Colman, Benjamin.
Faith victorious. As it was represented in a sermon preached to the Honourable Artillery Company in Boston, on the day of their election of officers, June 1st. 1702. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston.
Boston: Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for Samuel Sewall Junior, 1702.
ESTC No. W12080.Grub Street ID 321323.
Colman, Benjamin.
Practical discourses upon the parable of the ten virgins. Being a serious call and admonition to watchfulness and diligence in preparing for death and judgment. By Benjamin Colman, M. A. Late Preacher at Bath in Somersetshire.
London : printed for Thomas Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns, the lower End of Cheapside, near Mercers-Chappel, 1707.
ESTC No. T77794.Grub Street ID 299797.
Colman, Benjamin.
A poem on Elijahs translation, occasion'd by the death of the reverend and learned Mr. Samuel Willard, late pastor to a church of Christ in Boston, and vice-president of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge. By Mr. Colman, V.D.M. [Two lines in Latin].
Boston: Printed for Benjamin Eliot, 1707.
ESTC No. W42105.Grub Street ID 351864.
Colman, Benjamin.
Imprecation against the enemies of God, lawful and a duty. As it was deliver'd in a sermon at the lecture in Boston, before His Excellency and the General Court, March 20th. 1707. And now publish'd at their command. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston. [Eight lines from Exodus].
Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Nicholas Boone, at his shop near the corner of School-house Lane, 1707.
ESTC No. W12949.Grub Street ID 322256.
Colman, Benjamin.
The government & improvement of mirth according to the laws of Christianity. In three sermons. I. Of civil & natural II. Of carnal & vicious mirth III. Of spiritual & holy joy. Essay'd from James V. 13. [Two lines from James] More especially designed for the use, and recommended to the serious perusal of young people, and in particular the young gentlemen of Boston. By Benj. Colman.
Boston in New-England: Printed by B Green, for Samuel Phillips at the brick shop, 1707.
ESTC No. W12476.Grub Street ID 321748.
Colman, Benjamin.
The piety and duty of rulers to comfort and encourage the ministry of Christ. As it was represented in a sermon at the lecture in Boston, before His Excellency and the General Court, June 10th. 1708. By Benjamin Colman. M.A. Pastor of a church in Boston. [Two lines of Latin quotation].
Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green: sold by Benj. Eliot, at his shop under the town-house, at the head of King Street, 1708.
ESTC No. W28879.Grub Street ID 339082.
Colman, Benjamin.
A sermon preached before His Excellency the governour, and Her Majesties Council, at Boston in New-England, on July 22d. 1708. Being the day of the proclamation of the happy union of the two kingdoms of England and Scotland. By Benjamin Colman M.A. Pastor of a church in Boston.
Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green. Sold by Benj. Eliot, at his shop under the town-house, at the head of King Street, 1708.
ESTC No. W22206.Grub Street ID 332024.
Colman, Benjamin.
Practical discourses upon the parable of the ten virgins. Being a serious call and admonition to watchfulness and diligence in preparing for death and judgment. By Benjamin Colman, M.A. late preacher at Bath in Somersetshire.
London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns, the lower end of Cheapside, near Mercers-Chapel, 1709.
ESTC No. N69728.Grub Street ID 50658.
Colman, Benjamin.
The duty and honour of aged women, deliver'd at the lecture in Boston, March 15. 1711. After the funeral of the excellent, Mrs. Abigail Foster. Consort and relict of the late Honourable John Foster Esqr. One of Her Majesties Council, etc. By Benjamin Colman.
Boston: N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Joanna Perry at her shop over against the south side of the town house, 1711.
ESTC No. W38236.Grub Street ID 349056.
Colman, Benjamin.
A plain and familiar discourse of seeking God early. Preach'd privately to a society of young persons, in Boston, April 12. 1713. and now published at their desire, and for their use. By Benjamin Colman.
Boston: Printed by T. Green, for D. Henchman, in King's street, 1713.
ESTC No. W42581.Grub Street ID 352265.
Colman, Benjamin.
The hainous nature of the sin of murder. And the great happiness of deliverance from it. As it was represented in a sermon at the lecture in Boston, Sept. 24. 1713. Before the execution of one David Wallis. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston.
Boston, N.E.: Printed by John Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhil, 1713.
ESTC No. W12581.Grub Street ID 321861.
Colman, Benjamin.
The hainous nature of the sin of murder. And the great happiness of deliverance from it. As it was represented in a sermon at the lecture in Boston, Sept. 24. 1713. Before the execution of one David Wallis. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston.
Boston, N.E.: Printed by John Allen, for Nicholas Boone, at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhil, 1713.
ESTC No. W12657.Grub Street ID 321942.
Colman, Benjamin.
A devout contemplation on the meaning of Divine Providence, in the early death of pious and lovely children. Preached upon the sudden and lamented death of Mrs. Elizabeth Wainwright. Who departed this life, April the 8th. 1714. Having just compleated the fourteenth year of her age. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor to a church in Boston.
Boston: Printed by John Allen, for Joanna Perry, at her shop on the north-side of the Town-House, 1714.
ESTC No. W30761.Grub Street ID 341122.
Colman, Benjamin.
