Publications of London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).


  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Epistle from Friends met in London, the 26th of the third month, 1673. London? : London Yearly Meeting?, 1673?. ESTC No. R473838. Grub Street ID 125176.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Annual epistles from the yearly meetings in London, to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends in Great-Britain and elsewhere . London? : s.n., 1675-1800]. ESTC No. R473839. Grub Street ID 400025.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Dear Friends and brethren; we salute you in the Lord, and recommend unto your godly care and discretion these following particulars, as the counsel of the Lord you see cause, . London : s.n., 1682. ESTC No. R182706. Grub Street ID 399883.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. From the Yearly-Meeting at London, the 28th, 29th and 30th of the 3d moneth, 1683. To the monethly and quarterly meetings in England and Wales; To be read among them. Dear Friends and brethren; VVhom the Lord Jesus Christ hath quickened and made alive, that you might serve the living God in his new and living way, and worship him in his spirit and truth:. London : s.n., 1683. ESTC No. R471016. Grub Street ID 400013.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. From the yearly meeting of Friends, held at London, the 19th & 20th day of the 3d moneth, 1684. To be communicated only to the monethly and quarterly-meetings in England and Wales, and read among them. Dear and faithful Friends; After the salutation of our tender and constant love in our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom is our life and salvation, these things following are recommended to you and your Christian care, from our said meeting. London : s.n., 1685. ESTC No. R182707. Grub Street ID 399882.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. To the monethly and quarterly meetings of Friends in England and Wales, and else-where. From the Yearly Meeting for the service of truth and Friends in sufferings, &c. held at London, the 8th and 9th days of the 4th moneth, 1685. Salutation in Christ Jesus, with endeared and tender love in the blessed communion of his holy spirit, and unchangeable light and life,. London : s.n., 1685. ESTC No. R471025. Grub Street ID 400014.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. To the monthly and quarterly meetings of Friends in England and VVales, and else-where. From the Yearly Meeting for the service of truth and Friends in sufferings, &c. held at London, the 24th and 25th dayes of the 3d month, 1686. Salutation in Christ Jesus, with endeared and tender love in the blessed communion of his holy spirit, and unchangeable light and life to all our faithful Friends and brethren,. London : s.n., 1686. ESTC No. R471029. Grub Street ID 400015.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. To the monthly and quarterly meetings of Friends in England and VVales, and else-where. From the Yearly Meeting, held in London, the 16th, 17th and 19th days of the 3th month 1687. Dear and tender salutation in our Lord Jesus Christ, who is our life, and in whom we have fellowship, to all our true Friends and brethren every where. London? : s.n., 1687. ESTC No. R471097. Grub Street ID 400021.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. To the monthly and quarterly meetings of Friends in England and VVales, and elsewhere. From the Yearly Meeting, held in London the fourth, fifth and sixth dayes of the fourth month, 1688. Dearly beloved Friends and brethren, we salute you in the dear and tender love of God rejoycing in the communion and holy fellowship of the spirit of life, by which we are quickened together in Christ Jesus, that we may walk together in him acceptably to God the Father,. London : s.n., 1688. ESTC No. R471030. Grub Street ID 400016.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. To the monthly and quarterly meetings of Friends in England, and VVales, and elsewhere. From the Yearly Meeting, held in London the twenty, twenty first, and twenty second dayes of the third month, 1689. Dear Friends and brethren, We salute you in the Lord, whose presence is continued, and blessings renewed unto us, and signally manifest with our assemblies, blessed be his name for ever. London? : s.n., 1689. ESTC No. R471031. Grub Street ID 400017.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. To the monthly and quarterly meetings of Friends in England, Wales, and elsewhere, from our yearly meeting held in London, the 9th 10th, and 11th days of the 4th month, 1690. London : s.n., 1690. ESTC No. R223039. Grub Street ID 399881.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. To the monthly and quarterly meetings of Friends in England, Wales, and elsewhere, from our yearly meeting held in London, the 9th 10th, and 11th days of the 4th month, 1690. Dear and faithful Friends and brethren, We dearly salute you all in the Lord, with very dear and brotherly love, beyond words. We have still cause greatly to praise and magnifie the pure holy name of the Lord our God, for his continued goodness, power and presence with us until this day, as much as ever since we were a people, to the greatly tendering and enlarging the hearts of many, blessed be the Lord our God for ever. London : s.n. , 1690. ESTC No. R469877. Grub Street ID 399997.