Publications of John Partridge
Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.
What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.
In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:
- "printed by x"; or
- "sold by x"; or
- "printed for x" or "published by x";
or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):
- "printed and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.
Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.
David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:
The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.
D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).
Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.
A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).
- Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
- Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
- John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
- John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
- David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
- Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
- D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
- Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).
Printed for John Partridge
- Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax. A letter of His Excellency Thomas Lord Fairfax, to the Right Honorable, the Lord Major of the City of London, for the better preserving a right understanding between the City and Army. With an order of His Excellency to Col: Dean, to march into the City of London, and seize the publike treasuries of Goldsmiths, Weavers, and Haberdashers-Hall, that thereby they may be supplied with moneys to pay quarters, and free the countreys from that grievous burthen of free-quarter. By the appointment of His Excellency the Lord Fairfax Lord General, and his General Councel of Officers. Dec. 8. 1648. Signed, John Rushvvorth Secr'. London: printed by John Field for John Partridge and George Whittington, Decemb. 9. 1648. ESTC No. R204447. Grub Street ID 81401.
- Partridge, John. Alm[a]n[a]ch Calendarium Judaicum: or, An almanack for the year of our Blessed Saviours incarnation, 1678. And from the creation of the world, according to the Holy Writ, and ecclesiastical history, 5627. It being the second after bissextile, or leap-year. Briefly exhibiting the Jewish kalendar, its computation; institution of their feasts, fasts, and other memorable things belonging to that people: as also eclipses, lunations, the ingresses of the sun: with a general judgment on the year. By John Partridg [sic]. London : printed by J[ohn]. D[arby]. for the Company of Stationers, 1678. ESTC No. R29093. Grub Street ID 112110.
- Partridge, John. Vox lunaris, being a philosophical & astrological discourse of two moons which were seen at London and the parts adjacent, June the eleventh 1679. a little before midnight. And what may in a course of nature be expected from this phasma in Europe. With some particular remarques upon the conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter, and of the eclipses in Gemini, &c. for 120 years last past. By John Partridge student in Physick and Astrology. London : printed for William Bromwich at the Three Bibles, over against St. Martins Church within Ludgate, 1679. ESTC No. R214718. Grub Street ID 89896.
- Partridge, John. Vox lunaris, being a philosophical & astrological discourse of two moons which were seen at London and the parts adjacent, June the elenth [sic] 1679. a little before midnight. And what may in a course of nature be expected from this phasma in Europe. With some particular remarques upon the conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter, and of the eclipses in Gemini, &c. for 120 years last past. By John Partridge student in physick and astronomy. London : printed for William Bromwich at the Three Bibles, over against St. Martins church within Ludgate, 16[7]9. ESTC No. R181501. Grub Street ID 72069.
- Partridge, John. Prodromus, or, An astrological essay upon those configurations of the celestial bodies, whose effects will appear in 1680. and 1681. in some kingdoms in Europe. Which predictions are drawn for the opposition of Saturn and Mars in December, 1679. and the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in August, 1680. And these things considered, and compared with the nativity of the late damnable plot. By John Patridge, student in astrology & physick. London : printed for W. Bromwich, at the signe of [...], 1679. ESTC No. R908. Grub Street ID 129192.
- Partridge, John. Ekkl=esialogia, being an almanack for the year of our Blessed Savior's incarnation, 1679. and from the creation of the world, according to Holy Writ, and the best of ecclesiastical history, 5628 : being the third after leap-year ... : calculated and referred to the meridian of London / by John Partridge. London : Printed by J.D. for the Company of Stationers, 1679. ESTC No. R36995. Grub Street ID 119245.
- Partridge, John. Mikropanastron: or an astrological vade mecumĀ· Briefly teaching the whole art of astrology, viz. questions, nativities, with all its parts, and the whole doctrine of elections, never so comprised, nor compiled before; so that the young student may learn as much here as in the great volumes of Guido, Haly, or Origanus. By the author J. Partridge, M.R. student in physick and astrology. London : printed for William Bromwich, at the sign of the Three Bibles in Ludgate-Street, 1679. ESTC No. R1250. Grub Street ID 60671.
- Partridge, John. Ekkl=esialogia; being, an almanack for the year of our Blessed Saviour's incarnation, 1680. And from the creation of the world, according to Holy Writ, and the best of ecclesiastical history, 5629. It being bissextile, or leap-year. Introductively proving (from Origanus) the age of the world by Scripture, with a continuation of the church history, &c. to the year of Christ 700: as also the rising and setting of the sun, monthly observations, with a general judgement on the year, from the quarterly ingress, with two nativities of two children born of one mother, an both died of convulsion fits. With other things. Calculated and referred to the meridian of London. By John Partridge student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J[ohn]. D[arby]. for the Company of Stationers, 1680. ESTC No. R4194. Grub Street ID 123424.
- Partridge, John. Mercurius c.lestis, being an almanack for the year of the worlds redemption, 1681. And of its creation according to the best of history, 5630. It being the first after bissextile, or leap-year in which is comprized variety of matter fit for such a subject, - as the aspect of the planets, eclipses, sun rising and setting, monthly observations in verse and prose. With other things. Astronomically and astrologically considered. Calculated for the meridian of London. By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J[ohn]. D[arby]. for the Company of Stationers, 1681. ESTC No. R26511. Grub Street ID 109818.
- Partridge, John. Mercurius coelestis: being an almanack for the year of the worlds redemption, 1682. And of its creation according to the best of history, 5631. It being the second after bissextile, or leap-year. In which is contained matter and things suitable to such a subject, - as eclipses, a general judgment on the year, the rising and setting of the sun, monthly observations both in verse and prose. With other things. Astronomically and astrologically considered. Calculated for the meridian of London. By John Partridge student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J.D. for the Company of Stationers, 1682. ESTC No. R4032. Grub Street ID 122130.
- Partridge, John. Mr. John Partrige's [sic], New prophesie of this present year 1684. Wherein are foretold the most considerable events and mutations in Great-Britain, France, Ireland, Holland, Germany, Italy, &c. According to the opinion of the best astrologers. London : printed by George Croom, at the Blew Ball in Thames-street, over against Baynard's Castle, 1683. ESTC No. R203280. Grub Street ID 80401.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus redivivus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption, And from the world's creation according to the best of history, 5632. In which is contained matter and things suitable for such a subject. Being astrologically and astronomically handled. Calculated for the meridian of London. Whose latitude longitude is 51 14 deg. 32 20 minutes. By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J.D. for the Company of Stationers, [1683]. ESTC No. R203396. Grub Street ID 80493.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus redivivus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1683. And from the world's creation, according to the best of history, 5632. In which is contained matter and things suitable for such a subject. Being astrologically and astronomically handled. Calculated for the meridian of London. ... By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J.D. for the Company of Stationers, [1683]. ESTC No. R29099. Grub Street ID 112116.
