Publications of James Roberts
Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.
What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.
In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:
- "printed by x"; or
- "sold by x"; or
- "printed for x" or "published by x";
or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):
- "printed and sold by x"; "printed: and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.
On this last point, trade publishers such as Mary Cooper appeared in imprints as having "printed" or "published" the work, though they did not own the copyright. The lists below reflect only the information on the imprint, except where ESTC provides extra information.
Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.
David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:
The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.
D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).
Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.
A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).
- Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
- Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
- John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
- John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
- David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
- Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
- D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
- Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).
Printed by James Roberts
- Hill, Thomas. A new almanack for the yeare of our Lorde God, M.D.LXXII. Calculated for the meridian of Oxenforde. By Thomas Hyll. [London: Printed by Richard Watkins and James Roberts, 1572]. ESTC No. S121793. Grub Street ID 141362.
- A compendious and most meruailous historie of the latter times of the Iewes common vveale. Beginning where the Bible or scriptures leaue, and continuing to the vtter subvertion and last destruction of that countrey and people. Written in Hebrue by Ioseph Ben Gorion, a noble man of the same countrey, who sawe the most things himselfe, and was authour and doer of a great part of the same. Translated into English by Peter Morwyn, of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford. At London: Printed [by James Roberts] for Thomas Adames, dwelling in Paules Church-yarde, ouer against the great north doore, An. Do. 1593. ESTC No. S122503. Grub Street ID 142038.
- A treatise of true fortitude. By M. George Gyffard, Preacher of the worde of God, at Maldon in Essex. At London: printed [by James Roberts] for Iohn Hardie, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Tygars head, 1594. ESTC No. S114291. Grub Street ID 134009.
- Nash, Thomas. Christs teares ouer Ierusalem. VVhereunto is annexed, a comparatiue admonition to London. By Tho. Nashe. London: Printed [by James Roberts and R. Field] for Andrew VVise, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Angell, 1594. ESTC No. S113077. Grub Street ID 132821.
- Maunsell, Andrew. The first part of the catalogue of English printed bookes: vvhich concerneth such matters of diuinitie, as haue bin either written in our owne tongue, or translated out of anie other language: and haue bin published, to the glory of God, and edification of the Church of Christ in England. Gathered into alphabet, and such method as it is, by Andrew Maunsell, bookeseller. London: Printed by Iohn VVindet [and James Roberts] for Andrew Maunsell, dwelling in Lothburie, 1595. ESTC No. S111825. Grub Street ID 131599.
- Sidney, Philip. An apologie for poetrie. VVritten by the right noble, vertuous, and learned, Sir Phillip Sidney, Knight. At London: printed [by James Roberts] for Henry Olney, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the George, neere to Cheap-gate, Anno. 1595. ESTC No. S111043. Grub Street ID 130974.
- Balmford, James. A short catechisme, verie necessarie to be learned of all Christians. At London: printed by James Roberts, 1597. ESTC No. S90380. Grub Street ID 149762.
- Pasquier, Etienne. The Iesuites catechisme. Or Examination of their doctrine. Published in French this present yeere 1602. and nowe translated into English. VVith a table at the end, of all the maine poynts that are disputed and handled therein. [London]: Printed [by James Roberts], anno Domini. 1602. ESTC No. S114185. Grub Street ID 133908.
- Dering, Edward. A short catechisme for housholders, with prayers to the same adioyning. First made by Maister Moore, and augmented by M. Dearing. Printed at London: by James Roberts, 1603. ESTC No. S91683. Grub Street ID 150680.
- Owsolde, Walter. The varietie of memorable and worthy matters. By Walter Owsolde. Imprinted at London: [By James Roberts] for Ieffery Charlton, and are to be solde at his shoppe, at the great north doore of Paules, 1605. ESTC No. S119350. Grub Street ID 138991.
- Closse, George. The parricide papist, or Cut-throate Catholicke. A tragicall discourse of a murther lately committed at Padstow in the countie of Cornewall by a professed papist, killing his owne father, and afterwardes himselfe, in zeale of his popish religion. The 11 of March last past. 1606. Written by G Closse, preacher of the word of God at Blacke Torrington in Deuon. Printed at London: [By James Roberts] for Christopher Hunt, dwelling in Louells Inne in Paternoster-row, 1606. ESTC No. S118612. Grub Street ID 138265.
- Closse, George. The parricide papist, or, Cut-throate Catholicke. A tragicall discourse of a murther lately committed at Padstow in the countie of Cornewall by a professed papist, killing his owne father, and afterwardes himselfe, in zeale of his popish religion. The 11 of March last past. 1606. Written by G Closse, preacher of the Word of God at Blacke Torrington in Deuon. Printed at London: [By James Roberts] for Christopher Hunt, dwelling in Pater-noster-row, neere the Kings head, [1606]. ESTC No. S296. Grub Street ID 147273.
- No-body, and some-body. With the true chronicle historie of Elydure, who was fortunately three seuerall times crowned King of England. The true coppy thereof, as it hath beene acted by the Queens Maiesties Seruants. [London]: Printed [by James Roberts] for Iohn Trundle and are to be sold at his shop in Barbican, at the signe of No-body, [1606]. ESTC No. S113225. Grub Street ID 132965.
- Memoirs of literature. London [England] : printed by J[ames]. Roberts: and sold by A[nn]. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, [1710-1714]. ESTC No. P2167. Grub Street ID 55879.
- Memoirs of literature. Containing a weekly account of the state of learning, both at home and abroad. Volume I. For the years MDCCX. and MDCCXI. London : printed by J. Roberts: and sold by A. Baldwin, 1712. ESTC No. N62611. Grub Street ID 44921.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1733. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, 1733. ESTC No. T27581. Grub Street ID 259483.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1734. ... By Vincent Wing. London : pri]nted by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, 1734. ESTC No. T27582. Grub Street ID 259484.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1736. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, 1736. ESTC No. T27583. Grub Street ID 259485.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1737. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1737]. ESTC No. T27584. Grub Street ID 259486.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1738. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1738]. ESTC No. T27585. Grub Street ID 259487.
- The Whole book of Psalms, Collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others: conferred with the Hebrew. Set forth and allowed to be sung in all churches, of all the people together, before and after morning and evening-prayer, and also before and after sermons; and moreover in private houses, for their godly solace and comfort; laying apart all ungodly songs and ballads, which tend only to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. London : Printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]. ESTC No. T88815. Grub Street ID 308759.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1739. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1739]. ESTC No. T27586. Grub Street ID 259488.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1740. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1740]. ESTC No. T27587. Grub Street ID 259489.
- Povey, Charles. The virgin in Eden: or, the state of innocency. Deliver'd by way of image and description. Presenting a nobleman, a student, and heiress, on their progress from sodom to Canaan. With the Parable of the Shepherd, Zachariah, and Mary, who dwelt in thatched Tenements, secluded from Noise and Snares. Their holy Living and Dying. To which are added, Pamela's Letters proved to be immodest Romances painted in Images of Virtue: Masquerades in Disguise, that receiv'd Birth now Vice reigns in Triumph, and swells in Streams even to a Deluge. In this Treatise are the Divine Sayings of Queen Mary and Carolina in publick Assemblies and select Companies. Taken from their own Manuscripts. The Decree of God appoints these Records to be kept in every House, in every Kingdom and State, from one Generation to another, till the great Fall of Nature. Wrote by the author of the sheets entitled, Torments after death. That Copy, of which such vast Numbers were printed and sold, Four, Seven, and in some Houses Twe. The second edition.. London : printed by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane ; and sold by such as sell pamphlets and news-papers; and at the author's house, No. 3. in Little Ailie-Street, Goodman's-Fields, MDCCXLI. [1741]. ESTC No. T70804. Grub Street ID 294463.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1741. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1741]. ESTC No. T27588. Grub Street ID 259490.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1742. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1742]. ESTC No. T27589. Grub Street ID 259491.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1743. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1743]. ESTC No. T27590. Grub Street ID 259493.
- Annesley, James. The trial at large, between James Annesley, Esq; and the Right Honourable the Earl of Anglesea, before the Barons of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland: begun on Friday, November 11, 1743; and, by adjournments, continued until the 25th of the same month inclusive. Containing the pleadings at large of the council on both sides; with the learned speech of Prime Serjt Malone. The whole taken in court, and carefully revised by an eminent counsellor concerned in the cause. London : printed by James Roberts, near Temple-Bar, MDCCXLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. N13751. Grub Street ID 3650.
- England's black tribunal. Containing, I. The compleat tryal of King Charles the first, by the pretended High Court of Justice in Westminster-Hall, begun January 20, 1648. Together with His Majesty's Speech on the Scaffold, erected at Whitehall-Gate, on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1648. II. The loyal martyrology: Or, A perfect Relation of the Sufferings and Death of the Nobility, Gentry, and others, who were inhumanly sacrific'd for their Loyalty to their Sovereigns King Charles I. and II. Together with their several Dying Speeches. III. An historical register of the Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen, who were slain in defence of their King and country, during the Unnatural Rebellion, begun in 1641. IV. The loyal confessors: In a brief Account of the most eminent Sufferers, by Imprisonment, Banishment, or in Estate, for the Cause of His Sacred Majesty. The seventh edition, very much enlarged. To which is added, an historical preface, by a true churchman. London : printed by James Roberts, near Temple-Bar, MDCCXLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. N9226. Grub Street ID 54102.
- The whole book of Psalms, collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others: . London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, 1744. ESTC No. N46203. Grub Street ID 31077.
- The whole book of Psalms, collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others: . London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, 1745. ESTC No. T82338. Grub Street ID 302918.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1747. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1747]. ESTC No. T27591. Grub Street ID 259494.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1748. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1748]. ESTC No. T27592. Grub Street ID 259495.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1749. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1749]. ESTC No. T27593. Grub Street ID 259496.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1750. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1750]. ESTC No. T27594. Grub Street ID 259497.
