Foxe, John.
Actes and monuments of these latter and perillous dayes, touching matters of the Church, wherein ar comprehended and described the great persecutions [and] horrible troubles, that haue bene wrought and practised by the Romishe prelates, speciallye in this realme of England and Scotlande, from the yeare of our Lorde a thousande, vnto the tyme nowe present. Gathered and collected according to the true copies [and] wrytinges certificatorie, as wel of the parties them selues that suffered, as also out of the bishops registers, which wer the doers therof, by Iohn Foxe.
Imprinted at London: By Iohn Day, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate. Cum priuilegio Regi[a]e Maiestatis, [1563 (20 March)].
ESTC No. S122006.Grub Street ID 141566.
Foxe, John.
De non plectendis [ad]ulteris consultatio Ioannis Foxi.
Impressum Londini: [S. Mierdman?] per Hugonem Syngletonum, sub intersignio D. Augustini, Anno Domini. M.D.XLVIII [1548].
ESTC No. S111243.Grub Street ID 131127.
Foxe, John.
De lapis in ecclesiam recipiendis per p?nitenti am resipiscentibus, consultatio cum pastoribus Ioan. Foxi. In qua ofenditur discrimen inrer legem & euangelium. Item inter magistratum politicum & eccle siasticum.
Impressum Londini: [S. Mierdman?] per Hugonem Syngletonum, sub intersignio D. Augustini, Anno M.D.XLIX. [1549].
ESTC No. S92568.Grub Street ID 151290.
Foxe, John.
De censura siue excommunicatione ecclesiastica rectoq[ue] eius vsu ad illustrissimum patrem archiepiscopum Cantuariensem,...
Impressum Londini: Per Stephanum Mierdmannum, impensis Roberti To'i.., Anno M. D. LI. Mense Aprili [1551].
ESTC No. S113163.Grub Street ID 132905.
Foxe, John.
A brief exhortation, fruitfull and meete to be read, to this heauy tyme of Gods visitation in London, to suche as be sicke, where the ministers do lacke, or otherwise cannot be present to comfort them. By I.F.
Imprinted at London: By Ihon Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate beneath Saint Martines, [1563].
ESTC No. S115120.Grub Street ID 134815.
Foxe, John.
Syllogisticon hoc est: argumenta, seu probationes & resolutiones, in utranque partem, hinc inde theologorum libris desumptæ, atq[ue], in nudas syllogismorum formas redactæ, de re & materia sacramenti eucharistici. Cum epistola ad papistas hortoia. per Io. Foxum.
Londini: Excudebat Ioannes Daius, [1563?]].
ESTC No. S112827.Grub Street ID 132573.
Foxe, John.
[Actes and monuments].
[London: John Day, 1563].
ESTC No. S113097.Grub Street ID 132840.
Foxe, John.
A brief exhortation, fruitfull and meete to be read, in this heauy tyme of Gods visitation, not only in Londo[n], but in all other places, to suche as be sicke, where the ministers do lacke, or otherwise cannot be present to comfort them. I. Foxe.
Imprinted at London: by Ihon Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate beneath Saint Martines, [1563?].
ESTC No. S92567.Grub Street ID 151289.
Foxe, John.
The first uolume of the ecclesiasticall history contaynyng the actes and monumentes of thynges passed in euery kynges tyme in this realme, especially in the Church of England principally to be noted. With a full discourse of such persecutions, horrible troubles, the sufferyng of martyrs, and other thinges incident, touchyng aswel the sayd Church of England as also Scotland, and all other foreine nations, from the primitiue tyme till the reigne of K. Henry viij. Newly recognised and inlarged by the author Iohn Foxe.
At London: printed by Iohn Daye, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate. These bookes are to be sold at hys shop vnder the gate, 1570.
ESTC No. S113108.Grub Street ID 132851.
Foxe, John.
A sermon of Christ crucified, preached at Paules Crosse the Friday before Easter, commonly called Goodfryday. Written and dedicated to all such as labour, and be heauy laden in conscience, to be read for their spirituall comfort. By Iohn Foxe. Seene and allowed. Newly recognished by the author.