- Partridge, John. Mr. John Petrige's, New prophesie of this present year 1684. Wherein are foretold the most considerable events and mutations in Great-Britain, France, Ireland, Holland, German, Italy, &c. According to the opinion of the best astrologers. Edinburgh: re-printed by the heir of Andrew Anderson ..., anno 1684. ESTC No. R181495. Grub Street ID 72065.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus redivivus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1684. And from the world's creation, according to the best of history, 5633. Being bissextile, or leap-year. In which is contained matters and things suitable for such a subject. Being astrologically and astronomically handled. Calculated for the meridian of London. ... By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by J[ohn]. D[arby]. for the Company of Stationers, [1684]. ESTC No. R3935. Grub Street ID 121248.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus redivivus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1685. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5634. It being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. To which is contained matter and things suitable for such a subject: a eclipses, lunations, weather, monthly observations, remarkable conjunctions, and other configurations of the seven erratick stars; together with the diurnal motion of the planets and a true table of houses more correct than any before, formed according to the intent and true principles of the grea Ptolomey. Calculated for the meridian of London. ... By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by R.R. for the Company of Stationers, [1685]. ESTC No. R3834. Grub Street ID 120451.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus redivivus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1686. and from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5635. Being the second after bissextile, or leap-year. In which is contained matter and things suitable for such work: as eclipses, remarkable conjunctions, meteorological, and astrological observations, lunations and other configurations of the erratick stars; together with the diurnal motions of the planets and a table of houses more correct and demonstrable, than those used by our modern astrologers; ... by John Partridge student in physick and astrology. London : printed by R[obert]. R[oberts]. for the Company of Stationers, [1686]. ESTC No. R3745. Grub Street ID 119684.
- Partridge, John. Mene tekel being an astrological judgment on the great and wonderful year 1688. Deduced from the true and genuine principles of that art: shewing the approaching catastrophe of popery in England, &c. London : printed by H.H[ills]. for the use of J. Gadbury, [1688]. ESTC No. R221408. Grub Street ID 95564.
- Partridge, John. Annus mirabilis: being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1688. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5637. Being bissextile, or leap-year. In which is contained things suitable for such a work: as eclipses, conjunctions, meteorological observations, lunations, and other configurations of the wandring stars; together with the diurnal motion of the planets. With a table of houses more correct and demonstrable than those commonly used: with three examples of nativities, that shew the imperfection of the common astrology, and its professors. Calculated for the meridian of London. Whose latitude longitude is 51 24 deg. 32 20 minutes. By J. Partridge student in physick and astrology. London : printed by R[obin]. R[oberts]. for the Company of Stationers, [1688]. ESTC No. R232258. Grub Street ID 104088.
- Partridge, John. Mene tekel being an astrological judgment on the great and wonderful year 1688. Deduced from the true and genuine principles of that art: shewing the aproaching catastrophe of popery in England, &c. London : printed by H. H[ills]. for the use of J. Gadbury, [1688]. ESTC No. R187027. Grub Street ID 75456.
- Partridge, John. Mene tekel: being an astrological judgment on the great and wonderful year 1688. Deduced from the true and genuine principles of that art: shewing the approaching catastrophe of popery in England, &c. London : printed by H. H[ills]. for the use of J. Gadbury, [1688]. ESTC No. R217878. Grub Street ID 92613.
- Partridge, John. Mene mene, tekel upharsin. The second part of Mene tekel: treating of the year MDCLXXXIX. And modestly shewing what may probably be conjectured to succeed in the affairs of Europe in general, and of England, Holland, Scotland, and France in particular; with something also about the affairs of Ireland, and the French King's forces there. To which is added, a treasonable paper dispersed among the papists, by J. Gadbury, with some reflections thereon, and also on his almanack for 1689. By John Partridge. Licens'd May 23, 1689. J. Fraser. London : printed for Awnsham Churchil at the Black-Swan in Ave-Mary-Lane, MDCLXXXIX, [1689]. ESTC No. R203323. Grub Street ID 80440.
- Partridge, John. Mene mene, tekel upharsin. The second part of Mene tekel: treating of the year MDCLXXXIX. And modestly shewing what may probably be conjectured to succeed in the affairs of Europe in general, and of England, Holland, Scotland, and France in particular; with something also about the affairs of Ireland, and the French King's forces there. To which is added, a treasonable paper dispersed among the papists, by J. Gadbury, with some reflections thereon, and also on his almanack for 1689. By John Partridge. Licens'd May 23, 1689. J. Fraser. London : printed, and sold by Richard Baldwin in the Old-Baily, MDCLXXXIX. [1689]. ESTC No. R6720. Grub Street ID 127041.
- Partridge, John. Mr. Partridhe's [sic] famous prophesies and predictions: together with the observations of sundry other great and learned astrologers, touching the wonderful things that are expected to happen in the year, 1690. in great Britain, France, and Ireland, and other kingdoms, states, and countries in matters of peace, negotiation, war, casualties, contingencies, and other transactions more particularly the happiness promised this nation, and the danger that threatens the French King, and his dominions; also the popish army in Ireland: also the union of Protestants, reciting likewise a strange & wonderful vision on the subject of these affairs lately happening, foretelling the quieting Scotland, reducing Ireland, and the conquest of France, and by what means it was proposed to be confirmed as a truth, and what has since come to pass in order thereunto: the happy reign of our glorious monarch, and his triumph over his enemies. Licensed according to order. London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, J. Back, 1690. ESTC No. R218678. Grub Street ID 93312.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1690. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5639. It being the second after bissextile, or leap-year: and the second also of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government. In which is contained things fit for such a treatise: as the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, eclipses, meteorological observations, lunations, and other configurations of the wandring stars. To which is added, a table of houses founded on the principles of the great Ptolomy. Calculated for the meridian of London. ... By John Partridge, student in astrology and physick. London : printed by R.R. for the Company of Stationers, [1690]. ESTC No. R29094. Grub Street ID 112111.
- Partridge, John. Prophesies, predictions and astrological prognostications relating to sundry affairs in empires, kingdoms, and states, as they are in probability likely to fall out, and come to pass in the revolution of the great and remarkable year 1691, according to the observations of the learned : promising more particularly glory and success in England, Scotland and Ireland, with a discouragement, loss and defeat to our enemies and the French nation, and other remarkable passages / J.P. London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, J. Deacon, J. Blare, J. Back, 1691. ESTC No. R31756. Grub Street ID 114522.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1691. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5640. It being the third after bissextile or leap year: and the third also of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government. In which is contained ... as the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, meteorological observations, and other configurations of the wandring stars. A table of the sun's rise and set, break of day, &c. To which is added, some remarks upon my old friend, J.G., and in particular his creed. Calculated for the meridian of London ... By John Partridge student in astrology and physick. London : printed by R[obert]. R[oberts]. for the Company of Stationers, [1691]. ESTC No. R29095. Grub Street ID 112112.
- Partridge, John. Monthly observations and predictions, for this present year, 1692. With astrological judgments on the whole year. All taken from Mr. Patridge's almanack: to which is added, an account of a plot which was lately discovered in England: and which was foretold by the said John Patridge, in his this years almanack. Published for general satisfaction. Printed at Boston: And are to be sold by Benj. Harris, at the London-Coffee-House. 1692. ESTC No. W37228. Grub Street ID 347996.