A holy & useful life recommended from the happy end of it. A sermon prech'd upon the death of the honourable and truely vertuous Isaac Addington Esqr. One of the Honourable Council, and secretary of His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, for more than twenty years. Who departed this life, March 19. 1714,15. in the 71. year of his age. By Benjamin Colman A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston, N.E.
Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot, at his shop, 1715.
ESTC No. W12761.Grub Street ID 322053.
Colman, Benjamin.
A humble discourse of the incomprehensibleness of God. In four sermons, preached at the lecture in Boston. 1714. By Benjamin Colman, M.A. Pastor of a church in Boston. With a preface by the Reverend Mr. Pemberton. [One line of Latin quotation].
Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Daniel Henchman at his shop on the south side of King-Street, 1715.
ESTC No. W39239.Grub Street ID 349976.
Colman, Benjamin.
The divine compassions declar'd and magnified: to engage and encourage the greatest sinners unto a speedy and earnest repentance. A sermon, preach'd at the lecture in Boston, June 2. 1715. Upon the sorrowful occasion of a miserable woman present, under sentence of death for the murder of her spurious infant. By Benjamin Colman, A.M.
Boston: Printed by T. Fleet & T. Crump, for Samuel Gerrish, on the north side of the town-house, in King-Street, 1715.
ESTC No. W38157.Grub Street ID 348971.
Colman, Benjamin.
A humble discourse of the incomprehensibleness of God. In four sermons, preached at the lecture in Boston. 1714. By Benjamin Colman, M.A. Pastor of a church in Boston. With a preface by the Reverend Mr. Pemberton. [One line of Latin quotation].
Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Daniel Henchman at his shop over against the Brick Meeting-House, 1715.
ESTC No. W12801.Grub Street ID 322095.
Colman, Benjamin.
A humble discourse of the incomprehensibleness of God. In four sermons, preached at the lecture in Boston. 1714. By Benjamin Colman, M.A. Pastor of a church in Boston. With a preface by the Reverend Mr. Pemberton. [One line of Latin quotation].
Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish at his shop on the north side of the Town-House, 1715.
ESTC No. W12802.Grub Street ID 322096.
Colman, Benjamin.
A Gospel ministry the rich gift of the ascended Saviour unto his church. As it was represented in a sermon preached August 2. 1715. By Mr. Benjamin Colman, on a day of prayer kept by his congregation, to implore the divine conduct and blessing with them, in their electio of another into the pastoral office among them.
Boston: Printed by T. Fleet and T. Crump, for Samuel Gerrish, on the north side of the Town-House, 1715.
ESTC No. W12561.Grub Street ID 321841.
Colman, Benjamin.
Some of the honours that religion does unto the fruitful mothers in Israel. Meditated upon the birth & preached at the baptism of a child. Boston Jan. 16. 1714,15. By Benjamin Colman A.M.
Boston in New-England: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, at his shop on the north side of King Street, near the town house, 1715.
ESTC No. W22310.Grub Street ID 332131.
Colman, Benjamin.
A devout and humble enquiry into the reasons of the divine council in the death of good men. Meditated on the death, and preached at the lecture in Boston on the day of the interment of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Bridge, A.M. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston: who departed this life on Monday, September 26. 1715. By Benjamin Colman, A.M.
Boston: Printed by T. Fleet & T. Crump, for Samuel Gerrish, Daniel Henchman, and Benjamin Gray, 1715.
ESTC No. W30760.Grub Street ID 341121.
Colman, Benjamin.
The warning of God unto young people, not to consent when enticed to sin. A sermon preach'd privately [to] a society of young men in Boston, April 22. 1716. and now publish'd at their desire, and for their use. By Benj. Colman.
Boston: Printed by B. Green, for D. Henchman, at the corner shop over against the Brick Meeting House, 1716.
ESTC No. W39863.Grub Street ID 350464.
Colman, Benjamin.
A sermon preach'd at Boston in New-England on Thursday the 23d. of August. 1716. Being the day of publick thanksgiving, for the suppression of the late vile and traiterous rebellion in Great Britain. By Benjamin Colman, M.A. Pastor of a church in Boston.
Boston: Printed by T. Fleet and T. Crump; sold by Samuel Gerrish on the north side of the Town-House, 1716.
ESTC No. W29218.Grub Street ID 339458.
Colman, Benjamin.
A sermon preach'd at the ordination of Mr. William Cooper, in Boston, N.E. May 23. 1716. By Benjamin Colman. With Mr. Cooper's confession of faith, and his answers to the questions proposed to him upon that occasion. N.B. Some paragraphs omitted in the preaching are here inserted in their proper places.
Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, and Daniel Henchman, and sold at their shops near the town-house, 1716.
ESTC No. W29221.Grub Street ID 339462.
Colman, Benjamin.
The honour and happiness of the vertuous woman; more especially considered in the two relations of a wife and mother. Meditated upon the lamented death of Mrs. Elizabeth Hirst, the vertuous consort of Grove Hirst, Esq; who departed this life, July 10. 1716. In the 35 yea of her age. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston. N.E.
Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1716.
ESTC No. W12773.Grub Street ID 322066.
Colman, Benjamin.
A brief enquiry into the reasons why the people of God have been wont to bring into their penitential confessions, the sins of their fathers and ancestors, in times long since past. Preached on a day of general prayer and fasting, March 22. 1716. By Benjamin Colman.
