Culpeper, Nicholas.
A physicall directory, or, A translation of the London dispensatory made by the Colledge of Physicians in London. Being that book by which all apothicaries are strictly commanded to make all their physick with many hundred additions which the reader may find in every pag marked with this letter A. Also there is added the use of all the simples beginning at the first page and ending at the 78 page. By Nich. Culpeper Gent.
London: Printed for Peter Cole and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Printing-presse near to the Royall Exchange, 1649.
ESTC No. R2883.Grub Street ID 111864.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A physical directory: or A translation of the dispensatory made by the Colledge of Physitians of London, and by them imposed upon all the apothecaries of England to make up their medicines by. Whereunto is added, the vertues of the simples, and compounds. And in this second edition are seven hundred eighty four additions the general heads whereof are these: viz. 1. The dose (or quantity to be taken at one time) and use, both of simples and compounds. 2. The method of ordering the body after sweating and purging medicines. 3. Cautions (to all ignorant people) upon all simples or compounds that are dangerous. With many other additions, in every page, marked with the letter A. The second edition much enlarged, by Nich. Culpeper gent. studient in physick.
London: printed by Peter Cole, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1650.
ESTC No. R13967.Grub Street ID 62023.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
An ephemeris for the year 1652. Being leap year, and a year of wonders. Prognosticating the ruine of monarchy throughout Europe; and a change of the law. Ministered by rational predictions: 1. from the eclipses of the moon. 2. From that most terrible eclipse of the sun. 3. By monethly observations, as seasonable warnings given to the kings of Europe, more especially to France and Portugal. By Nich: Culpeper, gent. student astrol.
London: printed for T. Vere and N. Brook, and are to be sold in the Old Bayly, and at the Angel in Cornhil, 1652 [i.e. 1651].
ESTC No. R209343.Grub Street ID 85572.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A physical directory; or a translation of the Dispensatory made by the Colledg of Physitians of London, and by them imposed upon all the apothecaries of England to make up their medicines by. And in this third edition is added a Key to Galen's method of physick. Wherein is three sections. 1. The first section shewing the temperature of medicines, viz. hot, cold, moist and dry. 2. The second section (in nine chapters) treat of the apropriation of medicins to the several parts of the body, viz. 1 The head. 2 Breast. 3 Heart. ... 9 Joynts. 3. The third section (in 2 chapters) sheweth the properties or operations of medicines: 1 Emollient, 2 Hardning, 3 Loosning, 4 Making thick and thin, 5 Opening the mouths of the vessels, 6 Attenuating, ... 16 Breeding, or taking away milk, 17 Seed, 18 Easing pain. 19 Breeding flesh, 20 Glutinative, 21 Scarrifying, 22 Resisting poyson, 23 Adorning the body, 24, Purging medicines. By Nich. Culpeper, gent. ...
London: printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1651.
ESTC No. R24898.Grub Street ID 108637.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
An ephemeris for the yeer 1651. Amplified with rational predictions from the book of the creatures. 1. Of the state of the yeer. 2. What may probably be the effects of the conjunction of Saturn and Mars, July 9. 1650. in Scotland, Holland, Zealand, York, Amsterdam, &c. and about what time they may probably happen. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. student in astrology and physick, in Spittle-fields, next door to the Red Lyon.
London: printed by Peter Cole, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1651.
ESTC No. R209149.Grub Street ID 85365.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Semeiotica uranica. Or an astrological judgment of diseases from the decumbiture of the sick; 1. From Aven Ezra by the way of introduction. 2. From Noel Duret by way of direction. Wherein is layd down, the way and manner of finding out the cause, change and end of a disease. Also whether the sick be likely to live or dye, and the time when recovery or death is to be expected. To which is added the signs of life or death by the body of the sick party according to the judgment of Hippocrates. By Nicholas Culpeper Gent. Student in physick and astrology.
London: printed for Nathaniell Brookes at the golden Angel on Cornhill, near the Exchange, 1651.
ESTC No. R7964.Grub Street ID 128174.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midvvives: or, A guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. Containing, 1. The anatomie of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinders conception, and its remedies. 4. What further conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labor. 8. A guide for women in their lying-in. 9. Of nursing children. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. Student in physick and astrologie.
London: printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1651.
ESTC No. R3967.Grub Street ID 121545.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian: or An astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation. Being a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed, 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, ... or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, ... 2. What planet governeth every herb or tree (used in physick) that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all herbs, both vulgarly, and astrologically. 4. The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the yeer. 5. The way of keeping their juyces ready for use at all times. 6. The way of making and keeping ... compounds made of herbs. 7 The way of mixing medicines according to cause and and [sic] mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. student in physick and astrologie.
London: printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1652.
ESTC No. R24897.Grub Street ID 108636.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Catastrophe magnatum: or, The fall of monarchie. A caveat to magistrates, deduced from the eclipse of the sunne, March 29. 1652. With a probable conjecture of the determination of the effects. By Nich: Culpeper Gent. stud. in astrol. and phys:.
London: printed for T. Vere and Nath: Brooke, in the Old Baily, and at the Angel in Cornhil, 1652.
ESTC No. R2956.Grub Street ID 112525.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician or An astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation. Being a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things onely as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed, 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, julips, or waters of all sorts of physical herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year. 2. What planet governeth every herb or tree used in physick that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all herbs, but vulgarly, and astrologically. 4. The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the year. 5. The way of keeping the juyces ready for use at all times. 6. The way of making and keeping all kinde of usefull compounds made of herbs. 7. The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the desease, and part of the body afflicted. By N.
London: printed for the benefit of the Commonwealth of England, 1652.
ESTC No. R9417.Grub Street ID 129498.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician or an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation. Being a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things onely as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed, 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, julips, or waters of all sorts of physical herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year. 2. What planet governeth every herb o tree (used in physick) that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all herbs, but [sic] vulgarly, and astrologically. 4. The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the year. 5. The way of keeping the juyces ready for use at all times. 6. The way of making and keeping all kinde of usefull compounds made of herbs. 7. The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afficted.
London: printed by William Bentley, 1652.
ESTC No. R232058.Grub Street ID 103935.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midvvives: or, a guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. Containing, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinders conception, and its remedies. 4. What furthers conception. 5. A guide for women in conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labor. 8. A guide for women in their lying-in. 9. Of nursing children. See the epistle to the reader, to this edition. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. Student in physick and astrologie.
London: printed by Peter Cole in leaden-Hall, and are to be sold at his shop, at the Printing-Press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange: and R[ichard]. Westbrook at Deaths Arm, in Thredneedle-street, against the upper end of Broad-street, 1653.
ESTC No. R171642.Grub Street ID 65801.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged: with three hundred, sixty, and nine medicines made of English herbs that were not in any impression until this: ... Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation: containing a compleat method of physick, whereby man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1 The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, julips, or waters, of al sorts of physical herbs ... 7 The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. student in physick and astrologie: living in Spittle Fields.
London: printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Printing-press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1653.
ESTC No. R19808.Grub Street ID 77373.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopœia Londinensis: or The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the Fellows, now living of the said colledg. Whereunto is added, 1. The vertues, qualitites, and properties of every simple. 2. The vertues and use of the compounds. 3. Cautions in giving all medicines that are dangerous. 4. All the medicines that were in the old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the new Latin one, are printed in this fourth impression in English with their vertues. 5. A key to Galen's Method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 6. What is added to the book by the translator, is of a different letter from that which was made by the colledg. 7. In this impression the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found. By Nich. Culpeper Gent. Student in physic and astrology; living in Spittle-fields neer London.
London: printed for Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil neer the Royal Exchange, 1653.
ESTC No. R2908.Grub Street ID 112096.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
An ephemeris for the year of our Lord, 1653. Being the first year after leap-year, and (as is shrewdly to be feared) a sickly year, especially to London. Wherein you have the motion of Mercury, and the lunar aspects to him, both from Argol, Eichstadius, and Origanus. Als a judgment on the eclipse of the moon, and the ingress of the sun into the equinoctial and solstitial points. Together with observations on every month; and plain rules how young students may do the like. Calculated for the meridian of London. By Nich. Culpeper, gent. Student in astrology and physick.
London: printed by John Macock for the Company of Stationers, 1653.
ESTC No. R209258.Grub Street ID 85479.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopoeia Londinensis: or the London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows, now living of the said colledg. In this sixt edition you may find, 1 Three hundred useful additions. 2 All the notes that were in the margent are brought in the book between two such crotchets as these 3 The vertues, qualities, and properties of every simple. 4 The vertues and use of the compounds. 5 Cautions in giving al medicines that are dangerous. 6 All the medicines that were in the Old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the New Latin one, are printed in this sixt impression in English with their vertues. 7 A key to Galen's Method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 8 In every page two columns. 9 In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found. By Nich. Culpeper gent. Student in physick and astrology; living in Spittle-fields, neer London.
London: printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1654.
ESTC No. R224855.Grub Street ID 98310.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Opus astrologicum, &c. or, An astrological work left to posterity, by Nich. Culpeper, gent. Briefly containing, 1. A century of aphorisms, appropriated to the resolving of horary questions. 2. Elections astrological, for such as are going to war. 3. Elections and observations concerning journeys. 4. Elections for buildings, hidden treasures, and marriages. 5. Prognostications, and astrological secrets, proved by example.
London: printed by J. Cottrel for Ri. Moone and Steph. Chatfield; at the seven stars in Paul's Church-yard, and in the middle of St. Dunstan's Church-yard, 1654.
ESTC No. R20122.Grub Street ID 78669.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopœia Londinensis: or The London dispensatory. Further adorned by the studies and collections of the Fellows, now living of the said colledg. Wherein you may finde. 1. The virtues, qualitites, and properties of every simple. 2. The virtues and use of the compounds. 3. Cautions in giving all medicines that are dangerous. 4. All the medicines that were in the Old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the New Latin one, are printed in this fourth impression in English, with their virtues. 5. A key to Galen's Method of physick, containing thirty three chapters 6. In this impression the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found. 7. According to the longing desire of the author, for the good of the Common-wealth, as in fol. 71. ... this book is printed in this character to the en that its prise may not exceed the poores purse. By Nich. Culpeper Gent. student in physick and astrology, living in Spittlefields.