- The Whole book of Psalms collected into English metre, By Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins and others: conferred with the Hebrew. Set forth and allowed to be sung in all churches, of all the people together, before and after morning and evening-prayer, and also before and after sermons; and moreover in private houses, for their godly solace and comfort; laying apart all ungodly songs and ballads, which tend only to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. London : Printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, MDCCLI. [1751]. ESTC No. T180241. Grub Street ID 216912.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1751. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1751]. ESTC No. T27595. Grub Street ID 259498.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1752. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1752]. ESTC No. T27596. Grub Street ID 259499.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1753. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1753]. ESTC No. T27597. Grub Street ID 259500.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1754. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1754]. ESTC No. T27598. Grub Street ID 259501.
- Wing, Vincent. An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1755. ... By Vincent Wing. London : printed by James Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1755]. ESTC No. T27599. Grub Street ID 259502.
Sold by James Roberts
- Forster, William. Propagation of the Gospel the design of God, and the honourable imployment and duty of Christians. A sermon preach'd in ... St. Clement Danes, ... Sunday, May 25, 1714. ... By W. Forster,. London : printed for D. Brown, J. Brown; and to be sold by James Roberts, 1714. ESTC No. N37241. Grub Street ID 25197.
- [A new, exact and methodical] list of all the officers civil and military, since King George's accession to the throne of Great-Britain. The second edition.. London : Printed for W. Mears at the Lamb without, and T. Woodward at the Temple within, Temple-Bar; and sold by James Roberts, in Warwick-lane, 1715. ESTC No. T186341. Grub Street ID 222497.
- Lambe, Charles. The common peoples reasons for their disaffection to the government, examin'd. ... A sermon preach'd in the cathedral church of Rochester, ... on March 27th, 1716. By Charles Lambe,. The second edition.. London : printed for Bernard Lintott. And sold by J. Roberts, 1716. ESTC No. N38951. Grub Street ID 26427.
- Skerret, Ralph. The subjects duty to the higher powers. Set forth in a sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, the aldermen, and the citizens of London, in the Cathedral church of St. Paul, on Munday the 30th of January, 1715, being the day of the martyrdom of King Charles I. By R. Skerret, M.A. Lecturer of St. Peter's Cornhill, Rector of Oakley in the county of Suffolk, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor. London : printed for J. Phillips, and sold by E. Symon at the Black Bull in Cornhill, and J. Roberts at the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1716. ESTC No. T473860. Grub Street ID 359274.
- Clayton, David. A short but thorough search into what may be the real cause of the present scarcity of our silver coin. And a method proposed, which, if taken, will effectually both produce a speedy supply, and prevent the like scarcity of it for the future. With The fatal Consequences that will unavoidably follow, either from the advancing our Silver Coin, or lowering the Price of our Gold. By a hearty well-wisher of the peace and prosperity of his country. London : printed for the author, and sold by James Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXVII. [1717]. ESTC No. T8562. Grub Street ID 305914.
- Rey, Claudius. The weavers true case; or, the wearing of printed cailicoes and linnen destructive to the woollen and silk manufacturies. Wherein all the material objections against the weavers are fairly stated, consider'd, and answer'd. Address'd to the members of the Honourable House of Commons. By Claudius Rey, a weaver. The second edition. To which is added, a preface, in vindication of it. London : Printed by W. Wilkins, and sold by J. Noon at the White-Hart in Cheapside; J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane; and W. Chetwood at Cato's Head in Russel-street, Covent Garden, 1719. ESTC No. T52310. Grub Street ID 279435.
- Haywood, Eliza. Love in excess; or The fatal enquiry, a novel. London : printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head in Russel-Court, near the Theatre-Royal; and R. Francklin, at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street; and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XIX. [1719]. ESTC No. T75397. Grub Street ID 298123.
- Haywood, Eliza. Love in excess; or The fatal enquiry, a novel. Part the second. By Mrs. Haywood. London : printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head, under Tom's Coffee-House, in Russel-street, Covent Garden, and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, [1719]. ESTC No. T75398. Grub Street ID 298124.
- Four sermons upon several subjects: Viz. I. The Wickedness of Aspersing Princes and their Administration. II. The Danger and Mischiefs of Popery. III. The Iniquity of Prostituting the Name of the Church. IV. The great Sin of Murmuring, After Deliverances. The three first, Preached before the Judges of Assize; and the fourth, before the House of Peers: By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edmund, Lord Bishop of Lincoln. The second edition: with a preface.. London : printed for A. Churchill; and sold by James Roberts in Warwick-Lane, 1719. ESTC No. T95563. Grub Street ID 315073.
- Emlyn, Thomas. An answer to Mr. Martin's critical dissertation on 1 John v.7. There are three that bear record, &c. Shewing the insufficiency of his proofs, and the errors of his suppositions; by which he attempts to establish the authority of that text from supposed manuscripts. By Tho. Emlyn. London : printed by John Darby in Bartholomew-Close, and sold by John Noon at the White Hart in Cheapside near Mercers Chappel, and James Roberts in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XIX. [1719]. ESTC No. T136262. Grub Street ID 184543.
- Knaggs, Thomas. The cruelty and tyranny of Popery. A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, at the cathedral church of St. Paul, on Thursday the fifth of November 1719. By Thomas Knaggs,. London : printed for Bernard Lintot. And sold by James Roberts, 1720. ESTC No. T89634. Grub Street ID 309511.
- Knaggs, Thomas. The cruelty and tyranny of Popery. A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, at the cathedral church of St. Paul, on Thursday the fifth of November 1719. By Thomas Knaggs, M.A. Lecturer of St. Gyles in the Fields, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable George Lord Bergevenny. London : Printed for Bernard Lintot, between the Two Temple-Gates. And sold by James Roberts in Warwick Lane, MDCCXX. [1720]. ESTC No. N471023. Grub Street ID 359281.
- Haywood, Eliza. Love in excess, or, The fatal enquiry. A novel. The third and last part. By Mrs. Haywood. London : printed for W. Chetwood, at Cato's-Head, (the Post-Office) in Great Russel-street, Covent-Garden, and sold by J. Robert's [sic], at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXX. [1720]. ESTC No. T75399. Grub Street ID 298125.
- A dissertation concerning misletoe: a most wonderful specifick remedy for the cure of convulsive distempers. Calculated for the Benefit of the Poor as well as the Rich, and heartily recommended for the Common Good of Mankind. The second edition. To which is added, a second part, containing farther Remarks and Observations. By Sir John Colbatch, A Member of the College of Physicians. London : printed for A.C. and sold by James Roberts in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XX. [1720]. ESTC No. T70369. Grub Street ID 294119.
- Alethson, Phil. A true system of religion, according to the best astronomical observations. By Phil. Alethson, A.C.S. in AcademiĆ¢ Betlemiensi. The third edition.. London : printed for J. W. and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and W. Chetwood in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T86348. Grub Street ID 306583.
- Burman, Pieter. An oration by Mr. Peter Burman against the studies of humanity. ... Translated into English, and the original annext. The second edition.. London : printed by J. W. and sold by J. Roberts, and W. Chetwood, 1722. ESTC No. T115335. Grub Street ID 167099.
- Stephenson, John. A sermon preach'd at Stafford, On Wednesday, March 27. 1723. at the assizes held there. By John Stephenson, A. M. Vicar of Dilhorn in the County of Stafford. Published at the Request of the High-Sheriff, Justices of the Peace, and Gentlemen of the Grand-Jury. London : printed for Michael Johnson, Bookseller in Litchfield; and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane [London], MDCCXXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. T5140. Grub Street ID 278666.
- Wynne, John. The duty of studying to be quiet, and to do our own Business, explain'd and recommended in a sermon Preach'd before the University of Oxford at St. Mary's on Sunday Novemb. 17, 1723. With a Preface. By John Wynne, M. A. Fellow of Jesus College in Oxford. London : printed for James Knapton at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and sold by James Roberts in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T11735. Grub Street ID 168942.
- An exact account of two real dreams, which happen'd to the same person; the first of them in the Year 1708, which was then publish'd, with the copy of verses prefix'd; the other on August 21, 1714, the author being then in India. London : printed by J. Darby and T. Browne in Bartholomew-Close; and sold by J. Noon near Mercers-Chapel in Cheapside, and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXV. [1725]. ESTC No. T216465. Grub Street ID 242000.
- Haywood, Eliza. The tea-Table: or, A Conversation between some Polite Persons of both Sexes, at a lady's visiting day. Wherein are represented the various foibles, and affectations, which form the character of an accomplish'd beau, or modern fine lady. Interspersed with several Entertaining and Instructive Stories. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood. London : printed; and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1725]. ESTC No. T65367. Grub Street ID 290278.
- Chubb, Thomas. Human nature vindicated: or, a reply to Mr. Beaven's book entitled, Supernatural influences necessary to salvation: being a vindication of the fourth proposition of Robert Barclay's Apology. Wherein is shewn, That Man, in his Natural Capacity, is a Moral Agent; that he has Power, and is at Liberty to do both Good and Evil: and, consequently, can render himself either acceptable or displeasing to his Maker. In a second letter to a friend. Humbly offered to the Consideration of the People called Quakers. By Tho. Chubb. London : printed by J. Darby and T. Browne in Bartholomew-Close; and sold by J. Noon near Mercers-Chapel in Cheapside; and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T97852. Grub Street ID 317209.
- Chubb, Thomas. A vindication of God's moral character, as to the cause and origin of evil, both natural and moral. Wherein the case of liberty and necessity is considered, with regard to human actions. In a letter to a friend. By Tho. Chubb. London : printed by J. Darby and T. Browne in Bartholomew-Close; and sold by J. Noon near Mercers-Chapel in Cheapside, and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T97859. Grub Street ID 317216.
- Plebeian.. The plebeian prayer-book: Or, Devout exercises, adapted in a brief method for all sorts and conditions of men, especially those of the middle state. Containing I. A preface, shewing the reasonableness and necessity of frequent and serious (tho 'short) prayer, &c. II. An introduction, or help for conducting us to present our prayers in a reverent and mindful manner. III. A brief office or summary of prayer, collected from the liturgy of the Church of England, compos'd in verse, for the better help of memory; 2nd useful at any time of the day or night. IV. An emplanation, or a paraphrase upon the lord's prayer. V. Part of the late lord chief justice hale's letter to his children, concerning the lord's day. VI. A brith-Day prayer, proper to be said by andy Christian upon his or her birth-Day, &c.. By a Plebeian. Bless'd is the man who minds his worldly call, and his creator duly serves withal. Register'd according to act of Parliament. London : Printed for the author; and sold by James Roberts at the Oxfords Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1726. ESTC No. T194583. Grub Street ID 228490.
