Publications of Charles Le Brun


  • Le Brun, Charles. Conference de Monsieur Le Brun, premier peintre du roy de France, chancelier et directeur de l'Academie de peinture et sculpture, sur l'expression generale & particuliere. Enrichie de 43 figures. Londre: chez David Mortier, 1701. ESTC No. N3003. Grub Street ID 19018.
  • Le Brun, Charles. The conference of Monsieur Le Brun, cheif [sic] painter to the French King, ... upon expression, general and particular. Translated from the French, and adorned with 43 copper-plates. London: printed for John Smith, Edward Cooper, and David Mortier, 1701. ESTC No. T116477. Grub Street ID 168140.
  • Le Brun, Charles. A method to learn to design the passions, proposed in a conference on their general and particular expression. Written in French, and illustrated with a great many figures excellently designed, by Mr. Le Brun, ... Translated into English, and all the designs engraved on copper, by John Williams, Esq;. London: printed for the author; and sold by J. Huggonson; Mr. Croyton in Ipswich; and at the printsellers and pamphlet-shops of London and Westminster, 1734. ESTC No. N34885. Grub Street ID 23174.
  • Le Brun, Charles. The passions of the human mind, exhibited in a representation of its various virtues and vices. By Charles Le Brun, First Painter to Lewis the XIVth, and Director of the Academy Royal at Paris. London: printed for Charles Piccot, Thomas Boydell, and Charles Sayer, [1760?]. ESTC No. T202047. Grub Street ID 233097.
  • Le Brun, Charles. Bowles's passions of the soul, represented in several heads; engraved ... from the designs of the late celebrated Monsieur Le Brun. London: printed for & sold by the proprietor, Carington Bowles, [1780?]. ESTC No. T220787. Grub Street ID 244320.
  • Le Brun, Charles. Heads representing the various passions of the soul; as they are expressed in the human countenance: drawn by ... Monsr. Le Brun, ... engraved on twenty folio copper plates; ... London: published 12th May 1794 by Laurie & Whittle, [1794]. ESTC No. N51355. Grub Street ID 35345.