Boston: Printed by T. Fleet and T. Crump, for Samuel Gerrish, on the north side of the town-house, 1716.
ESTC No. W9602.Grub Street ID 358782.
Colman, Benjamin.
A sermon for the reformation of manners. Being designed as a sutable exhortation to enforce the reading of the King's royal proclamation for the encouragment of piety and vertue, and for the preventing and punishing of vice, prophaness and immorality. [Two lines from Romans] By Benjamin Colman, M.A. Pastor of a church in Boston, N.E.
Boston: Printed by T. Fleet and T. Crump, for Samuel Gerrish, on the north side of the Town-House, 1716.
ESTC No. W9959.Grub Street ID 359154.
Colman, Benjamin.
A funeral sermon, preached upon the death of the truly vertuous and religious Grove Hirst Esq; merchant in Boston New-England. Who departed this life October, 28. 1717. In the forty-third year of his life. To which is added, an extract from the private writings of Mr. Hirst, on divers select and important heads, shewing his secret walk before God in truth and with a perfect heart. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston. [One line from John].
Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1717.
ESTC No. W20364.Grub Street ID 330030.
Colman, Benjamin.
A sermon at the lecture in Boston, after the funerals of those excellent & learned divines and eminent Fellows of Harvard College the Reverend, Mr. William Brattle, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Cambridge, who deceased Feb. 15. 1716, 7. aetatis suae 55. And the Reverend, Mr. Ebenezer Pemberton, Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston, who deceased the 13. of the said month. aetatis suae 45. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston. [One line of Latin quotation].
Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, & Daniel Henchman, sold at their shops, 1717.
ESTC No. W29118.Grub Street ID 339347.
Colman, Benjamin.
The rending of the vail of the temple at the crucifixion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Consider'd in a sacramental discourse had in Boston, N.E. December 3. 1710. By Benjamin Colman, V.D.M.
Boston: Printed and sold by B. Green, 1717.
ESTC No. W9921.Grub Street ID 359116.
Colman, Benjamin.
Sermons preached at the lecture in Boston, from Luke XI, 21, 22. Shewing I. That the soul of man is a noble palace which the great God built for himself. II. That it is now become as a garison or strong hold, which Satan keeps against God. III. That there is a wretched peace and cursed quiet, which the carnal heart lies in under Satans tyranny. IV. That the victorious Saviour rescues whom he pleases, and will rescue all his chosen, from Satans power and tyranny. To which is added, a discourse from Psalm CXXII. I. I was glad when they said unto me, let me go unto the House of the Lord. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston.
Boston: Printed by B. Green, for S. Gerrish & D. Henchman, sold at their shops, 1717.
ESTC No. W17837.Grub Street ID 327407.
Colman, Benjamin.
The religious regards we owe to our country, and the blessing of Heaven assured thereunto. A sermon preached before His Excellency Samuel Shute Esq; His Majesty's Council, and the Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, May 28. 1718. Being the day for the election of His Majesty's Council there. By Benjamin Colman A.M. Pastor of a church in Boston. [One line of Latin quotation].
Boston in N.E.: Printed by B Green, printer to His Excellency the governour and Council, 1718.
ESTC No. W21754.Grub Street ID 331542.
Colman, Benjamin.
A plain and familiar discourse of seeking God early. Preach'd privately to a society of young persons, in Boston, April 12. 1713. and now publish'd at their desire, and for their use. By Benjamin Colman.
Boston: Printed by J. Franklin for D. Henchman, at the corner shop over against the brick meeting house, 1719.
ESTC No. W42582.Grub Street ID 352266.
Colman, Benjamin.
The blessing of Zebulun & Issachar. A sermon preached before the Great and General Court or Assembly in Boston, November 19, 1719. By Benjamin Colman.
Boston, N.E.: Printed by B. Green, printer to His Excellency the governour and Council, for Samuel Gerrish, at his shop, 1719.
ESTC No. W38399.Grub Street ID 349224.
Colman, Benjamin.
Some reasons and arguments offered to the good people of Boston and adjacent places, for setting up markets in Boston.
Boston: Printed by J. Franklin, for S. Gerrish and J. Edwards, and sold at their shops, 1719.
ESTC No. W22314.Grub Street ID 332135.
Colman, Benjamin.
Ossa Josephi. Or, The bones of Joseph. Consider'd in a sermon, preached at the lecture in Boston, after the funeral of the very honourable and excellent Joseph Dudley, Esq; late governour of His Majesty's provinces of the Massachusetts-Bay, and New-Hampshire, in New-England. Who departed this life, April 2. 1720. in the 73. year of his age. By Benjamin Colman, M.A. and Pastor of a church in Boston.
Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot, at his shop, 1720.
ESTC No. W28841.Grub Street ID 339041.
Colman, Benjamin.
Early piety again inculcated from those famous words of Solomon, Eccles. XII. 1. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. In a sermon preached to a society of young men, in Boston, July 10. 1720. By Benjamin Colman.
Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for D. Henchman, and J. Edwards, and sold at their shops, 1720.
ESTC No. W9919.Grub Street ID 359113.
Colman, Benjamin.
