Publications of Stephen Monteage


  • Monteage, Stephen. Debtor and creditor made easie: or, A short instruction for the attaining the right use of accounts after the best method used by merchants. Fitted to the trades or wayes of dealing in these several capacities: viz. the youth or young scholar, the husband-man or farmer, th countrey-gentleman, the retailing shop-keeper, the handicrafts-man, the merchant. By Stephen Monteage. London : printed by J.R. and are to be sold by Ben. Billingsley at the Printing-press in Cornhill, 1675. ESTC No. R180661. Grub Street ID 71609.
  • Monteage, Stephen. Debtor and creditor made easie: or, A short instruction for the attaining the right use of accounts. After the best method used by merchants. Fitted to the trades or wayes of dealing in these several capacities: viz. The youth or young scholar, the husband-man, or farmer, the country-gentle-man, the retailing shop-keeper, the handicrafts-man, the merchant. By Stephen Monteage, merchant. The second edition with amendments. To which is added A maiden scholars advice trained up in this learning: which the author recommends to be read and practiced in the first place. London : printed by John Richardson for Ben. Billingsley at the printing press in Cornhill, 1682. ESTC No. R32110. Grub Street ID 114853.
  • Monteage, Stephen. Debtor and creditor made easie: or, A short instruction for the attaining the right use of accounts. After the best method used by merchants. Fitted to the trades or wayes of dealing in these several capacities: the work or young scholar, the husband-man, or farmer, the country-gentleman, the retailing shop-keeper, the handicrafts-man, the merchant. By Stephen Monteage, merchant. The second edition with amendments. To which is added A maiden scholars advice trained up in this learning: which the author recommends to be read and practised in the first place. London: printed by John Richardson for Ben. Billingsley at the Printing Press in Cornhill, 1682. ESTC No. R180662. Grub Street ID 71610.
  • Monteage, Stephen. Instructions for rent-gatherers accompts, &c. made easie. By the author of the book, entituled, Debtor and creditor. London : printed by J. Richardson for Benj. Billingsley, at the printing-press in Cornhil, 1683. ESTC No. R217434. Grub Street ID 92220.
  • Monteage, Stephen. Debtor and creditor made easie: or, A short instruction for the attaining the right use of accounts. After the best method used by merchants. Fitted to the trades or wayes of dealing in these several capacities: viz. The youth or young scholar, the husband-man, or farmer, the country gentle-man, the retailing shop-keeper, the handicrafts-man, the merchant. By Stephen Monteage, merchant. The third edition with amendments. To which is added A maiden scholars advice trained up in this learning: which the author recommends to be read and practised in the first place. London : printed by John Richardson for Benj. Billingsley at the printing press in Cornhill, 1690. ESTC No. R216758. Grub Street ID 91625.
  • Monteage, Stephen. Debtor and creditor made easy: or, a short instruction, for the attaining the right use of accompts, after the best method used by merchants. Fitted to the trades, or Ways of Dealing, in these several capacities: Viz. The Youth, or Young Scholar, The Husband-Man, or Farmer, The Country-Gentleman, The Retailing Shop-Keeper, The Handicrafts-Man, The Merchant. The fourth edition, corrected and amended. To which is added, instructions for rent-gatherers, &c. By Stephen Monteage. London : printed by T. W. for Benj. Billingsley at the Printing-Press at the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1708. ESTC No. N3450. Grub Street ID 22871.