Publications of Edward Leedes


  • Leedes, Edward. English examples to be turned into Latin, beginning with the nominative case and verb as 'tis varied through all modes and tenses; and after fitted to all the rules of the grammar. To which are added some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in making Latin; forms of epistles, themes, and other exercises for the use of young beginners at Bury-School. London : printed for Nevil Simmons at the Princes Arms in St. Pauls Church-yard, and Thomas Simmons bookseller in St. Edmond's Bury, 1676. ESTC No. R22660. Grub Street ID 99584.
  • Leedes, Edward. English examples to be turned into Latin, beginning with the nominative case and verb as 'tis varied through all modes and tenses; and after fitted to all the rules of the grammar. To which are added some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in making Latin; forms of epistles, themes, and other exercises for the use of young beginnners at Bury School. The second edition.. London : printed for Nevil Simmons at the Princes Armes in St. Paul's Church-yard, and Thomas Slmmons [sic] bookseller in St. Edmond's Bury, 1677. ESTC No. R41763. Grub Street ID 123307.
  • Leedes, Edward. English examples. To be turned into Latin, beginning with the nominative case and verb as 'tis varied through all moods and tenses. And after fitted to all the rules of the grammar to which are added some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in making Latin; forms of epistles, themes, and other exercises for the use of young beginners at Bury School. To which now is added an index of all the English words that are in this book, with the Latin words proper to them. The fourth edition.. London : printed for Thomas Simmons at the Princes Arms in Ludgate-street, 1681. ESTC No. R230701. Grub Street ID 102957.
  • Leedes, Edward. English examples to be turned into Latin beginning with the nominative case and verb as 'tis varied through all moods and tenses, and after fitted to all the rules of the grammar ; to which are added some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in making Latin; forms of epistles, themes, and other exercises for the use of young beginners at Bury School ; to which now is added an index of all the English words that are in this book, with the Latin words proper to them. The seventh edition.. London : Printed for Thomas Simmons, and are to be sold by Ben. Cox ... 1685. ESTC No. R42306. Grub Street ID 123683.
  • Leedes, Edward. English examples to be turned into Latin; beginning with the nominative case and verb as 'tis varied through all moods and tenses, and after fitted to all the rules of the grammar: to which are added some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in making Latin; forms of epistles, themes, and other exercises for the use of young beginners at Bury-School. [To] which now is added an index of all the English words that are in this book, with the Latin words proper to them. The seventh edition.. London : printed for Thomas Simmons, and are to be sold by Ben. Cox at the Princes-Arms in Ludgate-street, 1685. ESTC No. R204295. Grub Street ID 81280.
  • Leedes, Edward. New English examples to be turned into Latin; beginning with the nominative case and verb, as 'tis varied throughout all moods & tenses, and after fitted to the rules of the grammar. To which are added, some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in making Latin, forms of epistles, themes, and other exercises, for the use of young-beginners at Bury-School. Being all new, and much enlarged, by the same author. London : printed for J. Chamberlain, bookseller in St. Edmunds-Bury, and B. Aylmer, at the Three Pigeons in Cornhal, 1685. ESTC No. R179410. Grub Street ID 70843.
  • Leedes, Edward. English examples to be turned into Latin; beginning with the nominative case and verb as 'tis varied through all moods and tenses. And after fitted to all the rules of the grammar: to which are added some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in making Latin; forms of epistles, themes, and other exercises for the use of young beginners at Bury School. To which now is added an index of all the English words that are in this book, with the Latin words proper to them. The eighth edition.. London : printed for B.G. T.S. and Ben. Cox; and are to be sold at the Princes-Arms in Ludgate-street, 1687. ESTC No. R222035. Grub Street ID 96092.
  • Leedes, Edward. Methodus Græcam linguam docendi (multâ grammaticorum arte omissâ) ad puerorum captum accommodata et ab Edwardo Leedes, cui id rei creditum est intra scholam Buriensem in pago suffolciensi, in usum discipulorum tradita. Londini : impensis J. Chamberlain, bibliopolæ Buriensis, 1690. ESTC No. R12613. Grub Street ID 60775.