London: printed by a well-wisher to the Common-wealth of England, 1654.
ESTC No. R32396.Grub Street ID 115109.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
An ephemeris for the year 1654, being the second after leap-year by Nich. Culpeper.
London: Printed by John Macock for the Company of Stationers, 1654.
ESTC No. R24175.Grub Street ID 107982.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Composita: or, a synopsis of the chiefest compositions in use now with Galenists. Collected by Nich: Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick.
London: printed by J[ohn]. G[rismond]. for Nath: Brook, at the Angel in Cornhill, 1655.
ESTC No. R171641.Grub Street ID 65800.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopœia Londinensis: or the London dispensatory furhter adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows, now living of the said colledg. In this sixt edition you may find, 1 Three hundred useful additions. 2 All the notes that were in the margent are brought in the book between two such crotchets as these 3. On the top of the pages of this impression is printed The sixt edition, much enlarged. 4 The vertues, qualities, and properties of every simple. 5 The vertues and use of the compounds. 6 Cautions in giving al medicines that are dangerous. 7 All the medicines that were in the Old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the New Latin one, are printed in this sixt impression in English with their vertues. 8 A key to Galen's Method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 9 In every page two columns. 10 In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found. By Nich. Culpeper gent. S.
London: printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1655.
ESTC No. R232068.Grub Street ID 103946.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
An ephemeris for the year 1655. Being the third after leap-year. Together with astrological predictions, and monthly observations. By Nich: Culpepper, Gent. Student in astrology and physick, lately deceased.
London: printed by John Macock, for the Company of Stationers, 1655.
ESTC No. R9472.Grub Street ID 129552.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged: with three hundred, sixty, and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impre[ss]ion until this: the epistle will inform you how to know this impre[ss]ion from any other. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulga herbs of this nation: containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1 The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, juleps, or waters, of al sorts of physical herbs ... 7 The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. student in physick and astrologie: living in Spittle-Fields.
London: printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and at the sign of the Printing-pre[ss] in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1655.
ESTC No. R231724.Grub Street ID 103705.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's astrologicall judgment of diseases from the decumbiture of the sick much enlarged. I. From Aven Ezra by way of introduction. 2. From Noel Duret by way of direction. Wherein is laid down, the way and manner of finding our the cause, change, and end of the disease Also whether the sick be likely to live or die; and the time when recovery of death is to be expected. With the signs of life or death by the body of the sick party, according to the judgment of Hippocrates. Whereunto is added, A table of logisticall logariithmes, to finde the exact time of the crisis Hermes Trismegistus upon the first decumbiture of the sick: shewing the siggns & coniectures of the disease and of life and death, by the good or evil position of the moon at the time of the parents lying down, or demanding the questions infallible signs to know of what complexion any perso is whatsoever: with a compendious treatise of urine. By Nicholas Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrologie.
London: printed for Nath. Brookes at the Golden Angel on Cornhill, neer the Exchange, 1655.
ESTC No. R9826.Grub Street ID 129874.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's last legacy: left and bequeathed to his dearest wife, for the publicke good, being the choicest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publisht till after his death. Containing sundry admirable experiences in severall sciences, more especially, in chyrurgery and physick, viz. compounding of medicines, making of waters, syrrups, oyles, electuaries, conserves, salts, pils, purges, and trochischs. With two particular treatises; the one of feavers; the other of pestilence; as also other rare and choice aphorisms, fitted to the understanding of the meanest capacities. Never publisht before in any of his other works. By Nicholas Culpeper, late student in astrology and physick.
[London]: Printed for N. Brooke at the Angell in Cornhill, 1655.
ESTC No. R22796.Grub Street ID 100730.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, A guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. Containing, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinders conception, and its remedies. 4. What furthers conception. 5. A guide for women in conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labor. 8. A guide for women in their lying-in. 9. Of nursing children. See the directions in the epistle to the reader. Now are added, five brass figures, and explanations of them, at page 54, never printed before. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. student in physick and astrology.
London: printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1656.
ESTC No. R171643.Grub Street ID 65802.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopoia Londinensis: or the London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the Fellows, now living of the said colledg. In this sixt edition you will find, 1. Three hundred useful additions. 2. All the notes that were in the margent are brought into the book between two such crotchets as these [ ] 3. On the top of the pages of this impression is printed the sixt edition, much enlarged. 4. The vertues, qualities, and properties of every simple. 5. The vertues and use of the compounds. 6. Cautions in giving al medicines that are dangerous. 7. All the medicines that were in the Old Latin Dispensatory, and are left out in the New Latin one, are printed in this sixt impression in English with their vertues. 8. A key to Galen's Method of Physick, containing thirty three chapters. In every page two columns. 10. In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found. By Nich. Cul.
London: printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1656.
ESTC No. R171650.Grub Street ID 65810.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Mr Culpeper's ghost, giving seasonable advice to the lovers of his writings. Before which is prefixed, Mris. Culpepers epistle in vindication of her husband's reputation.
London: printed for Peter Cole, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Corn-hil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1656.
ESTC No. R231748.Grub Street ID 103717.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Mr. Culpepper's Treatise of aurum potabile. Being a description of the three-fold world. Viz. elimentary, celestiall, intellectuall containing the knowledge necessary to the study of hermetick philosophy. To which is added: Mr. Culpepper's Ghost. Giving advice to all the lovers of his writings.
London: printed for G. Eversden [and Peter Cole], at the signe of the Maiden-head, in St Pauls Church-yard, 1656.
ESTC No. R9218.Grub Street ID 129319.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Health for the rich and poor, by dyet without physick By Nich. Culpeper ...
London: Printed by Peter Cole ... and are to be sold at his shop ..., 1656.
ESTC No. R43906.Grub Street ID 124739.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Composita, or, A synopsis of the chiefest compositions in use now with Galenists collected by Nich. Culpepper.
London: Printed by T.C. for Nath. Brook, 1656.
ESTC No. R24896.Grub Street ID 108635.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
An ephemeris for the year 1656 being bissextile, or leap year : rationally predicting the most remarkable affairs probably to happen this present year : with monethly [sic] observations and astrological judgments upon what diseases are also conjectured to reign with directions to young students for to cure the same / left perfect in the study of Nich. Culpepper ; and now published by Tho. Harrington.
London: Printed by J. Macock for the Company of Stationers, 1656.
ESTC No. R23665.Grub Street ID 107369.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged: with three hundred, sixty, and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impression until this: ... Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation: containing a compleat method of physick, wherby man may preserve his bo- [sic] in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things: viz 1 The way of making plaisters, oyntmeuts [sic], oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, juleps, or waters, of al sorts of physical herbs ... 7 The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich Culpeper, Gent. student in physick and astrology:.
London: printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1656.
ESTC No. R216330.Grub Street ID 91251.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged: with three hundred, sixty, and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impression untill this: the epistle will inform you how to know this impression from any other. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things: viz. 1 The way of making plaisters, ointments, oils, ... or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, ... 2 What planet governeth every herb or tree (used in physick) that groweth in England. 3 The time of gathering all herbs, both vulgarly, and astrologically. 4 The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the year. 5 The way of keeping their juyces ready for use at all times. 6 The way of making and keeping all kind of usefull compounds mad.
London: printed by Peter Cole, printer and book-seller, at the sign of the Printing-press in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange, 1656.
ESTC No. R236836.Grub Street ID 107483.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged: with three hundred, sixty, and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impression until this: the epistle will inform you how to know this impression from any other. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation: containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things: viz. 1 The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, ... or waters, of al sorts of physical herbs, ... 2 What planet governeth every herb or tree (used in physick) that groweth in England. 3 The time of gathering al herbs, both vulgarly, and astrologically. 4 The way of drying and keeping the herbs al the yeer. 5 The way of keeping their juyces ready for use at all times. 6 The way of making and keeping al kind of useful compounds made of h.
London: printed by Peter Cole, printer and book-seller, at the sign of the Printing-press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1656.
ESTC No. R236837.Grub Street ID 107484.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Mr. Culpepper's Treatise of aurum potabile. Being a description of the three-fold world, viz. elementary celestial intellectual containing the knowledge necessary to the study of hermetick philosophy. Faithfully written by him in his life-time, and since his death, published by his wife.
London: printed for George Eversden, at the Mayden-head in St. Pauls-Church yard, 1657.
ESTC No. R231704.Grub Street ID 103690.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's last legacy: left and bequeathed to his dearest wife, for the publike good, being the choicest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publisht till after his death. Containing sundry admirable experiences in severall sciences, more especially, in chyrurgery, and physick, viz. compounding of medicines, making of waters, syrups, oyles, electuaries, conserves, salts, pils, purges and trochischs. With two particular treatises; the one of feavers; the other of pestilence; as also other rare and choice aphorisms, fitted to the understanding of the meanest capacities. Never publisht before in any of his other works: by Nicholas Culpeper, late student in astrology and physick.
[London]: Printed for N. Brooke at the Angell in Cornhill, 1657.
ESTC No. R23851.Grub Street ID 107698.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpepers Semeiotica uranica: or, An astrological judgement of diseases from the decumbiture of the sick much enlarged. 1. From Aven Ezra by the way of introduction. 2. From Noel Duret by way of direction. Wherein is laid down, the way and manner of finding out the cause, change, and end of a disease. Also whether the sick be likely to live or die; and the time when recovery or death is to be expected. With the signs of life or death by the body of the sick party according to the judgment of Hippocrates. Whereunto is added, a table of logisticall logarithmes, to find the exact time of the crisis. Hermes Trismegistus upon the first decumbiture of the sick ... With a compendius treatise of urine. By Nicholas Culpeper Gent. Student in physick and astrologie.