Some observations on the new method of receiving the small-pox by ingrafting or inoculating. By Mr. Colman. Containing also the reasons, which first induc'd him to, and have since confirm'd him in, his favourable opinion of it.
Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish, at his shop near the Brick Meeting-House in Corn-hill, 1721.
ESTC No. W29455.Grub Street ID 339720.
Colman, Benjamin.
The hope of the righteous in their death. A sermon preached on the Lords-Day after the funeral of William Harris Esq; who departed this life, September 22. 1721. In the fifty-fifth year of his age. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston.
Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, MDCCXXI. [1721].
ESTC No. W10220.Grub Street ID 319329.
Colman, Benjamin.
A narrative of the method and success of inoculating the small pox in New England. By Mr. Benj. Colman. With a reply to the objections made against it from principles of conscience. In a letter from a minister at Boston. To which is now prefixed, an historical introduction. By Daniel Neal, M.A.
London : printed for Emanuel Matthews at the Bible in Pater-Noster-Row, and Richard Ford at the Angel in the Poultry, M.DCC.XXII. [1722].
ESTC No. T39586.Grub Street ID 268815.
Colman, Benjamin.
A narrative of the method and success of inoculating the small-pox in New England. By Mr. Benj. Colman. With a reply to the objections made against it from principles of conscience. In a letter from a minister at Boston. To which is now prefixed, an historical introduction. By Daniel Neal, M.A.
Dublin: printed by George Grierson, 1722.
ESTC No. N4620.Grub Street ID 31073.
Colman, Benjamin.
The rending of the vail of the temple at the crucifixion of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. Consider'd in a sacramental discourse had in Boston N.E. By Benj. Colman V.D.M.
Boston [Mass.]: reprinted & sold by B. Green, 1722.
ESTC No. W42690.Grub Street ID 352364.
Colman, Benjamin.
Moses a witness to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A discourse had in the College Hall at Cambridge, March 27. 1722. Before the baptism of R. Judah Monis. By Benjamin Colman, M.A. and Pastor of a church in Boston. [Four lines from Romans].
Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, for D. Henchman, and sold at his shop, 1722.
ESTC No. W28633.Grub Street ID 338814.
Colman, Benjamin.
A discourse had in the College-Hall at Cambridge, March 27. 1722. Before the baptism of R. Judah Monis. By Benj. Colman, V.D.M. To which are added three discourses written by Mr. Monis himself, The truth, The whole truth, and, Nothing but the truth. One of which was deliver'd by him at his baptism.
Boston: Printed [by Samuel Kneeland] for Daniel Henchman, and sold at his shop over against the Old Brick Church in Cornhill, 1722.
ESTC No. W38062.Grub Street ID 348874.
Colman, Benjamin.
Jacob's vow upon his leaving his fathers house, consider'd in a sermon had in private, Octob. 15. 1722. at the desire of a young gentleman, upon his entering on worldly business, and going abroad into the world. By Benj. Colman, M.A. Pastor of a church in Boston, N.E. [Two lines from Psalms].
Boston: Printed by James Franllin [sic], in Queen-Street, 1722.
ESTC No. W9920.Grub Street ID 359115.
Colman, Benjamin.
David's dying charge to the rulers and people of Israel. A sermon preached before the Honourable the lieutenant governour, the Council and General Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. May 29th. 1723. Being the day for the annual election of His Majesty's Council. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston.
Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, printer to His Honour the lieut. governour and Council, 1723.
ESTC No. W20099.Grub Street ID 329741.
Colman, Benjamin.
A blameless & inoffensive life, recommended in a sermon preached on the Lord's-day after the funeral of the virtuous & exemplary Mr. David Stoddard, of Boston, merchant. Who departed this life, March 8. 1723, in the thirty & seventh year of his age. By Benjamin Colman. [Four lines from John].
Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, 1723.
ESTC No. W38396.Grub Street ID 349221.
Colman, Benjamin.
God deals with us as rational creatures: and if sinners would but hearken to reason they would repent. A sermon preached at the lecture in Boston, February, 7. 1722, 3. And now publish'd at the desire and request of one that heard it. By Benjamin Colman. [Four lines of Scripture texts].
Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green, for Daniel Henchman, 1723.
ESTC No. W5262.Grub Street ID 354216.
Colman, Benjamin.
The death of God's saints precious in his sight. A sermon preached on the Lord's-Day after the funeral of the truly virtuous and religious Mrs. Jane Steel, consort of Thomas Steel, Esq; who departed this life January 26. 1722,3. Aetatis 42. [One line of Latin quotation] By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston. N.E. [One line from Proverbs].
Boston: Printed by B. Green, 1723.
ESTC No. W37867.Grub Street ID 348662.
Colman, Benjamin.
The prophet's death lamented and improved, in a sermon preached Septem. 1. 1723. to the North Church in Boston, on the Lords Day after the funeral of their venerable and aged pastor, Increase Mather, D.D. and now publish'd at the desire of many in the audience. By Benjamin Colman. [Five lines from Matthew].
Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for Nath. Belknap, at his shop near Scarlet's Wharfe, 1723.
ESTC No. W28979.Grub Street ID 339192.
Colman, Benjamin.
The master taken up from the sons of the prophets. A sermon preached at Cambridge upon the sudden death of the Reverend & learned John Leverett, president of Harvard College, by Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston. [Three lines of Scripture quotations].
