Publications of William Bradshaw


  • Bradshaw, William. A treatise of divine worship, tending to prove that the ceremonies imposed vpon the ministers of the Gospell in England, in present controversie, are in their vse vnlawfull. [Middelburg: Printed by Richard Schilders], 1604. ESTC No. S120938. Grub Street ID 140549.
  • Bradshaw, William. A shorte treatise, of the crosse in baptisme contracted into this syllogisme. No humane ordinance becomming an idoll, may lawfully be vsed in the seruice of God. But the signe of the crosse being a humane ordinance is become an idoll: ergo. The signe of the crosse may no lawfully be vsed in the seruice of God. Amsterdam [i.e. London]: Printed by I.H. [i.e. William Jones' secret press], 1604. ESTC No. S120939. Grub Street ID 140550.
  • Bradshaw, William. A consideration of certaine positions archiepiscopall. [London: [W. Jones's secret press?, 1604-05]]. ESTC No. S115506. Grub Street ID 135198.
  • Bradshaw, William. [A shorte treatise, of the crosse in baptisme.]. [London?: W. Jones's secret press, 1604]. ESTC No. S91181. Grub Street ID 150361.
  • Bradshaw, William. A proposition. Concerning kneeling in the very act of receiuing howsoever. Published to satisfie professours, yet humblie, submitted to the iudgment of prophets. [London]: Printed [at William Jones's secret press], 1605. ESTC No. S115519. Grub Street ID 135211.
  • Bradshaw, William. A protestation of the Kings supremacie. Made in the name of the afflicted ministers, and opposed to the shamefull calumniations of the prelates. [England: [W. Jones's secret press]], Printed 1605. ESTC No. S120445. Grub Street ID 140075.
  • Bradshaw, William. English puritanisme containening [sic]. The maine opinions of the rigidest sort of those that are called Puritanes in the realme of England. [London: W. Jones's secret press], Printed 1605. ESTC No. S113537. Grub Street ID 133269.
  • Bradshaw, William. Twelve generall arguments, proving that the ceremonies imposed upon the ministers of the gospell in England, by our prelates, are unlawfull; and therefore that the ministers of the gospell, for the bare and sole omission of them in church service, for conscience sake, are most unjustlie charged of disloyaltie to his Maiestie. [Middelburg: R. Schilders], 1605. ESTC No. S113554. Grub Street ID 133284.
  • Bradshaw, William. A direction for the weaker sort of Christians, shewing in what manner they ought to fit and prepare themselues to the worthy receiuing of the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ: with a short forme of triall or examination annexed. Grounded vpon 1. Cor.11.23.-30. B W.B. Whereunto is adioined a verie profitable treatise of the same argument, by way of question and answer, written by another. London: Printed by W. Hall for Samuel Macham, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Bul-head, 1609. ESTC No. S119288. Grub Street ID 138930.
  • Bradshaw, William. The vnreasonablenesse of the separation. Made apparant, by an examination of Mr. Iohnsons pretended reasons, published an. 1608. Wherby hee laboureth to iustifie his schisme from the church assemblies of England. At Dort: Printed by George Waters, 1614. ESTC No. S113892. Grub Street ID 133618.
  • Bradshaw, William. A treatise of iustification. Tending to proue that a sinner is iustified before God, onely by Christs righteousnes imputed. By William Bradshaw. London: Printed by Thomas Creede, for William Bladon, and are to be sold at his shop, neere the great North-dore of S. Pauls Church, at the signe of the Bible, 1615. ESTC No. S120447. Grub Street ID 140077.
  • Bradshaw, William. A direction for the vveaker sort of Christians; shevving in vvhat manner they may bee prepared to the vvorthy receiuing of the Sacrament of the bodie and bloud of Christ: with a short forme of triall or examination annexed. By W.B. Whereunto is adioyned a verie profitable treatise of the same argument, by way of question & answer, written by another. Printed at London: by Humfrey Lownes, for S.M., 1615. ESTC No. S729. Grub Street ID 149353.
  • Bradshaw, William. A preparation to the receiving of the Sacrament, of Christs Body and Bloud. Directing weake Christians how they may worthily receiue the same. By W. Bradshavv. With a profitable treatise of the same argument, written by another. London: Printed by Io: Beale, 1617. ESTC No. S116327. Grub Street ID 136016.
  • Bradshaw, William. [A direction for the weaker sort of Christians, shewing in what manner they ought to fit themselves to the worthy receiving of the sacrament.]. [London: printed by J. Beale [for J. Macham widow], 1619]. ESTC No. S91177. Grub Street ID 150360.
  • Bradshaw, William. A meditation of mans mortalitie. Containing an exposition of the ninetieth psalme. By that Reuerend and religious seruant of God Mr William Bradshavv, sometime fellow of Sidney Colledge in Cambidge. Published since his decease by Thomas Gataker B. of D. and Pastor of Rotherhith. London: printed by Iohn Dawson for Fulke Clifton, and are to be sold on New-fish streete hill vnder Saint Margrets Church, 1621. ESTC No. S119290. Grub Street ID 138932.
  • Bradshaw, William. [A preparation to the receiving of the sacrament By W. Bradshaw. With a profitable treatise ...]. [London: J. Beale and J. Macham widow, sold by N. Newbery, 1623 [i.e. 1622]]. ESTC No. S115766. Grub Street ID 135456.