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. To the monthly and quarterly meetings in England and Wales, and elsewhere. From our yearly meeting, held in London, the first, second, third and fourth days of the fourth month, 1691. Dear and faithful Friends and brethren; We tenderly salute you all in our Lord Jesus Christ, and blessed union of his precious life, who hath eminently appeared among us, and with us, in this our heavenly solemnity, still ministring fresh encouragements unto us, by his divine power and counsel, to persevere in faithfulness and diligence in his work and service to the end of our days, and finishing our course with joy, as many of his dear, antient and faithful servants have already done, blessed be his glorious name forever. London : s.n. , 1691. ESTC No. R469878. Grub Street ID 399998.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle to the monthly and quarterly meetings of Friends in England, Wales, and elsewhere. From our yearly meeting, held in London, the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth dayes of the third month, 1692. London : s.n., 1693?. ESTC No. R213274. Grub Street ID 399880.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle to the monthly and quarterly meetings of Friends in England, Wales, and elsewhere. From our yearly meeting held in London, by adjournment from the twenty eighth of the third month, to the eleventh of the fourth month, 1694. Dear and truly beloved Friends and brethren in Christ, after the salutation of our very dear and tender love, and brotherly affection, in that most precious life, and divine power, wherein our unity, and living faith and safety consist, and which hath very eminently attended us in this our yearly meeting from first to last;. London] : printed for Friends, by T. Sowle, near the Meeting-House in White-Hart-Court, Grace-Church-Street, [1694. ESTC No. R469879. Grub Street ID 399999.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle to the monthly and quarterly meetings of friends in England, Wales, and elsewhere. From our yearly meeting held in London, on the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th days of the third month, 1695. London : s.n., 1695. ESTC No. R172672. Grub Street ID 399884.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends in England, Wales, and elsewhere. From our yearly meeting held in London, by adjournment, from the 1st to the 4th of the fourth month, 1696. To our dear and faithful Friends and brethren, in the blessed and ever-living truth. After tender salutation in our blessed Lord and saviour Jesus Christ unto you all: we hereby intimate, that we are greatly satisfied and comforted in the living sense of the continuance of the great love and care of our heavenly Father towards us, his whole heritage and people:. London] : Signed on behalf of our said meeting, by Benjamin Bealing, [1696. ESTC No. R469880. Grub Street ID 400000.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in England, Wales, and elsewhere. From our Yearly Meeting held in London, in the third month, 1697. Dear Friends and brethren, in the dear and tender love of our heavenly Father, we sincerely salute you, heartily wishing your prosperity in the same love, unity, concord and peace, which this our solemn yearly assembly has deeply, and in an extraordinary manner travelled, and supplicated the Lord our God for, that the same love, unity and peace in Christ Jesus may be continued and increased in all his churches;. London : s.n. , 1697. ESTC No. R469883. Grub Street ID 400001.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in England, Wales, and elsewhere. From our Yearly Meeting held in London by adjournments from the 13th to the 17th of the 4th month, 1698. Dear and well beloved Friends and brethren, in the blessed unchangeable truth! We dearly salute you all, in the unexpressible love of our God in Christ Jesus our Lord, which is plentifully extended to us, and shed abroad in our hearts, and wherewith he has eminently blessed this our solemn assembly; praise, honour and glory be to his renowned name and power, to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. London : s.n. , 1698. ESTC No. R469884. Grub Street ID 400002.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle to the Quarterly and Monthly-Meetings of Friends in England, Wales, and else-where. From our Yearly-Meeting, held in London, from the 29th of the 3d month to the 2d of the 4th month, 1699. Dear Friends and brethren, in the renewed love of our Lord Jesus Christ, our holy head and heavenly lawgiver, we dearly salute you; wishing you a plentiful increase of all spiritual blessings in him, who, according to his wonted goodness, hath, through his divine providence, afforded us a peaceable and comfortable season:. London : s.n. , 1699. ESTC No. R469885. Grub Street ID 400003.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in England, Wales, and elsewhere. From our Yearly-Meeting held in London, from the 20th to the 24th of the 3d month, 1700. Dear and well-beloved Friends and brethren in Christ Jesus, we tenderly salute you in his dear love and life, whereby we were made alive unto Him, and hitherto helped and preserved, to be a peculiar people to his praise and glory, who hath called us out of darkness, into his marvellous light: blessed be his glorious name and power for ever. London : s.n. , 1700. ESTC No. R469886. Grub Street ID 400004.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends, in England, Wales, &c. From our yearly meeting in London, held the 9th, ... 12th of the 4th month, 1701. London, 1701. ESTC No. T102548. Grub Street ID 399896.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends in England and Wales, &c. From our yearly meeting in London, held the 25th, ... 30th of the third month, 1702. London, 1702. ESTC No. T102549. Grub Street ID 399897.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends in England and Wales, &c. From our yearly meeting in London, held the 17th, ... 