Thumb, Thomas.
The history of England. By Thomas Thumb, Esq;.
London : printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Paternoster-Row, 1749.
ESTC No. T98789.Grub Street ID 317998.
Thumb, Thomas.
The monster of monsters: a true and faithful narrative of a most remarkable phaenomenon lately seen in this metropolis; to the great surprize and terror of His Majesty's good subjects: humbly dedicated to all the virtuosi of New-England. By Thomas Thumb, Esq. [One line i Latin five lines from Milton].
[Boston]: Printed [by Zechariah Fowle], in July 1754.
ESTC No. W17096.Grub Street ID 326616.
Thumb, Thomas.
A bag of nuts, ready cracked: or, Instructive fables, ingenious riddles, and merry conundrums. By the celebrated and facetious Thomas Thumb, Esq. Published for the benefit of all little masters and misses who love reading as well as playing.
Worcester, (Massachusetts): Printed by Isaiah Thomas, and sold at his book-store, MDCCLXXXVI. [1786].
ESTC No. W27106.Grub Street ID 337196.
Thumb, Thomas.
A bag of nuts ready cracked, or, instructive fables, ... By the celebrated and facetious Thomas Thumb, Esq. .
The eighth edition..
London : printed for E. Newbery, the corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard, [1790?].
ESTC No. N32007.Grub Street ID 20866.
Thumb, Thomas.
A bag of nuts ready cracked or, instructive fables, ... By the celebrated and facetious Thomas Thumb, Esq. .
The ninth edition..
London : printed for E. Newbery, the corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard; by J. Crowder, Warwick-Square, [1790?].
ESTC No. N32008.Grub Street ID 20867.
Thumb, Thomas.
A bag of nuts, ready cracked: or, Instructive fables, merry conundrums, and ingenious riddles. By the celebrated and facetious Thomas Thumb, Esq. Published for the benefit of all little masters and misses, who love reading as well as playing.
Philadelphia: Printed by W. Young, no. 52, Second Street, the corner of Chesnut-Street, M,DCC,XCIII. [1793].
ESTC No. W27107.Grub Street ID 337197.
Thumb, Thomas.
A bag of nuts ready cracked: or, Instructive fables, ingenious riddles, and merry conundrums. By the celebrated and facetious Thomas Thumb, Esq. Published for the benefit of all little masters and misses who love reading before playing.
Worcester, Massachusetts: Printed by I. Thomas, Jun. Sold wholesale and retail at his book-store, September--1798.
ESTC No. W9537.Grub Street ID 358709.