Publications of Marcus Junianus Justinus


  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justin's history of the world from the Assyrian monarchy down to the time of Augustus Cæsar; being an abridgment of Trogus Pompeius's Philippic history, with critical remarks upon Justin. Made English by Mr. T. Brown. The second edition, carefully revised. With many curiou emendations, ... Besides several other material annotations ... By O. Dykes, ... London: printed for John Matthews; and are to be sold by D. Brown, J. Churchill, T. Horn, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Wyat, R. Wilkin, D. Midwinter, T. Varnam, G. Strahan, B. Lintott, J. Bowyer, N. Cliffe, W. Taylor, R. Robinson, and H. Clements, MDCCXIII [1713]. ESTC No. N6806. Grub Street ID 49556.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Thabridgment of the histories of Trogus Pompeius, collected and wrytten in the Laten tonge, by the famous historiographer Iustine, and translated into English by Arthur Goldyng: a worke conteynyng brieflie great plentie of moste delectable hystories, and notable examples, worthie not onelie to be read, but also to be embraced and followed of all menne. [London]: Anno Domini. M.D.LXIIII. mense. Maii Imprinted at London in Fletestrete, nere vnto Sainct Dunstons churche, by Thomas Marshe, [1564]. ESTC No. S118539. Grub Street ID 138194.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Thabridgemente of the histories of Trogus Pompeius, gathered and written in the Laten tung, by the famous historiographer Iustine, and translated into Englishe by Arthur Goldinge: a worke conteyning brefly great plentye of most delectable historyes, and notable examples, worthy not onely to be read but also to bee embraced and followed of al men. Newlie conferred with the Latin copye and corrected by the translator. Anno Domini. 1570. Imprinted at London: By Thomas Marshe, [1570]. ESTC No. S118649. Grub Street ID 138302.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. The abridgement of the historyes of Trogus Pompeius gathered & written in the Latine tongue by the famous hystoriographer Iustine ; & translated into Englishe by Arthur Golding ; a worke briefly conteyning great ple[n]ty of most delectable histories and notable examples, worthy not onely to be read, but also to be embraced and follovved of all men. [London]: Imprinted at London in Fleetstreete neere vnto Sainct Dunstanes Church, by Thomas Marsh, 1578. ESTC No. S4945. Grub Street ID 148858.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. The abridgement of the historyes of Trogus Pompeius, gathered [and] written in the Latine tongue, by the famous hystoriographer Iustine, & translated into Euglishe [sic] by Arthur Golding: a worke briefly conteyning great ple[n]ty of most delectable histories, and notable examples, worthy not onely to be read, but also to be embraced and follovved of all men. Imprinted at London: In Fleetstreete, neere vnto Sainct Dunstanes Church, by Thomas Marsh, 1578. ESTC No. S123309. Grub Street ID 142821.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Iustini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis libri XLIIII. His accessit, ex Sexto Aurelio Victore De vita & moribus Romanorum imperatorum epitome. Londini: excudebat Georgius Robinsonus, M. D. LXXXVI. [1586]. ESTC No. S95589. Grub Street ID 153550.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Iustini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis ex Ternis libri XLIII his accessit ex Sexto Aurelio Victore De vita & moribus Romanorum imperatorum epitome : omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata. Londini: Excudebat Thomas Orwinus, M.D.XCIII [1593]. ESTC No. S2372. Grub Street ID 146762.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. The historie of Iustine. Containing a narration of kingdomes, from the beginning of the Assyrian monarchy, vnto the raigne of the Emperour Augustus. VVhereunto is newly added a briefe collection of the liues and manners of all the emperours succeeding, vnto the Emp. Rodulphus now raigning. First written in Latine by that famous historiographer Iustine, and now againe newly translated into English, by G.W. London: Printed by William Iaggard, dwelling in Barbican, 1606. ESTC No. S117759. Grub Street ID 137425.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Iustini ex Trogi Pompeii Historiis externis libri XLIIII. His accessit, ex Sexto Aurelio Victore De vita & moribus Romanorum imperatorum epitome. Omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata. Londini: excudebat Thomas Haveland, 1609. ESTC No. S125610. Grub Street ID 144845.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Iustini ex Trogi Pompeii Historiis externis libri XLIIII. His accessit, ex Sexto Aurelio Victore De vita & moribus Romanorum imperatorum epitome. Omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata. Londini: excudebat Felix Kyngstonius, ex impensis Ioannis Grismundi, 1633. ESTC No. S126792. Grub Street ID 145667.