At London: imprinted by Iohn Daye, ouer Aldersgate, 1570.
ESTC No. S92570.Grub Street ID 151292.
Foxe, John.
Pandectae. Locorum communium, præcipua rerum capita & titulos, iuxta ordinem eleme[n]torum complectentes. ...
Londini: Excudebat Iohannes Dayus, 1572.
ESTC No. S113167.Grub Street ID 132909.
Foxe, John.
The first volume of the ecclesiasticall history, contayning the actes [and] monumentes of thinges passed in euery kinges time, in this realme, especially in the Churche of England principally to be noted. with a full discourse of such persecutions, horrible troubles, the suffring of martirs, the seuere punishment of persecutors, the great prouidence of God in preserning [sic] many, and other thinges incident touching aswell the sayde Church of England, as also Scotland, and all other forrein nations, from the primitiue time, till the raigne of king Henry the Eyght Newly recognised and inlarged by the author. I. Foxe. 1576.
At London: Printed by Iohn Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate. These bookes are to be solde at his shop vnder the gate, and at the west dore of Paules. Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, [1576].
ESTC No. S121348.Grub Street ID 140941.
Foxe, John.
A sermon of Christ crucified, preached at Paules Crosse the Friday before Easter, commonly called Good Fridaie. Written and dedicated to all such as labour, and be heauy laden in conscience, to be read for their spirituall comfort. By Iohn Foxe. Seen and allowed. Newly recognished by the author.
At London: Imprinted by Iohn Day: ouer Aldersgate, 1577.
ESTC No. S112824.Grub Street ID 132570.
Foxe, John.
Christ Iesus triumphant. A fruitefull treatise, wherin is described the most glorious triumph, and conquest of Christ Iesus our sauiour, ouer sinne, death, the law, the strength and pride of Sathan, and the world, with all other enemyes whatsoeuer agaynst the poore soule o man: made too be read for spirituall comfort, by Iohn Foxe, and from Latin translated intoo English by the printer.
At London: Printed by Iohn Daye, and Richard his sonne, dwelling at Aldersgate, 1579.
ESTC No. S116950.Grub Street ID 136635.
Foxe, John.
The Pope confuted. The holy and apostolique Church confuting the Pope. The first action. Translated out of Latine into English, by Iames Bell.
Imprinted at London: by Thomas Dawson, for Richard Sergier, 1580.
ESTC No. S116021.Grub Street ID 135714.
Foxe, John.
Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church, with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as novve lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.
[At London: Imprinted by Iohn Daye, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate beneath S. Martins], An. 1583. Mens. Octobr.
ESTC No. S122167.Grub Street ID 141724.
Foxe, John.
Pandectæ locorum communium præcipua rerum capita et titulos ordine alphabetico complectentes : in quas ceu proprias sedes, et apothecas excipere licebit, quicquid studioso lectori per omne scriptorum genus volitanti, sibi accomodum, dignumque memoria videbitur per Ioann. Foxiam.
Londini: Excudebat Hugh Singletonus, 1585.
ESTC No. S2674.Grub Street ID 147043.
Foxe, John.
Eicasmi seu meditationes, in sacram Apocalypsin. Authore Io. Foxo Anglo.
Londini: [Printed by Thomas Dawson] impensis Geor. Byshop, 1587.
ESTC No. S121337.Grub Street ID 140931.
Foxe, John.
Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the Church, with an vniuersall history of the same. Wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter times of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions against the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as now lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Now againe, as it was recognised, perused, and recommended to the studious reader by the author Maister Iohn Foxe, the fift time newly imprinted. Anno. 1596. Mens. Iun.
At London: Printed by Peter Short, dwelling on Breadstreete hill at the signe of the Starre, by the assigne of R. Day, [1596 (June)].
ESTC No. S122169.Grub Street ID 141726.
Foxe, John.
The seconde volume of the Ecclesiasticall historie, conteyning the acts and monuments of martyrs, with a generall discourse of these latter persecutions, horrible troubles and tumultes, stirred vp by Romish prelates in the Church, with diuers other things incident, especially to this realme of England and Scotland, as partly also to all other forreine nations appertaining, from the time of King Henry the VIII to Queene Elizabeth our gracious ladie now raigning. Newly recognised and inlarged by the authour Iohn Foxe.
