Benezet, Anthony.
Kurzer Bericht von den Leuten, die man Quäker nennet; ihrem Ursprung, ihren Religionsgründen, und von ihrer Niederlassung in America. Meistentheils aus verschiedenen Autores zusammen gezogen, zum Unterricht aller aufrichtigen Nachforscher, und insonderheit für Ausländer. Durch Anton Benezet. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt.
Philadelphia: Gedruckt bey Carl Cist, Num. 104. in der Zweyten-Strasse, nahe am Eck der Rehs-Strasse, 1791.
ESTC No. W20968.Grub Street ID 330689.
Benezet, Anthony.
Observations on the inslaving, importing and purchasing of Negroes with some advice thereon extracted form [sic] the Yearly Meeting epistle of London for the present year also some remarks on the absolute necessity of self-denial, renouncing the world, and true charity for all such as sincerely desire to be our blessed Saviour's disciples.
Germantown [Pa.]: Printed by Christopher Sower, 1759.
ESTC No. W1272.Grub Street ID 322007.
Benezet, Anthony.
Observations on the inslaving, importing and purchasing of Negroes; with some advice thereon, extracted from the epistle of the Yearly-Meeting of the people called Quakers, held at London in the year 1748. [Nine lines of Scripture texts].
Germantown [Pa.]: Printed by Christopher Sower, 1760.
ESTC No. W18693.Grub Street ID 328299.
Benezet, Anthony.
Observations on the inslaving, importing and purchasing of Negroes; with some advice thereon, extracted from the epistle of the Yearly-Meeting of the people called Quakers, held at London in the year 1748. [Nine lines of Scripture texts].
Germantown [Pa.]: Printed by Christopher Sower, 1760.
ESTC No. W28713.Grub Street ID 338900.
Benezet, Anthony.
Thoughts on the nature of war, and its repugnancy to the Christian life. A sermon, on Thursday, Novemb. 29th, 1759; being the day of publick thanksgiving for the successes obtained in the present war.
London : printed for H. Payne, and W. Cropley, 1761.
ESTC No. N26129.Grub Street ID 15504.
Benezet, Anthony.
A short account of that part of Africa, inhabited by the negroes. With respect to the fertility of the country; the good disposition of many of the natives, and the manner by which the slave trade is carried on. Extracted from divers authors, in order to shew the iniquit of that trade, and the falsity of the arguments usually advanced in its vindication. With quotations from the writings of several persons of note, viz. George Wallis [sic, for Wallace], Francis Hutcheson, and James Foster, and a large extract from a pamphlet, lately published in London, on the subject of the slave trade.
Philadelphia: printed by W. Dunlap, in the year, 1762.
ESTC No. W29401.Grub Street ID 339662.
Benezet, Anthony.
Eine kurtze Vorstellung des Theils von Africa, welches bewohnt wird von Negroes, darinnen beschrieben wird die Fruchtbarkeit desselben Landes, die Gutartigkeit dessen Einwohner, und wie man daselbst den Sclaven-Handel treibt. Ausgezogen aus verschiedenen Authoren, um die Ungerechtigkeit solchen Handels und die Falschheit derer Gründen, womit er behauptet wird, an Tag zu legen. Nebst Anführung mancher schrifftlichen Zeugnüssen von verscheidenen nahmhafften Personen ...
Ephrata [Pa.]: Drucks der Societät auf Kosten etlicher Freunden, Anno Domini MDCCLXIII. [1763].
ESTC No. W18700.Grub Street ID 328307.
Benezet, Anthony.
Thoughts on the nature of war, and its repugnancy to the Christian life. Extracted from a sermon, on the 29th November, 1759; being the day of public thanksgiving for the successes obtained in the late war. With some extracts from the writings of Will. Law and Th. Harley, both clergymen of the Church of England, on the necessity of self-denial, and bearing the daily cross, in order to be true followers of Christ. [Five lines from Luke].
Philadelphia: Printed by Henry Miller, in Second-Street, MDCCLXVI. [1766].
ESTC No. W1329.Grub Street ID 322610.
Benezet, Anthony.
Thoughts on the nature of war, and its repugnancy to the Christian life. Extracted from a sermon, on the 29th November, 1759; being the day of public thanksgiving for the successes obtained in the late war. With some extracts from the writings of Will. Law and Th. Harley, both clergymen of the Church of England, on the necessity of self-denial and bearing the daily cross, in order to be true followers of Christ. [Five lines from Luke].
