Publications of Edward Ward


  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of matrimony, intermix'd with variety of merry and delightfull stories. Containing the charms and contentments, of wooing and wedlock, in all its enjoyments, recreations, and divertisements. The second edition.. London : printed for Henry Rhodes, next door to the Swan Tavern, near Bride-lane in Fleet-street, 1689. ESTC No. R26888. Grub Street ID 110136.
  • Ward, Edward. The school of politicks: or, The humours of a coffee-house. A poem. Licensed, Apr. 15. 1690. London : printed for Richard Baldwin, next the Black-Bull in the Old-Baily, 1690. ESTC No. R4030. Grub Street ID 122116.
  • Ward, Edward. The school of politicks: or, The humours of a coffee-house· A poem. The second edition corrected and much enlarged by the author.. London : printed, and are to be sold by R. Baldwin, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1691. ESTC No. R27054. Grub Street ID 110269.
  • Ward, Edward. The poet's ramble after riches, or, A nights transactions upon the road burlesqu'd; with reflections on a dissenting corporation: together with the authors lamentation, in the time of adversity. Licensed and enter'd according to order. London : printed by J. Millet, at the Angel in Little-Brittain, MDCXCI. [1691]. ESTC No. R219390. Grub Street ID 93933.
  • Ward, Edward. The miracles perform'd by money; a poem. By the author of the humours of a coffee-house. London : printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1692. ESTC No. R3744. Grub Street ID 119674.
  • Ward, Edward. A country scuffle over a pot of ale. With Reflections on a dissenting corporation: together with the poet's lamentation in the time of adversity. Which may serve as a second part to the counter-scuffle. London : printed for George Conyers, in Little-Brittain, M DC XCIII. [1693]. ESTC No. R218407. Grub Street ID 93069.
  • Ward, Edward. On the death of the late Lieutenant General Talmach, a poem. Humbly dedicated to her Grace the Dutchess of Lauderdale, by E. Ward, Gent. Licensed according to order. London : printed for, and sold by James Blackwel, at Bernards-Inn, Gate, Holbourn, 1694. ESTC No. R42801. Grub Street ID 123987.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected. Or, The arts of a designing woman laid open. In maxims proper to be observ'd by all, especially the youth of this nation, to arm themselves against the subtilties and devices of intreiguing women. Divided into six chapters. I. Of their allurements. II. Of their inconstancy. III. Of their love. IV. Of their revenge. V. Of their pride. VI. Of their ingratitude. To which is added, two poems, one in commendation of vertue, the other in dispraise of vice. Dedicated to the apprentices of London. London : printed for Benj. Harris, at the lower end of Bartholomew-Lane, near the Royal-Exchange, 1695. ESTC No. R219388. Grub Street ID 93931.
  • Ward, Edward. The auction, or the poet turn'd painter. By the author of the Step to the bath. London, : Printed by G.C. and sold by E. Mallet, next the Kings-Arms-Tavern, near Fleet-Bridge, [1695?]. ESTC No. R186238. Grub Street ID 75001.
  • Ward, Edward. A trip to Jamaica: with a true character of the people and island. By the author of Sot's paradise. The third edition.. London : [s.n.], printed in the year, 1698. ESTC No. R905. Grub Street ID 359193.
  • Ward, Edward. The poet's ramble after riches. With reflections upon a country corporation. Also the author's lamentation in the time of adversity. By the author of The trip to Jamaica. London : printed for J. Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, 1698. ESTC No. R27053. Grub Street ID 110268.
  • Ward, Edward. The poet's ramble after riches. With reflections upon a country corporation. Also the author's lamentation in the time of adversity. The second edition. By the author of The trip to Jamaica. London : printed and sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard, in Fenchurch-Street, 1699. ESTC No. R234093. Grub Street ID 105464.
  • Ward, Edward. The insinuating bawd: and the repenting harlot. Written by a whore at Tunbridge, and dedicated to a bawd at the Bath. London : printed, and are sold by most booksellors [sic], [1700]. ESTC No. R8643. Grub Street ID 128795.
  • Ward, Edward. A journey to H----: or, A visit paid to, &c. A poem· Part II. Both parts by the author of the London-spy. London : printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1700. ESTC No. R3882. Grub Street ID 120871.
  • Ward, Edward. A step to the Bath: with a character of the place. The second edition.. London : printed and sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head Inn-Yard, in Fanchurch-street, 1700. ESTC No. R218893. Grub Street ID 93484.
  • Ward, Edward. A journey to Hell: or, A visit paid to the devil. A poem. The second edition.. London : printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1700. ESTC No. R12255. Grub Street ID 60460.
  • Ward, Edward. The dancing-school. With the adventures of the Easter holy-days. London : printed by J. How, in the Ram-head-Inn-Yard, in Fanchurch-Street, 1700. ESTC No. R18373. Grub Street ID 73520.
  • Ward, Edward. The rambling rakes: or, London libertines. By the author of The step to the bath. London : printed and sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head Inn-Yard, in Fanchurch-street, 1700. ESTC No. R8696. Grub Street ID 128841.
  • Ward, Edward. The paradice of pleasure: or, An encomium upon Darby-ale. In answer to a scurrilous lampoon call'd Sott's paradice; or, A satyr against Darby-ale. London : Printed for A. (i.e. Abigail) Baldwin, at the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, 1700. ESTC No. R31750. Grub Street ID 114517.
  • Ward, Edward. A step to Stir-Bitch-Fair: with remarks upon the University of Cambridge·. London : printed and sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head Inn-Yard, in Fanchurch-street, 1700. ESTC No. R13160. Grub Street ID 61283.
  • Ward, Edward. A step to the Bath: with a character of the placeDT. London : printed and sold by J. How in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard, in Fanchurch-street, 1700. ESTC No. R38065. Grub Street ID 120198.
  • Ward, Edward. Sot's paradise: or, The humours of a Derby-ale-house: with a satyr upon the ale. The third edition.. London : printed and sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard, in Fanchurch-Street, 1700. ESTC No. R3934. Grub Street ID 121239.
  • Ward, Edward. The wealthy shop-keeper: or, The charitable citizen. A poem. London : printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers, MCC [1700]. ESTC No. R33543. Grub Street ID 116144.
  • Ward, Edward. The metamorphos'd beau: or, The intrigues of Ludgate·. London : printed by J. How, in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard in Fanchurch-street, 1700. ESTC No. R8237. Grub Street ID 128432.
  • Ward, Edward. A trip to Jamaica: with a true character of the people and island. By the author of Sot's paradise. The seventh edition.. Londod [sic]: printed and sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard, in Fanchurch-Street, 1700. ESTC No. R225873. Grub Street ID 98993.
  • Ward, Edward. A journey to Hell: or, A visit paid to the Devil. A poem·. London : printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1700. ESTC No. R3697. Grub Street ID 119218.
  • Ward, Edward. A frolick to Horn-Fair. With a walk from Cuckold's-point thro' Deptford and Greenwich. London : printed and sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard in Fanchurch-Street, 1700. ESTC No. R854. Grub Street ID 128699.
  • Ward, Edward. Labour in vain: or, What signifies little or nothing. Viz. I. The poor man's petitioning at court. II. Expectation of benefit from a covetous man in his life-time. III. The marriage of an old man to a young woman. IV. Endeavours to regulate mens manners by preaching or writing. V. Being a Jacobite. VI. Confining an insolvent debtor. VII. Promise of secrecy in a conspiracy. VIII. An enquiry after a place. London : printed, and sold by most booksellers in London and Westminster, 1700. ESTC No. R219389. Grub Street ID 93932.
  • Ward, Edward. A collection of the writings . London : printed and sold by John How, 1700. ESTC No. R186239. Grub Street ID 75002.
  • Ward, Edward. The insinuating bawd: and the repenting harlot. Written by a whore at Tunbridge, and dedicated to a bawd at the Bath. London : printed, and are sold by most booksellers, [1700]. ESTC No. R186241. Grub Street ID 75003.
  • Ward, Edward. The reformer. Exposing the vices of the age: in several characters. Viz. 1. The vitious courtier. 2. The debauch'd parson. 3. The factious hypocrite. 4. The wet Quaker. 5. The covetous miser. 6. The prodigal son. 7. The city letcher. 8. The insatiate wife. 9. The amorous maid. 10. The beau apprentice. 11. The city mob. 12. The country squire. London : printed and sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard in Fenchurch-Street, 1700. ESTC No. R186242. Grub Street ID 75004.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life, or the miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. London] : Printed, and sold by the boo[kse]llers of London and Westminster, 1701. ESTC No. T54238. Grub Street ID 281092.
  • Ward, Edward. The poet's ramble after riches: with reflections upon a countrey corporation. Also the author's lamentation in the time of adversity. By the author of the Trip to Jamaica. The third edition.. London : printed and sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard, in Fanchurch-Street, 1701. ESTC No. T68432. Grub Street ID 292628.
  • Ward, Edward. Æsop at Paris, his letters and fables. Translated from the original French. London] : Printed in the year, 1701. ESTC No. N29628. Grub Street ID 18715.
  • Ward, Edward. The reformer. Exposing the Vices of the Age in several characters. Viz. I. The Vitious Courtier. 2. The Debauch'd Parson. 3. The Factious Hypocrite. 4. The Precise Quaker. 5. The Covetous Miser. 6. The Prodigal Son. 7. The City Letcher. 8. The insatiate Wife. 9. The Amorous Maid. 10. The Beau Apprentice. 11. The City Mob. 12. The Country 'squire. 13. A Jacobite. To which is added, The Rambling Rakes: or, London libertines, Discovering many Mad Frolicks, Committed by the Debauchees of the Town. Together with Three Nights Adventures: containing Several Amazing and Diverting Accidental Intrigues. Also A Step to the bath: With an Account of the Comical Passages on the Road. And a Character of the Place. The fourth edition.. London : printed and sold by J. How, at the Seven Stars in Talbot-Court in Grace-Church-Street, [1701?]. ESTC No. T177666. Grub Street ID 214576.
  • Ward, Edward. The character of a covetous citizen, or, a Ready Way to get Riches. A poem. London : printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1702 [1701]. ESTC No. T4577. Grub Street ID 273971.
  • Ward, Edward. Three nights adventures: or, accidental intrigues. London : printed and sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard in Fanchurch-Street; and by M. Fabian, at Mercers-Chappel, in Cheapside, 1701. ESTC No. N14298. Grub Street ID 4178.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life, or, the miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. London : printed, and are to be sold by J. Nutt, 1701. ESTC No. N62887. Grub Street ID 45148.
  • Ward, Edward. The revels of the gods: or, a ramble thro' the heavens. By the author of The trip to Jamaica. London : printed and sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard, in Fanchurch-Street, 1701. ESTC No. N12673. Grub Street ID 2659.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life, or, the miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. London : printed, and are to be sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, 1701. ESTC No. N20192. Grub Street ID 9587.
  • Ward, Edward. The reformer: or, the vices of the age expos'd, I. In several characters, ... II. The kambling [sic] rakes. ... III. Three nights adventures. ... To which are added, Step to the bath : . The fifth [edition].. London : printed for J. How, [..] worth, [1701?]. ESTC No. T118323. Grub Street ID 169872.
  • Ward, Edward. The insinuating bawd: and the repenting harlot. Written by a whore at Tunbridge, and dedicated to a bawd at the Bath. London : printed, and are sold by most booksellers, [1701?]. ESTC No. N28908. Grub Street ID 18109.
  • Ward, Edward. Battel without bloodshed: or, martial discipline buffoon'd by the City-Train-Bands. London : printed and sold by John How, in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard in Fanchurch-Street, 1701. ESTC No. T106530. Grub Street ID 159681.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life, or, the miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. London : printed for Richard Briggs, 1701. ESTC No. N38859. Grub Street ID 26360.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or, the arts of a designing woman laid open. In three books. I. Of their Allurements, Inconstancy, Love Revenge, Pride and Ingratitude. II. A Pleasant and Profitable Discourse in Defence of Married Men, against Pevish, Fretful, Scolding Wives; with several Notable Examples of the Mischiefs and Miseries which have attended their Lust and Pride. III. And Lastly, a Character of a Vertuous Woman; or, Wife indeed. London : printed and sold by Benj. Harris at the Golden Bear's Head, in Grace Church-Street. and Vavasour Harris, in Wine-Street Bristol, MDCCII. [1702]. ESTC No. T78900. Grub Street ID 300607.
  • Ward, Edward. The London-spy compleat. In eighteen parts. By Mr. Edward Ward. London : printed for, and by J. How, and sold by Eliphal Jaye, at the sign of the candlestick, the lower-end of Cheapside, [1700\. ESTC No. T231166. Grub Street ID 250477.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life, or, the miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. The second edition.. London : printed, and are to be sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, 1702. ESTC No. N25365. Grub Street ID 14723.
  • Ward, Edward. Bribery and simony; or, a satyr against the corrupt use of money. By the author of The London spy. London : printed for C. C. and sold by John Nutt near Stationers-Hall, 1703[i.e.1702]. ESTC No. N205. Grub Street ID 9899.
  • Ward, Edward. The city madam, and the country maid: or, opposite characters of a virtuous housewifely damsel, and a mechanick's town-bred daughter. By the author of The pleasures of a single life, &c. London : printed for John Nutt near Stationers-Hall, 1702. ESTC No. N3467. Grub Street ID 22986.
  • Ward, Edward. In imitation of Hudibras. The dissenting hypocrite, or occasional conformist; with reflections on two of the ring-leaders, &c. . London : printed in the year, 1704 [1703]. ESTC No. N658. Grub Street ID 47618.
  • Ward, Edward. The london-Spy compleat, in eighteen-parts. By the author of The trip to Jamaica. London : printed and sold by J. How, at the Seven Stars in Talbot-Court in Grace-Church-Street, 1703. ESTC No. T119938. Grub Street ID 171282.
  • Ward, Edward. The auction, or the poet turn'd painter. By the author of The step to the bath. London : printed by G. C. and sold by E. Mallet, next the Kings-Arms-Tavern, near Fleet-Bridge, [1703?]. ESTC No. T89788. Grub Street ID 309646.
  • Ward, Edward. The secret history of the Calves-Head Club: or, the republican unmasqu'd. Wherein is fully shown the religion of the Calves-Head heroes' in their anniversary thanksgiving songs on the thirtieth of January, by them called Anthems; For the Years 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697. Now published, To demonstrate the Restless, Implacable Spirit of a certain Party still among us, who are never to be satisfied till the present Establishment in Church and State is subverted. The second edition.. London : printed, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1703. ESTC No. T47397. Grub Street ID 275348.
  • Ward, Edward. The rise and fall of Madam Coming-Sir: or, an unfortunate slip from the tavern bar into the surgeons powdering tub. By the author of the London-Spy. London : Printed and sold by J. How, 1703. ESTC No. N48055. Grub Street ID 32665.
