Publications of Edward Burn


  • Burn, Edward. A sermon, occasioned by the death of the late Miss Elizabeth Hutchinson, (daughter of Elisha Hutchinson, Esq. of the Five Ways, near this Town,) who departed this life on the 10th of July, 1800, in the 21st Year of her Age. Delivered to the congregation of St. Mary's, Birmingham, on Sunday the 20th of July, 1800. By Edward Burn, M.A. With an appendix, containing a short memoir of her Life, &c. Together with Letters written by the Deceased, In the Years 1794, 95, 96, and 99. Birmingham: printed by Grafton & Reddell, High-Street; sold by F. & C. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard, and T. Chapman, No. 151, Fleet-Street, London; also by Hazard, Bath; Bulgin, Bristol; T.A. Pearson, Birmingham; and all other Booksellers, 1800. ESTC No. T108397. Grub Street ID 161293.
  • Burn, Edward. The fact; or, an authentic instance of daemoniacal possession improved: a sermon. By the Rev'd. Edward Burn, lecturer of St. Mary's, Birmingham. Birmingham: printed and sold by M. Swinney; and all other booksellers, MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. T185806. Grub Street ID 221979.
  • Burn, Edward. Letters to the Rev. Dr. Priestley, on the infallibility of the Apostolic testimony, concerning the person of Christ. By the Rev. Edward Burn, A.B. Birmingham: printed By E. Piercy, for Mess. Rivington, London, [1790]. ESTC No. N2669. Grub Street ID 16057.
  • Burn, Edward. Letters to the Rev. Dr. Priestley, on the infallibility of the Apostolic testimony, concerning the person of Christ. By the Rev. Edward Burn. Birmingham: printed By E. Piercy, for J. Johnson, London, [1790]. ESTC No. N52823. Grub Street ID 36806.
  • Burn, Edward. Letters to the Rev. Dr. Priestley, on the infallibility of the Apostolic testimony, concerning the person of Christ. By the Rev. Edward Burn. Birmingham: printed By E. Piercy, No. 96, Bull-Street: for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church Yard, London, [1790]. ESTC No. T103232. Grub Street ID 156882.
  • Burn, Edward. Letters to the Rev. Dr. Priestley, in vindication of those already addressed to him, on the infallibility of the Apostolic testimony, concerning the person of Christ. By the Rev. Edward Burn, A.B. Birmingham: printed and sold by E. Piercy, Bull-Street, and by Mess. Rivington, St. Paul's Church Yard, London, [1790]. ESTC No. T103240. Grub Street ID 156890.
  • Burn, Edward. A reply to the Reverend Dr. Priestley's Appeal to the public, on the subject of the late riots at Birmingham, in vindication of the clergy, And other respectable Inhabitants of the Town. By the Reverend Edward Burn, M.A. Lecturer of Saint Mary's, Birmingham. Birmingham: printed by Thomas Pearson, and sold by R. Baldwin, Pater-Noster Row, London, MDCCXCII. [1792]. ESTC No. T73210. Grub Street ID 296543.
  • Burn, Edward. The nature and advantages of Christian fellowship considered; in an affectionate address to the younger part of the congregation attending at St. Mary's, in Birmingham. Birmingham: printed by Thomas Pearson, 1794. ESTC No. T173641. Grub Street ID 210877.
  • Burn, Edward. A sermon occasioned by the death of Mr. Josiah Pratt, sen. of Birmingham, and preached at St. Mary's Chapel, on Sunday, March 12, 1797. By Edward Burn, A.M. Birmingham: printed for the author; and may be had of the booksellers, 1797. ESTC No. T121769. Grub Street ID 172529.
  • Burn, Edward. Serious hints: respectfully addressed to the consideration of the clergy, at this momentous crisis: in a sermon preached before the University of Oxford, on Sunday, February 4, 1798. By Edward Burn, A.M. Birmingham: printed for the author by Grafton & Reddell; sold by F. & C. Rivington, St. Paul's Church Yard, London; Fletcher, and Cooke, Oxford; and all other Booksellers, 1798. ESTC No. T107897. Grub Street ID 160893.