- The Proceedings at the sessions of the peace, and oyer and terminer, for the City of London, and county of Middlesex; on . London [England] : printed by William Pearson, in Aldersgate-street, and sold by James Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, [1726]-1742. ESTC No. P34. Grub Street ID 56743.
- The proceedings on the King's commission of the peace, and oyer and terminer, and goal-delivery of Newgate, held for the city of London, and county of Middlesex, at Justice-Hall, ... on ... the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, and 7th, of March, 1726. London : printed by William Pearson, and sold by James Roberts], [1726. ESTC No. N63279. Grub Street ID 45486.
- Haywood, Eliza. Philidore and Placentia: or, l'amour trop delicat. Part II. By Mrs. Haywood. London : printed for Tho. Green , near the corner of Spring Gardens, Charing-Cross ; and sold by J. Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane MDCCXXVII. [1727]. ESTC No. N20639. Grub Street ID 10030.
- Haywood, Eliza. Cleomelia: or, the generous mistress. Being the secret history of a lady lately arriv'd from Bengall, a kingdom in the East-Indies. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood. To which is added, I. The lucky rape: or, fate the best disposer. II. The capricious lover: or, no trifling with a woman. London : printed for J. Millan, at Locke's-Head in New Street, near the Upper End of the Hay-Market, and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick Lane, H. Northoock at Cicero's-Head Tavistock Street, and the next bookseller to the Horse-Guards , [1727]. ESTC No. N44048. Grub Street ID 29614.
- Haywood, Eliza. Cleomelia: or, the generous mistress. Being the secret history of a lady lately arriv'd from Bengall, a kingdom in the East-Indies. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood. To which is added, I. The lucky rape: or, fate the best disposer. II. The capricious lover: or, no trifling with a woman. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Millan, at Locke's Head in New Street, near the Upper End of the Hay-Market, and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick Lane, H. Northoock at Cicero's-Head Tavistock Street, and the next bookseller to the Horse Guards, 1727. ESTC No. N3182. Grub Street ID 20692.
- Dunton, John. An essay on death-bed-charity, Exemplify'd in the Life of Mr. Thomas Guy, Late Bookseller in Lombard-Street, Madam Jane Nicholas, Of St. Albans. And Mr. Francis Bancroft, Late of London Draper: Proving that great Misers giving large Donatives to the Poor in their last Wills is no Charity, To which is added the last Will of Mr. Francis Bancroft. Now publish'd as a necessary Appendix to the Hazards of a Death-Bed-Repentance, of which the Tenth Edition was lately Published. London : printed by D. L. and sold by J Roberts near the Oxford Arms, in Warwick Lane. Where may be had, The Hazard of a Death-Bed-Repentance, 1728. ESTC No. T694. Grub Street ID 293409.
- Haywood, Eliza. The Parrot. By Mrs. Prattle. London [England] : printed and sold by Tho. Edlin, at the Prince's-Arms, over-against Exeter-Exchange in the Strand, and at his shop in St. Mary's Passage in St. James's Park, sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, A. Dodd without Temple-Bar, E. Nutt at the Royal-Exchange, J. Jackson in Pall-Mall, J. Brindley and J. Smith near Hanover-Square. Where advertisements are taken in, [1728]. ESTC No. P220. Grub Street ID 55904.
- Berriman, William. The obligation and proportion of charity. A Sermon Preach'd before the Right Honourable The Lord Mayor, the Alderman and Governors Of the several Hospitals of the City of London, At the Parish Church of St. Bridget, on Wednesday in Easter-Week, April I. 1730. By William Berriman, D. D. Rector of St. Andrew's Undershaft, and Fellow of Eton College. London : printed for Messrs. Ward and Wicksteed in the Inner-Temple-Lane, and sold by James Roberts near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T41705. Grub Street ID 270527.
- Berriman, William. The obligation and proportion of charity. A sermon preach'd before the ... Lord Mayor, ... at the Parish church of St. Bridget, on Wednesday in Easter-week, April 1. 1730. By William Berriman,. London : printed for Messrs. Ward and Wicksteed, and sold by James Roberts, 1730. ESTC No. N63673. Grub Street ID 45795.
- Edwards, Joseph. To joyn in prayers; and to receive the sacrament, in an establish'd consecrated place, morning and evening every day, Christian duties. A sermon preach'd at Market-Drayton in Shropshire, Jan. 27. 1730-31. London : printed and sold by J. Roberts: and by Jam. Fletcher, Oxford, 1731. ESTC No. T191951. Grub Street ID 226574.
- The Friendly writer, and Register of truth. Wherein thou wilt find a faithful relation of sundry matters of moment and concern, ... By Ruth Collins. London, England] : Set to sale from London, ..., by the sellers of books, whose names here follow, James Roberts, in the Warwick-Lane, near Paul's great Steeple House; John Isted, at the Ball of Gold, as thou facest the Lawyers Temple, near unto the West Gate of the City; John Jolliffe, at the Bible of Wood in James's-Street; and John Stagg, in the huge Hall of Westminster; and all others who deal in books and papers, [1732]-. ESTC No. P2229. Grub Street ID 55931.
- Collins, Rachel. Now or never: or Serious advice to the dissenters in general: In which is contained reasons for their patitioning for liberty this present sessions of Parliament, notwithstanding all the suggestions of false brethren. By Rachel Collins. London] : Set to sale at London by James Roberts; at his dwelling near unto the great steeple-house of Paul; John Isted; at the ball craftily wrought in the likeness of gold, near the west gate of the city; Ann Dodd, at the Gay-Feather'd Bird, without the bar of the Lawyers Temple; Elizabeth Nutt, under the pillars of the Royal-Exchange; and John Jolliffe, at the Bible of Wood in James's Street, at the rate of six-pence, 1733. ESTC No. T145700. Grub Street ID 192429.
- Mawson, Matthias. A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, on January 30, 1732. ... By Matthias Mawson,. London : printed by Edward Say, and sold by James Roberts, 1732 [i.e.1733]. ESTC No. T47691. Grub Street ID 275649.
- Seip, Johann Philipp. A brief and distinct account of the mineral waters of Pyrmont. Containing the natural history of the adjacent country, of the several Medicinal Springs therein, a New Analytical Examination of the Waters, and Description of the true Mineral Contents of the same, with their various Effects, and the most approved Method of using them both in drinking and bathing. Extracted from a treatise on this subject publish'd some time ago, in the German language, by the Learned Dr. John Philip Seippius, first physician and counsellor to the Prince of Waldeck, and Ordinary Physician at the Wells. As also, a like account of the waters of Spa, from the best authors. By George Turner, M.D. London : printed for A. Millar, at Buchanan's Head, over-against St. Clement's Church in the Strand; and sold by J Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXXIII. [1733]. ESTC No. N2990. Grub Street ID 18904.
- A Modest reply, to the author of the letter to Dr. Codex. Containing not only a full (tho' short vindication of the bishop, but of the clergy in general, from the many unreasonable insinuations of the author. London : Printed for A. Dodd, at Temple-Bar; and sold by J Roberts, in Warwick-Lane; J. Wilford, behind the Chapter-House; Mrs. Nutt, Cooke, and Charlton, at the Royal Exchange; and J. Crichley at Charing-Cross, [1734]. ESTC No. T201025. Grub Street ID 232495.
- A modest reply, to the author of the Letter to Dr. Codex. Containing not only a full (tho' short vindication of the bishop, but of the clergy in general, from the many unreasonable insinuations of the author. London : printed for A Dodd, at Temple-Bar; and sold by J Roberts, in Warwick-Lane; J. Wilford, behind the Chapter-House; Mrs. Nutt, Cooke, and Charlton, at the Royal Exchange; and J. Crichley at Charing-Cross, [1734]. ESTC No. T103529. Grub Street ID 157157.
- Edwards, Joseph. The testimony of the ancient church, proper, and decisive Evidence in Controversies in Divinity. A sermon preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Sunday, Aug. 8. 1736. By Joseph Edwards M. A. Vice-Principal of Magdalen Hall in Oxford. Oxford: printed at the Theatre for Richard Clements, and are to be sold by Charles Rivington Bookseller in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and James Roberts in Warwick-Lane. London, 1736. ESTC No. T208470. Grub Street ID 237332.
- Coleire, Richard. The antiquity and usefulness of instrumental musick in the service of God. In a sermon preach'd at Isleworth, in the county of Middlesex, on Palm-Sunday, 1738, ... By Richard Coleire,. London : printed by Henry Woodfall: sold by J. Roberts; and A. Dodd, 1738. ESTC No. N16607. Grub Street ID 6176.
- Stebbing, Henry. A sermon preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; at their anniversary meeting in the parish-church of St. Mary-le-Bow, on Friday, February 19, 1741-2. By Henry Stebbing,. London : printed by E. Owen, and sold by J. Roberts, 1742. ESTC No. N23720. Grub Street ID 13079.
- Martin, Thomas. A poem on the late action at Dettingen. Humbly inscribed to His Majesty. By the Rev. Thomas Martin, B. A. of Sarum. London : printed for Edward Easton, bookseller in Sarum; and sold by James Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. N11685. Grub Street ID 1690.
- Heath, Mrs. Mary. The trial at large of Mary Heath, on an indictment for perjury, at the Court of King's Bench, in Ireland. Before the Right Honourable Thomas Marlay, esq; Lord Chief Justice, the Honourable Michael Ward, and Arthur Blenerhassett, esqrs. the other justices of the said court. On Friday the 8th day of February, in Hillary-term, 1744, and in the eighteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George II. &c. Wherein are continued, the examination of the witnesses, the pleadings of the counsel on both sides, and the charge given by the court to the jury. By a gentleman of the law. London : printed for H. Pemberton, at the Buck in Fleet-Street, and sold by James Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XLV. [1745]. ESTC No. T51676. Grub Street ID 278898.
