Publications of William Cave


  • Cave, William. Primitive Christianity: or, The religion of the ancient Christians in the first ages of the Gospel. In three parts. By William Cave, D.D. London : printed by J.M. for Richard Chiswell at the Rose and Crown in S. Paul's Church yard, MDCLXXIII. [1673]. ESTC No. R27830. Grub Street ID 110970.
  • Cave, William. Tabulae ecclesiasticae, quibus scriptores ecclesiastici, eorumq; Patria, ordo, aetas & obitus brevitur exhibentur, a Christo nato ad annum usq; MDXVII. Studio & labore Gulielmi Cave, S.T.D. Operis hujusce rationem & concilium quaerat lector ad calcem operis. Londini : typis J[ohn]. D[arby]. impensis Richardi Chiswell, apud quem prostant vaeneles ad insigne Rosae Coronatae in Caemiterio Paulino, M.DC.LXXIV. [1674]. ESTC No. R35949. Grub Street ID 118298.
  • Cave, William. Primitive Christianity: or, The religion of the ancient Christians in the first ages of the Gospel. In three parts. By William Cave, D.D. The second edition.. London : printed by J.M. for Richard Chiswell at the Rose and Crown in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1675. ESTC No. R29627. Grub Street ID 112583.
  • Cave, William. Antiquitates apostolicae: or, The lives, acts and martyrdoms of the holy apostles of our Saviour. To which are added the lives of the two evangelists, Ss. Mark and Lvke. By William Cave . London : printed by R. Norton, for R. Royston, bookseller to his most sacred Majesty, at the Angel in Amen-corner, 1675. ESTC No. R173628. Grub Street ID 67040.
  • Cave, William. A sermon preached before the King at VVhite-Hall, January xxiij. 1675/6. By William Cave, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. Printed by His Majesties special command. London : printed by W. Godbid for Richard Chiswell, at the sign of the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1676. ESTC No. R5517. Grub Street ID 125952.
  • Cave, William. Antiquitates apostolicae: or, The history of the lives, acts and martyrdoms of the holy apostles of our Savior, and the two evangelists, SS. Mark and Luke. To which is added an introductory discourse concerning the three great dispensations of the church, patriarchal, Mosaical, and evangelical. Being a continuation of Antiquitates christianae, or, the life and death of the holy Jesus. By William Cave, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London : printed by R. Norton, for R. Royston, bookseller to his most sacred Majesty, at the Angel in Amen-Corner, MDCLXXVI. [1676]. ESTC No. R12963. Grub Street ID 61100.
  • Cave, William. Antiquitates apostolicæ: or, the lives, acts and martyrdoms of the holy Apostles of our Saviour. To which are added the lives of the two evangelists, SS. Mark and Luke. As also a brief enumeration and account of the Apostles and their successors for the first three hundred years in the five great Apostolical churches. By William Cave, D.D. Chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London : printed by R[oger]. Norton, for R[ichard]. Royston bookseller to his most Sacred Majesty, at the angel in Amen-Corner, M DC LXXVI. [1676, i.e. 1686?]. ESTC No. R173629. Grub Street ID 67041.
  • Cave, William. Primitive Christianity: or, The religion of the ancient Christians in the first ages of the Gospel. In three parts. By William Cave, D.D. The third edition. London : printed by J.G. for R. Chiswell at the Rose and Crown in S. Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXVI. [1676]. ESTC No. R23916. Grub Street ID 107760.
  • Cave, William. Apostolici: or, The history of the lives, acts, death, and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles. As also the most eminent of the primitive fathers for the first three hundred years. To which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the church. By William Cave, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London : printed by A[ndrew]. C[larke]. for Richard Chiswel at the Rose and Crown in S. Pauls Church-yard MDCLXXVII. [1677]. ESTC No. R13780. Grub Street ID 61856.
  • Cave, William. Antiquitates apostolicae: or, The history of the lives, acts and martyrdoms of the holy apostles of our Saviour, and the two evangelists, SS. Mark and Luke. to which is added an introductory discourse concerning the three great dispensations of the church, patriarchal, Mosaical, and evangelical. Being a continuation of Antiquitates christianae, or, The life and death of the holy Jesus. By William Cave, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. The third edition.. London : printed by R. Norton, for R. Royston, bookseller to His most sacred Majesty, at the Angel in Amen-Corner, M DC LXXVII. [1677]. ESTC No. R22995. Grub Street ID 102338.
