John Abraham


  • Grubstreet: 10478


  • Printer
Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History, ed. Ian Maxted (2005–)

ABRAHAM, John, printer, 3, St. Swithin's Lane 1785P–1790U; 5, Lombard Street 1792U–1794B; 1, Clement Lane, Lombard Street 1799H–1858. Trading: as John Abraham 1785P–1808; as Elizabeth Abraham 1809; as Edward Abraham 1817; as Guy George and John Abraham 1818–31; as John Humphries Abraham 1832-58. S. of Guy A. of Great Berkhampstead, Herts, schoolmaster; d. 1808. App. Mary Say 1776, free Sta. Co. 1783, livery 1790, 1786–1807 13 apps (incl. son William, 1799), 5 prem. average £26. Bankrupt 19 Jan 1793, cert. 4 May 1793, div. 16 May 1794. Described as 'Price Current Office' 1811. Imprint(s): Kress: 1786: S5103. Howe; Todd: McKenzie. [Abbreviations and sources] (CC BY-NC 4.0)