Printed for James Roberts
- Dering, Edward. Certaine godly and comfortable letters, full of Christian consolation. VVritten by M. Ed. Dering vnto sundry of his friends. And nowe published, for the profit of the Church of God. [London: James Roberts, 1597]. ESTC No. S125491. Grub Street ID 144729.
- Croxall, Samuel. An original canto of Spencer: design'd as part of his Fairy queen, but never printed. Now made publick, by Nestor Ironside, Esq;. The second edition.. London : printed for James Roberts near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XIV. [1714, i.e. 1713]. ESTC No. T43428. Grub Street ID 272007.
- Sincere Lover of his Country.. Advice to whigs and tories: or, the interest of Great-Britain considered; both in respect of domestick and foreign affairs. ... By a sincere lover of his country. London : printed for James Roberts, 1714. ESTC No. N46379. Grub Street ID 31241.
- The case of Richard Steele, Esq; being an impartial account of the proceedings against him. In a letter to a friend. The second edition.. London : printed for J Roberts near the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, [1714]. ESTC No. T62590. Grub Street ID 288057.
- Croxall, Samuel. An original canto of Spencer: design'd as part of his Fairy queen, but never printed. Now made publick, by Nestor Ironside, Esq;. The third edition.. London : printed for James Roberts, 1714. ESTC No. T43429. Grub Street ID 272008.
- New discoveries of the dangers of popery. London : printed for James Roberts, and A. Dodd, 1714. ESTC No. T63762. Grub Street ID 288906.
- Thacker, Jeremy. The longitudes examin'd. Beginning with a short epistle to the longitudinarians, and ending with the description of a smart, pretty machine of my own, which I am (almost) sure will do for the longitude, and procure me the twenty thousand pounds. By Jeremy Thacker, of Beverley in Yorkshire. London : printed for J. Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane [i.e. Edmund Curll?, 1714]. ESTC No. T56216. Grub Street ID 282765.
- Bisset, William. The modern fanatick. Part. III. Being a further Account of the Famous Doctor, And his Brother of like Renown, The Director of the New Altar-Piece. With Some Thoughts on Those Preparatory Decorations of Churches. With a Postscript, demonstrating from some very fresh Instances, the most pernicious Effects of Arbitrary Power. By William Bisset, Eldest Brother of St. Katherines, and Rector of Whiston in Northamptonshire. London : printed for James Roberts near the Oxford-Arms in War-Wick Lane, [1714]. ESTC No. T41311. Grub Street ID 270237.
- Croxall, Samuel. An original canto of Spencer: design'd as part of his Fairy queen, but never printed. Now made publick, by Nestor Ironside, Esq;. London [i.e. Edinburgh?]: printed for James Roberts, 1714. ESTC No. N61006. Grub Street ID 43946.
- Croxall, Samuel. Another original canto of Spencer: Design'd as Part of his Fairy Queen, but never Printed. Now made Publick, By Nestor Ironside, Esq;. London : printed for James Roberts near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XIV. [1714]. ESTC No. T21961. Grub Street ID 243673.
- A letter to the Honourable A------r M-----re, Com-------ner of Trade and Plantation. London : printed for James Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick Lane, 1714. ESTC No. T38272. Grub Street ID 267754.
- Person who Attended the Hearing.. Observations on the tryal of Thomas Jones the foot-boy, before ... Lord Chief Justice Parker, on February the 17th. 1714. at the Kings-Bench in Westminster-Hall. By a person who attended the hearing. London : printed for James Roberts, 1715. ESTC No. T2980. Grub Street ID 261121.
- Person who Attended the Hearing.. Observations on the tryal of Thomas Jones the foot-boy, before the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Parker, on February the 17th. 1714. at the Kings-Bench in Westminster-hall. By a person who attended the hearing. Third edition.. London : printed for James Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-lane, 1715. ESTC No. N41821. Grub Street ID 28177.
- Honesty the best policy. Also the country seat; or, a description of Langdon, . London : printed for James Roberts, 1715. ESTC No. T36624. Grub Street ID 266531.
- Lovell, Edward. The great obligations of a nation for the blessing of a wise and protestant prince, consider'd and laid open. A sermon preach'd at St. Mary Rotherhith, on Thursday, January 20. 1714/15. Being the day appointed for a publick thanksgiving to almighty God, for bringing His Majesty to a quiet and peaceable possession of the throne, and thereby disappointing the designs of the pretender, and all his adherents. By Edward Lovell, rector of St. Mary Rotherhith. Publish'd at the request of several of the parish, and for its own vindication against the misrepresentation of others. London : Printed for Joseph Archer in Great Russel-street, Covent-Garden, and James Roberts near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-lane, M.DCC.XV. [1715]. ESTC No. N30836. Grub Street ID 19755.
- The method of the proceedings in the House of Lords and Commons, in cases of impeachments for high treason, with presidents ancient and modern; and the judgment of our best lawyers, and historians. The second edition. To which is prefix'd, a speech upon the impeachment of Robert Earl of Oxford, and the nature of his crimes. London : Printed for James Roberts at the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1715. ESTC No. T172233. Grub Street ID 209710.
- The method of the proceedings in the House of Lords and Commons, in cases of impeachments for high treason, with presidents ancient and modern; and the judgment of our best lawyers, and historians. The third edition. To which is prefix'd, a speech upon the impeachment of Robert Earl of Oxford, and the nature of his crimes. London : Printed for James Roberts at the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1715. ESTC No. T39316. Grub Street ID 268595.
- The tories unmask'd; by a survey of the negotiations of peace, the rebellious tumults in the kingdom, and the intended invasion. In a letter to a country gentleman. London : printed for James Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1715. ESTC No. T28287. Grub Street ID 259928.
- Person who Attended the Hearing.. Observations on the tryal of Thomas Jones the foot-boy, before ... Lord Chief Justice Parker, on February the 17th. 1714. at the Kings-Bench in Westminster-hall. By a person who attended the hearing. Second edition.. London : printed for James Roberts, 1715. ESTC No. N67537. Grub Street ID 49098.
- Griffin, Benjamin. A complete key to the last new farce The what d'ye call it. To which is prefix'd a hypercritical preface on the nature of burlesque, and the poets design. London : printed for James Roberts, 1715. ESTC No. T31050. Grub Street ID 261883.
- B., H.. The Pretender's declaration, explain'd in verse. By H.B. Poet-Laureat, and one of his master's principal Secretaries of State. London : printed for James Roberts, 1716. ESTC No. T44263. Grub Street ID 272709.
- T. B, Gent. A poem on the drawing room: Together with Three Epilogues: one, As design'd to have been Spoke by Mrs. Cross to a Comedy, call'd, The Way of the World. The second, As Spoke by Her to the Provok'd Wife, March the 22d 1715/16, for her own Benefit. And the third, As Spoke by Mrs. Thurmond to the Pilgrim, April the 24th, 1716. By T. B. Gent. London : printed for James Roberts at the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1716. ESTC No. T42540. Grub Street ID 271311.
- Kenmure, William Gordon. A true copy of a letter written by the Lord Viscount Kenmure to a certain nobleman the day before his execution: in a postscript to the Evening Weekly Packet; that continues to come out, with good success, every Saturday at four in the afternoon. London : printed for J. Roberts: where advertisements and letters from correspondents are taken in, 1716. ESTC No. N51570. Grub Street ID 35562.
- Baynard, Edward. Health; a poem. Shewing how to keep and preserve it in a sane and sound state. As also to restore it when low and diminish'd. To which is annex'd The doctor's decade. By Dabry Dawne M.D. London : printed for J[ohn] Roberts in Warwick-Lane, [1716]. ESTC No. T134669. Grub Street ID 183285.
- The mercy of the government vindicated. To which are added, remarks upon a late pamphlet entituled, An argument to prove the affections of the people the best security of the government. London : Printed for James Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-lane, 1716. ESTC No. T39248. Grub Street ID 268541.
- The Censor. London : printed for James Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-lane, where advertisments are taken in, [1717]. ESTC No. P3007. Grub Street ID 56449.
- Povey, Charles. The subject's representation, writ on the birth-day of Prince George-William, deliver'd to the king and ministery at the sitting of Parliament. With an account of the new factory and exchanges that will be open'd in the month of March next, at the charge of gentlemen and merchants. Also the particulars of the tolsey and paychamber that are to be establish'd without any expence to the publick. London : Printed for James Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and M. Jenour in Ball-Court, against St. Sepulchres Back Gate in Gils-Spur-Street, near West-Smithfield, 1717. ESTC No. T181729. Grub Street ID 218266.
- A dedication to a great man, concerning dedications. Discovering, amongst other wonderful secrets, what will be the present posture of affairs a thousand years hence. London : printed for James Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, 1718. ESTC No. T32202. Grub Street ID 262931.
- A dedication to a great man, concerning dedications. Discovering, amongst other wonderful secrets, what will be the present posture of affairs a thousand years hence. The second edition.. London : printed for James Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, 1718. ESTC No. T32203. Grub Street ID 262932.
- A dedication to a great man, concerning dedications. Discovering, amongst other wonderful secrets, what will be the present posture of affairs a thousand years hence. The third edition.. London : Printed for James Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, 1718. ESTC No. T32204. Grub Street ID 262933.
- Fleetwood, William. A letter to the Reverend Dr. Snape; wherein the authority of the Christian priesthood is maintain'd; the uninterrupted succession of bishops from the Apostles days is lineally deduced; and the Cavils of Hereticks and Fanaticks are answer'd. By a curate of Wilts. The third edition.. London : printed [for J. Roberts] in the year MDCCXVIII. [1718]. ESTC No. N2543. Grub Street ID 14788.
- Davenport, theologian. William. The protestant expostulator, upon the modern controversies, between the Bishop of Bangor and the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, Law, Snape, Trap, and the rest of the Anti-Bangorian Party. The first part. A general answer discovering the evil tendency of the Anti-Bangorian principles. By W. Davenport, M.A. London : printed for James Roberts, at the Oxford Arms, in Warwick Lane, [1718]. ESTC No. T102648. Grub Street ID 156361.