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Iustini ex Trogi Pompeii Historiis externis libri XLIIII. His accessit, ex Sexto Aurelio Victore De vita & moribus Romanorum imperatorum epitome. Omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata. Londini: excudebat Felix Kyngstonius, ex impensis Ioannis Grismundi, 1633. ESTC No. S118520. Grub Street ID 138175.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii Historiis externis, libri XLIV. His accessit, ex Sexto Aurelio Victore de vita & moribus Romanorum Imperatorum epitome. Omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata. Londini: excusi pro Felice Kingstonio & veneunt per Gulielmum Gilbertson, 1651. ESTC No. R179130. Grub Street ID 70679.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. The history of Iustine, taken out of the four and forty books of Trogus Pompeius: contaning [sic] the affairs of all ages, and countrys, both in peace and war, from the beginning of the world untill the time of the Roman emperors. Together, with the epitomie of the Lives and manners of the Roman emperors, from Octavius Augustus Cæsar, to the Emperor Theodosius. Translated into English by Robert Codrington, Master of Arts. London: printed for William Gilbertson, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bible in Gilt-Spur-Street without Newgate, 1654. ESTC No. R21545. Grub Street ID 90492.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Iustini ex Trogi Pompeii Historiis externis libri XLIV. His accessit, ex Sexto Aurelio Victore de vita & moribus Romanorum imperatorum Epitome. Omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata. Londini: excusi per Robertum White, & veneunt per Gulielmum Gilbertson, 1659. ESTC No. R216599. Grub Street ID 91477.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis, libri XLIV. His accessit, ex Sexto Aurelio Victore de vita & moribus Romanorum imperatorum epitome. Omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata. Londini: excusum pro Gulielmo Gilbertson, ad insigne Sacri Biblii juxta vicum vulgo Newgate, 1664. ESTC No. R41444. Grub Street ID 123072.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. The history of Justin, taken out of the four and forty books of Trogus Pompeius: containing the affairs of all ages and countreys, both in peace and war, from the beginning of the world untill the time of the Roman emperors. Together, with an epitomy of the Lives and manners of the Roman emperors, from Octavius Augustus Cæsar, to the Emperour Theodosius. Translated into English by Robert Codrington, Master of Arts. London: printed for W. Gilbertson, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bible in Gilt-Spur-Street, without New-Gate, 1664. ESTC No. R2389. Grub Street ID 107734.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii Historiis externis, libri XLIV. His accessit, ex Sexto Aurelio Victore De vita & moribus Romanorum imperatorum epitome. Omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata. Londini: excusum p[r]o Gulielmo Whitwood, ad insigne Aurei Leonis, in vico vulgò vocato, Duck-Lane, 1668. ESTC No. R179131. Grub Street ID 70680.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Iustini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio lib. XLIV. cum notis Isaaci Vossii. Oxonii: Per Fran: Oxlad Senior et Junior, 1669. ESTC No. R12611. Grub Street ID 60773.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex trogi pompeii historiis externis, libri XLIV. His accessit, ex sexto aurelio victore de vita & moribus Romanorum imperatorum epitome. Omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum examplarium collatione castigata. Londini: excusum pro Gulielmo Whitwood, ad insigne Aurei Leonis, in vico vulgò vocato, Duck-Lane, 1671. ESTC No. R179132. Grub Street ID 70681.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. The history of Justin, taken out of the four and forty books of Trogus Pompeius: containing the affairs of all ages and countrys, both in peace and war, from the beginning of the world until the time of the Roman emperors. Together, with an epitomy of the lives and manners of the Roman emperors, from Octavius Augustus Cæsar, to the Emperour Theodosius. Translated into English by Robert Codrington, Master of Arts. London: printed for William Whitwood, at the sign of the Bell in Duck-Lane near Smithfield, 1671. ESTC No. R216362. Grub Street ID 91278.