- Partridge, John. Mikropanastron: or an astrological vade mecum. Briefly teaching the whole art of astrology, viz. questions, nativities, with all its parts, and the whole doctrine of elections, never so comprised nor compiled before; so that the young student may learn as much here as in the great volumes of Guido, Haly, or Origanus. By the author J. Partridge, M.R. student in physick and astrology. London : printed for Edward Brewster, at the Crane in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCII [1692]. ESTC No. R217773. Grub Street ID 92521.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1692. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5641. It being the bissextile, or leap year: and the fourth also of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary goverment. In which is contained things fit for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, meteorological observations. A table of sun rising and setting to every sixth day in the year. And a table of houses according to the doctrine of the great Ptolomy. To which is added, over the righthand page, J.G.'s verses about the Prince of Wales, in his almanack 1689. travesty'd. Calculated for the meridian of London. ... By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by R.R. the Company of Stationers, [1692]. ESTC No. R30704. Grub Street ID 113546.
- Partridge, John. Nebulo Anglicanus: or, The first part of the black life of John Gadbury. It is the same John Gadbury that was in the Popish Plot to murther Charles II. in the year 1678. It is the same John Gadbury that was accused of being in another plot, to dethrone and destroy King William, in the year 1690. It is the same John Gadbury that at this time is so strait-lac'd in conscience that he cannot take the oaths to their present majesties. Together with an answer to a late pamphlet of his. By J. Partridge. London : printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1693. ESTC No. R6007. Grub Street ID 126391.
- Partridge, John. Opus reformatum: or, A treatise of astrology. In which the common errors of that art are modestly exposed and rejected. With an essay towards the reviving the true and ancient method laid down for our direction by the great Ptolomy; and more agreeable to the principles of motion and nature, than that commonly practised and taught. In two parts. By John Partridge, physician to Her present Majesty, and student in astrology. London : printed for Awnsham and John Churchill at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCXCIII. [1693]. ESTC No. R26180. Grub Street ID 109530.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our Saviour's incarnation, 1693. and from the creation of the world according to the best of history, 5642. It being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. And the fifth of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government. In which is contained things fit for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, meteorological and astrological observations. A table of the sun rising and setting, &c. to every sixth day in the year. A judgment on the four quarters And the present impending directions in the French tyrants nativity, with some remarks thereon: not forgetting my old friend J.G. ... By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by R. Roberts for the Company of Stationers, [1693]. ESTC No. R29096. Grub Street ID 112113.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our Savior's incarnation, 1694. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5643. It being the second after bissextile, or leap-year. And the fifth of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government. In which is contained things fit for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, meteorological and astrological observations. A tide table. The rising and setting of the sun, &c. With a judgment on the four quarters of the year. Wit some remarks upon heliocentrick aspects. With a table of houses according to the great Ptolomy: and some remarks on the late kings last declaration. ... By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology. London : printed by R. Roberts for the Company of Stationers, [1694]. ESTC No. R36637. Grub Street ID 118891.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our Saviour's incarnation, 1695. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5644. It being the the third after bissextile, or leap-year. And the sixth of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government. In which is contained things fit for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, meteorological and astrological observations. A tide table. The rising and setting of the sun, &c. With a judgment on the four quarters of the year. To which is added the copy of a popish Jacobite letter. Calculated for the meridian of London. ... By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology, at the Blew-Ball in Salisbury-street in the Strand. London : printed by R. Roberts for the Company of Stationers, [1695]. ESTC No. R30705. Grub Street ID 113547.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our Blessed Saviour's incarnation, 1696. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5645. It being the bissextile, or leap-year. And the seventh of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government. In which is contained things fit for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, meteorological, and astrological observations. A tide table. The rising and setting of the sun. With a judgment on the four quarterly ingresses of the sun into the four cardinal signs. And a table of houses, as formerly, according to the doctrine and principles of the great Ptolomey. Calculated and referred to the meridian of London. ... By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology, at the Blew-Ball in Salisbury-street in the Strand, London. London : printed by R. Roberts for the Company of Stationers, [1696]. ESTC No. R28250. Grub Street ID 111336.
- Partridge, John. Defectio geniturarum: being an essay toward the reviving and proving the true old principles of astrology, hitherto neglected, or, at leastwise, not observed or understood. In four parts. The first shewing the ground and cause of error. The second contains an examination o those nativities printed by Morinus. The third considers those done by Argol. And, the fourth those printed by Mr. Gadbury, in his collection. Wherein many things relating to this science are handled and discoursed: but the principal end and design of the book is to prove the power and sole use of the hileg, in cases of life and death. By John Partridge. London : printed for Benj. Tooke at the Middle-Temple-gate in Fleetstreet, MDCXCVII. [1697]. ESTC No. R26179. Grub Street ID 109528.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Savior's incarnation, 1697. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5646. It being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. And the eighth of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government: but the second from the horrid popish Jacobite-Plot. In which is contained things sitting for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, meteorological, and astrological observations. A tide table. The rising and setting o the sun. With a judgment on the four quarterly ingresses of the sun into the four cardinal signs. And a table of houses, as formerly, according to the doctrine and principles of the great Ptolomey. Calculated and referred to the meridian of London.... By John Partridge, student in Physick and Astrology, at the Blew-Ball in Salisbury-street in the Strand, London. London : printed by R. Roberts for the Company of Stationers, [1697]. ESTC No. R28251. Grub Street ID 111337.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation, 1698. And from the creation of the world according to the best of history, 5647. It being the second after bissextile, or leap-year and the ninth of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government: but the third from the horrid popish jacobite-plot. In which is contained things fitting for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, meteorological, and astrological observations. A tide table. The rising and setting of the sun. With a judgment on the four quarterly ingresses of the sun into the four cardinal points. A table of houses ... Together with the copy of a sigil, by one of the principal master of that art, my old friend C-. Calucated and referred to the meridian of London, ... By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology, at the Blew-Ball in Salisbury-street in the Strand, London. London : printed by R. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1698]. ESTC No. R35708. Grub Street ID 118074.
