Publications of Charles Le Brun


  • Le Brun, Charles. Conference de Monsieur Le Brun, premier peintre du roy de France, chancelier et directeur de l'Academie de peinture et sculpture, sur l'expression generale & particuliere. Enrichie de 43 figures. Londre : chez David Mortier, 1701. ESTC No. N3003. Grub Street ID 19018.
  • Le Brun, Charles. The conference of Monsieur Le Brun, cheif [sic] painter to the French King, chancellor and director of the Academy of Painting and Sculpture; upon expression, general and particular. Translated from the French, and adorned with 43 copper-plates. London : Printed for John Smith at the Lion and Crown in Russel-street in Covent-Garden, Edward Cooper at the Three Pidgeons in Bedford-street, and David Mortier, bookseller in the Strand, at the Sign of Erasmus's Head, 1701. ESTC No. T116477. Grub Street ID 168140.
  • Le Brun, Charles. A method to learn to design the passions, proposed in a conference on their general and particular expression. Written in French, and illustrated with a great many figures excellently designed, by Mr. Le Brun, chief painter to the French King, Chancellor and Director of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture. Translated into English, and all the designs engraved on copper, by John Williams, Esq;. London : Printed for the author; and sold by J. Huggonson, near Sergeants-inn in Chancery-lane; Mr. Croyton, bookseller in Ipswich; and at the Printsellers and Pamphlet-shops of London and Westminister, 1734. ESTC No. N34885. Grub Street ID 23174.
  • Le Brun, Charles. The passions of the human mind, exhibited in a representation of its various virtues and vices. By Charles Le Brun, First Painter to Lewis the XIVth, and Director of the Academy Royal at Paris. London : printed for Charles Piccot, Thomas Boydell, and Charles Sayer, [1760?]. ESTC No. T202047. Grub Street ID 233097.
  • Le Brun, Charles. Bowles's passions of the soul, represented in several heads; engraved ... from the designs of the late celebrated Monsieur Le Brun. London : printed for & sold by the proprietor, Carington Bowles, [1780?]. ESTC No. T220787. Grub Street ID 244320.
  • Le Brun, Charles. Heads representing the various passions of the soul; as they are expressed in the human countenance: drawn by ... Monsr. Le Brun, ... engraved on twenty folio copper plates; . London : published 12th May 1794 by Laurie & Whittle, [1794]. ESTC No. N51355. Grub Street ID 35345.