Publications of Samuel Prichard


  • Prichard, Samuel. Masonry dissected: being an universal and genuine description of all its branches from [the ori]ginal to this present time: as it is deliver'd in the constituted regular lodg[es,] ... To which is added the author's vindication of himself. By Samuel Prichard ... [Dublin?]: Reprinted fro[m the] London edition of 173[?] Anno, 1736. ESTC No. N60630. Grub Street ID 43649.
  • Prichard, Samuel. Masonry dissected: being a universal and genuine description of all its branches from the original to this present time. As it is deliver'd in the constituted regular lodges ... To which is added, the author's vindication of himself. The third edition. By Samuel Prichard, . London : printed for J. Wilford, 1730. ESTC No. T138958. Grub Street ID 186821.
  • Prichard, Samuel. Masonry dissected: being a universal and genuine description of all its branches from the original to this present time. As it is deliver'd in the constituted regular lodges Both in City and Country, According to the Several Degrees of Admission. Giving an Impartial Account of their Regular Proceeding in Initiating their New Members in the whole Three Degrees of Masonry. Viz. I. Enter'd Prentice, II. Fellow Craft. III. Master. To which is added, the author's vindication of himself. The second edition. By Samuel Prichard, late Member of a constituted lodge. London : printed for J. Wilford, at the Three Flower-de Luces behind the Chapter-House near St. Paul's, 1730. ESTC No. T230892. Grub Street ID 250352.
  • Prichard, Samuel. Masonry dissected: being a universal and genuine description of all its branches from the original to this present time. As it is deliver'd in the constituted regular lodges Both in City and Country, According to the Several Degrees of Admission. Giving an Impartial Account of their Regular Proceeding in Initiating their New Members in the whole Three Degrees of Masonry. Viz. I. Enter'd 'prentice, II. Fellow Craft. III. Master. To which is added, the author's vindication of himself. The fourth edition. By Samuel Prichard, late Member of a constituted lodge. London : printed for J. Wilford, at the Three Flower-de Luces behind the Chapter-House near St. Paul's, [1731]. ESTC No. T182382. Grub Street ID 218863.
  • Prichard, Samuel. Masonry dissected: being a universal and genuine description of all its branches, from the original to this present time: as it is deliver'd in the constituted regular lodges, Both in City and Country, According to the Several Degrees of Admission: Giving an Impartial Account of their Regular Proceeding in Initiating their New Members in the whole Three Degrees of Masonry. Viz. I. Enter'd 'prentice, II. Fellow-Craft, III. Master. With a new and exact list of regular lodges according to their Seniority and Constitution. To which is added, the author's vindication o himself. By Samuel Prichard, late Member of a Constituted Lodge. The seventh edition.. London : printed for T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row. , MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T138957. Grub Street ID 186820.
  • Prichard, Samuel. La reception mysterieuse des membres de la celebre Societé des Francs-Maons, ... Par Samuel Prichard, ... Traduite de l'anglois, éclaircie par des remarques critiques. Suivie de quelques autres piéces [sic] curieuses, relatives à la Grande Bretagne, ... Londres [i.e. Liege]: par la Compagnie des Libraires, 1738. ESTC No. T229581. Grub Street ID 249457.
  • Prichard, Samuel. Masonry dissected: being a universal and genuine description of all its branches, from the original to this present time: as it is deliver'd in the constituted regular lodges, ... With a new and exact list of regular lodges ... To which is added, the author's vindication o himself. By Samuel Prichard, . The eighth edition.. London : printed for T. Cooper, 1742. ESTC No. N60731. Grub Street ID 43729.
  • Prichard, Samuel. Masonry dissected: being an universal and genuine description of all its branches, from the original to this present time: As it is deliver'd in the Constituted Regular Lodges, Both in City and Country, According to the Several Degrees of Admission: Giving an Impartial Account of their Regular Proceeding in initiating their New Members in the whole Three Degrees of Masonry. Viz. I. Enter'd 'prentice, II. Fellow-Craft, III. Master. With A new and exact List of Regular Lodges according to their Seniority and Constitution. To which is added, The Author's Vindication of himself. by Samuel Prichard, late Member of a Constituted Lodge. The ninth edition.. London : printed for J. Robinson in Ludgate-Street, [1745?]. ESTC No. T174003. Grub Street ID 211113.
  • Prichard, Samuel. Masonry dissected: being an universal and genuine description of all its branches from the original to this present time. As it is deliver'd in the constituted regular lodges both in city and country. According to the several degrees of admission; giving an impartial account of their regular proceeding in initiating their new members in the whole three degrees of masonry; viz. I. Enter'd prentice. II. Fellow craft. III. Master. To which is added, the author's vindication of himself. By Samuel Prichard, late member of a constituted lodge. [Newport, R.I.?]: Re-printed [by Ann and James Franklin?], in the year, M,DCC,XLIX [i.e., 1750?]. ESTC No. W2328. Grub Street ID 333177.
  • Prichard, Samuel. Tubal-Kain: being the Second part of Solomon in all his glory, or master mason: Containing an universal and genuine description of all its branches, from the original to the present time: As it is delivered in the Constituted Regular Lodges, Both in City and Country, According to the Several Degrees of Admissions: Giving an Impartial Account of their Regular Proceedings in initiating their New Members in the whole Three Degrees of Free Masonry; Viz. I. Enter'd 'prentice. II. Fellow Craft. III. Master. With A new and exact List of Regular Lodges, According to their Seniority and Constitution. By Samuel Pritchard, Late Member of a Constituted Lodge. To which is added, The Author's Vindication of Himself; together with the Copy of the Oath that he took before an Alderman, that this was a true Copy of Free Masonry. Likewise, a Collection of Free Masons Songs, Toasts, and Sentiments, &c. [Dublin]: London: printed for W. Nicoll. And, Dublin: re-printed for, and sold by Thomas Wilkinson, in Winetavern-Street, the Corner of Cook-Street; where may be had all Sorta of Free-Mason Books, [1760?]. ESTC No. T137691. Grub Street ID 185641.
  • Prichard, Samuel. Masonry dissected: Being an universal and genuine description all its branches, from the original to the present time: as it is delivered in the constituted regular lodges, both in city and country, according to the several degrees of admissions: giving an impartial account of their regular proceedings in initiating their new members in the whole three degrees of Free Masonry; viz. I. Enter'd 'Prentice. II. Fellow craft. III. Master. With a new and exact list of regular lodges, according to their seniority and constitution. By Samuel Prichard, late member of a constituted lodge. To which is added, the author's vindication of himself; together with the copy of the oath that he took before an alderman, that this was a true copy of Free Masonry. The twentieth edition.. London : Printed for Charles Corbett, stock-broker, at his Correct State Lottery-Office, No. 30, Fleet-Street, [1770?]. ESTC No. T196224. Grub Street ID 229655.
  • Prichard, Samuel. Masonry dissected: being an universal and genuine description of all its branches, from the original to this present time: as it is delivered in the constituted regular lodges, ... By Samuel Prichard, . The twenty-first edition.. London : printed for Byfield and Hawkesworth, [1790?]. ESTC No. N34921. Grub Street ID 23212.
  • Prichard, Samuel. The entertaining history of masonry, to which are added, the mason-word, and catechism. By Samuel Prichard, ... [Stirling?]: Printed in the year, 1796. ESTC No. T183013. Grub Street ID 219459.