  • Ward, Edward. The secret history of the Calves=head club, or The republican unmasqu'd, Wherein is fully shewn the religion of the Calves-head heroes, in their anniversary thanksgiving songs on the thirtieth of January, by them called anthems; for the years 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697. Now published, to demonstrate the restless, implacable spirit of a certain party still among us, who are never to be satisfied till the present establishment in church and state is subverted. The third edition.. London : Printed; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1703. ESTC No. T172383. Grub Street ID 209832.
  • Ward, Edward. The secret history of the Calves-Head Clubb, or, the republican unmasqu'd: wherein is fully shewn the religion of the Calves-Head heroes, in their anniversary thanksgiving songs on the thirtieth of January, by them called Anthems; for the years 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697. Now Published, To demonstrate the Restless, Implacable Spirit of a certain Party still among us, who are never to be satisfied till the present Establishment in Church and State is subverted. London : printed, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1703. ESTC No. T105975. Grub Street ID 159181.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of matrimony, intermix'd with variety of merry and delightful stories. Containing the charms and contentments of wooing and wedlock, in all its enjoyments, recreations, and divertisements. London : printed for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the corner of Bride-Lane, in Fleetstreet, [1703]. ESTC No. T174325. Grub Street ID 211411.
  • Ward, Edward. A satyr against wine. With a poem in praise of small beer. Written by a gentleman in a fever, occasion'd by hard drinking. London : printed: and sold by B. Brag in Avemary-Lane, 1705 [1704]. ESTC No. N21386. Grub Street ID 10764.
  • Ward, Edward. A journey to H-ll: or, A visit paid to the D----l. A poem· Part III. By the author of the first and second parts. London : printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1705 [i.e. 1704]. ESTC No. N69915. Grub Street ID 50733.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or, the arts of a designing woman laid open. In three books. The first being writ by the author of The trip to Jamaica, and London spies, &c I. Of their Allurements, Inconstancy, Love Revenge, Pride and Ingratitude. II. A Pleasant and Profitable Discourse in Defence of Married Men, against Peevish, Eretful, Scolding Wives: with several Notable Examples of the Mischiefs and Miseries which have attended their Lust and Pride. III. And Lastly, A Character of a Vertuous Woman; or, Wife Indeed. London : printed and sold by B. Harris, at the Golden-Boar's-Head in Grace-Church-Street, [1704]. ESTC No. T78899. Grub Street ID 300604.
  • Ward, Edward. The London-spy compleat, in eighteen parts. The first volumn [sic] of the authors writings. The second edition much enlarg'd and corrected.. London : printed and sold by J. How, 1704. ESTC No. T101897. Grub Street ID 155740.
  • Ward, Edward. Helter skelter: or, the devil upon two sticks: in a comical dialogue between High-Church and Low-Church, relating to the times. By the author of, All men mad. London : printed, 1704. ESTC No. T217699. Grub Street ID 242560.
  • Ward, Edward. The secret history of the Calves-Head Club, or the republican unmasq'd; Wherein is fully shewn The Religion of the Calves-Head Heroes, In their Anniversary Thanksgiving Songs on the Thirtieth of January, by them called Anthems; For the Years 1693, 1694, 1695; 1696, 1697. Now published, To demonstrate the Restless, Implacable Spirit of a certain Party still among us, who are never to be satisfied till the present Establishment in Church and State is subverted. The fourth edition with additions, corrected.. London : printed; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1704. ESTC No. T172380. Grub Street ID 209830.
  • Ward, Edward. A journey to h-ll: or, a visit paid to the d----l. A poem. Part III. By the author of the first and second parts. London : printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1705 [1704]. ESTC No. N860. Grub Street ID 53503.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life, or, The miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. The second edition.. London? : s.n.], Printed in the year, 1705. ESTC No. T196544. Grub Street ID 229914.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, A burlesque poem on the times. Part the first. London : Printed: and sold by B. Bragge, in Ave-Mary-Lane, 1705. ESTC No. T64245. Grub Street ID 289327.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the second. London : printed: and sold by B. Bragge, in Ave-Mary-Lane, 1705. ESTC No. T64246. Grub Street ID 289328.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the third. London : printed: and sold by B. Bragge, in Ave-Mary-Lane, 1705. ESTC No. T64247. Grub Street ID 289329.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the fourth. London : printed: and sold by B. Bragge, in Avemary-Lane, 1705. ESTC No. T64248. Grub Street ID 289330.
  • Ward, Edward. A fair shell, but a rotten kernel: or, a bitter nut for a factious monkey. London : printed: and sold by B. Bragge, in Avemary-Lane, [1705]. ESTC No. T90773. Grub Street ID 310613.
  • Ward, Edward. More priestcrast: being a new whip for an old whore, or, A Protestant scourge for a popish jacket. A poem. London : Printed, and are to be sold by B. Bragge, at the Blue-Ball in Ave-Mary-Lane, 1705. ESTC No. T114989. Grub Street ID 166766.
  • Ward, Edward. The secret history of the Calves-Head Club, complt. or, the republican unmask'd. Wherein is fully shewn, the religion of the Calves-Head heroes, in their Anniversary Thansgiving-Songs on the Thirtieth of January, by them called Anthems; for the Years 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, &c. With Reflections thereupon. Now Published to demonstrate the restless, implacable Spirit of a certain Party still among us, who are never to be satisfied 'till the present Establishment in Church and State is subverted. The fifth edition, with large additions, corrected. To which is annext, A vindication of the royal martyr King Charles I. Wherein are laid open, The Republicans Mysteries of Rebellion. Written in the time of the usurpation, by the Celebrated Mr. Buttler, Author of Hudibras. With a character of a presbyterian; written by Sir John Denham, Knight. London : printed; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1705. ESTC No. T1333. Grub Street ID 182126.
  • Ward, Edward. The secret history of the Calves-Head Club, or, the republican unmasqu'd: wherein is fully shewn the religion of the Calves-Head heroes, in their anniversary thanksgiving songs on the Thirity of January, by them called anthems; For the Years 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697. Now published, To demonstrate the Restless, Implacable Spirit of a certain Party still among us, who are never to be satisfied till the present Establishment in Church and State is Subverted. Dublin: reprinted in the year, 1705. ESTC No. T172341. Grub Street ID 209801.
  • Ward, Edward. The secret history of the Calves-Head-Club, complt. Or, the republican unmask'd. Wherein is fully shewn the religion of the Calves-Head heroes, in their anniversary thanksgiving-songs ... Dublin: reprinted in the year, 1705. ESTC No. T47398. Grub Street ID 275349.
  • Ward, Edward. Honesty in distress, but reliev'd by no party. A tragedy, as it is basely acted by Her Majesty's subjects upon God's stage the world. London : printed and are to be sold by B. Bragge at the Blue-Ball in Avy-Mary-Lane, 1705. ESTC No. T61785. Grub Street ID 287396.
  • Ward, Edward. Fortune's bounty: or, an everlasting purse for the greatest cuckold in the kingdom. London] : printed in the year, [1705. ESTC No. N48705. Grub Street ID 33192.
  • Ward, Edward. Fortune's bounty: or, an everlasting purse for the greatest cuckold in the kingdom. London : printed; and are to be sold by B. Bragge, at the Blue-Ball in Ave-Mary-Lane, [1705]. ESTC No. T124879. Grub Street ID 175050.
  • Ward, Edward. Fortune's bounty: or, An everlasting purse for the greatest cuckold in the kingdom. London : Printed; and are to be sold by B. Bragge, at the Blue-Ball in Ave-Mary-Lane, [1705?]. ESTC No. T220932. Grub Street ID 244427.
  • Ward, Edward. The secret history of the Calves-Head-Club, complt. or, the republican unmask'd. Wherein is fully shewn the religion of the Calves-Head-heroes, in their anniversary thanksgiving-songs ... for the years 1693, 1694, ... &c. ... The sixth edition, with large additions, corrected. To which is annext, A vindication of the royal martyr King Charles I. ... Written ... by the celebrated Mr. Buttler [sic], ... With a character of a Presbiterian [sic]; written by Sir John Denham, knight. Dublin: reprinted in the year, 1705. ESTC No. N36595. Grub Street ID 24567.
  • Ward, Edward. The rambling fuddle-caps: or, a tavern struggle for a kiss. By the author of Hudibras redivivus. London : printed: and are to be sold by B. Bragge at the Black-Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, against Ivy-Lane, 1706. ESTC No. N13412. Grub Street ID 3330.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the fifth. London : printed: and sold by Benj. Bragge, in Avemary-Lane, and at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, against Ivy-Lane, 1706. ESTC No. T64249. Grub Street ID 289331.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the sixth. London : printed: and sold by Benj. Bragge, in Avemary-Lane, and at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, against Ivy-Lane, 1706. ESTC No. T64250. Grub Street ID 289332.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the seventh. London : printed: and sold by Benj. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, against Ivy-Lane, 1706. ESTC No. T64251. Grub Street ID 289333.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the eighth. London : printed: and sold by Benj. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, against Ivy-Lane, 1706. ESTC No. T64252. Grub Street ID 289334.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the ninth. London : printed: and sold by Benj. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, against Ivy-Lane, 1706. ESTC No. T64253. Grub Street ID 289335.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, A burlesque poem on the various humours of town and country. Part of first. Vol. II. London : printed: and sold by Benj. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, against Ivy-Lane, 1707. ESTC No. T64257. Grub Street ID 289339.
  • Ward, Edward. The London-spy compleat, in eighteen parts. . The third edition.. London : printed and sold by J. How, 1706. ESTC No. T101896. Grub Street ID 155739.
  • Ward, Edward. The third volume, consisting of poems on divers subjects: Viz. The I, II, and III Parts of the Journey to H-The Charitable Citizen. All Men Mad. Helter Skelter. Honesty in Distress. A Satyr against Wine. A Poem in Praise of Small-Beer On the Success of the Duke of Marlborough. Fortune's Bounty. A Protestant Scourge. A Musical Entertainment. A Satyr against the Corrupt use of Money. A Dialogue between Britanniae and Prudence. The Libertine's Choice. With several other Poems never before Printed. By the author of the London Spy. London : printed, and sold by B. Bragg at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1706. ESTC No. T101898. Grub Street ID 155741.
  • Ward, Edward. The rambling fuddle-caps: or, a tavern struggle for a kiss. By the author of Hudibras redivivus. London : printed by E. B. near Ludgate, 1706?. ESTC No. T218997. Grub Street ID 243330.
  • Ward, Edward. A satyr against wine. With a poem in praise of small beer. Written by a gentleman in a fever; occasion'd by hard drinking. Publish'd for the benefit of all Her Majesty's good subjects; to prevail with them, to avoid supporting the publick oppressor of mankind, the implacable tyrant of France. London : Printed: and sold by M. G[ilmer], [1706]. ESTC No. T171427. Grub Street ID 209051.
  • Ward, Edward. The riddle. Or, a paradoxical character of a hairy monster often found in Holland. To which is added, a merry musical entertainment, to be perform'd at Cuckold's-point, before a grave assembly of cornuted citizens . London : printed: and sold by Benjamin Bragge, 1706. ESTC No. T171206. Grub Street ID 208831.
  • Ward, Edward. The secret history of the Calves-Head Club, complt. or, the republican unmask'd. Wherein is fully shewn, The Religion of the Calves-Head Heroes, in their Anniversary Thanksgiving-Songs, on the Thirtieth of January, by them called Anthems, for the Years 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, &c. With Reflections thereupon. Now published to demonstrate the restless, implacable Spirit of a certain Party still among us, who are never to be satisfied, 'till the present Establishment in Church and State is subverted. The sixth edition, with large improvements. To which is annext, A vindication of the royal martyr King Charles I. Wherein are laid open, The Republicans Mysteries of Rebellion. Written in the Time of the Usurpation, by the Celebrated Mr. Buttler, Author of Hudibras. With a character of a Presbyterian, written by Sir John Denham, Knight. And the Character of a Modern Whig; or, The Republican in Fashion. London : printed: and sold by B. Bragge in Avemary-Lane, and at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, against Ivy-Lane, 1706. ESTC No. T75827. Grub Street ID 298444.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or, the arts of a designing woman laid open. In three books. The first being writ by the author of The trip to Jamaica, and London spies, &c . London : printed and sold by B. Harris, 1707. ESTC No. N31351. Grub Street ID 20245.
  • Ward, Edward. The london Terraefilius: or, the Satyrical Reformer. Being Drolling Reflections on the Vices and Vanities of Both Sexes. To be Continu'd. By the Author of The London-Spy. Numb. 1. London : printed for J. How, in Talbot-Court, in Grace Church-Street; and G. Sawbridge, in Little Britain; and sold at the Publishing-Office, in Bearbinder-Lane, 1707. ESTC No. T41177. Grub Street ID 270121.
  • Ward, Edward. The London terraefilius: or, The satyrical reformer. Being drolling reflections on the vices and vanities of both sexes. To be continued. By the Author of the London-Spye. Numb. II. London : [s.n.], printed in the year 1707. ESTC No. T41178. Grub Street ID 270122.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, A burlesque poem on the various humours of town and country. Part the tenth. Vol. II. London : printed: and sold by Benj. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, against Ivy-Lane, 1707. ESTC No. T64254. Grub Street ID 289336.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, A burlesque poem on the various humours of town and country. Part the eleventh. Vol. II. London : printed: and sold by Benj. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, against Ivy-Lane, 1707. ESTC No. T64255. Grub Street ID 289337.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, A burlesque poem on the various humours of town and country. Part the twelth [sic]. Vol. II. London : printed: and sold by Benj. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, against Ivy-Lane, 1707. ESTC No. T64256. Grub Street ID 289338.
  • Ward, Edward. The London terrae-filius: or, The satyrical reformer. Being drolling reflections on the vices and vanities of both sexes. ... By the author of the London-spy. London [England] : printed for J[ohn]. How, in Talbot-Court, in Grace Church Street; and G[eorge]. Sawbridge, in Little-Britain; and sold at the Publishing-Office, in Bearbinder-Lane, 1707-1708. ESTC No. P1849. Grub Street ID 55614.
  • Ward, Edward. The secret history of the Calves-Head Club, compleat: or, the republican unmask'd. Wherein is fully shewn, the religion of the Calves-Head heroes, in their Anniversary Thanksgiving-Songs on the Thirtieth of January, by them called Anthems, for the Year 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, &c. With Reflections thereupon. Now published to demonstrate the restless, implacable Spirit of a certain Party still among us, who are never to be satisfy'd, 'till the present Establishment in Church and State, is subverted. with large Improvements; and a Description of the Calves-Head-Club, curiously engrav'd on a Copper Plate. To which is annex'd, A vindication of the royal martyr, King Charles the first. Wherein are laid open, The Republicans Mysteries of Rebellion. Written in the time of the usurpation, by the celebrated Mr. Butler, Author of Hudibras. With A character of a Presbyterian, written by Sir John Denham, Knight. And the Character of a Modern Whig; or, The Republican in Fashion. The sixth edition ... London : printed; and sold by B. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, against Ivy-Lane, 1707. ESTC No. T2721. Grub Street ID 259157.