  • Cave, William. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen and citizens of London, at S. Mary-le-Bow on the fifth of November, MDCLXXX. By William Cave, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty, and rector of Great Allhallows, London. London : printed by M. White, for R. Chiswel at the sign of the Rose and Crown in S. Paul's Church-yard, 1680. ESTC No. R1491. Grub Street ID 62886.
  • Cave, William. Apostolici: or, The history of the lives, acts, death, and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the Apostles. As also the most eminient of the primitive fathers for the first three hundred years. To which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the church. By William Cave, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. The second edition corrected.. London : printed by J. R. for Richard Chiswel at the Rose and Crown in S. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXII. [1682]. ESTC No. R223979. Grub Street ID 97715.
  • Cave, William. Primitive Christianity: or, The religion of the ancient Christians in the first ages of the Gospel. In three parts. By William Cave, D.D. The fourth edition.. London : printed by J.H. for R. Chiswel, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M.DC.LXXXII. [1682]. ESTC No. R11345. Grub Street ID 59642.
  • Cave, William. Ecclesiastici: or, The history of the lives, acts, death, & writings, of the most eminent fathers of the church, that flourisht in the fourth century. Wherein among other things an account is given of the rise, growth, and progress of Arianism, and all other sects of that age descending from it. Together with an introduction, containing an historical account of the state of paganism under the first Christian emperours. By William Cave, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London : printed by J.R. for Richard Chiswel at the Rose and Crown in S. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXIII. [1683]. ESTC No. R9917. Grub Street ID 129955.
  • Cave, William. A serious exhortation, with some important advices, relating to the late cases about conformity, recommended to the present dissenters from the Church of England. London : printed by T. Moore, & J. Ashburne, for Fincham Gardiner, at the White-Horse in Ludgate-street, 1683. ESTC No. R5516. Grub Street ID 125951.
  • Cave, William. A discourse concerning the unity of the Catholick Church maintained in the Church of England. London : printed for B. Tooke at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and F. Gardner at the White-Horse in Ludgate street, 1684. ESTC No. R22818. Grub Street ID 100886.
  • Cave, William. A discourse concerning the unity of the Catholick Church maintained in the Church of England. London : printed for B. Tooke at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Fincham Gardner at the White-Horse in Ludgate street, 1684. ESTC No. R229526. Grub Street ID 101991.
  • Cave, William. Antiquitates apostolicae: or, The lives, acts and martyrdoms of the holy apostles of Our Saviour. To which are added the lives of the two evangelists, SS. Mark and Luke. As also a brief enumeration and account of the apostles and their successours for the first three hundre years in the five great apostolical churches. By William Cave, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. London : printed by M. Flesher, for R. Royston, bookseller to his most sacred Majesty, at the Angel in Amen-Corner, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R175700. Grub Street ID 68483.
  • Cave, William. Antiquitates apostolicae: or, The history of the lives, acts and martyrdoms of the holy apostles of our Saviour, and the two evangelists, SS. Mark and Luke. To which is added an introductory discourse concerning the three great dispensations of the church, patriarchal, Mosaical, and evangelical. Being a continuation of Antiquitates christianae, or, the life and death of the holy Jesus. By William Cave, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. The fifth edition revised, with some additions.. London : printed by M. Flesher, for R. Royston, bookseller to His most sacred Majesty, at the Angel in Amen-Corner, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R226898. Grub Street ID 99818.
  • Cave, William. A serious exhortation, with some important advices, relating to the late cases about conformity, recommended to the present dissenters from the Church of England. London : printed for T. Basset, at the George in Fleet-street; B. Tooke, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard; and F. Gardiner, at the White Horse in Ludgate-street, 1684. ESTC No. R23917. Grub Street ID 107761.
  • Cave, William. A sermon preached before the King at White-Hall, on Sunday, January 18th. 1684/5. By William Cave, D.D. canon of Windsor, and one of His Majesties chaplains in ordinary. Published by His Majesties special command. London : printed for Richard Chiswel, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXXV. [1685]. ESTC No. R36289. Grub Street ID 118585.