Philadelphia: Printed by Henry Miller, in Second-Street, MDCCLXVI. [1766].
ESTC No. W1330.Grub Street ID 322622.
Benezet, Anthony.
A caution and warning to Great Britain and her colonies, in a short representation of the calamitous state of the enslaved Negroes in the British dominions. Collected from various authors, and submitted to the serious consideration of all, more especially of those in power. By Ant. Benezet.
Philadelphia: Printed by Henry Miller, in Second-Street, MDCCLXVI. [1766].
ESTC No. W18694.Grub Street ID 328300.
Benezet, Anthony.
A caution and warning to Great-Britain, and her colonies, in a short representation of the calamitous state of the enslaved Negroes in the British dominions. Collected from various authors, and submitted to the serious consideration of all, more especially of those in power. To which is added, an extract of a sermon, preached by the Bishop of Gloucester, before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. By Anthony Benezet.
Philadelphia: Printed by D. Hall, and W. Sellers, at the new printing-office, in Market-Street, MDCCLXVII. [1767].
ESTC No. W18695.Grub Street ID 328301.
Benezet, Anthony.
A caution and warning to Great Britain and her colonies, in a short representation of the calamitous state of the enslaved Negroes in the British dominions. Collected from various authors, and submitted to the serious consideration of all, more especially of those in power. By Ant. Benezet.
Philadelphia: Printed by Henry Miller, in Second-Street, MDCCLXVI. [1767].
ESTC No. W18696.Grub Street ID 328302.
Benezet, Anthony.
A caution to Great Britain and her colonies, in a short representation of the calamitous state of the enslaved Negroes in the British dominions. By Ant. Benezet.
London] : Philadelphia printed: London reprinted, 1767.
ESTC No. T99557.Grub Street ID 318659.
Benezet, Anthony.
A short account of that part of Africa, inhabited by the Negroes. With respect to the fertility of the country, the good disposition of many of the natives, and the manner by which the slave trade is carried on. Extracted from divers authors, in order of shew the iniquity of that trade, and the falsity of the arguments usually advanced in its vindication. With quotations from the writings of several persons of note, viz. George Wallis, Francis Hutcheson, and James Foster, and a large extract from a pamphlet, lately published in London, on the subject of the slave trade.
The third edition..
London] : Philadelphia: printed by W. Dunlap, in the year MDCCLXII. London: reprinted by W. Baker and J.W. Galabin, No. 19, Cullum-Street, MDCCLXVIII. And sold by R. Horsfield in Ludgate-Street, B. White in Fleet-Street, and J. Allix in Glanville-Street, Rathbone-Place, MDCCLXVIII. [1768.
ESTC No. T48074.Grub Street ID 276029.
Benezet, Anthony.
Some serious and awful considerations, recommended to all, particularly the youth, in a representation of the uncertainty of a death-bed repentance. Also some Christian instructions, agreeable to the precepts of our blessed saviour Jesus Christ; under the character of a devout parent advising his children. Extracted from a late pious author. [Five lines from Deuteronomy].
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Second-Street, two doors below the corner of Chestnut-Street, [1769].
ESTC No. W18706.Grub Street ID 328313.
Benezet, Anthony.
Some historical account of Guinea, its situation, produce and the general disposition of its inhabitants. With an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave-trade, its nature and lamentable effects. Also a re-publication of the sentiments of several authors of note, on this interesting subject; particularly an extract of a treatise, by Granville Sharp. By Anthony Benezet. [Twelve lines of Scripture texts].
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Third-Street, opposite the work-house, M,DCC,LXXI. [1771].
ESTC No. W29454.Grub Street ID 339719.
Benezet, Anthony.
Some historical account of Guinea, its situation, produce, and the general disposition of its inhabitants. With an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave trade, its nature, and lamentable effects. Also a republication of the sentiments of several authors of note on this interesting subject: particularly an extract of a treatise written by Granville Sharpe. By Anthony Benezet.
London] : Philadelphia: printed MDCCLXXI. London: re-printed, and sold by W. Owen, near Temple-bar; and E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry, MDCCLXXIII. [1772.
ESTC No. T143462.Grub Street ID 190542.
Benezet, Anthony.
The mighty destroyer displayed, in some account of the dreadful havock made by the mistaken use as well as abuse of distilled spirituous liquors. By a lover of mankind. [Two lines from Ecclesiastes].