  • Ward, Edward. The barbacue feast: or, the three pigs of Peckham, broil'd under an apple-tree: Where The Cooks were Numberless; The Company Masterless; The Meat Carv'd with Hatchets; And Punch drank by Pail-Fulls. By the author of The trip to Jamaica. London : printed : and sold by B. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1707]. ESTC No. T124520. Grub Street ID 174714.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected, in the characters of 1. A ship of war. 2. A sea-captain. 3. A Sea-Lieutenant. 4. A Sea-Chaplain. 5. The Master of a Ship of War. 6. The Purser. 7. The Surgeon. 8. The Gunner. 9. The Carpenter. 10. The Boatswain. 11. A Sea-Cook. 12. A Midshipman. 13. The Captain's Steward. 14. A Sailor, &c. By a lover of the mathematicks. London : printed by H. Meere, and sold by B. Bragge, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1707. ESTC No. T62078. Grub Street ID 287617.
  • Ward, Edward. The secret history of the Calves-Head Club, compleat: or, The republican unmask'd. Wherein is fully shewn, the religion of the Calves-Head heroes, in their anniversary thanksgiving-songs on the thirtieth of January, by them called anthems, for the year 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, &c. With reflections thereupon. Now published to demonstrate the restless, implacable spirit of a certain party still among us, who are never to be satisfy'd, till the present establishment in church and state, is subverted. The sixth edition, with large improvements; and a description of the Calves-Head-Club, curiously engrav'd on a copper plate. To which is annex'd, a vindication of the royal martyr, King Charles the First. Wherein are laid open, the republicans mysteries of rebellion. Written in the time of the usurpation, by the celebrated Mr. Butler, author of Hudibras. With a character of a presbyterian, written by Sir John Denham, knight. And the character of a modern whigh; or, The republica. London : Printed; and sold by B. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, against Ivy-Lane, 1707. ESTC No. N36592. Grub Street ID 24564.
  • Ward, Edward. The reformer. Exposing the vices of the age in several characters. ... To which is added, The rambling rakes: or, London libertines, ... Together with Three nights adventures. ... Also A step to the bath: . The third edition.. London : printed and sold by J. How, 1708. ESTC No. T225397. Grub Street ID 247302.
  • Ward, Edward. The Dutch riddle: or, a character of a h-ry monster, often found in Holland, &c. London : printed in the year, 1708. ESTC No. N30056. Grub Street ID 19043.
  • Ward, Edward. Marriage-dialogues: or, a poetical peep into the state of matrimony. Containing, I. A dialogue between a pert lady, and her spouse, concerning superiority in wedlock. ... VI. Between a young libertine, and an old canting rich widow, he had marry'd for her money. With moral reflexions on every dialogue. Together with, The wars of the elements: or, a description of a sea-storm. To which are added, I. The contemplative angler. ... XIII. The lover's detestation of jealousy: with advice to his friend. By the author of the London-Spy. London] : Sold by J. Woodward, in St. Christopher's Church-Yard, near the Royal-Exchange; and J. Morphew near Stationers-Hall, 1709 [1708. ESTC No. T91568. Grub Street ID 311400.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life, or, the miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. With The choice, or, the pleasures of a country-life. Dedicated to the beaus against the next vacation. London : printed and sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water-Side, [1708?]. ESTC No. N20194. Grub Street ID 9588.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected, in the characters of I. A ship of War. II A sea-captain. III. A Sea-Lieutenant. IV. A Sea-Chaplain. V. The Master of a Ship of War. VI. The Purser. Vii. The Surgeon. Viii. The Gunner. IX. The Carpenter. X. The Boatswain. XI. A Sea-Cook. XII. A Midship-Man. XIII The Captain's Steward. XIV. A Sailor, &c. By a lover of the mathematicks. The second edition, corrected and amended by the author.. London : printed by H. Meere in Black-Fryars; and sold by J. Woodward in Thread-needle-Street near the Royal Exchange, and B. Bragge at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1708. ESTC No. T62080. Grub Street ID 287620.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected, in the characters of I. A ship of war. II. A sea-captain. III. A Sea-Lieutenant. IV. A Sea-Chaplain. V. The Master of a Ship of War. VI. The Purser. Vii. The Surgeon. Viii. The Gunner. IX. The Carpenter. X. The Boatswain. XI. A Sea-Cook. XII. A Midship-Man. XIII. The Captain's Steward. XIV. A Sailor, &c. By a lover of the mathematicks. The second edition, corrected and amended by the author.. London : printed by H. Meere in Black-Fryars; and sold by J. Woodward in Thread-Needle-Street, B. Bragge in Pater-Noster-Row, and A. Bettesworth at the Red Lyon on London-Bridge, 1708. ESTC No. T62083. Grub Street ID 287623.
  • Ward, Edward. The modern world disrob'd: or, both sexes stript of their pretended vertue. In two parts. First, Of the Ladies. Secondly, Of the Gentlemen. with Familiar Descant upon every Character. London : printed for G. S. and sold by J. Woodward, in St. Christopher's Church-Yard in Threadneedle-Street, near Stocks-Market, 1708. ESTC No. N5391. Grub Street ID 37785.
  • Ward, Edward. The modern world disrob'd: or, both sexes stript of their pretended vertue. In two parts. First, Of the Ladies. Secondly, Of the Gentlemen. With Familiar Descant upon every Character. By the author of the London-Spy. London : printed for G. S. and sold by J. Baker at Mercers-Chappel in Cheapside, J. Woodward in St. Christopher's Church-Yard in Thread-Needle-Street, and J. Morphew near Stationers-Hall, 1708. ESTC No. T170019. Grub Street ID 207776.
  • Ward, Edward. Marriage-dialogues: or, a poetical peep into the state of matrimony. ... With moral reflexions on every dialogue. London : printed in the year, 1708. ESTC No. N34911. Grub Street ID 23201.
  • Ward, Edward. Honesty in distress; but reliev'd by no party. A tragedy: as it is acted on the stage, &c. Act I. Scene A Palace. Honesty alone. Lady and Attendance. Honesty begins her Suit. Lady turning to her Servants. Lady's Woman. Footman, to Honesty at going off. Honesty alone. Act II. Scene Westminster-Hall, with the Court Sitting. Enter Honesty among the Lawyers. One Lawyer to Another. Lawyer turning to Honesty. Honesty sneaks off, and Speaks aside. Attorney to Brother Snap Honesty is Whisper'd in the Ear by a Ruin'd Client. Act III. Scene The City. Honesty Begging along the City. A Precise Apothecary to his Man. Honesty (aside.) Victualler to the Bar-Keeper and his Servants. Honesty (aside.) A Grocer to his next Neighbour a Hosier. Honesty enters the Exchange. London : printed and sold by J. Morphew near Stationer's Hall, MDCCVIII. [1708]. ESTC No. T61783. Grub Street ID 287394.
  • Ward, Edward. Honesty in distress, but reliev'd by no party. Giving an account how she went to court but was scorn'd and slighted; next she went to Westminster-Hall, which set the Lawyers in an uproar; then she went to the City making her complaint to the Linen-Draper and Apothecary, Grocer and Hosier, Baker and Butcher, Vintner and Ale-Draper, Pawn-Broker and Tally-Man, Usurer and Miser, but found no Relief. Then she went to the Exchange amongst the Merchants, but they sent her to the Priests, and said 'twas enough for them to teach; therefore they had no Relief for her; so poor Honesty being slighted by all, died a miserable Death for want of Relief. London] : Printed and sold in Aldermary Church-Yard Bow-Lane London, [1708?. ESTC No. N33171. Grub Street ID 21680.
  • Ward, Edward. Honesty in distress; but reliev'd by no party. A tragedy, as it is acted on the stage, &c. Act I. Scene. A Palace. Honesty alone. Lady and Attendance. Honesty begins her Suit. Lady turning to her Servants. Lady's Woman. Footman to Honesty at going off. Honesty alone. Act II. Scene Westminster-Hall, with the Court sitting. Enter Honesty among the Lawyers. One Lawyer to another. Lawyer turning to Honesty. Honesty sneaks off, and speaks aside. Attorney to Brother Snap. Honesty is Whisper'd in the Ear by a ruin'd Client. Act III. Scene The City. Honesty begging along the City A Precise Apothecary to his Man. Honesty (aside.) Victualler to the Bar-Keeper and his Servants. Honesty (aside.) A Grocer to his next Neighbour a Hosier. Honesty enters the Exchange. London : printed and sold by Hen. Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water-Side, [1708]. ESTC No. N7236. Grub Street ID 52144.
  • Ward, Edward. Honesty in distress; but reliev'd by no party. A tragedy: as it is acted on the stage, &c. Act. I. Scene A Palace. Honesty Alone. Lady and Attendance. Honesty begins her Suit. Lady turning to her Servants. Lady's Woman. Footman to Honesty at going off. Honesty Alone. Act. II. Scene Westminster-Hall, with the Court Sitting. Enter Honesty among the Lawyers. One Lawyer to Another. Lawyer turning to Honesty. Honesty sneaks off, and Speaks aside. Attorney to Brother Snap Honesty is Whispsr'd in the Ear by a Ruin'd Client. Act III. Scene The City. Honesty Begging along the City. A Precise Apothecary to his Man. Honesty (aside.) Victualler to the Bar-Keeper and his Servants. Honesty (aside.) A Grocer to his next Neighbour a Hosier. Honesty enters the Exchange. London : printed and sold by M. Edwards in Fetter-Lane, MDCCVIII. [1708]. ESTC No. N7237. Grub Street ID 52154.
  • Ward, Edward. The wars of the elements: or, a description of a sea storm. To which are added, I. The contemplative angler. II. A Dialogue between St. Peter and a Low-Churchman. III. The Honest Layman's Approbation and Dislike: Or, Instructions what to Chuse and what to Shun. IV. The Mercenary Harlot's Reproof to an Old Miser, who solicites her Favours. V. In Vino Veritas: Or, The Tipling Phylosophers. VI. An Epitaph on the French Prophet, who was to make his Resurrection on the 25th of May. Vii. The Frantick Lover: Or, The Beau in an Extasie. Viii. A new Riddle for the Ladies IX. A Natural Song after Natural Folly. X. Damon's Answer to Phillis. XI. The Taunting Repremand of a Young Wife to an Old Jealous Husband. XII. A Punch-Bowl Song. XIII. The Lover's derestation of Jealoune: With Advice to his Friend. By the author of The London-Spy. London : printed, and publish'd by John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, 1708. ESTC No. N25174. Grub Street ID 14528.
  • Ward, Edward. The modern world disrob'd: or, both sexes stript of their pretended vertue. In two parts. First, Of the Ladies. Secondly, Of the Gentlemen. With Familiar Descant upon every Character. London : printed for G. S. and sold by B. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1708. ESTC No. T88462. Grub Street ID 308426.
  • Ward, Edward. The rambling fuddle-caps: or, a tavern-struggle for a kiss. By the author of Hudibrass redivivus. London : printed and sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryars near the Water-Side, 1709. ESTC No. N13413. Grub Street ID 3331.
  • Ward, Edward. The rambling fuddle-caps: or, a tavern-struggle for a kiss. By the author of Hudibrass Redivivus. London : printed and sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryars near the Water-Side, 1709. ESTC No. T46279. Grub Street ID 274445.
  • Ward, Edward. The london-Spy compleat, in eighteen parts. . The fourth edition.. London : printed and sold by J. How, at the Seven Stars in Talbot-Court, in Grace-Church-Street, MDCCIX. [1709]. ESTC No. T119936. Grub Street ID 171281.
  • Ward, Edward. The libertine's choice: or, the mistaken happiness of the fool in fashion. London : printed and sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryars near the Water-Side, 1709. ESTC No. T40866. Grub Street ID 269881.
  • Ward, Edward. Marriage-dialogues: [to be publish'd weekly] or, a poetical peep into the state of matrimony. With moral reflections on every dialogue. ... Edinburgh: printed by James Watson and sold at his shop, 1709. ESTC No. T2224. Grub Street ID 245306.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the Second. The second edition. To which is added, an apology, and some other improvements ... London : printed: and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1709. ESTC No. T64258. Grub Street ID 289340.
  • Ward, Edward. The fourth volume of the writings of the author of the London-Spy. Prose and verse. London : printed for George Sawbridge, 1709. ESTC No. T152788. Grub Street ID 197442.
  • Ward, Edward. The fourth volume of the writings of the author of the London-spy. Prose and verse. London : printed for George Sawbridge, 1709. ESTC No. T101899. Grub Street ID 155742.
  • Ward, Edward. The wars of the elements: or, a description of a sea-storm. To which are added, I. The contemplative angler. ... By the author of The London-Spy. London : printed in the year, 1709. ESTC No. N26341. Grub Street ID 15711.
  • Ward, Edward. The history of the London clubs, or, The citizens' pastime. Particularly, the Lying Club, the Yorkshire Club, the Thieves Club, the Beggars Club, the Broken Shopkeepers Club, the Basket Womans Club. With a sermon preach'd to a gang of high-way-men. Part I. By the author of the London Spy. London : printed for J. Bagnall, near Fleetstreet 1709. ESTC No. T110082. Grub Street ID 162670.
  • Ward, Edward. The forgiving husband, and adulteress wife: or, a seasonable present to the unhappy pair in Fanchurch-Street [sic]. By the author of the London-Spy. London : printed and sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water-Side, [1709]. ESTC No. T40028. Grub Street ID 269168.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life, or, the miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. With The choice, or, the pleasures of a country-life. Dedicated to the beaus against the next vacation. London : printed and sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water-Side, 1709. ESTC No. N20195. Grub Street ID 9589.
  • Ward, Edward. The history of the London club[s] or, The citizens pastime, Particulakly [sic], The lying club, The Yorkshire club, The thieves club, The beggars club, The broken shopkeepers club, The basket VVomans club. With a sermon preach'd to a gang of high-way-men. Part I. By the author of the London spy. London : Printed by J. Dutten, near Fleet-strt [sic], 1709. ESTC No. T62069. Grub Street ID 287610.
  • Ward, Edward. The island of content: or, a new paradise discover'd. In a letter from Dr. Merryman of the same county, to Dr. Dullman of Great Britain. By the author of The pleasures of a single life. London : printed: and sold by J. Baker, at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, [1709]. ESTC No. T92146. Grub Street ID 311939.
  • Ward, Edward. Mars stript of his armour: or, The army display'd in all its true colours. Containing the characters of 1. An army in general. 2. A regiment, or battalion. 3. A Captain-general. 4. A lieutenant-general. 5. A major-general. 6. A brigadier-General. 7. A colonel. 8. A lieutenant-colonel. 9. A major. 10. A captain of the guards. 11. An aid de camp. 12. A partizan. 13. A spy. 14. A captain. 15. A lieuetenant. 16. An ensign. 17. An adintant. 18. A quarter-master. 19. The chaplain of a regiment. 20. The surgeon. 21. A serjeant. 22. A grenadier. 23. A private centinel. 24. A provost. By a lover of the mathematicks. London : Printed by J. Read, near Fleet-street, 1709. ESTC No. T62085. Grub Street ID 287625.