At London: Printed by Peter Short, dwelling on Breadstreete hill at the signe of the Starre [by the assigne of Richard Day], Anno Domini 1597.
ESTC No. S122170.Grub Street ID 141727.
Foxe, John.
Christ Iesus triumphant a fruitfull treatise, describing the most glorious conquest and triumph, which our Sauiour had and made ouer sinne, death, and the lawes written in Latin by the late most worthy member of Christ his church, Mr. Iohn Fox ; and Englished by Richard Day.
At London printed: By Raph Blower, and are to be solde by Thomas Pauier, at his shop in Cornhill at the signe of the Cat and Parrats, neere the Royal Exchaunge, 1607.
ESTC No. S2673.Grub Street ID 147042.
Foxe, John.
Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the Church, with an vniuersall historie of the same. Wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter times of ours, with the bloody times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions against the true martyrs of Christ, fought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as now lately practised by Romish prelats, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Now againe, as it was recognised, perused, and recommended to the studious reader, by the author, Master Iohn Foxe; the sixth time newly imprinted, with certaine additions thereunto annexed: anno 1610. Mense Octobris.
At London: Printed [by Humphrey Lownes] for the Company of Stationers, Anno Domini, 1610.
ESTC No. S123056.Grub Street ID 142580.
Foxe, John.
The mirror of martyrs. In a short vievv lively expressing the force of their faith, the feruency of their loue, the wisedome of their sayings, the patience of their suffrings, &c. With their prayers and preparation for their last farevvell. Whereunto is added two godly letters written by M. Bradford, full of sweet consolation for such as are afflicted in conscience.
At London: printed by T.P. for Io: Budge, and are to be sold at his shop at the great south doore of S. Paules, and at Brittaines Bursse, an. 1613.
ESTC No. S756.Grub Street ID 149378.
Foxe, John.
Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie. Wherin is contained a catalogue of all Christs faithfull souldiers that the Diuell either by his grand captaines the emperours, or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the popes, haue most cruelly martyred for the truth. With all the poysoned doctrins wherewith that great redde dragon hath made drunken the kings and inhabitants of the earth; with the confutations of them together with all his trayterous practises and designes, against all Christian princes to this day, especially against our late Queen Elizabeth of famous memorie, and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King Iames. Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of martyrs, and diuers other books. By Thomas Mason preacher of Gods Word.
London: Printed by George Eld and Ralph Blower, 1615.
ESTC No. S114403.Grub Street ID 134116.
Foxe, John.
The mirror of martyrs. In a short view, liuely expressing the force of their faith, the feruency of their loue, the wisdome of their sayings, the patience of their suffrings, &c. With their prayers and preparation for their last farewell. Whereunto are added two godly letters written by M. Bradford, full of sweet consolation for all such as are afflicted in conscience.
London: Printed by G[eorge]. P[urslowe]. for Iohn Budge, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Green Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1625.
ESTC No. S113917.Grub Street ID 133642.
Foxe, John.
A table of the X. first persecutions of the primitiue time of Tiberius, vnto Constantinus Emperour.
[London: A. I[slip,] F. K[ingston] and R. Y[oung,], 1632].
ESTC No. S124849.Grub Street ID 144151.
Foxe, John.
Acts and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the Church, with an vniuerall historie of the same. Wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these later times of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions against the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperors, as now lately practised by Romish prelats, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Now againe, as it was recognised, perused, and recommended to the studious reader, by the author, M. Iohn Fox, the seuenth time newly imprinted. Whereunto are annexed certaine additions of like persecutions, which haue happened in these later times.
London: Printed by Adam Islip, F?ix Kingston, and Robert Young, anno Domini, 1632.
ESTC No. S123057.Grub Street ID 142581.
Foxe, John.
The mirrour of martyrs, the first and second part: in a short view, lively expressing the force of their faith, the fervency of their love, the wisdome of their sayings, the patience of their suffrings, &c. With their prayers and preparation for their last farewell. Whereunto are added two godly letters written by Master Bradford.
