Arthur Bettesworth (fl. 16991737)



  • Bookseller
  • Publisher
  • Book Binder
  • Stationer

Arthur Bettesworth, printer, bookseller, and publisher (1699–1737); at the Red Lion on London Bridge (1699–1737); 27 & 32 Paternoster Row (1726–38).

A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725, by Henry Plomer (1922)

BETTESWORTH (Arthur), bookseller in London, Red Lion on London Bridge, 1699–1737. Chiefly a publisher of divinity, though he published many novels, &c., and, like all the booksellers on the Bridge, dealt in some questionable literature. (See Post Boy, January 11th, 1711.] His daughter Elizabeth married Charles Hitch, bookseller of Paternoster Row, in partnership with whom her father had published many books. [Timperley, p. 713.]

Notes & Queries "London Booksellers Series" (1931–2)

BETTESWORTH, ARTHUR. He was trading at the Red Lion, on London Bridge in 1700, and in 1711 was still at the same address. By 1717 he had shifted to Paternoster Row, where he carried on business under the same sign. He was a distinguished member of the Stationers' Company, to whom he gave a gift of twenty pounds upon his death in the year 1739, with direction that it should be expended on a pair of heavy silver candlesticks. (See Nichols iii. 601).

—Frederick T. Wood, 25 July 1931