Publications of Ralph Lambert


  • Lambert, Ralph. A sermon preach'd at the funeral of Mrs. Ann Margetson, a young lady, under the age of fourteen years. In the church of Clerkenwell: on Sunday, November the 12th. 1693. By Ralph Lambert, chaplain to the Right Honourable, the Earl of Montague, and his lady, Her Grace, the Dutchess of Albemarle; and rector of Grindon in Staffordshire. London : printed for Peter Buck at the sign of the Temple, near the Inner-Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, 1693. ESTC No. R222009. Grub Street ID 96069.
  • Lambert, Ralph. A sermon, preach'd Nov. the 12th. 1702. Being the day, appointed for a publick Thanksgiving to Almighty God: for the Glorious Successes of Her Majesties Arms, by Sea and Land, in the parish-church of St. Giles's in the Fields. By Ralph Lambert, D. D. Publish'd at the Request of the Gentlemen of the said Parish, in Vestry. London : printed for William Lucas, at the Sign of the Temple near the Inner Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, and sold by John Nutt near Stationers Hall, 1703. ESTC No. N37222. Grub Street ID 25177.
  • Lambert, Ralph. An answer to a late pamphlet, entitl'd A vindication of marriage, as solemniz'd by Presbyterians in the north of Ireland. Dublin: printed for W. Dowdall, Bookseller, next Door to the Sign of London, in Castle-Street, 1704. ESTC No. T107872. Grub Street ID 160876.
  • Lambert, Ralph. The second part of The friendly admonition to the Roman Catholicks of Ireland; in several sermons preach'd in a country parish, where the priest is lately dead. By Ralph Lambert, D.D. Dublin: printed for William Dowdall, 1705. ESTC No. T221182. Grub Street ID 244587.
  • Lambert, Ralph. A friendly admonition to the Roman catholicks of Ireland; in several sermons preach'd in a country parish, where the priest is lately dead. By Ralph Lambert, D.D. Part I. Dublin: printed for William Dowdall, Bookseller; at the Sign of London in Castle-Street, 1705. ESTC No. T184181. Grub Street ID 220541.
  • Lambert, Ralph. The third and last part of the friendly admonition, to the Roman Catholicks of Ireland; in several sermons preach'd in a country parish, where the priest is lately dead. By Ralph Lambert, D.D. Dublin: printed for William Dowdall, Bookseller; at the Sign of the Angel, over-against Dick's-Coffee-House, in Skinner-Row, 1706. ESTC No. T196577. Grub Street ID 229942.
  • Lambert, Ralph. A sermon preach'd to the Protestants of Ireland, now residing in London: at their anniversary meeting on October XXIII. 1708. In commemoration of their deliverance from the barbarous massacre committed by the Irish Papists in the year 1641. In the Parish Church of St. James's, Westminster. By Ralph Lambert, D.D. Publish'd at the request of the Stewards, in behalf of themselves, and of the noblemen and gentlemen then present. London : Printed and sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side, for the benefit of the poor, 1708. ESTC No. T49216. Grub Street ID 277067.
  • Lambert, Ralph. A sermon preach'd to the Protestants of Ireland, now residing in London: at their anniversary meeting on October XXIII. 1708. ... in the parish-church of St. James's, Westminster. By Ralph Lambert,. London : printed for Tim Goodwin, 1708. ESTC No. T10311. Grub Street ID 156769.
  • Lambert, Ralph. Partiality detected: or, A reply to a late pamphlet, entituled, Some proceedings in the Convocation, A.D. 1705. faithfully represented, &c. Discovering The many partial representations, and unjust reflections, contained in the said pamphlet: particularly as to what concerns the proceedings of the Convocation in Ireland. London : printed for A. and J. Churchill, in Pater-noster-row, MDCCVIII. [1708]. ESTC No. T43679. Grub Street ID 272237.
  • Lambert, Ralph. A sermon preach'd to the Protestants of Ireland, now residing in London: at their anniversary meeting on October XXIII. 1708. ... in the parish-church of St. James's, Westminster. By Ralph Lambert,. London : reprinted by J. Stratford, [1708]. ESTC No. N64488. Grub Street ID 46477.
  • Lambert, Ralph. A sermon preach'd to the Protestants of Ireland, now residing in London: at their anniversary meeting on October XXIII. 1708. ... In the parish-church of St. James's, Westminster. By Ralph Lambert, ... Dublin: re-printed by A. Rhames; and are to be sold by the booksellers, 1709. ESTC No. T173704. Grub Street ID 210938.
  • Lambert, Ralph. A sermon preach'd in Christ's-Church, Dublin, on Wednesday October 23d. 1717. Being the anniversary commemoration of the happy deliverance from the Irish rebellion and massacre in 1641. Before ... Charles Duke of Bolton, ... and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled. By Ralph Lord Bishop of Dromore. ... Dublin: printed by Samuel Fairbrother, 1717. ESTC No. T104556. Grub Street ID 158068.