London: printed by E[lizabeth]. A[llde]. for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Blacke Beare, 1633.
ESTC No. S2562.Grub Street ID 146936.
Foxe, John.
Acts and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the church, with an universall historie of the same. Wherein is set forth at large, the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitive age to these later times of ours, with the bloody times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions against the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperors, as now lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Now againe, as it was recognised, perused, and recommended to the studious reader, by the author, Mr. Iohn Fox, the eight time newly imprinted. Whereunto are annexed certaine additions of like persecutions, which have happened in these latter times.
London: printed for the Company of Stationers, 1641.
ESTC No. R29862.Grub Street ID 112776.
Foxe, John.
The mirrour of martyrs, the first and second part: in a short view, lively expressing the force of their faith, the fervency of their love, the wisedom of their sayings, the patience of their sufferings, &c. With their prayers and preparation for their last farewell. Whereunto are added two godly letters written by Master Bradford.
London: printed for Edward Farnham at the entrance into Popes-head Alley out of Cornhil, 1658.
ESTC No. R233544.Grub Street ID 105055.
Foxe, John.
Christus triumphans. Com.dia apocalyptica. Autore Joanne Foxo, Anglo. Edita est olim Basileæ, anno 1556. Nunc denuo edita, & scholarchis, ludique literarii moderatoribus dedicata, ob insignem styli elegantiam in scholas utilissime admittenda. Editore T.C. Sidn. Collegii, A.M.
Londini : Impensis Rob. Clavel, apud quem prostant in vic. vulg. voc. LIttle Britain, 1672.
ESTC No. R6913.Grub Street ID 127213.
Foxe, John.
Christus triumphans comoedia apocalyptica autore Joanne Foxo, Anglo ; edita est olim Basileae, anno 1556, nunc denuo edita, & scholarchis, ludique literarii moderatoribus dedicata, ob insignem styli elegantiam in scholas utilissime admittenda, editore T.C., Sidn. Collegii, A.M.
Londini : Impensis Rob. Clavel ... , 1676.
ESTC No. R42291.Grub Street ID 123673.
Foxe, John.
A brief historical relation of the most material passages and persecutions of the Church of Christ, from the death of our Saviour, to the time of William the Conqueror. Collected out of the Acts and monuments of the church, written by Mr. Fox; and compiled in the three first books of the said Book of Martyrs, written by the same author. Viz. The first book of the Acts and monuments, containing the three hundred years next after Christ, with the ten first persecutions of the primitive church. The second book, containing the next three hundred years following, wit such things as especially followed and hapned in England, from the time of King Lucius to Gregorius, and to the time of King Egbert. The third book, containing the next three hundred years, from the raign of King Egbert, unto the time of Willliam the Conqueror. Collected by Jacob Bauthumley.
London : Printed for William Redmayne at the Crown upon Addle Hill, 1676.
ESTC No. R39554.Grub Street ID 121435.
Foxe, John.
Martyrologia alphabetik=e. Or, An alphabetical martyrology. Containing the tryals and dying expressions of many martyrs of note since Christ. Extracted out of Foxe's Acts and monuments of the church. With an alphabetical list of God's judgements remarkably shown on many noted and cruel persecutors. Together with an appendix of things pertinent to martyrology. By N.T. M.A.T.C.C. [i.e. Master of Arts Trinity College Cambridge].
London : printed for R. Butler in Barbican, and are to be sold by Samuel Wooley bookseller in Louth and Lincolnshire, 1677.
ESTC No. R10453.Grub Street ID 58826.
Foxe, John.
Acts and monuments of matters most special and memorable, happening in the church: with an universal history of the same. Wherein is set forth at large, the whole race and course of the church, from the primitive age to these later times of ours, with the bloody times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions against the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperors, as now lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realm of England and Scotland. Now again, as it was recognized, perused, and recommended to the studious reader, by the author, Mr. John Fox. Whereunto are annexed certain additions of like persecutions which have happened in these later times. To which also is added the life of the author both in Latine and English.
