstract of an Act, 12 Q. A. relating to rogues, vagabonds and sturdy beggars. -Of an Act, for preventing riots, &c. -Of an Act for punishing robberies committed in houses. -Of an Act for preventing mischiefs by fire. The eighth edition, with additions.. London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edward Sayer, Esq;) for T. Norris upon London Bridge, and R. Ware at the Bible and Sun in Warwick-Lane, at Amen-Corner, MDCCXXVIII. [1728. ESTC No. N71122. Grub Street ID 51493.
- Warren, Robert, Bookseller, the Elder. Just publish'd, The impartial churchman: or, a fair and candid representation of the excellency and beauty of the Church of England. ... By Robert Warren, . London : printed for R. Ware, 1728. ESTC No. T161019. Grub Street ID 200266.
- Dyche, Thomas. A companion to the Lord's table. Declaring plainly the nature of that holy sacrament, the Obligations, which all Christians have to receive it, the true Notions of worthy and unworthy Receiving; the necessary Preparation to it; and the great Advantages of rightly performing this Duty. With short and pious Forms of Prayer, to be used in Private, before, at, and after, Receiving. Written for the Encouragement of the Well-Meaning Professors of Religion, in the Orthodox Church of England. By T. Dyche. The third edition.. London : printed for Richard Ware at the Bible and Sun in Warwick-Lane at Amen-Corner, 1728. ESTC No. T113315. Grub Street ID 165260.
- Warren, Robert. The impartial churchman: Or, A fair and candid Representation of the Excellency and Beauty of the Church of England. Together with an Earnest and Affectionate Address to Protestant Dissenters. By Robert Warren, D. D. Rector of Stratford Bow in Middlesex. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Warwick-Lane, at Amen-Corner, 1728. ESTC No. T63123. Grub Street ID 288414.
- Dyche, Thomas. Vocabularium Latiale: or A Latin vocabulary. In two parts. The first being a collection of the most usual and easie Latin words, whether primitive, or derivative, with their signification in English, after the order of the eight parts of speech, giving a specimen of each, and most naturally shewing the gender, increase, declension, and motion of nouns and pronouns; with the conjugation, preterperfect tense, and supine, of verbs, bothe simple and compound. The second. Shewing the variation and declining of all the declinable parts, both regular and irregular. By Tho. Dyche, schoolmaster at Stratford. The fifth edition, carefully revised by the author.. London : Printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, 1728. ESTC No. T179214. Grub Street ID 215997.
- Supplications of saints; a book of prayers and praises, in four parts. I. Daniel's Devotion. II. Paul's Assembly. III. David's Suit. IV. Moses's Song. I. Thrice every Day. II. Campanies [sic]. III. Every one alone. IV. Praises and Graces. Wherein are Three most excellent Prayers, Made by the late Famous Queen Elizabeth. The 43rd edition, corrected and enlarged. By Thomas Sorocold. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner. And sold by S. Bates, at the Sun and Bible in Giltspur-street: A Bettesworth, at the Red-Lion in Pater-noster-Row: E. Midwinter, at the Looking-glass on London-bridge, 1729. ESTC No. N511280. Grub Street ID 410381.
- Dyche, Thomas. A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. The First proper for Beginners, shewing a Natural and easy Method to pronounce and express both Common Words, and Proper Names; in which particular Care is had to shew the Accent, for preventing Vicious Pronunciation. The Second, for such as are advanc'd to some Ripeness of Judgment, containing Observations on the Sounds of Letters and Diphthongs, Rules for the true Division of Syllables, and the Use of Capitals, Stops, and Marks, with large Tables of Abbreviations, and Distinctions of Words, and several Alphabets of Copies for Young Writers. By T. Dyche, School-Master at Stratford-Bow. The fourteenth edition corrected.. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, 1729. ESTC No. T113330. Grub Street ID 165276.
- Horneck, Anthony. The great law of consideration: or, a discourse, wherein the nature, usefulness, and absolute necessity of consideration, ... is laid open. By Anthony Horneck, . The eleventh edition, corrected.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth; J. Hazard; J. Hooke; and R. Ware, 1729. ESTC No. T114849. Grub Street ID 166634.
- Horneck, Anthony. The fire of the altar: Or, certain directions how to raise the soul into Holy flames before, at, and after, the receiving the blessed sacrament. Of the Lord's Supper. With suitable prayers and devotions. To which is prefix'd; a dialogue betwixt a christian and his own conscience, concerning the true nature of the Christian religion. The fifteenth edition. By Anthony Horneck, D.D. late chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty, and prebendary of Westminister. London : Printed by J. Stephens, for A. Bettesworth, at the Red Lyon in Paternoster-Row; J. Hazard at the Bible against Stationer's-Hall; J. Hooke, at the Flower de Luce against St. Dunstan's Church Fleet Street; and R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner, MDCCXXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T182140. Grub Street ID 218649.
- Ayres, John. Arithmetick made easie for the use and benefit of trades-men. ... The eighteenth edition, corrected and amended By J. Ayres, ... To which is added, A short and easie method ... of accompts. By Charles Snell, . London : printed for J. Clarke; C. Hitch; J. Hodges; and R. Ware, [1730?]. ESTC No. T88299. Grub Street ID 308267.
- English Hand.. Cynthia: with the tragical account of the unfortunate loves of Almerin and Desdemona: being a novel. ... Done by an English hand. The ninth edition, corrected.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch; and R. Ware; and J. Hodges, [1730?]. ESTC No. N26559. Grub Street ID 15929.
- A description of three hundred animals; viz. beasts, birds, fishes, serpents, and insects. With a particular account of the whale-fishery. Extracted out of the best authors, and adapted to the Use of all Capacities; especially to allure Children to Read. Illustrated with copper plates, whereon is curiously Engraved every Beast, Bird, Fish, Serpent, and Insect, describ'd in the whole Book. London : printed by J. T. for Rich. Ware at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, Tho. Boreman the Corner of St. Clement's Lane without Temple-Bar, and Tho. Game at the Bible in Prince's-Street, against Stanhope-Street End, M.DCC.XXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T135789. Grub Street ID 184152.
- Johnson, Humphry. A new treatise of practical arithmetick, done in a plain and easy way for the use of all, but especially for the meanest capacity to attain a full understanding of that most excellent and useful science, with great improvements. Containing. Numeration, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, reductions of coins, weights, and measure, the golden rule of three, single and double, direct and reverse, rules of practice, tare and trett, fellowship single and double, barter, loss and gain, interest simple and coumpound, rebate and discount, exchange, of coin, vulgar fractions, extraction of the square and cube roots, measuring of board, glazing, wainscot, painting, timber, stone, &c. Enter'd in the Hall-Book of the Company of Stationers, according to Act of Parliament. The sixth edition. By Humphry Johnson, writing master in Old Bedlam Court, without Bishopsgate, where youth may be boarded. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-noster-Row, R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner, J. Clark, at the Golden-ball in Duck-lane; S. Birt, at the Bible in Avemary-lane; and J. Hodges, at the Looking glass on London bridge, [between 1730 and 1739]. ESTC No. N11124. Grub Street ID 1115.
- Phaedrus.. The fables of Phædrus, who was made a denizen of Rome by Augustus Cæsar, mostly selected from Æsop's fables. Render'd into familiar English by Thomas Dyche. The third edition.. London : printed by J. Stephens for R. Ware, 1730. ESTC No. T229561. Grub Street ID 249441.
- Hawney, William. The compleat measurer; Or, The whole art of measuring. In two parts. The first part teaching decimal arithmetick, with the extraction of the square and cube roots. And also the multiplication of feet and inches, commonly call'd cross-multiplication. The second part teaching to measure all sorts of superficies and solids, by decimals, by cross-multiplication, and by scale and compasses. Also the works of several artificers relating to building; and the measuring of board and timber: shewing the common errors. And some practical questions. The fourth edition; to which is added, an appendix, 1. Of gauging. 2. Of land-measuring. Very useful for all tradesmen, especially carpenters, bricklayers, plaisterers, painters, joiners, glasiers, masons, &c. By William Hawney, philomath. Recommended by the Rev. Dr. John Harris, F.R.S. London : Printed for J.J. and P. Knapton, D. Midwinter, A Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, F. Clay, J. Batley, A. Ward, T. Longman, and R. Hett, [1730?]. ESTC No. T167141. Grub Street ID 205274.
- Partridge and Flamsted (London, England).. Dr. Flamstead's and Mr. Patridge's new fortune-book: containing, I. Their new-invented method of knowing one's fortune by a pack of cards; ... V. A treatise of moles, . The second edition.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch; R. Ware; and J. Hodges, [1730?]. ESTC No. T184902. Grub Street ID 221171.
- Trapp, Joseph. Religion the great support, and vice the destruction, of government, and the publick happiness. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and the governours of the several hospitals of London, ... By Joseph Trapp, . London : printed for Richard Ware; and Lawton Gilliver, 1730. ESTC No. T67185. Grub Street ID 291828.
- Trapp, Joseph. The doctrine of the Most Holy, and Ever-blessed Trinity, briefly stated, and proved; With the objections against it answer'd: in a summary view of the whole controversy. As it was delivered in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, at the Lady Moyer's Lecture, in 1729, and 1730. To which are added, discourses upon the parable of Dives and Lazarus; setting forth the deplorable corruption, immorality, and infidelity of the present age; shewing the absolute necessity of a holy life, demonstrating the certainty of a future state, and the truth of the Christian religion. By Joseph Trapp, D.D minister of Christ-Church and St. Leonard's Foster-lane, London. London : Printed for R. Ware at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner, and L. Gilliver at Homer's Head against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet, 1731. ESTC No. N8960. Grub Street ID 53863.
- Dyche, Thomas. A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. The First proper for Beginners, shewing a Natural and Easy Method to pronounce and express both Common Words, and Proper Names; in which particular Care is had to shew the Accent, for preventing Vitious Pronunciations. The Second, for such as are advanc'd to some Ripeness of Judgment, containing Observations on the Sounds of Letters and Diphthongs, Rules for the true Division of Syllables, and the Use of Capitals, Stops, and Marks, wirh large Tables of Abbreviations, and Distinctions of Words, and several Alphabets of Copies for Young Writers. By T. Dyche, Schoolmaster at Stratford-Bow. The sixteenth edition corrected.. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, 1731. ESTC No. N18334. Grub Street ID 7817.
- Dyche, Thomas. The spelling dictionary; or, a collection of all the common words and proper names made use of in the English tongue: Carefully compared with the Original Languages, from whence they are derived, and marked, as they are to be pronounced. Whereby Persons of the meanest Capacity may attain to Spell and Write English true and correctly. By Thomas Dyche, Master of the Free-School at Stratford-Bow, in Middlesex. The third edition, corrected.. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun at Amen-Corner, in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXXI. [1731]. ESTC No. T113322. Grub Street ID 165267.
- Du Pin, Louis Ellies. The evangelical history: or, the records of the Son of God, and their veracity, demonstrated. In the life and acts of our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and his Holy Apostles. Wherein I. The Life of the Blessed Jesus is related in all its Circumstances, according to the Order of Time, in a Pathetic Style and Practical Method, thereby Composing a perfect Harmony of the Gospels. II. Proofs from his Sermons and Discourses of those Essential and Important Truths, which all Christians are obliged to Know and Practice in Order to their Eternal Salvation. III. His Parables, Miracles, and Sufferings, set in a just Light, and defended from all the Oppositions of Wicked and Designing Men. IV. An Application of the Whole to the Respective Uses of Christians, with regular Devotions conformable to the several Periods of the Holy-History; and Directions how we may read the Life of Jesus Christ to Advantage. For the use of families. Faithfully made English from the French original of the Pious. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner near Pater-Noster-Row, 1732. ESTC No. T197906. Grub Street ID 230801.
- Meager, Leonard. The new art of gardening, with the gardener's almanack: containing the true art of gardening, in all its particulars. ... By Leonard Meager. The second edition corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, 1732. ESTC No. T98315. Grub Street ID 317613.
- Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation. Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful Places therein contained. Carefully Perused and Enlarged by John Downame, B. D. Allowed by his Majesty's Special Privilege to be Printed and Bound with the Bible in all Volumes:[.]. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXII. [1732]. ESTC No. T81465. Grub Street ID 302264.
- Winstanley, William. The new help to discourse. Or wit and mirth intermix'd with more serious matters; Consisting of Pleasant, Philosophical, Physical, Historical, Moral, and Political Questions and Answers: With Proverbs, Epitaphs, Epigrams, Riddles, Posies, Rules for Behaviour, &c. With several Wonders and Varieties, particularly, A concise History of all the Kings of England, from the Norman Conquest, down to King George. Together with Directions for the true Knowledge of several Matters concerning Astronomy, Holy-Days and Husbandry, in a plain Method. By W. W. gent. The ninth edition with many new additions,.. London : printed for J. Marshall in Grace-Church-Street, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, R. Ware, and J. Osborn in Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Hodges on London-Bridge, 1733. ESTC No. T99322. Grub Street ID 318464.
- Winslow, Jacques-Bénigne. An anatomical exposition of the structure of the human body. By James Benignus Winslow, Professor of Physick, Anatomy and Surgery in the University of Paris, Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, and of the Royal Society at Berlin, &c. Translated from the French original, by G. Douglas, M.D. Illustrated with copper plates. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Osborn and T. Longman, R. Ware, S. Birt, C. Davis and T. Astley, M.DCC.XXXIV. [1733-34]. ESTC No. N1344. Grub Street ID 3357.
- The devout Christian's companion. The second and last part. Consisting of practical discourses upon the most fundamental principles of the Christian religion. ... Compiled from the writings of the most eminent divines of the Church of England. By Robert Warren, D.D. The second edition.. London : printed for E. Curll; J. Marshall; J. Hodges; and R. Ware, 1733. ESTC No. N64954. Grub Street ID 46893.
- Dawson, Thomas. An appeal to the genuine records and testimonies of heathen and Jewish writers; in defence of Christianity. By Thomas Dawson, D. D. Vicar of New Windsor; some Time Member of Convocation. Part I. 1. An appeal to the works of Phlegon, Thallus, and other Heathen Writers; as Evidence for the miraculous Eclipse at Christ's Passion. 2. An Appeal to the Chinese Records; proving that Eclipse to be Universal, as well as Supernatural. 3. An Appeal to the Confession made by the Emperor Titus, of the miraculous Proceedings of Heaven in the final Destruction of Jerusalem; attested by Tacitus and Josephus; which was fulfilling the Prophecy made by Christ, (luke xxi. 24.) with which Prophecy Phlegon was acquainted. 4. An Appeal to the present Desolation of Jerusalem; as concerning another Prophecy of Christ, (luke xxi. 24.) which is Yet accomplishing, viz. That Jerusalem should not be rebuilt, "till the "times of the Nations be fulfilled. 5. An appeal to the Emperor Julian's attempts to rebuild the Temp. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, 1733. ESTC No. T135536. Grub Street ID 183948.
- Bradley, Richard. Ten practical discourses concerning the four elements, as they relate to the growth of plants. ... With a collection of new discoveries for the improvement of land, either in the farm or garden. By the late ingenious R. Bradley; . The second edition.. London : printed for R. Ware; B. Creake; and J. Osborn, 1733. ESTC No. N48697. Grub Street ID 33183.
- Bradley, Richard. Ten practical discourses concerning the four elements, as they relate to the growth of plants. Viz. I. Of the Improvement of Land in general. II. Of the Principles of Water, and the Necessity of it in Vegetation. III. Various Methods relating to the Draining of Lands. IV. Of the several Parts of Plants, and their respective Offices, &c. V. Of the Anatomy and Motion of Juices in Plants. VI. Of the different Ways of propagating Plants. Vii. How to make Plantations, either for Pleasure or Profit. Viii. Rules for Pruning, &c. IX. Of a Kitchen Garden, and the Particular Management of Vines and Figs. X. Of a Flower Garden: With some new Observations relating to Flowers and Exotick Plants. With a collection of new discoveries for the improvement of land, either in the farm or garden. By the late ingenious R. Bradley, Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge, and F. R. S. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Warwick-Lane, Amen-Corner; B. Creake, at the Red Bible in Ave-Mary-Lane; and J. Osborn, at the Golden-Ball in Pater-Noster-Row, 1733. ESTC No. T49953. Grub Street ID 277685.
- Reading, Daniel. The English clerk's instructor, in the practice of the Court of King's Bench, and Common Pleas. ... And several other matters necessary for the practice of an attorney. To which are added, several choice precedents of declarations. Never before printed. By Daniel Reading . London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of E. Sayer, Esq;) for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch; R. Ware; J. Hazard; C. Corbett, and R. Chandler; Cæsar Ward; and J. Torbuck, 1733. ESTC No. N7069. Grub Street ID 51170.
- Ford, Emanuel. The famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In three parts[.] Part I. Containing his triumphant battles fought against the Persians, his love to the beautiful Laurana, the great dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks, and his strange adventures in the desolate island. Part II. Containing the adventurous travels, and noble chivalry of Parismenos, the knight of fame, with his love to the fair Princess Angelica, the Lady of the Golden Tower. Part III. Containing the admirable adventures and truly heroick atchievements of Parismones, Knight of the Golden Star, with his love to the fair Astrea, Princess of Austracia, and other rare adventures. The seventh edition.. London : printed for Mess Bettesworth and Hitch, at the Red Lyon, and J. Osborne, at the Golde Ball, in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner, and James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, on London-Bridge, 1734. ESTC No. N48879. Grub Street ID 33346.
- Mather, W. The young man's companion: or, arithmetick made easy. Containing plain directions for a young-man to attain to read and write true English; the best and easiest instructions for writing variety of hands, with copies both in prose and verse, digested in an alphabetical order. How to write letters of complement, friendship, or business: forms of notes, receipts, bills, bonds, indentures, leases and releases, letters of attorney, wills, &c. A short and easy method of shop and book-keeping, merchants accompts, &c. Directions how to measure carpenters, joiners, sawyers, bricklayers, plasterers, plummers, masons, glaziers and painters work. With tables for such as have not learned arithmetick. How to compare the charge of building an house, or nay part thereof. The rates of each commodity, and the common wages of journeymen. Measuring, gauging, plotting of land by Gunter's chain, and taking heights and distances by the quadrant, &c. Of Gunter's line in measuring globes, bullets, walls, &c. The. The 14th edition, with large additions and improvements.. London : printed for R. Ware at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner, J. Clarke at the Golden-Bull in Duck-Lane, and J. Osborne at the Golden-Bull in Pater-noster row, 1734. ESTC No. N61206. Grub Street ID 44115.
- The wonderful life, and most surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner ... Faithfully epitomized from the three volumes, and adorned with cutts suited to the most remarkable stories . London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon; and J. Osborn, at the Golden-Ball in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware in Amen-Corner, and J. Hodges at the Looking-Glass on London-bridge, 1734. ESTC No. N478253. Grub Street ID 372573.
- Markham, Gervase. Markham's master-piece. Containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach. Touching the curing all diseases in horses. Drawn with great Pains, and Approv'd Experience, and the Publick Practice of the best Horse-Marshals in Christendom. Divided into two books. The First containing Cures Physical; the 2d, All Cures Chirurgical. Together with The Nature, Use, and Quality of every Simple mentioned through the whole Work. Now the twenty-first time printed, corrected, and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and Forty New Medicines, heretofore never publish'd. To which is added, The Exactest Receipts for Curing all Diseases in Cows, Oxen, Sheep, Hogs, Goats, Dogs, and all small Cattle. Als The compleat jockey; containing methods for the training up horses for racing, with their Heats and Courses, Manner of Keeping, &c. Also Instructions to avoid being cheated by Horse-Coursers. To which is added in this Twenty-First Impression, Directions to preserve all Sorts of Cattl. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Pater-Noster-Row; S. Birt, at the Bible in Ave-Maria Lane; R. Ware, at the Bible in Amen-Corner; J. Osborne, at the Golden-Ball in Pater-Noster-Row; and, James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge. 1734. Horic 5s., [1734]. ESTC No. T90260. Grub Street ID 310118.
- Dawson, Thomas. Disceptatio epistolaris de coelestibus testimoniis I Joh. V. 7. In qua ex binis manuscriptis eximiis, ... I. Ex M. Aur. Cassiodorij, ... II. Ex dissertatione singulari V. Cl. Guil. Cavei (canonici Windesor) Luciani Samosat. testimonio innix^a;. Londini : prostant apud J. Wilcox, & R. Ware, 1734. ESTC No. T215022. Grub Street ID 241258.
- Voltaire. The history of Charles XII. King of Sweden. In eight books. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Pater-Noster-Row ; R. Ware at the Bible in Amen-Corner ; J. Osborn at the Golden-Ball in Pater-Noster-Row ; J. Clarke at the Golden-Ball in Duck-Lane, and J. Hodges at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, 1734. ESTC No. T71211. Grub Street ID 294787.
- Dyche, Thomas. A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. The First proper for Beginners, shewing a Natural and Easy Method, to pronounce and express both Common Words, and Proper Names; in which, particular Care is had, to shew the Accent, for preventing Vitious Pronunciation. The Second, for such as are advanc'd to some Ripeness of Judgment, containing Observations on the Sounds of Letters, and Diphthongs; Rules for the true Division of Syllables, and the Use of Capitals, Stops, and Marks: With large Tables of Abbreviations, and Distinctions of Words, and several Alphabets of Copies for Young Writers. By T. Dyche, Schoolmaster at Stratford Bow. The twentieth edition corrected.. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, 1734. ESTC No. T113323. Grub Street ID 165268.
- Gouge, Thomas. The young man's guide, through the wilderness of this world, to the heavenly Canaan. Shewing him, how to carry himself Christian-Like, in the whole course of his life. By Thomas Gouge, Minister of the Gospel. Publish'd for the use of families, particularly those in Wales. London : printed for Mess. Bettsworth and Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, Amen-Corner, J. Clarke, at the Golden Ball in Duck-Lane, and James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, [1734]. ESTC No. T83883. Grub Street ID 304296.
- Bailey, Nathan. English and Latin exercises, for school-boys: comprising all the rules of syntaxis. ... Answering perfectly to the design of Mr. Garretson, and Hermes Romanus, in bringing on learners most gradually and expeditiously to the translating of English into Latin. By N. Bailey, school master. The ninth edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, 1734. ESTC No. N47790. Grub Street ID 32427.
- Cocker, Edward. Cocker's arithmetick, being a plain and familiar method, ... for the full understanding of that incomparable art, ... Composed by Edward Cocker, ... Perused and published, by John Hawkins, . The forty-seventh edition, carefully corrected and amended. By George Fisher, ... London : printed for Mess. Bettesworth and Hitch; R. Ware; and J. Hodges, 1734. ESTC No. N44097. Grub Street ID 29625.
- Thomson, G. The anatomy of the human bones; with an account of muscular motion, and the circulation of the blood: also of digestion and nutrition: with A Description of the Four Senses. Illustrated with variety of copper plates. To which is added, A short and easy Method of discovering the Virtues of Plants in curing the Diseases of the Human Body. By George Thomson, M. A. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner; A. Ward at the King's-Arms in Little Britain; J. Oswald at the Rose and Crown in the Poultry; and T. Hatchett, under the Royal-Exchange, M,DCC,XXXIV. [1734]. ESTC No. T59020. Grub Street ID 285117.
- Aulnoy. The history of the tales of the fairies. Translated from the French. Containing, I. The tale of Graciosa, and Prince Percinet, shewing the Cruelty of a Proud Mother in-Law, to an innocent dutiful Virgin. The Bluebird, and Florina; shewing the Happiness of being Good-Natured in both Sexes. [II]. Prince Avenant, and the Beauty with Locks of Gold, shewing what Difficulties and Dangers Love will surmount. [III]. The King of the Peacocks, and the Princess Rosetta; shewing the Vanity of Covetousness, Price; and Envy. Prince Nonpariel, and the Princess Brilliant; wherein is shewn that outward Beauty is not the only Object Love delights to dwell in. VI. The orange-tree, and its beloved bee ; shewing the Happiness of those Lovers who shall find Constancy in Per[f]ection. Dedicated to the Ladies of Great Britain. London : printed for Mess. Bettesworth and Hitch at the Red-Lyon in Pater Noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, Amen Corner; and James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, 1734. ESTC No. T126675. Grub Street ID 176591.
- A description of three hundred animals, viz. beasts, birds, fishes, serpents, and insects. With a particular account of the manner of their catching of whales in Greenland. Extracted from the best authors, and adapted to the Use of all Capacities. Illustrated with copper plates, whereon is curiously engraven every Beast, Bird, Fish, Serpent, and Insect, describ'd in the whole Book. The second edition, carefully corrected and amended.. London : printed for R. Ware at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner; and T. Game at the Bible, the East End of the New Church in the strand [by J. Stephens], MDCCXXXIV. [1734]. ESTC No. T120743. Grub Street ID 171746.
- G. F. The secretary's guide. In four parts. Part I. Containing variety of forms for inditing letters upon any subject whatsoever, in the most elegant and refined stile now made use of: with directions for giving the most proper titles and epithets to persons of all rank and qualities. Part II. Choice forms and precedents for writing acquittances, bills, bonds, judgments, defeasances, letters of attorney, deeds of gifts, wills, assignments, counter securities, bills of sale, letters of license, indentures for apprentices, inland and foreign bills of exchange, &c. Part III. An account of time, in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years; with a perpetual almanack, shewing the day of the month for ever: fixed feasts and remarkable days; a table of kings and queens: eclipses of the sun and moon, and their causes, shewing when they will be eclipsed for ever. Also how to find the moon's rising and setting at any time: signs of weather; a chronology from the creation to this present year. Tables. London : printed for A. Bettsworth and C. Hitch, at the Red Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row; and R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner; and J. Hodges, at the Lookin-Glass [sic] on London-Bride [sic], [1734]. ESTC No. T131487. Grub Street ID 180471.
- Lady. The whole duty of a woman: or, A guide to the female sex. From the age of sixteen, to sixty, &c Being directions, how women of all qualities and conditions, ought to behave themselves in the various circumstances of this life, for their obtaining not only present, but future happiness. I Directions how to obtain the divine and moral vertues of piety, meekness, modesty, chastity, humilty [sic], compassion, temperance, and affability, with their advantages; and how to avoid the opposite vices. II. The duty of virgins, directing them what they ought to do, and what to avoid, for gaining all the accomplishments required in that state. With the whole art of love. III. The whole duty of a wife. IV. The whole duty of a widow, &c. Also choice receipts in physick and chirurgery: with the whole art of cookery, preserving, candying, beautifying, &c. Written by a lady. The eighth edition.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible, in Amen Corner; and James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London Bridge, 1735. ESTC No. T64198. Grub Street ID 289280.
- The fortunate and unfortunate lovers: or, the history of the Lives, Fortunes, and Adventures of Dorastus and Fawnia, Hero and Leander. Made English from the Originals, Written in the Bohemia and Grecian Tongues. By a Gentleman, Who spen many Years in travelling through most Parts of Germany, Greece and Italy, where these Stories are in as much Credit and Repute, as any that are now Extant, or ever were Printed. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch at the Red Lion, in Pater-Noster-Row, R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible, Amen-Corner, J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass on London-Bridge, 1735. ESTC No. T57371. Grub Street ID 283654.
- Playford, John. Vade mecum: or, the necessary pocket companion. Containing, I. Sir Samuel Moreland's perpetual almanack, ... XIV. Tables for casting up nobles, marks, and guineas. The fourteenth edition corrected, with additions. ... London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, and R. Ware; S. Birt; and J. Hodges, 1735. ESTC No. N47885. Grub Street ID 32528.
- Dyche, Thomas. Vocabularium Latiale: or, a Latin vocabulary. In two parts. The first being a collection of the most usual and easy Latin words, ... The second shewing the variation and declining of all the declinable parts, both regular and irregular. By Tho. Dyche . The sixth edition, carefully corrected.. London : printed for J. Brotherton; J. Hazard; and R. Ware, 1735. ESTC No. T146724. Grub Street ID 193335.
- London jests: or, a collection of the choicest joques and repartees. Out of the most celebrated authors, . The second edition.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch; R. Ware; and James Hodges, 1735. ESTC No. T65198. Grub Street ID 290111.
- Fisher, George, accomptant. The instructor: or, young man's best companion: Containing, Spelling, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetick in an easier Way than any yet published; and how to qualify any Person for Business, without the Help of a Master. Instructions to write Variety of Hands, with Copies both in Prose and Verse. How to write Letters on Business or Friendship. Forms of Indentures, Bonds, Bills of Sale, Receipts, Wills, Leases, Releases, &c. Also Merchants Accompts, and a short and easy Method of Shop and Book-Keeping, with a Description of the Product, Counties, and Market-Towns in England and Wales. Together with the Carpenter's plain and exact Rule: Shewing how to measure Carpenters, Joyners, Sawyers, Brick-Layers, Plaisterers, Plummers, Masons, Glasiers, and Painters Work. How to undertake each Work, and at what Price; the Rates of each Commodity, and the common Wages of Journeymen; with Gunter's Line, and Coggeshall's Description of the Sliding Rule. Likewise the Practical Gauger made Easy; the Art of D. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch in Pater-Noster-Row,, R. Ware in Amen-Corner,, J. Clark, S. Birt in Duck-Lane, S. Birt in Avemary-Lane ; and J. Hodges on London-Bridge, [1735?]. ESTC No. T66097. Grub Street ID 290904.
- Josephus, Flavius. The wars of the Jews: in two books. With the most deplorable history of the siege and destruction of the city of Jerusalem. And the burning of the temple therein by the Romans, under the command of Titus Vespasian, the Roman Emperor. Also an account of the fearful prefages and strange apparitions that were seen in the air, before the ruin thereof. Epitomiz'd from the works of Flavius Josephus, translated into English by Sir Roger L'estrange, knight. The fifth edition.. London : Printed for A. Bettsworth and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-noster Row; R. Ware at the Sun and Bible in Amen Corner; and J. Hodges, at the Looking glass on London-Bridge, [1735?]. ESTC No. T106435. Grub Street ID 159596.
- Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary: comprehending the derivations of the generality of words in the English tongue, either ancient or modern, from the ancient British, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and modern French, Teutonic, Dutch, Spanish, Italian; as also from the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew languages, each in their proper characters. And also a brief and clear explication of all difficult words derived from any of the aforesaid languages; and terms of art relating to anatomy, botany, physick, pharmacy, surgery, chymistry, philosophy, divinity, mathematicks, grammar, logick, rhetorick, musick, heraldry, maritime affairs, military discipline, horsemanship, hunting, hawking, fowling, fishing, gardening, husbandry, handicrafts, confectionary, carving, cookery, &c. Together with a large collection and explication of words and phrases us'd in our ancient statutes, charters, writs, old records, and processes at law; and the etymology and interpretation of the proper names of men, women, and. London : printed for J. J. and P. Knapton, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, F. Clay, J. Batley, A. Ward, T. Longman, and R. Hett, M,DCC,XXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. T141548. Grub Street ID 189057.
- A treatise of sudden deaths, etc. Second edition.. London : R. Ware, 1735. ESTC No. N493218. Grub Street ID 407172.
- The most pleasing and delightful history of Reynard the fox and Reynardine his Son. In two parts. With Morals to each Chapter, explaining what appears Doubtful, or Allegorical: And every Chapter illustrated with a curious Device, or Picture, representing to the Eye all the material Passages. To which is added, The history of Cawood the rook: Or, The Assembly of Birds: With the several Speeches they made to the Eagle, in Hopes to have the Government in his Absence: How the Rook was banish'd; with the Reason why Crafty Fellows are called Rooks. Together with Morals and Expositions on every Chapter. The sixth edition.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible, in Amen-Corner, and James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, 1735. ESTC No. T60839. Grub Street ID 286607.
- Johnson, Richard. The illustrious and renown'd history of the seven famous champions of Christendom. In three parts. Containing their honourable births, victories, and noble atchievements by sea and land in divers strange countries; their combats with giants, monsters; wonderful adventures, fortunes and misfortunes in desarts, wildernesses, inchanted castles, their conquests of empires, kingdoms, relived distressed ladies, with their faithful loves to them; the honour they won in tilts and turnaments, and success against the enemies of Christendom. Also with the heroick adventures of S[t]. George's three sons. Together with the manner of their untimely deaths; and how they came to be stiled saints and champions of Christendom. The fourth edition.. London : Printed for A. Bettsworth and C. Hitch at the Red-Lyon in Pater-noster-Row; and R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner and J. Osborn, at the Golden Ball in Pater-noster-Row; and J. Hodges, at the Looking glass on London-bridge, [1735?]. ESTC No. T224835. Grub Street ID 246929.
- The mariner's jewel: or, a pocket companion for the ingenious. Containing decimal arithmetick; extraction of the square root; to know the burthen, and how to rig a ship; ... By James Love, . The seventh edition, corrected and enlarged.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch. R. Ware. J. Hodges, 1735. ESTC No. T113073. Grub Street ID 165026.
- The history of the holy Jesus, containing a brief account of the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of our blessed Saviour: ... To which is added, the lives and deaths of the holy evangelists and apostles. ... Enliven'd with pictures. The sixteenth edition, corrected. By William Smith, A.M. London : printed for A. Bettsworth and C. Hitch; and R. Ware; and J. Osborn; and J. Hodges, [1735?]. ESTC No. T204636. Grub Street ID 409763.
- Dyche, Thomas. The youth's guide to the Latin tongue: Or, An explication of propria quae maribus, quae genus, and as in praesenti. Wherein the rules are made plain and easy to the capacity of young learners, by a new verbal translation, the examples declin'd, and the sense illustrated with useful notes and observations from the best grammarians. By Thomas Dyche, master of the Free School at Stratford Le Bow. The second edition.. London : Printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch at the Red-Lion in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware at the Bible and Sun in Warwick-Lane; S. Birt at the Bible and Ball in Ave-Mary-Lane and J. Hodges at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, 1735. ESTC No. N14385. Grub Street ID 4268.
- Smith, Samuel. David's repentance: or, a plain and familiar exposition of the List psalm, first preach'd, and now publish'd, for the benefit of God's church. Wherein every Christian may set before his Eyes the Pattern of unseigned Repentance. Likewise exhorting every Man to labour for Repentance before Sickness and Death seize upon them; for after Death there is no Repentance to be had or expected. Newly revised; by Samuel Smith, late preacher of the word at Prittlewell in Essex; Author of The Great Assize. The thirty-second edition.. London : printed for G. Conyers, at the Ring in Little-Britain; A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Clarke, at the Golden Ball in Dusk-Lane; S. Birt, in Ave-Maria Lane; J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass on London-Bridge; and R. Ware, in Amen-Corner, 1735. ESTC No. T32093. Grub Street ID 262831.
- Allen, Thomas. The travels of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: From his infancy to his ascension into heaven. To which are prefixed the travels of the Blessed Virgin Mary; the wise men out of the east, and of St. John the baptist. And thereunto subjoined, the travels of St. Peter the apostle; St. John the evangelist, and St. Paul the apostle: with an account of their labours, dangers, and sufferings, which they underwent for the profession of the Christian faith. Likewise memorable remarks upon the antient and present state of all those provinces, cities, towns, and villages: with the distance of each place from Jerusalem; and the number of miles which they travelled during their peregrination here upon Earth. Very useful and instructive for the better understanding the history of the New Testament. By Thomas Allen, M.A. London : Printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion Pater-Noster-Row, R Ware at the Sun and Bible Amen Corner, J. Hodges at the Looking-glass, on London-bridge, 1735. ESTC No. T118360. Grub Street ID 169907.
- Aulnoy. Ingenious and diverting letters of a lady's travels into Spain; describing the devotions, nunneries, humour, Customs, Laws, Militia, Trade, Diet, and Recreations of that people. Intermix'd with great variety of modern adventures and surprizing accidents; being the truest and best Remarks extant on that Court and Country. The tenth edition. With the addition of a letter of the state o Spain, as it was in the year 1700. By an English gentleman. London : printed for J. J. and P. Knapton, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth & C. Hitch, J. & J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. Batley & T. Wood, T. Longman, and R. Hett, MDCCXXXVI. [1735-1736]. ESTC No. T79449. Grub Street ID 301010.