  • Ward, Edward. Mars stript of his armour or, The army display'd in all its true colours. Containing the characters of I. An army in general. II. A regiment, or battalion. III. A captain-general. IV. A lieutenant-general. V. A major-general. VI. A brigadier-general. VII. A colonel. VIII. A lieutenant-Colonel. IX. A major. X. A captain of the guards. XI. An aid de camp. XII. A partizan. XIII. A spy. XIV. A captain. XV. A lieutenant. XVI. An ensign. XVII. An adjutant. XVIII. A quarter-master. XIX. The chaplain of a regiment. XX. The surgeon. XXI. A serjeant. XXII. A grenadier. XXIII. A private centinel. XXIV. A provost. By a lover of the mathematicks. London : Printed: and sold by J. Woodward in St. Christopher's Church-yard, near the Royal Exchange; and B. Bragge in Pater-Noster-Row, 1709. ESTC No. T62093. Grub Street ID 287633.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life, or, the miseries of matrimony. With The choice, or, the pleasures of a country-life. Dedicated to the beaus against the next vacation. London : printed by J. Read, [1709?]. ESTC No. N60986. Grub Street ID 43924.
  • Ward, Edward. The secret history of the Calves-Head Club: or, the republican unmask'd. With a large continuation, and an appendix to the history. Wherein is fully shewn, the religion of the Calves-Head heroes, in their anniversary thanksgiving-songs on the xxxth of January, by them called anthems, With reflections thereupon. The seventh edition, with large improvements; and a description of the Calves-Head Club, and the effigies of Oliver Cromwel and his cabinet council; curiously engrav'd on copper plates. To which is annex'd, a vindication of the royal martyr, King Charles the First. Wherein are laid open, the republicans mysteries of rebellion. Written in the time of the usurpation, by the celebrated Mr. Butler, author of Hudibras. With a character of a Presbyterian, written by Sir John Denham, Knight; and the character of a modern whig; or, the republican in fashion. London : printed, and sold by B. Bragge, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, 1709. ESTC No. T108842. Grub Street ID 161689.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life, or, The miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. With the choice, or, The pleasures of a country-life, dedicated to the beaus against the next vacation. London : printed and sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side, 1709. ESTC No. T42487. Grub Street ID 271264.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life, or, the miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. With The choice, or, the pleasures of a country-life. Dedicated to the beaus against the next vacation. London : printed and sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water-Side, 1709. ESTC No. T42488. Grub Street ID 271265.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life, or, The miseries of matrimony: occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. London : Printed in the year, 1709. ESTC No. T42489. Grub Street ID 271266.
  • Ward, Edward. Mars stript of his armour: or, the army display'd in all its true colours. ... By a lover of the mathematicks. London : printed for J. Woolward [i.e. Woodward], 1709. ESTC No. N34919. Grub Street ID 23209.
  • Ward, Edward. The vanity of upstarts: or, an honest enquiry into ignoble greatness. An ode. London] : Printed in the year 1709. and sold by the booksellers, [1709. ESTC No. T96384. Grub Street ID 315842.
  • Ward, Edward. The second part, of the London clubs; containing, the No-Nose Club, the Beaus Club, the Farting Club, the Sodomites, or Mollies Club. The Quacks Club, by the author of The London spy. London : printed by J. Dutton, near Fleet-Street, also the first part, [1709?]. ESTC No. N21862. Grub Street ID 11218.
  • Ward, Edward. The vanity of upstarts: or, an honest enquiry into ignoble greatness. An ode. London : printed in the year 1709. and sold by the booksellers, [1709]. ESTC No. T202933. Grub Street ID 233695.
  • Ward, Edward. The secret history of clubs: particularly the Kit-Cat, Beef-Stake, Uertuosos, Quacks, Knights of the Golden-Fleece, Florists, Beaus, &c. with their original: and the characters of the Most Noted Members thereof. London : printed, and sold by the booksellers, 1709. ESTC No. T61263. Grub Street ID 286967.
  • Ward, Edward. Wine and wisdom: or, the tipling philosophers. A lyrick poem. To which are subjoin'd, the most remarkable memoirs of the following ancients. Thales. Solon. Pheresydes. Anaxagoras Archelaus. Socrates. Xenophon. Aristippus. Hegesias. Theodorus. Bion. Euclides. Eubulides. Menedemus. Plato. Speusippus. Polemo. Arcesilaus. Aristotle. Theophrastus. Strato. Lycon. Diogenes. Menippus. Zeno. Antipater. Pythagoras. Heraclitus. Xenophanes. Parmenides. Leucippus. Democritus. Anaxarchus Pyrrho. Epicurus. Longinus. Porphyrius. Jamblicus. Aedesius. Eustathius. Maximus. Priscus. Julianus. Proceresius. Xantus. Demosthenes Zalucus. Seneca. Piso. Cato. Copernicus. London : printed: and sold by J. Woodward in Scalding-Ally over-against Stocks-Market, 1710. ESTC No. T124665. Grub Street ID 174849.
  • Ward, Edward. Satyrical reflections on clubs: in xxix chapters. ... By the author of the London-Spy. Vol.V. London : printed for J. Phillips, 1710. ESTC No. T119630. Grub Street ID 171014.
  • Ward, Edward. The poet's ramble after riches. With reflections upon a country corporation. Also the author's lamentation in the time of adversity. London : printed and sold by J. How, [1710?]. ESTC No. T68428. Grub Street ID 292625.
  • Ward, Edward. Honesty in distress; but reliev'd by no party. A tragedy, as it is acted on the stage, &c. Act I. Scene, A palace. Honesty alone. Lady and attendance. Honesty begins her suit. Lady turning to her servants. Lady's woman. Footman to Honesty at going off. Honesty alone. Act II. Scene Westminster-Hall, with the court sitting. Enter Honesty among the lawyers. One lawyer to another. Lawyer turning to Honesty. Honesty sneaks off, and speaks aside. Attorney to Brother Snap. Honesty is whisper'd in the ear by aruin'd client. Act III. Scene The city. Honesty begging along the city. A precise apothecary to his man. Honesty [aside.] Victualler to the bar-keeper and his servants. Honesty [aside.] A grocer to his next neighbour a hosier. Honesty enters the exchange. London : printed for, and sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water-side, 1710. ESTC No. T36620. Grub Street ID 266528.
  • Ward, Edward. Honesty in distress, but reliev'd by no party. Giving an account how she went to court but was scorn'd & slighted; next she went to Westminster-hall, which set the lawyers in an uproar; then she went to the city making her complaint to the linen-draper and apothecary, grocer and hosier, baker and butcher, vintner and ale-draper, pawn-broker and tally-man, usurer and miser, but found no relief. Then she went to the Exbhange amongst the merchants, but they sent her to the priests, & said it was enough for them to teach; therefore they had no relief for her; so poor honesty being fighted by all, died a miserable death for want of relief,. London?] : Printed and sold in Grub-street, [1710?. ESTC No. T196600. Grub Street ID 229966.
  • Ward, Edward. The poet's ramble after riches. With reflections upon a country corporation. Also the author's lamentation in the time of adversity. London : printed and sold by J. How, 1710. ESTC No. N11897. Grub Street ID 1898.
  • Ward, Edward. Vulgus Britannicus: or the British Hudibras. In fifteen canto's. The five parts compleat in one volume. Containing the secret history of the late London mob; their rise, progress, and suppression by the Guards. Intermix'd with the civil-wars betwixt High-Church and Low-Church, down to this time: being a continuation of the late ingenious Mr. Butler's Hudibras. Written by the author of the London spy. of Battles; Emblems, and Effigies, Engraven on Copper-Plates. The second edition, adorn'd with cuts ... London : printed for Sam. Briscoe, and sold by James Woodward, in St. Christopher's Church-Yard, near the Royal Exchange; and John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, MDCCX. [1710]. ESTC No. T175779. Grub Street ID 212844.
  • Ward, Edward. The tipling philosophers. A Lyrick Poem. To which is subjoin'd, a short abstract of their lives and most memorable actions. London : printed: and sold by J. Woodward in St. Christopher's Church-Yard, near the Royal-Exchange, [1710]. ESTC No. T60813. Grub Street ID 286584.
  • Ward, Edward. Pulpit-war: or, Dr. S-ll, the High-Church trumpet, and Mr. H-ly, the Low-Church drum, engaged. By way of dialogue between the fiery dragon, and aspiring grashopper [sic]. London : printed, and sold by J. Baker, 1710. ESTC No. T46120. Grub Street ID 274307.
  • Ward, Edward. Vulgus Britannicus: or, the British Hudibrass. London : printed for James Woodward, in St. Christopher's Church-Yard, near the Royal Exchange; and John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, [1710]. ESTC No. T52645. Grub Street ID 279691.
  • Ward, Edward. Vulgus Britannicus: or, the British Hudibrass. Part the second. London : printed for James Woodward, in St. Christopher's Church-Yard, near the Royal Exchange; and John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, [1710]. ESTC No. T52646. Grub Street ID 279692.
  • Ward, Edward. Vulgus Britannicus: or, the British Hudibrass. Part the third. London : printed for James Woodward, in St. Christopher's Church-Yard, near the Royal Exchange; and John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, [1710]. ESTC No. T52647. Grub Street ID 279693.
  • Ward, Edward. The galloper: or, needs must when the devil drives. A poem. London : printed for John Morphew near Stationers-Hall, 1710. ESTC No. T139165. Grub Street ID 187033.
  • Ward, Edward. The fifth and last part of Vulgus Britannicus: or, the British Hudibras. In three cantos: On the Kingdom alarm'd. The Practice of the Whiggs. The D---M---l hinted. The Addresses touch'd upon. Some seasonable Reflections on the Factious Party. The Loyalty of the Church. The Intention of their Addresses. The Impatience of the Whiggs and Modesty of the Review. The Whiggish Story of the D---h threatning, the Bank of England. The Whigs Addresses and Purport thereof. Written by the author of the London spy. London : printed: and sold by James Woodward, in St. Christopher's Church-Yard, near the Royal Exchange; and John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, MDCCX. [1710]. ESTC No. T35520. Grub Street ID 265637.
  • Ward, Edward. Matrimony unmask d [sic], in seaven dialogues, containing, I. A dialogue between a pert lady, and her 'spouse, ... VII. The forgiving husband; ... By the author of The London-spy. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and sold by J. Morphew, 1710. ESTC No. N34931. Grub Street ID 23220.
  • Ward, Edward. Nuptial dialogues and debates: or, an useful prospect of the felicities and discomforts of a marry'd life, incident to all degrees, from the throne to the cottage. Containing Many great Examples of Love, Piety, Prudence, Justice, and all the excellent Vertues that largely contribute to the true Happiness of Wedlock. Drawn from the Lives of our own Princes, Nobility, and other Quality, in Prosperity and Adversity. Also the fantastical Humours of all Fops, Coquets, Bullies, Jilts, fond Fools, and Wantons; old Fumblers, barren Ladies, Misers, parsimonious Wives, Ninnies, Sluts and Termagants; drunken Husbands, toaping Gossips, schismatical Precisians, and devout Hypocrites of all sorts. Digested into serious, merry, and satyrical Poems, wherein both Sexes, in all Stations, are reminded of their Duty, and taught how to be happy in a Matrimonial State. ... . By the author of the London-Spy. London : printed by H. Meere, for T. Norris at the Looking-Glass, and A. Bettesworth at the Red-Lyon, both on London-Bridge; and sold by J. Woodward in Scalding-Alley, over against Stocks-Market, [1710]. ESTC No. T43213. Grub Street ID 271804.
  • Ward, Edward. The life and notable adventures of that renown'd knight, Don Quixote de la Mancha. Merrily translated into Hudibrastick verse. Part I. For the month of October. To be continued till the whole history is compleated. By Edward Ward. London : printed for T. Norris at the Looking Glass, and A. Bettesworth at the Red Lyon on London Bridge ; and sold by J. Woodward in Scalding-Alley over against Stocks Market, [1710-11]. ESTC No. N20796. Grub Street ID 10174.
  • Ward, Edward. The fourth part of Vulgus Britannicus: or, the British Hudibras. In Two cantos: On the Coffee-House Mob, or Debates Pro, and Con, on the Times. A Character of several Sorts of Whigs, and False Brethren, that are Enemies to the Church. On the Paper-War betwixt High and Low-Church. The Loyal Englishman's Prayer for the Queen and Church. Written by the Author of the London Spy. London : printed: and sold by James Woodward, in St. Christopher's Church-Yard, near the Royal Exchange; and John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, MDCCX. [1710]. ESTC No. T40127. Grub Street ID 269248.
  • Ward, Edward. Vulgus Britannicus: or, the British Hudibras. Written by the author of the London spy. London : printed for Sam. Briscoe, and sold by James Woodward; and John Morphew, 1710. ESTC No. N52822. Grub Street ID 36805.
  • Ward, Edward. Honesty in distress; but reliev'd by no party. A tragedy, As it is Acted on the Stage, &c. Act I. Scene A Palace. Honesty alone. Lady and Attendance. Honesty begins her Suit. Lady turning to her Servants. Lady's Woman. Footman to Honesty at going off. Honesty alone. Act II. Scene Westminster-Hall, with the Court Sitting. Enter Honesty among the Lawyers. One Lawyer to Another. Lawyer turning to Honesty. Honesty sneaks off, and Speaks aside. Attorney to Brother Snap: Honesty is Whisper'd in the Ear by a Ruin'd Client. Act III. Scene The City. Honesty Begging along the City. A Precise Apothecary to his Man. Honesty (aside.) Victualler to the Bar-Keeper and his Servants. Honesty (aside.) A Grocer to his next Neighbour a Hosier. Honesty enters the Exchange. Enter'd Persuant to the Late Act of Parliament. London : printed, and sold by Mary Edwards, in Nevels-Alley, in Fetter-Lane, [1710]. ESTC No. T100633. Grub Street ID 154567.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life; or, the miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. With Choice: or, the pleasures of a country life. ... Dublin: printed for Mary Lawrence, [1710?]. ESTC No. T174044. Grub Street ID 211153.
  • Ward, Edward. The religious turn-coat, or, the triming observator. (A touch to the wheedlers, ... [Dublin]: London printed and re-printed in Dublin, 1711. ESTC No. T207132. Grub Street ID 236446.
  • Ward, Edward. Vulgus Britannicus: or the British Hudibras. In fifteen canto's. Containing the secret history of the London mob; their rise, progress, and suppression. Intermix'd with the civil-wars betwixt High-Church and Low-Church, at this time: being a continuation of the late ingenious Mr. Butler's Hudibras. In five parts compleat in one volume. By the author of the London spy. The third edition, adorn'd with cuts, and a table to the whole.. London : printed for Sam. Briscoe, and sold by James Woodward, in Scaulding-Alley against Stocks-Market ; and John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, 1711. ESTC No. T73943. Grub Street ID 297126.
  • Ward, Edward. Miscellaneous writings, in verse and prose, both serious and comical, containing, twenty one excellent poems upon very diverting Subjects. Also several pleasant letters upon various Occasions both in Town and Country. With merry observations and predictions upon every month, and every remarkable Day throughout the Year. By Mr. Edward Ward. Vol. III. The second edition, with large additions and amendments.. London : printed by W. D. and sold by J. Woodward in Scalding-Alley over-against Stocks-Market, MDCCXII. [1712] [1711]. ESTC No. N22085. Grub Street ID 11448.