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. The history of Justin, taken out of the four and forty books of Trogus Pompeius: containing the affairs of all ages and countrys, both in peace and war, from the beginning of the world until the time of the Roman emperors. Together, with an epitomy of the lives and manners of the Roman emperors, from Octavius Augustus Cæsar, to the Emperour Theodosius. Translated into English by Robert Codrington, Master of Arts. London: printed for W.W. and to be sold by Edward Thomas at the Adam and Eve, in Little-Brittain, 1672. ESTC No. R215500. Grub Street ID 90525.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. M. Juniani Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio, libri 44. Ms. Cod. collatione recogniti. [Oxford]: E Theatro Sheldoniano, M. DC. LXXIV. [1674]. ESTC No. R1477. Grub Street ID 62758.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. M. Juniani Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio, libri 44. [Ms.] Cod. collatione recogniti. [Oxford]: [E] Theatro Sheldoniano, M. DC. LXXIV. [1674]. ESTC No. R233486. Grub Street ID 105006.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii Historiis externis, libri XLIV. Ominia quàm diligentissime ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata. Londini: excusum pro Gulielmo Whitwood, ad insigne Aureæ Campanæ, in vico vulgo vocato, Duck-Lane, 1675. ESTC No. R217124. Grub Street ID 91946.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii Historiis externis, libri XLIV. Omnia quàm diligentissime ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata. Londini: excusum pro Gulielmo Whitwood, ad insigne Aureæ Campanæ, in vico vulgo vocato, Duck-Lane, 1677. ESTC No. R221951. Grub Street ID 96020.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. The history of Justin, taken out of the four and fortieth books of Trogus Pompeius: containing the affairs of all ages and countrys, both in peace and war, from the beginning of the world until the time of the Roman emperors. Translated into English by Rob. Codrington, Master of Arts. London: printed for William Whitwood at the Cross-Keyes near Ivey-Bridge in the Strand, 1682. ESTC No. R215501. Grub Street ID 90526.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. M. Juniani Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis libri XLIIII. Omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione recensita & castigata. Londini: excudebat E. Horton impensis W. Whitwood, in vico vulgò vocato Duck-Lane, anno æræ Christianæ, 1686. ESTC No. R41026. Grub Street ID 122769.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. M. Juniani Justini ex Trogi Pompeii Historiis externis libri XLIIII. Omnia quàm dilgentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione. Recensita & castigata. In usum scholasticæ juventutis accommodata. Londini: excudebat W. Horton, impensis W. Whitwood, in vico vulgò vocato Duck-lane, anno æræ Christianæ, 1687. ESTC No. R2055. Grub Street ID 82230.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. M. Juniani Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis libri XLIIII. Omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione. Recensita & castigata. In usum scholasticæ juventutis accommodata. Londini: excudebat W. Horton, impensis W. Whitwood, in vico vulgo vocato Duck-lane, anno æræ Christianæ, 1688. ESTC No. R217126. Grub Street ID 91948.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. The history of Justin, taken out of the four and forty books of Trogus Pompeius: containing the affairs of all ages and countries, both in peace and war, from the beginning of the world until the time of the Roman emperors. With an account of Justin, and the time when he flourished, from G.J. Vossius, and a list of the kings and emperors of the several monarchies, with the year of their reigns, from Eusebius, Berosus and Metasthenes. Translated into English by Rob. Codrington, Master of Arts. London: printed for William Whitwood next door to the Bible in Duck-Lane near West-Smithfield, 1688. ESTC No. R222601. Grub Street ID 96561.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii Historiis externis, libri XLIV. Omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata. Londini: pro societate sationariorum [sic], MDCXCV. [1695]. ESTC No. R179133. Grub Street ID 70682.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex Trogp Pompeii Historiis externis, libri xliv. Omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata. Londini: pro Societate Stationarium, MDCC. [1700]. ESTC No. R179134. Grub Street ID 70683.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justinus de historiis Philippicis, et totius mundi originibus, interpretatione & notis illustravit Petrus Josephus Cantel, ? Societate Jesu. Jussu christianissimi Regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini. Huic editioni accessere Jacobi Bongarsii excerptiones chronologic? ad Justini Historias accommodat?. Londini: impensis R. Clavel, H. Mortlock, S. Smith & B. Walford, in Coemiterio D. Pauli, MDCCI. [1701]. ESTC No. N6807. Grub Street ID 49565.