  • Bradshaw, William. A preparation to the receiuing of Christs body and bloud. Directing weake Christians how they may worthilyreceiue [sic] the same. By W. Bradshaw. With a profitable treatise of the same argument, written by another. London: printed by I. B[eale] and are to be sold by Samuell Ward at his shop vnder St. Peters Church in Cornhill at the signe of the star, 1627. ESTC No. S118901. Grub Street ID 138546.
  • Bradshaw, William. A preparation to the receiuing of Christs body and blood: directing weake Christians how they may worthily receiue the same. By W. Bradshavv. With a profitable treatise of the same argument, written by another. London: Printed by Iohn Hauiland, and are to be sold by Robert Dawlman, at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1630. ESTC No. S1825. Grub Street ID 146239.
  • Bradshaw, William. A preparation to the receiuing of Christs Body and Bloud. Directing weake Christians how they may worthily receiue the same. By W. Bradshavv. With a profitable treatise of the same argument, written by another. London: Printed by I. B[eale] for S. M[acham], 1634. ESTC No. S116583. Grub Street ID 136270.
  • Bradshaw, William. A preparation to the receiuing of Christs body and bloud. Directing weake Christians how they may worthily receiue the same by W. Bradshavv. With a profitable treatise of the same argument, written by another. London: printed by I.B. for S.M., 1636. ESTC No. S3308. Grub Street ID 147578.
  • Bradshaw, William. A discourse of the sinne against the Holy Ghost. Grounded upon Matt. Chap. 12. vers. 22.-23. Tending to the comfort of such persons as, being afflicted in conscience for their sins, are, by the delusions of Satan, brought to the brinke of despaire, through feare that the have fallen into that unpardonable sinne. Written some space of time since, by that godly and judicious divine M. William Bradshaw, sometime fellow of Sydny Colledge in Cambridge; and publish'd by his sonne Iohn Bradshaw. London: printed by R.H. for Iohn Rothwell, and are to be sold at the signe of the Sunne in Pauls Church yard, 1649 [i.e. 1640]. ESTC No. S124647. Grub Street ID 143997.
  • Bradshaw, William. A preparation to the receiving of Christs body and blood. Directing weake Christians how they may worthily receive the same. By William Bradshaw. With a profitable treatise of the same argument, written by another. London: printed by John Beale, 1643. ESTC No. R212813. Grub Street ID 88361.
  • Bradshaw, William. A protestation of the Kings supreamacie, made by the non-conforming ministers, which were suspended or deprived 3. Iacobi, and by them published the same yeare, that is, anno Dom. 1605. Now re-printed to shew the non-conformity of the doctrine and practice of the Presbyterians, sectaries, and others in these times, to what their brethren then profest. London: printed for R. Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1647. ESTC No. R201714. Grub Street ID 79062.
  • Bradshaw, William. A discourse of the sinne against the Holy Ghost grounded upon Matt. chap. 12, vers. 22-23 : tending to the comfort of such persons as, being afflicted in conscience for their sins, are, by the delusions of Satan, brought to the brinke of despaire, through feare that they have fallen into that unpardonable sinne / written some space of time since by that godly and judicious divine M. William Bradshaw ... ; and publish'd by his sonne, Iohn Bradshaw. London: Printed by R.H. for Iohn Rothwell .., 1649. ESTC No. R20559. Grub Street ID 82296.
  • Bradshaw, William. A treatise of justification; tending to prove that a sinner is justified before God, onely by Christs righteousnesse imputed. By William Bradshaw. London: printed by W.H. for E. Brewster and G. Sawbridge, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible on Ludgate-hill, 1652. ESTC No. R212032. Grub Street ID 87730.
  • Bradshaw, William. Dissertatio de justificationis doctrina, qua via plana munitur ad eorum concordiam qui hac de re variarunt. Authore Gulielmo Bradshaw, Theologo Anglo. Oxonii: typis Gulielmi Hall, impensis Rob. Blagrave, anno 1658. ESTC No. R6354. Grub Street ID 126705.
  • Bradshaw, William. Several treatises of vvorship & ceremonies, by the Reverend Mr. William Bradshaw, one of the first Fellows of Sydney Colledge in Cambridge; afterward minister of Chattam in Kent, 1601. Known by his learned treatise De justificatione. 1. A consideration of certain positions archiepiscopal. 2. A treatise of divine worship, tending to prove the ceremonies, imposed on the ministers of the Gospel in England, in present controvers[i]e, are in their use unlawful. Printed 1604. 3. A treatise of the nature and use of things indifferent. 1605. 4. English Puritanism, containin the main opinions of the ridgedest sort of those called Puritans in the realm of England. 1604. 5. Twelve general arguments, proving the ceremonies unlawful. 1605. 6. A proposition concerning kneeling in the very act of receiving, 1605. 7. A protestation of the Kings supremacy, ... . 1605. 8. A short treatise of the cross in baptism. 1604. London] : Printed for Cambridge and Oxford, and to be sold in Westminster Hall, and Pauls Church-Yard, 1660. ESTC No. R20875. Grub Street ID 84976.
  • Bradshaw, William. A treatise of divine worship; tending to prove, that the ceremonies imposed upon the ministers of the Gospel in England, in present controversie, are in their use unlawful. With a preface, containing an account of the antiquity, occasion, and grounds of non conformity: a vindication of the dissenters from the charge of schism, and of occasional conformity from the charge of novelty and hypocrisie, and inconsistency with the principles of dissenters. And also, a postscript in defence of a book entituled, Thomas against Bennet, being a reply to Mr. Bennet's answer thereto. London : Printed and sold by Anne Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1703. ESTC No. N36618. Grub Street ID 24588.