  • Cave, William. Chartophylax ecclesiasticus: quo propè MD. Scriptores ecclesiastici, tam minores, quam majores, tum Catholici, tum hæretici, eorumq[ue] patria, ordo, secta, munera, ætas & obitus; editiones operum præstantiores; opuscula, quin & ipsa fragmenta breviter indicantur. Scriptores dubii a certis, supposititii a genuinis, non-extantes a superstitibus distinguuntur. A Chr. nato ad annum usq[ue] MDXVII. Accedunt Scriptores gentiles Christianæ religionis oppugnatores; & brevis cujusvis sæculi conspectus. Adjecto ad calcem indice alphabetico-chronologico. Studio & labore Guilielmi Cave, SS. Th. Pr. Canonici Windesoriensis. Londini : impensis Richardi Chiswell, ad insigne Rosæ Coronatæ in Cœmiterio D. Pauli, MDCLXXXV. [1685]. ESTC No. R13826. Grub Street ID 61900.
  • Cave, William. Apostolici: or, The history of the lives, acts, death, and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the Apostles. As also the most eminent of the primitive fathers for the first three hundred years. To which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the church. By William Cave, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. The third edition corrected.. London : printed by B[ernard]. W[hite]. for Richard Chiswell at the Rose and Crown in S. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXVII. [1687]. ESTC No. R26585. Grub Street ID 109877.
  • Cave, William. Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum historia literaria a Christo nato usque ad saeculum XIV. facili methodo digesta. Qua de vita illorum ac rebus gestis, de secta, dogmatibus, elogio, stylo; de scriptis genuinis, dubiis, supposititiis, ineditis, deperditis, fragmentis; deque variis operum editionibus perspicu`e agitur. Accedunt scriptores gentiles, Christianae religionis oppugnatores; & cujusvis saeculi breviarium. Inseruntur suis locis veterum aliquot opuscula & fragmenta, tum Graeca, tum Latina hactenus inedita. Praemissa denique Prolegomena, quibus plurima ad antiquitatis ecclesiasticae studium spectantia traduntur. Opus indicibus necessariis instructum. Autore Guilielmo Cave, ss. theol. profes. canonico Windesoriensi. Accedit ab alia manu appendix ab ineunte Saeculo XIV. ad annum usque MDXVII. Londini : typis T[homas]. H[odgkin]. & impensis Richardi Chiswell ad insigne Rosae Coronatae in Coemeterio D. Pauli, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R10686. Grub Street ID 59033.
  • Cave, William. Antiquitates Apostolicæ, or, The lives, acts and martyrdoms of the holy apostles of our Saviour. To which are added The lives of the two evangelists, SS. Mark and Luke. As also A brief enumeration and account of the apostles and their successours for the first three hundred years in the five great apostolical churches. By William Cave, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London : printed by J.H. for L. Meredith, at the Star in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R5357. Grub Street ID 125807.
  • Cave, William. Primitive Christianity: or, The religion of the ancient Christians in the first ages of the Gospel. In three parts. By William Cave, D.D. The fifth edition.. London : printed for R. Chiswel, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M.DC.XCVIII. [1698]. ESTC No. R230507. Grub Street ID 102819.
  • Cave, William. Wilhelmi Cave canonici windesoriensis epistola apologetica adversus iniquas Joannis Clerici criminationes in Epistolis criticis & ecclesiasticis nuper editis. Qua, argumenta ejus pro eusebij Arianismo ad examen revocantur, calumniæ diluuntur, multa de usu & auctoritate sanctorum patrum, de quibusdam Clementis Alexandrini dogmatibus, de Concilio Nicæno I. & II. aliisque nonnullis differuntur. Londini : impensis Sam. Smith & Benj. Walford ad insignia principi in c.meterio D. Pauli, MDCC. [1700]. ESTC No. R23915. Grub Street ID 107759.
  • Cave, William. Antiquitates apostolic&: or, The lives, acts and martyrdoms of the Holy Apostles of our Saviour. To which are added the lives of the two evangelists, SS. Mark and Luke. As also a brief enumeration and account of the apostles and their successours for the first three hundred years in the five great Apostolical Churches. By William Cave, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. London : Printed by W. Horton, for the assigns of Luke Meredith, MDCCII. [1702]. ESTC No. T134022. Grub Street ID 182720.
  • Cave, William. Primitive Christianity: or, the religion of the ancient Christians in the first ages of the Gospel. In three parts. By William Cave, D.D. The sixth edition.. London : printed for R. Chiswel, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1702. ESTC No. T124019. Grub Street ID 174299.