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justin's History of the world, from the Assyrian monarchy down to the time of Augustus Cæsar. Being an abridgment of Trogus Pompeius's Philippic history. With critical remarks upon Justin. Made English by Mr. T. Brown. London: printed for John Hartley, 1702. ESTC No. T154556. Grub Street ID 198665.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis libri Xliv. Omnia quàm diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata. Londini: pro Societate Stationariorum, MDCCIV. [1704]. ESTC No. T186243. Grub Street ID 222403.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. M. Juniani Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri Xliv. Mss. codicum collatione recogniti, annotationibusque illustrati. Oxonii: e theatro Sheldoniano, MDCCV. [1705]. ESTC No. T145626. Grub Street ID 192355.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. M. Juniani Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis libri Xliiii quam diligentissime ex variorum exemplarium collatione recensiti & castigati, Et Notis Optimorum Interpretum Illustrati: Quibus additur Chronologia ad Historiam accommodata; Cum Indice Rerum & Verborum praecipue Memorabilium. In usum Scholæ Mercatorum Scissorum. Londini: excudebat M.J. impensis J. Walthoe, R. & J. Bonwicke, Bibliopol, 1710. ESTC No. T147715. Grub Street ID 194258.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini, ex Trogi Pompei historiis externis, libri XLIV. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensiti. Londini: pro Societate Stationarium, 1712. ESTC No. T145555. Grub Street ID 192292.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justin's history of the world from the Assyrian monarchy down to the time of Augustus Cæsar; being an abridgement of Trogus Pompeius's Philippic history, with critical remarks upon Justin. Made English by Mr. T. Brown. The second edition carefully revised. With many curiou emendations both as to the History and Chronology of Justin, according to the best Oxford Edition. Besides several other material annotations from the various Readings of the Mss. And a New Translation of Bongarsius's Contents of the Philippic History of Trogus Pompeius. By O. Dykes, late of Queen's College, Oxon. London: printed by J. M. for John Hartley, over-against Gray's-Inn, in Holbourn, MDCCXII. [1712]. ESTC No. T145558. Grub Street ID 192295.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri Xliv. Londini: ex officinâ Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts. MDCCXIII. Cum privilegio, [1713]. ESTC No. T145556. Grub Street ID 192293.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justin's history of the world from the Assyrian monarchy down to the time of Augustus Cæsar; being an abridgment of Trogus Pompeius's Philippic history, with critical remarks upon Justin. Made English by Mr. T. Brown. London: printed for D. Midwinter, and H. Clements, 1719. ESTC No. T119470. Grub Street ID 170862.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis libri XLIV. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensiti. Londini: typis Gulielmi Hunter; impensis autem Societatis Stationariorum, 1719. ESTC No. N31502. Grub Street ID 20390.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justin's history of the world from the Assyrian monarchy down to the time of Augustus Caesar; being An Abridgment of Trogus Pompeius's Philippic History, with Critical Remarks upon Justin. made English by Mr. T. Brown. London: printed for D. Midwinter and H. Clements, and sold by J. and B. Sprint, R. Knaplock, R. Wilkin, G. Strahan, J. Bowyer, A. Bettesworth, W. Taylor, F. Gyles, and R. Robinson, MDCCXIX. [1719]. ESTC No. T187516. Grub Street ID 223456.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justinus de historiis Philippicis, et totius mundi originibus. Interpretatione & notis illustravit Petrus Josephus Cantel, E Societate Jesu. Jussu christianissimi Regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini. Editio altera, ab innumeris erroribus emendata. Huic editioni Accessre Jacobi Bongarsii excerptiones chronlogic?, ad Justini Historias accommodat?. Londini: typis Gulielmi Sayes, impensis R. Wilkin, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, G. Mortlock, & W. & J. Innys, MDCCXXI. [1721]. ESTC No. T121944. Grub Street ID 172697.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justin's history of the world from the Assyrian monarchy down to the time of Augustus Cæsar; being an abridgment of Trogus Pompeius's Philippic history, with critical remarks upon Justin. Made English by Mr. T. Brown. The fifth edition. With many curious emendations ... An a new translation of Bongarsius's contents of the Philippic history ... By O. Dykes, ... Dublin: printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers, 1724. ESTC No. N29354. Grub Street ID 18530.