Boston: Printed [by B. Green] for Samuel Gerrish, 1724.
ESTC No. W26091.Grub Street ID 336113.
Colman, Benjamin.
The doctrine and law of the Holy Sabbath: in the order wherein it lies through the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. In two sermons, preached at the lecture in Boston, October 15. and December 10. 1724. By Benjamin Colman. [Two lines of Latin quotation].
Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for Thomas Hancock, and sold at his shop in Ann-Street, near the draw-bridge, 1725.
ESTC No. W38191.Grub Street ID 349009.
Colman, Benjamin.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. A sermon preached to some miserable pirates July 10. 1726. On the Lord's Day, before their execution. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston. To which is added some account of said pirates. [Three lines from Deuteronomy].
Boston, N.E.: Printed for John Phillips and Thomas Hancock, and sold at their shops, 1726.
ESTC No. W20551.Grub Street ID 330237.
Colman, Benjamin.
Parents and grown children should be together at the Lord's table. A sermon before the sacrament, at the Fryday [sic] lecture in Brattle-Street, Boston. By Benjamin Colman. [Seven lines from Deuteronomy].
Boston: Printed for S. Gerrish, at the lower end of Cornhill, 1727.
ESTC No. W28854.Grub Street ID 339055.
Colman, Benjamin.
Prayer to the Lord of the harvest for the mission of labourers into his harvest. A sermon preached in the Old South Meeting-House in Boston, August 9. 1727. At the ordination of the Reverend Ebenezer Pemberton M.A. Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in the city of New-York. By Benjamin Colman. [Two lines from Corinthians].
Boston, N.E.: Printed by Gamaliel Rogers in Long-Lane, for Daniel Henchman over-against the Old Brick Meeting-House in Cornhill, 1727.
ESTC No. W18032.Grub Street ID 327620.
Colman, Benjamin.
The judgments of Providence in the hand of Christ: his voice to us in the terrible earthquake. And the earth devoured by the curse. In four sermons. By Benjamin Colman. [Four lines from Isaiah].
Boston: Printed for J. Phillips at the Stationers-Arms on the south side of the town-house, and T. Hancock at the Bible and Three Crowns near the town dock, 1727.
ESTC No. W27539.Grub Street ID 337645.
Colman, Benjamin.
Fidelity to Christ and to the Protestant succession in the illustrious House of Hannover. A sermon preached at Boston in New-England, the Lord's-Day after the proclaiming of King George the Second; August 9. 1727. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston. [Two line from Proverbs].
Boston, in N.E.: Printed by T. Fleet for T. Hancock, at the Bible and Three Crowns near the town-dock, 1727.
ESTC No. W20319.Grub Street ID 329981.
Colman, Benjamin.
Death and the grave without any order. A sermon preached July 7. 1728. Being the Lord's-Day after a tragical duel. And most lamented death. By Benjamin Colman. [Four lines from Proverbs].
Boston in New-England: Printed for John Phillips & Thomas Hancock, near the Town Dock, 1728.
ESTC No. W20102.Grub Street ID 329746.
Colman, Benjamin.
An argument for and persuasive unto the great and important duty of family worship: with rules and directions for the due performance of it. By Benjamin Colman Pastor of a church in Boston. [Two lines from Samuel].
Boston, N.E.: Printed by Gamaliel Rogers, for Thomas Hancock at the Bible and Three Crowns near the town dock, 1728.
ESTC No. W11683.Grub Street ID 320897.
Colman, Benjamin.
The holy walk and glorious translation of blessed Enoch. A sermon preached at the lecture in Boston, two days after the death of the Reverend and learned Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. Who departed this life, Febr. 13. 1728. aetat. 65. By Benjamin Colman.
Boston: Printed for J. Phillips, at the Stationers Arms on the south- side of the town-house, & T. Hancock, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Ann Street, 1728.
ESTC No. W20472.Grub Street ID 330150.
Colman, Benjamin.
The duty of young people to give their hearts unto God, because they are his offspring. In four sermons preched to religious societies in School Street, on the evenings of the Lords Day. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston. [Five lines from Matthew].
Boston: Printed for D. Henchman, in Cornhill, and T. Hancock at the Sign of the Bible and Three Crowns near the town-dock, [1728].
ESTC No. W38279.Grub Street ID 349099.
Colman, Benjamin.
The credibility of the Christian doctrine of the resurrection. A sermon preached (in part) at the publick lecture in Boston, July 24th 1729. The Thursday after the funeral of William Welsteed, Esq. By Benjamin Colman. [Two lines from Luke].
Boston: Printed for Thomas Hancock, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Ann-Street, 1729.
ESTC No. W20093.Grub Street ID 329735.
Colman, Benjamin.
The character of His Excellency William Burnet, Esq; late governour of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay, &c. Boston, Sept. 8. 1729.
Boston: Printed and sold by T. Fleet in Pudding-Lane, near the town-house, 1729.
ESTC No. W37727.Grub Street ID 348514.
Colman, Benjamin.
The faithful ministers of Christ mindful of their own death. A sermon preached at the lecture in Boston; upon the death of the learned and venerable Solomon Stoddard late Pastor of the Church of Christ in Northampton: who departed this life Febr. 11. 1729. Aetat. 86. By Benjamin Colman. [Two lines from Isaiah].