  • Ward, Edward. The life and notable adventures of that renown'd knight Don Quixote de la Mancha. Merrily translated into Hudibrastick verse. By Edward Ward. . London : Printed for T. Norris at the Looking-Glass, and A. Bettesworth at the Red Lyon on London-Bridge; J. Harding at the upper end of St. Martin's Lane; J. Woodward in Scalding-Alley, over-against Stocks-Market; E. Curl at the Dial, and R. Gosling at the Mitre in Fleetstreet, MDCCXII. 1711-12 [1711]. ESTC No. T6626. Grub Street ID 291011.
  • Ward, Edward. The quack-Vintners: or, a satyr against Bad Wine. With Directions where to have Good. Inscrib'd to B-ks and H-r. London] : Sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1712. ESTC No. T60829. Grub Street ID 286599.
  • Ward, Edward. A satyr against wine. With a poem, in praise of small beer. Written by a gentleman in a fever, occasion'd by hard drinking. [Suffolk]: Printed at St. Edmund's-Bury, in Suffolk; and Stamford, Lincolnshire; by VV. Thompson and T. Baily, [1712?]. ESTC No. N65396. Grub Street ID 47276.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or, the arts of a designing woman laid open. By E. W. author of The London-Spy, and Trip to Jamaica. Treating, I. Of their Allurements, Inconstancy, Love, Revenge, Pride and Ingratitude. II. A Pleasant and Profitable Discourse in Defence of Married Men, against Pevish, Fretful, Scolding Wives; with several Notable Examples of the Mischiefs and Miseries which have attended their Lust and Pride. III. A true Character of a Vertuons Woman; or, Wife indeed. To which is added, A Poetical Discription of a Widow, Wife, and Maid. London : printed and sold by B. Harris at the Golden Boar's Head, in Grace-Church-Street, MDCCXII [1712]. ESTC No. T184826. Grub Street ID 221113.
  • Ward, Edward. The life and notable adventures of that renown'd knight, Don Quixote de la Mancha. Merrily translated into hudibrastick verse. Vol. III. Part the 1st. By Edward Ward. To be continued till the whole is compleated. With covers to keep it clean in order to be bound up. London : printed for Eben. Tracey; and sold by J. Morphew, and J. Woodward, 1714 [1713]. ESTC No. T168443. Grub Street ID 206357.
  • Ward, Edward. The history of the grand rebellion; containing, the most remarkable transactions from the beginning of the reign of King Charles I. to the happy restoration. ... Digested into verse. Illustrated with about a hundred heads, ... In three volumes. . London : printed for J. Morphew, 1713. ESTC No. T55146. Grub Street ID 281754.
  • Ward, Edward. The whigs unmask'd: being the secret history of the Calf's-Head-Club. Shewing the rise and progress of that infamous society since the Grand Rebellion. Containing all the treasonable songs and ballads, sung as anthems by those saints, at their king-killing anniversaries. Much enlarg'd and improv'd by a genuine account of all the plots and conspiracies of the whiggish faction against the Queen and ministry, since the persecution of the church under the disguise of moderation. With animadversions in prose and verse. Adorn'd with cuts suitable to every particular design. To which are added, several characters by Sir John Denbam, and other valuable authors. Also a vindication of the Royal Martyr, King Charles the first; wherein are expos'd, the hellish mysteries of the old republican rebellion. By Mr. Butler, author of Hudibras. The eighth edition, with large additions.. London : Printed: and sold by J. Morphew near Stationer's-Hall, MDCCXIII. [1713]. ESTC No. T147726. Grub Street ID 194269.
  • Ward, Edward. The republican procession; or the tumultuous cavalcade. A merry poem. [Dublin?]: Printed in the year, 1714. ESTC No. T436. Grub Street ID 272166.
  • Ward, Edward. The whigs unmask'd: or, the history of the Calf's-Head-Club farther expos'd; In a full account of the rise and progress of that impious society, since their horrid rebellion in forty-one. With all the treasonable ballads, sung by the villanous Whigs, as anthems, on the xxxth of January. Much enlarg'd, by an impartial account of all the plots and conspiracies form'd by the low-church faction, against the Queen and present ministry. With animadversions in prose and verse. Adorn'd with curious cuts, by the best hands. To which are added, several characters by that most ingenious poet, Sir John Denham. And the hellish mysteries of the old republicans, set forth in vindication of King Charles the First, by Mr. Samuel Butler, author of Hudthras. The ninth edition.. London printed : And sold by J. Morphew near Stationers-Hall and A. Dodd without Temple-Bar, MDCCXIV. [1714]. ESTC No. T136043. Grub Street ID 184358.
  • Ward, Edward. The hudribrastick [sic] brewer: or, A preposterous union between malt and meter. A satyr upon the suppos'd author of The republican procession; or, The tumultuous cavalcade. London : printed for John Morphew near Stationers-Hall, 1714. ESTC No. T139167. Grub Street ID 187035.
  • Ward, Edward. The field-spy: or, the walking observator. A poem. By the author of the London-spy. London : printed: and sold by J. Woodward; and J. Morphew, 1714. ESTC No. T35514. Grub Street ID 265633.
  • Ward, Edward. Adam and Eve stript of their furbelows: or, the fashionable virtues and vices of both sexes expos'd to publick view. In two parts. I. Of the Ladies. II. Of the Gentlemen. With Familiar Descants upon each Character. London : printed for J. Woodward in Scalding-Alley near Stocks-Market, and A. Bettesworth at the Red Lyon on London-Bridge, [1714]. ESTC No. T88460. Grub Street ID 308424.
  • Ward, Edward. Matrimony unmask'd; or, the comforts and discomforts of marriage display'd. By the author of Aminidab; or, the Quaker's vision. London : printed by H. Meere, for J. Woodward in Scalding-Alley near Stocks-Market, T. Norris at the Looking-Glass, and A. Bettesworth at the Red Lyon, both on London-Bridge, 1714. ESTC No. N10989. Grub Street ID 978.
  • Ward, Edward. The republican procession: or, the tumultuous cavalcade. A merry poem. [Dublin?]: Printed in the year, 1714. ESTC No. T176422. Grub Street ID 213458.
  • Ward, Edward. The mourning prophet: or, Drooping faction reviv'd, by the death of Queen Anne. A poem. By E.W. London : Printed for J. Woodward in Scalding-Alley, by Stocks-Market, 1714. ESTC No. T86530. Grub Street ID 306666.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or a burlesque poem on the times. In two volumes. The third edition. To which is added an apology, and some other improvements throughout the whole, by the author, Edward Ward, gent. London : printed for George Sawbridge, at the Three Flower-de-Luces in Little Britain. MDCCXV. The two Volumes are twelve Parts each Volume, 12 s. compleat, or single Parts at 6 d each Part. Likewise the London Spy, 4 Volumes compleat, by the same Author, and his other Works, may be had as above, [1715] [1714]. ESTC No. N7807. Grub Street ID 52722.
  • Ward, Edward. The whole pleasures of matrimony: ... Written by E. W. gent. To which is added, the distructive [sic] miseries of whoring and debauchery. Of all its dreadful concomitants. London : printed, by and for Tho. Norris, and sold by Edw. Midwinter, [1714?]. ESTC No. T52465. Grub Street ID 279544.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or, the arts of a designing woman laid open. By E. W. ... Treating I. Of her allurements, ... To which is added, a poetical description of a widow, wife, and maid. London : printed for Edw. Midwinter, [1715?]. ESTC No. N31377. Grub Street ID 20262.
  • Ward, Edward. The history of the grand rebellion: containing, the most remarkable transactions from the beginning of the reign of King Charles I. to the happy restoration. ... Digested into verse. Illustrated with about a hundred heads, ... In three volumes. ... By Edward Wrd. gent. London : printed for John Nicholson; and sold by J. Morphew, 1715. ESTC No. T55147. Grub Street ID 281755.
  • Ward, Edward. The Lord Whiglove's elegy: to which is added a pious epitaph upon the late Bishop of Addlebury. London : printed in the year, 1715. ESTC No. T73948. Grub Street ID 297131.
  • Ward, Edward. Adam and Eve stript of their furbelows: or, the fashionable virtues and vices of both sexes expos'd to publick view. In two parts. I. Of the Ladies. II. Of the Gentlemen. With Familiar Descants upon each Character. The second edition.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth at the Red Lyon in Pater-Noster Row, [1715?]. ESTC No. T88461. Grub Street ID 308425.
  • Ward, Edward. St. Paul's Church; or, The protestant ambulators. A burlesque poem. London : Printed for John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, 1716. ESTC No. T48541. Grub Street ID 276411.
  • Ward, Edward. St. Paul's Church; or, The protestant ambulators. A burlesque poem. London : Printed for John Morphew, near, Stationers-Hall, 1716. ESTC No. T48542. Grub Street ID 276412.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or, the arts of a desinging [sic] woman laid open. By E. W. . London : printed and sold by B. Harris, 1716. ESTC No. T128856. Grub Street ID 178382.
  • Ward, Edward. The tower of Babel: an anti-heroic poem. Humbly dedicated to the B----p of B----r. London : printed for J. Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, MDCCXVIII. [1718] [1717]. ESTC No. T129605. Grub Street ID 179024.
  • Ward, Edward. British wonders: or, a poetical description of the several prodigies and most remarkable accidents that have happen'd in Britain since the death of Queen Anne. London : printed and sold by John Morphew near Stationer's-Hall, MDCCXVII. [1717]. ESTC No. T63339. Grub Street ID 288595.
  • Ward, Edward. British wonders: or, a poetical description of the several prodigies and most remarkable accidents that have happen'd in Britain since the death of Queen Anne. London : printed and sold by John Morphew near Stationer's-Hall, MDCCXVII. [1717]. ESTC No. T63340. Grub Street ID 288596.
  • Ward, Edward. A collection of historical and state poems, satyrs, songs, and epigrams. Being the [fifth] volume of miscellanies. By the author of the London-Spy. Consisting of the following Poems: I. The Cavalcade, &c. II The Hudibrastic Brewer. III. The L. Whiglove's Elegy. IV. An Epitaph upon the late Bishop of - V. St. Paul's Church, &c. VI. The British Wonders. Vii. Rustica Academiae Oxoniensis, &c. Latin and English. Viii. The Warwick Lady. IX. The Cuckoldy Yeoman. X. The English Foreigners. XI. The Conforming Parson. XII. An humble Offering to the best of Queens, &c. In all Seventy odd Poems, besides some Prose. London : printed in the year 1717. And sold by A. Bettesworth at the Red-Lyon in Paternoster-Row. Where also may be had most of this Author's Writings, [1717]. ESTC No. T139166. Grub Street ID 187034.
  • Ward, Edward. The Tory Quaker: or, Aminadab's new vision in the fields, after a cup of the creature. London : Printed: and sold by J. Morphew near Stationer's-Hall, MDCCXVII. [1717]. ESTC No. T51481. Grub Street ID 278713.
  • Ward, Edward. A collection of the writings of Mr. Edward Ward. ... Vol. II. The fifth edition.. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, 1717. ESTC No. T151039. Grub Street ID 196571.
  • Ward, Edward. The lord Clarendon's History of the grand rebellion compleated. Containing, I. The heads of the great men on both sides, whose Characters he gives, (being 85 in Number) Drawn from Original Paintings of Vandike, A. More, Dobson, Corn. Johnson, and other Eminent Painters. And Engraven by Mr. Vertue, Mr. Vandegutcht, Mr. Sturt, &c. II. The tracts, speeches, letters, memorials, &c. mention'd in the said History, are here at large, and referr'd to the Page therein. With his Lordship's Life. III. Three maps, viz. 1. South Britain (with the Tract of King Charles the Second's miraculous Escape from Worcester.) 2. North Britain. 3. Ireland. IV. Two tables, one of the Heads, and who Painted and Engrav'd them. The other, of all the Battles that was fought; both referring to the Pages in the aforesaid History. The second edition, with the addition of four plates of battles, and two sheets describing them, &c.. London : printed for John Nicholson at the King's-Arms in Little-Britain, MDCCXVII. [1717]. ESTC No. T53948. Grub Street ID 280814.
  • Ward, Edward. The London-spy compleat, In eighteen parts. Being the first volume of the writings of Mr. Edward Ward. The fifth edition.. London : Printed for A. Bettesworth, at the Red-Lion in Pater-Noster-Row, 1718. ESTC No. T180507. Grub Street ID 217177.
  • Ward, Edward. Miscellaneous writings, in verse and prose, both Serious and Comical. Containing Twenty One excellent Poems upon very diverting Subjects. Also Several pleasant Letters upon various Occasions, both in Town and Country. With Merry Observations and Predictions upon every Month, and every Remarkable Day throughout the Year. By Mr. Edward Ward. Vol. III. The third edition.. London : printed by W. D. and sold by A. Bettesworth at the Red Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXVIII. [1718]. ESTC No. T153563. Grub Street ID 197863.
  • Ward, Edward. The whole pleasures of matrimony: ... Written by E. W. gent. To which is added, the distructive [sic] miseries of whoring and debauchery. With all its dreadful concomitants. London : printed by T. Norris, 1718. ESTC No. T52466. Grub Street ID 279545.
  • Ward, Edward. Rightful Monarchy, and revolution tyranny discuss'd. A poem. With the characters of the thirteen pilots, who at present steer the helm of a ship-wrack't nation. London : [s.n.], Printed in the year, 1719. ESTC No. T97110. Grub Street ID 316553.
  • Ward, Edward. Satyrical reflections on clubs: in twenty nine chapters. 1 Of Clubs in General. 2 The Vertuoso's Club. 3 The Knights of the Golden Fieece. 4 The No-Nose Club. 5 The Man-Killing Club. 6 The Surly Club. 7 The Atheistical Club. 8 The Club of Ugly-Faces. 9 Of the Split-Farthing Club. 10 The Club of Broken Shop-Keepers. 11 The Man-Hunters Club. 12 The Yorkshire Club. 13 The Mock-Heroes Club. 14 The Beaus Club. 15 The Wrangling, or Hussel-Farthing Club. 16 The Quacks Club; or, the Physical Society. 17 The Weekly Dancing Club; or the Buttock-Ball in St. Giles's. 18 The Bird-Fanciers Club; and of their Annual Feast. 19 The Lying Club; and how it came to be establish'd. 20 The Scatter-Wit Club. 21 The Florists Club. 22 Bob Weden's Cellar Club. 23 The Mollies Club. 24 The Bawds Initiating Club. 25 Sam Scot's Smoaking Club. 26 The Thieves Club. 27 The Small-Coal Man's Musick Club. 28 The Kit-Cat Club. 29 The Beef-Stake Club. By the author of the London-Spy. Volume IV. London : printed, and sold by A. Bettesworth, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCXIX. [1719]. ESTC No. T180565. Grub Street ID 217231.