London: printed for Nath. Brooke at the Angel in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1658.
ESTC No. R209601.Grub Street ID 85835.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopœia Londinensis: or The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said colledg. In this sixt edition you may find, 1. Three hundred useful additions. 2. All the notes that were in the margent are brought into the book between two such crotchets at these [ ] 3. On the top of the pages of this impression is printed, the sixt edition, much enlarged. 4. The vertues, qualities, and properties of every simple. 5. The vertues and use of the compounds. 6. Cautions in giving al medicines that are dangerous 7. All the medicines that were in the old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the new Latin one, are printed in this sixt impression in English, with their vertues. 8. A key to Galen and Hippocrates their Method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 9. In every page two columns. 10. In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio latin book they are to.
London: printed by Peter Cole, printer and book-seller, at the sign of the Printing-press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1659.
ESTC No. R236209.Grub Street ID 107028.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's school of physick. Or The experimental practice of the whole art. Wherein are contained all inward diseases from the head to the foot, with their proper and effectuall cures, such diet set down as ought to be observed in sickness or in health. With other safe wayes for preserving of life, in excellent aphorismes, and approved medicines, so plainly and easily treated of, that the free-born student rightly understanding this method, may judge of the practice of physick, so far as it concerns himself, or the cure of others, &c. A work never before publisht, very necessary for all that desire to be rightly informed in physick, chyrurgery, chymistry, &c. By Nich. Culpeper, late student in physick and astrology. The narrative of the authors life is prefixed, with his nativity calculated, together with the testimony of his late wife, Mrs. Alice Culpeper, and others. The general contents of this work are in the next page. With two perfect tables very useful to the reader.
London: printed for N. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhill, 1659.
ESTC No. R9312.Grub Street ID 129409.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopoeia Londinensis: or The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows, now living of the said colledg. In this sixt edition you may find, 1 Three hundred useful additions. 2 All the notes that were in the margent are brought into the book between two such crotchets at these [ ] 3 On the top of the pages of this impression is printed, the sixt [sic] edition, much enlarged. 4 The vertues, qualities, and properties of every simple. 5 The vertues and use of the compounds. 6 Cautions in giving al [sic] medicines that are dangerous. 7 All rhe [sic] medicines that were in the old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the new Latin one, are printed in this sixt impression in English, with their vertues. 8 A key to Galen's Method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 9 In every page two columns. 10 In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found.
London: printed by Peter Cole, printer and book-seller, at the sign of the Printing-press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1659.
ESTC No. R15780.Grub Street ID 63683.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, a guide for women, in their conception. Bearing, and suckling their children. Containing 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation, 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinders conception, and its remedies, 4. What farthers conception. 5. A guide for women in conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labor. 8. A guide for women in their lying-in. 9. Of nursing children. See the directions in the epistle to the reader. Now are added, five brass figures, and explanations of them, at page 54. never printed before. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick and astrology.
London : printed by Peter Cole, and Edward Cole printers and book-sellers, at the Printing-press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1660.
ESTC No. R171644.Grub Street ID 65803.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, or, The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows, now living of the said colledg, being that book by which all apothecaries are bound to make up all the medicines in their shops ... / by Nich. Culpeper ... in this impression, 1661, there is added, to the compounds, many vertues & uses more than ever were in any former impression, by divers learned and able doctors of physick, viz. W.R.A.C.J.W. and, by Abdiah Cole.
London : Printed by Peter Cole and Edward Cole .., 1661.
ESTC No. R40372.Grub Street ID 122175.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged: and now made a very necessary part of the physitians library that will cure all diseases. The epistle will inform you how to know the true impression from the counterfeit. Being an astrologo-phisical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation: containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things: viz. 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, ... or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, ... 2. What planet governeth every herb or tree, (used in physick) that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all herbs, both vulgar, and astrologically. 4. The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the year. 5. Th way of keeping their juyces ready for use at all times. 6. The way of making and keeping all kind of useful compounds made of herbs. 7.
London : printed by Peter Cole, printer and book-seller, at the sign of the Printing-press in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange, 1661.
ESTC No. R32394.Grub Street ID 115107.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged. With three hundred sixty and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impression until now: the epistle will inform you how to know this impression from any other. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation: containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, juleps, or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, ... 7. The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. student in physick and astrology.
London : printed by Peter Cole, printer and book seller, at the sign of the printing-press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1662.
ESTC No. R232060.Grub Street ID 103938.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's directory for midwives: or, a guide for women. The second part. Discovering, 1. The diseases in the privities of women. 2. The diseases of the privie part. 3. The diseases of the womb. 4. The symptoms of the womb. 5. The symptoms in the terms. 6. The symptoms that befal all virgins and wome[n] in their wombs, after they are ripe of age. 7. The symptoms which are in conception. 8. The government of women with child. 9. The symptoms that happen in childbearing. 10. The government of women in child-bed, and the diseases that come after travel. 11. The diseases of the breasts. 12. The symptoms of the breasts. 13. The diet and government of infants. 14. The diseases and symptoms in children.
London : printed by Peter Cole, printer and bookseller, at the sign of the Printing-press in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange, 1662.
ESTC No. R171645.Grub Street ID 65804.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's last legacy: left and bequeathed to his dearest wife, for the publick good, being the choicest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publisht till after his death. Containing sundry admirable experiences in several sciences, more especially in chyrurgery and physick. viz. compounding of medicines, making of waters, syrups, oyles, electuaries, conserves, salts, pills, purges, and trochischs. With two particular treatises; the one of feavers, the other of pestilence; as also other rare and choice aphorisms, fitted to the understanding of the meanest capacities. Never publisht before in any of his other works. By Nicholas Culpeper, late student in astrology and physick.
London : printed for N. Brook at the Angel in Cornhill, 1662.
ESTC No. R174427.Grub Street ID 67615.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Experimental physick or, Seven hundred famous and rare cures. Being part of the physitian's library. [Con]taining a collection of the most useful [p]arts of the works of M. Ruland. L Ri[v]erius. D. Sennertus. F. Plater, all eminent doctors of physick. Published in English. By Nich. Culpepper Gent and Abdiah Cole doctor of physick, and the liberal arts.
London : printed by Peter Cole, printer and book-seller at the sign of the printing-press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange for E. Spurdance, 1662.
ESTC No. R235205.Grub Street ID 106369.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Two treatises: the first of blood-letting, and the diseases to be cured thereby. The second of cupping and scarifying, and the diseases to be cured thereby. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. M. Ruland, and Abdiah Cole, Doctor of physick.
London : Printed by Peter Cole, printer and book-seller, at the sign of the Printing-press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1663.
ESTC No. R22526.Grub Street ID 98492.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged. With three hundred sixty and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in an impression until now: the epistle will inform you how to know this impression from any other. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation: containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things: viz. 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, juleps, or waters, of all sorts of practical herbs, ... 7. The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpepper, gent. student in physick and astrology.
London : printed by Peter Cole, printer and book-seller, at the sign of the printing-press in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange, 1665.
ESTC No. R171647.Grub Street ID 65806.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged: with three hundred, sixty, and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impression until this. Being as astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they geing most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things: viz. 1 The way of making plaisters, ointments, oils, ... 2 What planet governeth every herb or tree ... 3 The time of gathering all herbs, ... 4 The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the year. 5 The way of keeping their juyces ready for use at all times. 6 The way of making and keeping all kind of usefull compounds made of herbs. 7 The way of mixing medicines according t cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrology.
London : printed by John Streater, 1666.
ESTC No. R231885.Grub Street ID 103809.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopoia Londinensis: or, The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said colledg. In this impression you may find, 1. Three hundred usefull additions. 2. All the notes that were in the margent are brought into the book between two such crotchets as these... 3. The vertues, qualities, and properties of every simple. 4. The vertues and use of the compounds. 5. Cautions in giving all medicines that are dangerous. 6. All the medicines that were in the old Latin dispensatory, and are left out of the new Latin one, are printed in this impression in English, with their vertues. 7. A key to Galen and Hippocrates their method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 8. In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found. By Nich. Culpeper, gent. student in physick and astrology.
London : printed by John Streater, 1667.
ESTC No. R39623.Grub Street ID 121501.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for mid-wives: or, A guide for women, in their conception. bearing, and suckling their children. Containing, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation ... See the directions in the epistle to the reader. By Nich. Culpeper ...
Edinburgh: printed by George Swintoun and James Glen, and are to be sold at their shops, 1668.
ESTC No. R174426.Grub Street ID 67614.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's last legacy: left and bequeathed to his dearest wife, for the publick good. Being the choycest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publisht till after his death. Containing sundry admirable experiences in severall sciences, more especially in chyrurgery and physick: viz. compounding of medicines, making of waters, syrups, oyles, electuaries, conserves, salts, pills, purges, and trochischs. With two particular treatises; the one of feavers, the other of pestilence: as also rare and choyce aphorismes and receipts, fitted to the understanding of the meanest capacities. The fourth impression; whereunto is added 200 choyce receipts, lately found, never publisht before in any of his other works; with a compleat table. By Nicholas Culpeper Gent. student in astrology and physick.
London : printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for Nath. Brooke at the Angel in Gresham-colledge; and for Ben. Billingsley and Obadiah Blagrave at the Printing Press in Broadstreet, 1668.
ESTC No. R227436.Grub Street ID 100344.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacop.ia Londinensis; or, The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said Colledg. In this impression you may find. 1. Three hundred usefull additions. 2. All the notes that were in the margent are brought into the book between two such crotchets as are these [ ] 3. The vertues, qualities, and properties, of every simple, 4. The vertues and use of the compounds. 5. Cautions in giving all medicines that are dangerous. 6. All the medicines that were in the old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the new Latin one, are printed in this impression in English, with their vertues. 7. A key to Galen and Hippocrates their Method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 8. In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin boo they are to be found. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. student in physick and astrology.
