Publications of Christopher Simpson


  • Simpson, Christopher. The division-violist: or An introduction to the playing upon a ground: divided into two parts. The first, directing the hand, with other preparative instructions. The second, laying open the manner and method of playing ex-tempore, or composing division to a ground. To which, are added some divisions made upon grounds for the practice of learners. By Chr. Simpson. London: printed by W. Godbid, 1659. ESTC No. R13176. Grub Street ID 61295.
  • Simpson, Christopher. Chelys, minuritionum artificio exornata: sive, Minuritiones ad basin, etiam ex tempore modulandi ratio. In tres partes distributa. = The division-viol, or, The art of playing ex tempore upon a ground. Divided into three parts. Pars I. Chelyos tractandae praecepta. Pars II. Melothesiae compendium. Pars III. Minuritiones ad basin aptandi methodus. Part I. Of the viol it self, with instructions to play upon it. Part II. Use of the concords, or a compendium of descant. Part III. The method of ordering division to a ground. Authore Christophoro Simpson. Editio secunda.. London : printed by W. Godbid for Henry Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane, M. DC. LXV. [1665]. ESTC No. R11167. Grub Street ID 59477.
  • Simpson, Christopher. The principles of practical mvsick delivered in a compendious, easie, and new method: for the instruction of beginners, either in singing or playing upon instruments. To which are added, some short and easie ayres designed for learners. By Chr. Simpson. London : printed by Will. Godbid for Henry Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane, M. DC. LXV. [1665]. ESTC No. R15242. Grub Street ID 63196.
  • Simpson, Christopher. Chelys, minuritionum artificio exornata: sive, minuritiones ad basin, etiam ex tempore modulandi ratio. In tres partes distributa. The division-viol, or, The art of playing ex tempore upon a ground. Divided into three parts. Pars I. Chelyos tractandae praecepta. Pars II. Melthesiae compenium. Pars III. Minuritiones ad basin aptandi methodus. Part I. Of the viol it self, with instrucions to play upon it. Part II. Vse of the concords, or a compendium of descant. Part III. The method of ordering division to a ground. Authore Christophoro Simpson. Editio secunda.. London : printed by W. Godbid for Henry Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane, M. DC. LXVII. [1667]. ESTC No. R184175. Grub Street ID 73859.
  • Simpson, Christopher. A compendium of practical musick in five parts: teaching, by a new, and easie method, 1. The rudiments of song. 2. The principles of composition. 3. The vse of discords. 4. The form of figurate descant. 5. The contrivance of canon. By Christopher Simpson. London : printed by William Godbid for Henry Brome in Little Britain, M. DC. LXVII. [1667]. ESTC No. R32686. Grub Street ID 115377.
  • Simpson, Christopher. New Ayres and dialogues composed for voices and viols, of two, three, and four parts: together with lessons for viols or violins, by John Banister, one of the gentlemen of his Majesties private musick. and Thomas Low, one of the Vicars Choral of Saint Pauls, London. London : printed by M.C. for H. Brome, at the Gun near the west-end of St. Pauls, MDCLXVIII. [1678]. ESTC No. R223538. Grub Street ID 97335.
  • Simpson, Christopher. A compendium of practical musick in five parts. Teaching, by a new, and easie method, 1. The rudiments of song. 2. The principles of composition. 3. The use of discords. 4. The form of figurate descant. 5. The contrivance of canon. Together with lessons for viols, &c. Th third edition. By Christopher Simpson. London : printed by M.C. for Henry Brome, at the Gun near the west-end of St. Pauls, MDCLXXVIII. [1678]. ESTC No. R3606. Grub Street ID 118402.
  • Simpson, Christopher. A compendium: or, introduction to practical musick in five parts. Teaching, by a New, and Easie Method, 1. The Rudiments of Song. 2. The Principles of Composition. 3. The Use of Discords. 4. The Form of Figurate Descant. 5. The Contrivance of Canon. By Christopher Simpson. The fourth edition with additions: much more correct ... London : printed by W. Pearson, for John Cullen at the Buck between the two Temple-Gates, Fleet-Street, [1706]. ESTC No. T77981. Grub Street ID 299889.
  • Simpson, Christopher. Chelys, minuritionum artificio exornata: sive, minuritiones ad basin, etiam ex-tempore modulandi ratio. In tres partes distributa. The division-viol: or, the art of playing ex-tempore upon a ground. Divided into three parts. ... Authore Christophoro Simpson. Editio tertia: prioribus longe auctior.. London : printed by William Pearson, for Richard Mears, and Alexander Livingston, 1712. ESTC No. T78317. Grub Street ID 300181.
  • Simpson, Christopher. A compendium: or, introduction to practical music. In five parts. Teaching, by a New and Easy Method, 1. The Rudiments of Song. 2. The Principles of Composition. 3. The Use of Discords. 4. The Form of Figurate Descant. 5. The Contrivance of Canon. By Christopher Sympson. Much more Correct than any Former, the Examples being put in the most useful Cliffs. The sixth edition with additions: ... London : printed by W. P. for John Young Musical-Instrument Seller, at the Dolphin and Crown in St. Paul's-Church-Yard: and also sold by John Walsh, at the Harp and Haut-Boy, in Catherine-Street in the Strand, 1714. ESTC No. N3056. Grub Street ID 19481.
  • Simpson, Christopher. A compendium: or, introduction to practical musick in five parts. Teaching, by a new and easie method, 1. The rudiments of song. 2. The principles of composition. 3. The use of discords. 4. The form of figurate descant. 5. The contrivance of cannon. By Christopher Simpson. The fifth edition with additions: much more correct than any former, the examples being put in the most useful cliffs.. London : printed by W.P. for John Young musical-instrument seller, at the Dolphin and Crown in St. Paul's-Church-Yard: and sold also by John Walsh, at the Harp and Haut-Boy, in Cathern-Street in the Strand, 1714. ESTC No. T77980. Grub Street ID 299888.
  • Simpson, Christopher. A compendium: or, introduction to practical music. In five parts. ... By Christopher Simpson. The sixth edition with additions ... London : printed by W. P. for John Young: and John Walsh, 1722 [1714]. ESTC No. T77979. Grub Street ID 299887.
  • Simpson, Christopher. A compendium: or, introduction to practical musick. In five parts. ... By Christoher [sic] Sympson. The seventh edition, with additions ... London : printed for T. Astley, 1727. ESTC No. T77978. Grub Street ID 299886.
  • Simpson, Christopher. A compendium: or, introduction to practical music. In five parts. Teaching, by a New and Easy Method. I. The Rudiments of Song. II. The Principles of Composition. III. The Use of Discords. IV. The Form of Figurate Descant. V. The Contrivance of Canon. By Christopher Sympson. The eighth edition, with additions: ... London : printed by W. Pearson, for Arthur Bettesworth, and Charles Hitch, in Pater-Noster-Row; Samuel Birt, in Ave-Mary-Lane; John Clarke, in Duck-Lane; Thomas Astley, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and John Oswald, in Little-Britain, M.DCC.XXXII. [1732]. ESTC No. T77991. Grub Street ID 299900.
  • Simpson, Christopher. A compendium, or introduction to practical music, in five parts. ... By Christopher Sympson. The ninth edition with material additions corrected from many gross errors in the former editions, ... London : printed & sold by Longman, Lukey and Co., [1775?]. ESTC No. T77992. Grub Street ID 299901.