- S., J.. The shepherd's kalender: or, the citizen's and country man's daily companion: Treating of many Things that are Useful and Profitable to Man kind, with above Two Hundred wonderful Curiosities never before Published. Also, a Discourse of the Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, with Rules to know when they will happen. Infallible Signs of the Weather: To know when Wet or Dry, and when sudden Storms arises, hot or cold Weather, by living Creatures: A curious Observation never made Publick before. An Account of the Lucky and Unlucky Days throughout the Year. The Mosaick Wand to find out hidden Treasures. The Calculation of Nativities, and to resorve all Lawful Questions. To which is added, the country man's almanack, Directing when to Bleed, and Diet the Body: A Treatise of Bees, Warrens, ordering of Cattle, Hawks, and how to kill Vermine. The Measuring Land and Timber: The Are of Ring'ng: The true Value, or Worth of a Single Penny: Or, a Caution to keep Money. Being above Forty Years Study and Expe. The fourth edition, with additions.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, [1735?]. ESTC No. N23156. Grub Street ID 12515.
- Erra Pater.. The book of knowledge; treating of the wisdom of the ancients. In four parts. ... Written by Erra Pater, ... made English by W. Lilley, ... To which is added, The dealer's directory; . London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch; R. Ware; and J. Hodges, 1735. ESTC No. N15364. Grub Street ID 5092.
- Tillotson, John. The works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Volume the Second. Containing Two Hundred Sermons and Discourses, On Several Occasions: published from the originals by Ralph Barker, D. D. Chaplain to his Grace. The fifth edition.. London : printed for James, John and Paul Knapton, Daniel Midwinter, Arthur Bettesworth and Charles Hitch, James Round, Jacob Tonson, John Pemberton, Charles Rivington, Francis Clay, Jeremiah Batley, Aaron Ward, Thomas Longman, Richard Hett, and Richard Ware, MDCCXXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. T136652. Grub Street ID 184808.
- Tillotson, John. The works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury: containing fifty four sermons and discourses, on several occasions. Together with The rule of faith. Being all that were published by his Grace himself, and now collected into one volume. To which is added, An alphabetical table of the principal matters. The tenth edition.. London : printed for James, John and Paul Knapton, Daniel Midwinter, Arthur Bettesworth and Charles Hitch, James Round, Jacob Tonson, John Pemberton, Charles Rivington, Francis Clay, Jeremiah Batley, Aaron Ward, Thomas Longman, Richard Hett, and Richard Ware, MDCCXXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. T136654. Grub Street ID 184810.
- Bourne, Vincent. Poematia, Latinè partim reddita, partim scripta : a V. Bourne, Collegii Trinitatis apud Cantabrigienses aliquando Socio. Iterum edita. Londini : typis J. Bettenham. Sumptibus B. Barker, Bibliopolae Westmonasteriensis, apud quem prostant, & apud R. Ware, MDCCXXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. T42574. Grub Street ID 271340.
- Dyche, Thomas. A new general English dictionary; peculiarly calculated for the use and improvement of such as are unacquainted with the learned languages. ... Originally begun by the late Reverend Mr. Thomas Dyche, ... and now finish'd by William Pardon, Gent. London : printed for Richard Ware, 1735. ESTC No. N41789. Grub Street ID 28141.
- Ayres, John. Arithmetick made easie, for the use and benefit of trades-men: wherein the nature and use of fractions, both vulgar and decimal, are taught ... The nineteenth edition. By J. Ayres, ... To which is added, a short and easie method; ... By Charles Snell, . London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C Hitch; R. Ware; J. Clarke; and James Hodges, [1736?]. ESTC No. N26551. Grub Street ID 15921.
- Jacob, Giles. A new law-dictionary: containing, the interpretation and definition of words and terms used in the law; and also the whole law, and the practice thereof, Under all the Heads and Titles of the same. Together with such Informations relating thereto, as Explain the History and Antiquity of the Law, and our Manners, Customs, and Original Government. Collected and Abstracted from all Dictionaries, Abridgments, Institutes, Reports, Year-Books, Charters, Registers, Chronicles, and Histories, Published to this Time. And fitted for the Use of Barristers, Students, and Practisers of the Law, Members of Parliament, and other Gentlemen, Justices of Peace, Clergymen, &c. The third edition, with very large additions, and the Law-Proceedings done into English. To which is annexed, A Table of References to all the Arguments and Resolutions of the Lord Chief Justice Holt; In the several Volumes of the Reports. By Giles Jacob, gent. London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) for J. J. and P. Knapton, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, F. Clay, J. Batley and J. Wood, A. Ward, T. Longman, and R. Hett, MDCCXXXVI. [1736. ESTC No. T137461. Grub Street ID 185437.
- The English school reformed: containing, I. Rules shewing the nature of vowels, consonants, ... VI. English words contracted, ... Lastly, an accidence adapted to our English tongue. The eleventh edition, carefully corrected. By R. Brown, . London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch; J. Hazard: J. Batley, and J. Wood; S. Birt; R. Ware; and J. Hodges, 1736. ESTC No. N3246. Grub Street ID 21106.
- The English school reformed: Containing, I. Rules shewing the nature of vowels, consonants, syllables, diphthongs, dividing of syllables, and of stops, and points. II. A praxis shewing the use of the said rules, in a dialogue. III. Words from one to six and seven syllables, exactly divided according to the said rules. IV. A collection of words that agree in sound, but differ in sense and spelling. V. Another collection of words that are writ one way, and sounded another. VI. English words contracted, figures and numeral letters, &c. and, lastly, an accidence adapted to our English tongue. The eleventh edition, Carefully Corrected. By R. Brown,formerly master of a boarding school in Greek-street, in St. Anne's Westminster, but now master of private school in York. London : Printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Hazard, at the Bible, in stationers-court: J. Batley, and J. Wood, at the dove, in Pater-Noster-Row; S. Birt, at the Bible, in Ave-Maria-Lane; R. Ware, at the Bible and sun, in Amen-corner; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, on London Bridge, 1736. ESTC No. T221198. Grub Street ID 244599.
- Smith, Samuel. The great assize: or, Day of Jubilee, in which we must make a general account of all our actions before almighty God. Delivered in Four Sermons upon the XXth. Chapter of the Revelations, plainly the wing the happy State of the Godly, and the woeful Condition of the Wicked. Whereunto are annexed two sermons upon the first chapter of the Canticles, Ver. 6, 7. By the author Samuel Smith, Minister of the Word. The six and fortieth impression.. London : printed for G. Conyers at the Ring, in Little-Britain; A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon, in Pater-Noster-Row; S. Birt, at the Bible, in Ave Maria Lane; R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible, in Amen-Corner; J. Clarke, at the Golden-Ball, in Duck Lane; and J. Hodges. at the Looking-Glass, on London-Bridge, 1736. ESTC No. T35821. Grub Street ID 265850.
- Russel, Robert. A treatise of the holy sacrament of the Lord's supper. ... To which are added, meditations, ... By Robert Russel, . The ninth edition.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch; R. Ware; J. Clarke; and J. Hodges, 1736. ESTC No. T137842. Grub Street ID 185746.
- A description of three hundred animals, viz. beasts, birds, fishes, serpe[nt]s, [an]d in[sec]ts. With a particular account of the manner of their catching of whales in Greenland. Extracted from the best authors, adapted to the Use of all Capacities. Illustrated with copper plates, whereon is curiously engraven every Beast-Bird, Fish, Serpent, and Insect, describ'd in the whole Book. The third edition, carefully corrected and amended.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. N23359. Grub Street ID 12719.
- [The] History of the lives and actions of Jonathan Wild, thief-taker. Joseph Blake alias Bleuskin, foot-pad. And John Sheppard, House-breaker. Giving a full and exact account of Jonathan's being crown'd King of the Gyp[ies]; the way and means he made use of to reduce young Pe... into robberies, and afterwards hang them for ... and of the reasons that induced Bleu[skin] ... Jonathan Wild's throat. As also a true ... of the pranks Jack Sheppard played, and of his being retaken. Taken from several papers found since Jonathan's death, with letters and private confessions to friends, never yet publish'd. The fourth edition.. London : Printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-noster Row; R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-glass on London-bridge, 1736. ESTC No. N28933. Grub Street ID 18129.
- The week's preparation for the worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper. After the warning of the church. For celebrating of the Holy Communion. Being meditations and prayers for morning and evening, every day in the week. With some directions to live well after receiving of the blessed sacrament. By G.B. D.D. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red Lion in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-glass on London-Bridge, 1737. ESTC No. N506700. Grub Street ID 436259.
- Howell, James. Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ: familiar letters domestick and foreign, divided into four books: partly historical, political, philosophical: upon emergent occasions. By James Howell, Esq; One of the Clerks of his late Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council. The tenth edition, very much corrected.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, F. Clay, J. Batley and J. Wood, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, and R. Hett, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T76054. Grub Street ID 298542.
- Medulla poetarum Romanorum: or, the most beautiful and instructive passages of the Roman poets. Being a Collection, (disposed under proper Heads,) Of such Descriptions, Allusions, Comparisons, Characters, and Sentiments, as may best serve to shew the Religion, Learning, Politicks, Arts, Customs, Opinions, Manners, and Circumstances of the Antients. With translations of the same in English verse. By Mr. Henry Baker. . London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, F. Clay, J. Batley and J. Wood, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, and R. Hett, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T89685. Grub Street ID 309556.
- The whole life, and merry exploits of bold Robin Hood: Earl of Huntington. Shewing, how he became an out-law, and fled to the forest of Sherwood; where he and his gang shelter'd themselves for many years, committing many notorious villanies and robberies, insomuch that all passengers were forc'd to pay them tribute. And at last betook himself to a monastrey in Yorkshire, where he was bled to death by a monk.To which is added, several songs not in the former impressions. With the whole history of Johnny Armstrong of Westmoreland. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-glass on London-Bridge, 1737. ESTC No. N25808. Grub Street ID 15163.
- Mather, W. The young man's companion: or, arithmetick made easy. Containing, Plain Directions for a Young Man to attain to Read and Write True English; the best and easiest Instructions for Writing Variety of Hands, with Copies both in Prose and Verse, digected in an Alphabetical Order. How to write Letters of Compliment, Friendship, or Business. Forms of Notes, Receipts, Bills, Bonds, Indentures, Leases and Releases, Letters of Attorney, Wills, &c. A short and easy Method of Shop and Book-Keeping, Merchants-Accompts, &c. Directions how to measure Carpenters, Joyners, Sawyers, Bricklayers, Plaisterers, Plummers, Masons, Glaziers and Painters Work. With Tables for such as have not learn'd Arithmetick. How to compute the Charge of Building an House, or any Part thereof. The Rates of each Commodity, and the common Wages of Journeymen. Measuring, Gauging, Plotting of Land by Gunter's Chain, and taking Heights and Distances by the Quadrant, &c. Of Gunter's Line in measuring Globes, Bullets, Walls, &c. Th. The fifteenth edition, with large additions and improvements.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner; J. Clarke, at the Golden-Ball in Duck-Lane; and T. Longman, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T52886. Grub Street ID 279886.
- Ward, Edward. Nuptial dialogues and debates: or, an useful prospect of the felicities and discomforts of a marry'd life, Incident to all Degrees, from the Throne to the Cottage. Containing Many great Examples of Love, Piety, Prudence, Justice, and all the Excellent Vertues, that largely contribute to the true Happiness of Wedlock. Drawn from the Lives of our own Princes, Nobility, and other Quality, in Prosperity and Adversity. Also the fantastical Humours of all Fops, Coquets, Bullies, Jilts, fond Fools, and Wantons; old Fumblers, barren Ladies, Misers, parsimonious Wives, Ninnies, Sluts and Termagants; drunken Husbands, toping Gossips, schismatical Precisians, and devout Hypocrites of all Sorts. Digested into serious, merry, and satirical poems, wherein both Sexes, in all Stations, are reminded of their Duty, and taught how to be happy in a Matrimonial State. In two volumes. By Edward Ward, Author of the London Spy. The third edition, adorn'd with cuts.. London : printed for Mess. Bettesworth, and Hitch, Ware, and Osborn, in Pater-Noster-Row; Hodges, on London-Bridge; Baily, in Mitre-Court, Fleetstreet; and Cummins, at the Royal Exchange, 1737. ESTC No. T125015. Grub Street ID 175188.
- Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary, ... The eighth edition, with considerable improvements. By N. Bailey, . London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Pemberton, R. Ware [and 8 others], 1737. ESTC No. T87499. Grub Street ID 307542.
- Culpeper, Nicholas. A directory for midwives: or, a guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. The first part contains, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. ... 9. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book. By Nicholas Culpeper, ... Newly corrected from many gross errors. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch; J.Battley, and J. Wood; S. Ballard; S. Birt; R. Ware; and J. Hodges, 1737. ESTC No. N54492. Grub Street ID 38231.
- The pleasant art of money-catching: treating, I. Of the original and invention of money. II. Of the Misery of Wanting it, &c. III. How Persons in Straits for Money, may supply themselves with it. IV. A new Method for ordering of Expences. V. How to save Money in Diet, Apparel and Recreation. VI. How a Man may always keep Money in his Pocket. Vii. How a Man may pay Debts without Money. Viii. How to Travel without Money. To which is added, the way how to turn a penny: or, The Art of Thriving. With several other Things, both Pleasant and Profitable. The fourth edition, corrected and much enlarged.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, [1737]. ESTC No. T80683. Grub Street ID 301668.
- Aesop.. Æsop's fables, with his life, morals and remarks, fitted for the meanest capasities [sic]. The sixth edition, with large additions.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch; R. Ware; and J. Hodges, 1737. ESTC No. N30933. Grub Street ID 19846.
- The noble and diverting history of the gentle-craft: Shewing what famous men have been shoe-makers in former ages, with their worthy deeds and great hospitality. Also an account of St. Hugh's Bones, (why it is call'd the gentle craft) and why a shoe-maker's son is said to be a prince born. The whole book being intermix'd with variety of stories, extreamly pleasant and entertaining; with a set of pictures intirely new. London] : Printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner; and J. Hodges, at the looking-glass on London-Bridge, 1737. ESTC No. T300647. Grub Street ID 372637.
- Domat, Jean. The civil law in its natural order: together with the publick law. Written in French by Monsieur Domat, The late French King's Advocate in the Presidial Court of Clermont in France: and translated into English by William Strahan, LL. D. Advocate in Doctors Commons. With additional remarks on some material differences between the civil law and the law of England. In Two Volumes. . The second edition, with additions.. London : printed for D. Midwinter. A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, G. Strahan, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, F. Clay, J. Batley and J. Wood, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, and R. Hett, M.DCC.XXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T96070. Grub Street ID 315550.
- Domat, Jean. The civil law in its natural order: together with the publick law. Written in French by Monsieur Domat, ... and translated into English by William Strahan, ... With additional remarks on some material differences between the civil law and the law of England. . The second edition, with additions.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, G. Strahan, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, [and 7 others in London], 1737. ESTC No. T96071. Grub Street ID 315551.
- Dyche, Thomas. A new general English dictionary; peculiarly calculated for the use and improvement of such as are unacquainted with the learned languages. Wherein the difficult words, and technical terms made use of in anatomy, architecture, arithmetick, algebra, astronomy, botany, chymistry, divinity, gardening, grammar, hawking, heraldry, history, horsemanship, hunting, husbandry, law, logick, mathematicks, mechanicks, milit. affairs, musick, navigation, painting, poetry, rhetorick, sculpture, surgery, &c. are not only fully explain'd, but accented on their proper syllables, to prevent a vicious pronunciation; and mark'd with initial letters, to denote the part of speech, to which each word peculiarly belongs. To which is prefixed, a compendious English grammar, with general rules for the ready formation of one part of speech from another; by the due application, whereof, such as understand English only, may be able to write as correctly and elegantly, as those who have been some years conversant in t. The second edition, with additions.. London : Printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Warwick-Lane, Amen-Corner, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. N20236. Grub Street ID 9633.
- Defoe, Daniel. The wonderful life, and most surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York; mariner. Containing a full and particular account how he lived eight and twenty years in an un-inhabited island on the coast of America: How his Ship was lost in a Storm, and all his Companions drowned; and how he was cast upon the Shore by the Wreck. With a true Relation how he was at last miraculously preserved by Pyrates. Faithfully epitomized from the three volumes, and adorned with cutts suited to the most remarkable Stories. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red Lion, in Pater noster Row ; R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, in Amen-Corner ; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, on London-Bridge, 1737. ESTC No. T72303. Grub Street ID 295845.
- Defoe, Daniel. Fortune's fickle distribution; in three parts. Containing first, the life and death of Moll Flanders; who was born in Newgate; ... Part II. The life of Jane Hackabout, her governess, ... Part III. The life of James Mac-Faul, Moll Flanders's Lancashire husband, . London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch; R. Ware; and J. Hodges, 1737. ESTC No. N48704. Grub Street ID 33191.
- Cassandra, a romance. In five parts. Written originally in French, and faithfully translated into English, by Sir Charles Cotterell, Master of the Ceremonies to King Charles I. and King Charles II. . The fourth edition, very much corrected.. London : printed for J. J. and P. Knapton, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, F. Clay, J. Batley and J. Wood, A. Ward, T. Longman, and R. Hett, M.DCC.XXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T98056. Grub Street ID 317384.
- Fleetwood, William. A compleat collection of the sermons, tracts, and pieces of all kinds, that were written by the Right Reverend Dr. William Fleetwood, Late Lord Bishop of Ely. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth & C. Hitch, J. & J. Pemberton, R. Ware, T. Ward, C. Rivington, F. Clay, J. Batley and J. Wood, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, E. Wicksteed, and M. Downing. MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T100909. Grub Street ID 154825.
- Dyche, Thomas. A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. The First proper for Beginners, shewing a Natural and Easy Method, to pronounce and express both Common Words, and Proper Names; in which particular Care is had to shew the Accent, for preventing Vitious Pronunciation. The Second for such as are advanc'd to some Ripeness of Judgment, containing Observations on the Sounds of Letters and Diphthongs; Rules for the true Division of Syllables, and the Use of Capitals, Stops, and Marks: With large Tables of Abbreviations, and Distinctions of Words; and several Alphabets of Copies for Young Writers. To which is now added, An Appendix, containing many additional Lessons, in Prose and Verse; First, in Words of one Syllable only; and then mix'd with Words of two, three, four, five, six and seven Syllables. By T. Dyche, Schoolmaster at Stratford Bow. The twenty fourth edition, corrected.. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, 1737. ESTC No. T186254. Grub Street ID 222415.
- Herodotus.. The history of Herodotus: translated from the Greek. By Isaac Littlebury. . The third edition.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, J. Batley and J. Wood, F. Clay, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, and R. Hett, M.DCC.XXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T130859. Grub Street ID 179932.
- Aulnoy. A collection of novels and tales of the fairies. Written by that celebrated wit of France, the Countess d'Anois. In three volumes. ... The third edition translated from the best edition of the original French, by several hands. London : printed for J. Brotherton and W. Meadows; R. Ware; T. Astley; and J. Hodges, 1737. ESTC No. N28398. Grub Street ID 17630.
- A paraphrase with notes, on the Acts of the Apostles, and upon all the Epistles of the New Testament. Being a compleat supplement to Dr. Clarke's paraphrase on the four Gospels. ... By Thomas Pyle, ... In two volumes. The third edition, review'd and corrected by the author.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, [and six others in London], 1737. ESTC No. T148450. Grub Street ID 194792.
- Dyche, Thomas. The spelling dictionary: or, a collection of all the common words ... By Thomas Dyche, . The fourth edition, corrected, with large additions.. London : printed for Richard Ware, 1737. ESTC No. T218781. Grub Street ID 243184.
- Troposche=matologia maximam partem ex Indice rhetorico Farnabii deprompta: additis insuper anglicanis exemplis. In usum Schol? Regi? Grammaticalis apud S. Edmundi Burgum. Editio decima tertia, prioribus Multu`m emendatior reddita. Adjecta sunt Adagia miscellanea. Londini : impensis J. Walthoe, sen. R. Wilkin, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth & C. Hitch, J. & J. Bonwicke, R. Robinson, R. Gosling, W. Innys & R. Manby, R. Ware, B. Motte & C. Bathurst, J. & P. Knapton, J. Walthoe, jun. A. Ward, S. Birt, T. Ward, D. Browne, E. Wicksteed, M. Downing, & H. Knaplock. M.DCC.XXXVII. (pretium Quatuor Denarii), [1737]. ESTC No. T121774. Grub Street ID 172535.
- Halfpenny, William. Perspective made easy: or, a new method for practical perspective. Shewing the use of a new-invented scenographical protractor; ... Together with the draughts of several remarkable places, in and about the cities of Bristol and Bath. In twenty-eight copper-plates. By William Halfpenny, . London : printed for Richard Ware, [1738?]. ESTC No. T206307. Grub Street ID 235817.
- A commentary upon the historical books of the Old Testament, viz. Genesis. Exodus. Leviticus. Numbers. Deuteronomy. Joshua. Judges. Ruth. I. Samuel. II. Samuel. I. Kings. II. Kings. I. Chronicles. II. Chronicles. Ezra. Nehemiah. Esther. In two volumes. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Dr. Symon Patrick, late Lord Bishop of Ely. The fifth edition corrected. To which is added a compleat alphabetical table. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth & C. Hitch, J. & J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, F. Clay, A. Ward, J. & P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, and J. Wood, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T132650. Grub Street ID 181553.
- D., W.. The gentleman instructed, in the conduct of a virtuous and happy life. In three parts. Written for the instruction of a young nobleman. To which is added, a word to the ladies, by way of supplement to the first part. The eleventh edition.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, F. Clay, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, and J. Wood, M.DCC.XXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T122417. Grub Street ID 173107.
- Rabelais, François. The works of Francis Rabelais, M.D. In five voulmes. ... Now carefully revised, and compared throughout with the late new edition of M. Le du Chat, By Mr. Ozell. Who has likewise added at the bottom of the pages, a translation of the notes, historical, critical, and explanatory, of the said M. du Chat, and others. In which notes, never before printed in English, the text is not only explained but, in multitudes of places, amended, and made comformable to the first and best editions of this learned and facetious author. Adorn'd with 15 very neat copper plates. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, R. Ware, J. Osborn, C. Rivington, T. Longman, D. Brown, T. Astley, S. Austen, A. Millar, R. Wellington, M.DCC.XXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T13266. Grub Street ID 181561.
- Palladio, Andrea. The four books of architecture: by Andrea Palladio. ... Literally translated from the original Italian, by Isaac Ware, ... all the plates being engraved by the author's own hand. London : printed for R. Ware, [1738?]. ESTC No. N18530. Grub Street ID 8001.
- Cocker, Edward. Cocker's arithmetick. Being, a plain and familiar method, suitable to the meanest Capacity, for the full understanding of that incomparable art, as it is now taught by the ablest School-Masters in City and Country. By Edward Cocker, late Practitioner in the Arts of Writing, Arithmetick, and Engraving: Being that so long since promised to the World. Perused and published, by John Hawkins, Writing-Master near St. George's Church in Southwark, by the Author's correct Copy, and commended to the World by many eminent Mathematicians and Writing-Masters in and near London. The forty-ninth edition, carefully corrected and amended. By George Fisher, ... London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater Noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, 1738. ESTC No. T30875. Grub Street ID 261712.
- The gentleman's compleat jockey: with the perfect horse-man and experienc'd farrier. Containing, I. The nature of horses; their breeding, feeding and management in all paces, to fit them for war, racing, travel, hunting, or other recreations and advantages. II. The true method, with proper rules and directions to order, diet and physick the running horse, to bring him to any match or race, with success. III. The methods to buy horses, and prevent being cheated; noting the particular marks of the good and bad horses, in all their circumstances. IV. How to make blazes, stars, and snips: to fatten a horse with little charge, and to make him lively and lovely. V. The whole art of a farrier in curing all diseases, griefs, and sorrances incident to horses; with their symptoms and causes. VI. The methods of shooing, blooding, rowling, purging, and prevention of diseases, and many other things from long experience and approved practice. To which is added, the art of vermine-killing. By A.S. Gent. London : Printed for Mess. Bettesworth and Hitch, at the Red Lyon in Paternoster Row; R. Ware; at the Sun and Bible in Amen Corner; and J. Hodges, at the Looking glass on London Bridge, 1738. ESTC No. N469523. Grub Street ID 362080.
- Mige, Guy. The present state of Great Britain, and Ireland, in three parts. The I. Of South II. Of North III. Of Ireland. Britain, Containing an accurate and impartial account of these famous islands: Of their several Counties, and Inhabitants; the Advantages, and Disadvantages of Both, in respect to Foreign Countries; and their Curiosities, Of Nature and Art. Of the vast, populous, and opulent City of London, the Metropolis of England; and of the Two celebrated Universities, Oxford and Cambridge. Of the Britons Original, Language, Temper, Genius, Religion, Morals, Trade, &c. Their Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and Commonalty. Their Laws and Government; and a succinct History of all the English Monarchs to this Time. With lists of the present officers in church and state; and of both Houses of Parliament; also The present state of His Majesty' dominions in Germany. The eighth edition corrected and enlarged.. London : printed for J. Brotherton, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, G. Strahan, W. Mears, R. Ware, E. Symon, and J. Clark, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T140921. Grub Street ID 188543.
- Cruden, Alexander. A complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament: in two parts. Containing, I. The Appellative or Common Words in so full and large a manner, that any Verse may be readily found by looking for any material Word in it. In this Part the various Significations of the Principal Words are given, by which the plain Meaning of many Passages of Scripture is shewn: And also an Account of several Jewish Customs and Ceremonies is added, which may serve to illustrate many Parts of Scripture. II. The Proper Names in the Scriptures. To this Part is prefixed a Table, containing the Significations of the Words in the Original Languages from which they are derived. To which is added a concordance to the Books, called Apocrypha. The Whole digested in an Easy and Regular Method, which, together with the various Significations and other Improvements now added, renders it more useful than any Book of this kind hitherto published. By Alexander Cruden, M.A. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, R. Ford, F. Clay, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, J. Clarke, T. Longman, R. Hett, J. Oswald, J. Wood, A. Cruden, and J. Davidson, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T90035. Grub Street ID 309888.
- Johnson, Richard. The illustrious and renown'd history of the seven famous champions of Christendom. In three parts Containing their honourable births, victories, and noble atchievements by sea and land in divers strange countries; their combats with giants, morsters [sic] ; wonderful adventures, fortunes and misfortunes, in desarts, wildernesses, inchanted castles, their corquest [sic] empires, kingdoms, relieved distressed ladies, with their faithful loves to them; the honour they won in tilts and turnaments, and success against the enemies of Christendom. Also with the heroick adventures of St. George's three sons. Together with the manner of their ... deaths; and how they came to be stiled ... and champions of Christendom. The fifth edition.. London : Printed for A. ... and C. Hitch; at the Red-Lyon in Paster-noster-Row; and R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-glass on London-bridge, 1738. ESTC No. T225586. Grub Street ID 247427.
- A description of three hundred animals, viz. beasts, birds, fishes, serpents, and insects. With a particular account of the manner of their catching of whales in Greenland. Extracted from the best authors, and adapted to the use of all capacities. Illustrated with copper plates, whereon is curiously engraven every beast, bird, fish, serpent, and insect, describ'd in the whole book. The fourth edition, carefully corrected and amended.. London : printed [by Charles Ackers] for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T473661. Grub Street ID 365968.
- The vocal miscellany. A collection of above four hundred celebrated songs; many of which were never before printed. With the names of the tunes prefixed to each song. Volume the second and last. The second edition, with many alterations and large additions.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, in Pater-Noster-Row; J. and J. Hazard, against Stationer's-Hall; R. Ware, in Amen-Corner; and C. Ward and R. Chandler, without Temple Bar; and at their shops in Coney-Street, York, and at Scarborough-Spaw, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T192933. Grub Street ID 227240.
- A new guide to geography. For the use of schools. By the author of Geography epitomiz'd. To which is annexed, a compleat alphabetical index, by which, at one view, may be found the name, situation, &c. of each city, town, river, island, &c. London : printed for R. Ware; at the Bible and Sun in Warwick Lane, Amen Corner, and J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass, on London Bridge, 1738. ESTC No. N509224. Grub Street ID 436663.
- Aesop.. Fables of AEsop and other eminent mythologists: With morals and reflections. By Sir Roger L'Estrange kt. The eighth edition corrected.. London : Printed for A. Bettesworth, C. Hitch, G. Strahan, R. Gosling, R. Ware, J. Osborn, S. Birt, B. Motte, C. Bathurst, D. Browne, and J. Hodges, M.DCC.XXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. N8016. Grub Street ID 52923.
- Schrevel, Cornelisa. Cornelii Schrevelii lexicon manuale Græco-Latinum & Latino-Græcum: studio atque opera Josephi Hill ... Ad calcem adjectæ sunt sententiæ Græco-Latinæ, ... Item tractatus duo: . Editio undecima, prioribus multo auctior & emendatior.. Londini : sumptibus D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth & C. Hitch, J. & J. Bonwicke, J. & J. Pemberton, R. Ware, [and 14 others in London], 1738. ESTC No. N3602. Grub Street ID 24019.
- The royal dictionary abridged. In two parts. I. French and English. II. English and French. containing above five thousand words more than any French and English dictionary yet extant: and, to which are added, the accents of all English words, to facilitate their pronunciation to foreigners. The sixth edition, carefully corrected. As also an alphabetical list of the most common Christian names of men and women; and the abbreviations of the said names vulgarly used. By Mr. A. Boyer. London : printed for R. Wilkin, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, W. Mears, J. Pemberton, W. Innys and R. Manby, R. Robinson, C. Rivington, W. Mount and T. Page, J. and P. Knapton, F. Clay, J. Brotherton, T. Woodward, W. Meadows, R. Ware, B. Motte and C. Bathurst, R. Ford, A. Ward, T. Longman, E. Symon, D. Brown, T. Osborn, R. Hett, W. Bickerton, J. Wood, M. Wyat, C. Bowyer, B. Wellington, J. King, and B. Sprint's Executors, 1738. ESTC No. T132564. Grub Street ID 181470.
- Pardon, William. A new and compendious system of practical arithmetick. Wherein the doctrine of whole numbers and fractions, Both Vulgar and Decimal, is fully explained, and applied to the several Rules or Methods of Calculation used in Trade and Business: And by shewing and comparing The natural Dependance upon, and Agreement of, one Rule with another, the Whole is render'd more easy than heretofore, and the Learner is instructed in the Vulgar and Decimal Operations together, which at the same Time demonstrates the Reason as well as the Practice of both. By William Pardon, gent. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.XXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T131993. Grub Street ID 180960.
- King, Peter, 1st Baron King. The history of the Apostle's Creed: with critical observations on its several articles. The fitfh [i.e. fifth] edition.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, S. Austen, and J. Wood, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T132288. Grub Street ID 181219.
- Hutcheson, Francis. An inquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue; in two treatises. I. Concerning beauty, order, harmony, design. II. Concerning moral good and evil. The fourth edition, corrected.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, F. Clay, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, and J. Wood, M.DCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T37269. Grub Street ID 266981.
- Langley, Batty. The builders compleat assistant, or a library of arts and sciences, absolutely necessary to be understood by builders and workmen in general. Viz. I. Arithmetick, Vulgar and Decimal in whole Numbers and Fractions. II. Geometry, Lineal, Superficial and Solid. III. Architecture, Universal. IV. Mensuration. V. Plain Trigonometry. VI. Surveying of Land, &c. Vii. Mechanick Powers. Viii. Hydrostaticks. Illustrated by above Thirteen Hundred Examples of Lines, Superficies, Solids, Mouldings, Pedestals, Columns, Pilasters, Entablatures, Pediments, Imposts, Block Cornices, Rustick Quoins, Frontispieces, Arcades, Portico's, &c. Proportioned By Modules and Minutes, According to Andrea Palladio. And by Equal Parts. Likewise, great Varieties of Trussed Roofs, Timber Bridges, Centerings, Arches, Groins, Twisted Rails, Compartments, Obelisques, Vases, Pedestals for Busto's, Sun-Dials, Fonts, &c. and Methods for raising heavy Bodies by the Force of Levers, Pulleys, Axis in Peritrochio, Screws, and Wedges;. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun, in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, [1738]. ESTC No. T29768. Grub Street ID 261098.
- The present state of Scotland. Enlarged, corrected, and amended from above one thousand errors in the former editions. London : printed for J. Brotherton, A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, G. Strahan, W. Mears, R. Ware, E. Symon, and J. Clarke, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T83703. Grub Street ID 304116.
- A commentary upon the historical books of the Old Testament. Vol. II. Containing Joshua. ... Esther. By ... Dr. Symon Patrick, late Lord Bishop of Ely. The fifth edition corrected. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington [and 6 others in London], 1738. ESTC No. T228831. Grub Street ID 249080.
- A common place-book to the Holy Bible: or, the scripture's sufficiency practically demonstrated. Wherein The Substance of Scripture, Respecting Doctrine, Worship, and Manners, Is reduced to its proper Head: Weighty Cases are resolved, Truths confirmed, and difficult Texts illustrated and explained. The fourth edition; improved with twelve intire additional chapters; many errors in the former editions are amended, ... London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, in Paternoster-Row; J. and J. Bonwicke, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; R. Ware, in Amen-Corner; A. Ward, in Little-Britain; S. Birt, in Ave-Maria-Lane; T. Osborn, in Grays-Inn; and E. Wicksted, in Newgate-Street, MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T117076. Grub Street ID 168700.
- Hutcheson, Francis. An inquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue; in two treatises. I. Concerning beauty, order, harmony, design. II. Concerning moral good and evil. The fourth edition, corrected.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, F. Clay, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, and J. Wood, M.DCCXXXVIII. [1738]. ESTC No. T144031. Grub Street ID 190975.
- Plato. The works of Plato abridg'd: with an account of his life, philosophy, morals, and politicks. Together with a translation of his choicest dialogues, Viz. 1. Of Human Nature. 2. Prayer. 3. Wisdom. 4. Holiness. 5. What one ought to do. 6. Immortality of the Soul. 7. Valour. 8. Philosophy. In two volumes. Illustrated with notes by M. Dacier, Translated from the French, by several hands. The third edition, corrected.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, S. Austen, and J. Wood, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T129531. Grub Street ID 178960.
- A description of some curious and uncommon creatures, omitted in the description of three hundred animals, and likewise in the supplement to that book; designed as an addition to those two treatises, ... Compiled by the same hand. In which is included, the natural histor of those great curiosities, the chimpanzee, ... Illustrated with sixteen copper-plates, . London : printed for Richard Ware; and Thomas Boreman, 1739. ESTC No. T66023. Grub Street ID 290833.
- Patoun, Archibald. A complete treatise of practical navigation demonstrated from it's first principles: together with all the necessary tables. To which are added, the useful theorems of mensuration, surveying, and gauging ; with their Application to Practice. Written for the Use of the Academy in Tower-Street. By Archibald Patoun, Fellow of the Royal Society. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Brotherton, J. Hazard, W. Meadows, T. Cox, T. Astley, S. Austen, L. Gilliver, R. Ware, A. Millar, C. Corbet, R. Willocr, 1739. ESTC No. T120520. Grub Street ID 171544.
- Josephus, Flavius. The works of Flavius Josephus: translated into English by Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knight. ... To which are added, two discourses, and several remarks and observations upon Josephus. . The fifth edition. With the addition of a new map of Palestine, .... London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, [and 3 others], 1739. ESTC No. N66734. Grub Street ID 48424.
- Scott, John. The Christian life, from its beginning, to its consummation in glory; together with the several means and instruments of Christianity conducing thereunto. ... By John Scott, ... In five volumes. Vol. I. The tenth edition corrected.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, E. Parker, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, [and 8 others in London], 1739. ESTC No. N44271. Grub Street ID 29749.
- Scott, John. The Christian life. Wherein the fundamental principles of Christian duty are assigned, explained, and proved. Vol. II. By John Scott, . The tenth edition corrected.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, [and 8 others in London], 1739. ESTC No. N44272. Grub Street ID 29750.
- Scott, John. The Christian life. Wherein that fundamental principle of Christian duty, the doctrine of our saviour's mediation, is explained and proved. Vol. III. By John Scott, . The fourth edition.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth & C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, [and 7 others in London], 1739. ESTC No. N44273. Grub Street ID 29751.
- Scott, John. The Christian life. Wherein the great duties of justice, mercy, and mortification, are fully explained and enforced. Vol. IV. By John Scott, . The fourth edition.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, [and 6 others in London], 1739. ESTC No. N44274. Grub Street ID 29752.
- The Persian and Turkish tales, compleat. Translated formerly from those languages into French, by M. Petis de la Croix, ... and now into English from that translation, by ... Dr. King, and several other hands. To which are added, two letters ... giving an account of the island of Madagascar, and of the French embassador's reception by the King of Siam. In two volumes. The fourth edition . London : printed for Richard Ware, 1739. ESTC No. T107816. Grub Street ID 160825.