London : printed by John Streater, and are to be sold by George Sawbridge on Clerken-well-Green, 1669.
ESTC No. R232071.Grub Street ID 103950.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged: with three hundred, sixty, and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1. The way of making, plaisters, ointments, oils, pultisses, syrups, decoctions ... 2. What planet governeth every herb or tree (used in physick) that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all herbs, both vulgarly and astrolgically. 4. The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the year. 5. The way of keeping their juyces ready for use at all times. 6. The way of making and keeping all kind of useful compounds made of herbs. 7 The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease,.
London : printed by John Streater, 1669.
ESTC No. R23797.Grub Street ID 107650.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's last legacy: left and bequeathed to his dearest wife, for the publick good. Being the choicest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publisht till after his death. Containing sundry admirable experiences in several sciences, more especially in chyrurgery and physick: viz. compounding of medicines, making of waters, syrups, oyles, electuaries, conserves, salts, pills, purges, and trochischs. With two particular treatises; the one of feavers, the other of pestilence: as also rare and choice aphorisms and receipts, fitted to the understanding of the meanest capacities. The fifth impression; whereunto is added 200 choice receipts, lately found, never publisht before in any of his other works; with a compleat table. By Nicholas Culpeper Gent. student in astrology and physick.
London : printed for Nath. Brooke at the Angel in Cornhil, and Obad. Blagrave at the printing-press in Little-Britain over against the Pump, 1671.
ESTC No. R232066.Grub Street ID 103944.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged: with three hundred, sixty, and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1. The way of making, plaisters, ointments, oils, pultisses, syrups, decoctions juleps or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, ... 7. The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. student in physick and astrology.
London : printed by John Streater, 1671.
ESTC No. R171648.Grub Street ID 65807.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or a guide for women. In their conception. Bearing; and suckling their children. The first part contains, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinder conceptions, and its remedies. 4. What furthers conception. 5. A guide for women in conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labor. 8. A guide for women in their lying in. 9. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book. By Nicholas Culpeper Gent. student in physick and astrology.
Newly corrected from many gross errors..
London : printed by John Streater, and are to be sold by George Sawbridge, at the Sign of the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1671.
ESTC No. R231722.Grub Street ID 103704.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's semeiotica uranica: or, An astrological judgment of diseases, from the decumbiture of the sick, much enlarged. 1. From Aven Ezra by way of introduction. 2. From Nowel Duret by way of direction. Wherein is laid down the way and manner of finding out the cause, change, and end of the disease. Also whether the sick be likely to live or die; and the time when recovery or death is to be expected. With the signs of life or death by the body of the sick party, according to the judgment of Hippocrates. Whereunto is added, a table of logistical logarithmes, to find the exact time of the crisis. Hermes Trismegistus upon the first decumbiture of the sick: shewing the signs and conjectures of the disease, and of life and death, by the good or evil position of the moon at the time of the patients lying down, or demanding the question. Infallible signs to know of what complexion any person is whatsoever. With a compendious treatise of urine. By Nicholas Culpeper Gent. student in physick and as.
The fourth edition..
London] : Printed for N. Brook at the Angel in Cornhil, and are to be sold by Benj. Billingsley, at the Printing-Press in Broad street, and at the same sign in the Piazza, over against Popes head Alley, near the Royal Exchange, 1671.
ESTC No. R17880.Grub Street ID 70437.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or a guide for women. In their conception. Bearing; and suckling their children. The first part contains, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinder conceptions, and its remedies. 4. What furthers conception. 5. A guide for women in conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labor. 8. A guide for women in their lying in. 9. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book. By Nicholas Culpeper Gent. student in physic and astrology.
Newly corrected from many gross errors..
London : printed by John Streater, and are to be sold by George Sawbridge, at the Sign of the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1671.
ESTC No. R228396.Grub Street ID 101081.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Two treatises: the first of blood-letting, and the diseases to be cured thereby. The second of cupping and scarifying, and the diseases to be cured thereby. By Nich Culpeper Gent. M. Ruland, and Abdiah Cole, doctor of physick.
The third edition, corrected by D.M. Dr. of physick..
London : Printed by John Streater, and are to be sold by William Jacob, at the black Swan next Bernards Inn in Holborne, 1672.
ESTC No. R28585.Grub Street ID 111642.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopoeia Londinensis; or, The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said Colledg. In this impression you may find, 1. Three hundred useful additions. 2. All the notes that were in the margent are brought into the book between two such crotchets as are these [ ] 3. The vertues, qualities, and properties, of every simple. 4. The vertues and use of the compounds. 5. Cautions in giving all medicines that are dangerous. 6. All the medicines that were in the old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the new Latin one, are printed in this impression in English, with their vertues. 7. A key to Galen and Hippocrates their Method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 8. In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin boo they are to be found. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. student in physick and astrology.
London : printed by John Streater, and are to be sold by George Sawbridge at the sign of the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1672.
ESTC No. R3814.Grub Street ID 120268.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged; with three hundred, sixty and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a ma may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, juleps or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, ... 7. The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpepper, Gent. student in physick and astrology.
London : printed for George Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1674.
ESTC No. R171649.Grub Street ID 65808.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopoia Londinensis; or, The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said colledge. In this impression you may find, 1. Three hundred useful additions. 2. All the notes that were in the margent are brought into the book between two such crotchets as these [ ] 3. The vertues, qualities, and properties of every simple. 4. The vertues and use of the compounds. 5. Cautions in giving all medicines that are dangerous. 6. All the medicines that were in the old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the new Latin one, are printed in this impression in English, with their vertues. 7. A key to Galen and Hippocrates their method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 8. In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found. By Nich. Culpeper Gent. student in physick and astrology.
London : printed for George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1675.
ESTC No. R31670.Grub Street ID 114450.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, A guide for women, in their conception. Bearing; and suckling their children. The first part contains, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinders conceptions, and its remedies. 4. What furthers conception. 5. A guide for women in conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labor. 8. A guide for women in their lying in. 9. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book. By Nicholas Culpeper Gent. student in physick and astrology.
Newly corrected from many gross errors..
London : printed for George Sawbridge, at the sign of the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1675.
ESTC No. R23796.Grub Street ID 107649.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged; with three hundred, sixty and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impression until this: being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a ma may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things; viz. 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, juleps or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, ... 7. The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpeper, gent. Student in physick and astrology.
London : printed for George Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1676.
ESTC No. R224852.Grub Street ID 98308.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's Directory for midwives: or, A guide for women. The second part. Discovering, 1. The diseases in the privities of women. 2. The diseases of the privy part. 3. The diseases of the womb. 4. The symptomes of the womb. 5. The symptomes in the terms. 6. The symptome that befal all virgins and women in their womb, after they are ripe of age.7. The symptomes which are in conception. 8. The government of women with child. 9. The symptomes that happen in child-bearing. 10. The government of women in child-bed, and the diseases that come after travel. 11. The diseases of the breasts. 12. The symptomes of the breasts. 13. The diet and government of infants. 14. The diseases and symptomes in children.
London : printed for George Sawbridge, at the sign of the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1676.
ESTC No. R224998.Grub Street ID 98370.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's last legacy: left and bequeathed to his dearest wife, for the publick good. Being the choycest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publish'd till after his death. Containing sundry admirable experiences in severall sciences, more especially in chirurgery and physick: viz. compounding of medicines, making of waters, syrups, oyles, electuaries, conserves, salts, pills, purges, and trochischs. With two particular treatises; the one of fevers, the other of pestilence: as also rare and choyce aphorisms and receipts, fitted to the understanding of the meanest capacities. With an Addition of two hundred choyce receipts, lately found, never publish'd before in any of his other works; and a compleat table. The fifth impression; whereunto is added an exact and perfect treatise of anatomy of the reins and bladder, brain and nerves of all the parts of the body, never published before this year 1676. By Nicholas Culpe.
London : printed for Nath. Brooke at the Angel in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1676.
ESTC No. R227437.Grub Street ID 100345.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's last legacy: left and bequeathed to his dearest wife, for the publick good. Being the choycest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publish'd till after his death. Containing sundry admirable experiences in several sciences, more especially in chirurgery, and physick: viz. compounding of medicines, making of waters, syrups, oyls, electuaries, conserves, salts, pills, purges and trochischs. With two particular treatises the one of fevers, the other of pestilence: as also rare and choyce aphorisms and receipts, fitted to the understanding of the meanest capacities. With an addition of two hundred choyce receipts, lately found, never publish'd before in any of his other works; and a compleat table. The fifth impression; whereunto is added An exact and perfect treatise of anatomy of the reins and bladder, brain and nerves of all the parts of the body, never published before this year 1677. By Nicholas Culpeper.
London : printed for Obadiah Blagrave at the Sign of the Bear in St. Paul's Church Yard, near the Little North Door, 1677.
ESTC No. R29688.Grub Street ID 112633.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's school of physick: Or The experimental practice of the whole art. Wherein are contained all inward diseases from the head to the foot, with their proper and effectuall cures; such diet set down as ought to be observed in sickness or in health. With other safe waies for preserving of life, in excellent aphorisms, and approved medicines, so plainly and easily treated of, that the free-born student rightly understanding this method, may judg of the practice of physick, so far as it concerns himself, or the cure of others, &c. A work never before publisht, very necessary for all that desire to be rightly informed in physick, chyrurgery, chymistry, &c. By Nich. Culpeper, late student in physick and astrology. The narrative of the authors life is prefixed, with his nativity calculated; together with the testimony of his late wife, Mrs. Alice Culpeper, and others. The general contents of this work are in the next page. With two perfect tables very useful to the reader.
London : printed for Obadiah Blagrave, and are to be sold at his shop at the Bear in Paul's Church-yard, 1678.