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis libri XLIV. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensiti. Londini: typis Henrici Parker; impensis autem Societatis Stationariorum, 1727. ESTC No. N54046. Grub Street ID 37898.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri Xliv. Ad Optimorum Exemplarium fidem Recensiti. Editio novissima, ab innumeris erroribus emendata. Huic editioni accessre Jacobi Bongarsii excerptiones chronologicæ, ad Justini historias accommodatæ. Dublinii: ex officinâ Georgii Grierson, MDCCXXVII. [1727]. ESTC No. T145557. Grub Street ID 192294.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis libri XLIV. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensiti. Londini: typis Henrici Parker; impensis autem Societatis Stationariorum, 1727. ESTC No. N31501. Grub Street ID 20389.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri XLIV. Londini: ex officina Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1729. ESTC No. T188639. Grub Street ID 224413.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justinus de historiis Philippicis, et totius mundi originibus. Interpretatione & notis illustravit Petrus Josephus Cantel ... jussu christianissimi Regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini. Editio altera, ab innumeris erroribus emendata. Huic editioni accessre Jacobi Bongarsii excerptiones chronologicæ, ad Justini Historias accommodatæ. Londini: typis T. Wood, impensis J. Knapton, R. Wilkin, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth, B. Sprint, W. Innys, J. Lacy, & B. Motte, 1730. ESTC No. N46005. Grub Street ID 30873.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini Historiæ Philippicæ. Cum versione anglica, ad verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. = Or, the history of Justin. With an English translation, as literal as possible. By John Clarke, ... London: printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, 1732. ESTC No. T146973. Grub Street ID 193564.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. M. J. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis. Libri XLIV. Quam diligentissime ex variorum exemplorum collatione recensiti & castigati. To which is added, the words of Justin disposed in a grammatical or natural order, ... so as to answer, as near as can be, word for word to an English version, ... With chronological tables accommodated to Justin's History. And also an index of words, phrases, and most remarkable things. For the use of schools. By N. Bailey. London: printed for J. Brotherton, J. Hazard, W. Meadows, T. Cox, W. Hinchliffe, [and 5 others in London], 1732. ESTC No. N11393. Grub Street ID 1392.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompejo lib. XLIV. Editio caeteris emendatior & variantibus lectionibus auctior. Edinburgi: apud Robertum Freebarnium, 1732. ESTC No. T188642. Grub Street ID 224416.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini Histori? Philippic?. Cum versione anglica. Ad verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. = Or, the history of Justin. With an English translation, as literal as possible. By John Clarke, Author of the Essays upon Education and Study. London: printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Pater-Noster-Row: and sold by T. Ryles in Hull, and T. Hammond in York, MDCCXXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. N2661. Grub Street ID 15975.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. M. Juniani Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis libri XLIIII. quam diligentissim ex variorum exemplarium collatione recensiti & castigati, ... In usum Scholæ Mercatorum Scissorum. Londini: impensis J. & J. Bonwicke, & J. Walthoe, 1735. ESTC No. N37606. Grub Street ID 25569.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis libri XLIV. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensiti. Londini: typis A. Parker; impensis autem Societatis Stationariorum, 1738. ESTC No. N47510. Grub Street ID 32196.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justinus de historiis Philippicis, et totius mundi originibus, interpretatione & notis illustravit Petrus Josephus Cantel, ... Editio altera, ... Huic editioni accessre Jacobi Bongarsii excerptiones chronologicæ, ad Justini historias accommodatæ. Londini: typis Gul. Strahan, impensis D. Midwinter, W. Innys, A. Ward, S. Birt, W. Parker [and 7 others in London], 1742. ESTC No. T146971. Grub Street ID 193562.