- Horace. Horace's satires, epistles, and art of poetry, done into English, with notes. By S. Dunster, . The fifth edition, revised and corrected, with considerable improvements, and some additional notes.. London : printed for W. Mears, C. Rivington, R. Ware, and D. Browne, 1739. ESTC No. T36664. Grub Street ID 266567.
- The unfortunate concubines. The history of fair Rosamond, mistress to Henry II. and Jane Shore, concubine to Edward IV. Kings of England. Shewing how they came to be so. With Their Lives, Remarkable Actions, and unhappy Ends. Extracted from eminent records, and the Whole illustrated with Cuts suitable to each Subject. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion, in Paternoster-Row, R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, in Warwick lane, at Amen-Corner, and J. Hodges, at the Look-Ing-Glass on London-Bridge, 1739. ESTC No. T222857. Grub Street ID 245584.
- Jacob, Giles. A new law-dictionary: containing, the interpretation and definition of words and terms used in the law; and also the whole law, and the practice thereof, Under all the Heads and Titles of the same. Together with Such Informations relating thereto, as Explain the History and Antiquity of the Law, and our Manners, Customs, and Original Government. Collected and Abstracted from All Dictionaries, Abridgments, Institutes, Reports, Year-Books, Charters, Registers, Chronicles, and Histories, Published to this Time. And fitted for the Use of Barristers, Students, and Practisers of the Law, Members of Parliament, and other Gentlemen, Justices of Peace, Clergymen, &c. The fourth edition corrected, with farther large Additions, and the Law-Proceedings done into English. To which is annexed, A Table of References to all the Arguments and Resolutions of the Lord Chief Justice Holt; In the several Volumes of the Reports. By Giles Jacob, gent. London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of E. Sayer, Esq;) for D. Midwinter, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, S. Austen, J. Wood and C. Woodward, and J. Pemberton, MDCCXXXIX. [1739. ESTC No. T137462. Grub Street ID 185438.
- Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation: Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful Places therein contained. Carefully Perused and Enlarged by John Downame, B.D. Allowed by his Majesty's Special Privilege to be Printed and Bound with the bible in all Volumes. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T167013. Grub Street ID 205158.
- Harrison, Sarah. The house-keeper's pocket-book; and compleat family cook. Containing above seven hundred curious and uncommon receipts, in cookery, pastry, preserving, pickling, candying, collaring, &c. With plain and easy instructions for preparing and dressing every thing suitable for an elegant entertainment, from two dishes to five or ten, &c. And directions for ranging them in their proper order. To which is prefix'd, such a copious and useful bill of fare of all manner of provisions in season for every month of the year, that no person need be at a loss to provide an agreeable variety of dishes, at a moderate expence. With directions for making all sorts of wines, mead, cyder, shrub, &c. and distilling strong-waters, &c. after the most approv'd method. Concluding with many excellent prescriptions, of singular efficacy in most distempers incident to the human body; extracted from the writings of the most eminent physicians. By Mrs. Sarah Harrison, of Devonshire. The second edition, corrected and improv'd, with the addition of four hundred genuine receipts, sent to the author by several worthy persons.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen Corner, Warwick Lane, 1739. ESTC No. T36706. Grub Street ID 266600.
- Aubin, Penelope. A collection of entertaining histories and novels, ... By Mrs. Penelope Aubin. And now first collected in three volumes. . London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, S. Austen, and J. Wood, 1739. ESTC No. T119464. Grub Street ID 170856.
- The landlords law: or, the law concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. Viz. 1. Of the Nature and Origin of Tenures. 2. Of Estates, and their several Kinds. 3. Of Copyholds and Copyholders. 4. Of Leases, Covenants, Surrenders, Assignments, &c. 5. and 6. Of the Parties to Leases, wherein is shewn who may lease, who may rent, and what may be leased. 7. and 8. Contain the Obligations and Rights of the Parties, by Virtue of the Lease. 9. and 10. Of the Remedies the Law gives each Party for the Recovery of their Rights. 11. Of Waste in Houses, Gardens, Woods, Pastures, Orchards, &c. and what Waste shall be punishable, and what not. 12. Several Observations upon the Statute 29 Car. 2. which was made to prevent Frauds and Perjuries, and relates to Bargains in buying and selling Goods and Chattels; and 3 & 4 of Ann. touching promissory Notes, &c. Necessary for all Landlords, Tenants, Farmers, Stewards, Agents, Solicitors, and others concerned in the Buying, Selling, and Letting of Estates. The. London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of E. Sayer, Esq;) for R. Gosling, W. Mears, W. Innis, R. Ware, T. Longman, D. Browne, H. Lintot, and C. Waller, 1739. ESTC No. T142429. Grub Street ID 189812.
- Playford, John. Vade mecum: or, the necessary pocket companion. Containing I. Sir Samuel Moreland's Perpetual Almanack; readily shewing the Day of the Month, and Moveable Feast's and Terms, for any Year past, present, or to come; with many useful Tables proper thereto, and Rules to sind them out for ever. II. Directions relating to the Purchasing and Measuring of Land. III. Remarkable Fairs in England, a Tide-Table, and a Table of Expence. IV. The Years of each King's Reign from the Norman Conquest to this Time, compared with the Years of Christ. V. Directions for every Month in the Year, what is to be done in the Orchard, Kitchen, and Flower-Gardens. VI. The Reduction of Weights, Measures, and Coins; wherein is a Table of the Assize of Bread. Vii. A Table wherein any Number of Farthings, Halfpence, Pence, or Shillings, are ready cast up; of great Use to all Traders. Viii. The Interest and Rebate of Money; the Forbearance, Discompt, and Purchase of Annuities. IX. The Rates of Post Letters, both In-Land and. The fifteenth edition carefully corrected, with additions, and improvements.. London : printed for R. Ware, in Paternoster-Row; S. Birt, in Avemary-Lane; C. Hitch, in Paternoster-Row; and J. Hodges on London Bridge, 1739. ESTC No. T65269. Grub Street ID 290174.
- Challes, Robert. The illustrious French lovers; being the true histories of the amours of several French persons of quality. In which are contained a great number of excellent examples, and rare and uncommon accidents; shewing the polite breeding and gallantry of the gentlemen and ladies of the French Nation. Written originally in French, and translated into English by Mrs. P. Aubin. In two volumes. The second edition.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, T Longman, R. Hett, S. Austen, and J. Wood., MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T98589. Grub Street ID 317822.
- Voltaire. The history of Charles XII. King of Sweden. In eight books. London : printed for C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Pater-Noster-Row ; R. Ware at the Bible in Amen-Corner ; J. Osborn at the Golden-Ball in Pater-Noster-Row ; J. Clarke at the Golden-Ball in Duck-Lane, and J. Hodges at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, 1739. ESTC No. T71223. Grub Street ID 294799.
- Expository notes, with practical observations, on the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. ... Endeavoured by William Burkitt, . The eleventh edition carefully corrected.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Pemberton, R. Robinson, R. Ware [and 16 others in London], 1739. ESTC No. T94417. Grub Street ID 314010.
- Tullius Cicero, Marcus. M. T. Ciceronis orationes quædam selectæ, cum interpretatione & notis, quas in usum serenissimi Delphini edidit P. Carolus Meroüille S.J. Quibus præfigitur vita Ciceronis Per Annos Consulares digesta. His adjiciuntur in tres orationes notæ quaedam non inutiles ex Asconio, P. Manutio, &c. decerptae. Una cum Variantibus aliquot per singulas Orationes Lectionibus. Huic editioni accesserunt dialogi de senectute & de amicitia. Editio sexta, auctior & emendatior.. Londini : impensis D. Midwinter, W. Innys & R. Manby, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. & P. Knapton, T. Longman, J. Clarke (duck-Lane) J. Clark (royal-Exchange) S. Birt, R. Hett, C. Hitch, W. Parker, E. Wicksteed, J. Wood & C. Woodward, & C. Bathurst, M.DCC.XXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T138918. Grub Street ID 186778.
- Stebbing, Henry. The young Christian instructed. In two parts. ... By Henry Stebbing, D.D. The sixth edition, corrected and improved.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, R. Ware, C. Rivington, and T. Longman, 1739. ESTC No. T212314. Grub Street ID 239541.
- Sallust. Caius Crispus Sallustius the historian translated into English. To which are prefixed the life and character of the author and his works. By John Rowe, Esq;. The fourth edition, revised and corrected throughout.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, W. Innys, and R. Manby, R. Robinson, R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, and T. Longman, 1739. ESTC No. T131438. Grub Street ID 180423.
- Lowth, William. A commentary upon the larger and lesser prophets: being a continuation of Bishop Patrick. By William Lowth, B. D. Prebendary of Winchester. The fourth edition.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. Pemberton, W. Innys, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, S. Austen, and J. Wood. MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T113680. Grub Street ID 165583.
- Butler, Samuel. Hudibras. In three parts. Written in the time of the late wars. Corrected and amended: with additions. To which is added, annotations, with an exact index to the whole. Adorn'd with a new set of cuts, design'd and engrav'd by Mr. Hogarth. C. Rivington, W. Innys, T. Woodward, A. Ward, D. Brown, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, J. Shuckburgh, H. Lintot, J. Hodges, C. Ward and R. Chandler, J. and R. Tonson, R. Wellington, and C. Bathurst. London : printed for D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, J. and J. Pemberton, R. Robinson, R. Ware M.DCC.XXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T1715. Grub Street ID 209118.
- Erra Pater.. The book of knowledge; treating of the wisdom of the aucients [sic]. In four parts. ... Written by Erra Pater, ... Made English by W. Lilly, ... To which is added, The dealer's directory: . London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch; R. Ware; and J. Hodges, 1739. ESTC No. N15363. Grub Street ID 5091.
- Taylor, Jeremy. The rule and exercises of holy dying: in which are described the means and instruments of preparing ourselves and others repectively for a blessed death; and the Remedies against the Evils and Temptations proper to the State of Sickness: together with prayers and Acts of Virtue to be used by sick and dying Persons, or by others standing in their Attendance. To which are added, Rules for the Visitation of the Sick, and Offices proper for that Ministery. The twenty-fifth edition.. London : printed for J. Walthoe, R. Wilkin, D. Midwinter, R. and J. Bonwick, R. Robinson, W. Mears, R. Gosling, W. Innys, R. Ware, J. Walthoe, Jun. A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, S. Birt, D. Brown, C. Hitch, T. Osborn, E. Wicksteed, C. Bathurst, H. Knaplock and M. Downing, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T84495. Grub Street ID 304872.
- The surprizing life and death of Doctor John Faustus. To which is now added, The necromancer: or Harlequin, Doctor Faustus. As performed at the Theater Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Likewise, the whole life of Fryar Bacon, the Famous Magician of England: And the merry Waggeries of his Man Miles. Truly translated from the original copies. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch; at the Red-Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row; and R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen Corner; and J. Hodges at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, [1740?]. ESTC No. T146683. Grub Street ID 193298.
- The old hocus pocus. Being the anatomy of legerdemain; or, the whole art of jugling. Set forth in its proper colours, fully, plainly, and exactly; so that an ignorant person may thereby learn the most perfection of the same, after a little practice. Also the trick of changing a card into a live bird or into any picture. To which is added, The compleat vermin-killer. The fourteenth edition, with additions.. London : printed for A. Bettsworth and C. Hitch, at the Red Lyon in Pater-noster Row; and R. Ware, at the Sun and Byble in Amen Corner; and J. Osborn, at the Golden-Ball in Pater-noster Row; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-glass on London Bridge, [1740?]. ESTC No. T196556. Grub Street ID 229922.
- The unfortunate concubines. The history of fair Rosamond, mistress to Henry II. and Jane Shore, concubine to Edward IV. kings of England. Shewing how they came to be so. With their lives, remarkable actions, and unhappy ends. Extracted from eminent records, and the whole illustrated with cuts suitable to each subject. London : printed for A. Bettsworth and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon; and R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Warwick-lane at Amen-Corner; and J. Osborne, at the Golden-Ball in Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-glass on London-bridge, [1740?]. ESTC No. N510527. Grub Street ID 436810.
- Hicks, William. Oxford jests, refined and enlarged: being a collection of witty jests, merry tales, and pleasant jokes. Collected and composed by Captain W. Hicks, native of Oxford. The fourteenth edition corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware , in Amen-Corner ; C. Hitch, in Pater-Noster-Row, and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, over against St Magnus's Church, London-Bridge, [1740]. ESTC No. N41887. Grub Street ID 28240.
- Colloquiorum Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami familiarium opus aureum. Cum scholiis quibusdam perquam eruditis, ... Recensuit, suasque etiam non paucas interpretationes addidit, Samuel Patrick, . Londini : impensis J. & J. Bonwicke, R. Ware, A. Ward, J. Clarke, S. Birt [and 5 others in London], 1740. ESTC No. T164018. Grub Street ID 202321.
- Langley, Batty. The builders compleat assistant, or, a library of arts and sciences, absolutely necessary to be understood by builders and workmen in general. ... The whole exemplified by 77 large quarto copper-plates. By B. Langley. The second edition.. London : printed for Richard Ware, [1740?]. ESTC No. N15218. Grub Street ID 4946.
- Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary; Comprehending The Derivations of the Generality of Words in the English Tongue, either Ancient or Modern, from the Ancient British, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and Modern French, Teutonic, Dutch, Spanish, Italian; as also from the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Languages, each in their proper Characters. And also A brief and clear Explication of all difficult Words, derived from any of the aforesaid Languages, and Terms of Art, relating to Anatomy, Botany, Physick, Pharmacy, Surgery, Chymistry, Philosophy, Divinity, Mathematicks, Grammar, Logick, Rhetorick, Musick, Heraldry, Maritime Affairs, Military Discipline, Horsemanship, Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing, Gardening, Husbandry, Handicrafts, Confectionary, Carving, Cookery, &c. Together with A large Collection and Explication of Words and Phrases used in our Ancient Statutes, Charters, Writs, Old Records, and Processes in Law; and the Etymology, and Interpretation of the Proper Names of Men, Women,. London : printed for D. Midwinter, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, S. Austen, J. Wood and C. Woodward, and J. Pemberton. [and 7 others], MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T87500. Grub Street ID 307544.
- Horneck, Anthony. The fire of the altar: or, certain directions how to raise the soul into holy flames before, at, and after, the receiving the blessed sacrament of the Lord's supper. With suitable prayers and devotions. To which is prefix'd, a dialogue betwixt a Christian and his own conscience, concerning the true nature of the Christian religion. By Anthony Horneck, D. D. late Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty, and Prebendary of Westminster. The sixteenth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, in Amen-Corner ; C. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard ; S. Birt, in Ave-Mary-Lane ; and C. Hitch, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T66765. Grub Street ID 291425.
- Jacob, Giles. Every man his own lawyer: or, a summary of the laws of England in a new and instructive method, under the following Heads, Viz. I. Of Actions and Remedies, Writs, Process, Arrests, and Bail. II. Of Courts, Attornies and Solicitors therein, Juries, Witnesses, Trials, Executions, &c. III. Of Estates and Property in Lands and Goods, and how acquired; Ancestors, Heirs, Executors and Administrators. IV. Of the Laws relating to Marriage, Bastardy, Infants, Ideots, Lunaticks. V. Of the Liberty of the Subject, Magna Charta, the Habeas Corpus Act, and other Statutes. VI. Of the King and his Prerogative, the Queen and Prince, Peers, Judges, Sheriffs, Coroners, Justices of Peace, Constables, &c. Vii. Of Publick Offences, Treason, Murder, Felony, Burglary, Robbery, Rape, Sodomy, Forgery, Perjury, &c. And their Punishment. All of them so plainly treated of, that all Manner of Persons may be particularly acquainted with our Laws and Statutes, concerning Civil and Criminal Affairs, and know how to defend. The third edition, with additions.. London] : In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) for R. Ware, A. Ward, S. Birt, T. Longman, R. Hett, J. Hodges, C. Hitch, C. Corbett, and J. Hazard and J. Wright, 1740. ESTC No. N9500. Grub Street ID 54373.
- Aesop.. Æsop's fables with his life, morals and remarks. Fitted for the meanest capacities. The seventh edition, with large additions.. London : printed for R. Ware, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, and T. Harris, 1740. ESTC No. N29377. Grub Street ID 18552.
- Two treatises of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel; viz. I The fountain of life open'd; ... II The method of grace, . The fifth edition corrected.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, R. Ware, T. Cox, A. Ward, T. Longman [and 8 others in London], 1740. ESTC No. T178224. Grub Street ID 215160.
- Sydenham, Thomas. The whole works of that excellent practical physician, Dr. Thomas Sydenham: wherein not only the history and cures of acute diseases are treated of, ... but also the shortest and safest way of curing most chronical diseases. The eleventh edition. Corrected from the original Latin. By John Pechey, ... London : printed for R. Ware; R. and B. Wellington; J. Brindley; C. Corbett; and R. New, 1740. ESTC No. N25868. Grub Street ID 15225.
- Potter, John. Archaeologia graeca: or, the antiquities of Greece. The sixth edition. By John Potter, . London : printed for H. Knaplock, D. Midwinter, G. Strahan, R. Robinson, R. Ware [and 14 others in London], 1740. ESTC No. T22355. Grub Street ID 246139.
- The whole works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel, ... To which are added, alphabetical tables of the texts of Scripture explained; and indexes . The fourth edition .. corrected: ... London : printed for D. Midwinter, R. Ware, T. Cox, A. Ward, T. Longman [and 8 others], 1740. ESTC No. T149468. Grub Street ID 195467.
- Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum; a Sebastiano Castalione Latine redditum. In usum scholarum. Editio novissima, prioribus long`e emaculatior.. Londini : Impensis R. Ware, A. Ward, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch & C. Bathurst, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. N40570. Grub Street ID 27536.
- Russel, Robert. The devout Christian's daily companion and exercise in devotion: containing a posie of prayers For Every Day in the Week, and several Occasions, for Families and Private Persons alone. To which are added; meditations, Contemplations, Thansgivings, Graces before ahd after Meat. By R. Russel, of Wadhurst in Sussex, Auther of the Discourse of the Sin against the Holy Ghost, and a late Treatise of the Holy Sacrament. The eleventh edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, J. Clarke, at the Golden Ball in Duck-Lane, C. Hitch, at the Red Lion in Paternoster-Row, and J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass, on London-Bridge, 1740. ESTC No. T137844. Grub Street ID 185748.
- A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. The first proper for beginners, shewing a natural and easy method, to pronounce and express both common words, and proper names; in which particular care is had to shew the accent, for preventing vitious pronunciation. The second for such as are advanc'd to some ripeness of judgment, containing observations on the sounds of letters and diphthongs; rules for the true division of syllables, and the use of capitals, stops, and marks: with large tables of abbreviations, and distinctions of words; and several alphabets of copies for young writers. To which is now added, an appendix, containing many additional lessons, in prose and vese; first, in words of one syllable only; and then mix'd with words of two, three, four, five, six and seven syllables. By T. Dyche, schoolmaster at Stratford Bow. The twenty sixth edition, corrected.. London : Printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, 1740. ESTC No. T510754. Grub Street ID 373653.
- Dyche, Thomas. A new general English dictionary; peculiarly calculated for the use and improvement of such as are unacquainted with the learned languages. Wherein the difficult Words, and Technical Terms made use of in Anatomy, Architecture, Arithmetick, Algebra, Astronomy, Botany, Chymistry, Divinity, Gardening, Grammar, Hawkings, Heraldry, History, Horsemanship, Hunting, Husbandry, Law, Logick, Mathematicks, Mechanicks, Milit. Affairs, Musick, Navigation, Painting, Poetry, Rhetorick, Sculpture, Surgery, &c. Are not only fully explain'd, but accented on their proper Syllables, to prevent a vicious Pronunciation; and mark'd with initial Letters, to denote the Part of Speech, to which each Word peculiarly belongs. To which is prefixed, A Compendious English Grammar, with general Rules for the ready Formation of one Part of Speech from another; by the due Application whereof, such as understand English only, may be able to write as correctly and elegantly, as those who have been some Years conversant in t. The third edition, with the addition of the several market towns ... London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Warwick-Lane, Amen-Correr, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T113329. Grub Street ID 165274.
- S., J.. The shepherd's kalender. Or, the citizen's and country man's daily companion: ... To which is added, the country man's almanack, . The fifth edition, with additions.. London : printed for C H[i]tch; R. Ware; and J. Hodges, [1740?]. ESTC No. T220883. Grub Street ID 244388.
- A Supplement to the new version of Psalms, by Dr. Brady, and Mr. Tate; Containing, the Psalms in particular measures; the usual hymns; creed; Lord's prayer; ten commandments, for the holy sacrament, &c. with Gloria Patri's, and tunes (treble and bass) proper to each of them, and all the rest of the Psalms. The tenth edition, corrected. With the addition of plain instructions for all those who are desirous to learn or improve themselves in Psalmody; near thirty new tunes, composed by several of the best masters; and a table of Psalms suited to the feasts and fasts of the church, &c. with tables of all the Psalms of the new, old, and Dr. Patrick's versions, directing what tunes are sitted for each Psalm. The whole being a compleat Psalmody. Useful for teachers and learners of either version. London : Printed by A. Pearson, for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner. Where likewise may be had, the whole book of Psalms, by Thomas Sternbold, and John Hopkins. Composed in three parts, and set to musick, by John Playford, [1740?]. ESTC No. T93013. Grub Street ID 312756.
- Hatton, Edward. Comes commercii, or The trader's-companion. Containing I. An exact and useful table, shewing the value of any quantity of goods or wares ready cast up, more adapted to merchants use than any other extant; which is demonstrated by 1[4?] examples relating chiefly to buying and selling; with several new additions and improvements. II. A table calculated for universal use, which use is shewn in the solution of questions, in multiplication, division, reduction, merchandising, and measuring all kind of superficies and solids, or gauging vessels and casks, [rendered?] perfect and compleat. III. The manner of casting up dimensions in general, whether the same be taken in inches, feet and inches, yards, perches, &c. and how to give the answer by reduction, duo-decimals, or decimals, [plainly?] and [exactly?] IV. The several customs used by surveyors and measurers, in measuring glass, wainscot, painting, plaistering, flooring, tyling, partitioning, brick, or stone-work, &c. and the common rate of suc. London : Printed by T.W. for H. Knaplock, D. Midwinter, W. Innys and R. Manby M. Robinson, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, J. Clarke, S. Birt, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. H[odges], J. Wood and Woodward, S. Austin, J. Pemberton, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. N31298. Grub Street ID 20197.
- G. F. The secretary's guide. In four parts. Part I. Containing Variety of Forms for inditing Letters upon any Subject whatsoever, in the most elegant and refined Stile now made use of: With Directions for giving the most proper Titles and Epithets to Persons of all Rank and Qualities. Part II. Choice Forms and preceedents for Writing Acquittances, Bills, Bonds, Judgments, Defeasances, Letters of Attorney, Deeds of Gifts, Wills, Assignments, Counter Securities, Bills of Sale, Letters of License, Indentures for Apprentices, inland and foreign Bills of Exchange, &c. Part III. An Account of Time, in Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, and Years; with a Perpetual Almanack, shewing the Day of the Month for ever: Fixed Feasts and remarkable Days; a Table of Kings and Queens: Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, and their Causes, shewing when they will be eclipsed for ever. Also how to find the Moon's rising and setting at any Time: Signs of Weather; a Chronology from the Creation to this present Year. Table. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner, and C. Hitch, at the Red Lyon in Pater noster Row; and J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass on London Bridge, [1741]. ESTC No. T131504. Grub Street ID 180489.
- Albin, Eleazar. A natural history of English song-birds, and such of the foreign as are usually brought over and esteemed for their singing. To which are added, figures of the cock, hen, and egg of each species, exactly copied from nature, by Mr. Eleazar Albin, and curiously engraven on copper. Also a particular account how to order the canary-birds in breeding; likewise their diseases and cure. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, 1741. ESTC No. T62527. Grub Street ID 288018.
- Langley, Batty. The builder's jewel: or, the youth's instructor, and workman's remembrances. Explaining short and easy rules, made familiar to the meanest capacity, for drawing and working. I. The Five Orders of Columns entire; or any Part of an Order, without Regard to the Module or Diameter. And to enrich them With their Rusticks, Flutings, Cablings, Dentules, Modilions, &c. Also to proportion Their Doors, Windows, Intercolumnations, Portico's, and Arcades. Together With Fourteen Varieties of Raking, Circular, Scroll'd, Compound, and Contracted Pediments; and the true Formation and Accadering of their Raking and returned Cornices; and Mouldings for Capping their Dentules and Modilions. II. Block and Cantaliver Cornices, Rustick Quoins, Cornices proportioned to Rooms, Angle Brackets, Mouldings for Tabernacle Framer, Pannelling, and Centering for Groins, Truss'd Partitions, Girders, Roofs, and Domer. With a Section of the Dome of St. Paul's, London. The Whole illustrated by upwards of 200 Examples, engra. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T66029. Grub Street ID 290839.
- Epictetus.. Epictetus his morals, with Simplicius his comment. Made English from the Greek, by George Stanhope D. D. Dean of Canterbury and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. The fifth edition corrected. With the Life of Epictetus, from Monsieur Boileau. London : printed for D. Midwinter, R. Ware, W. Innys, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. Wood and C. Woodward, J. Pemberton, and T. Harris, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. N30854. Grub Street ID 19771.
- Culpeper, Nicholas. The english physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being An Astrologo-Physical Discourse of the Vulgar Herbs of this Nation; containing a compleat Method of Physick, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or Cure himself, being Sick, for Three-Pence Charge with such Things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed these Seven Things, viz. 1. The Way of making Plaisters, Ointments, Oils, Poultices, Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps, or Waters, of all Sorts of Physical Herbs, that you may have them ready for your Use at all Times of the Year. 2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physick) that groweth in England. 3. The Time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly, and Astrologically. 4. The Way of drying and keeping the Herbs all the Year. 5. The Way of keeping their Juice ready for Use at all Times. 6. The Way of making and keeping all Kind. London : printed for S. Ballard, R. Ware, S. Birt, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, J. Wood and C. Woodward, 1741. ESTC No. T64937. Grub Street ID 289870.
- A paraphrase and comment upon the epistles and gospels, appointed to be used in the Church of England on all Sundays and Holy-Days Throughout the Year. Designed to excite Devotion, and to promote the Knowledge and Practice of Sincere Piety and Virtue. Vol. I. By George Stanhope, D. D. Dean of Canterbury, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. The sixth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware; J. and P. Knapton; S. Birt; C. Hitch; S. Harding; J. Shuckburgh; J. Hodges; T. Cooper; J. Davidson; C. Bathurst; and T. Mellor, 1741. ESTC No. T179695. Grub Street ID 216405.
- Cocker, Edward. Cocker's arithmetick. Being, a plain and familiar method, ... for the full understanding of that incomparable art, ... By Edward Cocker, ... Perused and published, by John Hawkins, ... The fiftieth edition, carefully corrected and amended. By George Fisher, . London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch; R. Ware; and J. Hodges, 1741. ESTC No. N26611. Grub Street ID 15976.
- Drelincourt, Charles. The christian's defence against the fears of death. With seasonable directions how to prepare ourselves to die well. Written originally in French by the late Reverend Divine of the Protestant Church of Paris, Char. Drelincourt. Translated into English by Marius D'Assigny, B.D. The fifteenth edition newly corrected: ... London : printed for D. Midwinter, R. Ware, C. Rivington, J. Peele, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, W. Parker, J. Clark, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, S. Austin and W. Hurst, E. Wickstead, J. Wood and C. Woodward, J. Davidson, C. Bathurst, and J. Pemberton, M.DCC.XLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T132172. Grub Street ID 181117.
- Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de. A voyage into the Levant: perform'd by command of the late French King. Containing the ancient and modern state of the islands of the Archipelago; as also of Constantinople, the Coasts of the Black Sea, Armenia, Georgia, the Frontiers of Persia, and Asia Minor. With plans of the principal towns and Places of Note; an Account of the Genius, Manners, Trade and Religion of the respective People inhabiting those Parts: And an Explanation of Variety of Medals and Antique Monuments. Illustrated with full descriptions and curious copper-plates of great Numbers of Uncommon Plants, Animals, &c. And several Observations in Natural History. By M. Tournefort, of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Chief Botanist to the late French King, &c. To which is prefix'd, the author's life, in a Letter to M. Begon: As also his Elogium, pronounc'd by M. Fontenelle, before a public Assembly of the Academy of Sciences. Adorn'd with an Accurate M A P of the Author's Travels, not in the French Edition: Done by Mr. Senex. London : printed for D. Midwinter, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, S. Austen, J. Wood and C. Woodward, J. and H. Pemberton, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T132745. Grub Street ID 181646.
- The young man's companion: or, Arithmetick made easy. Containing, plain directions for a young man to attain to read and write true English; the best and easiest instructions for writing variety of hands, with copies both in prose and verse, digested in an alphabetical order. How to write letters of compliment, friendship, or business. Forms of notes, receipts, bills, bonds, indentures, leases and releases, letters of attorney, wills, &c. A short and easy method of shop and book-keeping, merchants-accompts, &c. Directions how to measure carpenters, joiners, sawyers, bricklayers, plaisterers, plummers, masons, glaziers, and painters work. With tables for such as have not learn'd arithmetick. How to compute the charge of building an house, or any part thereof. ... gauging, plotting of land by Gunter's chain, and taking heights and distances by the quadrant, &c. Of Gunter's line in measuring globes, bullets, walls, &c. The art of dialling, and how to direct and fix any dial: instructions for. The sixteenth edition, with large additions and improvements.. London : printed for R. Ware, in Amen-Corner; J. Clarke, in Duck-Lane; and T. Longman, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1741. ESTC No. T505208. Grub Street ID 401296.
- Ogilby, John. Ogilby's and Morgan's Pocket-book of the roads, with their computed and measured distances, ... To which are added, a table ... a sheet-map of England, ... and an exact account of all the fairs, ... By William Morgan, . The ninth edition, corrected.. London : printed for J. Brotherton, J. Hazard, W. Meadows, T. Cox, T. Astley, S. Austen, L. Gilliver, and R. Ware, 1741. ESTC No. T133995. Grub Street ID 182694.
- Nelson, Robert. The great duty of frequenting the Christian sacrifice, and the nature of the preparation required; with suitable devotions. Partly collected from the ancient liturgies. To which are prefixed Instructions for Confirmation. The eleventh edition.. London : printed by W. Bowyer for D. Midwinter, J. and J. Bonwicke, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton. S. Birt, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, T. Osborn, S. Austen, E. Wicksteed, J. Wood, C. Woodward, and J. Pemberton, 1741. ESTC No. N46050. Grub Street ID 30919.
- The universal pocket companion: being a more useful, instructive, comprehensive, and complete book, than of the like kind, ever yet published. Containing, among many other necessary and entertaining particulars, I. A geographical description of the world; with an account of the different parts thereof, and a map of the whole. II. A description and map of England; shewing the number of counties, cities, bishopricks, boroughs, market-towns, parishes, &c. III. London describ'd; with an account of the several wards, parishes, halls, colleges, churches, and what ever is remarkable, and a plan of the same. IV. An account of the several incorporated companies in London; with the prices of carpenters, bricklayers, plaisterers and painters work, &c. V. An account of the general and penny post. ... X. The gardener's kalendar, for every month in the year; with a new perpetural amanack. XI. A table, shewing at one view, the value of any goods, wares, or merchandize, by the pound, yard, gallon, &c. at. London : Printed for J. and J. Fox, R. Ware, C. Hitch, T. Astley, J. Hodges, C. Ward and R. Chandler, Ed. Withers, and J. Hawkins, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T109185. Grub Street ID 161991.
- Pascal, Blaise. Thoughts on religion, and other curious subjects. Written originally in French by Monsieur Pascal. Translated into English by Basil Kennet, D. D. Late Principal of Corpus Christi College, Oxon. The fourth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner; and J. and H. Pemberton, at the Golden Buck in Fleet-Street, M.DCC.XLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T141012. Grub Street ID 188628.
- Dyche, Thomas. A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. The first proper for beginners, shewing a natural and easy method, to pronounce and express both common words, and proper names; in which particular care is had to shew the accent, for preventing vitious pronunciation. The second, for such as are advanc'd to some ripeness of judgment, containing observations on the sounds of letters and diphthongs; rules for the true division of syllables, and the use of capitals, stops and marks: with large tables of abbreviations, and distinctions of words; and several alphabets of copies for young writers. To which is now added, an appendix, containing many additional lessons, in prose and vese; first, in words of one syllable only; and then mix'd with words of two, three, four, five, six and seven syllables. By T. Dyche, schoolmaster at Stratford Bow. The twenty seventh edition, corrected.. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, 1741. ESTC No. N66049. Grub Street ID 47836.
- The compleat French master for ladies and gentlemen. Containing I. A new methodical French grammar. II. A well digested, and copious vocabulary. III. Familiar phrases and dialogues on all manner of subjects. IV. Dialogues of wit and humour. V. A taste of the French poetry. VI. A collection of French songs. Vii. A collection of choice proverbs, both French and English. Viii. A catalogue of the best French books, fit for a lady's, or gentleman's library. For the use of His late Highness the Duke of Glocester. By Mr. A. Boyer, author of the Royal Dictionary, French and English. The thirteenth edition, carefully corrected, and much improved.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, S. Austen, J. Wood, T. Woodward, and J. Pemberton, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T120759. Grub Street ID 171757.
- Echard, Laurence. The gazetteer's, or, newsman's interpreter. Being a geographical index of all the considerable provinces, cities. Patriarchships, Bishopricks, Universities, Dukedoms, Earldoms, and such like; Imperial and Hanse-Towns, Ports, Forts, Castles, &c. in Europe. Shewing, In what Kingdoms, Provinces, and Counties they are; to what Prince they are now subject; upon, or nigh what Rivers, Bays, Seas, Mountains, &c. they stand; their Distances (in English Miles) from several other Places of Note; with their Longitude and Latitude, according to the best and approv'd Maps: With the Addition of a Table of the Births, Marriages, &c. of all the Kings, Princes, and Potentates of Europe. Of special Use for the true Understanding of all Modern Histories of Europe, as well as the present Affairs; and for the Conveniency of Cheapness and Pocket-Carriage, Explained by Abbreviations and Figures. The fifteenth edition, corrected, and very much enlarged, with the addition of all the several provinces and counties. London : printed for S. Ballard, D. Midwinter, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Httch, S. Austen, J. Wood, J. Pemberton, and J. Davidson, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T68998. Grub Street ID 293102.
- The gazetteer's, or, newsman's interpreter. Being a geographical index of all the empires, kingdoms, Islands, Provinces, Peninsula's: As also, Of the Cities, Patriarchships, Bishopricks, Universities, Ports, Forts, Castles, &c. in Asia, Africa, and America. Shewing, the division and boundary of every country, to whom now subject: The Situation of the several Cities and Places contained therein, in respect to Rivers, Bays, Seas, Mountains, and the like: Their Distances from others of most Note, with what is most memorable concerning them, with their Longitude and Latitude, according to the best Authorities, and latest Observations. To which is added, An Account of the Imperial, Royal, and Princely Families of these three Parts of the World. The second part. The Whole of special Use for the true Understanding of all Modern History, and the State of Affairs in those Parts of the World, and explained by Abbreviations and Figures, for the Conveniency of the Pocket. The eighth edition corrected and enlarged.. London : printed for S. Ballard, D. Midwinter, R. Ware, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, S. Austen, J. Wood, J. Pemberton, and J. Davidson, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T69003. Grub Street ID 293109.
- Coles, Elisha. A dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English; containing all things necessary for the translating of either language into the other. ... The fourteenth edition, with large additions. By Elisha Coles, . London : printed for D. Midwinter, J. and J. Bonwicke, S. Ballard, R. Ware, W. Innys, [and 27 others in London], 1742. ESTC No. N28433. Grub Street ID 17664.
- The universal pocket-book; being the most comprehensive, useful, and compleat book of the kind, ever yet publish'd: containing ... I. A map of the world, ... XVI. A list of places at court, with their salaries, and in whose gift. . The fourth edition, corrected and enlarged.. London : printed for J. and J. Fox, R. Ware, C. Hitch, T. Astley and J. Hawkins, J. Hodges, Edw. Withers, and C. Ward and R. Chandler at York and Scarborough, 1742. ESTC No. N45906. Grub Street ID 30775.