ESTC No. R232078.Grub Street ID 103955.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's school of physick: Or The experimental practice of the whole art. Wherein are contained all inward diseases from the head to the foot, with their proper and effectuall cures, such diet set down as ought to be observed in sickness or in health. With other safe waies for preserving of life, in excellent aphorisms, and approved medicines, so plainly and easily treated of, that the free-born student rightly understanding this method, may judg of the practice of physick, so far as it concerns himself, or the cure of others, &c. A work never before publisht, very necessary for all that desire to be rightly informed in physick, chyrurgery, chymistry, &c. By Nich. Culpeper, late student in physick and astrology. The narrative of the authors life is prefixed, with his nativity calculated; together with the testimony of his late wife, Mrs. Alice Culpeper, and others. The general contents of this work are in the next page: with two perfect t[ab]les very useful to the reader.
London : printed for R. Harford, and are to be sold at his shop at the Angel in Cornhill, 1678.
ESTC No. R232079.Grub Street ID 103956.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's school of physick: Or The experimental practice of the whole art. Wherein are contained all inward diseases from the head to the foot, with their proper and effectuall cures; such diet set down as ought to be observed in sickness or in health. with [sic] other safe waies for preserving of life, in excellent aphorisms, and approved medicines, so plainly and easily treated of, that the free-born student rightly understanding this method, may judg of the practice of physick, so far as it concerns himself, or the cure of others, &c. A work never before publisht, very necessary for all that desire to be rightly informed in physick, chyrurgery, chymistry, &c. By Nich. Culpeper, late student in physick and astrology. The narrative of the authors life is prefixed, with his nativity calculated; together with the testimony of his late wife, Mrs. Alice Culpeper, and others. The general contents of this work are in the next page: with two perfect tables very useful to the reader.
The second edition..
London : printed for O.B. and R.H. and to be sold by Robert Clavel at the Peacock in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1678.
ESTC No. R37708.Grub Street ID 119923.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacop.ia Londinensis; or, The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said college. In this impression you may find, 1. Three hundred useful additions. 2. All the notes that were in the margent are brought into the book between two such crotchets as these [ ] 3. The virtues, qualities, and properties of every simple. 4. The virtues and use of the compounds. 5. Cautions in giving all medicines that are dangerous. 6. All the medicines that were in the old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the ne Latin one, are printed in this impression in English, with their virtues. 7. A key to Galen and Hippocrates, their method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 8. In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found. By Nich. Culpeper Gent. student in physick and astrology.
London : printed for George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1679.
ESTC No. R232075.Grub Street ID 103953.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English-physicians dayly practise. Or, Culpeper's faithful physitian. Teaching every man and woman to be their own doctor. In this book is set forth near 40 most choice, excellent, and approved receipts in physick and chyrurgery, for the rooting out, and curing most diseases; with easie directions for making divers salves. oyntments. sear-cloths, and plaisters, for divers maladies, being a salve for every sore: and that at an easy rate. To which is added, Mr. Culpepper's new, excellent, and very useful herbal; being the rare vertues of XI. herbs and plants, growing in most gardens in England; on which herbs is framed near one hundred medicines, for curing most diseases in men, women and children; a great many of them but at a penny or two pence charge; being good tidings to the sick and lame, and all others that would preserve their bodies in health, by Dr. Nich. Culpepper, and Dr. Ponteus. The like not hitherto printed. Licensed and entred according to order. A table of some principa.
London] : Printed for J. Conyers at the Black Raven in Duck Lane, [1680.
ESTC No. R232063.Grub Street ID 103941.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's directory for midwives: or, a guide for women. The second part. Discovering, 1. The diseases in the privities of women. 2. The diseases of the privy parts. 3. The diseases of the womb. 4. The symptoms of the womb. 5. The symptoms in the terms. 6. The symptoms that befal all virgins and women in their womb, after they are ripe of age. 7. The symptoms which are in conception. 8. The government of women with child. 9. The symptoms that happen in child-bearing. 10. The government of women in child-bed, and the diseases that come after travel. 11. The diseases of the breasts. 12. The symptoms of the breasts. 13. The diet and government of infants. 14. The diseases and symptoms in children.
London : printed for George Sawbridge, at the sign of the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1681.
ESTC No. R171646.Grub Street ID 65805.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged; with three hundred, sixty and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impression until this: being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a ma may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, juleps or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year. 2. What planet governeth every herb or tree (used in physick) that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all herbs, both vulgarly and astrologically. 4. The way of drying an keeping the herbs all the year. 5. The way of keeping their juyces ready for used at all times. 6. The way of making and keeping all kind.
London : printed for George Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1681.
ESTC No. R29495.Grub Street ID 112470.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, A guide for women, in their conception. Bearing; and suckling their children. The first part contains, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinders conception, and its remedies. 4. What furthers conception. 5. A guide for women in conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labor. 8. A guide for women in their lying-in. 9. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book. By Nicholas Culpeper Gent. student in physick and astrology.
Newly corrected from many gross errors..
London : printed for George Sawbridge, at the Sign of the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1681.
ESTC No. R228394.Grub Street ID 101079.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacop.ia Londinensis; or, The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said college. In this impression you may find, 1. Three hundred useful additions. 2. All the notes that were in the margent are brought into the book between two such crotchets as are these 3. The virtues, qualities, and properties of every simple. 4. The virtues and use of the compounds. 5. Cautions in giving all medicines that are dangerous. 6. All the medicines that were in the old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the ne Latin one, are printed in this impression in English, with their virtues. 7. A key to Galen and Hippocrates, their Method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 8. In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found. By Nich. Culpeper Gent.
London : printed for Hanna Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1683.
ESTC No. R13912.Grub Street ID 61977.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacop.ia Londinensis; or The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said college. In this impression you may find, 1. Three hundred useful additions. 2. All the notes that were in the margent are brought in the book between two such crotchets as are these 3. The virtues, qualities, and properties of every simple. 4. The virtues and use of the compounds. 5. Cautions in giving all medicines that are dangerous. 6. All the medicines that were in the old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the new Latin one, are printed in this impression in English, with their virtues. 7. A key to Galen and Hippocrates, their Method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 8. In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found. By Nich. Culpeper Gent. student in physick and astrology.
London : printed for Hanna Sawbridge, and are to be sold by Tho. Malthus at the Sun in the Poultrey, 1683.
ESTC No. R235543.Grub Street ID 106615.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged; with three hundred, sixty and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impression until this: being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a ma may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrrups, decoctions, juleps or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year ... 7. The way of mixing medicines according to the cause and mixtnre [sic] of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. student in physick and astrology.
London : printed for Hannah Sawbridge, and are to be sold by Tho. Malthus at the Sun in the Poultrey, 1683.
ESTC No. R32395.Grub Street ID 115108.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, A guide for women, in their conception. Bearing; and suckling their children. The first part contains, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinders conception, and its remedies. 4. What furthers conception. 5. A guide for women in conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labor. 8. A guide for women in their lying-in. 9. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book. By Nicholas Culpeper gent. Student in physick and astrology.
Newly corrected from many gross errors..
London : printed for H. Sawbridge at the sign of the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1684.
ESTC No. R224849.Grub Street ID 98306.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged; with three hundred, sixty and nine medicines, made of English herbs that were not in any impression until this: being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a ma may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1. The way of making plaisters, oynments, oyls, pultisses, syrrups, decoctions, juleps or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, ... 7. The way of mixing medicines according to the cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. student in physick and astrology.
London : printed for Hannah Sawbridge, and are to be sold by John Taylor at the Globe in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1684.
ESTC No. R224110.Grub Street ID 97830.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged; with three hundred, sixty and nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression untill this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, juleps or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, ... 7. The way of mixing medicines according to the cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpepper, Gent. student in physick and astrology.
London : printed for Hannah Sawbridge at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1684.
ESTC No. R218185.Grub Street ID 92885.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's last legacy: left and bequeathed to his dearest wife for the publick good. Being the choicest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lock'd up in his breast, and resolved never to be published till after his death Containing sundry admirable experiences in several sciences, more especially in chyrurgery and physick: viz. compounding of medicines. Making of waters, syrups, oyls, electuaries, conserves, salts, pills, purges and trochischs. With two particular treatises the one of fevers, the other of pestilence: as also rare and choice aphorisms and receipts, fittted [sic] to the understanding of the meanest capacities. With an Addition of two hundred choice receipts, lately found, never published before in any of his other works; and a compleat table. The sixth impression; whereunto is added an exact and perfect treatise of anatomy of the reins and bladder, brain and nerves of all the parts of the body, never published before this year, 1685. By Nicholas Cu.
London : printed for Obadiah Blagrave at the Black Bear in S. Paul's Church-Yard, near the Little North Door, 1685.
ESTC No. R227438.Grub Street ID 100346.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Physical receipts: or, The new English physician. Containing, admirable and approved remedies, for several of the most usual diseases. Fitted to the meanest capacity, by N. Culpepper, doctor of physick. Licensed, according to order.
London : printed for Thomas Howkins, in the George-Yard, in bard-street, 1690.
ESTC No. R22505.Grub Street ID 98403.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, A guide for women, in their conception. Bearing; and suckling their children. The first part contains, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinders conception, and its remedies. 4. What furthers conception. 5. A guide for women in conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labour. 8. A guide for women in their lying-in. 9. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book. By Nicholas Culpeper, Gent. student in physic and astrology.
Newly corrected from many gross errors..
London : printed, and are to be sold by most booksellers in London and Westminster, 1693.
ESTC No. R213457.Grub Street ID 88909.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopoeia Londinensis: or the London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said college. In this impression you may find, 1. Three hundred useful additions. 2. All the notes that were in the margent are brought into the book between two such crotchets as these 3. The virtues, qualities, and properties of every simple. 4. The virtues and use of the compounds. 5. Cautions in giving all medicines that are dangerous. 6. All the medicines that were in the Old Latin dispensatory, and are left out in the New Latin one, are printed in this impression in English with their virtues. 7. A key to Galen and Hippocrates, their method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 8. In this impression, the Latin mane of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found. By Nich. Culpeper Gent. Student in Physick and Astrology.
London : printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1695.
