Publications of Benjamin Kennicott


  • Kennicott, Benjamin. A poem on the recovery of the Honble. Mrs. Eliz. Courtenay from her late dangerous illness. Exon: printed by Andrew and Sarah Brice, 1743. ESTC No. T188126. Grub Street ID 223964.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. A poem on the recovery of the Hon. Mrs. Eliz. Courtenay from her late dangerous illness : Humbly Inscrib'd to Kellond Courtenay, of Painsford, Esq; and his Lady. Written in the year 1743. [Oxford: at the Clarendon Press], MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T124986. Grub Street ID 175159.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. Two dissertations: the first on the tree of life in Paradise, With some Observations on The Creation and Fall of Man; the second on the oblations of Cain and Abel. By Benjamin Kennicott, of Wadham College. Oxford: printed at the Theatre, for the author: and sold by Mr. Clements, in Oxford; Mr. Birt and Mess. Rivington, in London; Mr. Thurlbourn, in Cambridge; Mr. Leake, in Bath; and Mr. Score, in Exeter, MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. N27521. Grub Street ID 16773.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. Two dissertations: the first on the tree of life in Paradise, with some observations on the creation and fall of man; the second on the oblations of Cain and Abel. By Benjamin Kennicott, ... Oxford: printed at the Theatre, for the author: and sold by Mr. Clements, in Oxford; Mr. Birt and Mess. Rivington, in London; Mr Thurlbourn, in Cambridge, Mr. Leake, in Bath, and Mr. Score, in Exeter, 1747. ESTC No. T67061. Grub Street ID 291722.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. Two dissertations: the first on the tree of life in paradise, With some Observations on The Creation and Fall of Man; the second on the oblations of Cain and Abel. By Benjamin Kennicott, of Wadham College. Oxford: printed at the Theatre, for the author: and sold by Mr. Clements, in Oxford; Mr. Birt and Mess. Rivington, in London; Mr. Thurlbourn, in Cambridge; Mr. Leake, in Bath; and Mr. Score, in Exeter, MDCCXLVII. [1747]. ESTC No. T52059. Grub Street ID 279225.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. The duty of thanksgiving for peace in general, And the reasonableness of thanksgiving for our present peace. A Sermon Preach'd at St. Martin's in Oxford, before the Mayor and Corporation, On Tuesday, April 25, 1749. Being the Day of Thanksgiving for the General Peace. By Benjamin Kennicott, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. London : printed for S. Birt, and J. and J. Rivington, in London; R. Clements, in Oxford; J. Leake, in Bath; and E. Score, in Exeter, M.DCC.XLIX. [1749]. ESTC No. T2025. Grub Street ID 233400.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. The state of the printed Hebrew text of the Old Testament considered. A dissertation in two parts. Part the first compares I Chron. XI with 2 Sam. V and XXIII; and Part the second contains observations on seventy Hebrew MSS, with an extract of mistakes and various readings. By Benjamin Kennicott, M.A. Fellow of Exeter College. Oxford: printed at the Theatre: and sold by Mr. Clements and Mr. Fletcher; Mr. Birt, Mess. Rivington and Mr. Dodsley, in London; Mr. Thurlbourn and Mr. Merril, in Cambridge; Mr. Leake, in Bath; and Mr. Score, in Exeter, 1753-59. ESTC No. T85734. Grub Street ID 306020.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. A word to the Hutchinsonians: or remarks on three extraordinary sermons lately preached before the University of Oxford, by the Reverend Dr. Patten, the Reverend Mr. Wetherall, and the Reverend Mr. Horne. By a member of the University. London : printed; and sold by R. Dodsley, in Pall Mall; R. Griffiths, in Pater-Noster-Row: and J. Fletcher in Oxford, MDCCLVI. [1756]. ESTC No. T88011. Grub Street ID 308016.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. Christian fortitude. A sermon preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's Church, on St. Paul's Day, Jan. 25. 