24th of the third month, 1703. London, 1703. ESTC No. T102550. Grub Street ID 399898.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle to the quarterly and monthly-meetings of Friends, in England and Wales, &c. From our yearly-meeting held in London, the 5th, ... 9th of the 4th month, 1704. London, 1704. ESTC No. T102551. Grub Street ID 399899.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle, to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends, in England, Wales, and elsewhere: from our yearly-meeting in London, held the 28, ... 31 of the third month, and the 1st of the fourth month, 1705. London, 1705. ESTC No. T102552. Grub Street ID 399900.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends, in England, Wales, and elsewhere. From our yearly-meeting in London, held from the 13th to the 18th of the third month, 1706. London, 1706. ESTC No. T102553. Grub Street ID 399901.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle of our yearly meeting held in London, by adjournment from the 2d to the 7th of the fourth month, 1707. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1707. ESTC No. T102554. Grub Street ID 399902.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle of our yearly meeting held in London, by adjournment from the 24th to the 28th of the third month, 1708. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1708. ESTC No. T102555. Grub Street ID 399903.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle, from our yearly-meeting held in London, from the 13th, to the 18th of the 4th month, 1709. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1709. ESTC No. T102556. Grub Street ID 399904.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle, from our yearly-meeting held in London, from the 29th day of the 3d month, to the 3d day of the 4th month, 1710. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1710. ESTC No. T102557. Grub Street ID 399905.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Some advices in the Yearly Meeting epistle 1709. concerning the education of children: recommended by the Yearly Meeting 1710. for Friends to put in practice. London : printed by J. Sowle, 1710. ESTC No. N3952. Grub Street ID 26860.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from our yearly-meeting held in London, from the 21st day of the 3d month, to the 26th day of the same, 1711. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1711. ESTC No. T102558. Grub Street ID 399906.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from our yearly-meeting in London, held by several adjournments, from the 9th to the 20th day of the fourth month, 1712. ... To the quarterly and monthly-meeting of Friends. London, 1712. ESTC No. T102559. Grub Street ID 399907.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from our yearly-meeting in London, held, by adjournments, from the 25th of the 3d month, 1713. to the 9th of the 4th month following. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1713. ESTC No. T102560. Grub Street ID 399908.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly meeting in London, held, by adjournments, from the 17th day of the 3d month, to the 27th of the same month, 1714. To the monthly and quarterly meetings of Friends. London, 1714. ESTC No. T102561. Grub Street ID 399909.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The case of the people called Quakers, with respect to many of their friends in South-Britain, and their friends in general in North-Britain, who conscienciously scruple the taking of the present affirmation. London? : s.n., 1715?. ESTC No. T11581. Grub Street ID 399885.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held, by adjournments, from the 6th day of the fourth month, to the 13th of the same, 1715. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1715. ESTC No. T102562. Grub Street ID 399910.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held, by adjournments, from the 21st day of the third month, to the 29th of the same, 1716. To the quarterly and monthly-meetings of Friends. London, 1716. ESTC No. T102647. Grub Street ID 399994.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held, by adjournment, from the 10th day of the fourth month, to the 14th of the same, inclusive, 1717. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends,. London, 1717. ESTC No. T102563. Grub Street ID 399911.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. An epistle of caution against pride, &c. from the Yearly-Meeting in London, 1718. London, 1718. ESTC No. T182955. Grub Street ID 399892.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held, by adjournment, from the 2d day of the fourth month, to the 10th of the same inclusive, 1718. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends,. London, 1718. ESTC No. T102564. Grub Street ID 399912.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. An epistle of caution against pride, &c. From the Yearly-Meeting in London, 1718. London : printed by the assigns of J. Sowle, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1718. ESTC No. N470259. Grub Street ID 400007.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held, by adjournment, from the 18th day of the third month, to the 23d of the same inclusive, 1719. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends,. London, 1719. ESTC No. T102565. Grub Street ID 399913.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle, from the yearly-meeting in London, held, by adjournment, from the 6th day of the fourth month, to the 15th of the same inclusive, 1720. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1720. ESTC No. T102566. Grub Street ID 399914.