Seally, John.
The accountant's companion; or, schoolmaster's new assistant to practical arithmetic. Wherein The Rudiments of Common Arithmetic, Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, are delivered in a new and more concise Method than hitherto published. Whereby The vulgar Error of confounding Principles together, and the diversifying them into several Rules when they are built on the same Reason is carefully avoided. With A Sufficient Variety of Examples, Operated in the neatest and most approved Methods. Also the Extraction and Use of the Square and Cube Roots, &c. With their Application to various branches of the Mathematics. Duodecimals proved by Practice, &c. And applied to Work performed by joiners, painters, glaz[iers] paviours &c. To which is added, A course of book-keeping by single entry; Very necessary in facilitating the acq[ui]tion of the Italian Method, and is extremely useful for many Kinds of Business in which-the latter is not materially wanted. The whole adapted to the Use of Merchants, wholes.
London : printed for J. Roson, No 54, in St. Martins-le-Grand, near St. Paul's, MDCCLXX. [1770].
ESTC No. T119668.Grub Street ID 171051.
Seally, John.
New running hand copies; designed for the use of schools by John Seally, Master of the Academy in Bridgewater Square, London. 9 leaves, engraved throughout. Oblong 4to, contemporary oalf gilt, lower cover stained, otherwise a nioe clean copy.
London : sold by the author & at R. Eynon, Printseller, Royal Exchange, [1770?].
ESTC No. T117315.Grub Street ID 168909.
Seally, John.
The young lady and gentleman's new guide to the elments [sic] of astronomy & geography with the use of the celestial and terrestrial globes. By which the knowledge of the heavens and the earth are rendered extremely easy; ... and interspersed with suitable abstracts of poetry ... To which are added, the first principles of chronology. The whole being adapted to the use of schools and private persons; and humble offered as a more easy initiation into the rudiments of those valuable sciences. By J. Seally. Author of the universal tutor, &c. ... Late master of an academy, now private teacher to the nobility and gentry, in Bridgewater-square, Barbican.
London : printed for W. Goldsmith, No. 20, Paternoster Row, MDCCLXXII. [1772].
ESTC No. N70744.Grub Street ID 51211.
Seally, John.
The complete young man's companion: or, an easy introduction to the most useful parts of learning. ... Illustrated with copper-plates elegantly engraved. By J. Seally, .
London : printed for S. Crowder, 1772.
ESTC No. N5268.Grub Street ID 36668.
Seally, John.
The accountant's companion; or, schoolmaster's new assistant to practical arithmetic. Wherein The Rudiments of Common Arithmetic, Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, are delivered in a new and more concise Method than hitherto published. Whereby The vulgar Error of confounding Principles together, and the diversifying them into several Rules when they are built on the same Reason, is carefully avoided. With a sufficient variety of examples, Operated in the neatest and most approved Methods. Also the Extraction and Use of the square and cube roots, &c. With their Application to various Branches of the Mathematics. Duodecimals proved by practice, &c. And applied to Work performed by Joiners, Painters, Glaziers, Paviours, &c. To which is added, a course of book-keeping by single entry; Very necessary in facilitating the Acquisition of the Italian Method, and extremely useful for many Kinds of Business in which the latter is not materially wanted. The Whole adapted to the Use of Merchants, wholesal.
London : printed for William Goldsmith, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXXIII. [1773].
ESTC No. N30300.Grub Street ID 19267.
Seally, John.
The penman's delight, or the academical companion. Containing some of the best selected specimens useful in forming the hand for business. Written by Mr. Seally, ... The whole excellently engrav'd by the late J. Howard, .
London : printed for R. Sayer, & J. Bennett, 1775.
ESTC No. N67059.Grub Street ID 48685.
Seally, John.
The loves of Calisto and Emira; or, the fatal legacy. Publish'd from the originals, by John Seally, gent.
London : printed for T. Becket, Corner of the Adelphi, in the Strand, MDCCLXXVI. [1776].
ESTC No. T57366.Grub Street ID 283648.
Seally, John.
Moral tales, after the eastern manner; by Mr. Seally. ... . Lovely are the tales of former times.
London : printed for W. Goldsmith, No. 24, Poternoster-Row, [1780?].
ESTC No. T55924.Grub Street ID 282502.
Seally, John.
Belles lettres for the ladies: or, A new and easy introduction to polite literature. Comprehending not only the elements of oratory, but a summary account of the lives and characters of the most illustrious writers, who have distinguished themselves either as poets, orators, or historians: and also, the beauties of composition; with examples in every species of style. By J. Seally. author of the New guide to astronomy and geography, &c.
London : printed for W. Goldsmith, No. 24, Pater-noster-Row; and P. Elmsly, opposite Southampton-street, Strand, [1785?].
ESTC No. N32925.Grub Street ID 21485.
Seally, John.
A complete geographical dictionary, or universal gazetteer; of ancient and modern geography: containing a full, particular, and accurate description of the known world; in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America: Comprising a Complete System of Geography, Illustrated with correct maps and beautiful views of the principal cities, &c. and Chronological Tables of the Sovereigns of Europe. The geographical parts by John Seally, A. M. Member of the Roman Academy; Author of the Histoire Chronologique, Sacre'e et Profane; Elements of Geography and Astronomy, &c. &c. Interspersed with Extracts from the private Manuscripts of one of the Officers who accompanied Captain Cook in his Voyage to the Southern Hemisphere. the astronomical parts from the papers of the late Mr. Israel Lyons, of Cambridge; Astronomer in Lord Mulgrave's Voyage to the Northern Hemisphere. Vol. I. By the King's Royal Licence and Authority.
London : printed for Scatcherd and Whitaker, Ave-mary Lane, MDCCLXXXVII [1787].
ESTC No. T112946.Grub Street ID 164900.
Seally, John.
The lady's encyclopedia: or, a concise analysis of the belles lettres, the fine arts, and the sciences, in three volumes. Illustrated with fifty engraved heads, and thirty-four maps, &c. By the Rev. J. Seally, .
London : printed for J. Murray, and W. Creech, Edinburgh, 1788.
ESTC No. T124906.Grub Street ID 175079.
Seally, John.
A complete geographical dictionary, or universal gazetteer; of ancient and modern geography: containing an accurate description of the known world; ... preceded by an introduction to geography, ... The geographical parts by the Rev. John Seally, ... The astronomical part from the papers of the late Mr. Israel Lyons, .
The second edition..
London : printed for J. Scatcherd and J. Whitaker; and John Fielding, [1790?].
ESTC No. T151062.Grub Street ID 196588.
Seally, John.
The penman's delight, or the academical companion. Containing some of the best selected specimens useful in forming the hand for business. Written by Mr. Seally, & other eminent penmen: the whole excellently engraved by the late J. Howard, being the last work of the eminent artist.
London : published 12th. May 1794 by Laurie & Whittle. No. 53. Fleet street, [1794].
ESTC No. N70461.Grub Street ID 51050.
Seally, John.
A specimen of writing, in the modern ornamental hands of Great Britain, ... designed and written by J. Seally .
London : published by Laurie & Whittle, 1794.
ESTC No. T86159.Grub Street ID 306417.