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justin's history of the world translated into English. With a prefatory discourse, concerning The Advantages Masters ought chiefly to have in their view, in reading any ancient Historian, Justin in particular, with their Scholars. A few necessary remarks upon Justin are added in Marginal Notes. And to this new translation is also subjoined, an exact chronological table of the affairs of the world from the Creation to the Birth of Christ. Very useful for all Readers of History; Beginners more especially. By a gentleman of the University of Oxford. London: printed for T. Harris, at the Looking-Glass and Bible on London-Bridge, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T147355. Grub Street ID 193913.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiæ Philipicæ. Cum Versione Anglica, Ad Verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. = Or, the History of Justin. With an English translation, as literal as possible. By John Clarke, Author of the essays upon Education and Study. London: printed for C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Munby, and J. Mace, in Hull; and T. Hammond, in York, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T147643. Grub Street ID 194186.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. The history of the world translated from the Latin of Justin: with some necessary remarks by way of notes; and a prefatory discourse, Concerning the Advantages that ought chiefly to be had in view, in reading this or any ancient Historian. To this new translation is subjoined, an exact chronological table of the affairs of the world, from the Creation to the birth of Christ. The Whole very useful for all Readers of History; Beginners more especially. By G. Turnbull LL.D. London: printed for S. Birt, and B. Dod, both in Ave-Mary Lane, M.DCC.XLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T147773. Grub Street ID 194308.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiæ Philippicæ. Cum versione anglica, ad verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. = Or, the history of Justin. With an English translation, as literal as possible. By John Clarke, ... London: printed for W. Clarke; and sold by J. Mace, and G. Ferraby, at Hull; Mess. Stabler and Barstow, and N. Bell, at York; and P. Hodges, at Hereford, 1750. ESTC No. N29566. Grub Street ID 18697.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini Historiæ Philippicæ cum versione anglica, ad verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. = Or, the history of Justin. With an English translation, as literal as possible. By John Clarke, Author of the Essays upon Education and Study. To which are prefixed, not in any former Edition, chronological indexes accommodated to the History of Justin. Dublin: printed for John Exshaw, on Cork-Hill, MDCCLIV. [1754]. ESTC No. T123871. Grub Street ID 174186.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis libri XLIV. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensiti. Londini: typis J. Hughs; impensis autem Societatis Stationariorum, 1756. ESTC No. N6823. Grub Street ID 49685.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justinus de historiis Philippicis, et totius mundi originibus, Interpretatione & Notis illustravit Petrus Josephus Cantel, E Societate Jesu: jussu Christianissimi Regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini. Editio Tertia, ex nova recensione Davidis Durandi, Reg. Societ. Socii. Accessere Jacobi Bongarsii Excerptiones Chronologicae, Ad Justini Historias accommodatae. Londini: impensis Gul. Innys & Jos. Richardson, MDCCLVII. [1757]. ESTC No. T154557. Grub Street ID 198666.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justinus de historiis Philippicis, et totius mundi originibus, interpretatione & notis illustravit Petrus Josephus Cantel, ... jussu christianissimi Regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini. Editio tertia, ex nova recensione Davidis Durandi, ... Accessere Jacobi Bongarsii excerptiones chronologicæ, ad Justini Historias accommodatæ. Londini: impensis G. Innys & J. Richardson, J. Clarke, C. Hitch & L. Hawes, J. Hodges, B. Barker, [and 5 others in London], 1757. ESTC No. N6809. Grub Street ID 49582.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiæ Philippicæ: cum versione Anglica, Ad Verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. Or, the history of Justin: with an English translation, As Literal as possible. By John Clarke, Author of the Essays upon Education and Study. London: printed for W. Clarke, son to the author; and sold by C. Hitch, and L. Hawes, in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCLIX. [1759]. ESTC No. T154554. Grub Street ID 198663.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio lib. XLIV. Ex recensione Joan. Geor. Grævii. Edinburgi: impensis Gul. Millar, 1761. ESTC No. T220131. Grub Street ID 243935.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri XLIV. Editio ceteris auctior et castigatior. Edinburgi: apud W. Ruddiman, J. Richardson, et socios, 1762. ESTC No. T188644. Grub Street ID 224418.