England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
Orders to be observed at the coronation of the King and Queen. Published by order of the Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England, &c.
London : printed for John Smith, bookseller in Coven-Garden, 1685.
ESTC No. R223820.Grub Street ID 97587.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
Orders to be observed in the church of Westminster-Abby, on the day of their Majesties royal coronation.
London] : Printed by Tho. Newcomb in the Savoy, 1685.
ESTC No. R11817.Grub Street ID 60059.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
By Henry Duke of Norfolk, Earl-Marshall of England. Whereas His Majesty hath been pleased to command me to take care that this present mourning may be performed with that decency that becomes so great an occasion: .
London : Printed by the Assigns of John Bill deceas'd: and by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1684 [i.e. 1685].
ESTC No. R223019.Grub Street ID 96929.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
Orders to be observed at the coronation of the King and Queen. Published by order of the Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England, &c.
London : printed for John Smith, bookseller in Covent-Garden, 1685.
ESTC No. R6544.Grub Street ID 126884.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
By Henry Duke of Norfolk, Earl-Marshall of England. Whereas His Majesty hath been pleased to command me to take care that this present mourning may be performed with that decency that becomes so great an occasion: .
London : Printed by the Assigns of John Bill decas'd: and by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1684. [i.e. 1685].
ESTC No. R17199.Grub Street ID 66020.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
The Duke of Norfolk's order about the habit the ladies are to be in that attend the Queen at her coronation.
London] : Printed by Nat. Thompson at the entrance into Old-Spring-Garden near Charing-Cross, 1685.
ESTC No. R17510.Grub Street ID 68086.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
The Earl Marshal's order touching the habits of the peeresses at the coronation of Their Majesties King VVilliam and Queen Mary.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edward Jones, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688.
ESTC No. R235192.Grub Street ID 106358.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
The Earl Marshal's order touching the habits of the peeresses at the coronation of Their Majesties King VVilliam and Queen Mary.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edw. Jones, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688.
ESTC No. R40154.Grub Street ID 121983.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
The Duke of Norfolk's speech at Lynn. The 12th. of December, 1688.
London : s.n.], Printed in the year, 1688.
ESTC No. R219399.Grub Street ID 374759.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
An exact account of the ceremonial at the coronation of Their most excellent Majesties King VVilliam and Queen Mary, the eleventh day of this instant April, 1689. Published by order of the Duke of Norfolk, Earl-Marshal of England.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edward Jones, MDCLXXXIX. [1689.
ESTC No. R8996.Grub Street ID 129117.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
Orders to be observed on the day of the royal coronation of King William and Queen Mary the eleventh of this instant April.
In the Savoy [London] : Printed by Edward Jones, MDCLXXXIX [1689].
ESTC No. R38117.Grub Street ID 120251.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
The form of the proceeding to the coronation of Their Majesties King VVilliam and Queen Mary, the eleventh day of this instant April, 1689. To be punctually observed by all persons therein concerned. April 8. 1689. I do appoint Edward Jones to print this account of the proceeding. Norfolke, and Marshall.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edward Jones, 1689.
ESTC No. R1498.Grub Street ID 62947.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
The form of the proceeding to the funeral of Her late Majesty Queen Mary II. of blessed memory, from the royal palace of Whitehall to the collegiate church at Westminster; the 5th day of this instant March, 1694[/]5. To begin at twelve a clock.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edw. Jones, 1694[/]5 [i.e. 1695.
ESTC No. R37350.Grub Street ID 119587.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
The Earl Marshal's order for going into second mourning.
London] : Printed by Edward Jones in the Savoy, 1695.
ESTC No. R217774.Grub Street ID 92522.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
By His Grace the Duke of Norfolke, Earl-Marshal of England. In pursuance of an order of the Lords of His Majesties most honourable Privy-Council at Whitehal, the third day of January, 1694. These are to give notice, that it will be allowed as full and proper mourning, to wear hatbands of black English alamode, covered with black crape:.
London] : Printed by Edw. Jones in the Savoy, 1694. [i.e. 1695.
ESTC No. R224571.Grub Street ID 98195.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
By His Grace the Duke of Norfolke, Earl-Marshal of England. It being expected, that the present mourning for His Highness the Duke of Glocester [sic] should be with great decency; .
London] : Printed by Edward Jones in the Savoy, 1700.
ESTC No. R181031.Grub Street ID 71826.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
By Charles Earl of Carlisle, Earl-Marshal of England.
London] : Printed by Edward Jones in The Savoy, 1702.
ESTC No. T29828.Grub Street ID 261145.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
The form of the proceeding to the royal coronation of Her most Excellent Majesty Queen Anne, The Twenty Third Day of this Instant April, 1702.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edward Jones, 1702.
ESTC No. T40037.Grub Street ID 269176.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
By the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Carlisle, Earl Marshall of England during the minority of Thomas Duke of Norfolke. In pursuance of an order of the Lords of Her Majesty's Most Homourable Privy Council at the Cockpit the 8th of March instant,.
London] : Printed by Edw. Jones in the Savoy, 1701.
ESTC No. T19803.Grub Street ID 230874.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
The form of the proceeding to the royal coronation of Her most Excellent Majesty Queen Anne, the XXIII day of this instant April, 1702.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edward Jones, 1702.
ESTC No. T197197.Grub Street ID 230371.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
The Earl Marshal's order for the robes of the peeresses at the coronation of Her Majesty Queen Anne, to be worn the 23d day of April 1702.
London] : Printed by Edward Jones in the Savoy, 1702.
ESTC No. T186037.Grub Street ID 222198.
England and Wales. Earl Marshal..
The case of the Lord Marshal of England; with proofs of his right to go by the sword of state, in all solemnities: which his lordship conceives himself obliged to assert, .
London?, 1706?.
ESTC No. N43786.Grub Street ID 374758.