  • Ward, Edward. The delights of the bottle: or, the compleat vintner. With the Humours of Bubble Upstarts. Stingy Wranglers. Dinner Spungers. Jill Tiplers. Beef Beggars. Cook Teasers. Pan Soppers. Plate Twirlers. Table Whitlers. Drawer Biters. Spoon Pinchers. And other Tavern Tormenters. A merry poem. To which is added, A South-Sea song upon the late bubbles. By the author of The cavalcade. London : printed for Sam. Briscoe at the Bell-Savage on Ludgate-Hill, MDCCXX. [1720]. ESTC No. T32312. Grub Street ID 263032.
  • Ward, Edward. The Lord Clarendon's History of the grand rebellion compleated. Containing, the tracts, speeches, and memorials mentioned in that History; together with the Life of the Lord Clarendon. ... Dublin: printed for J. Leathley, and P. Dugan, 1720. ESTC No. N18880. Grub Street ID 8313.
  • Ward, Edward. The rise and fall of madam Coming-Sir: or, An Unfortunate slip from the tavern-bar, Into the Surgeon's Powdering-Tub. [Stamford?]: Printed and sold by W. Thompson, and T. Baily, at Stamford, Lincolnshire, and St. Edmond's-Bury, Suffolk, [1720?]. ESTC No. T55916. Grub Street ID 282493.
  • Ward, Edward. A [lo]oking-glass for England: or, the [succ]ess of stock-jobbing explain'd, [writ]ten by a true-born Englishman, and recommended to the serious consideration of his loving country-men. Bristol: reprinted by S. Farley, 1720. ESTC No. N33963. Grub Street ID 22401.
  • Ward, Edward. The delights of the bottle; or, the complete vintner. With the Humours of Bubble Upstarts. Stingy Wranglers. Dinner Spungers. Jill Tiplers. Beef Beggers. Cook Teasers. Pan Soppers. Plate Twirlers. Table Whitlers. Drawer Biters. Spoon Pinchers. And other Tavern Tormenters. A merry poem. To which is added, a South-Sea song upon the late bubbles. By the author of The cavalcade. The third edition.. London : printed for Sam. Briscoe at the Bell-Savage on Ludgate-Hill, [1721] [1720]. ESTC No. N6233. Grub Street ID 44701.
  • Ward, Edward. A south-Sea ballad, or, merry remarks upon Exchange-Alley bubbles. To a new tune, call'd, The grand elixir, or the philosopher's stone discover'd. [Canterbury]: Printed at Canterbury, [1720]. ESTC No. T150124. Grub Street ID 196006.
  • Ward, Edward. The delights 'of the bottle: or, The compleat vintner. With the humours of bubble upstarts. Stingy wranglers. Dinner spungers. Jill tiplers. Beef beggars. Cook teasers. Pan soppers. Plate twirlers. Table whitlers. Drawer biters. Spoon pinchers. And other tavern tormenters. A merry poem. To which is added, a South-Sea song upon the late bubbles. By the author of The cavalcade. London : printed by W. Downing in George-Court in St. John's-Lane, MDCCXX. [1720]. ESTC No. N28611. Grub Street ID 17836.
  • Ward, Edward. The tipling philosophers, set by Mr. Leveridge, and sung at the theatre in Dublin. Dublin: printed by Thomas Hume, next Door to the Walsh's-Head in Smock-Alley, 1720. ESTC No. N24379. Grub Street ID 13741.
  • Ward, Edward. A south-Sea ballad, or, merry remarks upon Exchange-Alley bubbles. Dublin: re-printed, 1720. ESTC No. N23885. Grub Street ID 13245.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life: or, the miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. With The choice: or, the pleasures of a country-life. ... Dublin: printed by E. S. [i.e. Elizabeth Sadleir, 1720?]. ESTC No. T174036. Grub Street ID 211145.
  • Ward, Edward. The delights of the bottle; or, the complete vintner. With the Humours of Bubble Upstarts. Stingy Wranglers. Dinner Spungers. Jill Tiplers. Beef Beggers. Cook Teasers. Pan Soppers. Plate Twirlers. Table Whitlers. Drawer Biters. Spoon Pinchers. And other Tavern Tormenters. A merry poem. To which is added, a South-Sea song upon the late bubbles. By the author of The cavalcade. The second edition.. London : printed for Sam. Briscoe at the Bell-Savage on Ludgate-Hill: [1721] [1720]. ESTC No. N47243. Grub Street ID 31948.
  • Ward, Edward. A list of the bubbles: with the prices they were subscrib'd at, and what each sold at when highest: together with satirical epigrams upon each. By the author of the South-Sea ballad. London : printed for, and sold by T. Bowles, 1721. ESTC No. T196218. Grub Street ID 229650.
  • Ward, Edward. The Whigs unmask'd: being the history of the Calf's-Head-Club. Shewing the rise and progress of that infamous society since the grand rebellion. Containing all the treasonable songs and ballads, ... Much enlarg'd and improv'd by a genuine account of all the plots ... of the Whiggish faction ... Adorn'd with cuts. ... To which are added, several characters by Sir John Denham, and other valuable authors. Also a vindication of the royal martyr ... By Mr. Butler, . The ninth edition, with additions.. London : printed for Samuel Briscoe; and sold by Tho. Bickerton, 1721. ESTC No. N66793. Grub Street ID 48475.
  • Ward, Edward. Wine and wisdom: or, the tippling philosophers. A lyrick poem. Edinburgh: printed in the year, 1721. ESTC No. N25093. Grub Street ID 14445.
  • Ward, Edward. The merry travellers: or, a trip upon ten-toes, from Moorfields to Bromley. An humorous poem. Intended as the wandering spy. Part I. By the author of the Cavalcade. London : Printed by W. Downing, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1721. ESTC No. N12419. Grub Street ID 2421.
  • Ward, Edward. The vanity of upstarts, or an honest inquiry into ignoble greatness. An ode. To which is prefix'd an epistle to a noble lord. London : printed for J. Roberts, 1721. ESTC No. N65370. Grub Street ID 47254.
  • Ward, Edward. Honesty in distress: but reliev'd by no party. A tragedy. As it is acted on the stage of the world. Act I. Scene the Palace. Honesty alone. Honesty and a Courtier. Honesty and a Lady. Honesty and a Footman. Honesty alone. Act II. Scene Westminster-Hall, with the Court sitting. Honesty among the Lawyers. The Lawyers Speeches concerning Honesty. Honesty and a ruin'd Client. Act III. Scene a City. Honesty begging along the City. Honesty and a Linnen-Draper. A precise Apothecary and his Man. Honesty and an Ale-House Keeper. Honesty and a Grocer. Honesty and a Hosier. Honesty and the Merchants. Honesty starved to Death. To which is added, A satyr against the corrupt use of money. Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk: printed by Thomas Baily and William Thompson, next Door to the Griffin, near the Market-Cross, [1721?]. ESTC No. T61784. Grub Street ID 287395.
  • Ward, Edward. The northern cuckold, or, The garden house intrigue. A poem never before printed. With an addition to The delights of the bottle; ... With the South-Sea song ... as likewise the Spitle-fields ballad on the calico's By the author of the cavalcade. London : printed for Sam Briscoe, 1721. ESTC No. T438. Grub Street ID 272327.
  • Ward, Edward. Honesty in distress: but reliev'd by no party. A tragedy, as it is acted on the stage of the world. ... To which is added, A satyr against the corrupt use of money. Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk: printed by Thomas Baily and William Thompson, [1721?]. ESTC No. N17397. Grub Street ID 6866.
  • Ward, Edward. The parish gutt'lers: or, the humours of a select vestry. London : printed in the year, 1722. ESTC No. T219235. Grub Street ID 243500.
  • Ward, Edward. The parish gutt'lers: or, The humours of a select vestry. London : [s.n.], Printed in the year MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T64902. Grub Street ID 289839.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or a Burlesque poem on the times. In Twenty four Parts. With An Apology, and some other Improvements throughout the Whole. The Fourth Edition. To which is now added. The Rambling Fuddle-Caps; Or a Tavern Strugle for a Kiss. By E. Ward, Gent. Author of the London Spy. London : printed for John Wilford, at the Three Flower-de-Luces in Little-Britain, [1722]. ESTC No. T64259. Grub Street ID 289341.
  • Ward, Edward. The wand'ring spy: or, The merry travellers. Part II. To which is added, The contending candidates: or, The broom-staff battles, dirty skirmished, and other comical humours of the Southwark election. By the author of the Cavalcade. London : printed: and are to be sold by A. Bettesworth and J. Batley in Paternoster-Row, J. Hook against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet; S. Briscoe at the Bell-Savage Inn upon Ludgate-Hill; M. Hotham upon London-Bridge; and at the Bacchus Tavern in Finsbury, against the middle of Middle-Moorfields. Where also may be had most of the same author's writings, MDCCXXII. [1722]. ESTC No. T52212. Grub Street ID 279360.
  • Ward, Edward. The parish gutt'lers: or, the humours of a vestry. A merry poem. London : printed for Sam. Briscoe, 1722. ESTC No. N23390. Grub Street ID 12749.
  • Ward, Edward. Nuptial dialogues and debates: or, an useful prospect of the felicities and discomforts of a marry'd life, incident to all degrees, from the throne to the cottage. ... Digested into serious, merry, and satyrical poems, ... In two volumes. By the author of the London Spy. London : printed for T. Norris: A. Bettesworth: and F. Fayrham, 1723. ESTC No. T125246. Grub Street ID 175395.
  • Ward, Edward. The wandering spy: or the merry travellers. A trip upon ten-toes, from Moorfields to Bromley. An humorous poem. Part I. By the author of The cavalcade. London : printed for Sam. Briscoe; also at the Sun against John's Coffee-House in Swithen's Alley, 1723. ESTC No. N25121. Grub Street ID 14476.
  • Ward, Edward. The wandering spy: or the merry travellers. A trip upon ten-toes, from Moorfields to Bromley. An humorous poem. The second edition. Part I. By the author of The cavalcade. London : printed for Sam. Briscoe; also at the Sun against John's Coffee-House in Swithen's Alley, 1723. ESTC No. N25122. Grub Street ID 14477.
  • Ward, Edward. The wandering spy: or The merry travellers. A trip upon ten-toes, from Moorfields to Bromley. An humorous poem. The third edition. Part I. By the author of The cavalcade. London : Printed for Sam. Briscoe, at the Bell-Savage on Ludgate-Hill; also at the Sun against John's Coffee-House in Swithen's Alley, in Cornhill, 1723. ESTC No. N24920. Grub Street ID 14266.
  • Ward, Edward. The wandring spy: or, The merry observator. Consisting of the following familiar poems, viz. I. The compleat vintner. II. The merry travellers. III. The return from Bromley. IV. The Southwark election. V. The parish guttlers. VI. The Garden-House intrigue. VII. The dancing devils, or, The roaring dragon, &c. Being the 6th vol. of Miscellanies by Ed. Ward. London : Printed for the author, and sold by A. Bettesworth at the Red-Lion in Paternoster-Row, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T64898. Grub Street ID 289835.
  • Ward, Edward. The merry travellers: or, A trip upon ten-toes, from Moorfields to Bromley. An humorous poem. Intended as the wandering spy. Part I. By the author of the Cavalcade. The second edition.. London : printed for the author, and sold by A. Bettesworth at the Red-Lion in Paternoster-Row, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T64901. Grub Street ID 289838.
  • Ward, Edward. The dancing devils: or, The roaring dragon. A dumb farce. As it was lately acted at both houses, but particularly at one, with unaccountable success. London : printed; and sold by A. Bettesworth at the Red-Lion, J. Bately at the Dove, in Pater-noster-Row; and J. Brotherton at the Bible in Cornhil, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T32046. Grub Street ID 262785.
  • Ward, Edward. The poet's ramble after riches. With reflections on a country corporation. Also, the author's lamentation in time of adversity. Dublin: printed by J. Carson, for W. Smith, and S. Fuller in Meath-Street, MDCCXXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T177836. Grub Street ID 214757.
  • Ward, Edward. The batchelor's estimate of the expences of a married life. In a letter to a friend. Being an answer to a proposal of marying a lady with 2000l, fortune. To which is added the lady's answer. London : printed for A. More, near St. Pauls, [1725?]. ESTC No. T140239. Grub Street ID 188013.
  • Ward, Edward. A dialogue between a surly husband, and a condescending wife. Dublin: printed by Gwyn Needham, [1725?]. ESTC No. T5173. Grub Street ID 278946.
  • Ward, Edward. The parish gutt'lers: or, the humours of a select vestry. Dublin: printed by Pressick Rider, and Thomas Harbin, for P. Dugan, on Cork-Hill, MDCCXXV. [1725]. ESTC No. N23391. Grub Street ID 12750.
  • Ward, Edward. A riddle: or, a paradoxical character of an hairy monster, often found under Holland. The second edition.. London : printed for A. Moore; and sold at most of the pamphlet-shops in London and Westminster, [1725?]. ESTC No. T230419. Grub Street ID 250064.
  • Ward, Edward. News from Madrid. The Spanish beauty: or, the tragicomical revenge. Interspers'd with the humours of a merry tinker, in conveying off the Bodies of Three murder's Fryars. A poem. By Ed. Ward. London : printed for the author, and sold by A. Bettesworth at the Red-Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXVI. [1726]. ESTC No. N6123. Grub Street ID 44134.
  • Ward, Edward. The republican procession, or, The tumultuous cavalcade; an hudibrastick poem. To which is added, an answer, by the same author; being a satyr against himself. London : printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, MDCCXXVII [1727]. ESTC No. T44804. Grub Street ID 273166.
  • Ward, Edward. The wandring spy: or, the merry observator. Consisting of the following familiar poems. Viz. I. The compleat vintner. II. The merry travellers. III. The return from Bromley. IV. The Southwark election. V. The garden-house intrigue. VI. The dancing devils, ... VII. The humours of a masquerade. VIII. The Spanish beauty, ... Being the sixth volume of miscellanies by Ed. Ward. London : printed for the author, and sold at his own house the Bacchus-Tavern in Finesbury; likewise by A. Bettesworth, 1727. ESTC No. N25124. Grub Street ID 14479.
  • Ward, Edward. Durgen. Or, a plain satyr upon a pompous satyrist. Amicably inscrib'd, by the Author, to those Worthy and Ingenious gentlemen misrepresented in a late invective Poem, call'd, The dunciad. London : printed for T. Warner at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXIX. [1729] [1728]. ESTC No. T35035. Grub Street ID 265240.
  • Ward, Edward. Apollo's maggot in his cups: or, the whimsical creation of a little satyrical poet. A lyrick ode. Merrily dedicated to Dicky Dickison, the witty, but deform'd governour of Scarborough-Spaw. London : printed and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T141067. Grub Street ID 188680.
  • Ward, Edward. The wandring spy: or, the merry observator. Consisting of the following familiar poems, viz. I. The compleat vintner. II. The merry travellers. III. The return from Bromley. IV. The Southwark election. V. The parish guttlers. VI. The garden-house intrigue. Vii. The dancing devils, or the roaring dragon, &c. Being the fourth volume of miscellanies by Edward Ward. London : printed for the author, and sold by A. Bettesworth at the Red-Lion in Pater-Noster Row, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T177636. Grub Street ID 214544.