ESTC No. R231892.Grub Street ID 103816.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged; with three hundred sixty and nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a ma may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decostions, juleps or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year. 2. What planet governeth every herb or tree (used in physick) that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all herbs, both vulgarly and astrologically. 4. The way of drying an keeping the herbs all the year. 5. The way of keeping their juyces ready for use at all times. 6. The way of making and keeping all kind.
London : printed for A. and J. Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1695.
ESTC No. R27847.Grub Street ID 110984.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's school of physick, or, the experimental practice of the whole art. Wherein are contain'd, I. The English apothecary: or, the excellent virtues of our English herbs. II. Chymical and physical aphorisms and admirable secrets. III. The chirurgeon's guide: or, the errors of unskilful practitioners corrected. IV. The expert lapidary: or, a treatise physical of the secret virtues of stones. V. Doctor diet's directory: or, the physician's vade mecum; being safe rules to preserve health in a methodical way. As also, the mystery of the skill of physick made easie. VI. Chymical institutions; describing nature's choicest secrets in experienced chymical practice. A work very useful and necessary for the right information of all in physick, chirugery, and chymistry, &c. By Nicholas Culpeper, late student in physick and astrology. With an account of the author's life, and the testimony of his wife, Mrs. Culpeper, and others.
The third edition corrected..
London : printed for R. Bently in Russel-street, Covent-Garden; J. Phillips at the King's-Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard; H. Rhodes at the Star the Corner of Bride-Lane in Fleet-street; and J. Taylor at the Ship in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1696.
ESTC No. R227434.Grub Street ID 100342.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged; with three hundred sixty and nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a ma may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, juleps or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, ... 7. The way of mixing medicines according to the cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpeper, gent. Student in physick and astrology.
London : printed for A. and J. Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1698.
ESTC No. R224853.Grub Street ID 98309.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physitian enlarged; with three hundred sixty and nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat method of physick, whereby a ma may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, ... 2. What planet governeth every herb or tree ... 3. The time of gathering all herbs, ... 4. The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the year. 5. The way of keeping their juyces ready for use at all times. 6. The way of making and keeping all kind of useful compounds made of herbs. 7. The way of mixing medicines according to the cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afflicted. By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrology.
London : printed for A. and J. Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1698.
ESTC No. R231887.Grub Street ID 103811.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, A guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. The first part contains, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The formation of the child in the womb. 3. What hinders conception, and its remedies. 4. What furthers conception. 5. A guide for women in conception. 6. Of miscarriage in women. 7. A guide for women in their labour. 8. A guide for women in their lying-in. 9. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book. By Nicholas Culpeper, Gent. student in physic and astrology.
Newly corrected from many gross errors..
London : printed, and are to be sold by most book sellers in London and Westminster, 1700.
ESTC No. R232056.Grub Street ID 103933.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, a guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. The first part contains, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The Formation of the Child in the Womb. 3. What hinders Conception, and its Remedies. 4. What furthers Conception. 5. A Guide for Women in Conception. 6. Of Miscarriage in Women. 7. A Guide for Women in their Labour. 8. A Guide for Women in their Lying-In. 9. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book. By Nicholas Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrology. Newly corrected from many gross errors.
London : printed for J. and A. Churchill, at the Black-Stran in Pater-Noster-Row, 1701.
ESTC No. N2148.Grub Street ID 10851.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's last legacy: left and bequeathed to his dearest wife for the publick good. Being the choicest and most profitable of those secrets, which while he lived were lock'd up in his breast, ... Containing sundry admirable experiences in several sciences, more especiall in chyrurgery and physick: ... With an addition of two hundred choice receipts, ... The seventh impression; whereunto is added an exact and perfect treatise of anatomy of the reins and bladder, brain and nerves ... By Nicholas Culpeper, .
London : printed for J. Phillips, H. Rhodes, and J. Taylor, 1702.
ESTC No. N2983.Grub Street ID 18849.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopoeia Londinensis: Or, The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said college. In this impression you may find, 1. Three hundred useful additions. 2. All the notes that were in the margent are brought into the book between two such crotchets as these() 3. The virtues, qualities, and properties of every simple. 4. The virtues and use of the compounds. 5. All the medicines that were in the old Latin dispensatory and are left out in the new Latin one, are printed in this impression in English, with their virtues. 6. A key to Galen and Hippocrates, their method of physick, containing thirty three chapters. 7. In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found.
London : Printed for A. and J. Churchil, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1702.
ESTC No. N11254.Grub Street ID 1251.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged; with three hundred sixty and nine medicines made of English herbs, that were not in any impression untill this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; ... By Nich. Culpepper, .
London : printed for A. and J. Churchill, 1703.
ESTC No. N6520.Grub Street ID 47109.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged; with three hundred and sixty nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; Containing a Compleat Method of Physick; whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or Cure himself, being sick, for Three Pence Charge with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed these Seven Things, Viz. 1. The way of making Plaisters, Oyntments, Oyls, ..., Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps or Waters of all sorts of Physical Herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year. 2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physick) that groweth in England. 3. The Time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly and Astrologically 4. The way of Drying and Keeping the Herbs all the Year. 5. The way of Keeping their Juices ready for use at all times. 6. The way of Making and Keeping all Kind of useful.
London : printed for A. and J. Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1708.
ESTC No. T207949.Grub Street ID 236950.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician. Containing, admirable and approved remedies, for several of the most usual diseases. Fitted to the meanest capacity, by N. Culpepper, doctor of physick. Licensed, according to order.
Boston: Re-printed for Nicholas Boone, at the Sign of the Bible, near the corner of School-House-Lane, 1708.
ESTC No. W9409.Grub Street ID 358575.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician enlarged; with three hundred and sixty nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being An Astrologo-Physical Discourse of the Vulgar Herbs of this Nation; containing a compleat Method of Physick, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or Cure himself, being Sick, for Three Pence Charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed these Seven Things, viz. 1. The way of making Plaisters, Ointments, Oyls, Pultisses, Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps or Waters, of all sorts of Physical Herbs, that you may have htem ready for your use at all times of the year. 2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physick) that groweth in England. 3. The Time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly and Astrologically. 4. the way of Drying and Keeping the Herbs all the Year. 5. The way of keeping their Juices ready for use at all times. 6. The way of Making and Keeping all Kin.
London : printed for J. Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1714.
ESTC No. T67000.Grub Street ID 291663.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, a guide for women, in their conception, bearing and suckling their children. The First Part contains, 1. The Anatomy of the Vessels of Generation. 2. The Formation of the Child in the Womb. 3. What hinders Conception, and its Remedies. 4. What furthers Conception. 5. A Guide for Women in Conception. 6. Of Miscarriage in Women. 7. A Guide for Women in their Labour. 8. A Guide for Women in their Lying In. 9. Of Nursing Children. To Cure all Diseases in Women, Read the Second Part of this Book. By Nicholas Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrology. Newly Corrected from many gross Errors. Newly corrected from many gross errors.
London : printed for J. Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater noster-row, 1716.
ESTC No. T73143.Grub Street ID 296481.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat Method of Physick, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or Cure himself, being Sick, for Three Pence Charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed these Seven Things, viz. 1. The way of making Plaisters, Ointments, Oyls, Pultisses, Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps or Waters, of all sorts of Physical Herbs that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year. 2. What Planet governethe governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physick) that groweth in England. 3. The Time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly and Astrologically. 4. The way of Drying and Keeping the Herbs all the Year. 5. The way of keeping their Juices ready for use at all times. 6. The way of Making and Keepin.
London : printed for W. Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1718.
ESTC No. T136622.Grub Street ID 184782.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpepper's compleat and experienc'd midwife: in two parts. I. A guide for child-bearing women, ... II. Proper and safe remedies ... Made English by W- S-, M.D.
The third edition..
London : printed, and sold by the booksellers, 1718.
ESTC No. T136627.Grub Street ID 184787.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacop.ia Londinensis: or, the London dispensatory furthhr [sic] adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said College. ... By Nich. Culpeper .
London : printed for W. Churchill, 1718.
ESTC No. N11256.Grub Street ID 1253.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Pharmacopoeia Londinensis; or, the London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows now living, of the said college. In this impression you may find, 1. Three hundred useful additions. 2. All the notes that were in the margent are brought i the book ... 8. In this impression, the Latin name of every one of the compounds is printed, and in what page of the new folio Latin book they are to be found. By Nicholas Culpepper, gent. student in physick and astrology.
Boston: Printed by John Allen, for Nicholas Booone [sic], at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhill; Daniel Henchman over-against the Brick Meeting-House; and John Edwards, at the Sign of the Light-House, 1720.
ESTC No. W27610.Grub Street ID 337724.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, a guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. The first part contains, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. ... 9. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book. By Nicholas Culpeper, ... Newly corrected from many gross errors.
London : printed for T. Norris, A. Bettesworth, S. Ballard, and J. Batley, 1724.
ESTC No. N2149.Grub Street ID 10860.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat Method of Physick, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or Cure himself, being Sick, for Three Pence Charge, with such Things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed these Seven Things, viz. 1. The way of making Plaisters, Ointments, Oyls, Pultisses, Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps or Waters, of all Sorts of Physical Herbs that you may have them ready for your Use at all Times of the Year. 2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physick) that groweth in England. 3. The Time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly and Astrologically. 4. The way of Drying and Keeping the Herbs all the Year. 5. The way of keeping their Juice ready for use at all Times. 6. The way of Making and Keeping all Kinds.
London : printed for Tho. Norris at the Looking-Glass upon London-Bridge; A. Bettesworth at the Red. Lion, and J. Batley at the Dove in Pater-Noster-Row; and S. Ballard at the Blue-Ball in Little-Britain, 1725.