  • Leedes, Edward. More English examples to be turned into Latin; beginning with the nominative case and verb as 'tis varied throughout all moods and tenses, and after fitted to the rules of the grammar. To which are added some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in making Latin, forms o epistles, themes, and other exercises for the use of young beginners at Bury School. All new and published by the same author to prevent the mischief which may happen by the too frequent use of the former. The third edition, with large additions.. London : printed for J.C. and are to be sold by Peter Parker, at the Leg and Star in Cornhil, 1692. ESTC No. R202673. Grub Street ID 79896.
  • Leedes, Edward. Ad prima rudimenta Græcæ linguæ discenda Græco-Latinum compendium, maximam partem à Maquoto olim scriptum, et nunc in usum scholæ Buriensis editum. Ab Edwardo Leedes. Londini : typis Benj. Motte, impensis Johan. Chamberlayne, biblioploæ Buriensis, M DC XCIII. [1693]. ESTC No. R12558. Grub Street ID 60726.
  • Leedes, Edward. English examples to be turned into Latin; beginning with the nominative case and verb as 'tis varied through all moods and tenses. And after fitted to all the rules of the grammar: to which are added some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in making Latin; forms of epistles, themes, and other exercises for the use of young beginners at Bury School. To which now is added an index of all the English words that are in this book, with the Latin words proper to them. Dublin: printed by John Brocas and Cornelius Carter in Fishshamble [sic] street, for William Norman, Eliphel Dobson, Patrick Campbell and Jacob Millner, booksellers, 1697. ESTC No. R179408. Grub Street ID 70841.
  • Leedes, Edward. More English examples to be turned into Latin beginning with the nominative case and verb as 'tis varied throughout all moods and tenses and after fitted to the rules of the grammar : to which are added some cautions for children ... all new and published by the same autho to prevent the mischief which may happen by the too frequent use of the former. The fifth edition, with large additions.. London : Printed for J.C. and are to be sold by Peter Parker ..., 1699. ESTC No. R42105. Grub Street ID 123552.
  • Leedes, Edward. Veteres poetæ citati ad Petri Labbei de ancipitum Græcarum vocalium in prioribus syllabis mensura ... confirmandum sententiam ... opera &c cura Edwardi Leedes, ... Cantabrigiæ: ex officina Johan. Hayes. 1701. Impensis Roberti Clavell. Lond. Prostant etiam venales apud Joh. Chamberlayne bibliopol. Buriensem, [1701]. ESTC No. T114925. Grub Street ID 166701.
  • Leedes, Edward. More English examples to be turned into Latin; Beginning with the nominative case and verb, as'tis varied throughount all moods and tenses, and after fitted to the rules of the grammar. To which are added, some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in makeing Latin, forms of epistles, themes, or other exercises for the use of young beginners at Bury School. All new, and published by the same author, to prevent the mischief, which may happen by the too frequent use of the former. The seventh edition, with large additions.. London : Printed for J.C. and are to be sold by P. Parker, at the Leg and Star in Cornhill, 1704. ESTC No. T170178. Grub Street ID 207904.
  • Leedes, Edward. Animadversions upon the first part of Mr. Richard Johnson's Grammatical commentaries. By an old man; And who that Old Man is, (if it be worth the while to look) the following Pages will discover. London : printed for Tho. Newborough, at the Golden Ball in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1706. ESTC No. T120879. Grub Street ID 171850.
  • Leedes, Edward. English examples to be turned into Latin; beginning with the nominative case and verb as 'tis varied through all moods and tenses. And after fitted to all the rules of the grammar: ... Dublin: printed for Eliphal Dobson, 1708. ESTC No. N67258. Grub Street ID 48858.
  • Leedes, Edward. English examples to be turned into Latin; beginning with the nominative case and verb as 'tis varied through all moods and tenses: and after fitted to all the rules of the grammar. . The seventeenth edition. In which the index is now more compleat ... London : printed for N. Chiswell and C. Griffin; and are to be sold at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1709. ESTC No. T219058. Grub Street ID 243372.