- The psalms of David in metre: with the tunes used in parish-churches. By John Patrick, D. D. Late Preacher to the Charter-House, London. The eighth edition.. London : printed for J. Walthoe; D. Midwinter; J. and J. Bonwicke; W. Innys; R. Ware; J. Walthoe, jun. A Ward; J. and P. Knapton; S. Birt; D. Browne; C. Hitch; T. Longman; S. Austen; T. Osborne; A. Millar; E. Wicksteed; W. Baker; J. Hinton; J. Beecroft; F. Gosling; M. Downing; and R. Wilkin, M.DCC.XLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T91793. Grub Street ID 311616.
- The Christian's pattern: or, a treatise of the imitation of Jesus Christ. In four books. Written originally in Latin by Thomas à Kempis. Now render'd into English. To which are added, meditations and prayers for sick persons. By George Stanhope, . The thirteenth edition.. London : printed for B. Barker, D. Midwinter, W. Innys, R. Ware, A. Ward [and 13 others in London], 1742. ESTC No. T92628. Grub Street ID 312391.
- Wren, John. The clergyman's companion in visiting the sick. Being a collection of the following particulars for that purpose; ... To which are annex'd, the offices of publick and private baptism. The seventh edition.. London : printed for D. Midwinter; R. Ware; A. Ward; J. and P. Knapton; J. Clarke; [and 3 others in London], 1742. ESTC No. T208560. Grub Street ID 237390.
- Tillotson, John. Sermons on several subjects and occasions, by the most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Volume the Second. London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and R. Tonson, J. and H. Pemberton, and J. Rivington, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T137449. Grub Street ID 185424.
- Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary; comprehending the derivations of the generality of words in the English tongue, either ancient or modern, from the ancient British, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and modern French, Teutonic, Dutch, Spanish, Italian; as also from the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew languages, each in their proper characters. And also a brief and clear explication of all difficult words, derived from any of the aforesaid languages, and terms of art, relating to anatomy, botany, physick, pharmacy, surgery, chymistry, philosophy, divinity, mathematicks, grammar, logick, rhetorick, musick, heraldry, maritime affairs, military discipline, horsemanship, hunting, hawking, fowling, fishing, gardening, husbandry, handicrafts, confectionary, carving, cookery, &c. Together with a large collection and explication of words and phrases used in our ancient statutes, charters, writs, old records, and processes in law; and the etymology, and interpretation of the proper names of men, women,. London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and H. Pemberton, and J. Rivington, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T87501. Grub Street ID 307545.
- Le dictionnaire royal françois-anglois et anglois-françois; ... Par Mr. A. Boyer. Nouvelle edition, revüe, corrigée, & augmentée d'environ trois mille deux cens nouveaux mots, ou nouvelles phrases.. Londres : chez, D. Midwinter, W. Innys, J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, T. Meighan, R. Ware, W. Hinchliffe [and 24 others in London], 1742. ESTC No. T193889. Grub Street ID 227934.
- The old hocus pocus. Being the anatomy of legerdemain; or, the whole art of jugling. Set forth in its proper colours, fully, plainly, and exactly: so that an ignorant Person may thereby learn the full Perfection of the same, after a little Practice. Also, the Trick of changing a Card into a live Bird, or into any Picture. To which is added, The Compleat Vermin-Killer. The fifteenth edition, with additions.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen Corner; C. Hitch, at the Red Lion in Paternoster-Row; and J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass, on London Bridge, [1742?]. ESTC No. T111836. Grub Street ID 163947.
- Haywood, Eliza. Secret histories, novels, and poems. In four volumes. Written by Mrs. Eliza Haywood. . The fourth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, in Amen-Corner; S. Birt, in Ave-Mary-Lane; D. Browne, without Temple-Bar; C. Hitch, in Paternoster-Row; and S. Austen, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1742. ESTC No. T75388. Grub Street ID 298114.
- Russel, Robert. Seven sermons, viz. I. Of the unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost: ... VII. The future state of man: ... By Robert Russel. . The forty first edition. ... London : printed for R. Ware; J. Clark; C. Hitch and J. Hodges, 1742. ESTC No. T137845. Grub Street ID 185749.
- Taylor, Jeremy. Antiquitates Christianæ: or, the history of the life and death of the holy Jesus: as also the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of his apostles. In two parts. The first part, containing the life of Christ, written by Jer. Tayor, late Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. The second containing the lives of the apostles, with an Enumeration and some Brief Remarks upon their first Successors in the Five Great Apostolical Churches. By William Cave, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. By whom also is added, An Apparatus, or Discourse Introductory to the whole Work, concerning the Three Great Dispensations of the Church, Patriarchal, Mosaical, and Evangelical. The tenth edition, adorn'd with curious sculptures.. London : printed for J. Walthoe, D. Midwinter, J. and J. Bonwicke, W. Innys, R. Ware, J. Walthoe, jun. A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Browne, C. Hitch, T. Longman, S. Austen, T. Osborne, A. Millar, E. Wicksteed, W. Baker, J. Hinton, J. Beecroft, F. Gosling, M. Downing, and R. Wilkin, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T134007. Grub Street ID 182706.
- Lover of Ha, Ha, He. Cambridge jests, or witty alarums for melancholy spirits by a lover of Ha, Ha, He. London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch, J. Hodges, and T. Harris, 1742. ESTC No. N28126. Grub Street ID 17352.
- Tillotson, John. Sermons on several subjects and occasions, by the most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, . London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, [and 6 others in London], 1742-44. ESTC No. N23907. Grub Street ID 13269.
- Mige, Guy. The present state of Great Britain, and Ireland, in three parts. ... Containing an accurate and impartial account of these famous islands: ... With lists of the present officers in church and state; and of both Houses of Parliament; also The present state of His Majesty' dominions in Germany. The ninth edition corrected and enlarged.. London : printed for J. Brotherton, G. Strahan, R. Ware, J. Clarke, C. Hitch, and J. Hodges, 1742. ESTC No. N20851. Grub Street ID 10231.
- Hawney, William. The complete measurer; or, the whole art of measuring. In two parts. The first part teaching decimal arithmetic, with the Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots. And also the Multiplication of Feet and Inches, commonly called Cross-Multiplication. The second part teaching to measure all sorts of superficies and solids, by Decimals, by Cross-Multiplication, and by Scale and Compasses: Also the Works of several Artificers relating to Building, and the Measuring of Board and Timber. Shewing the common Errors. And some Practical Questions. The fifth edition. To which is added, an appendix, 1. Of Gauging. 2. Of Land-Measuring. Very useful for all Tradesmen, especially Carpenters, Bricklayers, Plasterers, Painters, Joiners, Glasiers, Masons, &c. By William Hawney, Philomath. Recommended by the Rev. Dr. John Harris, F. R. S. London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and H. Pemberton, and J. Rivington, M.DCC.XLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T133472. Grub Street ID 182281.
- Cudworth, Ralph. The true intellectual system of the universe: the first part; wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted, ... With A discourse concerning the true notion of the Lord's supper; ... By Ralph Cudworth, D.D. The second edition; in which are now first added references ... and an account of the life ... of the author: by Thomas Birch, .... London : printed for J. Walthoe, D. Midwinter, J. and J. Bonwick, W. Innys, R. Ware [and 17 others in London], 1743. ESTC No. T140741. Grub Street ID 188428.
- A description of three hundred animals, viz. beasts, birds, fishes, serpents, and insects. With a particular account of the manner of their catching of whales in Greenland. Extracted from the best authors, ... Illustrated with copper-plates, . The fifth edition, carefully corrected and amended.. London : printed for R. Ware, 1743. ESTC No. N28455. Grub Street ID 17681.
- Bourne, Vincent. Poematia, Latinè partim reddita, partim scripta: a V. Bourne, Collegii Trinitatis apud Cantabrigienses aliquando Socio:. Tertiò edita.. Londini : typis J. Bettenham. Sumptibus B. Barker, Bibliopolae Westmonasteriensis, apud quem prostant, & apud R. Ware, MDCCXLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T132346. Grub Street ID 181272.
- Sherlock, William. A practical discourse concerning death. By William Sherlock, D. D. Late Dean of St Paul's. The four and twentieth edition.. London : printed for J. Walthoe, R. Ware, J. Walthoe, jun. J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Clarke, S. Austen, J. Hodges, J. and H. Pemberton, and J. Rivington, MDCCXLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T80535. Grub Street ID 301594.
- Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. The history of the renowned Don Quixote de la Mancha. Written in Spanish by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Translated by Several Hands: And Published by The late Mr. Motteux. Adorn'd with New Sculptures. The seventh edition, revis'd a-new; .. by Mr. Ozell.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, W. Innys, R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, D. Browne, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, A. Millar, J. Davidson, J. Hawkins, and J. and R. Tonson, MDCCXLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T59501. Grub Street ID 285499.
- Garretson, (John). J. English exercises for school-boys to translate into Latin, Comprising all the Rules of Grammar; And other Necessary Observations; Ascending gradually from the meanest to higher Capacities. By J. Garretson, schoolmaster. The nineteenth edition, corrected.. London : printed for W. Innys, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, J. Clarke, (exchange) S. Birt, J. Clarke, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Pote, M. Senex, J. Hodges, J. Oswald, E. Owen, T. Saunders, J. Hazard and T. Wright, and J. Fuller, 1743. ESTC No. T87486. Grub Street ID 307529.
- Cato's Distichs de moribus. With a numerical clavis, and construing and parsing index. ... To which is added, an English translation of Erasmus's commentaries on each distich. ... The fourth edition, corrected and improved. By N. Bailey. London : printed for S. Birt; R. Ware; and J. Davidson, 1743. ESTC No. N43933. Grub Street ID 29529.
- Dyche, Thomas. The spelling dictionary: or, a collection of all the common words and proper names of persons and places, made use of in the English tongue. Carefully compared with the Original Languages, From whence they are derived, and marked as they are to be pronounced. Whereby Persons of the meanest Capacity may attain to Spell and Write English true and correctly. By Thomas Dyche, Late Master of the Free-School at Stratford le Bow, Middlesex. The fifth edition, corrected, with large additions.. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Suu, Amen-Corner, in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T174744. Grub Street ID 211811.
- Jacob, Giles. The new law-dictionary: containing the definition of words and terms, and also the whole law, and practice thereof, &c. Carefully abridged: In the most Compleat and informing Manner, for the use and benefit of students, attornies and solicitors, Stewards, and Clerks of Courts, Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs of Counties, the Clergy and others. And particularly Referring To all the Law-Reports, and Acts of Parliament, especially those Statutes which have lately altered our Law, down to the present Time. Whereto is added, a curious catalogue or register of the year-books and reports, with the times of their publication &c. By Giles Jacob, gent. London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, (assignee of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and H. Pemberton, and J. Rivington, MDCCXLIII. [1743. ESTC No. N10100. Grub Street ID 111.
- Milton, John. Paradise regain'd. A poem, in four books. To which is added Samson Agonistes; and Poems upon several occasions, with a tractate of education. The author John Milton. The eighth edition.. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson, R. Ware, J. Hodges, R. Wellington, R. Chandler [and 3 others in London], 1743. ESTC No. T134239. Grub Street ID 182910.
- Harrison, Sarah. The house-keeper's pocket-book and compleat family cook. Containing above seven hundred curious and uncommon receipts, in cookery, pastry, preserving, pickling, candying, collaring, &c. With plain and easy instructions for preparing and dressing every thing suitable for an elegant entertainment, from two dishes on five or ten, &c. and directions for ranging them in their proper order. To which is prefix'd, Such a copious and useful bill of fare of all manner of provisions in season for every month of the year, that ... need be at a loss to provide an agreeable variety of dishes, at a moderate expence. with directions for making all sorts of wings, mead, cyder, shrub, &c. and distilling strong-waters, &c. after the most approv'd method. ... with many excellent prescriptions, of singular [remedy] in most distempers incident to the human body; extracted from the writings of the most eminent physicians. By Mrs. Sarah Harrison, of Devonshire. The third edition, corrected and improv'd, with the addition of four hundred genuine receipts, sent to the author by several worthy persons.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Son in Amen-Corner Warwick-lane, 1763. ESTC No. T190829. Grub Street ID 225927.
- Russel, Robert. A family book: being the works of Mr. Robert Russell. In three parts. Part I. Seven sermons, on several Texts of Scripture. 1. The Unpardonable Sin against the Holy Ghost. 2. Saint's Duty and Exercise. 3. Accepted Time: Or, Day of Salvation. 4. The End of Time, and Beginning of Eternity. 5. Joshua's Resolution to serve the Lord. 6. The Way to Heaven made plain. 7. The Future State of Man: Or, A Treatise of the Resurrection. Part II. The devout Christian's daily companion, and Exercise in Devotion: Containing Prayers for every Day in the Week, on several Occasions, for Families and Private Persons. Part III. A discourse on the Holy Sacrament; with Perswasions and Encouragements thereunto, and Directions how to receive it Worthily. To which is added, Prayers and Meditations, Before, At, and After the Receiving the Blessed Sacrament: Being a Help to Young Communicants. Very Necessary for all Families. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, R. Ware, and J. Osborn, in Pater-Noster-Row; S. Birt, in Ave-Mary-Lane; and J. Hodges, on London-Bridge, [1733] [i.e. 1743?]. ESTC No. T137843. Grub Street ID 185747.
- Patrick, Simon. A book for beginners: or, an help to young communicants, that they may be fitted for the Holy Communion, and receive it with profit. By S. Patrick, D. D. Late Lord Bishop of Ely. The nineteenth edition.. London : printed for J. Walthoe, D. Midwinter, J. and J. Bonwicke, W. Innys, R. Ware, J. Walthoe, jun. A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Longman, C. Hitch, S. Austen, T. Osborne, A. Millar, E. Wicksteed, W. Baker, J. Hinton, J. Beecroft, F. Gosling, M. Downing, R. Wilkin, 1743. ESTC No. T141015. Grub Street ID 188631.
- The books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon paraphras'd: with arguments to each chapter, and annotations thereupon. By the right Reverend Father in God, Symon, late Lord Bishop of Ely. London : printed for J. Walthoe, D. Midwinter, J. and J. Bonwicke, W. Innys, R. Ware, J. Walthoe, jun. A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Longman, C. Hitch, S. Austen, T. Osborne, A. Millar, E. Wicksteed, W. Baker, J. Hinton, J. Beecroft, F. Gosling, M. Downing, R. Wilkin, M.DCC.XLIII [1743]. ESTC No. T133106. Grub Street ID 181976.
- Winslow, Jacques-Bénigne. An anatomical exposition of the structure of the human body. By James Benignus Winslow, Professor Of Physick, Anatomy And Surgery In The University Of Paris, Member Of The Royal Academy Of Sciences, And Of The Royal Society At Berlin, &c. Translated from the French original, by G. Douglas, M.D. Illustrated with copper plates. . The second edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, C. Davis and T. Astley, MDCCXLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T118404. Grub Street ID 169955.
- Gomez, Madame de. La belle assemblée: being a curious collection of some very remarkable incidents which happen'd to persons of the first quality in France. ... Written in French for the entertainment of the King, and dedicated to him by Madam de Gomez. In four volumes. Adorn'd with copper-plates. The fifth edition.. London : printed for D. Browne, J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, R. Ware, H. Lintot, [and 5 others in London], 1743. ESTC No. N32635. Grub Street ID 21222.
- Church of England.. Liturgia: seu Liber Precum Communium, et administrationis sacramentorum, aliorumque rituum et ceremoniarum in ecclesia anglicana receptus: itémque forma et modus creandi, ordinandi, et consecrandi episcopos, presbyteros, et diaconos. Epistolae, Evangelia, et Psalmi inseruntur juxta Sebastiani Castellionis versionem. Editio sexta, prioribus longè emendatior.. Londini : typis G. Bowyer, impensis J. & J. Bonwicke, R. Ware, J. & P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, T. Osborn, & E. Wicksted, MDCCXLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. T140404. Grub Street ID 188169.
- The instructor: or, young man's best companion. ... To which is added, the family's best companion: ... and also, a compleat treatise of farriery; ... By George Fisher, . The seventh edition revised and corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, 1744. ESTC No. T205072. Grub Street ID 376074.
- Dyche, Thomas. A new general English dictionary; peculiarly calculated for the use and improvement of such as are unacquainted with the learned languages. Wherein the difficult Words, and Technical Terms made use of in Anatomy, Architecture, Arithmetick, Algebra, Astronomy, Botany, Chymistry, Divinity, Gardening, Grammar, Hawking, Heraldry, History, Horsemanship, Hunting, Husbandry, Law, Logick, Mathematicks, Mechanicks, Milit. Affairs, Musick, Navigation, Painting, Poetry, Rhetorick, Sculpture, Surgery, &c. Are not only fully explain'd, but accented on their proper Syllables, to prevent a vicious Pronunciation; and mark'd with Initial letters, to denote the Part of Speech to which each Word peculiarly belongs. To which is prefixed, a compendious English grammar, with general Rules for the ready Formation of one Part of Speech from another; by the due Application whereof, such as understand English only, may be able to write as correctly and elegantly, as those who have been some Years conversant in the. The fourth edition, ... London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Warwick-Lane, Amen-Corner, MDCCXLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. T186602. Grub Street ID 222742.
- Allestree, Richard. The whole duty of receiving worthily the blessed sacrament. Laid down in six days preparation, consisting of prayers, meditations, and soliloquies, ... By the author of The whole duty of man. . The ninth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, C. Hitch, and J. Hodges, 1744. ESTC No. N25781. Grub Street ID 15138.
- Playford, John. Vade mecum: or, the necessary pocket companion. . The sixteenth edition carefully corrected, with additions, and improvements. ... London : printed for R. Ware; S. Birt; C. Hitch; and J. Hodges, 1744. ESTC No. N64070. Grub Street ID 46132.
- A description of a great variety of animals and vegetables; viz. beasts, birds, fishes, insects, plants, fruits, and flowers. Extracted from the most considerable writers of natural history; and adapted to the use of all capacities, but more particularly for the entertainment of youth. Being a supplement to A description of three hundred animals. Illustrated with above ninety copper plates, whereon is curiously engraven every animal and vegetable described in the whole book. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corners, Warwick-Lane, MDCCXLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. N50578. Grub Street ID 34627.
- Tillotson, John. The works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Lord archbishop of Canterbury. In twelve volumes. Containing two hundred and fifty four sermons and discourses on several occasions: together with the Rule of Faith; Prayers composed by him for his own use; a discourse to his servants before the sacraments; and a form of prayer, composed by him, for the use of King William. London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett; C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and R. Tonson, J. and H. Pemberton, and J. Rivington, MDCCXLIII. [1742-1744]. ESTC No. T137448. Grub Street ID 185423.
- Bohun, William. The law of tithes; shewing their nature, kinds, properties and incidents; by whom, to whom, when, and in what manner payable; ... Wherein all the statutes and adjudged cases relative to the subject are introduced and considered. The third edition corrected, with the addition of an alphabetical table at the end. By W. Bohun . London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, (assignee of E. Sayer, Esq;) for J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, R. Ware, A. Ward, S. Birt [and 4 others in London], 1744. ESTC No. T107328. Grub Street ID 160346.
- Bailey, Nathan. English and Latin exercises, for school-boys: comprising all the rules of syntaxis. With explanations, and other necessary observations on each rule. And shewing the genitive case, and gender of noun, and pronouns; as also the preterperfect tense, supine, and conjugation of verbs. Answering perfectly to the design of Mr. Garretson, and Hermes Romanus, in bringing on learners, most gradually and expeditiously, to the translating of English into Latin. By N. Bailey schoolmaster. The eleventh edition, corrected.. London : printed [by Charles Ackers] for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, MDCCXLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. N1913. Grub Street ID 8557.
- Lee, Nathaniel. Theodosius: or, the force of love: a tragedy. Acted by their Royal Highness's servants, at the Duke's Theatre. By Nathanael Lee, . London : printed for R. Ware; J. Brindley; J. Osborn; C. Corbett; R. Wellington; R. Caldwell; and J. New, 1744. ESTC No. N14367. Grub Street ID 4249.
- A Complete system of geography. Being a description of all the countries, islands, cities, chief towns, harbours, lakes, and rivers, mountains, mines, &c. of the known world. Shewing the situation, extent, and boundaries of the several empires, kingdoms, republics, principalities, provinces, &c. their climate, soil, and produce; their principal buildings, manufactures, and trade; their government, policy, religion, manners, and customs; and the distance and bearing of all the principal towns from one another. Comprehending the history of the universe, both antient and modern; and the most material revolutions and changes that have happen'd in it, either by conquest or treaties; with whatever is curious and remarkable in the works of nature ... art. To which is prefixed, An introduction to geography, as a science: An explanation of maps: The doctrine of the sphere: The system of the world: And a philosophical treaties of the earth, sea, air, and meteors. The whole illustrated with seventy. London : Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward, John and Paul Knapton, John Clarke, Thomas Longman, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge, Richard Hett, Charles Hitch, Stephen Austen, Edmund Comyns, James Hodges, Andrew Millar, John and Henry Pemderton, and John Rivington, MDCCXLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. T163339. Grub Street ID 201905.
- Jacob, Giles. A new law-dictionary: containing, the interpretation and definition of words and terms used in the law; and also the whole law, and the practice thereof, Under all the Heads and Titles of the same. Together with Such Informations relating thereto, as Explain the History and Antiquity of the Law, and our Manners, Customs, and Original Government. Collected and Abstracted from All Dictionaries, Abridgments, Institutes, Reports, Year-Books, Charters, Registers, Chronicles, and Histories, Published to this Time. And fitted for the Use of Barristers, Students, and Practisers of the Law, Members of Parliament, and other Gentlemen, Justices of Peace, Clergymen, &c. The fifth edition, with great additions and improvements, and the Law-Proceedings done into English. To which is annexed, a table of references to all the Arguments and Resolutions of the Lord Chief Justice Holt; In the several Volumes of the Reports. By Giles Jacob, gent. London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, (assignee of Edward Sayer, Esq;) for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. Rivington, and J. and H. Pemberton, MDCCXLIV. [1744. ESTC No. N10185. Grub Street ID 187.
- Jacob, Giles. A new law dictionary: containing, the interpretation and definition of words and terms used in the law; and also the whole law, and the practice thereof, ... The fifth edition, ... To which is annexed, a table of references to all the arguments and resolutions of the Lor Chief Justice Holt; ... By Giles Jacob, . London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, (Assignee of Edward Sayer, Esq;) for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett [and 5 others in London], 1744. ESTC No. T226437. Grub Street ID 247995.
- A paraphrase and commentary on the New Testament. In two volumes. The First, containing The Four Gospels, and the Acts of the Holy Apostles. The Second, All the Epistles, with a Discourse of the Millennium. To which are added A Chronology of the New Testament, a Map and Alphabetical Table of all the Places mentioned in the Gospels, Acts, or the Epistles, with Tables of the Matters contained and of the Words and Phrases explained throughout the whole Work; and the Examen millii. ... . By Daniel Whitby, D. D. Late Chantor of the Church of Sarum. The sixth edition.. London : printed for J. Brotherton, W. Innys, R. Ware. W. Meadows, T. Cox, A. Ward, D. Browne, J. Clarke, C. Hitch, T. Osborne, J. Osborne, T. Astley, S. Austen, S. Billingsley, M. Mears, E. Wicksteed, M.DCC.XLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. T94471. Grub Street ID 314062.
- The compleat French master for ladies and gentlemen. Containing I. A new methodical French grammar. II. A well digested, and copious vocabulary. III. Familiar phrases and dialogues on all manner of subjects. IV. Dialogues of wit and humour. V. A tast of the French poetry. VI. A collection of French songs. VII. A collection of choice proverbs, both French and English. VIII. A catalogue of the best French books, fit for a lady's, or gentleman's library. For the use of His late Highness the Duke of Glocester. By Mr. A. Boyer, author of the Royal dictionary, French and English. The fourteenth edition, carefully corrected, and much improved.. London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman and T. Shewell, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and H. Pemberton, and J. Rivington. MDCCXLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. T132567. Grub Street ID 181473.
- Echard, Laurence. The gazetteer's, or, newsman's interpreter. Being a geographical index of all the considerable provinces, cities, Patriarchships, Bishopricks, Universities, Dukedoms, Earldoms, and such like; Imperial and Hanse-Towns, Ports, Forts, Castles, &c. in Europe. Shewing, In what Kingdoms, Provinces, and Counties they are; to what Prince they are now subject, upon, or nigh what Rivers, Bays, Seas, Mountains, &c. they stand; their Distances (in English Miles) from several other Places of Note; with their Longitude and Latitude, according to the best and approv'd Maps: With the Addition of a Table of the Births, Marriages, &c. of all the Kings, Princes, and Potentates of Europe. Of special Use for the true Understanding of all Modern Histories of Europe, as well as the present Affairs; and, for the Conveniency of Cheapness and Pocket Carriage, Explained by Abbreviations and Figures. The sixteenth edition, corrected, and very much enlarged, with the addition of all the several provinces and counties. London : printed for S. Ballard, R. Ware, J. and J. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, R Hett, C. Hitch, S. Austen, J. and H. Pemberton. and J. Davidson, MDCCXLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. T68999. Grub Street ID 293103.
- The gazetteer's, or, newsman's interpreter. Being a geographical index of all the empires, kingdoms, Islands, Provinces, Peninsula's: As also, Of the Cities, Patriarchships, Bishopricks, Universities, Ports, Forts, Castles, &c. in Asia, Africa, and America. Shewing, the division and boundary of every country, to whom now subject: The Situation of the several Cities and Places contained therein, in respect to Rivers, Bays, Seas, Mountains, and the like: Their Distances from others of most Note, with what is most memorable concerning them, with their Longitude and Latitude, according to the best Authorities, and latest Observations. To which is added, An Account of the Imperial, Royal, and Princely Families of these three Parts of the World. The second part. The Whole of special Use for the true Understanding of all Modern History, and the State of Affairs in those Parts of the World, and explained by Abbreviations and Figures, for the Conveniency of the Pocket. The ninth edition, corrected and enlarged.. London : printed for S. Ballard, R. Ware, J. and J. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, R Hett, C. Hitch, S. Austen, J. and H. Pemberton. and J. Davidson, M.DCC.XLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. T69004. Grub Street ID 293110.
- The universal pocket companion: being a more useful, instructive, comprehensive, and complete book, than any of the like kind, ever yet published. Containing, among many other necessary and entertaining particulars, I. A geographical description of the world; with an Account of the different Parts thereof, and a Map of the whole. II. A Description and Map of England; shewing the Number of Counties, Cities, Bishopricks, Boroughs, Market-Towns, Parishes, &c. III. London describ'd; with an Account of the several Wards, Parishes, Hills, Colleges, Churches, and whatever is remarkable, and a Plan of the same. IV. An Account of the several incorporated Companies in London; with the Prices of Carpenters, Bricklayers, Plaisterers and Painters Work, &c. V. An Account of the General and Penny Post. VI. An Account of all the Stage-Coaches and Carriers in England; with the Inns they put up at, and the Days they go out on. Vii. A List of places at Court, the several Salaries thereof, and in whose gift. The second edition.. London : printed for J. and J. Fox, R. Ware, C. Hitch, T. Astley, J. Hodges, C. Ward, E. Withers, J. Osborne, B. Dod, and T. Harris , [1745]. ESTC No. N47883. Grub Street ID 32526.
- Erra Pater.. The book of knowledge; treating of the wisdom of the ancients. In four parts. ... Written by Erra Pater, ... Made English by W. Lilly, ... To which is added, The dealer's directory : . London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch; and J. Hodges, 1745. ESTC No. T118474. Grub Street ID 170020.
- Lover of the mathematicks.. A description of an improved portable sliding rule. With proper examples of its use, not only to the officers of the revenue but artificers also; in measuring timber, joiners, painters work, &c. and in gauging all solids and superficies, with greater accuracy than by the common rules. To which is prefixed, a short treatise of decimals, necessary for the better understanding the divisions of the lines on the rule; to which purpose also numeration on the rules is treated of in a more ample manner than hitherto done. Collected from the several writers on this subject, and offered to the publick. By a lover of the mathematicks. London : printed for R. Ware, in Amen-Corner; and sold by W. Rix, in the Old Jewry; and B. Cole, in Ball-Alley, Lombard Street, 1745. ESTC No. T171962. Grub Street ID 209462.
- Cocker, Edward. Cocker's arithmetick. Being, a plain and familiar method, suitable to the meanest Capacity, for the full understanding of that incomparable art, as it is now taught by the ablest School-Masters in City and Country. By Edward Cocker, late Practitioner in the Arts of Writing, Arithmetick, and Engraving: Being that so long since promised to the World. Perused and published, by John Hawkins, Writing-Master near St. George's Church in Southwark, by the Author's correct Copy, and commended to the World by many eminent Mathematicians and Writing-Masters in and near London. The fifty-first edition, carefully corrected and amended. By George Fisher, Accomptant. Licensed Sept. 3. 1677. Roger L'Estrange. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner; C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Paternoster-Row; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass over-against St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, 1745. ESTC No. T30876. Grub Street ID 261713.
- A Regular collection or series of lists, Containing all the offices and whole establishment, civil, military and ecclesiastical in Great-Britian and Ireland. London : Printed for J. Brotherton, G. Strahan, R. Ware, J. Clarke, C. Hitch, and J. Hodges, MDCCXLV. [1745]. ESTC No. N55495. Grub Street ID 38994.
- Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary; ... The eleventh edition, with considerable improvements. By N. Bailey, . London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman and T. Shewell, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and H. Pemberton, and J. Rivington, 1745. ESTC No. T87502. Grub Street ID 307546.
- Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary; ... The eleventh edition, with considerable improvements. By N. Bailey, . London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman and T. Shewell, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, H. Pemberton, and J. Rivington, 1745. ESTC No. T87503. Grub Street ID 307547.
- Nelson, William. The office and authority of a justice of peace: collected out of all the books, whether of common or statute law, hitherto written on that subject. ... Digested under alphabetical titles. To which are added English precedents, of indictments, warrants, &c. ... The twelft edition, corrected, amended and continued down to this present year; ... By W. Nelson, ... In two volumes. . London] : In the Savoy: printed by H. Lintot, (assignee of Edward Sayer, Esq;) for T. Woodward, J. Walthoe, R. Ware, S. Birt [and 7 others in London], 1745. ESTC No. T131307. Grub Street ID 180327.
- The universal pocket book: being a more useful, instructive, comprehensive, and complete book, than any of the like kind, ever yet published. Containing, ... I. A geographical description of the world: ... XV. The rates and fares of coachmen, carmen, and watermen; . The fifth edition.. London : printed for J. and J. Fox, R. Ware, C. Hitch, T. Astley, J. Hodges, C. Ward, E. Withers, J. Osborne, B. Dod, and T. Harris, 1745. ESTC No. T129338. Grub Street ID 178798.
- Arithmetick, both in the theory and practice, made plain and easy in all the common and useful rules, both in whole numbers and fractions, vulgar and decimal. Also Interest Simple and Compound, and Annuities. Likewise Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots. AS Also The Tables and Construction of Logarithms, with their Use in Arithmetick, and Compound Interest. Together with Arithmetical and Geometrical Progression, and the Combination and Election, Permutation, and Composition of Numbers and Quantities. With the Addition of several Algebraical Questions. The like not Extant. By John Hill, Gent. With a preface by H. Ditton, Gent. The seventh edition, accurately revised, corrected, and improved by Mr. E. Hatton, and others.. London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman and T. Shewell, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. Rivington, and M. Cooper, M.DCC.XLV. [1745]. ESTC No. T127628. Grub Street ID 177298.
- Ogilby, John. Ogilby's and Morgan's Pocket-Book of the roads, with their computed and measured distances, and the Distinction of Market and Post-Towns. Also a table for the ready finding any Road, City, or Market-Town, and it's Distance from London: a sheet-map of England, fitted to bind with the Book: and an exact account of all the fairs, both fixed and movable, in Alphabetical Order, shewing the Days on which they are held. By William Morgan, Cosmographer to their Late Majesties. The tenth edition, corrected. ... London : printed for J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, R. Ware, T. Cox, T. Astley, S. Austen, and J. Buckland, 1745. ESTC No. T133996. Grub Street ID 182695.
- Smith, Samuel. David's repentance: or, a plain and familiar exposition on the 51st psalm, first preach'd, and now publish'd, for the benefit of God's church. ... Newly revised; by Samuel Smith, late preacher of the word at Prittlewel in Essex;. The thirty-third edition.. London] : Printed for J. Clarke: S. Birt: C. Hitch; J. Hodges; R. Ware; and A. Wilde, 1745. ESTC No. T32090. Grub Street ID 262828.
- The universal pocket-book: being a more useful, instructive, comprehensive, and complete book, than any of the like kind, ever yet published. Containing, ... I. A geographical description of the world: ... XV. The rates and fares of coachmen, carmen, and watermen; . The fifth edition.. London : printed for J. and J. Fox, R. Ware, C. Hitch, T. Astley, J. Hodges, C. Ward, E. Withers, J. Osborne, B. Dod, and T. Harris, 1745. ESTC No. T228232. Grub Street ID 248748.
- Themylthorpe, Nicholas. The posie of godly prayers, fit for every Christian to use. Containing only prayers of repentance, remission of sins, and thanksgiving. ... Made and collected by Nicholas Themylthorp Esq; . The three and fiftieth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch; J. Hodges, 1745. ESTC No. N65112. Grub Street ID 47032.
- Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation: ... by John Downame, . London : printed for R. Ware, 1745. ESTC No. T81466. Grub Street ID 302265.
- Tillotson, John. The pious and humane Archbishop Tillotson's sentiments of popery digested into familiar and popular orations, Design'd to Excite a just abhorrence of the horrid principles and practices of the Church of Rome. London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman and T. Shewell, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, J. Rivington, and H. Pemberton, MDCCXLV. [1745]. ESTC No. T62168. Grub Street ID 287675.
- Sallust. The works of Sallust, translated into English. With political discourses upon that author. To which is added, a translation of Cicero's four orations against Catiline. By Thomas Gordon, Esq;. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill, [1745?]. ESTC No. N35997. Grub Street ID 24002.
- Mige, Guy. The present state of Great Britain, and Ireland. Being a complete treatise of their several inhabitants; their religion, policy, manufactures, customs, government and commerce. Of the britons original: thier sciences, and arts; nobility and people, and strength by sea and land. With a large description of London; and a curious abstract of each king's reign from Ecbert, to the end of George I. Also His Majesty's German dominions, and genealogy of his family. The whole consisting of four parts. To which are added lists of the officers in England, Scotland, and Ireland; with their whole establishment, civil, military and ecclesiastical. Done in a new method, correct and regular. The tenth edition. Begun by M. Miege; and now greatly, improved, revised and completed to the present time, By Mr. Bolton. London : [P]rinted for J. Brotherton, G. Strahan, R. Ware, J. Clarke, C. Hitch, and J. Hodges, MDCCXLV. [1745]. ESTC No. N11491. Grub Street ID 1491.
- Ainsworth, Robert. Thesaurus linguae latinae compendiarius: or, a compendious dictionary of the Latin tongue: designed for the use of the British nations: in three parts. Containing, I. The English appellative Words and Forms of Expression before the Latin; in which will be found some thousand English Words and Phrases, several various Senses of the same Word, and a great Number of proverbial Expressions, more than in any former Dictionary of this Kind, all carefully endeavoured to be rendered in proper and classical Latin. To which are subjoined, 1. The Proper Names of the more remarkable Places rendered into Latin. 2. The Christian Names of Men and Women. II. The Latin Appellatives before the English; in which are given the more certain Etymologies of the Latin Words, their various Senses in English ranged in their natural Order, the principal Idioms under each Sense explained and accounted for, all supported by the best Authorities of the Roman Writers; with References to the particular Book, Chapter, or V. The second edition, with additions and improvements. By Samuel Patrick, LL.D. and usher of the Charter-House School.. London : printed for W. Mount and T. Page, W. Innys, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, A. Ward, J. Clarke in St. Paul's Church-Yard, T. Cox, T. Longman, C. Hitch, R. Hett, A. Millar, J. Pote, J. Hodges, J. Oswald, E. Wicksteed, J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, J. Davidson, J. and J. Rivington, M. Cooper, and the Executors of Mr. J. Darby, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T88539. Grub Street ID 308499.