The ninth edition..
London : printed for the Company of Stationers, MDCLXXXIV. [1684].
ESTC No. R3576.Grub Street ID 118119.
Foxe, John.
The mirror of martyrs: the first and second part. Lively expressing (in a short view) the force of their faith, the fervency of their love, the wisdom of their sayings, the patience of their sufferings, &c. With their prayers and preparation for their last farewell, whereunto are added two godly letters written by Master Bradford.
The sixth edition..
London : printed for R. Roberts, and are to be sold by most booksellers in London, 1685.
ESTC No. R30274.Grub Street ID 113153.
Foxe, John.
A brief history of the most material passages and persecutions of the church of Christ, from the death of our Saviour, to the time of William the Conqueror collected out of the Acts and monuments of the church, written by Mr. Fox, in the three first Books of martyrs ... collected by J.B.
London : Printed for William Redmayne .., 1686.
ESTC No. R40259.Grub Street ID 122080.
Foxe, John.
Of free justification by Christ. Written first in Latine by John Fox, author of the Book of martyrs, against Osorius, &c. And now translated into English, for the benefit of those who love their own souls, and would not be mistaken in so great a point.
London : Printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns, at the lower end of Cheapside, 1694.
ESTC No. R10452.Grub Street ID 58825.
Foxe, John.
The benefit and invention of printing, by John Fox, that famous martyrologist. Extracted out of his Acts and monuments, Vol. I. pag. 803, 804. Edit. 9. Anno 1684. Where he shews, I. When and by whom printing was invented. II. The excellency and usefulness of the art. III. The disadvantage that accru'd to popery. IV. The great advantage that the Protestant religion hath reaped thereby. Faithfully transcribed, and humbly recommended to the reading and consideration of all true Protestants.
London : Printed and sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court, in Gracious-street, 1704.
ESTC No. T21524.Grub Street ID 241386.
Foxe, John.
The book of martyrs: containing an account of the sufferings and death of the Protestants in the reign of Queen Mary the First. Illustrated with copper-plates. Originally written by Mr. John Fox: and now revised and corrected by an impartial hand.
London : printed and sold by John Hart and John Lewis in Bartholomew Close near West-Smithfield, 1732.
ESTC No. T118078.Grub Street ID 169641.
Foxe, John.
The book of martyrs: containing an account of the sufferings and death of the Protestants in the reign of Queen Mary the First. Illustrated with copper plates. Originally written by Mr. John Fox. And now revised and corrected by an impartial hand.
London : printed & sold for the proprietor, M.D.C.CXLI. [1741].
ESTC No. T138683.Grub Street ID 186548.
Foxe, John.
The book of martyrs: or, the history of the Church, from the beginning of Christianity, to the conclusion of the reign of Q. Mary I. Giving an Account of the Ten general Persecutions of the Christians under the Roman Emperors; And the Sufferings and couragious Deaths of the Protestants under the tyrannical Government of the Popish Prelates, before the Establishment of the Reformation in the happy Reign of Queen Elizabeth of Blessed Memory. Extracted from the three large volumes of the Famous Mr. John Fox, and divers other books; by the Rev. Mr. Thomas Mason, Formerly Minister of Odiham, in Southamptonshire. And now rendered into modern English, with considerable Improvements from late Authors, by the compiler of the Original Institution of the Church of England. Heartily Recommended to the Perusal of all those who have a Zeal for God's Glory, and the Prosperity of the Protestant Religion, under the present Happy Government; By the Rev. Mr. Bateman, Rector of St. Bartholomew the Great in L.
London : printed and sold by John Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield, MDCCXLVII. [1747]-48.
ESTC No. T98321.Grub Street ID 317617.
Foxe, John.
A sermon of Christ crucified; preached at Paul's Cross the Friday before Easter, commonly called Good-Friday. Written and dedicated to-all such as labour and be heavy laden in Conscience, to be read for their spiritual Comfort, by John Foxe.
London : printed 1570, and re-published, with a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. Mr. Whitefield, 1759.
ESTC No. T173160.Grub Street ID 210451.