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, between Second and Third Streets, in Market-Street, M.DCC.LXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. W26174.Grub Street ID 336203.
Benezet, Anthony.
The mighty destroyer displayed, in some account of the dreadful havock made by the mistaken use as well as abuse of distilled spirituous liquors. By a lover of mankind. [Two lines from Ecclesiastes].
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, between Second and Third Streets, in Market-Street, M.DCC.LXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. W33557.Grub Street ID 344151.
Benezet, Anthony.
The mighty destroyer displayed, in some account of the dreadful havock made by the mistaken use as well as abuse of distilled spirtuous liquors. By a lover of mankind. [Two lines from Ecclesiastes].
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, between Second and Third Streets, in Market-Street, M.DCC.LXXIV. [1774].
ESTC No. W20755.Grub Street ID 330461.
Benezet, Anthony.
Remarks on the nature and bad effects of spirituous liquors.
[Philadelphia: s.n, 1775?].
ESTC No. W21787.Grub Street ID 331577.
Benezet, Anthony.
The Pennsylvania spelling-book, or Youth's friendly instructor and monitor: on an easy plan, for exciting the attention, and facilitating the instruction of children and others, in spelling and reading; and acquainting them with the essential parts of orthography, pointing, &c. As also, training their minds to early sentiments of piety and virtue. More particularly calculated for the use of parents, guardians and others, remote from schools; in the private tuition of their children, and illiterate domesticks, &c. Compiled by Anthony Benezet.
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street, between Second and Third-Streets, MDCCLXXVI. [1776].
ESTC No. W26867.Grub Street ID 336936.
Benezet, Anthony.
Thoughts on the nature of war, &c.
[Philadelphia: s.n, 1776].
ESTC No. W18707.Grub Street ID 328314.
Benezet, Anthony.
Thoughts on the nature of war, &c.
[Philadelphia: s.n, 1776].
ESTC No. W39383.Grub Street ID 350100.
Benezet, Anthony.
A first book for children ... By Anthony Benezet.
Philadelphia: Printed and sold by J. Crukshank, in Market-Street, between Second and Third Streets, 1778.
ESTC No. W30177.Grub Street ID 340493.
Benezet, Anthony.
Some necessary remarks on the education of the youth in the country-parts of this, and the neighbouring governments.
[Philadelphia: s.n, 1778?].
ESTC No. W1328.Grub Street ID 322601.
Benezet, Anthony.
Some necessary remarks on the education of the youth in the country-parts of this, and the neighbouring governments.
[Philadelphia: s.n, 1778?].
ESTC No. W22307.Grub Street ID 332128.
Benezet, Anthony.
Serious considerations on several important subjects; viz. On war and its inconsistency with the Gospel. Observations on slavery. And remarks on the nature and bad effects of spirituous liquors. [Twelve lines of quotations].
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street, between Second and Third-Streets, 1778.
ESTC No. W22146.Grub Street ID 331959.
Benezet, Anthony.
Serious considerations on several important subjects; viz. On war and its inconsistency with the Gospel. Observations on slavery. And remarks on the nature and bad effects of spirituous liquors. [Twelve lines of quotations].
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street, between Second and Third-Streets, 1778.
ESTC No. W1343.Grub Street ID 322763.
Benezet, Anthony.
Serious reflections affectionately recommended to the well-disposed of every religious denomination, particularly those who mourn and lament on account of the calamities which attend us; and the insensibility that so generally prevails.
[Philadelphia: s.n, 1778?].
ESTC No. W7248.Grub Street ID 356324.
Benezet, Anthony.
Serious reflections affectionately recommended to the well-disposed of every religious denomination, particularly those who mourn and lament on account of the calamities which attend us; and the insensibility that so generally prevails.
[Philadelphia: s.n, 1778?].
ESTC No. W1274.Grub Street ID 322029.
Benezet, Anthony.
The Pennsylvania spelling-book, or Youth's friendly instructor and monitor: on an easy plan, for exciting the attention, and facilitating the instruction of children and others, in spelling and reading; and acquainting them with the essential parts of orthography, pointing, &c. As also, training their minds to early sentiments of piety and virtue. More particularly calculated for the use of parents, guardians and others, remote from schools; in the private tuition of their children, and illiterate domesticks, &c. Compiled by Anthony Benezet.
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank in Market Street, between Second and Third-Streets, MDCCLXXIX. [1779].
ESTC No. W18697.Grub Street ID 328303.