- The french convert: being a true relation of the happy conversion of a noble French lady, from the errors and superstitions of popery, to the reformed religion by means of a Protestant gardener her servant, Wherein is shewn, Her Great and Unparallell'd Sufferings on the Account of her said Conversion; as also, her wonderful Deliverance from two Assassins hired by a Popish Priest to murder her: And of her miraculous Presorvation in a Wood for two Years; and how she was at last providentially found by her Husband, who, together with her Parents, were brought over to the Embracing of the True Religion, as were divers others also. To which is added A brief account of the present severe persecutions of the French Protestants. The ninth edition.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red Lion, in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Bible, in Amen-Corner; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, on London-Bridge, 1746. ESTC No. T89431. Grub Street ID 309329.
- Henry, Matthew. The communicant's companion: or, instructions and helps for the right receiving of the Lord.'s Supper. By Matthew Henry, Late Minister of the Gospel. The thirteenth edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, A Ward, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Oswald, J. Davidson, J. Buckland, and M. Cooper, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T88621. Grub Street ID 308579.
- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Seneca's morals by way of abstract. To which is added, a discourse under the title of An after-thought. By Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knt. London : printed for S. Ballard, J. Clarke, D. Brown, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. and R. Tonson, A. Millar, R. Balawin, S. Crowder and Co. J. Pottinger, C. and R. Ware, and A. Strahan, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T134873. Grub Street ID 183446.
- The Countess of Moreton's daily exercise: or, a book of prayers and rules how to spend the time in the service and pleasure of Almighty God. The twenty-third edition.. London : printed for J. and J. Bonwicke, R. Ware, W. Innys, J. and P. Knapton, J. Walthoe, A. Ward, S. Birt, W. Parker, D. Browne, T. Longman, C. Hitch, W. Baker, S. Austen, T. Osborn, E. Wicksteed, A. Millar, J. Hinton, L. Beecroft, M. Downing, and A. Clark, 1746. ESTC No. N469480. Grub Street ID 402585.
- Langley, Batty. The builder's jewel: or, the youth's instructor, and workman's remembrancer. Explaining short and easy rules, made familiar to the meanest capacity, for drawing and working, ... By B. and T. Langley. London : printed for R. Ware, 1746. ESTC No. T163786. Grub Street ID 202156.
- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Seneca's morals by way of abstract. To which is added, a discourse under the title of An after-thought. By Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knt. The fifteenth edition.. London : printed for G. Strahan, S. Ballard, S. Birt, R. Ware, D. Brown, C. Hitch, H. Lintot, J. Hodges, J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, and E. Comyns, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. N21872. Grub Street ID 11227.
- The illustrious and renown'd history of the seven famous champions of Christendom. In three parts. Containing their honourable births, victories, and noble atchievements by sea and land in divers strange countries; their combats with giants, monsters; wonderful adventures, fortunes and misfortunes in desarts, wildernesses, inchanted castles, their conquest of empires, kingdoms, relived [sic] distressed ladies, with their faithful love to them: honour they won in tilts and turnaments, and success against the enemies of Christendom. Also with the heroick adventures of St. George's three sons. Together with the manner of their untimely deaths; and how they came to stiled saints and champions of Christendom. The fifth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner; C. Hitch, at the Red Lyon in Pater-noster-Row; and J. Hodges at the Looking-Glass over-against St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, 1746. ESTC No. N510519. Grub Street ID 397299.
- The royal dictionary abridged. ... The seventh edition, carefully corrected. ... By Mr. A. Boyer. London : printed for W. Innys, W. Mount and T. Page, J. Brotherton, T. Woodward, W. Meadows, R. Ware, A. Ward, J. & P. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Brown, T. Longman, T. Osborn, J. Clarke, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. Shuckbugh, J. Oswald, J. Osborn, P. Valliant [sic], J. & J. Rivington, H. Pemberton, C. Bathurst, E. Comins, B. Wellington, R. King, T. Meighan, 1747. ESTC No. T169520. Grub Street ID 207367.
- Salmon, Thomas. The chronological historian: containing a regular account of all material transactions and occurrences, ecclesiastical, civil, and military, relating to the English affairs, from the invasion of the Romans, to the fourteenth year of King George II. With the creations and promotions of the nobility and baronets, ministers of state, generals, judges, attorneys, and solicitors-general, as they stand in order of time: whereby that confusion, which generally misleads the reader in the perusal of our historians, for want of an exact chronology, is prevented, and other defects and omissions supplied. By Mr. Salmon, author of the Modern history, &c. Illustrated with the effigies of all our English monarchs, curiously engraven from original paintings, by Mr. Vertue. In two volumes. The third edition, with large additions.. London : printed for R. Ware, T. Longman and T. Shewell, C. Hitch, A. Clarke, J. Hodges, S. Austen, M. Cooper, B. Dod, R. Dodsley, J. Hinton, J. and J. Rivington, M.DCC.XLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T147248. Grub Street ID 193810.
- A Complete system of geography. Being a description of all the countries, islands, cities, chief towns, harbours, lakes, and rivers, mountains, mines, &c. of the known world. Shewing the situation, extent, and boundaries, of the several empires, kingdoms, ..., their climate, soil, and produce; their principal buildings, manufactures, and trade; their government, policy, religion, manners, and customs; and the ... including the most material revolutions and changes that have happen'd in every state, either by conquest or treaties; and comprehending ... To which is prefixed, An introduction to geography, as a science: An explanation of maps: The doctrine of the sphere: The system of the world: And a philosophical treaties of the earth, sea, air, and meteors. In two volumes. ... By Emanuel Bowen, geographer to His Majesty, being all new-drawn and ingraved according to the latest discoveries and surveys; ... for the use of all gentleman, merchants, mariners, and others, who delight in history. London : Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward, J. and P. Knapton, John Clarke, T. Longman and T. Shewell, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge, Richard Hett, Charles Hitch, Stephen Austen, Edmund Comyns, Andrew Millar, James Hodges, Charles Corbett, and Jo. and Ja. Rivington, M.DCC.XLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T140529. Grub Street ID 188226.
- Halfpenny, William. The builder's pocket-companion: shewing an easy and practical method for laying down lines, for all Sorts of Arches and Curves used in House-Building, Ship-Building, Gardening, &c. Also to make the Centers or Ribs for Vaults or Ceilings, and Brackets for Coves, either regular or irregular. Together With True and Concise Rules to find the Lengths, Bevels, and Moulds for the Back of a Hip, in any Kind of Roofs, whether Square or Bevel, Hexagon, or Pentagon, &c. let their Rafters be strait, or Curves of different Sorts. To which are added, the five orders of columns, With Their Entablatures and Pedestals, the proportions whereof are taken from the immortal Andrew Palladio, and laid down after Mr. Halfpenny's practical method: With several other useful Problems, never before Printed. By Michael Hoare, Carpenter. The third edition, corrected.. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, [1747]. ESTC No. N15207. Grub Street ID 4937.
- Scott, John. The Christian life, from its beginning, to its consummation in glory; ... With directions for private devotion, ... By John Scott, ... In five volumes. . The eleventh edition corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman and S. Shewell, R. Hett, [and 7 others in London], 1747. ESTC No. N47088. Grub Street ID 31848.
- Scott, John. The Christian life. Wherein that fundamental principle of Christian duty, the doctrine of our saviour's mediation, is explained and proved. ... By John Scott, . The fifth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman and T. Shewell, R. Hett, [and 6 others in London], 1747. ESTC No. N47089. Grub Street ID 31849.
- Milton, John. Paradise regain'd. A poem, in four books. To which is added Samson Agonistes; and Poems upon several occasions. With a tractate of education. The author John Milton. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, R. Ware, J. Hodges, R. Wellington, C. Corbet, J. Brindley, R. Caldwell, and J. New, MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T133932. Grub Street ID 182638.
- Sherlock, William. A discourse concerning the divine providence, Under the following Heads; Viz. I. The necessary Connexion between the Belief of a God and of a Providence. II. The general Notion of Providence, and particularly concerning a preserving Providence. III. Concerning God's governing Providence. IV. Concerning the Sovereignty of Providence. V. The Justice and Righteousness of Providence. VI. The Holiness of Providence. Vii. The Goodness of Providence. Viii. The Wisdom of Providence. IX. The Duties we owe to Providence. By William Sherlock, D. D. Late Dean of St Paul's[.]. The ninth edition... London : printed for R. Ware, J. Walthoe, A. Ward, J. and J. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Longman and T. Shewell, C. Hitch, J. Clarke, S. Austen, J. Hodges, H. Pemberton, J. and J. Rivington, and R. Baldwin. [and 10 others in London], 1747. ESTC No. T79378. Grub Street ID 300947.
- Drelincourt, Charles. The Christian's defence against the fears of death. With seasonable directions how to prepare ourselves to die well. Written originally in French by ... Char. Drelincourt. Translated into English by Marius D'Assigny, B.D. The sixteenth edition new corrected: with an account of the author, and his last minutes.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. Peele, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, [and 12 others in London], 1747. ESTC No. N28086. Grub Street ID 17310.
- Hatton, Edward. Comes commercii, or, the trader's-companion. Containing I. An exact and useful Table, shewing the Value of any Quantity of Goods or Wares ready cast up, more adapted to Merchants Use than any other extant; which is demonstrated by Seventeen Examples, relating chiefly to Buying and Selling; with several new Additions and Improvements. II. A Table calculated for Universal Use, which Use is shewn in the Solution of Questions, in Multiplication, Division, Reduction, Merchandizing, and Measuring all Kinds of Superficies and Solids, or Gauging Vessels and Casks; rendered perfect and compleat. III. The Manner of casting up Dimensions in general, whether the same be taken in Inches, Feet and Inches, Yards, Perches, &c. and how to give the Answer by Reduction, Duo-Decimals, or Decimals, plainly and exactly. IV. The several Customs used by Surveyors and Measurers, in measuring Glass, Wainscot, Painting, Plaistering, Flooring, Tyling, Partitioning, Brick, or Stone-Work, &c. and the common Rate of such. The 8th edition, with large additions. Accurately revised, corrected, improved, and augmented, by W. Hume, ... London : printed for W. Innys, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman and T. Shewell, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, R. Manby and H. Cox, J. Osborn, J. Davidson, H. Pemberton, B. Dod, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, and A. Clarloe. [and 13 others in London], MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T109478. Grub Street ID 162243.
- Scott, John. The Christian life. Wherein the great duties of justice, mercy, and mortification, are fully explained and enforced. Vol. IV. By John Scott, D.D. late Rector of St. Giles's in the Fields. The fifth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch, R. Hett, J. Hodges, S. Austen, H. Pemberton, and J. and J. Rivington, M DCC XLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. N52587. Grub Street ID 36570.
- Mather, W. The young man's companion: or, Arithmetick made easy. Containing, plain directions for a young man to attain to read and write true English; the best and easiest instructions for writing variety of hands, with copies both in prose and verse, digested in an alphabetical order. How to write letters of compliment, friendship, or business. Forms of notes, receipts, bills, bonds, indentures, leases and releases, letters of attorney, wills, &c. A short and easy method of shop and book-keeping, merchants-accompts, &c. Direction how to measure carpenters, joiners, sawyers, ... With a description of the counties, cities, parishes, and market-towns in England and Wales. Choice monthly observations in gardening, planting, grafting, and inoculating fruit-trees, and the best time to prune them. To which is added, the family companion for marking on linen, pickling, preserving, making wine of fruit; with many approved and experienced medicines for the poor. Also, exact lists of all the fairs in England. The seventeenth edition, with large additions and improvements.. London : Printed for R. Ware, in Amen-Corner; T. Longman and T. Shewell, in Pater-Noster-Row; and A. Clarke, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1747. ESTC No. N48436. Grub Street ID 32988.
- A week's preparation towards a worthy receiving of the Lord's supper, after the warning of the church for the celebration of the Holy Communion: . The fiftieth edition, corrected thoroughout and enlarged by a clergyman of London.. London : printed by assignment from Sam: Keble for S. Ballard, W. Innys, R. Ware, A. Ward, J. & P. Knapton [and 9 others in London], 1747. ESTC No. T132587. Grub Street ID 181492.
- Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary; comprehending the derivations of the generality of words in the English tongue, either ancient or modern, from the ancient British, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and modern French, Teutonic, Dutch, Spanish, Italian; as also from the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew languages, each in their proper characters. And also a brief and clear explication of all difficult words, derived from any of the aforesaid languages, and terms of art, relating to anatomy, botany, physick, pharmacy, surgery, chymistry, philosophy, divinity, mathematicks, grammar, logick, rhetorick, musick, heraldry, maritime affairs, military discipline, horsemanship, hunting, hawking, fowling, fishing, gardening, husbandry, handicrafts, confectionary, carving, cookery, &c. Together with a large collection and explication of words and phrases used in our ancient statutes, charters, writs, old records, and processes in law; and the etymology, and interpretation of the proper names of men, women,. London : printed for R. Ware, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman and T. Shewell, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, H. Pemberton, and J. and J. Rivington, MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T129198. Grub Street ID 178680.
- Hawney, William. The complete measurer; or, the whole art of measuring. In two parts. ... The sixth edition. To which is added, an appendix, I. Of gauging. 2. Of land-measuring. ... By William Hawney,. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Hodges [and 4 others in London], 1748. ESTC No. T109955. Grub Street ID 162567.
- Defoe, Daniel. The wonderful life, and most surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Of York; mariner. Containing a full and particular account how he lived eight and twenty years in an un-inhabited island on the coast of America: ... Faithfully epitomized from the three volumes, and adorned with cutts . London : printed for C. Hitch and R. Ware and J. Hodges, 1748. ESTC No. N25004. Grub Street ID 14352.
- Mige, Guy. The present state of Great Britain, and Ireland, Being A Complete Treatise of Their several Inhabitants; their Religion, Policy, Manufactures, Customs, Government and Commerce. Of the Britons Original: Their Sciences, and Arts; Nobility and People, and Strength by Sea and Land. With a large Description of London; and a curious Abstract of each King's Reign from Ecbert, to the End of George I. Also His Majesty's German dominions, and genealogy of his family. The whole consisting of four parts. To which are added lists of all the offices in England, Scotland, and Ireland; with their whole Establishment, Civil, Military and Ecclesiastical. Done in a New Method, Regular, Copious, and Correct. The eleventh edition. Begun by Mr Miege; and now greatly improved, revised and completed to the present time, by Mr. Bolton. London : printed for J. Brotherton, G. Strahan, R. Ware, J. Clarke, C. Hitch, and J. Hodges, MDCCLIVIII. MDCCLIVIII [1748]. ESTC No. T109980. Grub Street ID 162577.
- Scougal, Henry. A new academy of compliments: or the compleat English secretary. Containing the true art of indicting letters, suitable to the capacity of youth and age. Relating to familiar Conversation between Friends and Acquaintance, Husband and Wife, Children and Parents, Masters and Apprentices, Brothers and Sisters, and Kindred in general; also, Love-Letters on all Occasions; with others relating to Trade and Business of all Natures, being suited in an apt, easy, and plain Stile. Likewise Instructions for Directing, Superscribing, and Subscribing of Letters; also the Tides of Persons of Quality, and all other Degrees. With Dialogues very witty and pleasant, relating to Love, Familiar Discourse, and other Matters, for the improving the Elegancy of the English Speech, and Accomplishment in Discourse. To which is added, I. The art of good breeding and behaviour, with Instructions for Carving Fish, Flesh and Fowl, after the newest Manner. 2. The English Fortune-Teller, as to what relates to good and b. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill; C. Hitch, at the Red Lion in Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass on London-Bridge, 1748. ESTC No. T86874. Grub Street ID 306973.
- Nelson, Robert. Instructions for them that come to be confirmed: by way of question & answer. With prayers for them to use before and after their confirmation. By Rob. Nelson, . The fifteenth edition.. London : printed by W. Bowyer, for J. and J. Bonwicke, R. Ware, W. Baker, J. and P. Knapton [and 10 others in London], 1748. ESTC No. N51888. Grub Street ID 35878.
- The unfortunate concubines. The history of fair Rosamond, mistress to Henry II. and Jane Shore, concubine to Edward IV. ... Extracted from eminent records, . London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch; and J. Hodges, 1748. ESTC No. T117669. Grub Street ID 169255.
- Watts, Isaac. Hymns and spiritual songs. In three books. ... By I. Watts, D.D. The sixteenth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, J. Oswald [and 4 others in London], 1748. ESTC No. T82320. Grub Street ID 302900.
- Cocker, Edward. Cocker's Accomplish'd school-master; containing sure and easy directions for spelling, reading, and writing English; according to the most plain and accurate method now extant. With divers tables of English Words, comprehending most of the Common Words and Proper Names of the Holy Bible, and other Authors, both Divided and Whole, from One to Six, Seven and Eight Syllables. Also, Pertinent Directions for Exact Writing, and several Copies of the Hands now in Use. Likewise Divers Words which differ in their Sense and Spelling, but have the like Sound and Pronunciation: And the Differences between Pronouncing and Writing several Words. The whole being adorned with a number of delightful pictures, and many useful Instructions, and other Particulars, whereby any Person may speedily attain to a just Perfection in the English Tongue. The like Never yet Publish'd by any. The eighteenth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Pater-Noster-Row; and James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, 1748. ESTC No. T144717. Grub Street ID 191543.
- Cocker, Edward. Cocker's arithmetick. Being, a plain and familiar method, suitable to the meanest Capacity, for the full understanding of that incomparable art, as it is now taught by the ablest School-Masters in City and Country. By Edward Cocker, late Practitioner in the Arts of Writing, Arithmetick, and Engraving: Being that so long since promised to the World. Perused and published, by John Hawkins. Writing-Master near St. George's Church in Southwark, by the Author's correct Copy, and commended to the World by many eminent Mathematiclaes and Writing-Masters in and near London. The fifty-second edition, carefully corrected and amended. By George Fisher, accomptant. Licensed Sept. 3, 1677. Roger L'Estrange. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner; C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Paternoster-Row; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass over-against St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, 1748. ESTC No. T30877. Grub Street ID 261714.
- The child's new play-thing: being a spelling-book intended to make the learning to read, a diversion instead of a task. . The fourth edition. To which is added, three dialogues ... London : printed for Messrs. Ware, Hitch, Corbet, Dodsley, and M. Cooper, 1748. ESTC No. N29727. Grub Street ID 18797.
- Marana, Giovanni Paolo. The eight volumes of letters writ by a Turkish spy, who liv'd five and forty years undiscover'd at Paris: Giving an Impartial Account to the Divan at Constantinople, of the most Remarkable Transactions of Europe: And, Discovering several Intrigues and Secrets of the Christian Courts (especially of That of France) Continued from the Year 1637, to the Year 1682. Written, originally, in Arabick. Translated into Italian, from thence into English: And Now Published with a Large Historical Preface and Index, to Illustrate the Whole. By the Translator of the First Volume. [The twenty-fourth edition].. London : printed by A. Wilde, for G. Strahan, S. and E. Ballard, J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, T. Cox, R. Ware, J. Clarke, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Astley, S. Austen, J. Shuckburgh, J. Hodges, E. Wicksteed, J. Oswald, J. Comyns, C. Bathurst, C. Corbet, J. Ward, A. Clarke, and A. Wilde., M.DCC.XLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T91579. Grub Street ID 311412.
- Harrison, Sarah. The house-keeper's pocket-book; and compleat family cook. Containing above seven hundred curious and uncommon receipts, in cookery, pastry, preserving, pickling, candying, collaring, &c. with plain and easy instructions for preparing and dressing every thing suitable for an elegant entertainment, from two dishes to five or ten. &c. and directions for ranging them in their proper order. To which is prefix'd, such a copious and useful bill of fare of all manner of provisions in season for every month of the year, that no person need be at a loss to provide an agreeable variety of dishes, at a moderate expence. With directions for making and breeding poultry to advantage. Concluding with many excellent prescriptions, of singular efficacy in most distempers incident to the human body; extracted from the writings of the most eminent physicians. By Mrs. Sarah Harrison, of devonshire. The fourth edition, corrected and improv'd, with the addition of four hundred genuine receipts, sent to the author by several worthy persons. To which is added, easy tables of sums ready cast up, from one farthing to a pound, for the use of those not conversant in arithmetick. Also tables shewing the interest of money from 3, 3 and half, 4, and 5 per cent. from one day to a year.. London : Printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, 1745. ESTC No. N3513. Grub Street ID 23414.
- Marana, Giovanni Paolo. The eight volumes of letters writ by a Turkish spy, who liv'd five and forty years undiscover'd at Paris: Giving an impartial account to the divan at Constantinople, of the most remarkable transactions of Europe: and, discovering several intrigues and secrets of the Christian courts (especially of that of France) continued from the year 1637, to the year 1682. Written, originally, in Arabick. Translated into Italian, from thence into English: and now published with a large historical preface and index, to illustrate the whole. By the Translator of the first volume. London : Printed by A. Wilde, for G. Strahan, S. and E. Ballard, J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, T. Cox, R. Ware, J. Clarke, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Astley, S. Austen, J. Shuckburgh, J. Hodges, E. Wicksteed, J. Oswald, J. Comyns, C. Bathurst, C. Corbet, J. Ward, A. Clarke, and A. Wilde, M.DCC.XLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T91580. Grub Street ID 311414.
- Dyche, Thomas. New general English dictionary; Peculiarly calculated for the use and improvement of such as are unacquainted with the learned languages. Wherein the difficult words, and technical terms made use of in anatomy, architecture, ... sculpture, sur..., &c. not only fully explain'd, but accented on their proper syllables, to prevent a vicious pronunciation; and mark'd with initial letters, to denote the part of speech to which each word peculiarly belongs. To which is prefixed, compendious English grammar, with general rules for the ready formation of one part of speech from another; by the due application whereof, such as understand English only, may be able to write as correctly and elegantly, as those who have been some years, conversant in the Latin, Greek, &c. languages. Together with a supplement, of the proper names of the most noted [kin]gdoms, provinces, ... throughout the known world. As also the most celebrated emperors, kings, queens, ... whether Jewish, Pagan, Mahometan, or Christian. London : for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T148819. Grub Street ID 194942.
- Halfpenny, William. Arithmetick and measurement, improv'd by examples and plain demonstrations: Wherein are laid down, The different customary Perches, and other Measures, used in the several Parts of Great Britain and Ireland. Suitable to all artists ; but more especially those who are employed in building, gardening, surveying land, &c. To which is added, The Use of an Instrument (engrav'd on a Copper-Plate) call'd a Tangent Rule, for the taking any given Distance within a Quarter of a Mile. Illustrated with a great Variety of useful Cuts. By William Halfpenny, Architect and Land Surveyor. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T125957. Grub Street ID 176009.
- The compleat French master for ladies and gentlemen. Containing I. A new methodical French grammar. ... VIII. A catalogue of the best French books, fit for a lady's, or gentleman's library: for the use of his late Highness the Duke of Glocester ... By Mr. A. Boyer, . The fifteenth edition, carefully corrected, and much improved.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman and T. Shewell, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, H. Pemberton, J. and J. Rivington, and J. Ward, MDCCXLVIII [1748]. ESTC No. N28587. Grub Street ID 17811.
- The royal dictionary, French and English, and English and French: extracted from the writings of the best authors, in both languages. Formerly composed for the use of His late Royal Highness the Duke of Glocester. By Mr. A. Boyer. London : printed for W. Innys, J. Brotherton, R. Ware, W. Meadows, T. Meighan, J. and P. Knapton, J. Brindley, J. Clarke, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Longman, J. Shuckburgh, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, A. Millar, J. Fuller, J. Davidson, C. Bathurst, P. Valliant [sic], B. Dod, J. Hutton, E. Wickstead, R. Wellington, J. and J. Rivington, E. Comyns, J. Ward, and the assignees of H. Pemberton, MDCCXLVIII [1748]. ESTC No. T132552. Grub Street ID 181457.
- Tillotson, John. The works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, ... In twelve volumes. Containing, two hundred and fifty four sermons and discourses on several occasions: together with the Rule of faith; . London : printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch [and 6 others in London], 1748. ESTC No. T136660. Grub Street ID 184816.
- Tillotson, John. Sermons on several subjects and occasions, by the most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, lord archbishop of Canterbury . London : printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch, S. Austen, J. Hodges, A. Miller, H. Pemberton, J. and J. Rivington, and J. Ward, MDCCXLVIII [1748]. ESTC No. T136661. Grub Street ID 184817.
- Shaw, Joseph. Parish law: or, a guide to justices of the peace, ministers, churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor, Constables, Surveyors of the Highways, Vestry-Clerks, and all others concern'd in parish business: compiled from the common, statute, and other authentick books; as also from some adjudged Cases never before published: together with correct forms of warrants, commitments, Indictments, Presentments, Convictions, &c. To which is added a choice collection of precedents for Justices of the Peace, communicated by an able Hand. With a New and Correct Table. By Joseph Shaw, Esq;. The sixth edition, with many cases from Lord Raymond and other new reports, ... London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, (assignee of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate Hill; and J. Nourse, at the Lamb, opposite Katherine-Street in the Strand, MDCCXLVIII. [1748. ESTC No. N11020. Grub Street ID 1015.
- Hamond, J. An historical narration of the whole Bible. In two parts. The first, treating of the Old Testament, with the various Histories of the Lives, eminent Examples, and glorious Actions of the Patriarchs, Judges, Kings, and Prophets; interspersed with many plain, profitable and pious Instructions and Observations thereupon. The second, containing an account of the life and travels of Our Blessed Saviour and his apostles. With a Summary of the of the Matter, Doctrine, Scope, and Divine Authority of all the Canonical Epistles. And an Explanation of several chief Heads in that Mysterious Book of St. John's Revelation. By J. Hamond, D. D. The Whole being an useful Guide to such as desire to read the Holy Scriptures to their Spiritual Comfort and Advantage. Curiously adorn'd with proper cuts, engraven b Mr. John Sturt. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun upon Ludgate-Hill, M.DCC.XLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T72785. Grub Street ID 296198.
- Aulnoy. The history of the tales of the fairies. Newly translated from the French. Containing, I. The tale of graciosa, and Prince Percinet, shewing the Cruelty of a Proud Mother-in-Law, to an innocent dutiful Virgin. II. The blue-bird, and Florina; shewing the Happiness of being Good-Natured in both sexes. III. Prince Avenant, and the Beauty with Locks of Gold, shewing what Difficulties and Dangers Love will surmont. IV. The king of the peacocks, and the Princess Rosetta; shewing the Vanity of Covetousness, Pride and Envy. V. Prince Nonpariel, and Princess Brilliant; wherein is shewn that outward Beauty is not the only Object Love delights to dwell in. VI. The orange-tree, and its beloved Bee: shewing the Happiness of those Lovers who shall find Constancy in Perfection. London : printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon, in Pater-Noster-Row; and James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, on London-Brage, 1749. ESTC No. T60640. Grub Street ID 286476.
- Aristotle's last legacy, unfolding the mysteries of nature in the generation of man: treating I. Of virginity, ... IX. Excellent remedies against all diseases incident to virgins and child bearing women: . London : printed for R. Ware, C. Hitch, and J. Hodges, 1749. ESTC No. T116546. Grub Street ID 168209.
- Terence.. P. Terentii carthaginensis Afri Comoediæ sex. Interpretatione & notis illustravit Nicolaus Camus, J. U. D. Jussu Christianissimi Regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini. Editio prioribus longe emaculatior.. Londini : impensis W. Innys; R. Ware; J. Walthoe; J. & P. Knapton; S. Birt; T. Longman; C. Hitch; E. Wicksteed; J. Hodges; S. Austen; J. Pote; J. Davidson; C. Bathurst; B. Dod; J. & J. Rivington; W. Johnston; & M. Cooper, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T137040. Grub Street ID 185111.
- Aulnoy. A collection of novels and tales of the fairies. Written by that celebrated wit of France, the Countess D'Anois. Vol. II. ... The fourth edition. Translated from the best edition of the original French, by several hands. London : printed for J. Brotherton and W. Meadows; R. Ware; T. Astley; and J. Hodges, 1749. ESTC No. N27690. Grub Street ID 16935.
- Playford, John. Vade mecum: or, the necessary pocket companion. I. Sir Samuel Moreland's Perpetual Almanack, readily shewing the day of the month, the moveable feasts and terms, for any year past, present, or to come; with many useful tables proper thereto, and rules to find them out for ever. II. Directions relating to the purchasing and measuring of land. III. Remarkable fairs in England, a tide-table, and a table of expence. IV. The years of each King's reign from the Norman Conquest to this time. V. Directions for every month in the year, what is to be done in the orchard, kitchen, and flower-gardens. VI. The reduction of weights, measures, and coins, wherein is a table of that assize of bread. VII. A table wherein any number of farthings, half-pence, pence, or shillings, are ready cast up; of great use to all traders. VIII. The interest and rebate of money; the forbearance, discompt, and purchase of annuities. IX. The rates of post-letters, both in-land and out-land, according to the new establishment. London : printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; S. Birt, in Avemary-Lane; C. Hitch, in Pater-noster-Row; and J. Hodges, over-against St Magnus's Church, London Bridge , 1749. ESTC No. T207711. Grub Street ID 236842.
- Coles, Elisha. A dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English; the fifteenth edition, with large additions. By Elisha Coles, . London : printed for J. and J. Bonwicke, S. Ballard, R. Ware, W. Innys, J. and P. Knapton [and 23 others in London, 1749]. ESTC No. T214109. Grub Street ID 240685.
- Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. The history of the renowned Don Quixote de la Mancha. Written in Spanish by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Translated by Several Hands: And Published by The late Mr. Motteux. Adorn'd with New Sculptures. The eighth edition, revis'd a-new; .. by Mr. Ozell: ... London : printed for W. Innys, R. Ware, S. Birt, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, D. Browne, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, A. Millar, J. Davidson, J. Hawkins, J. and R. Tonson, J. Ward and M. Cooper, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T59498. Grub Street ID 285495.
- Pufendorf, Samuel. The law of nature and nations: or, a general system of the most important principles of morality, jurisprudence, and politics. In eight books. Written in Latin by the Baron Pufendorf, Counsellor of State to his late Swedish Majesty, and the late King of Prussia. Done into English by Basil Kennet, D. D. sometime President of Corpus Christi College in Oxford. To which is prefix'd, M. Barbeyrac's prefatory discourse, containing An Historical and Critical Account of the Science of Morality, and the Progress it has made in the World, from the earliest Times down to the Publication of this Work. Done into English by Mr. Carew, of Lincoln's-Inn. To which are now added, all the large notes of M. Barbeyrac, translated from his fourth and last edition: together with large tables to the Whole. The fifth edition, carefully corrected.. London : printed for J. and J. Bonwicke, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, T. Osborne, J. Hodges, S. Austen, E. Wicksteed, E. Comyns, T. Waller, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, and M. Cooper, M.DCC.XLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T141113. Grub Street ID 188729.
- Dyche, Thomas. A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. The first, proper for beginners, shewing a natural and easy method, to pronounce and express both Common Words, and Proper Names; in which particular Care is had to shew the Accent, for preventing Vitious Pronunciation. The second, for such as are advanced to some ripeness of judgment, containing Observations on the Sounds of Letters and Diphthongs; Rules for the true Division of Syllables, and the Use of Capitals, Stops, and Marks: With large Tables of Abbreviations, and Distinctions of Words; and several Alphabets of Copies for Young Writers. To which is now added, an appendix, containing many additional Lessons, in Prose and Verse; First, in Words of one Syllable only; and then mix'd with Words of two, three, four, five, six and seven Syllables. By T. Dyche, Schoolmaster at Stratford Bow. The thirty-seventh edition, corrected.. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, 1749. ESTC No. T63330. Grub Street ID 288587.
- Stebbing, Henry. The young Christian instructed. ... By Henry Stebbing, D.D. The eighth edition, corrected and improved.. London : printed for R. Ware, C. Hitch, T. Longman, and J. and J. Rivington, 1749. ESTC No. T177693. Grub Street ID 214605.
- Cocker, Edward. Cocker's arithmetick. Being, a plain and familiar method, ... for the full understanding of that incomparable art, ... By Edward Cocker, ... Perused and published, by John Hawkins, . The fiftieth edition, carefully corrected and amended. By George Fisher, accomptant.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch; R. Ware; and J. Hodges, 1749. ESTC No. T30878. Grub Street ID 261715.
- Aulnoy. A collection of novels and tales of the fairies. Written by that celebrated wit of France, the Countess D'Anois. In three volumes. ... The fourth edition. Translated from the best edition of the original French, by several hands. London : printed for J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, R. Ware, T. Astley, and J. Hodges, MDCCXLIX [1749]. ESTC No. N5687. Grub Street ID 40024.
- Russel, Robert. The devout Christian's daily companion and exercise in devotions: containing a posie of prayers ... To which are added; meditations, ... By R. Russel, . The Twelfth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch; and J. Hodges; and W. Johnston, 1749. ESTC No. N65309. Grub Street ID 47203.
- Homer. Homeri Iliados liber primus. In quo singularum vocum significationes compositiones, ac derivationes annotantur: ... Studio et opera Georgii Sylvani, . Editio nova emendatior.. Londini : impensis W. Innys, R. Ware, J. & P. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Brown [and 11 others in London], 1749. ESTC No. T167601. Grub Street ID 205668.
- Plato. The works of Plato abridg'd: with an account of his life, philosophy, morals, and politicks. Together with a translation of his choicest dialogues, viz. 1. Of Human Nature. 2. Of Prayer. 3. Of Wisdom. 4. Of Holiness. 5. What one ought to do. 6. Immortality of the Soul. 7. Valour. 8. Philosophy. In two volumes. Illustrated with notes, by M. Dacier. Translated from the French, by several hands. The fourth edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, C. Corbet, J. and J. Rivington, and J. Ward, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T132437. Grub Street ID 181360.
- Winslow, Jacques-Bénigne. An anatomical exposition of the structure of the human body. By James Benignus Winslow, Professor of Physick, Anatomy and Surgery in the University of Paris, Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, and of the Royal Society at Berlin, &c. Translated from the French original, by G. Douglas, M.D. Illustrated with copper plates. . The third edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, C. Davis, and T. Astley, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. N1298. Grub Street ID 2941.
- Royal Society (Great Britain).. The philosophical transactions (from the year 1700, to the year 1720) abridg'd, and dispos'd under general heads. ... By Henry Jones,. The third edition corrected. ... London : printed for W. Innys, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, D. Browne, T. Longman [and six others in London], 1749. ESTC No. T199438. Grub Street ID 231555.
- Royal Society (Great Britain).. The philosophical transactions and collections, to the end of the year MDCC, abridged and disposed under general heads. ... By John Lowthorp, . The fifth edition, corrected, in which the Latin papers are now first translated into English.. London : printed for W. Innys, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, E. Comyns [and 11 others in London], 1749. ESTC No. T199443. Grub Street ID 231557.
- Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary; comprehending The Derivations of the Generality of Words in the English Tongue, either Ancient or Modern, from the Ancient British, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and Modern French, Teutonic, Dutch, Spanish, Italian; as also from the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Languages, each in their proper Characters. And also A brief and clear Explication of all difficult Words, derived from any of the aforesaid Languages, and Terms of Art, relating to Anatomy, Botany, Physick, Pharmacy, Surgery, Chymistry, Philosophy, Divinity, Mathematicks, Grammar, Logick, Rhetorick, Musick, Heraldry, Maritime Affairs, Military Discipline, Horsemanship, Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing, Gardening, Husbandry, Handicrafts, Confectionary, Carving, Cookery, &c. Together with A large Collection and Explication of Words and Phrases used in our Ancient Statutes, Charters, Writs, Old Records, and Processes in Law; and the Etymology, and Interpretation of the Proper Names of Men, Women,. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, S. Birt, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, C. Corbett, J. Davidson, J. and J. Rivington, J. Himton, J. Ward, W. Johnston, and M. Cooper, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T141563. Grub Street ID 189070.
- Expository notes, with practical observations, on the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. ... Endeavoured by William Burkitt, . The twelfth edition carefully corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch [and 15 others in London], 1749. ESTC No. T94415. Grub Street ID 314008.
- Sherlock, William. A practical discourse concerning death. By William Sherlock, D. D. Late Dean of St Paul's. The five and twentieth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. Walthoe, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Clarke, S. Austen, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, R. Baldwin, and J. Ward. MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T79798. Grub Street ID 301212.
- Sherlock, William. A practical discourse concerning a future judgment. ... By William Sherlock, . The twelfth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. Walthoe, J. and J. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Browne [and 8 others in London], 1749. ESTC No. N12196. Grub Street ID 2206.
