Publications of William Cavendish 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne


  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. An answer of the Right Honourable the Earle of Nevv-Castle His Excellency, &c. To the six groundlesse aspersions cast upon him by the Lord Fairefax, in his late warrant (here inserted) bearing date Feb. 2. 1642. By the Earle himselfe. [Oxford]: Printed at Yorke, and reprinted at Oxford by H[enry]. H[all]., 1642. ESTC No. R12249. Grub Street ID 60454.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. A proclamation by His Excellency William Earle of Newcastle, Lord Generall of all His Majesties forces in the north parts of England, for bringing in of arms. [York]: Printed at York by Stephen Bulkley, 1642. ESTC No. R180917. Grub Street ID 71755.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. An answer of the Right Honourable Earle of Nevvcastle his excellency, &c. to the six groundless aspersions cast upon him by the Lord Fairefax, in his late warrant (here inserted) bearing date Feb. 2, 1642 by the Earl himselfe. [Shrewsbury]: Printed at Oxford, and reprinted at Shrewsbury, 1642. ESTC No. R29559. Grub Street ID 112524.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. A declaration made by the Earl of Nevv-Castle, Governour of the town and county of New-Castle: and generall of all His Majesties forces raised in the northern parts of this kingdom, for the defence of the same. For his resolution of marching into Yorkshire. As also, a just vindication of himself from that unjust aspersion laid upon him, for entertaining some popish recusants in his forces. [London]: First printed at York, and now re-printed at London; by speciall command, 1642. ESTC No. R19158. Grub Street ID 76948.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. A declaration made by the Earl of New-Castle, Governour of the town and county of New-Castle: and generall of all His Majesties forces raised in the northern parts of this kingdom, for the defence of the same. For his resolution of marching into Yorkshire. As also a just vindication of himself from that unjust aspersion laid upon him, for entertaining some popish recusants in his forces. [York]: Printed at York by Stephen Bulkley, 1642. ESTC No. R227618. Grub Street ID 100516.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. A declaration of the Right Honourable the Earle of Nevvcastle His Excellency, &c in answer of six groundlesse aspersions cast upon him by the Lord Fairefax, in his late warrant bearing date Feb. 1642. Printed at York: by Stephen Bulkley, 1642 [i.e. 1643]. ESTC No. R13716. Grub Street ID 61794.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. The answer of His Excellency the Earle of Newcastle, to a late declaration of the Lord Fairefax: dated the 8. of June, 1643. Printed at York: by Stephen Bulkley, 1643. ESTC No. R218650. Grub Street ID 93289.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. A declaration made by the Earle of Nevv-Castle, Governour of the towne and county of New-Castle. And generall of all His Majesties forces raised in the northerne parts of this kingdome, for the defence of the same. For his resolution of marching into Yorkshire. As also a just vindication of himselfe from that unjust aspersion laid upon him for eutertaining [sic] some popish recusants in his forces. With other passages of consequence. [London]: Printed for VV. VVebb, M.DC.XLIII. [1643]. ESTC No. R12143. Grub Street ID 60358.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. A declaration and summons sent by the Earl of Newcastle, to the town of Manchester, to lay down their arms. With the resolute answer of the commanders in chief, and souldiers in Manchester, to spend their blood for the honour of the King, the Protestant religion, and priviledges of Parliament, against the papists and malignants now under his lordships command. Imprimatur, John White. London: printed for Peter Cole, and are to be sold at the Glove in Cornhill, July 15. 1643. ESTC No. R22689. Grub Street ID 99810.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. A declaration of the Right Honourable the Earle of Newcastle His Excellency, &c. in answer of six groundlesse aspersions cast upon him by the Lord Fairefax, in his late warrant bearing date Feb: 2. 1642. Printed at York: by Stephen Bulkley, 1642 [i.e. 1643]. ESTC No. R202959. Grub Street ID 80124.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. The country captaine, and the Varietie, two comedies, written by a person of honor. Lately presented by His Majesties servants, at the Black-Fryers. London: printed for Hum: Robinson at the Three-Pidgeons, and Hum: Moseley at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1649. ESTC No. R16163. Grub Street ID 64044.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. A new method, and extraordinary invention, to dress horses, and work them according to nature: as also, to perfect nature by the subtility of art; which was never found out, but by the thrice noble, high, and puissant prince William Cavendishe, Duke, Marquess, and Earl of Newcastle; Earl of Ogle; Vicount Mansfield; and Baron of Bolsover, of Ogle, of Bertram, Bothal, and Hepple: Gentleman of His Majesties bed-chamber; one of His Majesties most honourable privy-councel; knight of the most noble order of the Garter; His Majesties lieutenant of the country and town of Nottingham; and justice in Ayre Trent-North: who had the honour to be governour to our most Glorious King, and Gracious Soveraign, in his youth, when he was prince of Wales; and soon after was made captain general of all the provinces beyond the river of Trent, and other parts of the kingdom of England; with power, by a special commission, to make knights. London : Printed by Tho. Milbourn, in the year 1667. ESTC No. R18531. Grub Street ID 74430.