- An essay to prove, That Regrators, Engrossers, Forestallers, Hawkers and Jobbers of Corn, Cattle, and other Marketable Goods, Provisions and Merchandizes, are Destructive of Trade, Oppressive to the Poor, and a Common Nusance to the Kingdom in General. Recommended to the Perusal of the Inhabitants of the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster, And the Members of all other Corporations Market-Towns, and Places of Trade. And humbly offer'd to the Consideration of the Parliament of Great Britain. London : printed for James Roberts near the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXVIII. [1718]. ESTC No. T56726. Grub Street ID 283133.
- A dedication to a great man, concerning dedications. Discovering, amongst other wonderful secrets, what will be the present posture of affairs a thousand years hence. The fourth edition corrected. With a preface.. London : printed for James Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, 1719. ESTC No. T32205. Grub Street ID 262934.
- A dedication to a great man, concerning dedications. Discovering, amongst other wonderful secrets, what will be the present posture of affairs a thousand years hence. The sixth edition corrected. With a preface.. London : printed for James Roberts, 1719. ESTC No. T32207. Grub Street ID 262936.
- Arbuthnot, John. A letter to the Reverend Mr. Dean Swift, Occasion'd by a satire Said to be written by Him, entitled, A Dedication to a Great Man, concerning Dedications. Discovering, among other wonderful Secrets, what will be the present Posture of Affairs a thousand Years hence. By a Sparkish Pamphleteer of Button's Coffee-House. London : printed for James Roberts in Warwick-Lane, 1719. ESTC No. T154622. Grub Street ID 198698.
- The Delphick oracle; set forth by the most learned scholars in the most famous universities of Europe: for the advancement of divine and human learning. For the month of . London [England] : printed for and sold by J[ohn]. Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane [1719-1720]. ESTC No. P2166. Grub Street ID 55878.
- Staunton, William. The sincere thoughts of a private Christian, touching the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the doctrine of the Apostles. Humbly Offered in Abatement of the Socinian and Trinitarian Controversies. With a postscript on occasion of Dr. Mangey's Plain notions. London : printed for James Roberts in Warwick Lane, 1719. ESTC No. T84895. Grub Street ID 305235.
- A dedication to a great man, concerning dedications. Discovering, amongst other wonderful secrets, what will be the present posture of affairs a thousand years hence. The seventh edition corrected. With a preface.. London : printed for James Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, 1719. ESTC No. N368. Grub Street ID 24756.
- The Compleat linguist. Or, An universal grammar of all the considerable tongues in being. In a shorter, clearer, and more instructive method than is extant. Collected from the most approv'd hands. ... By John Henley, M.A. London [England] : printed for J[ames]. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane; and J. Pemberton, at the Buck and Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1719-. ESTC No. P2021. Grub Street ID 55743.
- The occasional paper. Vol. III. Numb. IX. Of plays and masquerades. London : printed for Em. Matthews at the Bible in Pater-Noster-Row; J Roberts, in Warwick-Lane; J. Harrison, under the Royal Exchange; and A. Dodd, without Temple-Bar, M DCC XIX. [1719]. ESTC No. N491581. Grub Street ID 435421.
- Sykes, Arthur Ashley. The case of Dr. Bentley Regius Professor of Divinity farther stated, and vindicated. In answer to A second part of the full and impartial account of the proceedings, &c. London : printed for James Roberts, 1719. ESTC No. T20013. Grub Street ID 231905.
- Sykes, Arthur Ashley. The case of Dr. Bentley Regius Professor of Divinity truly stated. Wherein Two late Pamphlets, Entituled The Proceedings of the Vice-Chancellor and the University, &c. And a Full and Impartial Account of the late Proceedings, &c. are Examined. London : printed for James Roberts in Warwick Lane, 1719. ESTC No. T20014. Grub Street ID 231908.
- A dedication to a great man, concerning dedications. Discovering, amongst other wonderful secrets, what will be the present posture of affairs a thousand years hence. The fifth edition corrected. With a preface.. London : printed for James Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, [1719]. ESTC No. T119908. Grub Street ID 171255.
- A Letter to Sir John Blunt, relating to the third and fourth money-subscriptions. London : Printed for James Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XX. [1720]. ESTC No. T224071. Grub Street ID 246401.
- Steele, Sir Richard. The state of the case between the Lord-Chamberlain of His Majesty's household, and the governor of the Royal Company of Comedians. With the opinions of Pemberton, Northey, and Parker, concerning the theatre. By Sir Richard Steele. London : Printed for W. Chetwood, under Tom's Coffee-house in Covent-Garden; J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-lane; J. Graves, near White's Chocolate-house in St. James's-street; and Charles Lillie, at the Corner of Beaufort-Buildings in the Strand, 1720. ESTC No. T147110. Grub Street ID 193691.
- Layer, Christopher. A true copy of the paper delivered by Christopher Layer, Esq; at the place of execution, to the under-sheriff of Middlesex. On Friday the 17th of this instant May. London : Printed for James Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXIII. [1723]. ESTC No. T176519. Grub Street ID 213546.
- Proposals for the improvement of common and waste-lands; and also for raising and securing a supply of wood and timber in this kingdom. Together with some considerations on the most effectual methods of maintaining and employing the poor. London : printed for James Roberts, 1723. ESTC No. T171075. Grub Street ID 208727.
- Grey, Zachary. The knight of Dumbleton foil'd at his own weapon; or, an answer to a scandalous pamphlet, entituled The Church of England secured, the Toleration Act enervated, and the dissenters ruined and undone. Addressed by way of letter to Sir Richard Cocks, Bart. ... By a gentleman, and no knight. London : printed for James Roberts, 1723. ESTC No. T103424. Grub Street ID 157054.
- Haywood, Eliza. The surprize; or Constancy rewarded. By the author of The masqueraders, or Fatal curiosity. London : printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. N25516. Grub Street ID 14869.
- Edwards, John. The doctrines controverted between papists and Protestants particularly and distinctly consider'd: And Those which are held by the Former Confuted. With an introduction, Giving an Account of the Rise and Gradual Progress of popery: And of the Decay of it at the reformation The whole is concluded with Full and Entire answers to some cavils of the Church of Rome against the Protestant Religion and the Professors of it. By the late Reverend John Edwards, D. D. London : printed for James Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T61679. Grub Street ID 287322.
- Haywood, Eliza. The Arragonian queen: a secret history. London : printed for J. Roberts, 1724. ESTC No. N30690. Grub Street ID 19618.
- Haywood, Eliza. The fatal secret: or, constancy in distress. By the author of the masqueraders, or fatal curiosity. The second edition.. London : Printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. N28895. Grub Street ID 18094.
- Haywood, Eliza. The Tea-table. London] : Printed for J[ames]. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane. Where advertisements are taken in, and letters to the author, [1724. ESTC No. P1730. Grub Street ID 55512.
- Edwards, John. The doctrines controverted between papists and Protestants particularly and distinctly consider'd: and those which are held by the former confuted. . London : printed for James Roberts, 1724. ESTC No. T209073. Grub Street ID 237788.
- One who lived in all those times.. Remarks upon the reverend Mr. Arch-deacon Echard's History of England, with relation to the fire of London, the Popish plot, the murther of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, the denials of the malefactors at their execution, and the death of the Earl of Essex. In ten letters to the author of The critical history of England, ecclesiastical and civil, &c. By one who lived in all those times. London : printed for James Roberts in Warwick-lane, 1724. ESTC No. T46893. Grub Street ID 274912.
- Haywood, Eliza. The Arragonian queen: a secret history. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Roberts, 1724. ESTC No. N29921. Grub Street ID 18924.
- Londinensis. A letter to Mr. William Timms, one of the common-councilmen of Cripplegate-Within, London. Containing an answer to the Report of a committee of aldermen Lately made publick, and distributed throughout this City, in affirmance of the right of the Mayor and Aldermen to put a negative to bills or acts depending in the common council here. With an Appendix of some Entries or Forms of Acts of Common Council, &c. relating to the Controversy. London : printed for James Roberts at the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1724. ESTC No. T131167. Grub Street ID 180208.
- Trueman, John. An examination and resolution of the two questions following, viz. First, whether unfreemen can vote in our wardmote elections. Secondly, whether freemen paying to one or more scots, and not to all, shall be qualified to vote in those elections. Humble Address'd to Sir William Thompson, Knight, Recorder of the City of London, and to John Lingard, Esq; Common Serjeant of the same. By a citizen. London : printed for James Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1724. ESTC No. T114600. Grub Street ID 166397.
- Haywood, Eliza. The dumb projector: being a surprizing account of a trip to Holland made by Mr. Duncan Campbell. With The Manner of his Reception and Behaviour there. As also The various and diverting Occurrences that happened on his Departure. London : printed for W. Ellis at the Queen's Head in Gracechurch-Street; J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane; Mrs. Bilingsly at the Royal-Exchange; A. Dod without Temple-Bar; and J. Fox in Westminster-Hall, 1725. ESTC No. T35027. Grub Street ID 265233.
- Berkeley, George. A proposal for the better supplying of churches in our foreign plantations, and for converting the savage Americans to Christianity, by a college to be erected in the Summer Islands, otherwise called the Isles of Bermuda. London : printed by H. Woodfall, at Elzevir's-Head without Temple-Bar: and sold by J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1725. ESTC No. N12201. Grub Street ID 2212.
- Haywood, Eliza. The masqueraders; or fatal curiosity: being the secret history of a late amour. Part II. London : printed for J. Roberts, 1725. ESTC No. N60729. Grub Street ID 43727.
- Haywood, Eliza. The masqueraders; or fatal curiosity: being the secret history of a late amour. Part II. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Roberts, 1725. ESTC No. N60730. Grub Street ID 43728.
- Haywood, Eliza. The city jilt; or, The alderman turn'd beau: a secret history. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T66364. Grub Street ID 291109.
- Haywood, Eliza. The distress'd orphan, or Love in a mad-house. The third edition.. London : printed [by Henry Woodfall] for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T57435. Grub Street ID 283709.
- Haywood, Eliza. The city jilt; or, the alderman turn'd beau: a secret history. London : printed for J. Roberts, 1726. ESTC No. N47369. Grub Street ID 32064.