  • Ward, Edward. The batchelor's estimate of the expences of a married life. In a letter to a friend. Being an answer to a proposal of marrying a lady with 2000 l. fortune. London : printed for T. Payne, 1729. ESTC No. N15472. Grub Street ID 5194.
  • Ward, Edward. The batchelor's estimate of the expences of a married life; in a letter to a friend. Being an answer to a proposal of marrying a lady with 2000 l. fortune. London : printed for A. Moore, 1729. ESTC No. T164383. Grub Street ID 202657.
  • Ward, Edward. The batchelor's estimate of the expences of a married life. In a letter to a friend. Being an answer to a proposal of marrying a lady with 2000 l. fortune. The third edition.. London : printed for T. Payne at the Crown in Ivy-Lane, near Pater-Noster Row, M.DCC.XXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. T21393. Grub Street ID 240551.
  • Ward, Edward. The poet's ramble after riches. A poem. By the author of The London spy. Dublin: printed, for George Golding, at the Blew Anchor in High Street, [1730?]. ESTC No. N11899. Grub Street ID 1900.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life; or, the miseries of matrymony. Dublin: printed, at the Rein-Deer in Montrath-street near Pil-Lane, where is sold the ladies choice, in answer to this pleasures, likewise penny books, and ballad of all sorts, by C. Hicks, [1730?]. ESTC No. T196354. Grub Street ID 229744.
  • Ward, Edward. None but fools marry: or, A vindication of the batchelor's estimate; in answer to the objections made against it. London : printed for A. Dodd, without Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T43141. Grub Street ID 271747.
  • Ward, Edward. To the Right Honourable Humphrey Parsons lord mayor of the city of London. A congratulary poem upon His Lordship's accession to the chair. By Edward Ward. London : printed by J. W. and publish'd by John Wilford, behind the Convocation-House, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1730. ESTC No. N13559. Grub Street ID 3466.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasure[s] of a single life; or, the miseries of matrymony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament. With The choice or, the pleasures of a country-life. Dedicated to the beaus against the next vacation [sic]. Dublin: printed by C. Hicks, [1730?]. ESTC No. T197498. Grub Street ID 230554.
  • Ward, Edward. The batchelor's estimate of the expences of a married life. In a letter to a friend. Being an answer to a proposal of marrying a lady worth 2000 pound fortune. Dublin: printed by James Hoey, at the Pamphlet-Shop in Skinner-Row, opposite to the Tholsel, 1730. ESTC No. T164384. Grub Street ID 202658.
  • Ward, Edward. The wars of the elements: or, a description of a sea storm. To which are added, the contemplative angler, and The republican procession, &c. All originally written, and now reviv'd by Edward Ward. London : printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1730. ESTC No. N25168. Grub Street ID 14521.
  • Ward, Edward. Miscellaneous writings, in verse and prose, both serious and comical. Containing twenty one excellent poems upon very diverting subjects. Also several pleasant letters upon various occasions, both in town and country. With merry observations and predictions upon every month, and every remarkable day throughout the year. By Mr. Edward Ward. Vol. II. The third edition.. London : Printed, and sold by A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red Lion in Pater-Noster-Row, [between 1730 and 1739]. ESTC No. N64560. Grub Street ID 46552.
  • Ward, Edward. The ambitious father: or, the politician's advice to his son. London : printed by E. Shaw for the author, [1731]. ESTC No. N1882. Grub Street ID 8248.
  • Ward, Edward. Truth in rhyme, to suit the time, or, the parish guttlers. A merry poem. As it is Acting every Day with great Applause Near the Poors House, Gray's-Inn lane. With the comical adventures of Simon Knicky Knocky, Undertaker, Church Warden and Cossin-Maker. London : printed in the year of guttling [1732]. ESTC No. T139325. Grub Street ID 187177.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or, The arts of a designing woman laid open treating I. Of the allurements, inconstancy, love, revenge, pride and ingratitude. II. A pleasant and profitable discourse in defence of married men, agains peevish, fretful, scolding wives; with several notable examples of the mischiefs and miseries which have attended their lust and pride. III. A true character of a vertuous vvoman; or, wife indeed. With a poetical description of a maid, wife, and widow by E, VV. [sic] author of the London-Spy, and Trip to Jamaica to which is added, The batchelor's estimate of the expences of a married life. London : printed for John Willis and Joseph Boddington at the Angel and Bible in Tower-Street, [1732?]. ESTC No. T109336. Grub Street ID 162137.
  • Ward, Edward. The batchelor's estimate of the expences of a married life. In a letter to a friend. Being an answer to a proposal of marrying a lady with 2000l. fortune. The fourth edition.. London : Printed for C. Corbett, without Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XXXII. [1732]. ESTC No. N70. Grub Street ID 50789.
  • Ward, Edward. The parish-Gutt'lers: or, the humours of a vestry. A merry poem. London : printed for John King , near Little Moorgate in Moorfields ; and at the corner of Tokenhouse Yard, in Lothbury , MDCCXXXII. [1732]. ESTC No. N19930. Grub Street ID 9354.
  • Ward, Edward. The batchelor's estimate of the expences of a married life. In a letter to a friend. Being an answer to a proposal of marrying a lady with 2000 l, [sic] fortune. To which is added, The lady's answer to the batchelor's estimate. [Dublin]: London: printed, and Dublin re-printed by James Hoey and George Faulkner, [1734]. ESTC No. T215740. Grub Street ID 241692.
  • Ward, Edward. The complete vintner; or The delights of the bottle. With the humours of dinner spungers. Cook treasers. Beef beggars. Jill tiplers. Bubble upstarts. Stingy Wranglers. Table Whitlers. Drawer biters. Plate twirlers. Spoon pinchers. Pan soppers. And other tavern tormenters. A merry poem. To which is added, a song extempore over a bowl of punch. By the author of the Cavalcade. London : Printed for Alex. Smyth; and sold by Francis Jefferies, at the Bible and Crown in Ludgate-street, MDCCXXXIV. [1734]. ESTC No. T214179. Grub Street ID 240724.
  • Ward, Edward. A dialogue, between a depending courtier, who would have sacrific'd the chastity of his wife to a certain great man, in hopes of preferment, and his virtuous lady, who was avers'd to a compliance. To which is added, Moral reflections thereon. Dublin: printed by and for George Gowan, in Back-Lane, opposite to Maculla's-Alley, 1735. ESTC No. T66102. Grub Street ID 290910.
  • Ward, Edward. A nuptial dialogue, between a pert young lady, and an old fumbling libertine. To which is added, moral reflections thereon. Dublin: printed by and for George Gowan, 1735. ESTC No. T176694. Grub Street ID 213709.
  • Ward, Edward. Little Merlin's cave. As it was lately discover'd, by a Gentleman's Gardener, in Maidenhead-Thicket. To which is added, A riddle: or, a paradoxical character of an hairy monster, often found under Holland. The fourth edition.. London : printed for T. Read, in Dogwell-Court, White-Fryers, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T171563. Grub Street ID 209178.
  • Ward, Edward. Nuptial dialogues and debates: or, an useful prospect of the felicities and discomforts of a marry'd life, Incident to all Degrees, from the Throne to the Cottage. Containing Many great Examples of Love, Piety, Prudence, Justice, and all the Excellent Vertues, that largely contribute to the true Happiness of Wedlock. Drawn from the Lives of our own Princes, Nobility, and other Quality, in Prosperity and Adversity. Also the fantastical Humours of all Fops, Coquets, Bullies, Jilts, fond Fools, and Wantons; old Fumblers, barren Ladies, Misers, parsimonious Wives, Ninnies, Sluts and Termagants; drunken Husbands, toping Gossips, schismatical Precisians, and devout Hypocrites of all Sorts. Digested into serious, merry, and satirical poems, wherein both Sexes, in all Stations, are reminded of their Duty, and taught how to be happy in a Matrimonial State. In two volumes. By Edward Ward, Author of the London Spy. The third edition, adorn'd with cuts.. London : printed for Mess. Bettesworth, and Hitch, Ware, and Osborn, in Pater-Noster-Row; Hodges, on London-Bridge; Baily, in Mitre-Court, Fleetstreet; and Cummins, at the Royal Exchange, 1737. ESTC No. T125015. Grub Street ID 175188.
  • Ward, Edward. The poet's ramble after riches. A poem. By the author of The London spy. Dublin: printed, by C. Hicks, [1737?]. ESTC No. T437. Grub Street ID 272252.
  • Ward, Edward. The riddle: or, a paradoxical character of an hairy monster, often found under Holland. To which is added, Little Merlin's cave . As it was lately discover'd, by a Gentleman's Gardener, in Maidenhead-Thicket. The third edition.. London : printed for T. Read, in Dogwell-Court, White-Fryers, MDCCXXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. N13026. Grub Street ID 2975.
  • Ward, Edward. The modern courtier: or the ambitious statesman's advice to his son, in order to his advancement at c---t. A poem. In five canto's. Written by a noble L---d to his son. London [i.e. Edinburgh?]: printed and sold by J. Torbuck, [1741?]. ESTC No. N5088. Grub Street ID 34909.
  • Ward, Edward. The modern courtier: or the ambitious statesman's advice to his son. In order to his advancement at c------t. A poem. In five canto's. Written by a noble L----d to his son. London : printed and sold by J. Torbuck, in Clare-Court, Drury-Lane; and by the Booksellers and Publishers in Town and Country, [1741]. ESTC No. T65494. Grub Street ID 290411.
  • Ward, Edward. The ladies advocate; or, an apology for matrimony. In answer to the Batchelor's monitor. London] : Sold by Paul Smith in Crane-Lane, 1741. ESTC No. T107923. Grub Street ID 160918.
  • Ward, Edward. The cudgel, or, A crab-tree lecture. To the author of the Dunciad. By Hercules Vinegar, Esq;. London : Printed for the author, and sold at his house, the Crab-Tree, in Vinegar-yard, near Drury-Lane, MDCCXLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T34473. Grub Street ID 264759.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of matrimony, intermixed with a variety of merry and delightful stories. Containing the charms and contentments of wooing and wedlock, in all its enjoyments, recreations, and divertisements. London : printed for J. Clarke, at the Golden-Ball, in Duck-Lane; and A. Wilde, in Aldersgate-Street, M.DCC.XLIII. [1743]. ESTC No. N25574. Grub Street ID 14927.
  • Ward, Edward. The delights of the bottle; or, the complete vintner. ... A merry poem. ... By the author of The cavalcade. The third edition.. London : printed and sold by R. Baldwin and J. Jefferys, 1743. ESTC No. T25515. Grub Street ID 257940.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected, in the characters of 1. A ship of war. 2. A sea-captain. ... By a lover of the mathematicks. London : printed for the Company of Booksellers and sold by F. Bradshaw in Rotterdam, [1744?]. ESTC No. N36102. Grub Street ID 24083.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected, in the character of a ship of war; as also the characters of all the officers, from the captain to the common sailor; viz. I. A sea-captain, II. A sea-lieutenant, III. A Sea-Chaplain, IV. The Master of a Ship of War, V. The Purser, VI. The Surgeon, Vii. The Gunner, Viii. The Carpenter, IX. The Boatswain, X. A Sea-Cook, XI. A Midship-Man, XII. The Captain's Steward, XIII. A Sailor. By the author of the London-Spy. The third edition.. London : printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe, in Pater-Noster-Row; and Sold at the Pamphlet-Shops of London and Westminster, M.DCC.XLIV. [1744]. ESTC No. T62079. Grub Street ID 287618.
  • Ward, Edward. A compleat and humorous account of all the remarkable clubs and societies in the cities of London and Westminster, from the R-l-s-y down to the Lumber-Troop, &c. ... original with characters of the most noted members, containing great variety of entertaining discourses, frolicks, and adventures of the principal managers and members, a work of great use and curiosity. Compil'd from the original papers of a gent. who frequented those places upwards of twenty years. London : Printed for the author and sold by Joseph Collier at Shakespear's Head in Ludgate-Street, MDCCXLV. [1745]. ESTC No. T152731. Grub Street ID 197418.
  • Ward, Edward. A compleat and humorous account of all the remarkable clubs and societies in the cities of London and Westminster, ... Compil'd from the original papers of a gentleman, who frequented those places upwards of twenty years. The third edition.. London : printed for the author and sold by M. Cooper, 1746. ESTC No. N63398. Grub Street ID 45577.
  • Ward, Edward. A compleat and humorous account of all the remarkable clubs and societies in the cities of London and Westminster, [f]rom the R-l-S-y down to the Lumber-Troop, &c. Their original, with characters of the most noted members; containing great [va]riety of entertaining discourses, erolicks, and adventures of the principal managers and members; a work of great use and curiosity. [C]ompil'd from the original papers of a gent. who [fr]equented those places upwards of twenty years. The second edition.. London : [Pri]nted for the author, and sold by M. Cooper in Pater-noster Row, MDCCXLVI. [1746]. ESTC No. T226014. Grub Street ID 247707.
  • Ward, Edward. A trip to Germany: or, the poet turn'd trooper. Being a relation of several comical intrigues and diverting adventures: with an impartial character of the country. Dublin: printed and sold by Ebenezer Ride, 1746. ESTC No. N47812. Grub Street ID 32452.
  • Ward, Edward. The batchelor's estimate of the expences of a married life. In a letter to a friend. Being an answer to a proposal of marrying a lady with 2000 l. fortune. London : printed in the year, 1747. ESTC No. T189031. Grub Street ID 224658.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life, or the misery of matrimony ... Together with the sweet entertainment, of the most charming pleasures of a country life. Dedicated to all young batchelors and widdows [sic]. London?] : Printed for a bold clergy-man, 1747. ESTC No. T42490. Grub Street ID 271268.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected: in the character of a ship of war: As also, the characters of all the officers, From the captain to the Common Sailor; Viz. I. A Sea-Captain. II. A Sea-Lieutenant. III. A Sea-Chaplain. IV. The Master of a Ship of War. V. The Purser. VI. The Surgeon. Vii. The Gunner. Viii. The Carpenter. IX. The Boatswain. X. A Sea-Cook. XI. A Midshipman. XII. The Captain's Steward. XIII. A Sailor. By the author of the London-Spy. The fourth edition.. London : printed for J. Robinson, in Ludgate-Street, J. Fuller, junior, in Pater-Noster-Row; and sold at all the Pamphlet-Shops in London and Westminster, [1749]. ESTC No. T62089. Grub Street ID 287628.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or, the arts of a designing woman laid open. By E. W. ... Treating, I. Of her allurements, ... II. A pleasant and profitable discourse in defence of married men, against peevish, fretful scolding wives; ... III. A true character of a virtuous woman, ... Dublin: printed for George Golding, 1749. ESTC No. T231358. Grub Street ID 256935.