Foxe, John.
The book of martyrs: containing an account of the sufferings and death of the Protestants from the birth of our saviour down to Queen Mary the First. Illustrated with copper-plates. Originally written by Mr. John Fox: and now revised and corrected with a recommendatory preface by the Revd: Mr: Madan.
London : printed and sold by John Fuller, 1761.
ESTC No. N63809.Grub Street ID 45913.
Foxe, John.
The book of martyrs: containing an account of the sufferings and death of the Protestants in the reign of Queen Mary the First. Illustrated with copper-plates. Originally written by Mr. John Fox: and now revised and corrected with a recommendatory preface by the Revd: Mr: Madan.
London : printed and sold by John Fuller bookseller, at his State Lottery office, in Newgate Street near Cheapside, [1761].
ESTC No. T138682.Grub Street ID 186547.
Foxe, John.
The history of the ten persecutions in the primitive church. To which is added, an account of the martyrdom of John Huss and Jerome of Prague; together with divers Letters, wrote by John Huss while he was under Persecution. Extracted from the Martyrology of Mr John Fox.
Edinburgh: printed by John Gray and Gavin Alston, in Jackson's Close opposite to the City-Guard. For Andrew Leslie. Sold by him, and the Booksellers in Town and Country, MDCCLXI. [1761].
ESTC No. T138687.Grub Street ID 186552.
Foxe, John.
The book of martyrs: containing an account of the sufferings & death of the Protestants in the reign of Queen Mary the First. Illustrated with copper-plates. Originally written by Mr. John Fox. Now carefully revis'd & corrected with a recommendatory preface by the Revd. Mr. Madan.
London] : Publish'd as the act directs, Octr, 12th, 1776, for H. Trapp, Pater-Noster Row, [1776.
ESTC No. T138684.Grub Street ID 186549.
Foxe, John.
The book of martyrs: containing an account of the sufferings & death of the Protestants in the reign of Queen Mary the First. Illustrated with copper-plates. Originally written by Mr. John Fox. Now carefully revised & corrected with a recommendatory preface by the Revd. Mr. Madan.
London] : Publish'd as the act directs Jany. 10, 1784 for H. Trapp, 1784.
ESTC No. N33448.Grub Street ID 21927.
Foxe, John.
The new and complete book of martyrs, or, an universal history of martyrdom: being Fox's Book of martyrs, revised and corrected, ... The whole originally composed by the Rev. Mr. John Fox, ... now revised, corrected and improved, ... by Paul Wright, ... Embellished with ... uncommonly high-finished copper-plates, .
London : printed for Alex. Hogg, 1784.
ESTC No. T138689.Grub Street ID 186554.
Foxe, John.
The new and complete book of martyrs, or, an universal history of martyrdom: being Fox's Book ... revised and corrected ... by Paul Wright.
London : printed for Alex. Hogg, 1785.
ESTC No. T174642.Grub Street ID 211720.
Foxe, John.
The new and complete book of martyrs; or, an universal history of martyrdom. Containing the whole of Fox's Book of martyrs, and also the whole ... of all other works that have appeared since that publication. ... Originally composed and written by ... John Fox, ... The whole newly revised, corrected, modernized, and improved, ... by Paul Wright, D.D. This complete edition ... is embellished with ... copper-plates, .
London : printed for, and sold by, Alex. Hogg; and may be had of all other booksellers and newscarriers in Great-Britain, Ireland, &c., [1790?].
ESTC No. N5497.Grub Street ID 38575.
Foxe, John.
The new and complete book of martyrs; or, An universal history of martyrdom: being Fox's Book of marytrs, revised and corrected, with additions and great improvements. Containing an authentic account of the lives, persecutions and sufferings of the holy martyrs; and the many dreadful persecutions against the Church of Christ in all parts of the world, by pagans, Jews, Turks, papists, and others, from earliest ages of the church to the present period. ... The whole forming at once a general Christian martyrology, and a complete history of persecutions. By the Rev. Mr. John Fox, M.A. late of Magdalen College, Oxford. Now revised, corrected and improved, with many additional articles, relating to the acts and monuments of the church. By Paul Wright, D.D. Embellished with forty elegant copper plate engravings. In two volumes. Vol. I[-II].