- Haywood, Eliza. The distress'd orphan, or Love in a mad-house. The second edition.. London : Printed [by Henry Woodfall] for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. N7941. Grub Street ID 52851.
- Guevarre, Andrea. Ways and means for suppressing beggary, and relieving the poor, by erecting general hospitals, and charitable corporations; divided into three parts. I. Giving an Account of the Establishment and Regulation, of the General Hospital of the City of Turin. II. Containing Instructions and Rules to be observ'd, in Establishing General Hospitals for the Poor. III. Instructions and Rules to be observ'd, in Establishing Charitable Corporations, in those Towns and Boroughs that have no General Hospitals for the Poor. Translated from the Italian. London : printed for James Roberts, near the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T136875. Grub Street ID 184979.
- Ahlers, Cyriacus. Some observations concerning the woman of Godlyman in Surrey. Made at Guilford on Sunday, Nov.20. 1726. tending to prove her extraordinary deliveries to be a cheat and imposture. By Cyriacus Ahlers, Surgeon to His Majesty. London : printed for J. Jackson in Pall-Mall, and J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, 1726. ESTC No. T56023. Grub Street ID 282569.
- Haywood, Eliza. The distress'd orphan, or Love in a mad-house. London : printed [by Henry Woodfall] for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. N55346. Grub Street ID 38860.
- Haywood, Eliza. The double marriage: or, the fatal release. A true secret history. London : printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. N8083. Grub Street ID 52990.
- Haywood, Eliza. The life of Madam De Villesache. Written by a Lady, who was an Eye-Witness of the greatest part of her Adventures, and faithfully Translated from her French Manuscript. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood. London : printed for W. Feales, in St. Clement's Church-Yard; and sold by J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1727. ESTC No. T59715. Grub Street ID 285706.
- Haywood, Eliza. Letters from the palace of fame. Written by a first minister in the regions of air, to an inhabitant of this world. Translated from an Arabian manuscript. London : printed for J. Roberts, 1727. ESTC No. T65353. Grub Street ID 290265.
- Haywood, Eliza. The disguis'd prince: or, the beautiful Parisian. A true history. Translated from the French. London : printed for T. Corbett; and sold by J. Roberts, 1728. ESTC No. T130654. Grub Street ID 179741.
- Haywood, Eliza. The perplex'd dutchess: or, treachery rewarded. Being some memoirs of the court of Malfy. In a letter from a Sicilian nobleman, who had his Residence there, to his friend in London. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, 1728. ESTC No. N10800. Grub Street ID 802.
- Haywood, Eliza. The disguis'd prince: or, the beautiful Parisian. A true history. Translated from the French. The second edition.. London : printed for T. Corbett, at Addison's-Head, next the Rose-Tavern, Temple-Bar; and sold by J. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXVIII. [1728]. ESTC No. N28530. Grub Street ID 17752.
- Haywood, Eliza. The perplex'd dutchess: or, Treachery Rewarded. Being some memoirs of the court of Malfy. In a letter from a Sicilian nobleman, who had his Residence there, to his friend in London. London : printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, 1728. ESTC No. T176585. Grub Street ID 213609.
- The Universal spectator, and weekly journal. By Henry Stonecastle, of Northumberland, Esq;. London : printed for J[ames]. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, where letters to the author, and advertisements, are taken in, [1728-1746]. ESTC No. P1725. Grub Street ID 55506.
- An Account of the burning the city of London, as it was published by the special authority of King and Council, in the year, 1666. To which is added, the opinion of Dr. Kennet, the late bishop of Peterborough, as publish'd by his Lordship's order, and that of Dr. Eachard, relating thereunto. With an account of the service appointed for the day, in the common-prayer. From all which, it plainly appears, that the Papists had no hand in that dreadful conflagration. The fourth edition.. London : Printed for J. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane; and J. Stone, near Bedford-Row, 1729. ESTC No. N43412. Grub Street ID 29193.
- Bradley, Richard. A philosophical enquiry into the late severe winter, the scarcity and dearness of provisions, and The Occasion of the Distemper raging in several remote Parts of England: with letters from many eminent physicians in the Country to those in Town: And Remarks Physical and Curious. Published for the Information and Advantage of the People of Great Britain. By Richard Bradley, Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge, and F. R. S. London : printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane; R. Montagu, at the Post-Office, the Corner of Great Queen-Street, Drury-Lane: and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1729. ESTC No. T27160. Grub Street ID 259110.
- Taylor, Abraham. A letter to a friend: Occasioned by a rhapsody, Delivered in the Old Jewry, by A Reverend Bookseller in London; At the shutting-up his Evening Entertainment, for the last Winter Season. London : printed for James Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T60674. Grub Street ID 286506.
- Haywood, Eliza. The city widow: or, love in a butt. A novel. London : printed for J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane ; and sold by the booksellers and pamphlet shops of London and Westminster , [1729]. ESTC No. N4973. Grub Street ID 33890.
- Philalethes.. Some remarks upon the Reverend Dr. Marshall's sermon on occasion of the death of the Revd Dr Rogers; chiefly with a view to the character given therein. And an attempt to do further justice to the character and memory of Dr. Rogers. By Philalethes. London : printed for James Roberts, at the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T86313. Grub Street ID 306550.
- A true and exact list of the Lords spiritual and temporal; Knights and Commissioners of Shires, Citizens and Burgesses of the Present Parliament of Great Britain; With the Alterations that have happen'd by Deaths, Double Elections, Double Returns, and Undue Elections, &c. since their Meeting: together with their houses, lodgings, and usual places of abode, In and About the Cities of London and Westminster. During the sitting of Parliament. The like never before Publish'd To which is added, an alphabetical list of the names of the members of the House of Commons. The second edition.. London : printed for J. Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane; T. Read, in White-Fryars, Fleetstreet; J. Shuckburgh, over-against Chancery-Lane, Fleetstreet, J. Jackson, in Pall-Mall, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster [1729]. ESTC No. T179575. Grub Street ID 216293.
- Danvers, Alicia. Academia: or, the humours of the University of Oxford. In burlesque verse. London : printed for James Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T204193. Grub Street ID 234525.
- Duck, Stephen. Poems on several subjects: written by Stephen Duck, lately a poor thresher ... which were publickly read by ... the Earl of Macclesfield, ... on Friday the 11th of September, 1730, to Her Majesty. Who was thereupon ... pleased to take the author into her royal protection,. The fifth edition, corrected.. London : printed for J. Roberts; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1730. ESTC No. N12102. Grub Street ID 2117.
- Attorney.. Proposals humbly offered to the Parliament for remedying the great charge and delay of suits at law and in equity. The sixth edition. By an attorney. London : printed for James Roberts in the Oxford Arms Passage Warwick Lane, MDCCXXX. [1730]. ESTC No. N12389. Grub Street ID 2391.
- A panegyric on the Reverend Dean Swift. In answer to A libel on Dr. Delany, and a certain great lord. Never before printed. London : printed for J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and N. Blandford at the London-Gazette, Charing-Cross, MDCCXXX. 1730. ESTC No. N10908. Grub Street ID 896.
- Stevens, Nicholas. Two letters from a deist to his friend, concerning the truth and propagation of deism, in opposition to Christianity. With remarks. London : printed for James Roberts in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T101664. Grub Street ID 155520.
- Henley, John. The Hyp-doctor. By Sir Isaac Ratcliffe, of Elbow-Lane. London] : Printed for J. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane; and sold by E. Nutt, at the Royal Exchange; by A. Dodd, at Temple-Bar; J. Chrichley, by Charing-Cross, J. Jolliffe, in St. James's-Street; J. Smith, in New Bond-Street; and at the pamphlet-shops, [1730-1741. ESTC No. P2584. Grub Street ID 56229.
- Bundy, Richard. A plea for divine revelation: in answer to a letter to the ... Lord Bishop of London, called, A plea for human reason. London : printed for James Roberts, 1731. ESTC No. T4746. Grub Street ID 275411.
- Costeker, John Littleton. The fine gentleman: or, the compleat education of a young nobleman. By Mr. Costeker. London : printed for J. Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXXII. M DCC XXXII. [1732]. ESTC No. T65153. Grub Street ID 290068.
- Christian.. An hue and cry for innocent blood; or, a dissertation, plainly proving, that God Almighty does not visit the sins of the parents upon the children. ... By a Christian. London : printed for James Roberts, 1732. ESTC No. T36726. Grub Street ID 266615.
- A comparison between the British sugar colonies and New England, As they relate to the Interest of Great Britain. With Some Observations on the State of the case of New England. To which is added A letter to a Member of Parliament. London : printed for James Roberts at the Oxford Arms in Warwick Lane, M.DCC.XXXII. [1732]. ESTC No. T64338. Grub Street ID 289415.
- The principles of the leading Quakers truly represented, as inconsistent with the fundamental doctrines of the Christian religion. Or, a vindication of the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry from the charge of misrepresenting them; in answer to a late letter to his lordship on that occasion, by T.S. and a pamphlet intitled, A cloud of witnesses, &c. by J.B. London : printed for James Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1732. ESTC No. T70946. Grub Street ID 294577.
- Hasledine, William. The beau and the academick. A dialogue in imitation of Bellus homo and academicus, spoken at the late publick act at Oxford. Address'd to the ladies. London : printed for J. Roberts, [1733]. ESTC No. N101. Grub Street ID 109.
- Belhaven, John Hamilton. The late Lord Beilhaven's memorable speeches in the last Parliament of Scotland, holden at Edinburgh, in November 1706. On the Subject-Matter of the then projected union of Both Kingdoms. Wherein (among many other Remarkable Particulars) the slavish Homage and Respect that the People of Scotland should, on the Event of such union, be in Time oblig'd to pay to every Petty English Exciseman, is expressly predicted. With an Occasional preface, By the editor. London : printed for James Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXXIII. [1733]. ESTC No. T37593. Grub Street ID 267213.
- The false patriot. An epistle to Mr. Pope. London : printed for James Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXXIV. [1734]. ESTC No. N1453. Grub Street ID 4360.