- Partridge, John. Partredg's strange, wonderful, and remarkable prophesies for the year 1698. Wherein he plainly foretells and predicts many surprizing accidents and disasters which shall happen monthly throughout the year; particularly of the overthrow and destruction of the Great Turk; with notable disputes in Europe, either to revive the old war; or begin a new one; with his reasons in art for the same. As also, the death of a great person in April; the discovery of a horrid plot in July, with some disorders in August, &c. To which is added weekly judgments of the weather, predictions of the four quarters of the year; an account of the eclipses, and the signification thereof: with an account of the full moon, changes and quarters throughout the year; astrological verses on the months, &c. With many other nice and curious observasions, very necessary and profitable. Abstracted from the true copy, for the vse and benefit of common readers. All others are false and counterfeit ones. Licensed according to ord. London : printed and sold by J.B. in Little Britan, 1698. ESTC No. R181499. Grub Street ID 72066.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation, 1699 and from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5648. It being the third after bissextile, or leap-year, and the tenth of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government: but the fourth from the horrid popish Jacobite-plot. In which is contained things fitting for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, meteorological, and astrological observations. A tide table The rising and setting of the sun. With the four quarterly ingresses of the sun into the cardinal points. Together with something in answer to something, touching the Placidian astrology; with a challenge to the Antiplacidians. And some observations on the cheating trade of sigil-making. With an exemplary nativity, &c. Calculated and referred to the meridian of London. ... By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology,. London : printed by R. Roberts for the Company of Stationers, [1699]. ESTC No. R29097. Grub Street ID 112114.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1700: and from the creation of the world, according to the best of prophane history, 5649; but by the account of Holy Scripture, 5662. It being the bissextile or leap-year, and the eleventh of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government: but the fourth from the horrid popish Jacobite-plot. In which is contained things fitting for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, and astrological observations; with a particular judgment on the present affairs of Europe. Divers aphorisms out of Ptolemy that are infallible. Three remarkable nativities, with a word or two about that cursed cheat of charm and sigil-making. Calculated and referred to the meridian of London. ... By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology, at the Blew-Ball in Salisbury-street in the Strand, London. London : printed by R. Roberts for the Company of Stationers, [1700]. ESTC No. R29098. Grub Street ID 112115.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed saviour's incarnation 1701: And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History 5650; but by the Account of Holy Scripture 5663. It being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year. And the Twelfth of our Deliverance from Popery and Arbitrary Government: But the Fifth from the Horrid Popish Jacobite-Plot. In which is contained things fitting for such a Work: As the Diurnal Motion of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunation, Eclipses, Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and the Four Quarters of the Year; with the Author's Opinion of the Chronology before the Birth of Christ in order to the Sabbatical Millenium. A Remarkable Nativity, and the Errors of a supposed Mathematician corrected. Calculated and referred to the Meridian of London. Whose Longitude Latitude is 24 51 degr. 20 32 Minutes. By John Partridge, Student in Physick and Astrology, at the Blew-Ball in Salisbury-Street in the Strand, Lon. London : printed by R. Roberts for the Company of Stationers, [1701]. ESTC No. T17004. Grub Street ID 207795.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1702: and from the creation of the world, according to the best of prophane history 5651; but by the account of holy Scripture 5664. It being the second after bissextile or leap year, and the thirteenth of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government: but the sixth from the horrid popish Jacobite-plot. In which is contained things fitting for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, astrological observations on the twelve months, and the four quarters of the year; the author's opinion on the sabbatical millenium. And the present king of Spain's nativity. Calculated and referred to the meridian of London. Whose longitude latitude is 24 51 degr. 20 32 minutes. By John Partridge, student in physick and astrology, at the Blew-Ball in Salisbury-Street in the Strand, London. London : printed by R. Roberts for the Company of Stationers, [1701?]. ESTC No. T17005. Grub Street ID 207802.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1703: ... By John Partridge,. London : printed by Mary Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1703]. ESTC No. T17006. Grub Street ID 207810.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1704. ... By John Partridge,. London : printed by Mary Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1704]. ESTC No. T17007. Grub Street ID 207821.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1705. ... By John Partridge,. London : printed by Mary Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1705]. ESTC No. T17008. Grub Street ID 207829.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1706. ... By John Partridge,. London : printed by Mary Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1706]. ESTC No. T17009. Grub Street ID 207836.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1707. ... By John Partridge,. London : printed by Mary Roberts for the Company of Stationers, [1707]. ESTC No. T17010. Grub Street ID 207844.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1708. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5657. But by the Account of Holy Scripture, 5670. It being the Bissextile or Leap-Year. And the Nineteenth of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery and Arbitrary Government: But the Twelfth from the Horrid Popish Jacobite Plot In which is contained Things fitting for such a Work: As the Diurnal Motion of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and the Four Quarters of the Year. A Nativity of a violent Death. An Offer about the Division of the Heavens, proving this in general Use false and groundless; and desiring they that Use it would Amend it. Also a merry Story of a Conjurer at Addgate, that alters Constitutions, &c. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, Whose Longitude Latitude is 24 51 degr. 20 32 Minutes. By John Partridge, Student in Physick. London : printed by Mary Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1708]. ESTC No. T17011. Grub Street ID 207851.
- Partridge, John. A letter to a member of Parliament from Mr. John Partridge, touching his almanack for the year 1710. And the injunction, whereby the publishing of it is staid for the present. London : Printed by John Darby, 1709. ESTC No. T197605. Grub Street ID 230637.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1709. ... By John Partridge,. London : printed by M. and J. Roberts for the Company of Stationers, [1709]. ESTC No. T17012. Grub Street ID 207859.
- Partridge, John. Dr. Partridges most strange and wonderful prophecy for the year 1711. Containing his astrological judgments on the ... year, what will happen throughout Europe, ... Also his judgment on the weather, ... By J. Partridge, ... [Edinburgh]: London printed, and re-printed at Edinburgh by John Moncur, 1711. ESTC No. T165836. Grub Street ID 204078.
- Partridge, John. The right and true prediction of Dr. Patridge's prophecy for the year 1712. Containing his astrological judgments on the Twelve Months, and Four Quarters of the Year; with the Transactions that will happen throughout Europe; with many Things relating to England in particular, and the certain Time of a General Peace. Likewise the Deaths of several Great Men at Home and Abroad; Especially of Three Crown'd Heads, that will Expire all in one Month. Together with His Judgments on the Weather; the Full and Changes of the Moon. A Table of the Terms, and Eclipses. As also Mrs. Dorothy Patridge's Speculum, containing many necessary Observations relating to Love and Marriage, particularly the Good or Bad Days for Courtship, Business, or Travel by Land or Sea. By J. Patridge, Student in Physick and Astrology. To which is added, the rates of coaches and chairs, as serled by Act of Parliament. London : printed by J. Read, near Fleetstreet, [1712]. ESTC No. T111622. Grub Street ID 163856.
- Partridge, John. Dr. Patridge's [sic] most strange and wonderful prophecy, for the year 1713. Containing, his astrological judgments on the twelve months, and four quarters of the year; with what will happen throughout Europe, especially in the kingdom of Great Britain; where many things will fall out very remarkable, particularly the death of a great man by publick execution. Also, his judgment on the weather. The full and changes of the moon. The terms and eclipses. Directions for gardening and husbandry. Proper seasons for physick, bleeding, and the like. To which is added, the names of all the market-towns in England, and the day of the week on which each of them be kept. By J. Patridge, student in physick and astrology. Register'd in the Stamp-Office according to Act of Parliament. London : printed by J. Read in White-Fryers, neear Fleet-street, [1713]. ESTC No. T201500. Grub Street ID 232774.
- Partridge, John. Dr. Patridge's [sic] most strange and wonderful prophesies and predictions for the year of our Lord 1714. Foretelling what will happen in most parts of Europe. With his astrological judgments on the twelve months, and four quarters of the year. Likewise observations on the weather, the full and changes of the moon. The beginning and ending of the terms. The eclipses. The good and bad days throughout the year. With an exact account of all the fairs in England and Wales. To which is added, the philosophers everlasting prophesy, and several other curiosities. Never publish'd before. By J. Patridge, student in astrology and physick. London : printed and sold by Edw. Midwinter, at the Star in Pye-Corner, near West-Smithfield, 1714. ESTC No. T231670. Grub Street ID 257149.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus redivivus: being an almanack for the year of Our Blessed Saviour's incarnation 1714. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5663. But by the account of Holy Scripture, 5676. It being the IId after biffextile or leap-year. And the 25th of our deliverance by K. William from popery and arbitrary government. In which is contained things sitting for such a work as the diurnal motion of the planets, conjuctions, lunations, and eclipses. Monthly observations, and a judgement on the four quarters of the year. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, whose longitude latitude is 24 51 degr. 20 32 minutes. By John Partridge, a lover of truth. London : Printed by M. and J. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1714]. ESTC No. T146550. Grub Street ID 193179.