1757. By Benjamin Kennicott, M.A. Fellow of Exeter College, and One of His Majesty's Preachers at Whitehall. Oxford: printed, at the Theatre; and sold by J. Fletcher and D. Prince, in Oxford; and by R. and J. Dodsley, J. Rivington, J. Rivington and J. Fletcher, and R. Griffiths, in London, MDCCLVII. [1757]. ESTC No. T2365. Grub Street ID 257612.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. Christian fortitude. A sermon preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's Church, on St. Paul's Day, Jan. 25. 1757. By Benjamin Kennicott, M.A. ... Oxford: printed, at the Theatre; and sold by J. Fletcher and D. Prince, in Oxford; and by R. and J. Dodsley, J. Rivington, J. Rivington and J. Fletcher, and R. Griffiths, in London, 1757. ESTC No. N31529. Grub Street ID 20418.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. Christian fortitude. A Sermon Preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's Church, on St. Paul's Day, Jan. 25. 1757. By Benjamin Kennicott, M. A. Fellow of Exeter College, and One of His Majesty's Preachers at Whitehall. Oxford: printed, at the Theatre; and sold by J. Fletcher and D. Prince, in Oxford; and by R. and J. Dodsley, J. Rivington, J. Rivington and J. Fletcher, and R. Griffiths, in London, MDCCLVII. [1757]. ESTC No. T2765. Grub Street ID 259554.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. Christian fortitude. A sermon Preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's Church, on St. Paul's Day, Jan. 25. 1757. By Benjamin Kennicott, M. A. Fellow of Exeter College, and One of His Majesty's Preachers at Whitehall. Oxford: printed, at the Theatre; and sold by J. Fletcher and D. Prince, in Oxford; and by R. and J. Dodsley, J. Rivington, J. Rivington and J. Fletcher, and R. Griffiths, in London, MDCCLVII. [1757]. ESTC No. T2766. Grub Street ID 259563.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. An answer to a letter from the Rev. T. Rutherforth, D.D. F.R.S. the King's Professor of Divinity in Cambridge, and chaplain to Her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales. By Benjamin Kennicott, D.D. fellow of Exeter College. London : printed: and sold by Messrs Fletcher and Prince, in Oxford; Thurlbourn, in Cambridge; Rivington, Payne, Dodsley, Griffiths, and Fletcher, in London, MDCCLXII. [1762]. ESTC No. T85725. Grub Street ID 306015.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. De statu collationis hebraicorum codicum MStorum veteris testamenti (finito anno 1762). Tribus abhinc annis institutæ a Benjamino Kennicott ... Oxonii: pecuniæ, in hoc opus subscriptæ, tradi possint cuivis ex sequentibus bibliopolis - Rivington, Payne, Dodsley; Londini, 1763. ESTC No. T151113. Grub Street ID 196621.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. De statu collationis hebraicorum codicum MStorum veteris testamenti (finito anno 1763) quatuor abhinc annis institutæ a Benjamino Kennicott ... Oxonii: pecuniæ, in hoc opus subscriptæ, tradi possint cuivis ex sequentibus bibliopolis - Rivington, Payne, Dodsley; Londini, 1763. ESTC No. T151114. Grub Street ID 196622.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. De statu collationis hebraicorum codicum MStorum veteris testamenti (finito anno 1764) quinque abhinc annis institutæ a Benjamino Kennicott ... Oxonii: pecuniæ, in hoc opus subscriptæ, tradi possint cuivis ex sequentisbus bibliopolis - Rivington, Payne, Dodsley, Fletcher; Londini, 1764. ESTC No. T151115. Grub Street ID 196623.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. A sermon preached before the University of Oxford at St Mary's church, On Sunday, May 19, 1765: by Benjamin Kennicott, D.D. F.R.S. Fellow of Exeter College, and One of His Majesty's Preachers at Whitehall. Published at the Request of Mr Vice-Chancellor and The Heads of Houses. Oxford: printed at the Theatre: and sold by Messrs Fletcher and Prince, in Oxford; and by Messrs Rivington, Payne, Dodsley & Fletcher, in London, MDCCLXV. [1765]. ESTC No. T53370. Grub Street ID 280334.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. De statu collationis hebraicorum codicum Mstorum veteris testamenti (finito anno 1765) sex abhinc annis institutæ a Benjamino Kennicott S. T. P. Regiae Societatis Socio; Et Socio Collegii Exonlensis,. Oxonii: M DCC LX V. Pecuniæ, in hoc opus subscriptæ, tradi possint cuivis ex sequentibus bibliopolis: Rivington, Payne, Dodsley, Fletcher; Londini, [1765]. ESTC No. T198799. Grub Street ID 231253.