John Harding


  • Grubstreet: 1078


  • Bookseller
  • Publisher
  • Postmaster

John Harding, bookseller and publisher, at the Bible and Anchor, St. Paul's Churchyard; at the Bible and Anchor, in Newport Street nr Leicester Fields; in St. Martin's Lane.

A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725, by Henry Plomer (1922)

HARDING (JOHN), bookseller in London, (i) Bible and Anchor, St. Paul's Churchyard; (2) Bible and Anchor, Newport Street, near Leicester Fields; (3) St. Martin's Lane. 1678–1712. Entered in the Term Catalogue of Mich. 1678 Christopher Nesse's Christian's walk and work on earth ... Second edition. [T.C. i. 336.] Dunton became acquainted with John Harding at Sturbridge Fair and dealt with him for several years, finding him [p. 223] "a very honest man, an understanding bookseller and a zealous Church of England man, yet no bigot". In 1684 he moved to Leicester Fields, and among his apprentices was Bernard Lintot, who had been turned over to him from Tho. Linyard. In 1709, among those who received subscriptions for the Corpus omn. vet. Poetarum Latinorum was—Harding, in St. Martin's Lane, who is probably identical with John Harding. [T.C. ill. 657.] In 1713 he subscribed to the fund for the relief of William Bowyer the elder.

Notes & Queries "London Booksellers Series" (1931–2)

HARDING, JOHN. He is described by Dunton as "a very honest man, an understanding bookseller, and a zealous Church of England man." By 1700 he was established at the Post Office in St. Martin's Lane, and in 1712 he was one of the benefactors to Bowyer, but after this date he becomes obscure.

—Frederick T. Wood, 22 August 1931