- Partridge, John. An almanack for the year of our blessed saviour's incarnation 1715. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5664. But by the account of Holy Scripture, 5677. It being the IIId after bissextile or leap-year. And the 26th our deliverance by K. William from popery and arbitrary government. In which is contained things fitting for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, conjunctions, lunations, and eclipses. Monthly observations, and a general judgement on the hour quarters of the year. Together with something considered about the comet in the year 1680. Calculated and referr'd to the meridian of London, whose longitude latitude is 24 51 degr. 20 32 minutes. John Partridge. London : Printed by J. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1715]. ESTC No. T146311. Grub Street ID 192977.
- Partridge, John. An almanack for the year of our Blessed Saviour's incarnation 1716. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5665. But by the account of Holy scripture, 5677. It being bissextile or leap-year. And the 27th of our deliverance by K. William fro popery and arbitrary government. In which is contained things fitting for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, conjunctions, lunations, and eclipses. Monthly observations, and a general judgment of the four quarters of the year. Together with a chronology of several remarkable things during the last four years reign of Queen Anne. by John Partirdge. London : printed by J. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1716]. ESTC No. N71105. Grub Street ID 51483.
- Partridge, John. The last wills and testaments of J. Partridge, Student in Physick and Astrology; and Dr. Burnett, Master of the Charter-House. London : printed for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, 1716. Where Gentlemen and Ladies may be furnish'd with all the new Books and Pamphlets which are daily publish'd, [1716]. ESTC No. T37585. Grub Street ID 267206.
- Partridge, John. An almanack for the year of our blessed saviour's incarnation 1716 and from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 1665. But by the account of Holy Scripture, 5677. It being bissextile or leap-year and the 27th of our deliverance by K. William from popery and arbitrary government. In which is contained things fitting for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, conjunctions, lunations, and eclipses. Monthly observations, and a general judgment of the four quarters of the year. Together with a chronology of several remarkable things during the last four years reign of Queen Anne. Calculated and refer'd to the meridian of London, whose longitude is 24 degr. 20 minutes. Whose latitude is 51 degr. 32 minutes. By John Raryridge. London : Printed by J. Roberts, for Company of Stationers, [1716]. ESTC No. T146312. Grub Street ID 192978.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. An almanack for the year of Our Blessed Saviour's incarnation 1717. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of prophane history, 5666; but by the account of Holy Scripture, 5678. it being first after bissextile or leap-year. And the 18th of our deliverance by K. William from popery and arbitrary government. Which is contained the changes of the moon, rising setting of the sun, day-break, twilight, increase and decrease of days, terms, diurnal motions of the planets, eclipses, monthly observations, astrological observations on the four quarters of the year, and other useful matters. together with a twelvemonth's kalendar of some popish cruelties to Protestants in every month of the year. calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, whose longitude latitude is 24 51 degr. 20 32 minutes. By John Partridge. London : Printed by J. Roberts for the Company of Stationer, [1716?]. ESTC No. T17013. Grub Street ID 207866.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. An almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1718. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by J. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1718]. ESTC No. T17014. Grub Street ID 207875.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. An almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1719. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by J. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1719]. ESTC No. T17015. Grub Street ID 207884.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. An almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1720. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by J. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1720]. ESTC No. T17016. Grub Street ID 207891.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. An almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1721. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by J. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1721]. ESTC No. T17017. Grub Street ID 207896.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. An almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1722. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by J. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1722]. ESTC No. T17018. Grub Street ID 207906.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. An almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1723. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by J. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1723]. ESTC No. T17019. Grub Street ID 207915.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: an almanack for the year of our redemption 1724. Being Leap Year. And from the Creation, according to the best of Prophane History, 5673. And from Protestants Deliverance by King William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government, 36 Years. In which is contain'd the English and Foreign Accounts, the Moon's Sign every Day in the Year, for the Use of the Countrymen, the New Moons, Full Moons, and Quarters, the Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon, their Eclipses, Day-Break, Twilight. Increase and Decrease of all the Days in the Year, daily Motions of the Planets, and their Aspects, Beginning and Ending of the Terms, High-Water at London Bridge, and most other Ports in England, Astrological Observations, and other Things fit for such a Work. Together with The Protestant Remembrancer continued: in a Dissertation on the Increase of Papists, and Decrease of Protestants. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, whose Longitude Latitude is 24 51 degr. 30 32 Minutes. By Jo. London : printed by J. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1724]. ESTC No. T17020. Grub Street ID 207921.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: an almanack for the year of our redemption 1725. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by J. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1725]. ESTC No. T17021. Grub Street ID 207928.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: an almanack for the year of our redemption 1726. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by J. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers, [1726]. ESTC No. T17022. Grub Street ID 207935.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: an almanack for the year of our redemption 1727. Being the third after leap-year. And from the creation, according to the best of prophane history, 5676. And from Protestants deliverance by K. Williams, from popery, and arbitrary government, 39 years. In which is contain'd the English, and foreign accounts, the Moon's sign every day in the year, for the use of the councrymen, the new moons, full moons, and quarters, the rising and setting of the sun and moon, their eclipses, day-break, twilight, increase and decrease of all the days in the year, daily motions of the planets, and their aspects, beginning and ending of the terms, high-water aspects at London-Bridge, and most other ports in England, astrological observations, and other things sit for such a work. Together with the Protestant remembrancer continued: short dissertation on the idolatry of the Church of Rome, and her inhuman principles and practice in murdering Protestants, &c. Calculated and referr'd to the Me. London : Printed by J. Roberts, for the Company of Stationers. Imprimatur E. Cob, [1727]. ESTC No. T17023. Grub Street ID 207945.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: an almanack for the year of our redemption 1728. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1728]. ESTC No. T17024. Grub Street ID 207954.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: an almanack for the year of our redemption 1729. And from the creation, according to the best of prophane history, 5678. And from Protestants deliverance by K. William, from popery, and arbitrary Government 40 years. In which is contain'd the English and foreign accounts, the new moons, full moons, and quarters, the rising and setting of the sun and moon, their eclipses, increase and decrease of the days of the year, daily motions of the planets, and their aspects, beginning and ending of the terms, high-water at London-Bridge, and most other ports in England, astrological observations, and other things sit for such a work. Together with the Protestant remembrancer continued: or, A brief dissertation on the religion of the Church of Rome. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London. Whose longitude latitude is 24 51 degr. 30 22 minutes. By John Partridge. London : Printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1729]. ESTC No. T17025. Grub Street ID 207963.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1730. And the second after leap-year. and from the creation of the world, according to the best of prophane history, 5679. And the 41 of our deliverance by K. William from popery, and arbitrary Government. But the 34 from the ...rrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite plot which is contain'd the diurnal, motions of the planets, conjuctions, lunatins, eclipses, more correct than in any other of this kind. Astrological observations on the twelve months, and the four quarters of the year, terms, tides, and other things sit for such a work. Together with the Protestant remembrance continued: Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London whose longitude latitude is 24 51 degr. 20 32 minutes. By John Partridge. Lo]ndon : Printed by R. Phillips, for the Company Stationers, [1730. ESTC No. T17026. Grub Street ID 207974.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1731. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1731]. ESTC No. T17027. Grub Street ID 207985.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1732. It being bissextile, or leap-year. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of prophane history, 5681. And the 43 of our deliverance by K. William, from popery, and arbitrary government. But the from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. Which is contain'd the diurnal motions of the planets, conjuctions, lunations, eclipses, more correct than in any other of this kind. Astrological observations on the twelve months, and on the four quarters of the year, terms, tides, equation of clocks, and other things sit for such a work. To which is prefix'd the Protestant remembrancer continued. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London. whose latitude is 510, 321 north. By John Partridge. London : Printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1732]. ESTC No. T17028. Grub Street ID 207996.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1733. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1733]. ESTC No. T17029. Grub Street ID 208007.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1734. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1734]. ESTC No. T17030. Grub Street ID 208017.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1735. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1735]. ESTC No. T17031. Grub Street ID 208024.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1736. It being Bissextile, or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5685. And the 17 of our Deliverance by K. William, from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 40 from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. In which are contain'd the diurnal Motions of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses more large and exact than in any other of this Kind. Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and on the four Quarters of the Year, Terms, Equation of Clocks, and other Things fit for such a Work. To which is prefix'd The Protestant Remembrancer continued. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, Whose Latitude is 510 321 North. By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips for the Company of Stationers, [1736]. ESTC No. T17032. Grub Street ID 208033.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1737. It being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5686. And the 48 of our Deliverance by K. William, from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 41 from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. In which are contain'd the diurnal Motions of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, more large and correct than any other of this Kind. Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and on the four Quarters of the Year, Terms, Equation of Clocks, the Rising and Setting of the Moon, and other Things fit for such a Work. To which is prefix'd The Protestant Remembrancer continued. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, Whose Latitude is 51]0] 32' North. By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1737]. ESTC No. T17033. Grub Street ID 208041.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1738. It being the Second after Bissextile or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5687. And the 49th of our Deliverance by K. William, from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 42d from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. In which are contain'd the diurnal Motions of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, more large and exact than any other of this Kind. Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and on the four Quarters of the Year, Terms, Equation of Clocks, the true Times of the Rising and Setting of the Moon, and other Things fit for such a Work. To which is prefix'd The Protestant Remembrancer continued. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, Whose Latitude is 51]0] 32' North. By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1738]. ESTC No. T17034. Grub Street ID 208047.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1739. It being the Third after Bissextile or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5688. And the 50th of our Deliverance by K. William, from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 43d from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. In which are contain'd the diurnal Motions of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, more large and exact than any other of this Kind. Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and on the four Quarters of the Year, Terms, Equation of Clocks, the true Times of the Rising and Setting of the Moon, and other Things fit for such a Work. To which is prefix'd The Protestant Remembrancer continued. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, Whose Latitude is 51]0 32' North. By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1739]. ESTC No. T17036. Grub Street ID 208064.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1740. It being Bissextile or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5689. And the 51st of our Deliverance by K. William, from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 44th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. In which are contain'd the diurnal Motions of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, more large, and exact than any other of this Kind. Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and on the four Quarters of the Year, Terms, Equation of Clocks, the true Times of the Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon, with other Things fit for such a Work. To which is prefix'd The Protestant Remembrancer continued. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, Whose Latitude is 51]0 32' North. By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1740]. ESTC No. T17035. Grub Street ID 208056.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1741. Being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5690. And the 52d of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 45th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. In which are contain'd the diurnal Motions of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, more large, and exact than any other of this Kind. Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and on the four Quarters of the Year, Terms, Equation of Clocks, the true Times of the Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon, with other Things fit for such a Work. To which is prefix'd, The Protestant Remembrancer continued. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, Whose Latitude is 51- 32' North. By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1741]. ESTC No. T17037. Grub Street ID 208075.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1742. It being the Second after Bissextile or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5691. And the 53d of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 46th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. In which are contain'd the diurnal Motions of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, more large and exact than any other of this Kind. Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and on the four Quarters of the Year, Terms, Equation of Clocks, the true Times of the Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon, with other Things fit for such a Work. To which is prefix'd, The Protestant Remembrancer, continu'd, Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, Whose Latitude is 51- 32' North. By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1742]. ESTC No. T17038. Grub Street ID 208086.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1743. Being the Third after Bissextile or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5692. And the 54th of our Deliverence by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 47th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot [illegible] which are contain'd the diurnal Motions of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, more large and exact than any other of this Kind. Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and on the four Quarters of the Year, Terms, Equation of Clocks, the true Times of the Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon, with other Things fit for such a Work. To which is prefix'd, The Protestant Remembrancer continued. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, Whose Latitude is 51]0] 32' North. By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips for the Company of Stationers, [1743]. ESTC No. T17039. Grub Street ID 208097.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1744. Being Bissextile or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5693. And the 55th of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 48th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. In which are contain'd the diurnal Motions of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, more large and exact than any other of this Kind. Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and on the four Quarters of the Year, Terms, Equation of Clocks, the true Times of the Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon, with other Things fit for such a Work. To which is prefix'd, The Protestant Remembrancer continued. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, Whose Latitude is 51- 32- North. By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1744]. ESTC No. T17040. Grub Street ID 208108.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1745. Being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5694. And the 56th of our Deliverance by K. William, from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 49th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. In which are contain'd the diurnal Motions of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, more large and exact than any other of this Kind. Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and on the four Quarters of the Year, Terms, Equation of Clocks, the true Times of the Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon, with other Things fit for such a Work. To which is prefix'd, The Protestant Remembrancer continued. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, Whose Latitude is 51]0] 32' North. By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1745]. ESTC No. T17041. Grub Street ID 208119.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1746. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1746]. ESTC No. T17042. Grub Street ID 208129.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1747. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1747]. ESTC No. T17043. Grub Street ID 208140.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1748. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1748]. ESTC No. T17044. Grub Street ID 208149.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1749. Being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5698. And the 57th of our Deliverance by K. William. from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 53d from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. In which are contain'd the diurnal Motions of the Planets, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, more large and exact than any other of this Kind. Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and on the four Quarters of the Year, Terms, Equation of Clocks, the true Times of the Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon, with other Things fit for such a Work. To which is prefix'd. The Protestant Remembrancer continued. Calculated and referr'd to the Meridian of London, Whose Latitude is 510 321 North. By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1749]. ESTC No. T17045. Grub Street ID 208156.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1750. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1750]. ESTC No. T17046. Grub Street ID 208166.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption 1751. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1751]. ESTC No. T17047. Grub Street ID 208173.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1752. Being Bissextile, or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5701. And the 60th of our Deliverance by K. William. from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 56th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. Wherein is contain'd all Things fitting and useful for such a Work, as an Ephemeris of the Daily Motion of the Planets, with their Various Configurations, Aspects, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, Astronomical, Astrological Meteorological Observations, the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Moon, Planets and fixed Stars, Illustrated with Tables of the Tides, Terms, and Daily Equation of Clocks, Length and Break of Day, &c. Also Philosophical Dissertations on the Computation of Time, Creation and Stellary Influence. To which is prefix'd, The Protestant Remembrancer being an account of the Wicked, Horrid, Popish Plots against the Protestants. Calculated for the Meridi. London : printed by R. Phillips, for the Company of Stationers, [1752]. ESTC No. T17048. Grub Street ID 208183.