Boston, New-England: Printed for D. Henchman in Cornhil, John Phillips and T. Hancock, near the town dock, MDCCXXIX. [1729].
ESTC No. W20289.Grub Street ID 329948.
Colman, Benjamin.
Government the pillar of the earth. A sermon preached at the lecture in Boston, before His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; captain general and commander in chief, &c. August 13th 1730. By Benjamin Colman. [Two lines from Isaiah].
Boston, in New-England: Printed for T. Hancock, at the Bible and Three Crowns near the town-dock, 1730.
ESTC No. W8085.Grub Street ID 357151.
Colman, Benjamin.
Dying in peace in a good old age. A sermon preach'd the Lords-Day after the funeral of the Honourable and aged Simeon Stoddard Esq; of Boston. Who departed this life, October 15th. 1730. aetat. 80. By Benjamin Colman, [Four lines from I Kings].
Boston, N.E.: Printed by S. Kneeland and T. Green for J. Phillips, M,DCC,XXX. [1730].
ESTC No. W3805.Grub Street ID 348860.
Colman, Benjamin.
The friend of Christ, and of His people. A sermon preached at the lecture in Boston, April 1. 1731. Before His Excellency the governour, and the General Court: upon the news of the death of the much honoured Thomas Hollis, Esq; the most generous and noble patron of learning and religion in the churches of New-England. By his friend and correspondent Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston. [One line from Samuel].
Boston in New-England: Printed by B. Green, printer to His Excellency the governour & Council, for T. Hancock at the Bible and Three Crowns near the town dock, 1731.
ESTC No. W20341.Grub Street ID 330006.
Colman, Benjamin.
Ministers and people under special obligations to sanctity, humility & gratitude; for the great grace given them in the preached Gospel. A sermon on a day of prayer, kept by the North Church in Boston on Tuesday January 25. 1731/2. To implore the Divine direction in their election of another pastor. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. Pastor of a church in Boston. [Four lines from Galatians].
Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland & T. Green, for S. Gerrish in Cornhill, M,DCC,XXXII. [1732].
ESTC No. W20759.Grub Street ID 330465.
Colman, Benjamin.
God is a great king. A sermon preached (in part) at Boston May 13. 1733. And now publish'd at the desire of a Reverend person then present, and at the expence of his friends, to whom he recommended it: unto whom it is therefore now presented and dedicated, by Benjamin Colman, D.D. Pastor of a church in Boston. [Four lines from Psalms].
Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland & T. Green, for T. Hancock at the Bible and Three Crowns in Ann-Street, MDCCXXXIII. [1733].
ESTC No. W12420.Grub Street ID 321690.
Colman, Benjamin.
The fast which God hath chosen. A sermon preached at the lecture in Boston March 21. 1734. Preparatory to an appointed day of publick fasting and prayer. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. Published at the desire of some that heard it, and judge it may be of general use at this da thro' the Province. [Seven lines of Scripture quotations].
Boston: Printed & sold by S. Kneeland & T. Green, in Queen-Street, MDCCXXXIV. [1734].
ESTC No. W20311.Grub Street ID 329973.
Colman, Benjamin.
Reliquiae Turellae, et lachrymae paternae. The father's tears over his daughter's remains. Two sermons preach'd at Medford, April 6. 1735. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. The Lord's Day after the funeral of his beloved daughter Mrs. Jane Turell. To which are added, some large memoirs of her life and death, by her consort, the Reverend Mr. Ebenezer Turell, M.A. Pastor of the church in Medford. [Four lines from Psalms].
Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland & T. Green, for J. Edwards and H. Foster in Cornhill, 1735.
ESTC No. W21756.Grub Street ID 331544.
Colman, Benjamin.
A brief dissertation on the three first chapters of Genesis. Giving some of the evident signatures of the inspiration of God in those first pages of the holy oracles. Being the substance of some sermons lately preached By Dr. Colman. [One line from John].
Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland and T. Green, for J. Edwards and H. Foster, at their shops in Corn-hill, 1735.
ESTC No. W30035.Grub Street ID 340342.
Colman, Benjamin.
A dissertation on the image of God wherein man was created. [Three lines from Genesis] By Benjamin Colman, D.D. [Three lines from Van Mastricht].
Boston: Printed & sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green in Queen-Street, MDCCXXXVI. [1736].
ESTC No. W38133.Grub Street ID 348947.
Colman, Benjamin.
The merchandise of a people holiness to the Lord. A sermon preached in part at the publick lecture in Boston, July 1. 1725. In part at a private meeting for charity to the poor, March 6. 1726. And now published as a thank-offering to God for repeated surprising bounties from London for uses of piety and charity. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. and Pastor of a church in Boston. [Two lines from Corinthians].
Boston, in New-England: Printed by J. Draper, in Newbury-Street, 1736.
ESTC No. W26137.Grub Street ID 336162.
Colman, Benjamin.
Righteousness and compassion the duty and character of pious rulers. A sermon preach'd on a day of private fasting and prayer in the Council chamber in Boston December 10th 1736. Before His Excellency the governour and the General Court. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. Pastor of church in Boston. [Three lines from Hosea].