  • Cave, William. Primitive Christianity: or, the religion of the antient Christians, in the first ages of the Gospel. In three parts. By William Cave, D.D. The seventh edition corrected.. London : printed for Benjamin Tooke, 1714. ESTC No. N37510. Grub Street ID 25469.
  • Cave, William. Primitive Christianity: or, the religion of the antient Christians, in the first ages of the Gospel. In three parts. By William Cave, D.D. The seventh edition corrected.. London : printed for Daniel Midwinter at the three crowns, and Benjamin Cowse at the rose and crowns in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1714. ESTC No. T115318. Grub Street ID 167082.
  • Cave, William. Primitive Christianity: or, The religion of the antient Christians, In the first ages of the Gospel. In three parts. By William Cave, D.D. The seventh edition corrected.. London : Printed for D. Midwinter and B. Couse; and sold by Charles Rivington at the Bible and Crown near the Chapter-House in St. Paul's Church-yard. M.DCC.XIV. [1714]. ESTC No. N67. Grub Street ID 48630.
  • Cave, William. Apostolici: or, the history of the lives, acts, death, and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the Apostles. As also the most eminent of the primitive fathers for the first three hundred years. To which is added, A chronology of the three first ages of the church. By William Cave, DD. The fourth edition corrected.. London : Printed by W. D. for J. Walthoe at the Temple-Cloisters, J. Nicholson in Little-Britain, B. Tooke in Fleet street, D. Midwinter, and B. Cowse in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXVI. [1716]. ESTC No. T126603. Grub Street ID 176531.
  • Cave, William. Primitive Christianity: or, the religion of the ancient Christians In the First Ages of the Gospel. In three parts. By William Cave, D.D. The seventh edition.. London : printed for J. Walthoe, J. and J. Knapton, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth, R. Robinson, J. Osborn and T. Longman, B. Motte, and A. Ward. MDCCXXVIII. [1728]. ESTC No. T114896. Grub Street ID 166671.
  • Cave, William. The lives of the fathers in the Primitive Church. Chiefly collected from the writings of the Reverened Dr. Cave, and render'd into a plain and familiar style, for the use of mean capacities. London : Printed and sold by John Lewis in Bartholomew-Close near West-Smithfield, 1732. ESTC No. T171604. Grub Street ID 209221.
  • Cave, William. Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum historia literaria, a Christo nato usque ad sæculum XIV. Facili Methodo digesta. Qua, de Vita illorum ac Rebus gestis, de Secta, Dogmatibus, Elogio, Stylo; de Scriptis genuinis, dubiis, supposititiis, ineditis, deperditis, Fragmentis; deque variis Operum Editionibus perspicue agitur. Accedunt scriptores gentiles, Christianæ religionis oppugnatores; & cujusvis Saeculi Breviarium. Additur ad finem cujusque Saeculi Conciliorum Omnium, tum Generalium tum Particularium Historica Notitia. Inseruntur suis locis Veterum Aliquot Opuscula et Fragmenta, tum Graeca tum Latina, hactenus inedita. Praemissa denique Prolegomena, quibus plurima ad Antiquitatis Ecclesiasticae studium spectantia traduntur. Autore Guilielmo Cave, SS. Th. Profes. Canon. Windesoriensi. Accedunt ab aliis manibus appendices duæ, ab ineunte Saeculo XIV. ad annum usque MDXVII. nunc in unam congestae. Ad calcem vero operis ejusdem Cavei dissertationes tres, I. De Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis incertae A. Oxonii: e theatro Sheldoniano, apud Josephum Pote bibliopolam Etonensem, MDCCXL. [1740]. ESTC No. T145835. Grub Street ID 192549.
  • Cave, William. The lives, acts and martyrdoms, of the holy Apostles of our Saviour ... by William Cave ... Wolverhampton: printed by Thomas Smith, [1770?]. ESTC No. T171591. Grub Street ID 209206.
  • Cave, William. The lives of the holy evangelists and apostles; with their martyrdoms, for preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. By J. Taylor, B.D. Printed at Leominster, (Massachusetts): by Charles Prentiss, 1797. ESTC No. W13635. Grub Street ID 322984.
  • Cave, William. The lives, travels & sufferings of the holy evangelists and apostles: with their martyrdoms, for preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. By J. Taylor, B.D. [Leominster, Mass.?]: Printed [by Adams and Wilder?] for Chapman Whitcomb, [1800?]. ESTC No. W27102. Grub Street ID 337192.