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini Historiæ Philippicæ: cum versione anglica, ad verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. = Or, the history of Justin; with an English translation, as literal as possible. By John Clarke, ... London: printed for L. Hawes, W. Clarke, and R. Collins, 1768. ESTC No. N2660. Grub Street ID 15966.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri XLIV. Londini: impensis J. & F. Rivington, G. Johnston, T. Longman, & T. Cadell, 1770. ESTC No. N51786. Grub Street ID 35778.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiæ philippicæ: cum versione anglica, Ad Verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta, or, the history of Justin; with an English translation, as literal as possible. By John Clarke, Author of the essays upon Education and Study. London: printed for L. Hawes, W. Clarke, and R. Collins, in Pater-Noster Row, [illegible] [1772]. ESTC No. T187047. Grub Street ID 223161.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justinus de historiis Philippicis, et totius mundi originibus, interpretatione & notis illustravit Petrus Josephus Cantel, ... jussu christianissimi regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini. Editio quarta, ex nova recensione Davidis Durandi, ... Accessere Jacobi Bongarsii excerptiones chronologicæ, ad Justini historias accommodatæ. Londini: impensis J. & F. Rivington, C. Bathurst, W. Strahan, G. Keith, L. Hawes [and 9 others in London], 1774. ESTC No. T152820. Grub Street ID 197463.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justinus de historiis Philippicis, et totius mundi originibus, interpretatione & notis illustravit Petrus Josephus Cantel, ... Editio altera, ... Huic editioni accessre Jacobi Bongarsii excerptiones chronologicæ, ad Justini historias accommodatæ. Dublini: impensis Johannis Exshaw, 1774. ESTC No. T187045. Grub Street ID 223159.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiæ Phillippicæ: cum versione Anglica, ad verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. = Or, the history of Justin; with an English translation, as literal as possible. By John Clarke, ... London: printed for J. F. and C. Rivington; and T. Evans, 1780. ESTC No. T154555. Grub Street ID 198664.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri XLIV. ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensiti. Dublini: impensis Johannis Exshaw, 1781. ESTC No. N54024. Grub Street ID 37877.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri XLIV. ... Editio novissima, ... Huic editioni accessre Jacobi Bongarsii excerptiones chronologicae, ... Una cum indice ... per Michaelem Maitaire. Dublini: impensis J. Exshaw, 1788. ESTC No. T188646. Grub Street ID 224419.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justinus de historiis Philippicis, et totius mundi originibus, interpretatione & notis illustravit Petrus Josephus Cantel, E Societate Jesu: jussu Christianissimi regis, in usum Serenissimi Delphini. Editio altera, ab innumeris Erroribus Emendata. Huic editioni accessre Jacobi Bongarsii excerptiones chronologicæ, ad Justini historias accommodatæ. Dublini: impensis Johannis Exshaw, M,DCC,XC. [1790]. ESTC No. T146972. Grub Street ID 193563.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiæ Phillippicæ: cum versione anglica, ad verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. = Or the history of Justin; with an English translation, as literal as possible. By John Clarke, ... Glocester: printed by R. Raikes. And sold by J. F. and C. Rivington; T. Longman, and T. Evans, London, 1790. ESTC No. N29355. Grub Street ID 18531.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri XLIV. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensiti. Dublini: impensis Johannis Exshaw, 1796. ESTC No. T123952. Grub Street ID 174248.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justinus de historiis Philippicis, et totius mundi originibus interpretatione & notis illustravit Petrus Josephus Cantel, E Societate Jesu: jussu christianissimi regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini. Editio quinta, ex nova recensione Davidis Durandi, Reg. Societ. Socii. Accessere Jacobi Bongarsii excerptiones chronologicæ ad Justini historias accommodatæ. Londini: impensis B. Law, W. and W. Ginger, C. Dilly, G. G. and J. Robinson, F. and C. Rivington, G. and T. Wilkie, J. Scatcherd, and T. N. Longman, MDCCXCVII. [1797]. ESTC No. T147624. Grub Street ID 194167.
  • Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri XII. Ad optimum exemplarium fidem recensiti. Editio novissima, ab innumeris erroribus emendata. Huic editioni accessere Jacobi Bongarsii excerptiones chronologicae. ... Corcagiae: impensis Antonii Edwards, 1800. ESTC No. T188647. Grub Street ID 224420.