- Stukeley, William. Of the gout; in two parts. First, a letter to Sir Hans Sloan, Bart. about the cure of the gout, by oyls externally apply'd: secondly, a treatise of the cause and cure of the gout. By William Stukeley, M.D. Fellow of the College of Physicians London, S.R.S. and Rector of All-Saints, Stamford. London] : Printed for J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXXIV. [1734. ESTC No. N10536. Grub Street ID 547.
- Williams, Philip. A reply to remarks on some observations addressed to the author of the letter to Dr. Waterland, &c. London : printed for James Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXXIV. [1734]. ESTC No. T175971. Grub Street ID 213038.
- Limborch, Philippus van. A brief representation of the cruel and barbarous proceedings against Protestants in the Inquisition. Extracted from the history of the Inquisition, written by the celebrated Philip a Limborch, Professor of Divinity among the Remonstrants; For the Information of the common People of Great-Britain, who cannan purchase the said incomparable History. To which is prefixed a Preface, relating to the present great Complaint of the Increase of Popery in this Nation. London : printed for James Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXXIV. [1734]. ESTC No. T89529. Grub Street ID 309413.
- Venn, Richard. King George's title asserted: or, a letter to a fellow of a college in Cambridge; shewing The Lawfulness of the oaths required by the present Government, upon Principles equally received by all Parties. Written in the Year 1715. The Second Edition, Corrected. By Richard Venn, A. M. Rector of the United Parishes of St. Anthony and St. John the Baptist in London. The second edition, corrected.. London : printed for James Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXXIV. [1734]. ESTC No. T29451. Grub Street ID 260830.
- Gentleman of the University of Cambridge.. The parallel: or, a vindication of His Gr-e the A-b-p of Ct-y, for his opposing the promotion of Dr. Sl Ck to a Bishoprick. Occasion'd by a late pamphlet, intitled, The reasons alledged against Dr. R-'s promotion to the See of Gr, seriously and dispassionately considered. With some Remarks thereon. In a letter to a friend. By a gentleman of the University of Cambridge. London : printed for James Roberts in Warwick Lane, MDCCXXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. T68534. Grub Street ID 292693.
- Curteis, Thomas. Christianity, in its nature and design, offers no Violence to the Reason or Consciences of Men. A sermon Preach'd in the Chapel at Tunbridge-Wells, on Sunday, the 31st of August, 1735. By T. Curteis, Rector of Wrotham in Kent. And now publish'd (with the Addition of what was for Brevity omitted) at the Request of many who heard it. London : printed for James Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. T165633. Grub Street ID 203896.
- Taylor, John. A new treatise on the diseases of the chrystalline humour of a human eye: or, of the cataract and glaucoma. With a New Theory of their Causes, and an Endeavour to demonstrate that there are no membranous Cataracts; but that all Cataracts are from an Alteration of the chrystalline Humour itself. With An exact Description of a new and more successful Method of making the Operations necessary to the Removal of the several Species of these Diseases. Humbly address'd to Her Majesty. To which is prefix'd, a letter to the physicians and Surgeons of London and Westminster. By John Taylor, M. D. Oculist, Fellow of the College of Physicians of Basle in Swisserland, of the Imperial Academy of Cologn in Germany, and of the Society of Leige and Rheims. London : printed for James Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. T96747. Grub Street ID 316193.
- The defence of Monsieur Chauvelin, late Keeper of the Seals in France. In answer to the accusations brought against him before the King in relation to his conduct in the administration of his affairs. London : printed [for J. Roberts], and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. N369. Grub Street ID 24853.
- Dorman. Sir Roger de Coverly: or, the merry Christmas. A dramatic entertainment of two acts. By Mr. Dorman. London : printed for James Roberts in Warwick Lane, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T128922. Grub Street ID 178437.
- Observations on the present epidemic fever, deduced from plain facts, confirmed by experience, and illustrated by suitable cases. With proper directions concerning the method of cure. . London : printed for James Roberts, 1741. ESTC No. T41842. Grub Street ID 270651.
- Observations on the present epidemic fever, deduced from plain facts, confirmed by experience, and illustrated by suitable cases. With proper directions concerning the method of cure. . London : printed for James Roberts, 1741. ESTC No. N41746. Grub Street ID 28098.
- Carey, Henry. Chrononhotonthologos: the most tragical tragedy that ever was tragediz'd by any company of tragedians. The third edition.. London : printed for James Roberts, near the Oxford Arms, in Warwick-Lane, [1744]. ESTC No. T57993. Grub Street ID 284164.
- Patten, Robert. The history of the rebellion in the year 1715. With original papers, and the characters of the principal noblemen and gentlemen concern'd in it. By the Reverend Mr. Robert Patten, Formerly Chaplain to Mr. Forster. The fourth edition.. London : printed for James Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXLV. [1745]. ESTC No. T1958. Grub Street ID 229386.
- Patten, Robert. The history of the rebellion in the year 1715. With original papers, and the characters of the principal noblemen and gentlemen concern'd in it. By the Reverend Mr. Robert Patten, Formerly Chaplain to Mr. Forster. The third edition.. London : printed for James Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXLV. [1745]. ESTC No. N7473. Grub Street ID 52411.
- Smith, Samuel. The corruption of popery, and the pretended Title of the Chevalier, considered and exposed. A sermon Preached at the Parish Church of Allhallows on the Wall; December 1. 1745. By Samuel Smith, L.L.B. Rector of Allhallows. London : printed for James Roberts, at the Oxford Arms, in Warwick Lane, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T4310. Grub Street ID 271711.
- A modest and impartial reply to a pamphlet lately published, entituled A second series of facts and arguments, &c. with some remarks also on the Occasional letter, and the Examination of the principles, &c. in which the great and important affair of the Hanau treaty is full discussed, ... In a letter to a certain noble lord. London : printed for James Roberts, 1749. ESTC No. T2730. Grub Street ID 259232.
- A dissertation upon earthquakes, their causes and consequences; comprehending an explanation of the nature of subterraneous vapours, their amazing force, and the manner in which they operate; the sentiments, on this head, of the most learned philosophers ancient and modern; the different kinds of earthquakes, distinguished by their effects; a copious collection of authentick relations digested under those titles, the greater part of which have happened in Great Britain. Together with a distinct account of, and some remarks upon, the shock of an earthquake, felt in the cities of London and Westminster, on Thursday, February 8, 1749-50. The second edition. To which a preface is prefixed, containing some account of, and remarks upon that shock which has been since felt on March 8, 1749-50; and also some other curious particulars, relating to the same subject. London : printed for James Roberts at the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, and for the booksellers in London and Westminster, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. N473217. Grub Street ID 434435.
- A dissertation upon earthquakes, their causes and consequences; comprehending an explanation of the nature and composition of subterraneous vapours, their amazing force, and the manner in which they operate; the sentiments, on this head, of the most learned philosophers ancient and modern; the different kinds of earthquakes, distinguished by their effects; a copious collection of authentick relations digested under those titles, the greater part of which have happened in Great Britain. Together with a distinct account of, and some remarks upon, the shock of an earthquake, felt in the cities of London and Westminster, on Thursday, February 8, 1749-50. London : printed for James Roberts at the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, and for the booksellers in London and Westminster, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T120672. Grub Street ID 171682.
- Reflections, moral and prudential, on the last will and testament of Gerard van Neck, Esq; deceas'd. In which his character is attempted. London : printed for James Roberts, at the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, and for the booksellers of London and Westminster, MDCCL. [1750]. ESTC No. T46533. Grub Street ID 274616.
- Margarot, Maurice. The trial of Maurice Margarot, delegate from London, to the British convention. Before the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, on the 13th and 14th of January, 1794, for sedition. Taken in shorthand by Mr. Ramsey. Carefully corrected, and many Sentences added, which, owing to the low tone of voice used by some of the Witnesses, are omitted in the London Copy. The Public may therefore be assured that this is the Genuine Edition. Edinburgh: printed for James Robertson, No. 4, Horse Wynd, and sold in London by D. I. Eaton, No 74, Newgate street, J. Jordan, No. 166, Fleet street W. Ramsey, No. 37, Bell Yard, Temple Bar, and J. Marsom, No. 187, High Holborn, [1794]. ESTC No. T122114. Grub Street ID 172839.
- Gerrald, Joseph. The trial of Joseph Gerrald, delegate from the London Corresponding Society, to the British Convention. Before the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, on the 3d, 10th, 13th, and 14th of March, 1794. For sedition. Taken in short-hand by Mr. Ramsey. Edinburgh: printed for James Robertson, and sold in London by D. I. Eaton, G. Kearsley, and J. Jordan, W. Ramsey, J. Marsom, and by T. Gales, in Sheffield, [1794]. ESTC No. T51692. Grub Street ID 278911.
- Gerrald, Joseph. The trial of Joseph Gerrald, delegate from the London Corresponding Society, to the British Convention. Before the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, on the 3d, 10th, 13th, and 14th of March, 1794, for sedition. Taken in short-hand by Mr. Ramsey. Edinburgh: printed for James Robertson, and sold in London by D. I. Eaton, G. Kearsley, J. Jordan, W. Ramsey, J. Marsom, and by J. Montgomery, and Co. in Sheffield, [1794?]. ESTC No. T174264. Grub Street ID 211355.
Printed by and for, or by/for and sold by James Roberts
- Nixon, Robert. The Cheshire prophesy with historical and political remarks. The second edition with amendments.. London : Printed, and sold by J Roberts in Warwick-Lane, [between 1713 and 1715?]. ESTC No. T131578. Grub Street ID 180558.
- B., S.. A city intrigue: or, the sick lady's cure. A poem. With the comical adventure between Strephon and Sylvia. London : printed, and sold by J Roberts in Warwick-Lane, [1714]. ESTC No. N2474. Grub Street ID 14087.
- Toland, John. An account of the courts of Prussia and Hannover: sent to a Minister of State in Holland. In which are contain'd the Characters of the Elector of Hannover, now King of England; The Electoral Prince, Duke of Cambridge, and others of that Illustrious Family. To which are added, The ordinances, statutes, and privileges of the Royal Academy, erected by the King of Prussia at Berlin. And The declaration of the Elector Palatine, in favour of his Protestant subjects. All three publish'd by Mr. Toland. London : printed and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, J. Harrison at the Royal Exchange, A. Dodd without Temple-Bar, and J. Graves in St. James's-Street, M.DCC.XIV. [1714]. ESTC No. N16350. Grub Street ID 6022.