ESTC No. T136155.Grub Street ID 184443.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being, An Astrologo-Physical Discourse of the Vulgar Herbs of this Nation; containing a compleat Method of Physick, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or Cure himself, being Sick, for Three-Pence Charge, with such Things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed these Seven Things, viz. 1. The Way of making Plasters, Ointments, Oil, Pultistes, Syrups. Decoctions, Juleps, or Waters, of all Sorts of Physical Herbs, that you may have them ready for your Use at all Times of the Year. 2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physick) that groweth in England. 3. The Time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly, and Astrologically. 4. The Way of Drying and Keeping the Herbs all the Year. 5. The Way of Keeping their Juice ready for Use at all Times. 6. The Way of Making and Keeping all Kind.
London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red Lion ; J. Battley, at the Dove, in Pater-Noster-Row ; S. Ballard, at the Blue-Ball, in Little-Britain ; S. Birt, at the Bible, in Ave-Maria-Lane ; J. Osborne, at the Golden-Ball, in Pater-Noster-Row: and, James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, on London-Bridge, MDCCXXXIII. [1733].
ESTC No. T67019.Grub Street ID 291681.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, a guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. The first part contains, 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. ... 9. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book. By Nicholas Culpeper, ... Newly corrected from many gross errors.
London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch; J.Battley, and J. Wood; S. Ballard; S. Birt; R. Ware; and J. Hodges, 1737.
ESTC No. N54492.Grub Street ID 38231.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being An Astrologo-Physical Discourse of the Vulgar Herbs of this Nation; containing a compleat Method of Physick, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or Cure himself, being Sick, for Three-Pence Charge with such Things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed these Seven Things, viz. 1. The Way of making Plaisters, Ointments, Oils, Poultices, Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps, or Waters, of all Sorts of Physical Herbs, that you may have them ready for your Use at all Times of the Year. 2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physick) that groweth in England. 3. The Time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly, and Astrologically. 4. The Way of drying and keeping the Herbs all the Year. 5. The Way of keeping their Juice ready for Use at all Times. 6. The Way of making and keeping all Kind.
London : printed for S. Ballard, R. Ware, S. Birt, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, J. Wood and C. Woodward, 1741.
ESTC No. T64937.Grub Street ID 289870.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpepper's compleat and experienced midwife: in two parts. I. A guide for child-bearing women, ... II. Proper and safe remedies ... Made English by W. S. M.D.
Glasgow: printed by James Duncan, 1751.
ESTC No. T210608.Grub Street ID 238636.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; ... By Nich. Culpepper, .
London : printed for S. Ballard, R. Ware, S. Birt, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, and J. Hodges, 1752.
ESTC No. T136156.Grub Street ID 184444.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, a guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. The first part contains. 1. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. 2. The Formation of the Child in the Womb. 3. What hinders Conception, and its Remedies. 4. What furthers Conception. 5. A Guide for Women in Conception. 6. Of Miscarriage in Women. 7. A Guide for Women in their Labour. 8. A Guide for Women in their Lying-In. 9. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book. By Nicholas Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrology. Newly corrected from many gross errors.
London : printed for S. Ballard, R. Ware, S. Birt, C. Hitch, and L. Hawes, and J. Hodges, M.DCC.LV. [1755].
ESTC No. N2151.Grub Street ID 10881.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician enlarged with three-hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. An astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat Method of Physick, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or cure himself, being Sick, for Three-Pence Charge, with such Things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed these Seven Things, viz. 1. The Way of making Plaisters, Ointments, Oils, Poultices, Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps, or Waters, of all Sorts of Physical Herbs, that you may have them ready for your Use at all Times of the Year. 2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physick) that groweth in England. The Time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly, and Astrologically. 4. The Way of drying and keeping the Herbs all the Year. 5. The Way of keeping their Juice ready for Use at all Times. 6. The Way of making and keeping all Kinds of use.
London : printed for S. and E. Ballard, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, C. Ware, S. Crowder, P. Davey and B. Law, and H. Woodgate and S. Brooks, M.DCC.LIX. [1759].
ESTC No. T136152.Grub Street ID 184440.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; ... By Nich. Culpepper, .
London : printed for S. Ballard, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, R. Baldwin, S. Crowder, P. Davey and B. Law, and H. Woodgate and S. Brooks, [1760?].
ESTC No. T136621.Grub Street ID 184781.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, a guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. The first part contains. I. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. II. The Formation of the Child in the Womb. III. What hinders Conception, and its Remedies. IV. What furthers Conception. V. A Guide for Women in Conception. VI. Of Miscarriages in Women. Vii. A Guide for Women in their Labour. Viii. A Guide for Women in their Lying-In. IX. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book By Nicholas Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physic and Astrology. Newly corrected from many Gross Errors. Newly corrected from many gross errors.
London : printed for C. Hitch and L. Hawes, S. Crowder and Co. S. Ballard, C. and R. Ware, and B. Law. and Co, M.DCC.LXII. [1762].
ESTC No. T136151.Grub Street ID 184439.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; ... By Nich. Culpepper, .
London : printed for S. Ballard, L. Hawes and Co. W. Johnston, R. Baldwin, S. Crowder, [and 5 others in London], 1765.
ESTC No. N6519.Grub Street ID 47098.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, a guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. The first part contains, I. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. ... IX. Of nursing children. To cure all diseases in women, read the second part of this book By Nicholas Culpeper, ... Newly corrected from many gross errors.
Belfast: printed by James Magee, 1766.
ESTC No. N8721.Grub Street ID 53626.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpepper's compleat and experienced midwife: in two parts. I. A guide for child-bearing women; ... II. Proper and safe remedies ... Made English by W. S. M.D.
Glasgow: printed in the year, 1767.
ESTC No. T230768.Grub Street ID 250261.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; containing a compleat Method of Physick, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or cure himself, being Sick, for Three-Pence Charge, with such Things only as grow in England, they being most sit for English Bodies. Here in is also shewed these Seven Things, viz. 1. The Way of making Plaisters, Ointments, Oils, Poultices, Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps, or Waters, of all Sorts of Physical Herbs, that you may have them ready for your Use at all Times of the Year. 2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tice (used in Physick) that groweth in England. 3. The Time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly and Astrologically. 4. The Way of drying and keeping the Herbs all the Year. 5. The Way of keeping their Juice ready for Use at all Times. 6. The Way of making and keeping all Kin.
London : printed for E. Ballard, L. Hawes and Co. W. Johnston, R. Baldwin, S. Crowder, B. Law, C. and R. Ware, M. Richardson, W. Strahan, and W. Nicoll, 1770.
ESTC No. N6523.Grub Street ID 47136.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; ... By Nich. Culpepper, .
London : printed for E. Ballard, W. Strahan, R. Baldwin, L. Hawes and Co. W. Johnston, [and 4 others in London], 1770.
ESTC No. N6525.Grub Street ID 47153.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; ... By Nich. Culpepper, .
London : printed for E. Ballard, L. Hawes and Co. W. Johnston, R. Baldwin, S. Crowder [and 5 others in London], 1775.
ESTC No. T136153.Grub Street ID 184441.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
A directory for midwives: or, a guide for women, in their conception, bearing, and suckling their children. Containing: I. The anatomy of the vessels of generation. ... IX. Of nursing children. By Nicholas Culpeper, .
London : printed for D. Johnston, C. Ware, R. Gray, and G. Hay, 1777.
ESTC No. N17545.Grub Street ID 7015.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician. Or, a treatise of practical physic, on the diseases of women. By Nicholas Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physic and Astrology.
London : printed for D. Johnston, C. Ware, R. Gray, and G. Hay, M.DCC.LXXVII. [1777].
ESTC No. N17547.Grub Street ID 7017.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; ... By Nich. Culpepper, .
London : printed for Lackington, and Denis; and Patrick Anderson, Edinburgh, 1778.
ESTC No. T136154.Grub Street ID 184442.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; ... By Nich. Culpepper, ...
Edinburgh: printed for Patrick Anderson, 1778.
ESTC No. N6518.Grub Street ID 47089.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation, ... By Nich. Culpepper, .
London : printed for J. Bruce, D. Burnet, R. Hopper, R. Pennington, L. Martin; and P. Anderson at Einburgh [sic], 1784.
ESTC No. T136625.Grub Street ID 184785.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation, containing a complete Method of Physic, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or cure himself, being Sick, for Three pence Charge, with such Things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed, 1. The Way of making Plaisters, Ointments, Oils, Poultices, Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps, or Waters of all Sorts of Physical Herbs, that you may have them ready for your Use at all Times of the Year. - 2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physic) that groweth in England. 3. The Time of gathering all Herbs both Vulgarly and Astrologically. - 4. The Way of drying and keeping the Herbs all the Year. - 5. The Way of keeping their Juice ready for Use at all Times-6. The Way of making and keeping all Kinds of Useful Compounds m.
London : printed for the booksellers, 1785.
ESTC No. T136624.Grub Street ID 184784.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged. With three hundred and sixty-nine medicines; made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; ... By Nich. Culpepper, ...
Dublin: printed by H. Colbert, 1787.
ESTC No. N9184.Grub Street ID 54059.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician enlarged, with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation, containing a compleat Method of Physic, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or cure himself, being Sick, for Three-Pence Charge, with such Things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed these Seven Things, viz. 1. The Way of Making Plaisters, Ointments, Oils, Poultices, Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps, or Waters, of all Sorts of Physical Herbs, that you may have them ready for your Use at all Times of the Year. 2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physic) that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly and Astrologically. 4. The Way of drying and keeping the Herbs all the Year. 5. The Way of keeping their Juice ready for Use at all Times. 6. The Way of making and keeping all Kinds.
London : printed for J. Bruce, D. Burnet, R. Hopper, R. Pennington, and L. Martin, MDCCLXXXVII. [1787].
ESTC No. T136620.Grub Street ID 184780.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged, with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation, containing a complete method of physic, whereby a man may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, being sick, for three-pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed these seven things, viz. 1. The way of making plaisters, ointments, Princeton oils, poultices, syrups, decoctions, juleps, or waters, of all sorts of physical herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year. 2. What planet governeth every herb or tree (used in physic) that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all herbs, both vulgarly and astrologically. 4. The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the year. 5. The way of keeping their juice ready for use at all times. 6. The way of making and keeping a.