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1753. Being the First after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5702. And the 61st of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 57th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. Wherein is contain'd all Things fitting and useful for such a Work, as an Ephemeris of the Daily Motion of the Planets with their various Configurations, Aspects, Conjunctions. Lunations, Eclipses, Astronomical, Astrological, Meteorological Observations, the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and fixed Stars, illustrated with Tables of the Tides, Terms, and Daily Equation of Clocks, Length and Break of Day, &c. Also a Vindication of Steliary Influence; with two Exemplary Nativities, shewing the Power of the Stars, and Verity of Astrology. To which is prefix'd, The Protestant Remembrance. Calculated for the Meridian of London, Whose Longit. London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1753]. ESTC No. T17049. Grub Street ID 208194.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1754. Being the Second after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5703. And the 62d of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 58th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. Wherein is contain'd all Things fitting and useful for such a Work, as an Ephemeris of the Daily Motion of the Planets, with their various Configurations, Aspects, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, Astronomical, Astrological, Meteorological Observations, the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and fixed Stars, illustrated with Tables of the Tides. Terms, and Daily Equation of Clocks, Length and Break of Day, &c. Also a Vindication of Stellary Influence; with two Exemplary Nativities, shewing the Power of the Stars, and Verity of Astrology. To which is prefix'd, The Protestant Remembrancer. Calculated for the Meridian of London, Whose Long. London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1754]. ESTC No. T17050. Grub Street ID 208204.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1755. Being the Third after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5704. And the 63d of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 59th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. Wherein is contain'd all Things fitting and useful for such Work, as an Ephemeris of the Daily Motion of the Planets, with their various Configurations, Aspects, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, Astronomical, Astrological, Meteorological Observations, the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and fixed Stars, illustrated with Tables of the Tides, Terms, and Daily Equation of Clocks, Length and Break of Day, &c. Also a Vindication of Stellary Influence; with two Exemplary Nativities, shewing the Power of the Stars, and Verity of Astrology. To which is prefix'd, The Protestant Remembrancer. Calculated for the Meridian of London, Whose Longitu. London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1755]. ESTC No. T17051. Grub Street ID 208211.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1756. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1756]. ESTC No. T17052. Grub Street ID 208219.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1757. Being the first after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5706. And the 65th of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 61st from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. Wherein is contained all Things fitting and useful for such a Work, as an Ephemeris of the Daily Motions of the Planets, with their various Configurations, Aspects, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, Astronomical, Astrological, Meteorological Observations, the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and fixed Stars, illustrated with Tables of the Tides, Terms, and Daily Equation of Clocks, Length and Break of Day, &c. Also a Vindication of Stellary Influence; with two Exemplary Nativities, shewing the Power of the Stars, and Verity of Astrology. To which is prefixed, The Protestant Remembrancer. Calculated for the Meridian of London, Whose Lon. London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1757]. ESTC No. T17053. Grub Street ID 208227.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1758. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1758]. ESTC No. T17054. Grub Street ID 208232.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1759. Being the third after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5708. And the 67th of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 63d from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. Wherein is contained all Things fitting and useful for such a Work, as an Ephemeris of the Daily Motions of the Planets, with their various Configurations, Aspects, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, Astronomical, Astrological, Meteorological Observations, the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and fixed Stars, illustrated with Tables of the Tides, Terms, and Daily Equation of Clocks, Length and Break, Increase and Decrease, of Days, Semidiurnal and Seminocturnal Arches for several Latitudes, a Chronology, Remarks on the Divisions of the Heavens, a Nativity, &c. &c. The like not extant. To which is prefixed, The Protestant Remembrancer. Ca. London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1759]. ESTC No. T17055. Grub Street ID 208242.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1760. Being the Bissextile, or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5709. And the 68th of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 64th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. Wherein is contained all Things fitting and useful for such a Work, a an Ephemeris of the Daily Motions of the Planets, with their various Configurations, Aspects, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, Astronomical, Astrological, Meteorological Observations, the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and fixed Stars, illustrated with Tables of the Tides, Terms, and Daily Equation of Clocks, Length and Break, Increase and Decrease, of Days, Semidiurnal and Seminocturnal Arches for several Latitudes, a Chronology, Remarks on the Divisions of the Heavens, a Nativity, &c. &c. The like not extant. To which is prefixed, The Protestant Remembrancer. Calculated for. London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1760]. ESTC No. T17056. Grub Street ID 208252.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1761. Being the first after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5710. And the 69th of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 65th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. The Almanacks for 1761. being all printed before the Demise of his late Majesty; The Publick are desired to observe, that the 4th of June is the Birth-Day of His present Majesty King George III; the 25th of October the Day of His Accession to the Crown; and the 26th of October the Day of His Proclamation. To which is prefixed, The Protestant Remembrancer. Calculated for the Meridian of London, Whose Longitude Latitude is 24 51 Degrees 20 32 Minutes. By John Partridge. London : printed by R. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1761]. ESTC No. T17057. Grub Street ID 208259.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1762. Being the second after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5711. And the 70th of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. But the 66th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot Wherein is contained all Things fitting and useful for such a Work, as an Ephemeris of the Daily Motions of the Planets, with their various Configurations, Aspects, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, Astronomical, Astrological, Meteorological Observations, the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and fixed Stars, illustrated with Tables of the Tides, Terms, and Daily Equation of Clocks, Length and Break, Increase and Decrease, of Days, Semidiurnal and Seminocturnal Arches for several Latitudes, a Chronology, Remarks on the Divisions of the Heavens, a Nativity, &c. &c. The like not extant. To which is prefixed, The Protestant Remembrancer. C. London : printed by M. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1762]. ESTC No. T17058. Grub Street ID 208267.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1763. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by M. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1763]. ESTC No. T17059. Grub Street ID 208277.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1764. Being the Bissextile, or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5713. And the 72d of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. By John Partridge. London : printed by M. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1764]. ESTC No. T17060. Grub Street ID 208287.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1765. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by M. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1765]. ESTC No. T17061. Grub Street ID 208296.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1766. Being the second year after Bissextile, or Leap-Year And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5715 And the 74th of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government. By John Partridge. London : printed by M. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1766]. ESTC No. T17062. Grub Street ID 208302.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1767. Being the third year after bissextile, or leap-year and from the creation of the world, according to the best history, 5716. And the 75th of our deliverance by K. William from popery, and arbitrary government. ... To which is prefixed, the protestant remembrancer. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by M. Reily, for the Company of Stationers, [1767]. ESTC No. T17063. Grub Street ID 208312.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1768. Being the Bessextile, or Leap Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5717, And the 76th of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government; But the 72d from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. By John Partridge. London : printed by J. Harrison, for the Company of Stationers, [1768]. ESTC No. T17064. Grub Street ID 208323.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1769. Being the first after Bissextile, or Leap Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5718, And the 80th of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government; But the 74th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. By John Partridge. London : printed by J. Harrison, for the Company of Stationers, [1769]. ESTC No. T17065. Grub Street ID 208333.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1770 Being the second after Bissextile, or Leap Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5719, And the 81st of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government; But the 75th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. By John Partridge. London : printed by M. Harrison, for the Company of Stationers, [1770]. ESTC No. T17066. Grub Street ID 208340.