  • Leedes, Edward. More English examples to be turned into Latin; beginning with the nominative case and verb, As 'tis varied throughout all moods and tenses, and after fitted to the rules of the grammar. To which are added, some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in making Latin, Forms of Epistles, Themes, or other Exercises for the use of young beginners at Bury school All new, and published by the same author, to prevent the Mischief, which may happen by the too frequent Use of the former. The eighth edition, with large additions.. London : printed for R. Watson, bookseller in Bury; and sold by P. Parker, in Cornhill, London, 1710. ESTC No. T179744. Grub Street ID 216450.
  • Leedes, Edward. More English examples to be turned into Latin; beginning with the nominative case and verb, as 'tis varied throughout all moods and tenses, and after fitted to the rules of the grammar. To which are added, some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in making Latin, forms of epistles, themes, or other exercises, for the use of young beginners at Bury school. All new, and published by the same author, to prevent the mischief, which may happen by the too frequent use of the former. The ninth edition, with large additions.. London : printed for R. Watson, bookseller in Bury; and sold by P. Parker, in Cornhill, London, 1713. ESTC No. N70935. Grub Street ID 51359.
  • Leedes, Edward. Methodus græcam linguam docendi, (multâ grammaticorum arte omissâ) ad Puerorum Captum Accommodata, Et ab Edwardo Leedes, (cui id Rei creditum est intra Scholam Buriensem, in Pago Suffolciensi) In Usum Discipulorum tradita. Editio tertia, plurimis emendationibus.. Londini : impensis A. Bettesworth, ad Insigne Leonis Rubri in Paternoster-Row, & R. Cruttenden ad Insignia Bibliorum & Coronarum Trium in Vico Cheapside, 1720. ESTC No. T115108. Grub Street ID 166885.
  • Leedes, Edward. More English examples to be turned into Latin; beginning with the nominative case and verb, as 'tis varied throughout moods and tenses. And after fitted to the rules of the grammar. To which are added, some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in making Latin, ... or other exercises, for the use of young beginners at Bury School. All new, and published by the same author, . The eleventh edition, with large additions.. London : printed for J. Osborn, A. Bettesworth, and J. Batley, 1721. ESTC No. T177765. Grub Street ID 214681.
  • Leedes, Edward. English examples to be turned into Latin beginning with the nominative case and verb as 'tis varied through all moods and tenses: and after fitted to all the rules of the grammar. To which are added, Some Cautions for Children to avoid Mistakes in making Latin; Forms of Epistle, Themes, and other Exercises, for the Use of Young Beginners at Bury School. The one and twentieth edition. In which the index is now more compleat ... London : printed for J. Osborne, and T. Longman, in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Bowyer, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and J. Clarke, in Duck-lane, 1725. ESTC No. T222821. Grub Street ID 245555.
  • Leedes, Edward. More English examples to be turned into Latin, beginning with the nominative case and verb, as 'tis varied throughout the moods and tenses. And after fitted to the rules of the grammar. To which are added some cautions for children to avoid mistakes in making Latin, ... an other exercises, for the use of young beginners at Bury School. All new, and published by the same author, . The twelfth edition, with large additions.. London : printed for J. Osborn and T. Longman, A. Bettesworth, and J. Batley, 1726. ESTC No. N26244. Grub Street ID 15618.
  • Leedes, Edward. English examples to be turned into Latin, beginning with the nominative case and verb, as 'tis varied through all moods and tenses. And after fitted to all the rules of the grammar. To which are added, Some Cautions for Children to avoid Mistakes in making Latin; Forms of Epistles, Themes, and other Exercises, for the Use of Young Beginners at Bury-School. The twenty second edition. In which the index is now more compleat, ... London : printed for C. Bowyer, and T. Longman, in Pater-Noster-Row; and for J. Clarke in Duck-Lane, 1734. ESTC No. T154374. Grub Street ID 198499.