London : printed for P. M'Queen, J. Laikington [sic], J. Mathews; Wilson and Spence, York; J. Binns, Leeds; Jo. Clarke and Co. Manchester; Jo. Mozley, Gainsborough; and W. Coke, Leith, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788].
ESTC No. T112603.Grub Street ID 164578.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's English physician; and complete herbal. To which are now first added, upwards of one hundred additional herbs, with a display of their medicinal and occult properties, physically applied to the cure of all disorders incident to mankind. To which are annexed, rules for compounding medicine according to the True System of Nature: forming a complete family dispensatory, And Natural System of Physic. Beautified and enriched with engravings of upwards of four hundred and fifty different plants, And a Set of Anatomical Figures. Illustrated With Notes And Observations, Critical And Explanatory. By E. Sibly, Fellow of the Harmonic Philosophical Society at Paris; and Author of the Complete Illustration of Astrology.
London : printed for the proprietors, and sold by Green and Co. 176, Strand, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789].
ESTC No. T136360.Grub Street ID 184586.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation, containing a complete Method of Physic, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or cure himself, being Sick, for Three-Pence Charge, with such Things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed, 1. The Way of making Plaisters, Ointments, Oils, Poultices, Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps, or Waters of all Sorts of Physical Herbs, that you may have them ready for your Use at all Times of the Year -2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physic) that groweth in England. 3. The Time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly and Astrologically. - 4. The Way of drying and keeping the Herbs all the Year. - 5. The Way of keeping their Juice ready for Use at all Times. - 6. The Way of making and keeping all Kinds of useful Compounds.
London : printed for J. Barker, in Russell-Court, Drury-Lane; R. Banister, Bell-Yard; J. Deighton, Holborn; J. Gray, Glass-House-Street; and J. Cottermoul, Oxford-Street, [1790?].
ESTC No. N7552.Grub Street ID 52492.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; ... By Nich. Culpepper, .
London : printed for R. Banister, No. 6, Bell-Yard, Temple-Bar, [1790?].
ESTC No. N7608.Grub Street ID 52543.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's English physician; and complete herbal. To which are now first added, upwards of one hundred additional herbs, with a display of their medicinal and occult properties, physically applied to the cure of all disorders incident to mankind. To which are annexed, rules for compounding medicine according to the true system of nature: ... beautified and enriched with engravings ... and a set of anatomical figures. ... By E. Sibly, Fellow of the Harmonic Philosophical Society at Paris; and author of the Complete Illustration of Astrology.
London : printed for the proprietors, and sold by C. Stalker, 1790.
ESTC No. N69194.Grub Street ID 50336.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines made of English herbs ... By Nich. Culpepper, .
London : printed for J. Walker, 1790.
ESTC No. T219071.Grub Street ID 243385.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's English family physician; or, medical herbal enlarged, with several hundred additional plants, principally from Sir John Hill. Medicinally and astrologically arranged, after the manner of Culpeper. And, a new dispensatory, from the MS. of the late Dr. Saunders, Lecturer Of Guy's Hospital. By Joshua Hamilton, M. D. Late Of The University Of Leyden. .
London : printed for W. Locke, NO. 12, Red Lion Street, Holborn, 1792.
ESTC No. T136362.Grub Street ID 184587.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation, containing a complete Method of Physic, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or cure himself, being Sick, for Three pence Charge, with such Things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed, 1. The Way of making Plaisters, Ointments, Oils, Poultices, Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps, or Waters of all Sorts of Physical Herbs, that you may have them ready for your Use at all Times of the Year. - 2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physic) that gorweth in England. 3. The Time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly and Astrologically. - 4. The Way of drying and keeping the Herbs all the Year. - 5. The Way of keeping their Juice ready for Use at all Time. - 6. The Way of making and keeping all Kinds of Useful Compo.
London [i.e. York?]: printed for A. Law, W. Millar, and R. Cater, MDCCXCII. [1792].
ESTC No. T136623.Grub Street ID 184783.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's English physician; and complete herbal. To which are now first added, upwards of one hundred additional herbs, with a display of their medicinal and occult properties, ... To which are annexed, rules for compounding medicine according to the true system of nature: forming a complete family dispensatory, and natural system of physic. .
London : Printed for the author, and sold at the British Directory Office ..., [1793].
ESTC No. N69196.Grub Street ID 50338.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's English physician; and complete herbal. To which are now first added, upwards of one hundred additional herbs, with a Display of their Medicinal and Occult Properties, Physically Applied to The Cure of all Disorders incident to Mankind. To which are Annexed, Rules for Compounding Medicine according to the True System of Nature: Forming a complete family dispensatory, and natural system of physic. Beautified and enriched with engravings of upwards of Four Hundred and Fifty different Plants, And a Set of Anatomical Figures. Illustrated with notes and observations, Critical and Explanatory. By E. Sibly, M. D. Fellow of the Harmonic Philosophical Society at Paris; and Author of the Complete Illustration of Astrology.
London : printed for the author, and sold at the British Directory Office, Ave-Maria-Lane; and by Champante and Whitrow, Jewry-Street, Aldgate, [1794?].
ESTC No. T80832.Grub Street ID 301780.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation, containing a complete Method of Physic, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or cure himself, being Sick, for Three-Pence Charge, with such Things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed, 1. The Way of making Plaisters, Ointments, Oils, Poultices, Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps, or Waters of all Sorts of Physical Herbs, that you may have them ready for your Use at all Times of the Year-2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physic) that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly and Astrologically. - 4. The Way of drying and keeping the Herbs all the Year. - 5 The Way of keeping their Juice ready for Use at all Times-6. The Way of making and keeping all Kinds of useful Compounds made.
London : printed for the booksellers, 1794.
ESTC No. N6516.Grub Street ID 47073.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The British herbal and family physician to which is added a dispensatory for the use of private families by Nich: Culpepper ...
Halifax: published by Nicholson & Co, [1795?].
ESTC No. N62521.Grub Street ID 44858.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
An entire new and complete edition. Culpeper's works, enlarged, corrected, and improved; or, The complete English family physician: ... In three parts. ... By Nicholas Culpeper, ... With valuable additions and improvements, by Geo. Alex. Gordon, ... And embellished with upwards of seven hundred correct delineations of British herbs and plants, .
London : printed for Alex. Hogg, [1800?].
ESTC No. N66289.Grub Street ID 48037.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's English physician; and complete herbal. To which are now first added, upwards of one hundred additional herbs, with a display of their medicinal and occult properties, ... Forming a complete family dispensatory, ... Beautified and enriched with engravings ... Th medical part. By E. Sibly, .
London : printed for the author, and sold at the British Directory-Office; and by Champante and Whitrow, [1795?].
ESTC No. T82187.Grub Street ID 302780.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
Culpeper's English physician; and complete herbal. To which are now first added upwards of one hundred additional herbs, with a display of their medicinal and occult properties, ... Forming a complete family dispensatory, ... Beautified and enriched with engravings ... Illustrated with notes and observations critical and explanatory. By E. Sibly, M.D. Fellow of the Harmonic Philosophical Society at Paris; and author of the Complete Illustration of Astrology.
London : printed for the author, and sold at the British Directory Office; and by Champante and Whitrow, [1798?].
ESTC No. N69195.Grub Street ID 50337.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, ... By Nich. Culpepper, ...
Leeds: printed for John Binns; and sold by Vernor and Hood, Ogilvy and Son, and B. Crosby, London, 1799.
ESTC No. T154396.Grub Street ID 198517.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The english physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation, containing a complete Method of Physic whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or cure himself, being Sick, for Three-Pence Charge, with such Things only as grow in England, they being most sit for English Bodies. Herein is also shewed, These seven things, viz. 1. The Way of making Plaistere Ointments, Oils, Poultices, Syrups, Decoctions, Juleps, or Waters of all Sorts, or Physical Herbs, that you may have them ready for your Use at all times of the Year-2. What Planet governeth every Herb or Tree (used in Physic) that groweth in England. 3. The Time of gathering all Herbs, both Vulgarly and Astrologically. - 4. The Way of drying and keeping the Herbs all the Year. -5. The Way of keeping their Juice ready for Use at all Times-6. The Way of making and keeping all kinds.
London : printed for W. Baynes Paternoster-Row, 1799.
ESTC No. N6513.Grub Street ID 47048.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation, containing a complete method of physic whereby a man may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, being sick, for three-pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed, these seven things, viz. 1. The way of making plaisters ointments, oils, poultices, syrups, decoctions, juleps, or waters of all sorts, or physical herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year-2. What planet governeth every herb or tree (used in physic) that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all herbs, both vulgarly and astrologically.-4. The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the year.-5. The way of keeping their juice ready for use at all times-6. The way of making and keeping all kinds of us.
London : Printed for the booksellers, 1799.
ESTC No. T136628.Grub Street ID 184788.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The British herbal and family physician to which is added a dispensatory for the use of private families by Nich: Culpepper ...
Halifax: published by M. Garlick, [1800?].
ESTC No. N65043.Grub Street ID 46973.
Culpeper, Nicholas.
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation, containing a complete method of physic, whereby a man may preserve his body in health, or cure himself, being sick, for three-pence charge, with such things only as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed, 1. The way of making plaisters, ointments, oils, poultices, syrups, decoctions, juleps, or waters of all sorts of physical herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year.-2. What planet governeth every herb or tree (used in physic) that groweth in England.-3. The time of gathering all herbs, both vulgarly and astrologically-4. The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the year.-5. The way of keeping their juice ready for use at all times.-6. The way of making and keeping all kinds of useful compounds made o.
London : Printed for J. Scatcherd, Ave-Maria-Lane; J. Walker, Paternoster-Row; W. Lowndes, Fleet Street; and J. Barker, Great Russell-Street, Covent Garden, [1800?].
ESTC No. T136626.Grub Street ID 184786.