- Garretson, (John). J. English exercises for school-boys to translate into Latin, comprising all the rules of grammar; and other necessary observations; ... By J. Garretson, schoolmaster. The twentieth edition, corrected.. London : printed for W. Innys, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, J. Clarke, S. Birt, [and 10 others in London], 1749. ESTC No. N47785. Grub Street ID 32421.
- Author of The whole duty of man.. The whole duty of prayer: Containing devotions for every day of the week and for several occasions ordinary and extraordinary. By the author of the whole duty of man. Necessary for all families. The thirty-third edition.. London : Printed for R. Ware in Amen-Corner, C. Hitch in Paternoster-Row, and J. Hodges over-against St. Magnus-Church, London-Bridge, 1749. ESTC No. T215612. Grub Street ID 241607.
- Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-. The adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. In XXIV books. Written by the Archbishop of Cambray. To which is added, the adventures of Aristonous, done into English by Mr. Littlebury and Mr. Boyer. Adorn'd with twenty-four plates, and a map of Telemachus's Travels. All curiously Engraven by very good Hands. . The sixteenth edition, carefully revised and corrected.. London : printed for J. Brotherton, W. Innys, R. Ware, J. Walthoe, W. Meadows, T. Cox, J. and P. Knapton, S. Bitt, G. Hitch, T. Astley, S. Auston, J. Hedges, J. Osvarn, and J. Ward, MDCCXLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T83412. Grub Street ID 303821.
- Pomfret, John. Poems upon several occasions. By the Reverend Mr. John Pomfret. Viz. I. The choice. ... VI. On the conflagration and last judgment. The eleventh edition, corrected. With some account of his life and writings. To which are added, his Remains. London : printed for R. Ware; S. Birt; D. Brown; C. Hitch; J. Hodges; and C. Corbett, 1749. ESTC No. N25194. Grub Street ID 14549.
- Aristotle's last legacy, unfolding the mysteries of nature in the generation of man: Treating I. Of virginity, its signs and tokens, and how a man may whether he married a virgin or not. II. Of the organs of generation in women, with a description of the fabrick of the womb. III. Of the use and action of genitals in the work of generation. IV. Of conception; and how to know whether a woman has conceiv'd, and whether of a male or female. V. Of the pleasure and advantage of marriage; with the unhappy consequences of unequal matches, and miseries of unlawful love. VI. Of barrenness, with remedy against it; and the signs of insufficiency, both in men and women. VII. Directions to both sexes how to manage themselves in the act of coltion, or their venereal embraces. VIII. A vade mecum for midwives and nurses, taining particular directions for the faithful discharge of their several employments. IX. Excellent remedies against all diseases incident to virgins and child-bearing women: fitted for th. London : Printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill, C. Hitch, in Pater-noster-Row, and J. Hodges, on London-Bridge, 1749. ESTC No. T164188. Grub Street ID 202454.
- Gomez, Madame de. La belle assemblée: being a curious collection of some very remarkable incidents which happen'd to persons of the first quality in France. Interspers'd With Entertaining and Improving Observations made by them on several Passages in History, both Ancient and Modern. Written in French for the Entertainment of the King, and dedicated to him By Madam De Gomez. In four volumes. Adorn'd with Copper-Plates. The sixth edition.. London : printed for D. Browne, J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, R. Ware, H. Lintot, T. Cox, T. Astley, S. Austen, J. Hodges, and E. Comins, 1749. ESTC No. N32637. Grub Street ID 21224.
- Smith, E. The compleat housewife: or, accomplish'd gentlewoman's companion. Being a collection of upwards of six hundred of the most approved receipts in Cookery, Pastry, Confectionary, Preserving, Pickles, Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Made Wines, Cordials. With copper plates curiously engraven for the regular Disposition or Placing the various Dishes and Courses. And Also Bills of Fare for every Month in the Year. To which is added, a collection of above three hundred family receipts of medicines; viz. Drinks, Syrups, Salves, Ointments, and various other Things of sovereign and approved Efficacy in most Distempers, Pains, Aches, Wounds, Sores, &c. particularly Mrs. Stephens's Medicine for the Cure of the Stone and Gravel, and Dr. Mead's famous Receipt for the Cure of a Bite of a mad Dog; with several other excellent Receipts for the same, which have cured when the Persons were disordered, and the salt Water fail'd; never before made publick; fit either for private Families, or such publick-spirited Gen. The fourteenth edition. To which is now first prefixed, directions for marketing.. London : printed for R. Ware, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnston, and M. Cooper, M.DCC.L. [1750]. ESTC No. T139022. Grub Street ID 186890.
- Nelson, Robert. The great duty of frequenting the Christian sacrifice, and the nature of the preparation required; . The twelfth edition.. London : printed for J. and J. Bonwicke, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman [and 9 others in London], 1750. ESTC No. T166331. Grub Street ID 204567.
- Bailey, Nathan. English and Latin exercises, for school-boys: comprising all the rules of syntaxis. ... Answering perfectly to the design of Mr. Garretson, and Hermes Romanus, in bringing on learners, most gradually and expeditiously, to the translating of English into Latin. By N. Bailey schoolmaster. The twelfth edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, 1750. ESTC No. N30815. Grub Street ID 19735.
- Arithmetick, Both in the Theory and Practice, made plain and easy in all the common and useful rules, both in whole numbers and fractions, vulgar and decimal. Also Interest Simple and Compound, and Annuities. Likewise Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots. As also The Tables and Construction of Logarithms, with their Use in Arithmetick, and Compound Interest. Together with Arithmetical and Geometrical Progression, and the Combination and Election, Permutation, and Composition of Numbers and Quantities. With the Addition of several Algebraical Questions. The like not Extant. By John Hill, Gent. With a preface by H. Ditton, Gent. The eighth edition, accurately revised, corrected, and improved by Mr. E. Hatton, and others.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, and M. Cooper, M.DCC.L. [1750]. ESTC No. T182728. Grub Street ID 219171.
- Cocker, Edward. Cocker's arithmetick. Being, a plain and familiar method, suitable to the meanest capacity, for the full understanding of that incomparable art, as it is now taught by the ablest School-Masters in City and Country. By Edward Cocker, late Practitioner in the Arts of Writing, Arithmetick, and Engraving: Being that so long since promised to the World. Perused and published by John Hawkins, Writing-Master near St. George's Church in Southwark, by the Author's correct Copy, and commended to the World by many eminent Mathematicans and Writing-Masters in and near London. By George Fisher, Accomptant. Lincensed Sept. 3, 1677. Roger L'Estrange. The fifty-third edition, carefully corrected and amended.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill ; C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Paternoster-Row ; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass over-against St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, 1750. ESTC No. T71384. Grub Street ID 294950.
- English Hand.. Cynthia; with the tragical account of the unfortunate loves of Almerin and Desdemona: being a novel. Illustrated With Variety of the Chances of Fortune; Moraliz'd with many useful Observations, drawn from thence, whereby the Reader may reap both Pleasure and Profit. Done by an English hand. The tenth edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen Corner ; C. Hitch at the Red-Lyon in Paternoster Row, and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London Bridge, [1750?]. ESTC No. T68060. Grub Street ID 292393.
- Compendium graecum Novi Testamenti, continens, Ex 7959 versiculis totius N. Testamenti, Tantum versiculos 1900 (non tamen integros) in quibus omnes universi Novi Test. voces, Una cum Versione Latina, Auctore, Johanne Leusden, Philos. Doctore, & Linguae Sanctae in Academia Ultrajectina Professore Ordinario. Editio undecima.. Londini : typis H. Woodfall. Impensis R. & J. Bonwicke, W. Innys, R. Ware, J. Walthoe, J. & P. Knapton, J. Clarke, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, T. Osborne, J. Hodges, E. Wicksteed, C. Bathurst, & J. Ward, M.DCC.L. [1750]. ESTC No. T153283. Grub Street ID 197679.
- A paraphrase with notes, on the Acts of the Apostles, and upon all the Epistles of the New Testament. Being a compleat supplement to Dr. Clarke's Paraphrase on the four Gospels. With A short preface to each Epistle, shewing the Occasion and Design of it; the several Arguments set at the Head of each Chapter; and a General Index to all the Principal Matters, Words, and Phrases of the New Testament, excepting the Revelation. For the Life of Families. By Thomas Pyle, M. A. Minister of Lyn-Regis in Norfolk, and Prebendary of the Cathedral Church of Sarum. In two volumes. The fourth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, D. Browne, T. Longman, C. Hitch J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and J. Rivington, and M. Cooper, M.DCC.L. [1750]. ESTC No. T160554. Grub Street ID 199997.
- Nelson, Robert. Instructions for them that come to be confirmed: by way of question & answer. With prayers for them to use before and after their confirmation. By Rob. Nelson, . The twentieth edition.. London : printed by W. Bowyer, for Ware, W. Baker, J. and P. Knapton, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch [and 13 others in London, 1756?]. ESTC No. N51912. Grub Street ID 35901.
- The compleat French master for ladies and gentlemen. Containing I. A new methodical French grammar. II. A well digested, and copious Vocabulary. III. Familiar Phrases and Dialogues on all manner of Subjects. IV. Dialogues of Wit and Humour. V. A Taste of the French Poetry. VI. A. Collection of French Songs. Vii. A Collection of Choice Proverbs, both French and English. Viii. Catalogue of the best French books, fit for a Lady's, or Gentleman's Library. For the use of His late Highness the Duke of Glocester. By Mr. A. Boyer, Author of the Royal Dictionary, French and English. The sihteenth [sic] edition, carefully corrected, and much improved.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, and M. Cooper, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T186384. Grub Street ID 222538.
- Colloquiorum Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami familiarium opus aurem. Cum scholiis quibusdam perquam eruditis, quae difficiliora passim loca diligenter explicant. Editio triplici nomine commendatissima: 1. Collatis optimis usquequaque Exemplaribus. 2. Additis seorsim in fronte Argumentis unicuique Colloquio. 3. Adjecto Indice novo rerum & verborum memorabiliorum locupletissimo. His demum accedunt Omnes Notae quae Dubliniensi editioni inseruntur. Recensuit, suasque etiam non paucas interpretationes addidit Samuel Patrick, A. M. Et Scholae Carthusianae subpraeceptor. Londini : impensis J. & J. Bonwicke, R. Ware, S. Birt, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, E. Wicksteed, C. Bathurst, B. Dod, J. Ward, & W. Johnston, M.DCC.L. [1750]. ESTC No. T164017. Grub Street ID 202320.
- Mather, W. The young man's companion: or, arithmetick made easy. ... Written by W. Mather, in a plain and easy stile, that a young man may both readily and easily improve and qualify himself for business, without the help of a master. The eighteenth edition, with large additions and improvements.. London : printed for R. Ware; T. Longman; and W. Johnston, 1750. ESTC No. N61204. Grub Street ID 44114.
- Leekey, William. A discourse on the use of the pen. Containing observations on writing in general: the proper posture in sitting to write: ... To which are added, two alphabetical sets of copies ... on the rule of life, and moral difinitions [sic]. By William Leekey, writing-master. London : printed for R. Ware, [1750?]. ESTC No. N8687. Grub Street ID 53590.
- Jacob, Giles. Every man his own lawyer: or, a summary of the laws of England in a new and instructive method, under the following Heads, Viz. I. Of Actions and Remedies, Writs, Process, Arrests, and Bail. II. Of Courts, Attornies and Solicitors therein, Juries, Witnesses, Trials, Executions, &c. III. Of Estates and Property in Lands and Goods, and how acquired; Ancestors, Heirs, Executors and Administrators. IV. Of the Laws relating to Marriage, Bastardy, Infants, Ideots, Lunaticks. V. Of the Liberty of the Subject, Magna Charta, the Habeas Corpus Act, and other Statutes. VI. Of the King and his Prerogative, the Queen and Prince, Peers, Judges, Sheriffs, Coroners, Justices of Peace Constables, &c. Vii. Of Publick Offences, Treason, Murder, Felony, Burglary, Robbery, Rape, Sodomy, Forgery, Perjury, &c. And their Punishment. All of them so plainly treated of, that all Manner of Persons may be particularly acquainted with our Laws and Statutes, concerning Civil and Criminal Affairs, and know how to defend T. The fourth edition, with additions.. London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, Law-Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty; for R. Ware, S. Birt, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, W. and D. Baker, J. and J. Rivington, and J. Ward, 1750. ESTC No. N9501. Grub Street ID 54374.
- Leekey, William. A discourse on the use of the pen. Containing observations on writing in general: the proper posture in sitting to write: rules for choosing quills, and making of pens for different hands, (proving that the common methods of sitting to write, and nibbing the pen, obstruct the freedom of writing:) with whatever else may tend to perfection in that art. Necessary not only for teachers of writing, but for all persons concerned in business. To which are added, two alphabetical sets of copies suited to a quarto writing-book, on the rule of life, and moral definitions. By William Leekey, writing-master. London : Printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill, [1750?]. ESTC No. N47411. Grub Street ID 32104.
- Tullius Cicero, Marcus. M.T. Ciceronis orationes quaedam selectae, Cum interpretatione & notis, quas in usum serenissimi Delphini edidit P. Carolus Meroille S.J. Quibus praefigitur vita Ciceronis per annos consulares digesta. His adjiciuntur in tres orationes notae quaedam non inutiles ex Asconio, P. Manutio, &c. decerptae. Una cum variantibus aliquot per singulas orationes-lectionibus. Huic editioni accesserunt dialogi de senectute & de amicitia. Editio septima, emendatior.. Londini : Impensis W. Innys, R. Ware, J. & P. Knapton, T. Longman, J. Clarke, S. Birt, C. Hithc, J. & J. Rivington, E. Wickstead, J. Ward, W. Johnston, & M. Cooper, M.DCC.L. [1750]. ESTC No. N11387. Grub Street ID 1385.
- Johnson, Richard. "The illustrious and renown'd history of the seven famous champions of Christendom. In three parts. Containing their honourable births, victories, and noble atchievements by sea and land in divers strange countries; their combats with giants, monsters; wonderful adventures, fortunes and misfortunes in desarts, wildernesses, inchanted castles, their conquests of empires, kingdoms, relieved distressed ladies, with their faithful love to them: honour they won in tilts and tonrnaments, and success against the enemies of Christendom. Also with the heroick adventures of St. George's three sons. Together with the manner of their untimely deaths; and how they came to stiled saints and champions of Christendom. The sixth edition.. London : Printed for R. Ware, at the Sun, and Bible on Ludgate-Hill; C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-noster-Row; and J. Hodges at the Looking-Glass over-against St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, 1750. ESTC No. N67701. Grub Street ID 49258.
- Welman, Francis. Charity. A sermon preach'd at Beaumaris in the island of Anglesey, on April the 22d, 1750. By F.W. London : printed for R. Ware: and sold by Roger Warne in Chippenham, Wilts, 1750. ESTC No. T90519. Grub Street ID 310380.
- Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum; a Sebastiano Castalione Latine redditum. In usum scholarum. Editio novissima, prioribus long`e emaculatior.. Londini : impensis R. Ware, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, & J. Ward, 1750. ESTC No. N40567. Grub Street ID 27532.
- Dyche, Thomas. A new general English dictionary; peculiarly calculated for the use and improvement of such as are unacquainted with the learned languages. Wherein the difficult words, and technical terms made use of in anatomy, architecture, aritmetick, algebra, astronomy, botany, chymistry, divinity, gardening, grammar, hawking, heraldry, history, horsemanship, hunting, husbandry, law, logick, mathematicks, mechanicks, milit. affairs, musick, navigation, painting, poetry, rhetorick, sculpture, surgery, &c. are not only fully explain'd, but accented on their proper syllables, to prevent a vicious pronunciation; and mark'd with initial letters, to denote the part of speech to which each word peculiarly belongs. To which is prefix'd, a compendious English grammar, with general rules for the ready formation of one part of speech from another; by the due application whereof, such as understand English only, may be able to write as correctly and elegantly, as those who have been some years conversant in the. The sixth edition, with the addition of the several market towns .... London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T113316. Grub Street ID 165261.
- Hawney, William. The doctrine of plain and spherical trigonometry : with its application and use in the following parts of mathematics; viz. I. Navigation in all its kinds; as Plain Sailing, Mercator's Sailing, Middle Latitude, and Parallel Sailing. II. Astronomy; wherein all the Problems relating to the Doctrine of the Sphere are solved. III. Projection of the Sphere in Plano. IV. Geography. V. Fortification. VI. Mensuration of Heights and Distances, both accessible and inaccessible. Vii. Dialling, Arithmetical and Instrumental, on all Sorts of Planes. By William Hawney, Author of The Compleat Measurer. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Aistin, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, and M. Cooper, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T126599. Grub Street ID 176527.
- Juvenal. D. Junii Juvenalis, et A. Persii Flacci Satir?. Interpretatione ac notis illustravit Ludovicus Prateus, Rhetoricae Professor Emeritus; Jussu Christianissimi Regis, in Usum Serenissimi Delphini. Editio octava, prioribus multò correctior.. Londini : impensis S. Ballard, R. Ware, J. & P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, T. Osborne, S. Austen, J. Hodges, R. Manby & H. S. Cox, E. Wicksteed, J. & J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnston, J. Pote, & M. Cooper, M,DCC,L. [1750]. ESTC No. N414. Grub Street ID 27806.
- Jacob, Giles. A new law-dictionary: containing, the interpretation and definition of words and terms used in the law; and also the whole law, and the practice thereof, Under all the Heads and Titles of the same. Together with Such Informations relating thereto, as Explain the history and Antiquity of the Law, and our Manners, Customs, and Original Government. Collected and Abstracted from All Dictionaries, Abridgments, Institutes, Reports, Year-Books, Charters, Registers, Chronicles, and Histories, Published to this Time. And fitted for the Use of Barristers, Students, and Practisers of the Law, Members of Parliament, and other Gentlemen, Justices of Peace, Clergymen, &c. The sixth edition. The Law-Proceedings being done into English, with Great Additions and Improvements, to this Time. To which is annexed, A Table of References to all the Arguments and Resolutions of the Lord Chief Justice Holt; In the several Volumes of the Reports. By Giles Jacob, Gent. London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, Law-Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty; for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, H. Lintot, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, S. Austin, J. Hodges, A. Millar, C. Corbett, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, and W. Johnston, MDCCL. [1750. ESTC No. T128794. Grub Street ID 178340.
- Tillotson, John. A persuasive to frequent communion in the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper. By His Grace Dr. John Tillotson, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. The twenty third edition.. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, S. Birt, C. Hitch, S. Austen, J. Hodges, A. Millar, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, and W. Johnston, 1750. ESTC No. N38696. Grub Street ID 26277.
- Bunyan, John. Come and welcome to Jesus Christ. Or, a plain and profitable discourse on John VI. verse xxxvij. Shewing The Cause, Truth, and Manner of the Coming of a Sinner to Jesus Christ: With his Happy Reception, and Blessed Entertainment. Written by John Bunyan, Author of the Pilgrim's Progress. Licensed and Entred according to Order. The tenth edition. ... London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, upon Ludgate-Hill: C. Hitch, at the Red Lyon, in Pater-Noster-Row: and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, upon London-Bridge, over-against St. Magnus Church, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T58468. Grub Street ID 284589.
- Hermes Romanus, anglicis D. Johannis Garretsoni vertendis exercitiis accommodatus: or, A new collection of Latin words and phrases, for the more ready and exact translating of Garretson's English exercises into Latin. The whole being done in a most compleat method; shewing how every word is declin'd and conjugated; with whatsoever else is necessary for speedy and proper translation, so as to render that excellent book of singular use, beyond any thing of the like nature extant. By W.H. teacher of a private school. The seventh edition corrected, and very much amended.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill; and S. Birt, at the Bible and Ball, in Ave-Mary-Lane, 1750. ESTC No. T190569. Grub Street ID 225716.
- Doolittle, Thomas. A call to delaying sinners: or the danger of delaying, in matters concerning our souls. ... By Thomas Doolittle, . The fourteenth edition.. London] : Printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-hill; C. Hitch; and J. Hodges, 1750. ESTC No. T96893. Grub Street ID 316345.
- The four books of architecture: by Andrea Palladio. Viz. Book I. Containing the five orders, ... Book IV. Describing and figuring the ancient temples that are in Rome, ... Literally translated from the original Italian, by Isaac Ware, Esq; Particular care has been taken to preserve the proportions and measures from the original, all the plates being engraved by the author's own hand. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill, [ca. 1750]. ESTC No. T491630. Grub Street ID 404167.
- The book of knowledge; treating of the wisdom of the ancients. In four parts. I. Shewing the various and wonderful operations of the signs and planets, and other celestial constellations on the bodies of men, &c. II. Prognostications for ever, necessary to keep the body in health; with several choice receipts in physick and surgery. III. An abstract of the art of physiognomy and palmestry, together with the signification of moles, and interpretation of dreams, &c. IV. The farmer's kalendar: containing, 1. Perpetual prognostications for weather. 2. The whole mystery of husbandry. 3. The compleat and experienced farrier and cow-leech, &c. Written by Erra Pater, a Jew, doctor in astronomy, and physick, born in Bethany, near Mount Oliver, in Judea. Made English by W. Lilly, student in physick and astrology. To which is added, the dealer's directory: containing. 1. The true form of all sorts of bills, bonds, counter-bonds, indentures, letters of attorney and license, deeds of gifts, bills of e. London : printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; C. Hitch, in Pater-noster-Row; and J. Hodges, on London-Bridge, 1750. ESTC No. N498455. Grub Street ID 375498.
- Langley, Batty. The workman's golden rule for drawing and working the five orders in architecture. Wherein Their Pedestals, Columns, Entablatures, Imposts, and Arches, are taken from the best Examples of the Ancients, and proportioned by equal Parts, in a more concise, accurate, and easy Manner, than has been done in any Language. For the Instruction Of Apprentices and Journeymen Masons, Bricklayers, Carpenters, Joiners, Carvers, Turners, Painters, Plaisterers, Cabinet-Makers, &c. (and such Masters) who are unacquainted with so much Architecture, as is absolutely necessary for them to understand, in their respective Professions. And Others, Who desire a Just Knowledge of the Fundamental Rules of that noble Art. By B. Langley, Architect. London] : Printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill, [1750. ESTC No. T52729. Grub Street ID 279755.
- Russel, Robert. A treatise of the holy sacrament of the Lord's supper. ... To which are added, meditations, ... By Robert Russel, . The tenth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch; and J. Hodges, 1750. ESTC No. T182369. Grub Street ID 218851.
- Shaw, Joseph. Parish law: or, A guide to justices of the peace, ministers, churchwardens, overseers of the poor, constables, surveyors of the highways, vestry-clerks, and all others concern'd in parish business: compiled from the common, statute, and other authentick books; as also from some adjudged cases never before published: together with correct forms of warrants, commitments, indictments, presentments, convictions, &c. To which is added a choice collection of precedents for justices of the peace, communicated by an able hand. With a new and correct table. By Joseph Shaw, Esq;. The seventh edition, in which are inserted many cases from Lord Raymond and other new reports; the Acts of Parliament continued to the present time; observations on the last Vagabond Act; and a table of the names of the cases.. London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, Law-Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty; for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill; J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass facing St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge; and J. Nourse, at the Lamb, opposite Katherine-street in the Strand, MDCCL. [1750. ESTC No. N11023. Grub Street ID 1017.
- The Christian's pattern: or, a treatise of the imitation of Jesus Christ. In four books. Written originally in Latin by Thomas à Kempis. Now render'd into English. To which are added meditations and prayers, for sick persons. By George Stanhope, . The thirteenth edition.. London : printed for W. Innys, R. Ware, J. and J. Knapton, W. and D. Baker, S. Birt, [and 12 others in London], 1751. ESTC No. N44565. Grub Street ID 29967.
- Watts, Isaac. Hymns and spiritual songs. In three books. I. Collected from the Scriptures. II. Compos'd on Divine Subjects. III. Prepar'd for the Lord's Supper. By I. Watts, D.D. The seventeenth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, J. Oswald, [J.] Davidson, J. Buckland, J. Ward, and M. Cooper, MDCCLI. [1751]. ESTC No. T184079. Grub Street ID 220443.
- A paraphrase and comment upon the epistles and gospels, appointed to be used in the Church of England on all Sundays and Holy-Days Throughout the Year. Designed to excite Devotion, and to promote the Knowledge and Practice of Sincere Piety and Virtue. ... . Beginning with the First Sunday in Advent. By George Stanhope, D. D. Late Dean of Canterbury. The seventh edition.. London : printed for D. Midwinter, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, W. Innys, S. Birt , S. Harding, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Shuckburgh, J. Hodges, B. Barker, C. Bathurst, J. Beecroft, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Clarke, and M. Cooper, MDCCLI. [1751]. ESTC No. T120528. Grub Street ID 171551.
- Harrison, Sarah. The house-keeper's pocket-book; and compleat family cook. Containing above seven hundred curious and uncommon receipts, in cookery, pastry, preserving, pickling, candying, collaring, &c. With plain and easy instructions for preparing and dressing every thing suitable for an elegant entertainment, from two dishes to five or ten, &c. And directions for ranging them in their proper order. To which is prefix'd, such a copious and useful bill of fare of all manner of provisions in season for every month of the year, that no person need be at a loss to provide an agreeable variety of dishes, at a moderate expence. With directions for making all sorts of wines, mead, cyder, shrub, &c. and distilling strong-waters, &c. after the most approved method. And directions for managing and breeding poultry to advantage. Concluding with many excellent prescriptions, of singular efficacy in most distempers incident to the human body; extracted from the writings of the most eminent physicians. By Mrs. Sarah. The fifth edition, corrected and improv'd, with the addition of four hundred genuine receipts, sent to the author by several worthy persons. To which is added, easy tables of sums ready cast up, from one farthing to a pound, for the use of those not conversant in arithmetick. Also tables shewing the interest of momey from 3, 3 and half, 4, and 5 per cent. from one day to a year.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, 1751. ESTC No. T128956. Grub Street ID 178469.
- Sherlock, William. A practical discourse concerning death. By William Sherlock, D. D. Late Dean of St. Paul's. The seven and twentieth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. Walthoe, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Clarke, J. Hodges, J. Hinton, J. and J. Rivington, R. Baldwin, and J. Ward, MDCCLI. [1751]. ESTC No. T116337. Grub Street ID 168002.
- The Christian's pattern: or, a treatise of the imitation of Jesus Christ. In four books. Written originally in Latin by Thomas à Kempis. Now render'd into English. To which are added, meditations and prayers for sick persons. By George Stanhope, . London : printed for W. Innys; R. Ware; J. and P. Knapton; W. and D. Baker; S. Birt [and 12 others in London], 1751. ESTC No. T92629. Grub Street ID 312392.
- Hawney, William. The complete measurer; or, the whole art of measuring. In two parts. The first part teaching decimal arithmetic, with the Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots. And also the Multiplication of Feet and Inches, commonly called Cross-Multiplication. The second part teaching to measure all sorts of superficies and solids, by Decimals, by Cross-Multiplication, and by Scale and Compasses: Also the Works of several Artificers, relating to Building; and the Measuring of Board and Timber. Shewing the common Errors. And some Practical Questions. The eighth edition. To which is added, an appendix, 1. Of Gauging. 2. Of Land-Measuring. Very useful for all Tradesmen, especially Corpenters, Bricklayers, Plasterers, Painters, Joiners, Glasiers, Masons, &c. By William Hawney, Philomath. Recommended by the Rev. Dr. John Harris, F. R. S. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and J. Rivington, and J. Ward, M.DCC.LI. [1751]. ESTC No. T127154. Grub Street ID 176986.
- Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary; ... The fourteenth edition, with considerable improvements. By N. Bailey, . London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, S. Birt, C. Hitch and L. Hawes [and 8 others], 1751. ESTC No. T87504. Grub Street ID 307548.
- Patoun, Archibald. A complete treatise of practical navigation demonstrated from it's first principles: with all the necessary tables. To which are added, the useful theorems of mensuration, ... By Archibald Patoun, . The fourth edition, revised and corrected by the author, with large additions ... London : printed for W. Mount and T. Page, J.Brotherton, W. Meadows, R. Ware, T. Cox [and 6 others in London], 1751. ESTC No. T162226. Grub Street ID 201060.
- Drelincourt, Charles. The christian's defence against the fears of death. With seasonable directions how to prepare ourselves to die well. Written originally in French, by the late Reverend Divine of the Protestant Church of Paris, Char. Drelincourt. Translated into English, by Marius D'Assigny, B.D. The seventeenth edition new corrected: ... London : printed for R. Ware, J. Peele, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, S. Austen, E. Wicksteed, J. Davidson, B. Dod, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnston, and M. Cooper, MDCCI. [1751]. ESTC No. T132169. Grub Street ID 181114.
- Ainsworth, Robert. Thesaurus linguae latinae compendiarius: or, a compendious dictionary of the Latin tongue: designed for the use of the British nations: In three parts. Containing, I. The English appellative words and forms of expression before the Latin; in which will be found some thousand English words and phrases, several various senses of the same word, and a great number of proverbial expressions, more than in any former dictionary of this kind, all carefully endeavoured to be rendered in proper and classical Latin. To which are subjoined, 1. The proper names of the more remarkable places rendered into Latin. 2. The Christian names of men and women. II. The Latin appellatives before the English; in which are given the more certain etymologies of the Latin words, their various senses in English ranged in their natural order, the principal idioms under each sense explained and accounted for, all supported by the best authorities of the Roman writers; with references to the particular book, chapter, or v. The third edition, with additions and improvements. By Samuel Patrick, LL.D. and usher of the Charter-House School.. London : printed by C. and J. Ackers, for W. Mount and T. Page, W. Innys, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Cox, T. Longman, C. Hitch, A. Millar, J. Pote, J. Hodges, J. Oswald, E. Wicksteed, J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, J. Davidson, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnston, M. Cooper, and the executors of Mr. J. Darby, MDCCLI [1751]. ESTC No. T88661. Grub Street ID 308615.
- The secretary's guide. In four parts. Part I. Containing variety of forms for inditing letters upon any subject whatsoever, in the most elegant and refined stile now made use of: with directions for giving the most proper titles and epithets to persons of all ranks and qualities. Part II. Choice forms and precedents for writing acquittances, bills, bonds, judgments, defeasances, letters of attorney, deeds of gifts, wills, assignments, counter securities, bills of sale, letters of license, indentures for apprentices, inland and foreign bills of exchange, &c. Part III. An account of time, in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years; with a perpetual almanack, shewing the day of the month for ever: fixed feasts and remarkable days; a table of kings and queens: eclipses of the sun and moon, and their causes, shewing when they will be eclipsed for ever. Also how to find the moon's rising and setting at any time: signs of weather; a chronology from the creation to this present year. Table. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible on Ludgate-Hill; C. Hitch, at the Red Lyon in Pater-noster-Row; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, [1751]. ESTC No. N505664. Grub Street ID 376992.
- Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-. Les avantures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse. Par feu Messire François de Salignac de la Motte Fenelon, pr'ecepteur de Messeigneurs les enfans de France, & depuis Archevêque-Duc de Cambrai, Prince du saint Empire, &c. Augment'ees, des Avantures d'Aristonous. Nouvelle edition conforme au manuscrit original. Enrichi de figures en taille douce. Tome premier. Londres : Chez J. Brotherton, G. Innys, R. Ware, J. Walthoe, G. Meadows, T. Cox, J. & P. Knapton, S. Birt, C. Hitch, T. Astley, E. Austen, J. Hodges, J. Osborn, & J. Ward, MDCCLI. [1751]. ESTC No. T200526. Grub Street ID 232133.
- Sherlock, William. A discourse concerning the happiness of good men, and the punishment of the wicked, in the next world, &c. ... By William Sherlock, . The fifth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. Walthoe, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Browne, [and 9 others in London], 1751. ESTC No. N28396. Grub Street ID 17628.
- Potter, John. Archaeologia graeca: or, the antiquities of Greece. The seventh edition. By John Potter, . London : printed for G. Strahan, R. Ware, W. Innys, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt [and 12 others in London], 1751. ESTC No. T143631. Grub Street ID 190684.
- The renowned history of Valentine and Orson, the two sons of the Emperor of Greece. Newly corrected and amended. Adorn'd with cuts. London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch; and J. Hodges, 1751. ESTC No. N26204. Grub Street ID 15582.
- Langley, Batty. The builder's jewel: or, The youth's instructor, and workman's remembrancer. Explaining short and easy rules, made familiar to the meanest capacity, for drawing and working, I. The five orders-of columns entire; or any part of an order, without regard to the module or diameter. And to enrich them with their rusticks, flutings, cablings, dentules, modillions, &c. Also to proportion their doors, windows, intercolumnations, portico's, and arcades. Together with fourteen varieties of raking, circular, scroll'd, compound, and contracted pediments; and the true formation and accadering of their raking and returned cornices; and mouldings for capping their dentules and modillions. II. Block and cantaliver cornices, rustick quoins, cornices proportioned to rooms, angle brackets, mouldings for tabernacle frames, pannelling, and centering for groins, truss'd partitions, girders, roofs and domes. With a section of the dome of St. Paul's, London. The whole illustrated by upwards of 200 examples, engr. London : Printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill, M.DCC.LI; [1751]. ESTC No. N32210. Grub Street ID 20963.
- Echard, Laurence. The gazetteer's, or news-man's interpreter. Being a geographical index of all the considerable provinces, cities, patriarchships, Bishopricks, Universities, Duke doms, Earldoms, and such like; Imperial and Hanse-Towns, Ports, Forts, Castles, &c. in Europe. Shewing In what Kingdoms, Provinces, and Counties they are; to what Prince they are now subject; upon, or nigh what Rivers, Bays, Seas, Mountains, &c. they stand; their Distances (in English Miles) from several other Places of Note; with their Longitude and Latitude, according to the best and approved Maps: With the Addition of a Table of the Births, Marriages, &c. of all the Kings, Princes, and Potentates of Europe. Of special use for the true understanding of all modern histories of Europe, as well as the present Affairs; and, for the Conveniency of Cheapness and Pocket-Carriage Explained by Abbreviations and Figures. The seventeenth edition, corrected, and very much enlarged, with the Addition of all the several Provinces and Countie. London : printed for S. and E. Ballard, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. Davidson, J. and J. Rivington, J. Warn, and M. Cooper, 1751. ESTC No. T120745. Grub Street ID 171748.
- The gazetteer's, or, news-man's interpreter. Being a geographical index of all the empires, kingdoms, islands, ... in Asia, Africa, and America. Shewing the division and boundary of every country, ... The second part, with large additions. . The tenth edition, corrected and enlarged.. London : printed for S. and E. Ballard, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman [and 6 others in London], 1751. ESTC No. T120746. Grub Street ID 171749.
- A week's preparation towards a worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper, after the warning of the Church for the celebration of the Holy Communion: Consisting of Meditations and Prayers for every Day in the Week. With Directions to live well after receiving the Holy Sacrament. The Fifty First Edition. Corrected throughout and enlarged by a Clergyman of London. The fifty first edition corrected throughout and enlarged by a clergyman of London.. London : printed by assignment from Sam: Keble for S. Ballard, W. Innys, R. Ware, A. Ward, J.&p. Knapton, S.Birt, T.Longman, C.Hitch, W&d. Baker, C.Bathurst, B.Dod, J.Rivington. W. Johnston. & M.Cooper, MDCCLI. [1751]. ESTC No. T79476. Grub Street ID 301037.
- Sacramental devotions, and suitable meditations, peculiarly adapted to the communion office. Compiled out of the church-liturgy, and many other eminent tracts of devotion, for private use. Revised by Ja. King, A. M. Preacher of the New Chapel in Long Acre. The eighth edition, with additions.. London : printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; S. Birt, in Ave-Mary-Lane; and C. Hitch, and T. Longman, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLII. [1752]. ESTC No. T134094. Grub Street ID 182788.
- Lee, Nathaniel. Theodosius: or, the force of love: a tragedy. Acted by their Royal Highness's servants, at the Duke's Theatre. By Nathanael Lee, Gent. London : printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; J. Brindley, in New Bond-Street; J. Osborn, in Pater-Noster Row; C. Corbett, in Fleet-Street; R. Caldwell, at Mercers Chapel, Cheapside, and J. New, M.DCC.LII. [1752]. ESTC No. T50040. Grub Street ID 277767.
- The royal dictionary, French and English, and English and French: extracted from the writings of the best authors, in both languages. ... By Mr. A. Boyer. But now revised and improved by D. D. F.R.S. London : printed for J. Brotherton, W. Innys and J. Richardson, R. Ware, W. Meadows [and 19 others in London], 1752-53. ESTC No. T144963. Grub Street ID 191765.