Boston in New-England: Printed by J. Draper, printer to His Excellency the governour and Council, for D. Henchman, over against the Brick Meeting-House in Cornhil, 1736.
ESTC No. W29066.Grub Street ID 339290.
Colman, Benjamin.
The peaceful end of a perfect and upright life, remark'd and contemplated in a sermon after the death of the universally esteemed Thomas Steel, Esq; merchant in Boston, who departed this life on Thursday, January 8th. 1735,6. aetat. 71. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. [Four lines from Isaiah].
Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland and T. Green, MDCCXXXVI. [1736].
ESTC No. W35150.Grub Street ID 345840.
Colman, Benjamin.
The great duty of waiting on God in our straits & difficulties, explained and inforced: in a sermon preached at Boston on the Lord's-Day April 17. 1737. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. Published at the request of many that heard it. [Two lines from Hosea].
Boston: Printed by J. Draper, for J. Edwards and H. Foster in Cornhill, 1737.
ESTC No. W12520.Grub Street ID 321797.
Colman, Benjamin.
It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed. A sermon preach'd by Dr. Colman, at the Friday-lecture in Brattle-Street, March 4, 1736, 7. After a most merciful and wonderful preservation of the town from being consumed by fire, which broke out in Union-Street, abou four that morning. Printed at the earnest request of the preserved nei'bourhood and others; to be in their houses some memorial of the Divine compassions, and a small testimony of their thankfulness to God for the deliverance granted them. [Three lines from Amos].
Boston: Printed by J. Draper, for J. Edwards, and H. Foster, in Cornhil, 1737.
ESTC No. W13051.Grub Street ID 322367.
Colman, Benjamin.
Christ standing for an ensign of the people. A sermon preached at the Honourable and Ancient Artillery Company in Boston, June 5. 1738. Being the day of the finishing their first century. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. Published at the desire of many of the hearers. [One line from Exodus].
Boston: Printed by J. Draper, for J. Edwards and S. Eliot in Cornhill, 1738.
ESTC No. W20021.Grub Street ID 329656.
Colman, Benjamin.
The wither'd hand stretched forth at the command of Christ, and restored. A sermon preached at the lecture in Boston, May 17. 1739. By Benjamin Colman, D.D.
Boston: printed by J. Draper, for J. Edwards, 1739.
ESTC No. W29709.Grub Street ID 339991.
Colman, Benjamin.
Faithful pastors angels of the churches. A sermon preached to the bereaved flock, March 4. 1739. On the Lord's-Day after the funeral of the Reverend Mr. Peter Thacher of Boston. aetat. 62. And now printed at their desire. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. [Four lines from Revelation].
Boston: Printed by J. Draper, for D. Henchman and S. Eliot in Cornhill, 1739.
ESTC No. W20292.Grub Street ID 329952.
Colman, Benjamin.
The unspeakable gift of God; a right charitable and bountiful spirit to the poor and needy members of Jesus Christ. A sermon preached at the publick lecture in Boston, February 1. 1739. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. [Five lines of Scripture quotations].
Boston: Printed by J. Draper for H. Foster in Cornhil, 1739.
ESTC No. W28484.Grub Street ID 338660.
Colman, Benjamin.
The wither'd hand stretched forth at the command of Christ, and restored. A sermon preach'd at the lecture in Boston, May 17. 1739. By Benjamin Colman, D.D.
Boston: Printed by J. Draper for D. Henchman and J. Edwards, in Cornhil, MDCCXL. [1740].
ESTC No. W19923.Grub Street ID 329552.
Colman, Benjamin.
Souls flying to Jesus Christ pleasant and admirable to behold. A sermon preach'd at the opening an evening-lecture in Brattle-Street Boston, Tuesday October 21. 1740. By Dr. Colman. To a very crowded audience. And printed at the desire of many. [Four lines of quotations].
Boston: Printed by G. Rogers and D. Fowle, for J. Edwards and S. Eliot, in Cornhill, 1740.
ESTC No. W3527.Grub Street ID 345967.
Colman, Benjamin.
A humble discourse of the incomprehensibleness of God. In four sermons, preached at the lecture in Boston. 1714. By Benjamin Colman, M.A. Pastor of a church in Boston. With a preface by the Reverend Mr. Pemberton.
Boston: Printed by J. Draper, for D. Henchman, over against the brick meeting house in Cornhil, MDCCXL. [1740].
ESTC No. W20484.Grub Street ID 330163.
Colman, Benjamin.
The faithful servant in the joy of his Lord. A funeral sermon on the death of the Honourable Samuel Holden, Esq; of London: preached at the public lecture in Boston, New-England, Sept. 4. 1740. In the audience of His Excellency the governour the Honourable the Council, and Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, by Benjamin Colman, D.D.
Boston: Printed by J. Draper, printer to His Excellency the governour and Council, for D. Henchman in Cornhil, MDCCXL. [1740].
ESTC No. W20293.Grub Street ID 329953.
Colman, Benjamin.
The Lord shall rejoice in his works. A sermon preach'd at the lecture in Boston, August 27. 1741. Before His Excellency William Shirley, Esq; captain-general and commander in chief, and in the audience of the General Court. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. [Two lines from Psalms.
Boston: Printed by J. Draper, printer to His Excellency the governour and Council, MDCCXLI. [1741].