  • Ward, Edward. Wine and wisdom: or, the Tipling philosophers. A lyrick poem. To which are subjoin'd, the most remarkable memoirs of the following antients. Thalese Solon. Pheresydes. Anaxagoras. Archelaus. Socrates. Xenophon. Aristippus. Hegesias. Theodorus. Bion. Euclides. Eubulides. Menuedemus. [P]lato. Speusippus. Polemo. Arcesilaus. Aristotle. Theophrastus. Strato. Lycon. Diogenes. Menippus. Zeno. Antipater. Pythagoras. Heraclitus. Xenophanes. Parmenides. Leucippus. Democritus. Anaxarcbus. Pyrrho. Epicurus. Longinus. Porphyrius. Jamblicus. Aedesius. Eustathius. Maximus. Priscus. Julianus. Proceresius. Xantus. Demosthenes. Zalucus. Seneca. Piso. Cato. Copernicus. To which is added, a new litany, very proper to be read by a merry society, over a glass of good liquor. Dublin: printed for William Williamson Bookseller at the Half-Moon in Ross-Lane, MDCCLI. [1751]. ESTC No. T58885. Grub Street ID 284974.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected: in the character of a ship of war: as also, the characters of all the officers, from the captain to the common sailor; viz. I. A Sea-Captain. II. A Sea-Lieutenant. III. A Sea-Chaplain. IV. The Master of a Ship of War. V. The Purser. VI. The Surgeon. Vii. The Gunner. Viii. The Carpenter. IX. The Boatswain. X. A Sea-Cook. XI. A Midshipman. XII. The Captain's Steward. XIII. A Sailor. By the author of the London Spy. Edinburgh: printed for and sold by James Reid bookseller in Leith, 1751. ESTC No. T178614. Grub Street ID 215514.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected: in the character of a ship of war: as also, the characters of all the officers, from the captain to the common sailor; ... By the author of the London Spy. Edinburgh: printed for James Reid bookseller in Leith, 1752. ESTC No. N25199. Grub Street ID 14554.
  • Ward, Edward. The London spy compleat, in eighteen parts. The fourth edition.. London : printed for T. Carnan, 1753. ESTC No. N67105. Grub Street ID 48727.
  • Ward, Edward. The London spy compleat, in eighteen parts. The fourth edition, revis'd and corrected.. London : printed for R. Baldwin, 1753. ESTC No. N33996. Grub Street ID 22428.
  • Ward, Edward. The London spy compleat, in eighteen parts. The fourth edition, revis'd and corrected.. London : printed for R. Baldwin, 1753. ESTC No. N63038. Grub Street ID 45273.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or, the arts of a designing woman laid open. Treating I. Of their allurements, ... III. A true character of a virtuous woman; ... By E. W. ... To which is added, The batchelor's estimate of the expences of a married life. London : printed for R. Ware; C. Hitch, and L. Hawes; J. Hodges; and S. Crowder, and H. Woodgate, 1755. ESTC No. N16931. Grub Street ID 6431.
  • Ward, Edward. Hudibras redivivus: or, a burlesque poem on the times. In twenty four parts. With an apology, and some other improvements throughout the whole. The fourth edition. To which is now added, The rambling fuddle-caps: or a tavern strugle [sic] for a kiss. By E. Ward. London : printed for John Wren, [1755?]. ESTC No. N17085. Grub Street ID 6581.
  • Ward, Edward. A compleat and humorous account of all the remarkable clubs and societies in the cities of London and Westminster, From the R-l-S-y down to the Lumber-Troop, &c. Their Original with Characters of the most noted Members, containing great Variety of entertaining Discourses, Frolicks, and Adventures of the principal Managers and Members, a Work of great Use and Curiosity. Compil'd from the original Papers of a Gentleman who frequented those Places upwards of Twenty Years. The seventh edition.. London : printed for J. Wren, at the Bible and Crown, in Salisbury-Court, Fleet-Street, [1756]. ESTC No. T117498. Grub Street ID 169088.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected: in the character of a ship of war: as also, the characters of all the officers, from the captain to the common sailor; viz I. A sea-captain. II. A sea-lieutenant. ... By the author of the London-Spy. The fifth edition.. London : printed for J. Wren, 1756. ESTC No. N25202. Grub Street ID 14558.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of matrimony. Intermix'd with variety of merry and delightful stories: containing the charms and contentments of wooing and wedlock, ... With pictures. London : printed for, and sold by A. Wilde, 1758. ESTC No. T118247. Grub Street ID 169801.
  • Ward, Edward. Nuptial dialogues and debates: or, an useful prospect of the felicities and discomforts of a marry'd life, Incident to all Degrees, from the Throne to the Cottage. Containing Many great Examples of Love, Piety, Prudence, Justice, and all the excellent Virtues, that largely contribute to the true Happiness of Wedlock. Drawn from the Lives of our own Princes, Nobility, and other Quality, in Prosperity and Adversity. Also the fantastical Humours of all Fops, Coquets, Bullies, Jilts, sond Fools, and Wantons: old Fumblers, barren Ladies, Misers, parsimonious Wives, Ninnies, Sluts and Termagants; drunken Husbands, toping Gossips, schismatical Precisians, and devout Hypocrites of all Sorts. Digested into serious, merry, and satyrical poems, wherein both Sexes, in all Stations, are reminded of their Duty, and taught how to be happy in a Matrimonial State. In two volumes. By Edward Ward, Author of the London Spy. The fourth edition, corrected.. London : printed for C. Hitch and L. Hawes, R. Baldwin, S. Crowder and Co. J. Wren, P. Davey and B. Law, C. Ware, and J. Hope, M.DCC.LIX. [1759]. ESTC No. N5912. Grub Street ID 42303.
  • Ward, Edward. The batchelor's estimate of the expences of a married life, in a letter to a frien[d,] being an answer to a proposal of marrying a lady with two thousand pounds fortune. Edinburgh: printed in the year, 1760. ESTC No. T226985. Grub Street ID 248321.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life or, the misers of matrimony by Sir Iohn Dillon, Kt. To which is added The choice or, the pleasures of a country life dedicated to the beaus against the next vacation. Dublin: printed by Bart Corcoran, [1760?]. ESTC No. T197646. Grub Street ID 230663.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of matrimony. Intermix'd with variety of merry and delightful stories, containing the charms and contentments of wooing and wedlock, ... To this edition is prefix'd, the pleasant and entertaining history of Princess Leonice. Dublin: printed and sold by Alexander Kelburn; also by John Hay, and James Magee, in Belfast; Hugh Ramsey, in Waterford; and George Stevenson in Newry booksellers, [1760?]. ESTC No. N62881. Grub Street ID 45143.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected: in the character of a ship of war: as also, the characters of all the officers, from the captain to the common sailor. Viz. I. A sea-captain. II. A sea-lieutenant. ... To which is added, ... two very interesting and entertaining stories never yet printed in any of the former editions; ... By the author of the London-Spy. The seventh edition.. London : printed for and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1760. ESTC No. N25205. Grub Street ID 14561.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected. Or, the arts of a designing woman laid open. Treating I. Of their allurements, Inconstancy, Love, Revenge, Pride and Ingratitude. II. A Pleasant and Profitable Discourse in Defence of Married Men, against Peevish, Fretful, Scolding Wives; with several Notable Examples of the Mischiefs and Miseries which have attended their Lust and Pride. III. A true character of a virtuous woman, or Wife indeed. With a Poetical Description of A Maid, Wife, and Widow. By E. W. Author of the London Spy, and Trip to Jamaica. To which is added The batchelor's estimate of the expences of a married life. London : printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; C. Hitch and L. Hawes, at the Red Lion, and S. Crowder, at the Looking Glass, and H. Woodgate and S. Brooks, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1761. ESTC No. N9764. Grub Street ID 54641.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected; in the character of a ship of war. ... By the author of the London Spy. The eighth edition.. London : printed for H. Woodgate, and S. Brooks, 1761. ESTC No. T201255. Grub Street ID 232605.
  • Ward, Edward. Mars stript of his armour: or, the army display'd in all its true colours. ... The second edition. By a lover of the mathematicks. London : printed for J. Collyer; F. and J. Noble; J. Wren; and sold at the pamphlet-shops of London and Westminster, [1765?]. ESTC No. N4345. Grub Street ID 29208.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life: or The misery of matrimony. Together with the sweet entertainment of the most charming pleasures of a country life. Dedicated to all young batchelors, widows and maids. London] : Sold at Sympson's printing-office, in Stone-Cutter Street, Fleet-Market, [1765?. ESTC No. T196355. Grub Street ID 229745.
  • Ward, Edward. Mars stript of his armour: or, the army displayed in all its true colours. Containing the Characters of I. An Army in General. II. A Regiment or Battalion. III. A Captain-General. IV. A Lieutenant-General. V. A Major-General. VI. A Brigadier-General. Vii. A Colonel. Viii. A Lieutenant-Colonel. IX. A Major. X. A Captain of the Guards. XI. An Aid-de-Camp. XII. A Partisan. XIII. A Spy. XIV. A Captain. XV. A Lieutenant. XVI. An Ensign. XVII. An Adjutant. XVIII. A Quarter-Master. XIX. The Chaplain of a Regiment. XX. The Surgeon. XXI. The Sergeant. XXII. A Grenadier. XXIII. A private Centinel. XXIV. A Provost. By the author of The wooden world dissected. London : printed for H. Serjeant, at the Black Swan, without Temple-Bar, [1765?]. ESTC No. T62092. Grub Street ID 287632.
  • Ward, Edward. The pleasures of a single life: or the misery of matrimony. Together with the sweet entertainment of the most charming pleasures of a country life. Dedicated to all young batchelors, widows and maids. Glasgow: printed in the year, 1767. ESTC No. T174035. Grub Street ID 211144.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world. Dissected: in the character of a ship of war: as also the characters of all the officers, from the captain to the common sailor. Viz. I. A sea-captain. II. A sea-lieutenant. III. A sea-chaplian. IV. The master. V. The purser. VI. The surgeon. VII. The gunner. VIII. The carpenter. IX. The boatswain. X. A sea-cook. XI. A midshipman. XII. The captain's steward. XIII. A sailor. By the Author of the London spy. The seventh edition.. London : Printed for, and sold by, the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1771. ESTC No. T176622. Grub Street ID 213643.
  • Ward, Edward. The noble cuckolds; or The pleasures of a single life, and the miseries of matrimony. Occasionally published upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament, betwixt noble personages. By the Right Hon. Lord --_---- ----. To which is added, address'd to the unmarried of both sexes, The contrast being a parallel between courtship and matrimony. London : printed for, and sold by Joseph Barber, bookseller, in his circulating library, in Amen Corner, Newcastle and by the rest of the booksellers in town and country. ..., MDCCLXXII. [1772]. ESTC No. T79887. Grub Street ID 301250.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected: in the character of a ship of war: as also, the characters of all the officers from the captain to the common sailor; viz. I. A sea-captain. II. A sea-lieutenant. III. A Sea-Chaplain. IV. The Master of a Ship of War. V. The Purser. VI. The Surgeon. Vii. The Gunner. Viii. The Carpenter. IX. The Boatswain. X. A Sea-Cook. XI. A Midshipman. XII. The Captain's Steward. XIII. A Sailor. By the author of the London spy. Glasgow: printed by Robert and Thomas Duncan, and sold at their shop, Pope's Head, Salt-Market, M,DCC,LXXIII. [1773]. ESTC No. T129529. Grub Street ID 178958.
  • Ward, Edward. Matrimony, [a] poem. London : printed for W. Goldsmith, 1773. ESTC No. N65236. Grub Street ID 47141.
  • Ward, Edward. Mars stript of his armour: or, the army display'd in all its true colours. The third edition. By a lover of the mathematicks. Edinburgh: printed in the year, 1779. ESTC No. T62086. Grub Street ID 287626.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected: in the character of a ship of war: as also, the characters of all the officers, from the captain to the common sailor; ... By the author of the London-Spy. Edinburgh: printed in the year, 1779. ESTC No. T62088. Grub Street ID 287627.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected; or, the arts of a designing woman laid open. By E. W. Author of The London spy, ... Teachinc [sic], I. Of her allurements, ... III. A true character of a virtuous woman, ... Glasgow: printed by John Tait, and are to be sold by him, and by J. and M. Robertson, Dunlop and Wilson, J. and W. Shaw, J. Duncan, and P. Bell, 1784. ESTC No. N9763. Grub Street ID 54640.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or The arts of a designing woman laid open. Treating of their allurements, inconstancy, love, revenge, pride and ingratitude. [Boston]: Printed and sold [by Benjamin Edes and Son] at no. 42, Cornhill, Boston, M,DCC,LXXXVI. [1786]. ESTC No. W25129. Grub Street ID 335085.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or, the arts of a designing woman laid open. By E. W. Author of the London Spy, and Trip to Jamaica. Treating, I. Of her Allurements, Inconstancy, Love, Revenge, Pride, and Ingratitude. II. A pleasant and profitable Discourse in Defence of married Men, against peevish, fretful, scolding Wives, with several notable Examples of the Mischiess and Miseries which have attended their Lust and Pride. III. A true Character of a virtuous Woman, or Wife indeed. With a poetical Description of a Widow, Wife and Maid. To which is added, the celebrated poem, entitled, The pleasures of a single life: or, the miseries of matrimony. By Sir John Dillon, Knt. London : printed and sold by the booksellers, 1787-88. ESTC No. T78257. Grub Street ID 300123.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or The arts of a designing woman laid open. By E. Ward, author of The London spy, and A trip to Jamaica. Teaching: I. Of her allurements, inconstancy, love, revenge, pride and ingratitude. II. A pleasant and profitable discourse in defence of marrie men against peevish fretful and scolding wives, with several notable examples of the mischiefs which have attended their lust and pride. III. A true character of a virtuous woman, or wife indeed. To which is added, a poetical description of a widow, wife and maid. Baltimore [Md.]: Printed for the purchasers, [179-?]. ESTC No. W12121. Grub Street ID 321369.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or The arts of a designing woman laid open. By E. Ward. Author of The London spy, and A trip to Jamaica. Teaching: I. Of her allurements, inconstancy, love, revenge, pride and ingratitude. II. A pleasant and profitable discourse in defence of marrie men, against peevish, fretful and scolding wives; with several notable examples of the mischiefs which have attended their lust and pride. III. A true character of a virtuous woman, or wife indeed. To which is added, a poetical description of a widow, wife and maid. New-York: Printed for B. Gomez, no. 97, Maiden Lane, 1794. ESTC No. W12119. Grub Street ID 321366.
  • Ward, Edward. Female policy detected: or The arts of a designing woman laid open. Teaching, I. Of her allurements, inconstancy, love, revenge, pride and ingratitude. II. A pleasant and profitable discourse in defence of married men, against peevish, fretful, and scolding wives; with several notable examples of the mischiefs which have attended their lust and pride. III. A true character of a virtuous woman, or wife indeed. To which is added, a poetical description of a widow, wife and maid. By E.W. author of The London spy, and A trip to Jamaica. Haverhill [Mass.]: printed by Peter Edes, MDCCXCV. [1795]. ESTC No. W12120. Grub Street ID 321368.
  • Ward, Edward. The wooden world dissected; in the character of a ship of war. As also the characters of all the officers, from the captain to the common sailor, viz. A sea captain, a sea lieutenant, . A new edition.. London : printed for, and sold by the booksellers, and by James Graham, Sunderland, 1795. ESTC No. N36067. Grub Street ID 24048.