Benezet, Anthony.
The mighty destroyer displayed, in some account of the dreadful havock made by the mistaken use as well as abuse of distilled spirituous liquors. By a lover of mankind. [Two lines from Ecclesiastes].
Trenton: Printed by Isaac Collins, M.DCC.LXXIX. [1779].
ESTC No. W1270.Grub Street ID 321986.
Benezet, Anthony.
A short account of the people called Quakers; their rise, religious principles and settlement in America, mostly collected from different authors, for the information of all serious inquirers, particularly foreigners. By Anthony Benezet.
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street, between Second and Third Streets, [1780].
ESTC No. W18701.Grub Street ID 328308.
Benezet, Anthony.
Serious reflections affectionately recommended to the well-disposed of every religious denomination, particularly those who mourn and lament on account of the calamities which attend us; and the insensibility that so generally prevails.
[Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, ca. 1780].
ESTC No. W22151.Grub Street ID 331964.
Benezet, Anthony.
A short account of the people called Quakers; their rise, religious principles and settlement in America, mostly collected from different authors, for the information of all serious inquirers, particularly foreigners. By Anthony Benezet.
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street, between Second and Third-Streets, M,DCC,LXXX. [1780].
ESTC No. W29406.Grub Street ID 339667.
Benezet, Anthony.
Observations sur l'origine, les principes, et l'etablisement en Amerique, de la societé connue sous la denomination de Quakers ou Trembleurs: Extrait de divers auteurs. Redigés, principalement, en faveur des etrangers. Par Antoine Benezet.
A Philadelphie.: Chez Joseph Crukshank, dans la Rue du Marché, entre la Seconde et la Troisieme Rue, MDCCLXXX. [1780].
ESTC No. W28721.Grub Street ID 338909.
Benezet, Anthony.
Notes on the slave trade.
[Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, 1781].
ESTC No. W23230.Grub Street ID 333125.
Benezet, Anthony.
Short observations on slavery, introductory to some extracts from the writing of the Abbe Raynal, on that important subject.
[Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, 1781?].
ESTC No. W18704.Grub Street ID 328311.
Benezet, Anthony.
The plainness and innocent simplicity of the Christian religion. With its salutary effects, compared to the corrupting nature and dreadful effects of war. With some account of the blessing which attends on a spirit influenced by Divine love, producing peace and good-will to men. [Ten lines of quotations] Collected by Anthony Benezet.
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street, between Second and Third-Streets, MDCCLXXXII. [1782].
ESTC No. W27655.Grub Street ID 337771.
Benezet, Anthony.
The Pennsylvania spelling-book, or Youth's friendly instructor and monitor: on an easy plan, for exciting the attention, and facilitating the instruction of children and others, in spelling and reading; and acquainting them with the essential parts of orthography, pointing, &c. As also, training their minds to early sentiments of piety and virtue. More particularly calculated for the use of parents, guardians, and others, remote from schools; in the private tuition of their children, and illiterate domesticks, &c. Compiled by Anthony Benezet.
Providence (Rhode-Island): Printed by Bennett Wheeler, for Caleb Greene, MDCCLXXXII. [1782].
ESTC No. W18699.Grub Street ID 328304.
Benezet, Anthony.
Observations sur l'origine, les principes, et l'etablissement en Amerique, de la societé connue sous la denomination de Quakers ou Trembleurs: extraites de divers auteurs. Redigées, principalement, en faveur des etrangers. Par Antoine Benezet.
London] : Imprimé à Philadelphie: et r'imprimé à Londres par Jacques Phillips, en George-Yard, Lombard-Street, MDCCLXXXIII. [1783.
ESTC No. N10074.Grub Street ID 85.
Benezet, Anthony.
The plainness and innocent simplicity of the Christian religion. With its salutary effects, compared to the corrupting nature and dreadful effects of war. With some account of the blessing which attends on a spirit influenced by divine love, producing peace and good-will to men. [Ten lines of quotations] Collected by Anthony Benezet.
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street, between Second and Third-Streets, M.DCC.LXXXIII. [1783].
ESTC No. W27656.Grub Street ID 337772.
Benezet, Anthony.
A short account of the people called Quakers; their rise, religious principles and settlement in America. Mostly collected from different authors, for the information of all serious inquirers, particularly foreigners. By Anthony Benezet.
Philadelphia: Printed by Enoch Story, at his printing-office, in Strawberry-Alley, opposite Trotter's Alley, MDCCLXXXIII. [1783].