- Dyche, Thomas. A new general English dictionary; peculiarly calculated for the use and improvement of such as are unacquainted with the learned languages. ... To which is prefixed a compendious English grammar ... Originally begun by the late Reverend Mr. Thomas Dyche, ... and now finish'd by William Pardon, gent. The seventh edition, ... London : printed for Richard Ware, 1752. ESTC No. T186605. Grub Street ID 222745.
- Henry, Matthew. The communicant's companion: or, instructions and helps for the right receiving of the Lord's Supper. By Matthew Henry, . The fourteenth edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Buckland, J. Ward, and M. Cooper, MDCLII [1752]. ESTC No. N29023. Grub Street ID 18212.
- Henry, Matthew. The communicant's companion: Or, Instructions and helps for the right receving of the Lord's Supper. By Matthew Henry, late minister of the Gospel. The fourteenth edition, corrected.. London : Printed for R. Ware, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Oswald, J. Davidson, J. Buckland, J. Ward, and M. Cooper, MDCCLII. [1752]. ESTC No. T228519. Grub Street ID 248882.
- Ogilby, John. Ogilby's and Morgan's pocket-book of the roads, With their computed and measured distances, and the distinction on market and post-towns. Also a table for the ready finding any road, city, or market-town, and it's distance from London: a sheet-map of England, fitted to bind with the book: and an exact account of all the fairs, both fixed and movable, in alphabetical order, shewing the days on which they are held. By William Morgan, cosmographer to their late majesties. The [e]eventh edition, corrected and improved. To which is added, a list of the principal trading towns to which letters are sent night from the post-office in London. Also the expence of sending a letter or packet by express to the most noted towns of England. London : Printed for J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, R. Ware, T. Cox, T. Astley, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, J. Buckland, and M. Cooper, 1752. ESTC No. T186100. Grub Street ID 222265.
- Boyer, Abel. The royal dictionary, English and French: and French and English, extracted from the writings of the best authors, in both languages, by Mr. A. Boyer. London : printed for W. Innys, J. Brotherton, R. Ware, W. Meadows, T. Meighan, [and 11 others in London], 1752. ESTC No. N13199. Grub Street ID 3136.
- Bowen, Emanuel. A complete atlas, or distinct view of the known world; exhibited in sixty-eight maps: viz. Chart of the World. The World in two Hemispheres. Europe. Great Brit. and Ireland. England and Wales. Scotland. Ireland. France. Spain. Portugal. Netherlands, or Low Countries. United - Provinces, or Holland. Germany in Circles. South-West Part of Germany. South-East Part of Germany. North-East Part of Germany. North-West Part of Germany. Switzerland. Savoy and Piedmont. Italy. Northern Parts of Italy. Naples and Sicily. Scandinavia. Denmark. Sweden. Moscovy. Poland and Lithuania. Hungary and Transilvania. Turkey in Europe. Islands in the Archipelago. Asia. Turkey in Asia. Anatolia, with Syria. Asia Minor. The Holy Land. The Caspian Sea. Persia. The Russian Empire. China. Japon. Mogul Empire. East India Islands. Africa. Nubia and Abissinia. Barbary. Negroland and Upper Guinea. Southern Parts of Africa. African Islands. America. Brazil. Paraguay, with the River Plata. Chili, Terra Magellanica, and Te. London : printed for William Innys and Joseph Richardson, Richard Ware, J. and P. Knapton, John Clarke, Thomas Longman, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge, Charles Hitch and L. Hawes, Edmund Comyns, James Hodges, Andrew Millar, Charles Corbett, Jo. and Ja. Rivington, and John Ward, M.DCC.LII. [1752]. ESTC No. T149083. Grub Street ID 195161.
- Howel, Laurence. A compleat history of the Holy Bible, ... By Laurence Howel, . The sixth edition, corrected. .... London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges [and 5 others in London], 1752. ESTC No. T167593. Grub Street ID 205661.
- Expository notes, with practical observations, on the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Wherein the sacred text is at large recited, the sense explained, and the instructive example of the Blessed Jesus, and his holy apostles, to our imitation recommended. The whole designed to encourage the reading of the Scriptures in private families, and to render the daily perusal of them profitable and delightful. By William Burkitt, M.A. Late vicar and lecturer of Dedham in Essex. The thirteenth edition carefully corrected; and adorned with seventy eight curious copper plates, together with a map of all the places mentioned in the New Testament.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, T. Osborne, J. Hodges, J. Oswald, E. Wicksteed, A. Millar, E. Comyns, B. Dod, J. Buckland, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnston, J. Wren, G. Keith, C. Corbett, M. Downing, and M. Cooper, MDCCLII. [1752]. ESTC No. T184151. Grub Street ID 220515.
- The independent Whig: or, a defence of primitive Christianity, and of our ecclesiastical establishment, against the exorbitant claims and encroachments of fanatical and disaffected clergymen. By Thomas Gordon, Esq; . The eighth edition, with additions and amendments. In four volumes. ... London : printed for R. Ware, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, A. Millar, J. Ward, W. Johnston, and M. Cooper, M.DCC.LIII. 1752- [1753]. ESTC No. N7127. Grub Street ID 51559.
- Downame, John. A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation: ... by John Downame, . London : printed for R. Ware, 1752. ESTC No. T167016. Grub Street ID 205161.
- Culpeper, Nicholas. The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; ... By Nich. Culpepper, . London : printed for S. Ballard, R. Ware, S. Birt, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, and J. Hodges, 1752. ESTC No. T136156. Grub Street ID 184444.
- Ainsworth, Robert. Thesavrvs lingvae Latinae compendiarivs: or, A compendious dictionary of the Latin tongue: designed chiefly for the use of the British nations. In two volumes. The first contains two parts; I. The English appellative words, and forms of expression, before the Latin: in which will be found some thousand English words and phrases, several various senses of the same word, and a great number of proverbial expressions, more than in any former dictionary of this kind; all carefully endeavoured to be rendered into proper and classical Latin. To which are subjoined, 1. The proper names of the more remarkable places rendered into Latin. 2. The christian names of men and women both in English and Latin. II. The ancient Latin names of the more remarkable persons and places occurring in classic authors, with a short account of them both historical and mythological; and the more modern names of the same places, so far as they are known, collected from the most approved writers. To which are added, 1. Th. The fourth edition, with additions and improvements.. London : printed for W. Mount and T. Page, W. Innys, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Cox, T. Longman, C. Hitch, A. Millar, J. Pote, J. Hodges, J. Oswald, E. Wicksteed, J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, J. Davidson, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnston, M. Cooper, and the executors of Mr. J. Darby, MDCCLII. [1752]. ESTC No. T88109. Grub Street ID 308094.
- A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. The first, proper for beginners, shewing a natural and easy method, to pronounce and express both common words, and proper names; in which particular care is had to shew the accent, for preventing vitious pronunciation. The second, for such as are advanced to some ripeness of judgment, containing observations on the sounds of letters and diphthongs; rules for the true division of syllables, and the use of capitals, stops, and marks: with large tables of abbreviations, and distinctions of words; and several alphabets of copies for young writers. To which is now added, an appendix, containing many additional lessons, in prose and verse; first, in words of one syllable only; and then mix'd with words of two, three, four, five, six and seven syllables. By T. Dyche, schoolmaster at Stratford Bow[.]. The fortieth edition, corrected.. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and S[un] on Ludgate-Hill, 1756. ESTC No. N504799. Grub Street ID 373651.
- Mather, W. The young man's companion: or Arithmetick made easy. Containing, plain directions for a young man to attain to read and write true English; the best and easiest instructions for writing variety of hands, with copies both in prose and verse, digested in an alphabetical order. How to write letters of compliment, friendship, or business. Forms of notes, receipts, bill, bonds, indentures, leases and releases, letters of attorney, wills, &c. Directions how to measure carpenters, joyners, swayers, bricklayers, plaisterers, plummers, masons, glaziers, and painters work. With tables for such as have not learn'd arithmetick. How to compute the charge of building an house, or any part thereof. The rates measuring, gauging, plotting of land by Gunter's chain, and taking heights and distances by the quadrant, &c. of Gunter's line in measuring globes, bullets, walls, &c. The art of dialling, and how to direct and fix any dial: instructions for dying, colouring, and making of colours. With a descriptio. The nineteenth edition, with large additions and improvements.. London : Printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; T. Longman, in Pater-Noster-Row; and W. Johnston, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1752. ESTC No. T178008. Grub Street ID 214935.
- Wren, John. The clergyman's companion in visiting the sick. Being a collection of the following particulars for that purpose; viz. I. The manner of visiting the sick; extracted chiefly from Bishop Taylor. II. The order for visitation of the sick out of the common prayer book. III. The communion of the sick. IV. Some other prayers and forms, with a very great variety of occasional prayers for the sick; collected for the most part, from the devotional writings of some of the most eminent divines of the Church of England. To which are annex'd, the offices of publick and private Baptism. The eighth edition.. London : Printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, and W. Johnston, MDCCLII. [1752]. ESTC No. T167072. Grub Street ID 205211.
- Tillotson, John. The works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. In three volumes. To this edition is now first prefix'd the life of the author, compiled chiefly from his original papers and letters. By Thomas Birch, M. A. Rector of the United Parishes of St. Margaret Pattens and St. Gabriel Fenchurch, and Secretary to the Royal Society. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, A. Millar, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnston, C. Corbet, and M. Cooper, M.DCC.LII. [1752]. ESTC No. T147151. Grub Street ID 193721.
- Birch, Thomas. The life of the most reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Compiled chiefly from his original papers and letters. By Thomas Birch, M. A. Rector of the United Parishes of St. Margaret Pattens and St. Gabriel Fenchurch, and Secretary to the Royal Society. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, A Millar, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnson, C. Corbet, and M. Cooper, M.DCC.LII. [1752]. ESTC No. T139473. Grub Street ID 187324.
- The devout Christian's companion. Being a compleat manual of devotions, fitted for most of the concerns of human life: with particular offices for sick and dying persons. To which is added, The Paschal lamb: . The eighth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, [and 11 others in London], 1752. ESTC No. N32139. Grub Street ID 20929.
- The independent Whig: being a collection of papers, all written, some of them published, during the late rebellion. The second edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, A. Millar, J. Ward, W. Johnston, and M. Cooper, M.DCC.LII. [1752]. ESTC No. N70991. Grub Street ID 51412.
- Defoe, Daniel. The wonderful life, and most surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner. Containing a full and particular account how he lived eight and twenty years in an uninhabited island on the coast of America; how his ship was lost in a storm, and all his companions drowned, and how he was cast upon the shore by the wreck. With a true relation how he was at last miraculously preserved by pyrates. Faithfully epitomized from the three volumes, and adorn'd with cuts suited to the most remarkable stories. London : Printed for C. Hitch, at the Red Lyon, in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, on London Bridge, 1752. ESTC No. N36065. Grub Street ID 24046.
- Gouge, Thomas. The young man's guide, through th [sic] wilderness of this world, to the heavenly Canaan. Shewing him, how to carry himself Christian-like, in the whole course of his life. By Thomas Gouge, ... Publish'd for the use of families, particularly those in Wales. London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch; and J. Hodges, 1752. ESTC No. T115413. Grub Street ID 167156.
- The unfortunate concubines: or the history of fair Rosamond, mistress to Henry II. and Jane Shore, concubine to Edward IV. Kings of England: Shewing how they came to be so, With Their Lives, Remarkable Actions, and unhappy Ends. Extracted from eminent Records, and the Whole illustrated with cuts suitable to each Subject. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, Ludgate-Hill; C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Hodges at the Looking Glass, London-Bridge, M.DCC.LIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T128647. Grub Street ID 178223.
- Hutcheson, Francis. An inquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue. In two treatises. I. Concerning beauty, order, harmony, design. II. Concerning moral good and evil. The fifth edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, and J. Ward, M,DCC,LIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T83286. Grub Street ID 303689.
- A description of three hundred animals, viz. beasts, birds, fishes, serpents, and insects. With a particular account of the manner of their catching of whales in Greenland. Extracted from the best authors, and adapted to the Use of all Capacities. Illustrated with copper plates, whereon is curiously engraven every Beast, Bird, Fish, Serpent, and Insect, describ'd in the whole Book. The seventh edition, carefully corrected and amended.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, MDCCLIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T135788. Grub Street ID 184151.
- Lake, Edward. Officium eucharisticum. A preparatory service to a devout and worthy reception of the Lord's Supper. The thirtieth edition. To which is added, a meditation for every day in the week. London : printed for R. Ware, W. and D. Baker, S. Birt, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, E. Wicksteed, and B. Dod, M.DCC.LIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T134201. Grub Street ID 182876.
- Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary; ... The fifteenth edition, with considerable improvements. By N. Bailey, . London : printed for R. Ware, W. Innys and J. Richardson, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman [and 10 others], 1753. ESTC No. T87505. Grub Street ID 307549.
- The compleat French master for ladies and gentlemen. Containing I. A new methodical French grammar. ... VIII. Catalogue of the best French books, ... By Mr. A. Boyer, . The seventeenth edition, carefully corrected and much improved.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnston, and M. Cooper, 1753. ESTC No. N3034. Grub Street ID 19309.
- Milton, John. Paradise regain'd. A poem, in four books. To which is added Samson agonistes: and poems upon several occasions, with a tractate of education. The author John Milton. London : Printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper; and for T. and T. Longman, S. Birt, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, R. Ware, J. Hodges, C. Corbet, J. Brindley, and J. Ward, MDCCLIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T133931. Grub Street ID 182637.
- Marana, Giovanni Paolo. The eight volumes of letters writ by a Turkish spy, who liv'd five and forty years undiscover'd at Paris: Giving an Impartial Account to the Divan at Constantinople, of the most Remarkable Transactions of Europe: And, Discovering several Intrigues and Secrets of the Christian Courts (especially of That of France) Continued from the Year 1637, to the Year 1682. Written, originally, in Arabick, translated into Italian, from thence into English: And Now Published with a Large Historical Preface and Index, to Illustrate the Whole. By the Translator of the First Volume. [The twenty-fifth edition].. London : printed by A. Wilde, for S. and E. Ballard, J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, T. Cox, R. Ware, J. Clarke, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Astley, J. Shuckburgh, J. Hodges, E. Wicksteed, J. Oswald, J. Comyns, C. Bathurst, R. Baldwin, A. Strahan, and A. Wilde, 1753. ESTC No. T91589. Grub Street ID 311423.
- Milton, John. Paradise regain'd. A poem, in four books. To which is added Samson Agonistes: and Poems upon several occasions. The author John Milton. The second edition with notes of various authors, by Thomas Newton, D. D. . London : printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper; and for T. Longman, S. Birt, C. Hitch, R. Ware, J. Hodges, C. Corbet, J. Brindley, and J. Ward, MDCCLIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T134240. Grub Street ID 182911.
- Marana, Giovanni Paolo. The second volume of letters writ by a Turkish spy, who liv'd five and forty years undiscover'd at Paris: Giving an Impartial Account to the Divan at Constantinople, of the most Remarkable Transactions of Europe: And, Discovering several Intrigues and Secrets of the Christian Courts (especially of That of France) Continued from the Year 1642, to the Year 1682. Written, originally, in Arabick, translated into Italian, from thence into English: by the Translator of the First Volume. The thirteenth edition.. London : printed by A. Wilde, for S. and E. Ballard, J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, T. Cox, R. Ware, J. Clarke, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Astley, J. Shuckburgh, J. Hodges, E. Wicksteed, J. Oswald, J. Comyns, C. Bathurst, R. Baldwin, A. Strahan, and A. Wild., 1753. ESTC No. T91590. Grub Street ID 311425.
- Birch, Thomas. The life of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Compiled chiefly from his original papers and letters. By Thomas Birch, D.D. Rector of the united parishes of St. Margaret Pattens and St. Gabriel Fenchurch, and secretary to the Royal Society. The second edition, corrected and inlarged.. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, A. Millar, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnston, C. Corbet, and M. Cooper, M.DCC.LIII [1753]. ESTC No. T40972. Grub Street ID 269973.
- Pomfret, John. Poems upon several occasions. By the Reverend Mr. John Pomfret. Viz. I. The choice. II. Love Triumphant over Reason. III. Cruelty and Lust. IV. On the Divine Attributes. V. A Prospect of Death. VI. On the conflagration and last judgment. The twelfth edition, corrected. With some account of his life and writings. To which are added, his Remains. London : printed for R. Ware , on Ludgate-Hill ; S. Birt , in Ave-Maria-Lane ; D. Browne , without Temple-Bar ; C. Hitch, and L. Hawes , in Pater-Noster-Row ; J. Hodges , on London-Bridge ; and C. Corbett, in Fleet-Street, M.DCC.LIII. [1753]. ESTC No. N21267. Grub Street ID 10650.
- Erra Pater.. The book of knowledge; treating of the wisdom of the ancients. In four parts. ... Written by Erra Pater, a Jew, ... Made English by W. Lilly, ... To which is added, the dealer's directory. . London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch; and J. Hodges, 1753. ESTC No. T83875. Grub Street ID 304287.
- Expository notes, with practical observations, on the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Wherein The Sacred Text is at large Recited, the Sense Explained, and the Instructive Example of the Blessed Jesus, and his Holy Apostles, to our Imitation Recommended. The Whole designed to encourage the Reading of the Scriptures in Private Families, and to render the daily Perusal of them Profitable and Delightful. By William Burkitt, M. A. Late Vicar and Lecturer of Dedham in Essex. The fourteenth edition carefully corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, T. Osborne, J. Hodges, J. Oswald, E. Wicksteed, A. Millar, E. Comyns, B. Dod, J. Buckland, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnston, J. Wren, G. Keith, C. Corbet, M. Downing, and M. Cooper, MDCCLIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T94426. Grub Street ID 314019.
- Cocker, Edward. Cocker's arithmetick. Being, a plain and familiar method, suitable to the meanest capacity, for the full understanding of that incomparable art, as it is now taught by the ablest School-Masters in City and Country. By Edward Cocker, late Practitioner in the Arts of Writing, Arithmetick, and Engraving: Being that so long since promised to the World. Perused and published by John Hawkins, Writing-Master, near St. George's Church in Southwark, by the Author's correct Copy, and commended to the World by many eminent Mathematicians and Writing-Masters in and near London. The fifty-fourth edition, carefully corrected and amended. By George Fisher, Accomptant. Licensed Sept.3, 1677. Roger L'Estrange. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill; C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Paternoster-Row; and J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass over-against S. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, 1753. ESTC No. T129131. Grub Street ID 178613.
- Camden, William. Britannia: or, a chorographical description of Great Britain and Ireland, Together with the Adjacent Islands. Written in Latin by William Camden, Clarenceux, King at Arms: and translated into English, with Additions and Improvements. Revised, digested, and published, with large additions, by Edmund Gibson, D. D. Late Lord Bishop of London. The third edition. Illustrated with maps ... London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch, D. Browne, H. Lintot, C. Davis, J. Hodges, A. Millar, W. Bowyer, J. Whiston, J. and J. Rivington, and J. Ward, MDCCLIII [1753]. ESTC No. T145183. Grub Street ID 191937.
- Watts, Isaac. Hymns and spiritual songs. In three books: I. Collected from the Scriptures. II. Composed on Divine Subjects. III. Prepared for the Lord's Supper. By I. Watts, D.D. The twenty-first edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, J. Oswald, J. Davidson, J. Buckland, J. Ward, and M. Cooper, MDCCLIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T83081. Grub Street ID 303560.
- Shaw, Joseph. Parish law: or, a guide to justices of the peace, ministers, churchwardens, ... and all others concern'd in parish business: compiled from the common, statute, and other authentick books; ... together with correct forms of warrants, commitments, ... To which is added a choice collection of precedents ... By Joseph Shaw, Esq;. The eighth edition, in which are inserted many cases from Lord Raymond and other new reports; .. and a table of the names of the cases.. London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot; for R. Ware; J. Hodges; and J. Nourse, 1753. ESTC No. T113120. Grub Street ID 165070.
- Le dictionnaire royal franois-anglois et anglois-franois; ... par Mr. A. Boyer. Revu pour la seconde fois ... Londres: chez J. Brotherton, W. Innys & J. Richardson, R. Ware, W. Meadows, J. & P. Knapton [and 18 others in London], 1753. ESTC No. T193718. Grub Street ID 227792.
- Smith, E. The compleat housewife: or accomplish'd gentlewoman's companion. Being A Collection of upwards of Six Hundred of the most approved Receipts in Cookery, Pastry, Confectionary, Preserving, Pickles, Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Made Wines, Cordials. With Copper Plates, curiously engraven, for the regular Disposition or Placing of the various Dishes and Courses. And also Bills of Fare for every Month in the Year. To which is added, A Collection of above Three Hundred Family Receipts of Medicines; viz. Drinks, Syrups, Salves, Ointments, and various other Things of sovereign and approved Efficacy in most Distempers, Pains, Aches, Wounds, Sores, &c. particularly Mrs. Stephens's Medicine for the Cure of the Stone and Gravel, and Dr. Mead's famous Receipt for the Cure of a Bite of a mad Dog; with several other excellent Receipts for the same, which have cured when the Persons were disordered, and the salt Water fail'd; never before made publick; fit either for private Families, or such publick-spirited. The fifteenth edition, with additions.. London : Printed for R. Ware, S. Birt, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnston, and M. Cooper, M.DCC.LIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T31011. Grub Street ID 261843.
- Sherlock, William. A discourse concerning the divine providence, ... By William Sherlock, . The tenth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. and T. Longman, [and 8 others in London], 1753. ESTC No. N28397. Grub Street ID 17629.
- Marana, Giovanni Paolo. The second volume of letters writ by a Turkish spy, who liv'd five and forty years undiscover'd at Paris: giving an impartial account to the Divan at Constantinople, of the most remarkable transactions of Europe: and, discovering several intrigues and secrets of the Christian courts (especially of that of France) continued from the year 1642, to the year 1682. Written, originally, in Arabick, translated into Italian, and from thence into English, by the translator of the first volume. The thirteenth edition.. London : printed by A. Wilde, for S. and E. Ballard, J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, T. Cox, R. Ware, J. Clarke, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Astley, J. Shuckburgh, J. Hodges, E. Wicksteed, J. Oswald, J. Comyns, C. Bathurst, R. Baldwin, A. Strahan, and A. Wild, 1753. ESTC No. N71013. Grub Street ID 51421.
- Cornelii Schrevelii lexicon manuale Græco-Latinum & Latino-Græcum: studio atque opera Josephi Hill ... Ad calcem adjectæ sunt sententiæ Græco-Latinæ, ... Item tractatus duo: . Editio duodecima, prioribus multò auctior & emendatior.. Londini : sumptibus J. & J. Bonwicke, R. Ware, J. Walthoe, J. & P. Knapton, S. Birt, [and 15 others in London], 1753. ESTC No. N3605. Grub Street ID 24030.
- Playford, John. Vade mecum: or, The necessary pocket companion. Containing, I. Sir Samuel Moreland's perpetual almanack, (adapted to the new style) readily shewing the day of the month, and moveable feasts, and terms, for any year past, present, or to come, to the year 1899, inclusive; with many useful tables proper thereto, and rules to find them. II. Directions relating to the purchasing and measuring of land. III. Remarkable fairs in England, a tide-table, and a table of expence. IV. The years of each king's reign from the Norman conquest to this time. V. Directions for every month in the year, what is to be done in the orchard, kitchen, and flower gardens. VI. The reduction of weights, measures, and coins; wherein is a table of the assize of bread. VII. A table wherein any number of farthings, halfpence, pence, or shillings, are ready cast up; of great use to all traders. VIII. The interest and rebate of money; the forbearance, discompt, and purchase, of annuities. IX. The rates of post-letters, both i. London : Printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; S. Birt, in Ave-mary-Lane; C. Hitch and L. Hawes, in Pater-noster-Row; and J. Hodges, over-against St Magnus's Church, London-Bridge, 1753. ESTC No. T221818. Grub Street ID 244962.
- Chambers, Ephraim. A supplement to Mr. Chambers's Cyclopaedia: or, universal dictionary of arts and sciences. In two volumes. . London : printed for W. Innys and J. Richardson, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Osborne, S. Birt, T. and T. Longman, D. Browne, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. Shuckburgh, A. Millar, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, M. Senex, and the executors of J. Darby, MDCCLIII [1753]. ESTC No. T136272. Grub Street ID 184551.
- Arithmetick, both in the theory and practice, made plain and easy in all the common and useful rules, both in whole numbers and fractions, vulgar and decimal. Also Interest Simple and Compound, and Annuities. Likewise Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots. AS Also The Tables and Construction of Logarithms, with their Use in Arithmetick, and Compound Interest. Together with Arithmetical and Geometrical Progression, and the Combination and Election, Permutation, and Composition of Numbers and Quantities. With the Addition of several Algebraical Questions. The like not Extant. By John Hill, Gent. With a preface by H. Ditton, Gent. The ninth edition, accurately revised, corrected, and improved by Mr. E. Hatton, and others.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, and M. Cooper, M.DCC.LIV. [1754]. ESTC No. T133476. Grub Street ID 182285.
- Russel, Robert. Seven sermons viz. I. Of the unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost: ... II. The saint's duty and exercise: ... III. The accepted time, and day of salvation. ... VII. The future state of man: or, a treatise of the resurrection. By Robert Russel, . The forty fifth edition. ... London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch; J. Hodges, and W. Johnson, 1754. ESTC No. N45865. Grub Street ID 30735.
- Howell, James. Epistolae Ho-elianae: familiar letters dome'stic and foreign; divided into four books: Partly historical, political, philosophical. Upon emergent occasions. By James Howell, Esq; one of the clerks of his late Majesty's most Honourable Privy-council. The eleventh edition, very much corrected.. London : Printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, W. Johnston, and M. Cooper, MDCCLIV. [1754]. ESTC No. T76055. Grub Street ID 298543.
- Langley, Batty. The builder's jewel: or, The youth's instructor, and workman's remembrancer. Explaining short and easy rules, made familiar to the meanest capacity, for drawing and working, I. The five orders of columns entire; or any part of an order, without regard to the module or diameter. And to enrich them with their rusticks, flutings, cablings, dentules, modillions, &c. Also to proportion their doors, windows, intercolumnations, portico's, and arcades. Together with fourteen varieties of raking, circular, scrolled, compound, and contracted pediments; and the true formation and accadering of their raking and returned cornices; and mouldings for capping their dentules and modillions. II. Block and cantaliver cornices, rustick quoins, cornices proportioned to rooms, angle brackets, mouldings for tabernacle frames, pannelling, and centering for groins, trussed partitions, girders, roofs and domes. With a section of the dome of St. Paul's London. The whole illustrated by upwards of 200 examples, engra. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill, M.DCC.LIV. [1754]. ESTC No. T77975. Grub Street ID 299883.
- Hatton, Edward. Comes commercii, or, the trader's companion. ... To which is added, a supplement concerning simple and compound interest, ... By Edward Hatton, . The 9th edition, with large additions. Accurately revised; corrected, improved, and augmented, by W. Hume, ... London : printed for W. Innys, and J. Richardson; R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton; S. Birt, [and 10 others in London], 1754. ESTC No. T125934. Grub Street ID 175985.
- Aulnoy. The history of the tales of the fairies. Containing, I. The tale of Graciosa, ... VII. The orange-tree, and its beloved bee; ... With cuts suitable to each tale. London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch, and L. Hawes; J. Hodges; and S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, 1754. ESTC No. N33111. Grub Street ID 21631.
- Dyche, Thomas. A new general English dictionary; peculiarly calculated for the use and improvement of such as are unaquainted with the learned languages. Wherein the Difficult Words, and Technical Terms made use of in Anatomy, Architecture, Arithmetick, Algebra, Astronomy, Botany, Chymistry, Divinity, Gardening, Grammar, Hawking, Heraldry, History, Horsemanship, Hunting, Husbandry, Law, Logick, Mathematicks, Mechanicks, Milit. Affairs, Musick, Navigation, Painting, Poetry, Rhetorick, Sculpture, Surgery, &c. Are not only fully explain'd, but accented on their proper Syllables, to prevent a vicious Pronunciation; and mark'd with Initial Letters, to denote the Part of Speech to which each Word peculiarly belongs. To which is prefixed, A Compendious English Grammar, with general Rules for the ready Formation of one Part of Speech from another; by the due Application whereof, such as understand English only, may be able to write as correctly and elegantly, as those who have been some Years conversant in the. The eighth edition.. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, MDCCLIV. [1754]. ESTC No. T113317. Grub Street ID 165262.
- Sorocold, Thomas. Supplications of saints: containing, prayers and praises, in four parts. I. Daniel's Devotion. II. Paul's Assembly. III. David's Suit. IV. Moses's Song. I. Thrice every Day. II. Companies. III. Every one alone. IV. Praises and Graces. Wherein are Three most excellent Prayers, made by the late famous Queen Elizabeth. The forty-fifth edition, corrected. By Thomas Sorocold. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill, M.DCC.LIV. [1754]. ESTC No. T182003. Grub Street ID 218528.
- Smith, Samuel. David's repentance: or, a plain and familiar exposition on the List. psalm, first preach'd, and now publish'd for the benefit of God's church. Wherein every Christian may set before his Eyes the Pattern of unseigned Repentance. Likewise Exhorting every Man to labour for Repentance before Sickness and Death seize upon them; for that after Death there is no Repentance to be had or expected. Newly revised; by Samuel Smith, late preacher of the word at Prittlewell in Essex; Author of The Great Assize. The thirty-fourth edition.. London] : Printed for S. Birt, at the Bible, in Ave-Maria-Lane; C. Hitch and L. Hawes, at the Red-Lyon, in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, on London-Bridge; R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill; W. Johnston, at the Golden-Ball; in Saint Paul's-Church-Yard; and A. Wilde, in Aldersgate-Street, 1754. ESTC No. T32094. Grub Street ID 262832.
- Stow, John. A survey of the cities of London and Westminster, and the borough of Southwark. ... Written at first in the year 1698, by John Stow, ... Corrected, improved, and very much enlarged, in the year 1720, by John Strype, ... In two volumes. The sixth edition.. London : printed for W. Innys and J. Richardson, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, R. Ware, T. and T. Longman [and 7 others in London], 1754-55. ESTC No. T150145. Grub Street ID 196019.
- Aesop.. Æsop's Fables: with his life, and morals and remarks. Fitted for the meanest capacities. The eleventh edition, with large additions.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill; C. Hitch, at the Red Lion, in Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, over-against St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, MDCCLIV. [1754]. ESTC No. T84708. Grub Street ID 305086.
- Gomez, Madame de. La belle assemblée: being a curious collection of some very remarkable incidents which happen'd to persons of the first quality in France. Interspers'd with entertaining and improving observations made by them on several passages in history, both ancient and modern. Written in French for the entertainment of the King, and dedicated to him by Madam de Gomez. In four volumes. Adorn'd with copper-plates. The seventh edition.. London : printed for D. Browne, J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, R. Ware, H. Lintot, T. Cox, J. Hodges, and E. Comins, M DCC LIV. [1754]. ESTC No. N32638. Grub Street ID 21225.
- The eighth and last volume of letters writ by a Turkish spy, who liv'd five and forty years undiscover'd at Paris: Giving an impartial account to the Divan at Constantinople of the most remarkable transactions of Europe: and discovering several intrigues and secrets of the Christian courts (especially of that of France) continued from the year 1673, to the year 1682. Written originally in Arabic. Translated into Italian, and from thence into English, by the translator of the first volume. The thirteenth edition.. London : printed for S. and E. Ballard, J. Brotherton, W. Meadows, T. Cox, R. Ware, J. Clarke, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Astley, J. Shuckburgh, J. Hodges, E. Wicksteed, J. Oswald, J. Comyns, C. Bathurst, R. Baldwin, J. Ward, A. Strahan, A. Clarke, and A. Wilde, M DCC LIV. [1754]. ESTC No. N509190. Grub Street ID 400893.
- D., W.. The gentleman instructed in the conduct of a virtuous and happy life. Written for the instruction of a young nobleman. To which is added, a word to the ladies. In two volumes. . The twelfth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. Knapton, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, R. Baldwin, M. and T. Longman, J. Waugh and W. Fenner, and M. Cooper. MDCCLV. [1755]. ESTC No. T109255. Grub Street ID 162061.
- Terence.. Terence's Comedies, translated into English, together with the original Latin, from the best editions, ... also, critical and explanatory notes. To which is prefixed, a dissertation on the life and writings of Terence, ... The whole adapted to the capacities of youth at school, ... In two volumes. The second edition. By Mr. Cooke. . London : printed for R. Ware, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Whiston and B. White, J. and J. Rivington, [and 4 others in London], 1755. ESTC No. N22182. Grub Street ID 11550.
- Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or, the arts of a designing woman laid open. Treating I. Of their allurements, ... III. A true character of a virtuous woman; ... By E. W. ... To which is added, The batchelor's estimate of the expences of a married life. London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch, and L. Hawes; J. Hodges; and S. Crowder, and H. Woodgate, 1755. ESTC No. N16931. Grub Street ID 6431.
- Coles, Elisha. A dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English; containing all things necessary for the translating of either language into the other. ... The sixteenth edition, with large additions. By Elisha Coles, . London : printed for S. Ballard, R. Ware, W. Innys and J. Richardson, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, [and 25 others in London], 1755. ESTC No. N55151. Grub Street ID 38688.
- Fisher, George, accomptant. The instructor: or, Young man's best companion. Containing, spelling, reading, writing, and arithmetick, in an easier way than any yet published; and how to qualify any person for business, without the help of a master. Instructions to write variety of hands, with copies both in prose and verse. How to write letters on business or friendship. Forms of indentures, bonds, bills of sale, receipts, wills, leases, releases, &c. Also merchants accompts, and a short and easy method of shop and book-keeping; with a description of the product, counties and market-towns in England and Wales. Together with the carpenter's plain and exact rule: shewing how to measure carpenters, joiners, sawyers, bricklayers, plasterers, plumbers, masons, glasiers and painters work. How to undertake each work, and at what price; the rates of each commodity, and the common wages of journeymen; with gunter's line; and coggeshall's description of the sliding-rule. Likewise the practical gauger made easy; the art of dial. The thirteenth edition revised and corrected.. London : Printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, M.DCC.LV. [1755]. ESTC No. N68252. Grub Street ID 49701.
- Watts, Isaac. Hymns and spiritual songs. In three books. I. Collected from the Scriptures. II. Compos'd on Divine Subjects. III. Prepar'd for the Lord's Supper. By I. Watts, D.D. The nineteenth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. Buckland, J. Ward, J. Waugh and W. Fenner, M. Cooper, and S. Oswald, MDCCLV. [1755]. ESTC No. T82318. Grub Street ID 302898.
- Watts, Isaac. Hymns and spiritual songs. In three books. ... By I. Watts, D.D. The eighteenth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, T. Longman, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, J. Buckland [and 4 others in London], 1755. ESTC No. T82323. Grub Street ID 302903.
- Bailey, Nathan. English and Latin exercises, for school-boys: comprising all the rules of syntaxis. With Explanations, and other Necessary Observations on each rule. And shewing The Genitive Case, and Gender of Nouns and Pronouns; as also the Preter perfect Tense, Supine, and Conjugation of Verbs. Answering perfectly to the design of Mr. Garretson, and Hermes Romanus, in bringing on learners, most gradually and expeditiously, to the translating of English into Latin. By N. Bailey schoolmaster. The thirteenth edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, MDCCLV. [1755]. ESTC No. T184671. Grub Street ID 220988.
- Palladio, Andrea. The four books of architecture: by Andrea Palladio. ... Literally translated from the original Italian, by Isaac Ware, ... The second edition. ... all the plates being engraved by the author's own hand. London : printed for R. Ware, 1755. ESTC No. N18531. Grub Street ID 8002.
- Taylor, Jeremy. The life of our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ: With Considerations and Discourses upon the Conception, Nativity, Circumcision, Baptism, Temptation, Preaching, Miracles, Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension into Heaven. Including several unanswerable Arguments, Obvious to the meanest Capacity, in Defence of the Divinity of our Holy Redeemer, and the Truth of the Christian Religion Likewise The lives, acts, and deaths of the holy evangelists and apostles, as recorded by the Primitive Fathers, and Antient Writers of unquestionable veracity. Illustrated with pictures of the manner of their sufferings. By J. Taylor, B.D. London : printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater Noster-Row, and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London bridge, [1755?]. ESTC No. T199812. Grub Street ID 231749.