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. Methode nouvelle, et invention extraordinaire de dresser les chevaux, et les travailler selon la nature, qui est perfectionée par la subtilité d'un art, qui n'a jamais esté trouvé, que par le tres-noble, haut, & tres-puissant prince, Guillaume de Cavendysh, duc, marquis, & comte de Newcastle; comte d'Ogle; visconte de Mansfield; & baron de Bolsover, d'Ogle, de Bertram, de Bothal, & d'Hepwel: gentilhomme de la chambre du lict du Roy de la Grande Bretagne, & conseillier en ses conseils d'estat & privé: chevalier du tres-noble Ordre de la Jartiere: gouverneur pour le Roy de la province & ville de Nottingham: grand maistre des forets du Nord au dela la riviere de Trent: et a eu l'honneur d'estre gouverneur du Roy d'apressent en sa Jeunesse, lors qu'il estoit Prince de Galles, ... Traduite mot à mot en François, sur l'original Anglois. A Londres : chez Tho. Milbourn, MDCLXXI. [1671]. ESTC No. R3931. Grub Street ID 121214.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. Méthode nouvelle et invention extraordinaire de dresser les chevaux ... par le ... prince de Cavendysh, duc ... de Newcastle, ... trauite mot à mot en françois . Londres : J. [i.e. Thomas] Melbourn [Milbourn], [1672]. ESTC No. R180916. Grub Street ID 71754.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. The humorous lovers. A comedy, acted by His Royal Highnes's servants. Written by His Grace the Duke of Newcastle. London : Printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for H. Herringman, at the sign of the Blew Anchor in the lower-walk of the New-Exchange, 1677. ESTC No. R8990. Grub Street ID 129113.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. The triumphant vvidow, or The medley of humours. A comedy, acted by His Royal Highnes's servants. Written by His Grace the Duke of Newcastle. London : printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for H. Herringman, at the sign of the Blew Anchor in the lower-walk of the New-Exchange, 1677. ESTC No. R8043. Grub Street ID 128250.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. Methode et invention nouvelle de dresser les chevaux par le très-noble, haut, et très-puissant prince Guillaume marquis et comte de Newcastle Vicomt e de Mansfield, Baron de Bolsover et Ogle; Seigneur de Cavendish, Bothel et Hepwel; Pair D'Angleterre; Qui eut la charge & l'honneur d'estre Gouverneur du Serenissime Prince de Galles en sa jeunesse, maintenant Roy de la Grande-Bretagne; Lieutenant pour le Roy de la Comté de Nottingham, & de la Forest de Sherwood; Capitaine general en toutes les Provinces outre la Riviere de Trent, & autres endroits du Royaume D'Angleterre; Gentilhomme de la Chambre du lit du Roy; Consciller D'Etat & Privé; Chevalier du tres-noble Ordre de la Jarretiere, &c. Seconde édition.. A Londres : chez Jean Brindley, Libraire de S. A. R. Monseigneur le Prince de Galles, dans New Bond-Street, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T102953. Grub Street ID 156624.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. A new method, and extraordinary invention, to dress horses, and work them according to nature: ... which was never found out, but by the thrice noble, high, and puissant prince William Cavendishe. Duke, ... of Newcastle; ... Dublin: printed for Thomas Wilkinson, [1740?]. ESTC No. N41652. Grub Street ID 27998.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. A new method, and extraordinary invention, to dress horses, and work them according to nature: As also, To perfect Nature by the Subtilty of Art; which was never found out, but by the thrice noble, high, and puissant prince William Cavendishe, Duke, Marquess, and Earl of of Newcastle, ; Earl of Ogles Viscount Mansfield; and Baron of Bolsover, of Ogle, of Bertram, Bothal, and Hepple: Gentleman of His Majesty's Bed-Chamber; One of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy-Council; Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter; His Majesty's Lieutenant of the County and Town of Nottingham; and Justice in Ayre Trent-North: Who had the Honour to be Governor to our most Glorious King, and Gracious Sovereign, in His Youth, when He was Prince of Wales; and soon after was made Captain General of all the Provinces beyond the River of Trent, and other Parts of the Kingdom of England; with Power, by a special Commission, to make Knights. Dublin: printed for James Kelburn, at the Three Golden Balls in George's-Lane, over-against the Castle-Market, Bookseller, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T112353. Grub Street ID 164349.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. A general system of horsemanship in all it's branches: containing a faithful translation of that most noble and useful work of his Grace, William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, entitled, The manner of feeding, dressing, and training of horses for the great saddle, ... Wit all the original copper-plates, . London : printed for J. Brindley, 1743. ESTC No. T154434. Grub Street ID 198548.
  • Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne. A general system of horsemanship in all it's branches: containing a faithful translation of that most noble and useful work of his Grace, William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, entitled, The manner of feeding, dressing, and training of horses for the great saddle, and fitting them for the service of the field in time of war, or for the exercise and improvement of gentlemen in the academy at home: a science peculiarly necessary throughout all Europe, and which has hitherto been so much neglected, or discouraged in England, that young gentlemen have been obliged to have recourse to foreign nations for this part of their education. With all the original copper-plates, in number forty-three, which were engrav'd by the best foreign masters, under his Grace's immediate care and inspection, and which are explained in the different lessons. And to give all the improvements that may be, this work is ornamented with head-pieces and initial letters, properly adapted to the subsequent chapters; and en. London : printed for J. Brindley, Bookseller to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, in Newbond-Street, M.DCC.XLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. T154435. Grub Street ID 198549.