Publications of Guillaume Marcel


  • Marcel, Guillaume. Chronological tables; containing the successions of all ye popes, emperours, & kings, which have reign'd in Europe, from ye nativity of our Saviour, to ye year 1688. Being of great use for the reading of history, and a ready help to discourse. Digested into so easie & exact a method, y[e]t any one may immediately find out either pope, emp[ero]r, or king; and thereby most readily know, in w[ha]t time & kingdom he reign'd: who were his predecess[o]rs, co[n]temp[o]rs, & success[o]rs: to w[ha]t virtues, or vices he was most inclinable: the good, or ill success of his fortune: the manner, & time of his death. Published in several languages, and now rendred into English. Wherein many gross errors are diligently corrected; and ye whole mademuch plainer, and easier, than in any of the former editions: By W. P. Gnet: Licensed Rob: Midgley. London : printed & sold by I. Knight, at ye Pope's head in the new Exchange; and W. Rogers, at ye Sun ag[ain]st Dunstans-Church in Fleetstreet, booksellers Phillip Lea,globe-maker at the Atlas, and Hercules, in Cheapside, and Westminster Hall; Iohn Hills, stationer in Exchange Alley, over against Ionathan's Coffey-House in Cornhill, [1690]. ESTC No. R643. Grub Street ID 126771.
  • Marcel, Guillaume. Chronological tables of Europe; from the nativity of our Saviour to the year 1703. Engraven on 46 Copper-Plates, and Contriv'd in a small Compass for the Pocket; Being of Great Use for the Reading of History, and a Ready Help to Discourse. Digested into so very Easie and Exact a Method, that any one may Immediately find out either Pope, Emperour, or King. And thereby Know in what Time & Kingdom he Reign'd. Who were his Predecessours, Contemprs. & Successrs; To what Virtues or Vices he was most Inclinable; The Good or Ill Success of his Fortune; The Manner & Time of his Death. By Colonel Parsons. Licensed (nov: 10th. 1689) Robt. Midgley. The VIth. impression, wth alterations & amendments; ... London : printed for B. Barker. at the White-Hart and C. King at the Judges Head in Westminster Hall, [1707]. ESTC No. T122638. Grub Street ID 173302.
  • Marcel, Guillaume. Chronological tables of Europe; from the nativity of our Saviour to the year 1714. Engraven on 46 Copper-Plates, and Contriv'd in a small Compass for the Pocket; Being of Great Use for the Reading of History, and a Ready Help to Discourse. Digested into so very Easie and Exact a Method, that any one may Immediately find out either Pope, Emperour, or King: And thereby Know in what Time & Kingdom he Reign'd. Who were his Predecessours, Contemprs, & Successrs; To what Virtues or Vices he was most Inclinable; The Good or Ill Success of his Fortune; The Manner & Time of his Death. By Colonel Parsons. Licensed (nov: 10th. 1689) Robt. Midgley. The VIIth. impression, wth alterations & amendments; ... London : printed for B. Barker. at the White-Hart and C. King at the Judges Head in Westminster Hall, [1714]. ESTC No. T122639. Grub Street ID 173303.
  • Marcel, Guillaume. Chronological tables of Europe; from the nativity of our Saviour to the year 1718. Engraven on 46 Copper-Plates, and Contriv'd in a small Compass for the Pocket; Being of Great Use for the Reading of History, and a Ready Help to Discourse. Digested into so very Easie and Exact a Method, that any one may Immediately find out either Pope, Emperour, or King. And thereby Know in what Time & Kingdom he Reign'd Who were his Predecessours, Contemprs, & Successrs; To what Virtues or Vices he was most Inclinable; The Good or Ill Success of his Fortune; The Manner & Time of his Death. By Colonel Parsons. Licensed (nov: 10th. 1689) Robt. Midgley. The VIIIth. impression, wth alterations & amendments; ... London : printed for B. Barker. at the White-Hart and C. King at the Judges Head in Westminster Hall, [1718]. ESTC No. T122640. Grub Street ID 173305.
  • Marcel, Guillaume. Chronological tables of Europe. From the nativity of our Saviour to the year MDCCXXVI. ... that one may immediately find either pope, emperour or King; and thereby know in what time or Kingdom he reign'd, . London] : Sold by Mr. C Bateman & R. Ware. Mr B. Motte. Mr. Stag. Mr. J. Brotherton, & J. Sturt engraver, [1726. ESTC No. T89422. Grub Street ID 309322.
  • Marcel, Guillaume. Chronological tables of Europe; from the nativity of our Saviour to the year 1726. ... that any one may immediately find out either pope, emperour, or King; and thereby know in what time & Kingdom he reign'd, ... By Colonel Parsons. London : printed for B. Barker and C. King, 1726. ESTC No. N69169. Grub Street ID 50320.
  • Marcel, Guillaume. Chronological tables of Europe; from the nativity of our Saviour to the year 1726. Engraven on 46 copper-plates, ... By Colonel Parsons. The Xth. impression, wth alterations & amendments; ... London : printed for B. and B. Barker and I. Stagg, 1740. ESTC No. N26790. Grub Street ID 16159.