- Emblems for the improvement and entertainment of youth. Containing emblematical, hieroglyphical, and ænigmatical devices, relating to all parts and stations of life; ... Curiously engraved on sixty-two copper-plates. . London : printed for R. Ware, 1755. ESTC No. N7357. Grub Street ID 52293.
- Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-. Les avantures de Telemaque, fils D'Ulysse. Par Messire François de Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon, Precepteur des Enfans de France, & depuis Archeveque-Duc de Cambray, Prince du Saint Empire, &c. Nouvelle edition, revuë sur les meilleures editions precedentes.. Londres : chez R. Ware, T. & T. Longman, C. Hitch & L. Hawes, T. Osborn, J. Beecroft, E. Comyns, J. & J. Rivington, J. Ward, R. Baldwin, & T. Field, 1755. ESTC No. T197760. Grub Street ID 230728.
- Garretson, (John). J. English exercises for school-boys to translate into Latin. Comprising all the Rules of Grammar; and Other Necessary Observations; Ascending gradually from the Meanest to Higher Capacities. By J. Garretson, schoolmaster. The twenty-first edition, corrected.. London : printed for W. Innys and J. Richardson, R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, J. Clarke, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Pote, M. Senex, W. and D. Baker, J. Hodges, J. Oswald, J. Fuller, A. Ward, W. Johnston, P. Dave['s?] and B. Law, 1755. ESTC No. T87487. Grub Street ID 307530.
- Defoe, Daniel. The wonderful life, And most Surprizing adventures, of Robinson Crusoe, Of York, Mariner. Containing a full and particular Account how he lived Eight and Twenty Years in an Uninhabited Island, on the Coast of America; how his Ship was lost in a Storm, and all his Companions drowned; and how he was cast upon the Shore by the Wreck. With a true Relation how he was at last miraculously preserved by Pirates. Faithfully Epitomized front the Three Volumes, and adorn'd with Cuts suited to the most remarkable Stories. London : printed for C. Hitch, at the Red Lion, in Pater-Noster-Row; R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate Hill; J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass, on London-Bridge; S. Crowder, and H. Woodgate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1755. ESTC No. T223148. Grub Street ID 245842.
- Hederich, Benjamin. M. Beni. Hederici Lexicon manuale graecum, omnibus sui generis lexicis longe locupletius: in duas partes divisum: quarum prior vocum graecarum ordine alphabetico digestarum; ... interpretationem latinam continet. Altera vocum phrasiumque latinarum, ... interpretationem graeca exhibet. Recensitum et plurimum auctum a Sam. Patrick, ... Hanc tertiam editionem, ... curavit Gulielmus Young. Londini : excudit H. Woodfall, impensis W. Innys et J. Richardson, R. Ware, J. et P. Knapton, S. Birt [and 16 others in London], 1755. ESTC No. T131291. Grub Street ID 180311.
- Hawney, William. The complete measurer; or the whole art of measuring. In two parts. The first part teaching decimal arithmetic, with the Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots. And also the Multiplication of Feet and Inches, commonly called Cross Multiplication. The second part teaching to measure all sorts of superficies and solids, by Decimals, by Cross-Multiplication, and by Scale and Compasses: Also the Works of several Artificers, relating to Building; and the Measuring of Board and Timber. Shewing the common Errors. And some Practical Questions. The ninth edition. To which is added, an appendix, 1. Of Gauging. 2. Of Land-Measuring. Very useful for all Tradesmen, especially Carpenters, Bricklayers, Plaisterers, Painters, Joiners, Glasiers, Masons, &c. By William Hawney, Philomath. Recommended by the Rev. Dr. John Harris, F. R. S. London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, and J. Ward, M.DCC.LV. [1755]. ESTC No. T127153. Grub Street ID 176985.
- Josephus, Flavius. The works of Flavius Josephus: translated into English by Sir Roger L'Estrange, ... All carefully revised, and compared with the original Greek. To which are prefixed, two discourses, and several remarks ... upon Josephus. Together with maps, sculptures, and accurate indexes. The sixth edition: with the addition of a new map of Palestine, ... London : printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, [and 5 others in London], 1755. ESTC No. N25336. Grub Street ID 14691.
- Culpeper, Nicholas. A directory for midwives: or, a guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. The first part contains. 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The Formation of the Child in the Womb. 3. What hinders Conception, and its Remedies. 4. What furthers Conception. 5. A Guide for Women in Conception. 6. Of Miscarriage in Women. 7. A Guide for Women in their Labour. 8. A Guide for Women in their Lying-In. 9. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book. By Nicholas Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrology. Newly corrected from many gross errors. London : printed for S. Ballard, R. Ware, S. Birt, C. Hitch, and L. Hawes, and J. Hodges, M.DCC.LV. [1755]. ESTC No. N2151. Grub Street ID 10881.
- Bailey, Nathan. An universal etymological English dictionary; comprehending The Derivations of the Generality of Words in the English Tongue, either Ancient or Modern, from the Ancient British, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and Modern French, Teutonic, Dutch, Spanish, Italian; as also from the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Languages, each in their proper Characters. And also A brief and clear Explication of all difficult Words, derived from any of the aforesaid Languages, and Terms of Art, relating to Anatomy, Botany, Physick, Pharmacy, Surgery, Chymistry, Philosophy, Divinity, Mathematicks, Grammar, Logick, Rhetorick, Musick, Heraldry, Maritime Affairs, Military Discipline, Horsemanship, Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing, Gardening, Husbandry, Handicrafts, Confectionary, Carving, Cookery, &c. Together with A large Collection and Explication of Words and Phrases used in our Ancient Statutes, Charters, Writs, Old Records, and Processes in Law; and the Etymology, and Interpretation of the Proper Names of Men, Women,. London : printed for R. Ware, W. Innys and J. Richardson, J. and P. Knapton, T. and T. Longman, S. Birt, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, B. Dod, J. and J. Rivington, J. Hinton, W. and D. Baker, J. Ward, W. Johnston, C. Corbett, and M. Cooper, M.DCC.LV. [1755]. ESTC No. T141550. Grub Street ID 189059.
- Mather, W. The young man's companion: or, arithmetick made easy. Containing plain directions for a young man to attain to read and write true English; ... Written by W. Mather, . The twentieth edition, with large additions and improvements.. London : printed for R. Ware; T. and T. Longman; and W. Johnston, 1755. ESTC No. T131902. Grub Street ID 180868.
- Johnson, Richard. The illustrious and renown'd history of the seven famous champions of Christendom. In three parts. Containing their Honourable Births, Victories, and noble Atchievements by Sea and Land, in divers strange Countries; their Combats with Giants, Monsters, &c. wonderful Adventures, Fortunes and Misfortunes, in Desarts, Wildernesses, inchanted Castles; their Conquests of Empires, Kingdoms; relieving distressed Ladies, with their faithful Love to them; Honour they won in Tilts and Turnaments; and Success against the Enemies of Christendom. Also, with The Heroick Adventures of St. Goerge's three Sons Together, With the Manner of their untimely Deaths; and how they came to be stiled Saints and Champions of Christendom. The seventh edition.. London : printed for C. Hitch, at the Red Lion, in Pater Noster Row ; R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate Hill ; J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass, on London Bridge ; S. Crowder, and H. Woodgate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater Noster Row, 1755. ESTC No. T66807. Grub Street ID 291466.
- The Whole art of legerde main: Or, Nocus pocus in perfection by which the meanest capacity may perform the whole art without a teacher. Together with the use of all the instruments belonging thereto. To which is now added, abundance of new and rare inventions, the like never before in print but much desired by many The fourth edition, with large additions and amendments. Written by H. Dean. London : Printed for J. Hodges. Opposite St. Magnus Church, London Bridge; C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-noster Row; and R. Ware, at the sun and Bible on Ludgate-Hill, [1755?]. ESTC No. T126917. Grub Street ID 176779.
- Sherlock, William. Sermons preached upon several occasions. By W. Sherlock, D. D. Late Dean of St. Paul's, Master of the Temple, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. In two volumes. . The fourth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. Walthoe, J. and P. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Brown, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Clarke, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, R. Baldwin, J. Ward, and W. Johnston, MDCCLV. [1755]. ESTC No. T79372. Grub Street ID 300941.
- Harrison, Sarah. The house-keeper's pocket-book, and compleat family cook: containing above twelve hundred curious and uncommon receipts in cookery, pastry, preserving, picking, candying, collaring, &c. with plain and easy instructions for preparing and dressing every thing suitable for an elegant entertainment, from two dishes to five or ten, &c. and directions for ranging them in their proper order. Also a copious and useful bill of fare, of all manner of provisions in season, for every month in the year; so that no person need be at a loss to provide an agreeable variety, at a moderate expence [sic]. Together with directions for making all sorts of wine, mead, cyder-shrub, &c. and distilling strong-waters, &c. after the most approved methods: for brewing ale and small-beer in a cleanly, frugal manner: and for managing and breeding poultry to advantage. Likewise several useful family receipts for taking out stains, preserving furniture, cleaning plate, taking iron-moulds out of linen, &c. As also easy t. London : printed for R. Ware, 1755. ESTC No. T126601. Grub Street ID 176530.
- Aristotle's last legacy, unfolding the mystery of nature in the generation of man: treating I. Of virginity, ... IX. Excellent remedies against all diseases incident to virgins and child-bearing women: . London : printed for R. Ware, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, C. Crowder, and H. Woodgate, 1755. ESTC No. N29891. Grub Street ID 18894.
- Mauriceau, François. The diseases of women with child, and in child-bed: as also, the best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labours. With fit Remedies for the several Indispositions of New-Born Babes. To which is prefix'd, an exact description of the parts of generation in women. A Work much more perfect than any now extant, and very necessary for all, especially Midwives and Men practising that Art. The eighth edition corrected, and augmented with several new figures, and with the Description of an excellent Instrument to bring a Child that comes right; all correctly engraven on Copper-Plates. Written in French by Francis Mauriceau, and translated by Hugh Chamberlen, M.D. London : printed for R. Ware, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Clarke, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, R. Baldwin, and T. Field, M.DCC.LV. [1755]. ESTC No. N12. Grub Street ID 2005.
- The traveller's pocket-book: or, Ogilby and Morgan's book of the roads. Containing I. The computed and measured distances of miles from London to all the cities, counties, borough-towns, and remarkable villages in England and Wales. II. The distinction of market and post towns; also the cross roads in England and Wales. III. A table for the ready finding any road, city, or market town. IV. A whole sheet map of the roads in England and Wales, fitted to bind with the book. V. A list of all the fairs in England and Wales. VI. A list of the principal trading towns to which letters are sent every night from the post office in London, and the expence of sending a letter or packet to any part of the kingdom. The twelfth edition, corrected and improved.. London : printed for J. Rivington, J. Buckland, J. Brotherton, R. Baldwin, S. Crowder, A. and C. Corbett, M. Cooper, and C. and R. Ware, [1755?]. ESTC No. T483539. Grub Street ID 403673.
- Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-. The adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. By the Archbishop of Cambray: In French and English. ... the translation, which is entirely new, revised by Mr. Des Maizeaux, . The second edition corrected, and rendered more literal.. London : printed for R. Ware, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, T. Osborne, [and 6 others in London], 1755. ESTC No. N45536. Grub Street ID 30438.
- Hederich, Benjamin. M. Beni. Hederici Lexicon manuale graecum, omnibus sui generis lexicis longe locupletius: in duas partes divisum: ... Recensitum et plurimum auctum a Sam. Patrick, . Hanc tertiam editionem, ut prioribus auctior prodiret atque emendatior, curavit Gulielmus Young.. Londini : excudit H. Woodfall, impensis W. Innys et J. Richardson, R. Ware, J. et P. Knapton, S. Birt, D. Browne [and 15 others in London], 1755. ESTC No. T219682. Grub Street ID 243697.
- Shaw, Joseph. Parish law: or, a guide to justices of the peace, ministers, churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor, Constables, Surveyors of the Highways, Vestry-Clerks, and all others concern'd in parish business: compiled from the common, statute, and other authentick books; as also from some adjudged Cases never before published: together with correct forms of warrants, commitments, Indictments, Presentments, Convictions, &c. To which is added a choice collection of precedents for Justices of the Peace, communicated by an able Hand. With a New and Correct Table. By Joseph Shaw, Esq;. The ninth edition, in which are inserted many cases from Lord Raymond and other new reports; .. and a table of the names of the cases.. London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, Law Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty; for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill; J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass facing St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge; and J. Nourse, at the Lamb, opposite Katherine-Street in the Strand, MDCCLV. 1755. ESTC No. N11026. Grub Street ID 1020.
- Dyche, Thomas. The spelling dictionary: or, a collection of all the common words and proper names of persons and places, made use of in the English tongue. Carefully compared with the Original Languages. From whence they are derived, and marked as they are to be pronounced. Whereby Persons of the meanest Capacity may attain to Spell and Write English true and correctly. By Thomas Dyche, Late Master of the Free-School at Stratford le Bow, Middlesex. The eighth edition, corrected, with large additions.. London : printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill, MDCCLVI. [1756]. ESTC No. T178979. Grub Street ID 215808.
- Playford, John. Vade mecum: or, the necessary pocket companion. The nineteenth edition, carefully corrected, with additions and improvements.. London : printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill ; C. Hitch and L. Hawes, in Pater-Noster-Row ; J. Hodges, over-against St Magnus's Church, London Bridge ; and P. Davey and B. Law, at the Bible and Ball in Ave-Mary-Lane, 1756. ESTC No. T68033. Grub Street ID 292366.
- Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum; a Sebastiano Castalione Latine redditum. In usum scholarum. Editio novissima, prioribus long`e emaculatior.. Londini : impensis W. Innes & J. Richardson, R. Ware, C. Hitch & L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. Ward, M. & T. Longman, & P. Davey & B. Law. MDCCLVI. [1756]. ESTC No. T106066. Grub Street ID 159256.
- Oldenburgh, Edward. A calculation of foreign exchanges, as transacted on the Royal Exchange of London: or, tables, shewing at once, or by a few additions, any sum of English money reduced into foreign species, and likewise any Sum of Foreign Species reduced into English Money, by Way of Exchange, at the several Prices, as from Time to Time the Exchange may Rise or Fall. By Edward Oldenburgh, merchant. The third edition. Calculated for the present Course of Exchange; with some New Tables. With several additions prefixed to each particular Table, shewing how Books and Accounts are kept at each Place; and likewise in what Money Exchanges are usually drawn, Real as well as Imaginary; with the Method how to make the Operation, by The Rule of Three, in the plainest and most concise Manner. By the same Hand. London : printed for R. Ware, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, John Rivington, James Rivington and J. Fletcher, J. Ward, R. Baldwin, W. Johnston, and M. and T. Longman, MDCCLVI. [1756]. ESTC No. N26531. Grub Street ID 15901.
- Dyche, Thomas. A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. The first, proper for beginners, shewing a natural and easy method, to pronounce and express both common words, and proper names; in which particular care is had to shew the accent, for preventing vitious pronunciation. The second, for such as are advanced to some ripeness of judgment, containing observations on the sounds of letters and diphthongs; rules for the true division of syllables, and the use of capitals, stops, and marks: with large tables of abbreviations, and distinctions of words; and several alphabets of copies for young writers. To which is now added, an appendix, containing many additional lessons, in prose and verse; first, in words of one syllable only; and then mix'd with words of two, three, four, five, six and seven syllables. By T. Dyche, schoolmaster at Stratford Bow. The forty-second edition, corrected.. London : Printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, 1756. ESTC No. N30829. Grub Street ID 19747.
- Winslow, Jacques-Bénigne. An anatomical exposition of the structure of the human body. By James Benignus Winslow, Professor Of Physick, Anatomy And Surgery In The University Of Paris, Member Of The Royal Academy Of Sciences, And Of The Royal Society At Berlin, &c. Translated from the French original, by G. Douglas, M.D. Illustrated with copper plates. . The fourth edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware, J. Knapton, S. Birt, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, C. Davis, T. Astley, and R. Baldwin, M.DCC.LVI. [1756]. ESTC No. N16299. Grub Street ID 5975.
- Scougal, Henry. A new academy of compliments: or, compleat English secretary. Containing the true art of indicting letters, suitable to the capacities of youth and age; ... To which is added, I. The art of good breeding and behaviour, ... With a collection of the newest play-house songs. London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch, and L. Hawes; J. Hodges; and S. Crowder, and H. Woodgate, 1756. ESTC No. T225920. Grub Street ID 247642.
- Jacob, Giles. A new law-dictionary: containing the interpretation and definition of words and terms used in the law; and also the whole law and the practice thereof, Under all the Heads and Titles of the same. Together with Such Informations relating thereto, as Explain the History and Antiquity of the Law, and our Manners, Customs, and Original Government. Collected and Abstracted from All Dictionaries, Abridgments, Institutes, Reports, Year-Books, Charters, Registers, Chronicles, and Histories, Published to this Time. And fitted for the Use of Barristers, Students, and Practisers of the Law, Members of Parliament, and other Gentlemen, Justices of Peace, Clergymen, &c. The seventh edition. The Law-Proceedings being done into English, with Great Additions and Improvements, to this Time. To which is annexed, A Table of References to all the Arguments and Resolutions of the Lord Chief Justice Holt; In the several Volumes of the Reports. By Giles Jacob, gent. London] : In the Savoy: printed by Henry Lintot, Law-Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty; for R. Ware, T. Osborn, H. Lintot, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, A. Millar, John Rivington, H. S. Cox, James Rivington and J. Fletcher, J. Ward, R. Baldwin, W. Johnston, M. and T. Longman, C. Corbett, P. Davey and B. Law, T. Casson, and M. Cooper, MDCCLVI. [1756. ESTC No. T137463. Grub Street ID 185439.
- Milton, John. Paradise regain'd. A poem, in four books. To which is added Samson Agonistes; and Poems upon several occasions; with a tractate of education. The author John Milton. London : printed for J. and R. Tonson; and for C. Hitch and L. Hawes, R. Ware, J. Hodges, J. Ward, M. and T. Longman, C. Corbet, J. Brindley, P. Davey and B. Law, MDCCLVI. [1756]. ESTC No. T134214. Grub Street ID 182889.
- The complete French master for ladies and gentlemen. Containing I. A new methodical French grammar. II. A well digested, and copious vocabulary. III. Familiar phrases and dialogues on all manner of subjects. IV. Dialogues of wit and humour. V. A taste of the French poetry. VI. A collection of French songs. VII. A collection of choice proverbs, both French and English. VIII. Catalogue of the best French books, fit for a lady's, or gentleman's library. For the use of His late Highness the Duke of Gloucester. By Mr. A. Boyer, author of the Royal dictionary, French and English. The eighteenth edition, carefully corrected and much improved.. London : printed for R. Ware, M. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, John Rivington, J. Rivington and J. Fletcher, J. Ward, W. Johnston, P. Davey and B. Law, and M. Cooper, MDCCLVI. [1756]. ESTC No. N509166. Grub Street ID 366194.
- The wonderful life, and most surprizing adventures, of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner. Containing a full and particular account how he lived eight and twenty years in an uninhabited island, on the coast of America; how his ship was lost in a storm, and all his companions drowned; and how he was cast upon the shore by the wreck. With a true relation how he was at last miraculously preserved by pirates. Faithfully epitomized from the Three Volumes, and adorn'd with cuts suited to the most remarkable stories. London : printed for C. Hitch and L. Hawes, at the Red-Lion, in Pater-noster-row; R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill; J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, on London-Bridge; S. Crowder, and H. Woodgate, at the Golden-Ball, in Pater-noster-Row, 1756. ESTC No. N508750. Grub Street ID 372599.
- Dictionnaire royal, françois-anglois et anglois-françois, tiré des meilleurs auteurs qui ont écrit dans ces deux langues; par Mr. A. Boyer. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée, & augmentée considérablement; avec une dissertation sur la prosodie françoise, par Mr. de la S.R. ... A Londres : chez W. Innys, J. Brotherton, R. Ware, W. Meadows, T. Meighan, J. & P. Knapton, J. Brindley, J. Clarke, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Dongman, J. Shuckburgh, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, S. Austen, A. Millar M.DCC.LVL[sic]. [1756]. ESTC No. T114199. Grub Street ID 166025.
- Drelincourt, Charles. The christian's defence against the fears of death. With seasonable directions how to prepare ourselves to die well. Written originally in French, by the late Reverend Divine of the Protestant Church of Paris, Charl. Drelincourt. Translated into English, by Marius D'Assigny, B.D. The eighteenth edition new corrected: ... London : printed for R. Ware, W. Innys and J. Richardson, W. and D. Baker, J. Knapton, J. Clarke, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, E. Wicksted, B. Dod, John Rivington, James Rivington and J. Fletcher, J. Ward, R. Baldwin, W. Johnston, T. Caslon, S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, M. and T. Longman, P. Davey and B. Law, C. Corbett and M. Cooper, MDCCLVI. [1756]. ESTC No. T189434. Grub Street ID 224922.
- Nelson, Robert. The great duty of frequenting the Christian sacrifice, and the nature of the preparation required; with suitable devotions, partly collected from the ancient liturgies. To which are prefixed, instructions for confirmation. The thirteenth edition.. London : printed for R. Ware, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, T. Osborne and J. Shipton, J. Robinson, J. Hodges, E. Wicksteed, J. Fuller, W. and D. Baker, B. Dod, John Rivington, J. Ward, Ja. Rivington and J. Fletcher, M. and T. Longman, P. Davey and B. Law, and S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, MDCCLVI. [1756]. ESTC No. T76516. Grub Street ID 298906.
- A new guide to geography; principally designed for the use of schools, and beginners in that useful science: containing 1. The necessary præcognita, or preliminary geographical definitions requisite therein. And 2. Giving a particular account, in any easy and methodical manner, of the several parts of the known world, as divided into countries, kingdoms, states, and provinces, their situation, boundaries, and extent, with the Islands, lakes, rivers, mountains, cities, towns, universities, bishopricks, &c. in each. 3. As also the name, and correspondence of antient and present geography, taking notice of most places mentioned in the classics. With 4. Some remarks and observations on the affairs in North America; with a table of contents, &c. The second edition, improved and corrected.. London : printed for Richard Ware at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, MDCCLVI. [1756]. ESTC No. N20239. Grub Street ID 9636.
- Stebbing, Henry. The young Christian instructed. In two parts. In the former whereof, the Catechism of the Church of England is briefly explained. In the latter, the several Points of Doctrine contained therein, are methodically set down; together with such Texts of Scripture as prove or confirm the same. By Henry Stebbing, D.D. The ninth edition, corrected and improved.. London : printed for R. Ware, C. Hitch and L. Hewes, John Rivington, James Rivington and J. Fletcher, and M. and T. Longman, [1756]. ESTC No. T126624. Grub Street ID 176549.
- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Seneca's morals by way of abstract. To which is added, a discourse under the title of An after-thought. By Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knt. The sixteenth edition.. London : printed for S. Ballard, S. Birt, R. Ware, J. Clarke, D. Brown, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, A. Millar, J. Hodges, J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, E. Comyns, and A. Strahan., MDCCLVI. [1756]. ESTC No. T100880. Grub Street ID 154794.
- Bunyan, John. Come and welcome to Jesus Christ. Or, a plain and profitable discourse on John VI. verse xxxvij. ... Written by John Bunyan, . The eleventh edition.. London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch, and L. Hawes; J. Hodges: and A. Wilde, 1756. ESTC No. T58469. Grub Street ID 284590.
- The whole art of legerdemain: or, hocus pocus in perfection. By which the meanest Capacity may perform the Whole Art without a Teacher Together with the Use of all the Instruments belonging thereto. To which is now added, Abundance of New and Rare Inventions, the like never before in Print, but much desired by many. The third edition, with large additions and amendments. Written by H. Dean. London : printed for A. Bettsworth [i.e. Bettesworth] and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-Noster Row; and R. Ware, at the Sun and Bible in Amen-Corner; and J. Osborn, at the Golden-Ball in Pater-Noster-Row: and J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, [1756]. ESTC No. T178040. Grub Street ID 214971.
- Lee, Nathaniel. Theodosius: or, The force of love: A tragedy. Acted by their Royal Highnesses servants, at the Duke's Theatre. By Nathanael Lee, gent. London : Printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; J. Brindley, in New Bond-street; J. Osborn, in Pater-noster Row; C. Corbett, in Fleet-street; R. Caldwell, at Mercers Chapel, Cheapside, and J. New, M.DCC.LVI. [1756]. ESTC No. T195341. Grub Street ID 229054.
- Langley, Batty. The workman's golden rule for drawing and working the five orders in architecture. Wherein Their Pedestals, Columns, Entablatures, Imposts, and Arches, are taken from the best Examples of the Ancients, and proportioned by equal Parts, in a more concise, accurate, and easy Manner, than has been done in any Language. For the instruction of apprentices and journey men Masons, Bricklayers, Carpenters, Joiners, Carvers, Turners, Painters, Plaisterers, Cabinet-Makers, &c. (and such Masters) who are unacquainted with so much Architecture, as is absolutely necessary for them to understand, in their respective Professions: And Others, Who desire a just Knowledge of the Fundamental Rules of that noble Art. By B. Langley, Architect. London] : Printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill, [1756. ESTC No. T118710. Grub Street ID 170193.
- Ovid. Ovid's metamorphoses, in fifteen books: With the arguments and notes of John Minellius translated into English. To which is marginally added, a prose version; viz. The very words of Ovid, digested into the proper order in construing; by the asistance of which young scholars, of but a very small acquaintance with the rules of grammar, may be enabled of themselves, with ease and pleasure, to learn their lessons without interruption to the teacher. For the use of schools. By Nathan Bailey, author of the Universal, etymological, English dictionary. The fourth edition.. London : Printed for W. Innys and J. Richardson, R. Ware, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, R. Baldwin, J. Ward, W. Johnston, M. and T. Longman, and P. Davey and B. Law, MDCCLVI. [1756]. ESTC No. T99851. Grub Street ID 318945.
- Burkitt, William. The poor man's help, and young man's guide. Containing I. Doctrinal instructions for the Right Informing of his Judgment. II. Practical directions for the General Course of Life. III. Particular advice for the well-managing of every Day. With Reference to his I. Natural Actions. II. Civil Employments. III. Necessary Recreations. IV. Religious Duties unto which are added, principles of religion, useful to be known, believ'd, and practis'd, by such as desire to Receive the Holy Communion with Benefit and Comfort. With Forms of prayer for Families and Single Persons. Also divine hymns on several Occasions. By William Burkitt, M. A. of Pembroke-Hall in Cambridge, late Vicar of Dedham in Essex. The thirtieth edition, with additions.. London : printed for R. Ware, C. Hitch, J. Buckland, B. Dod, J. Waugh, J. Ward, W. Johnston, E. Dilly, M. and T. Longman, and M. Cooper, MDCCLVII. [1757]. ESTC No. T144089. Grub Street ID 191029.
- Langley, Batty. The builder's jewel: or, the youth's instructor, and workman's remembrancer. Explaining Short and Easy Rules, Made familiar to the meanest Capacity, For Drawing and Working, I. The Five Orders of Columns entire; or any Part of an Order, without Regard to the Module or Diameter. And to enrich them With their Rusticks, Fluting, Saburg, Dentules, Modillions, &c. Also to proportion Their Doors, Windows, Intercolumnations, Portico's, and Arcades. Together with Fourteen Varieties of Raking, Circular, Scrolled, Compound, and Contracted Pediments; and the true Formation and Accadering of their Raking and Returned Cornices; and Mouldings for Capping their Dentules and Modillions. II. Block and Cantaliver Cornices, Rustick Quoins, Cornices proportioned to Rooms, Angle Brackets, Mouldings for Tabernacle Frames, Pannelling, and Centering for Groins, Trussed Partitions, Girders, Roofs and Domes. With a Section of the Dome of St. Paul's, London. The Whole illustrated by upwards of 200 Examples, engrave. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill, M.DCC.LVII. [1757]. ESTC No. T77976. Grub Street ID 299884.
- Smith, Samuel. The great assize: or, day of jubilee: in which we must make a general account of all our actions before almighty God. ... Whereunto are annexed two sermons upon the first chapter of the Canticles, ... By Samuel Smith, . The seventh and fortieth impression.. London : printed for C. Hitch and L. Hawes; J. Hodges; R. Ware; W. Johnston [and 3 others in London], 1757. ESTC No. T35824. Grub Street ID 265853.
- Harrison, Sarah. The house-keeper's pocket-book, and compleat family cook: containing above twelve hundred curious and uncommon receipts in cookery, pastry, preserving, pickling, candying, collaring, &c. With plain and easy instructions for preparing and dressing every thing suitable for an elegant entertainment, from two dishes to five or ten, &c. and directions for ranging them in their proper order. Also a copious and useful bill of fare, of all manner of provisions in season, for every month in the year; so that no person need be at a loss to provide an agreeable variety, at a moderate expence. Together with directions for making all sorts of wine, mead, cyder, shrub, &c. and distilling strong-waters, &c. after the most approved methods: for brewing ale and small-beer in a cleanly, frugal manner: and for managing and breeding poultry to advantage. Likewise several useful family receipts for taking out stains, preserving furniture, cleaning plate, taking iron-moulds out of linen, &c. As also easy table. London : printed for R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate-Hill, M.DCC.LVII. [1757]. ESTC No. N3514. Grub Street ID 23422.
- Dyche, Thomas. A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. ... To which is now added, an appendix, ... By T. Dyche, . The forty-third edition, corrected.. London : printed for Richard Ware, 1757. ESTC No. N18336. Grub Street ID 7819.
- The french convert: being a true relation of the happy conversion of a noble French lady from the errors and superstitions of popery, to the reformed religion by means of Protestant gardener her servant. Wherein is shewn, Her Great and Unparallel'd Sufferings, on the Account of her said Conversion; as also, her wonderful Deliverance from two Assassins hised by a Popish Priest to murder her: And of her miraculous Preservation in a Wond for two Years; and how she was at last providentially found by her Husband, who, together with her Parents, were brought over to the Embracing of the True Religion, as were divers others also. To which is added, a Brief account of the present severe precautions of the French Protestants. The eleventh edition.. London : printed for C. Hitch and L. Hawes at the Red Lion, in Pater-Noster Row; and J. Hodges, at the Looking Glass, at London-Bridge; and R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun, on Ludgate Hill, 1757. ESTC No. T89798. Grub Street ID 309655.
- Mouhy, Charles de Fieux. The fortunate country maid. Being the entertaining memoirs of the present celebrated Marchioness of L--- V----: who from a cottage, ... became a lady of the first quality in the court of France, ... From the French of the Chevalier de Mouhy. In two volumes. . The fifth edition corrected.. London : printed for C. Hitch, B. Dod, R. Ware, W. Needham, R. Baldwin, [and 5 others in London], 1758. ESTC No. N31902. Grub Street ID 20779.
- Cocker, Edward. Cocker's arithmetick. Being a plain and familiar method, suitable to the meanest Capacity, for the full understanding of that incomparable art, as it is now taught by the ablest School-Masters in City and Country. By Edward Cocker, late Practitioner in the Arts of Writing, Arithmetick, and Engraving: Being that so long since promised to the World. Perused and published by John Hawkins, Writing-Master, near St. George's Church in Southwark, by the Author's correct Copy, and commended to the World by many eminent Mathematicians and Writing-Masters in and near London. The fifty-fifth edition, carefully corrected and amended. By George Fisher, accomptant. Licensed Sept. 3, 1677. Roger L'Estrange. London : printed for C. Hitch and L. Hawes in Paternoster-Row; S. Crowder at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge; H. Woodgate and S. Brooks at the Golden-Ball in Paternoster-Row; and R. Ware, at the Bible and Sun on Ludgate-Hill, 1758. ESTC No. T30881. Grub Street ID 261719.
- Mouhy, Charles de Fieux. The fortunate country maid. Being the entertaining memoirs of the present celebrated Marchioness of L---- V----: who, from a cottage, ... became a lady of the first quality in the court of France, ... From the French of the Chevalier de Mouhy. . The fifth edition, corrected.. London : printed for R. Ware; W. Needham; R. Baldwin, H. Woodgate, and S. Brooks; P. Davey and B. Law; S. Crowder and Co.; T. Lownds, and A. and C. Corbet, 1758. ESTC No. N18687. Grub Street ID 8155.
Printed by and for, or by/for and sold by Richard Ware I
- Le Clerc, Sébastien. A treatise of architecture, with remarks and observations. Necessary for young people, who would apply themselves to that noble art. By Seb. Le Clerc, . London : printed and sold by Richard Ware, 1727. ESTC No. N47863. Grub Street ID 32504.
- Le Clerc, Sébastien. A treatise of architecture, with remarks and observations. Necessary for young people, who would apply themselves to that noble art. By Seb. Le Clerc, Knight of the Empire, designer and engraver in ordinary to the cabinet of the French king. London : printed and sold by Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Amen-Corner, near Pater-Noster-Row, 1732. ESTC No. T79286. Grub Street ID 300861.
- The new history of Valentine and Orson, abstracted from the French, and the best English originals. With a new set of figures more expressive of the story, and better adapted to the entertainment of the reader, than any yet extant. London : printed and sold by A. Bettesworth, and R. Ware; and J. Hodges, 1735. ESTC No. N49650. Grub Street ID 33832.
- Albin, Eleazar. A natural history of English song-birds, and such of the foreign as are usually brought over and esteemed for their singing. To which are added, Figures of the Cock, Hen and Egg, of each Species, exactly copied from Nature; by Mr. Eleazar Albin: and curiously engraven on copper. Also a particular Account how to order the Canary Birds in Breeding. London : printed and sold by R. Ware, the Corner of Warwick Lane, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch in Pater-Noster-Row; and S. Birt in Ave-Mary-Lane, 1738. ESTC No. T62528. Grub Street ID 288019.
- A short, plain, and practical exposition of the prayers, rubricks, rites, and ceremonies authorized and prescribed in the Book of Common-prayer ... Containing an harmony of the several parts ... and the substance of the liturgical remarks of Bp. Sparrow, ... Reading: printed and sold by J. Newbery and C. Micklewright; also by R. Ware, and S. Birt, in London, 1742. ESTC No. T196906. Grub Street ID 230202.
- Martin, Benjamin. Micrographia nova: or, a new treatise on the Microscope, and Microscopic objects. Containing I. The Description and Use of two different Reflecting Microscopes, of a new Form and Structure, and furnish'd with a Micrometer; viz. one design'd for the Pocket, the other mounted on a Ball and Socket, which renders it of Universal Use. II. A large and particular Account of all Kinds of Microscopic Objects, to be found in the Human Body, in Quadrupedes, in Fowls, Fishes, Insects, Reptiles, &c. in Plants and Vegetables of every kind; in Earths, Minerals, and Fossil Substances; and various other Miscellaneous Subjects. With Directions how to procure and prepare them for Use; and divers occasional Remarks interspersed thro' the whole. To which is added, An Account of the Camera Obscura, and the Solar Microscope, or Method of Magnifying Objects in a Darken'd Chamber, In every Way by Reflection and Refraction. By Benjamin Martin. Reading: printed and sold by J. Newbery and C. Micklewright, in the Market-Place; R. Ware, in Amen-Corner, and T. Cooper, in Pater-Noster-Row, London; J. Fletcher, in the Turl, Oxford; W. Thurlbourn, in Cambridge; and B. Collins, in Salisbury, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T25328. Grub Street ID 257769.
- Ware, Richard, I. Just published, the second edition, with additions, of a new general English dictionary; peculiarly calculated for the use and improvement of such as are unacquainted with the learned languages. Wherein the difficult words, and technical terms made use of in anatomy, architecture, arithmetick, algebra, astronomy, botany, chymistry, divinity, gardening, grammar, hawking, heraldry, history, horsemanship, hunting, husbandry, law, logick, mathematicks, mechanicks, milit. affairs, musick, navigation, painting, poetry, rhetorick, sculpture, surgery, &c. Are not only fully explain'd, but accented on their proper syllables, to prevent a vicious pronunciation; and mark'd with initial letters, to denote the part of speech, to which each word peculiarly belongs. To which is prefixed, a compendious English grammar, with general rules for the ready formation of one part of speech from another; by the due application whereof, such as understand English only, may be able to write as correctly and elegantly,. London : Printed for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun in Warwick-Lane, Amen-Corner, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T193223. Grub Street ID 227433.