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. De statu collationis hebraicorum codicum MStorum veteris testamenti (finito anno 1766) septem abhinc annis institutæ, a Benjamino Kennicott ... Oxonii: pecuniæ, in hoc opus subscriptæ, tradi possint cuivis ex sequentibus bibliopolis - Rivington, Payne, Dodsley, Fletcher; Londini, 1766. ESTC No. T151116. Grub Street ID 196624.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. De statu collationis hebraicorum codicum MStorum veteris testamenti (finito anno 1767) octo abhinc annis institutæ, a Benjamino Kennicott ... Oxonii: pecuniæ, in hoc opus subscriptæ, tradi possint cuivis ex sequentibus bibliopolis: Rivington, Payne, Dodsley, Fletcher; Londini, 1767. ESTC No. T151117. Grub Street ID 196625.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. Observations on the first book of Samuel, Chapter VI, Verse XIX: By Benj. Kennicott, ... [Oxford?]: Sold by Messrs Fletcher and Prince, in Oxford; and by Messrs Rivington, Payne, Dodsley, & Fletcher, in London, 1768. ESTC No. T41800. Grub Street ID 270615.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. Remarques critiques sur I Samuel, Ch. VI. Ver. 19. Par B. Kennicott,. London] : Imprim'e `a Londres par J. Lister; et se vend chez Saillant, & Molini, `a Paris; Monaldini, `a Rome; Pasquali, `a Venise; Cambiagi & Comp. `a Florence; Rey, `a Amsterdam; Becket & De Hondt, & Molini, `a Londres, 1768. ESTC No. T85733. Grub Street ID 306019.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. The ten annual accounts of the collation of Hebrew Mss of the Old Testament; begun in 1760, and compleated in 1769: by Benj. Kennicott, ... [Oxford]: Sold by Mr Fletcher & Prince, in Oxford; Mr Woodyer, in Cambridge; Mr Rivington, Payne, Dodsley, and Fletcher, in London, 1770. ESTC No. T85737. Grub Street ID 306022.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. If an application can be made with propriety to the great and the learned thro' Europe, for the publication of any literary work; ... And Dr. Kennicott, who makes these proposals, ... Oxford: December 16, 1772. ESTC No. T144816. Grub Street ID 191635.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. Critica sacra; or, a short introduction to Hebrew criticism. London : printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, MDCCLXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T112850. Grub Street ID 164803.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. Benjamini Kennicotti epistola ad celeberrimum Professorem Joannem Davidem Michaelis; de censurâ primi tomi Bibliorum Hebraicorum nuper editi, in Bibliothecâ ejus Orientali, Parte XI. Oxonii: prostat venalis apud Rivington, Londini, 1777. ESTC No. T85727. Grub Street ID 306017.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. The sabbath. A sermon preached in His Majesty's chapel, Whitehall, and before the University of Oxford: by Benjamin Kennicott, D.D. F.R.S. Canon of Christ-Church. Oxford: printed at the Theatre: sold by Mess. Fletcher & Prince, in Oxford: and by Mess. Rivington, in London, MDCCLXXXI. [1781]. ESTC No. T53369. Grub Street ID 280332.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. Editionis Veteris Testamenti Hebraici cum variis lectionibus brevis defensio, contra Ephemeridum Goettingensium criminationes: a Benjamino Kennicott, ... Oxonii: prostat venalis apud Rivington, Londini, 1782. ESTC No. T85726. Grub Street ID 306016.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. The sabbath. A sermon preached in His Majesty's chapel, Whitehall, and before the University of Oxford: by Benjamin Kennicott, ... Oxford: printed at the Theatre: sold by Mess. Fletcher & Prince: and by Mess. Rivington, in London, 1783. ESTC No. T196583. Grub Street ID 229948.
  • Kennicott, Benjamin. Remarks on select passages in the Old Testament: to which are added eight sermons. By the late Benjamin Kennicott, D.D. Oxford: sold by Prince and Cooke, and J. Fletcher in Oxford; and Mess. Rivington, Payne, Cadell, and Robson, in London, MDCCLXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T85736. Grub Street ID 306021.