ESTC No. W31362.Grub Street ID 341773.
Colman, Benjamin.
Souls flying to Jesus Christ pleasant and admirable to behold. A sermon preach'd to a very crowded Audience, at the opening an evening-lecture, in Brattle-Street, Boston, Tuesday, October 21, 1740. By Dr. Colman. Printed at the Desire of Many. To which is prefix'd, A Preface giving a brief Account of the great and remarkable Success that has lately attended the Labours of the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield, the Reverend Mr. Gilbert Tenant, and others in those Parts.
London] : Boston printed, London reprinted for Samuel Mason, Bookseller, over against Love-Lane, in Wood-Street, MDCCXLI. [1741.
ESTC No. T49539.Grub Street ID 277329.
Colman, Benjamin.
The great God has magnified his word to the children of men. A sermon preach'd at the lecture in Boston, April 29. 1742. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. Wherein his testimony is humbly given, for the great and wondrous work of God's grace manifest in many parts of the land, and also against some things which may dishonour and obstruct it. [Four lines from Peter].
Boston: Printed by T. Fleet, for D. Henchman, and sold at his shop in Cornhill, 1742.
ESTC No. W20422.Grub Street ID 330095.
Colman, Benjamin.
The glory of God in the firmament of his power. A sermon preach'd in Boston to the congregation in Brattle-Street, on the Lord's-Day, October 31st. 1742. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. a Pastor of said Church. [Three lines of Latin quotation].
Boston: Printed and sold by S. Kneeland T. Green in Queen-Street, 1743.
ESTC No. W14511.Grub Street ID 323928.
Colman, Benjamin.
Jesus weeping over his dead friend, and with his friends in their mourning. A sermon preached the Lord's-Day after the funeral of the Reverend Mr. William Cooper, one of the Pastors of the Church in Brattle-Street, Boston. Who died December 13. 1743. Aetat. 50. By Dr. Colman, senior Pastor of said Church. [Three lines from Samuel].
Boston: Printed by Rogers and Fowle, for J. Edwards in Cornhill, 1744.
ESTC No. W20559.Grub Street ID 330245.
Colman, Benjamin.
The case of Satan's fiery darts in blasphemous suggestions and hellish annoyances: as they were considered in several sermons, heretofore preach'd to the congregation in Brattle-Street, Boston, May 1711. And lately repeated to them May 1743. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. Pastor of said church. And now publish'd at the desire of some, who having suffer'd by such temptations, would thus (by the will of God) minister to the direction and support of others in like spiritual trouble and distress. [Three lines from Romans].
Boston: Printed by Rogers and Fowle, for J. Edwards in Cornhill, 1744.
ESTC No. W30223.Grub Street ID 340541.
Colman, Benjamin.
The withered hand, stretched forth at the command of Christ, and restored. A sermon preach'd at the lecture in Boston, May 17, 1739. By Benjamin Colman,.
The third edition..
London] : Boston printed. London: reprinted in the year, 1744.
ESTC No. T209273.Grub Street ID 237945.
Colman, Benjamin.
A letter from the Reverend Dr. Colman of Boston, to the Reverend Mr. Williams of Lebanon, upon reading the confession and retractations of the Mr. Reverend James Davenport.
Boston: Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle next to the prison in Queen-Street, Aug. 14, 1744.
ESTC No. W19530.Grub Street ID 329181.
Colman, Benjamin.
One chosen of God and called to the work of the ministry, willingly offering himself. A sermon preached at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Samuel Cooper, to the pastoral office in the Church of Christ in Brattle-Street, Boston, May 21. 1746. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. Senior Pastor: aet. 73. To which are added, the charge then given by the Rev. Dr. Sewall: and the right hand of fellowship by the Rev. Mr. Prince.
Boston: Printed by Rogers and Fowle for J. Edwards in Cornhill, MDCCXLVI. [1746].
ESTC No. W28732.Grub Street ID 338920.
Colman, Benjamin.
The vanity of man as mortal. A sermon preach'd at the lecture in Boston, September 4. 1746. In the audience of the General Court, the morning before the funeral of the Honourable Mrs. Frances Shirley consort to His Excellency William Shirley Esq; captain general and commander in chief of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay, &c. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. [Two lines of Latin quotation].
Boston: Printed by Rogers and Fowle, for D. Henchman in Cornhill, MDCCXLVI. [1746].
ESTC No. W28504.Grub Street ID 338681.
Colman, Benjamin.
Practical discourses on the parable of the ten virgins. Being a serious call and admonition to watchfulness and diligence in preparing for death and judgment. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. Pastor of the Church in Brattle-Street, Boston.
Boston, N.E.: Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-Street next to the prison, and J. Edwards in Cornhill, MDCCXLVII. [1747].
ESTC No. W28942.Grub Street ID 339153.
Colman, Benjamin.
Practical discourses on the parable of the ten virgins. Being a serious call and admonition to watchfulness and diligence in preparing for death and judgment. By Benjamin Colman, D.D. Pastor of the Church in Brattle-Street, Boston.
Boston, N.E.: Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-Street next to the prison, and J. Edwards in Cornhill, MDCCXLVII. [1747].
ESTC No. W27786.Grub Street ID 337900.