New-York: Printed and sold by William Durell, at his book-store and printing-office, no. 208, Pearl-Street, near the fly-market, M,DCC,XCIV. [1794].
ESTC No. W15759.Grub Street ID 325238.
Foxe, John.
Fox's original and complete book of martyrs; or, An universal history of martyrdom. Containing full, copious, and authentic accounts of lives and sufferings, together with the actions, characters, examinations, trials, religious principles, tortures, and triumphant deaths, of all the glorious Protestant martyrs, during the reign of Queen Mary the First. To which will be added, a genuine, circumstantial, full, and universal history of the lives, persecutions, tortures, and deaths of the primitive martyrs, and Church of Christ, in all parts of the world, by Papists, pagans, Jews, Turks, and others, from the birth of our blessed saviour to the reign of Queen Mary. The whole originally composed by the Rev. John Fox, M.A. formerly of Magdalen College, Oxford. A new edition. Now carefully revised, corrected, and improved, by a minister of the gospel. ... With many other remarkable martyrdoms and persecutions, viz. Those of the more early Christian martyrs in the very earliest ages of the world. .
London : printed for Alex. Hogg, (no. 16,) Paternoster-Row; and sold by the booksellers of Bath, Bristol, Birmingham, Canterbury, Cambridge, Coventry, Chester, Derby, Exeter, Gloucester, Hereford, Hull, Ipswich, Leeds, Liverpool, Leicester, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Nottingham, Northampton, Oxford, Reading, Salisbury, Sherborn, Sheffield, Shrewsbury, Worcester, Winchester, York; and by all other booksellers and newsmen in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, [1795?].
ESTC No. T138686.Grub Street ID 186551.
Foxe, John.
Fox's original and complete book of martyrs; or, an universal history of martyrdom. Containing full, copious, and authentic accounts of the lives and sufferings, together with the actions, characters, examinations, trials, religious principles, tortures, and triumphant deaths, of all the glorious Protestant martyrs, during the reign of Queen Mary the First. To which will be added, a genuine, circumstantial, full and universal history of the lives, persecutions, tortures and deaths of the primitive martyrs, [... and] Church of Christ, in all parts of the world, by Papists, Pagans, Jews, Turks, and others, from the birth of our blessed saviour Jesus Christ to the reign of Queen Mary. The whole originally composed b the Rev. John Fox, M.A. Formerly of Magdalen College, Oxford. A new edition. Now carefully revised by Paul Wright, D.D. Vicar of Oakley, &c. in Essex, and author of the Christian's Complete Family Bible, and other learned, peons, and useful works, universally approved by the public.
London : printed [by R. Balfe] for, and sold wholesale and retail, by Alex. Hogg, No. 16, Paternoster-Row, and by most other booksellers and newsmen in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, [1800?].
ESTC No. T138685.Grub Street ID 186550.
Foxe, John.
The new and complete book of martyrs, or, an universal history of martyrdom: being Fox's Book of martyrs, revised and corrected with Additions and great Improvements. Containing Not only a New, Copious, Complete, Universal and Authentic Account of the Lives, Actions, Characters, Trials, Religious Principles, Sufferings, Tortures, and Triumphant Deaths, of the English Protestant Martyrs, In the Reign of Queen Mary the First. But also a Genuine, Full, and Circumstantial History of all the many dreadful and cruel Persecutions against the Church of Christ, in all Parts of the World, by Papists, Pagans, Jews, Turks, and Others, From the very Earliest Ages of the Church, to the Present Period. Comprehending the Life, Meritorious Sufferings, and Martyrdom of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, with the Martyrdoms of the Apostles, Evangelists, Disciples, and other Primitive Martyrs. - And including the Ten Great Persecutions, under the Roman Emperors, and many other Particulars under the f.
London : printed for Alex. Hogg & Co. at the King's-Arms, No. 16, Paternoster-Row. By M. Allen, Paternoster-Row, [1800?].
ESTC No. T138690.Grub Street ID 186556.