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1771. Being the third after Bissextile, or Leap Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5720, And the 82d of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government; But the 76th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. By John Partridge. London : printed by M. Harrison, for the Company of Stationers, [1771]. ESTC No. T17067. Grub Street ID 208350.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1772. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by M. Harrison, for the Company of Stationers, [1772]. ESTC No. T17068. Grub Street ID 208360.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1773. ... By John Partridge. London : printed by M. Harrison, for the Company of Stationers, [1773]. ESTC No. T17069. Grub Street ID 208366.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1774. Being the first after Bissextile, or Leap Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5722, And the 86th of our deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government; But the 79th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. By John Partridge. London : printed by M. Harrison, for the Company of Stationers, [1774]. ESTC No. T17070. Grub Street ID 208377.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1775. Being the third after Bissextile, or Leap Year And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5722, And the 86th of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery, and Arbitrary Government; But the 80th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. By John Partridge. London : printed by M. Harrison, for the Company of Stationers, [1775]. ESTC No. T17071. Grub Street ID 208385.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1776. Being the Bissextile, or Leap Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5723, And the 87th of our Deliverance by K. William, from Popery, and Arbitrary Government; But the 81st from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers. And sold by George Hawkins, at their Hall Ludgate-Street, [1776]. ESTC No. T17072. Grub Street ID 208394.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1777. Being the first after bissextile, or leap year; and from the creation of the world, according to the best history, 5724, and the 88th of our deliverance by K. William from Popery, and arbitrary government; but the 82d from the horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite plot. By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers. And sold by George Hawkins, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1777]. ESTC No. T17073. Grub Street ID 208403.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1778. Being the Second after Bissextile, or Leap Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5725, And the 89th of our Deliverance by K. William, from Popery, and Arbitrary Government; But the 83d from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers. And sold by George Hawkins, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1778]. ESTC No. T17074. Grub Street ID 208413.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1779. Being the Third after Bissextile, or Leap Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5726, And the 90th of our Deliverance by K. William, from Popery and Arbitrary Government; But the 84th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers. And sold by George Hawkins, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1779]. ESTC No. T17075. Grub Street ID 208423.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1780. Being the Bissextile, or Leap Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5727, And the 91st of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery and Arbitrary Government; But the 85th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers. And sold by George Hawkins, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1780]. ESTC No. T17076. Grub Street ID 208432.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1781, Being the First after Bissextile, or Leap Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5728, And the 92d of our Deliverance by K. William, from Popery and Arbitrary Government; But the 86th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by John Wilkie, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1781]. ESTC No. T17077. Grub Street ID 208443.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1782 Being the Second after Bissextile, or Leap Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5729, And the 93d of our Deliverance by K. William, from Popery and Arbitrary Government; But the 87th from the Horrid, Popish, High Church, Jacobite Plot. By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by John Wilkie, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1782]. ESTC No. T17078. Grub Street ID 208454.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1783, Being the Second after Bissextile, or Leap Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5730, And the 94th of our Deliverance by K. William, from Popery and Arbitrary Government; But the 88th from the Horrid, Popish, High-Church, Jacobite Plot. Calculated for the Meridian of London. By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by John Wilkie, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street, [1783]. ESTC No. T17079. Grub Street ID 208463.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1784, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by John Wilkie, [1784]. ESTC No. T17080. Grub Street ID 208471.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1785 ... By John Partridge. Birmingham: printed and sold by Pearson and Rollason, 1785. ESTC No. T172263. Grub Street ID 209734.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1785 ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by John Wilkie, [1785]. ESTC No. T17081. Grub Street ID 208481.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1786, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield, [1786]. ESTC No. T17082. Grub Street ID 208491.
- Partridge, John. [Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1787 ... By John Partridge]. [Birmingham: printed and sold by Pearson and Rollason, 1787]. ESTC No. T172264. Grub Street ID 209735.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1787, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield, [1787]. ESTC No. T17083. Grub Street ID 208501.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1788 ... By John Partridge. Birmingham: printed and sold by Pearson and Rollason, 1788. ESTC No. T172262. Grub Street ID 209733.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1788, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield, [1788]. ESTC No. T17084. Grub Street ID 208511.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1789, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield, [1789]. ESTC No. T17085. Grub Street ID 208520.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, MDCCXC. ... By John Partridge. Birmingham: printed and sold by Pearson and Rollason, [1790]. ESTC No. T132049. Grub Street ID 181009.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1790, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield, [1790]. ESTC No. T17086. Grub Street ID 208526.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, MDCCXCI. ... By John Partridge. Birmingham: printed and sold by Thomas Pearson, [1791]. ESTC No. T132048. Grub Street ID 181008.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1791, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield, [1791]. ESTC No. T146017. Grub Street ID 192700.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, MDCCXCII. ... By John Partridge. Birmingham: printed and sold by Thomas Pearson, [1792]. ESTC No. N34790. Grub Street ID 23079.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1792, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield, [1792]. ESTC No. T146018. Grub Street ID 192701.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1793, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield, [1793]. ESTC No. T17087. Grub Street ID 208536.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, MDCCXCIV. ... Calculated for the meridian of London. By John Partridge. Birmingham: printed and sold by Thomas Pearson, [1794]. ESTC No. N62171. Grub Street ID 44568.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1794, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield, [1794]. ESTC No. T17088. Grub Street ID 208546.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1795, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield, [1795]. ESTC No. T146019. Grub Street ID 192702.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1796, Being the Bissextile, or Leap-Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5743, And the 107th of our Deliverance by K. William From Popery and Arbitrary Government; But the 101st from the Horrid, Popish, Jacobite Plot. Wherein are contained all Things fitting and useful for such a Work; as an Ephemeris of the daily Motions of the Planets, with their various Configurations, Aspects, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, Astronomical, Astrological, Meteorological Observations, the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and fixed Stars, illustrated with Tables of the Tides, Terms, and daily Equation of Clocks, Length and Break, Increase and Decrease of Days, Semidiurnal and Seminocturnal Arches for several Latitudes, a Chronology, Remarks on the Divisions of the Heavens, with Judgments of the Eclipses and Seasons, handled according to the Rules of the Ptolomean Astrology, with many othe. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall, In Ludgate Street, [1796]. ESTC No. T17089. Grub Street ID 208555.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1797, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield, [1797]. ESTC No. T146020. Grub Street ID 192704.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1798, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by Robert Horsfield and George Greenhill, [1798]. ESTC No. T146021. Grub Street ID 192705.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1799, ... By John Partridge. London : printed for the Company of Stationers; and sold by George Greenhill, [1799]. ESTC No. T146022. Grub Street ID 192706.
- Partridge, John. Merlinus liberatus. Being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1800, The Fourth after Bissextile, or Leap-Year; And from the Creation of the World, according to the best History, 5747, And the 111th of our Deliverance by K. William From Popery and Arbitrary Government; But the 105th from the Horrid, Popish, Jacobite Plot. Wherein are contained all Things fitting and useful for such a Work; as an Ephemeris of the daily Motions of the Planets, with their various Configurations, Aspects, Conjunctions, Lunations, Eclipses, Astronomical, Astrological, Meteorological Observations, the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and fixed Stars, illustrated with Tables of the Tides, Terms, and daily Equation of Clocks, Length and Break, Increase and Decrease of Days, Semidiurnal and Seminocturnal Arches for several Latitudes, a Chronology, Remarks on the Divisions of the Heavens, with Judgments of the Eclipses and Seasons, handled according to the Rules of the Ptolomean Astrology, with ma. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, by William Thorne, Red Lyon Court, Fleet Street. And sold by George Greenhill, at their Hall, Ludgate Street, [1800]. ESTC No. T17090. Grub Street ID 208565.