- Barlow, Thomas. The case concerning setting up images or painting of them in churches, writ by the learned Dr. Thomas Barlow late Bishop of Lincoln, upon his suffering such Images to be defaced in his Diocess; wherein it is Disapproved and Condemned by the Statutes and Ecclesiastical Laws of this Kingdom, and the Book of Homilies, &c. Published upon occasion of a painting set up in White-Chappel church. London : printed and sold by James Roberts at the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1714. ESTC No. T83661. Grub Street ID 304074.
- Gentleman in Town. Observations on His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Monday the 21st of March, 1714. And on th humble addresses of the Right Honourable the Lords spirtual and temporal, and Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty thereon. In a letter, from a gentleman in Town, to his friend at the Hague. London : Printed and sold by J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane; J. Harrison, at the Corner of Castle-Alley, next the Royal Exchange; and A. Boulter without Temple-Bar, 1715. ESTC No. N10796. Grub Street ID 797.
- Quevedo, Francisco de. Divine maxims of government without Whig or Tory. Or the true character of a king and of a tyrant, of a faithful minister and of a favourite traitor. By D. Francisco de Quevedo Villegas author of The visions of Hell, &c. London : Printed and sold by James Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-lane, 1715. ESTC No. T185416. Grub Street ID 221607.
- A new, exact and methodical list of all the officers civil and military, since King George's accession to the throne of Great-Britian [sic]. London : printed; and sold by James Roberts, 1715. ESTC No. T74414. Grub Street ID 297453.
- The History of associations, from their first original to this time, chronologically digested and collected from all English historians, who make any mention of them. London : Printed and sold by James Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-lane, 1716. ESTC No. N31955. Grub Street ID 20833.
- The Case of the condemn'd lords: Or, An account of the tryals and convictions of James Earl of Derwent-water, William Lord Widdrington, William Earl of Nithisdale, George Earl of Wintoun, Robert Earl of Carnwath, William Viscount Kenmure, and William Lord Nairn, on articles of impeachment for high treason, before the House of Lord's in Westminister-Hall; with the manner of their behaviour in prison after condemnation, and the speeches of two of them, viz. the Earl of Derwentwater, and Lord Kenmure, that suffer'd according to their sentence, at the place of execution on Tower-Hill, and several matters of fact (not till now made publick) at and after their deaths. London : Printed and sold by James Roberts near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, [1716]. ESTC No. T189424. Grub Street ID 224913.
- Defoe, Daniel. The true-Born Englishman: a satyr. Corrected and enlarg'd by the author. London : printed; and sold by James Roberts in Warwick-Lane, 1716. ESTC No. T70659. Grub Street ID 294321.
- Morrice, Bezaleel. A voyage from the East-Indies. By Capt. Morrice. London : printed, and sold by J Roberts in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXVI. [1716]. ESTC No. T71537. Grub Street ID 295091.
- A walk from St James's to Convent-Garden, the back-way through the meuse. In imitation of Mr. Gay's Journey to Exeter. In a letter to a friend. London : printed and sold by James Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and Arabella Morice next to the Rose-Tavern without Temple-bar, 1717. ESTC No. N509774. Grub Street ID 436727.
- Nabbes, Thomas. Tottenham-Court Fair: a pleasant comedy. Written by Thomas Nabbs. London : printed, and sold by James Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and E. Berington at the Cross Keys, the Corner of Essex-Street, [1718]. ESTC No. T57019. Grub Street ID 283384.
- Toland, John. Tetradymus. Containing I. Hodegus; or the pillar of cloud and fire, that guided the Israelites in the wilderness, not maraculous, but, as faithfully related in Exodus a thing equally practis'd by other nations and in those places not only useful but necessary. II. Clidophorus; or of the exoteric and esoteric philosophy, that is, of the external and internal doctrine of the antients: the one open and public, accomodated to popular prejudices and the establish'd religions; the other private and secret wherein, to the few capable and discrete, was taught the real truth scripts of all disguises. III. Hypatia; or the history of the most beautiful, most virtuous, most learned, and every way accomplish'd lady; who was torn to pieces by the clergy of Alexandria, to gratify the pride, emulation, and cruelty of their Archbishop Cyril, commonly but undeservedly stil'd Saint Cyril. IV. Mangoneutes: being a defense of Nazarenus, address'd to the right reverend John lord Bishop of London; against his lor. London : Printed: and sold by J. Brotherton and W. Meadows in Cornhill, J. Roberts in Warwick-lane, W. Meres without Temple-bar, W. Chetwood in Covent-garden, S. Chapman in Pall-Mall, and J. Graves in St. James's Street. , MDCCXX. [1720]. ESTC No. T139630. Grub Street ID 187478.
- Scurlock, David. Publick virtue the only preservative of liberty and property: or, Slavery the natural consequence of avarice and corruption. A sermon preach'd at Wallingford, Berks, at a late election of a Burgess to serve in Parliament. By David Scurlock, M.A. Fellow of Jesus-College in Oxford. Dedicated to Sir Richard Steele, Kt. London : Printed and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-lane, [1720?]. ESTC No. T5129. Grub Street ID 278638.
- W., J., M.D.. The secret history of Pythagoras: part I. Translated from the original copy lately found at Otranto in Italy. By J. W. M.D. London : printed: and sold by J. Brotherton and W. Meadows, at the Black Bull in Cornhill; J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane; A. Dodd, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar; W. Chetwood in Covent-Garden; S. Chapman in Pall-Mall; and J. Graves, at St. James's, MDCCXXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T110631. Grub Street ID 163141.
- Alethson, Phil. A true system of religion, according to the best astronomical observations. By Phil. Alethson, A.C.S. . London : printed: and sold by J. Brotherton and W. Meadows; J. Roberts; A. Dodd; W. Chetwood; S. Chapman; and J. Graves, 1721. ESTC No. T177240. Grub Street ID 214189.
- Baker's news, or, the Whitehall journal. London [England] : printed and sold by J[ames]. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane; where advertisements and letters are taken in,. ESTC No. P2122. Grub Street ID 55836.
- Curll, Edmund. An historical account of the life and writings of the late eminently famous Mr. John Toland. Containing, I. A faithful Extract of his Works, and an Account of his Travels in Germany, Holland, &c. II. An Account of the Controversies wherein he was engaged, and a particular Enquiry into his Principles; His Philosophick Resignation to the Divine Will, and his Notions of Futurity at the Time of his Decease. III. An exact Catalogue of his Writings, published both with, and without his Name, and of the Manuscripts he left behind him. By one of his most intimate friends. In a letter to the Lord ****. London : printed: and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane; W. Mears, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar; J. Brotherton in Cornhill; J. Graves in St. James's-Street; and W. Chetwood in Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T130557. Grub Street ID 179651.
- Motte, Benjamin. A reply to the preface publish'd by Mr. Henry Jones; with his abridgement of the Philosophical Transactions. London : printed and sold by J Roberts, 1722. ESTC No. T83935. Grub Street ID 304348.
- Haywood, Eliza. The tea-table: or, a conversation between some polite persons of both sexes, at a lady's visiting day. Wherein are represented the various ..., and ... which form the character of an accomplish'd beau, or modern fine lady interpersed with several establishing and instructive stories. Part the second. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood. London : Printed and sold by J. Roberts in ..., and the booksellers of London and West-minster, 1725. ESTC No. T200905. Grub Street ID 232404.
- Henley, John. An introduction to an English grammar; Containing I. A compendious way to master any Language in the World. II. A particular Account of those Eastern and Northern Tongues, Grammars of which are not publish'd in the Collection to which this Attempt belongs, viz. the Ethlopic, Coptic, Persic, Samaritan, Armenian, Turkish, Chinese, Damulian or Malabaric, Malayan, Indian: And the Selavonic, Teutonic, Hibernian, British, Gothic, Runic, Islandic Tongues. III. A Dissertation on the Saxon. IV. A Grammar of it. Being number X. of the Complete linguist; or universal grammar. By J. Henley, M.A. London : printed, and sold by J. Roberts, at the Oxford Arms in Warwick Lane; J. Woodman, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; J. Stone, near Bedford-Row, Gray's-Inn; and R. King, at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. T114955. Grub Street ID 166730.
- Eusden, Laurence. An epistle to the noble, and Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, ... By Laurence Eusden. The second edition.. London : printed and sold by J. Roberts, 1726. ESTC No. N1436. Grub Street ID 4242.
- Hoadly, Benjamin. An enquiry into the reasons of the conduct of Great Britain, with relation to the present state of affairs in Europe. London : printed, and sold by James Roberts in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXVII. [1727]. ESTC No. T32769. Grub Street ID 263446.
- Harris, Walter. The great and wonderful works of God humbly represented: and the just and equal distributions of providence demonstrated. With an appendix concerning St. Paul. By an ancient doctor of physick. London : printed and sold by James Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1727. ESTC No. T113265. Grub Street ID 165208.
- The Grub-Street journal. London : printed and sold by J[ames]. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, and at the pamphlet-shops of London and Westminster, also at the Pegasus (vulgarly called the Flying-Horse) in Grubstreet, [1730-1737]. ESTC No. P1697. Grub Street ID 55480.
- Hatchett, William; Haywood, Eliza. The opera of operas; or, Tom Thumb the Great. Alter'd from The life and death of Tom Thumb the Great. And set to musick after the Italian manner. By Mr. Lampe. As it is perform'd by His Majesty's company of comedians at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London : printed: and sold by J. Roberts, 1733. ESTC No. N10672. Grub Street ID 679.
- The dependant. An epistle to the Honourable Sir George Oxenden Bart. one of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. London : printed and sold by A. Dodd , without Temple-Bar ; J. Roberts , in Warwick-Lane ; E. Nutt , at the Royal-Exchange ; and by the book-sellers of London and Westminster, 1734. ESTC No. N6208. Grub Street ID 44490.