ESTC No. W18702.Grub Street ID 328309.
Benezet, Anthony.
Kurzer Bericht von den Leuten, die man Quäker nennet; ihrem Ursprung, ihren Religionsgründen, und von ihrer Niederlassung in America. Meistentheils aus verschiedenen Autores zusammen gezogen, zum Unterricht aller aufrichtigen Nachforscher, und insouderheit [sic] für Ausländer. Durch Anton Benezet. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt.
Philadelphia: Gedruckt bey Melchior Steiner, in der Rees-Strasse, 1783.
ESTC No. W6910.Grub Street ID 355964.
Benezet, Anthony.
A caution to Great Britain and her colonies, in a short representation of the calamitous state of the enslaved Negroes in the British Dominions. A new edition. By Ant. Benezet.
London : Philadelphia printed: London reprinted and sold by James Phillips, 1784.
ESTC No. T28949.Grub Street ID 260449.
Benezet, Anthony.
Some observations on the situation, disposition, and character of the Indian natives of this continent. [Seven lines of Scripture texts].
Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street, MDCCLXXXIV. [1784].
ESTC No. W3503.Grub Street ID 345710.
Benezet, Anthony.
In the life of the lady Elizabeth Hastings, we meet with an extraordinary instance of the happy effects, which Christianity has upon those who, by joining with the calls of grace, become willing to give up their whole hearts to follow its dictates. ...
[Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, 1784].
ESTC No. W6416.Grub Street ID 355447.
Benezet, Anthony.
Short observations on slavery, introductory to some extracts from the writing of the Abbe Raynal, on that important subject.
Philadelphia: Printed by Enoch Story, [1785?].
ESTC No. W18705.Grub Street ID 328312.
Benezet, Anthony.
A caution to Great Britain and her colonies, in a short representation of the calamitous state of the enslaved Negroes in the British Dominions. A new edition. By Anthony Benezet.
London] : Philadelphia printed: London reprinted and sold by James Phillips, 1785.
ESTC No. T143632.Grub Street ID 190685.
Benezet, Anthony.
Etliche Anmerkungen über den Zustand und Gemüths-Beschaffenheit der indianischen Einwohner dieses Welttheils. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt.
Ephrata [Pa.]: [Druck der Brüderschaft], Gedruckt im Jahr M,LCC,LXXX,VI [i.e., 1786].
ESTC No. W15875.Grub Street ID 325358.
Benezet, Anthony.
Some historical account of Guinea, its situation, produce, and the general disposition of its inhabitants. With an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave trade, its nature, and lamentable effects. By Anthony Benezet.
A new edition..
London : Printed and sold by J. Phillips, George Yard, Lombard-street, M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788].
ESTC No. T100217.Grub Street ID 154193.
Benezet, Anthony.
The Pensylvania spelling-book, or youth's friendly instructor and monitor: on an easy plan, for exciting the attention, and facilitating the instruction of children and others, in spelling and reading; ... Compiled by Anthony Benezet.
Dublin: printed by John Gough, 1796.
ESTC No. T180347.Grub Street ID 217027.
Benezet, Anthony.
A short account of the people called Quakers; their rise, religious principles and settlement in America. Mostly collected from different authors, for the information of all serious inquirers, particularly foreigners. By Anthony Benezet.
New-Bedford [Mass.]: Printed by Abraham Shearman, Jun, 1799.
ESTC No. W18703.Grub Street ID 328310.
Benezet, Anthony.
The plainness and innocent simplicity of the Christian religion, with its salutary effects, compared to the corrupting nature, and dreadful effects of war. ... Collected by Anthony Benezet.
London : Philadelphia printed: London, reprinted and sold by Darton and Harvey, 1800.
ESTC No. T77888.Grub Street ID 299841.
Benezet, Anthony.
The pensylvania spelling-book, or youth's friendly instructor and monitor: on an easy plan, for exciting the attention, and facilitating the instruction of children and others, in spelling and reading; and acquainting them with the essential Parts of Orthography, Pointing, &c. As also, training their Minds to early Sentiments of Piety and Virtue. For the use of Schools, and also for a help to Parents, Guardians and others, remote from Schools; in the private Tuition of their Children, and illiterate Domesticks, &c. Compiled by Anthony Benezet.
Dublin: printed by John Gough, No. 20. Meath-Street, 1800.
ESTC No. T106433.Grub Street ID 159594.