Lucas, Theophilus.
Memoirs of the lives, intrigues, and comical adventures of the most famous gamesters and celebrated sharpers in the reigns of Charles II. James II. William III. and Queen Anne. Wherein is contain'd the secret history of gaming, discovering all the most sharping Tricks and Cheats (us'd by sligh of Hand) at Picquet, Gleek, Lanterloo, Bankafalet, Basset, Primero, Cribbidge, Verquere, Tick-Tack, Grand-Tricktrack; and all the English, Dutch, French, Spanish, and Italian Games, play'd with Cards, Dice, Tables, or otherwise. The whole calculated for the Meridians of London, Bath, Tunbridge, and the Groom-Porters. By Theophilus Lucas, Esq;.
London : printed for Jonas Brown without Temple-Bar, and Ferdinando Burleigh in Amen-Corner, 1714.
ESTC No. T93145.Grub Street ID 312847.
Lucas, Theophilus.
The memoirs of the lives, Intrigues, and Comical Adventures Of the most Famous gamesters and Celebrated Sharpers In the Reigns of Charles II. James II. William III. and Queen Anne. Wherein is contain'd the secret history of gaming, discovering all the most sharping Tricks and Cheats (us'd by slight of Hand) at Picquet, Gleck, Lanterloo, Bankasalet, Basset, Primero, Cribbidge, Verquere, Tick-Tack, Grand-Tricktrack; and all the English, Dutch, French, Spanish, and Italian Games, play'd with Cards, dice, Tables, or otherwise. The whole calculated for the Meridians of London, Bath, Tunbridge, and the Groom-Porters. By Theophilus Lucas, Esq;.
The second edition..
London] : Printed for J. Brown without Temple-Bar, J. Hooke at the Flower de Luce in Fleetstreet, W. Hinchcliffe at Drydens-head under the Royal Exchange, & F. Burleigh in Amen-Corner, 1714.
ESTC No. T179519.Grub Street ID 216238.
Lucas, Theophilus.
Authentick memoirs relating to the lives and adventures of the most eminent gamesters and sharpers, from the [r]estoration of King Charles. blish'd from the Original Papers of a Gentleman, design'd for the Use of his Son,. as a Preservative against the pernicious Practice of Gaming. Wherein are demonstrated the Tricks made Use of in all the Games play'd in Europe.
The third edition..
London : printed for the editor, and sold by M. Cooper in Pater-Noster-Row, [1744].
ESTC No. T106616.Grub Street ID 159762.
Lucas, Theophilus.
Authentick memoirs relating to the lives and adventures of the most eminent gamesters and sharpers, from the restoration of King Charles. .
The fourth edition..
London : printed for the editor, and sold by M. Cooper, 1744.
ESTC No. N30669.Grub Street ID 19595.
Lucas, Theophilus.
Authentick memoirs relating to the lives and adventures of the most eminent gamesters and sharpers, from the restoration of King Charles. .
London : printed for the editor, and sold by M. Cooper, 1744.
ESTC No. N30671.Grub Street ID 19598.