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle, from the yearly-meeting in London, held by adjournment, from the 29th day of the third month, to the 3d day of the 4th month inclusive, 1721. To the quarterly and monthly-meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, and else-where. London : s.n., 1721. ESTC No. T102567. Grub Street ID 399915.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting of Friends and brethren, held in London by adjournment, from the 14th day of the third month, to the 18th day of the same inclusive, 1722. London, 1722. ESTC No. T102568. Grub Street ID 399916.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held by adjournment, from the third to the eighth day of the fourth month inclusive, 1723. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1723. ESTC No. T102569. Grub Street ID 399917.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held by adjournment, from the twenty fifth to the twenty ninth day of the third month inclusive, 1724. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1724. ESTC No. T102570. Grub Street ID 399918.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Proposals for printing by subscription, the Works of our worthy Friend, William Penn, deceas'd. This author was so well known, that it is needless to say any thing in commendation of his writings, most Friends having had a taste of some of his valuable books. . London : Tace Raylton, in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1724. ESTC No. N472311. Grub Street ID 400024.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, of Friends and brethren, held in London, by adjournment, from the 17th day of the third month to the 26th day of the same inclusive, 1725. London, 1725. ESTC No. T102571. Grub Street ID 399919.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, of Friends and brethren, held in London, by adjournment, from the 29th day of the third month, to the 11th of the fourth month inclusive, 1726. London, 1726. ESTC No. T102572. Grub Street ID 399920.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. To George the Second, King of Great Britain, &c. The humble address of the people call'd Quakers. London, 1727. ESTC No. T4463. Grub Street ID 399889.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, of Friends and brethren, held in London, by adjournment, from the 22d day of the third month, to the 27th day of the same, inclusive, 1727. London, 1727. ESTC No. T102573. Grub Street ID 399921.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting of Friends and brethren, held in London, by adjournment, from the 10th day of the fourth month, to the 14th day of the same, inclusive, 1728. London, 1728. ESTC No. T102574. Grub Street ID 399922.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting of Friends and brethren, held in London, by adjournment, from the 26th day of the third month, to the 30th day of the same, inclusive, 1729. London, 1729. ESTC No. T102575. Grub Street ID 399923.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting of Friends and brethren, held in London, by adjournment, from the 18th day of the third month, to the 22d day of the same, inclusive, 1730. London, 1730. ESTC No. T102576. Grub Street ID 399924.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting held in London, by adjournment, from the 7th, to the 11th day of the fourth month, 1731, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1731. ESTC No. T102577. Grub Street ID 399925.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 29th of the third month, to the 3d day of the fourth month, 1732, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1732. ESTC No. T102578. Grub Street ID 399926.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 14th day of the third month, to the 19th inclusive, 1733. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1733. ESTC No. T102579. Grub Street ID 399927.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 3d day of the fourth month, to the 7th of the same, inclusive, 1734. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1734. ESTC No. T102580. Grub Street ID 399928.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 26th day of the third month, to the 2d of the fourth month inclusive, 1735. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1735. ESTC No. T102581. Grub Street ID 399929.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Extracts from the yearly epistles of meeting of Quakers, held in London, relating to tythes. London] : [s.n.], [1736. ESTC No. T33922. Grub Street ID 399888.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 14th day of the fourth month, to the 19th of the same, inclusive, 1736. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1736. ESTC No. T102582. Grub Street ID 399930.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Rules for removals and settlements of Friends, agreed on by the Yearly Meeting held in London, 1737, viz. London, 1737. ESTC No. T208194. Grub Street ID 399895.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 30th of the third month, to the 4th of the fourth month, inclusive, 1737. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1737. ESTC No. T102583. Grub Street ID 399931.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 22d of the third month, to the 27th of the same, inclusive, 1738. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1738. ESTC No. T102584. Grub Street ID 399932.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 11th of the fourth month, to the 15th of the same, inclusive, 1739. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1739. ESTC No. T102585. Grub Street ID 399933.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 26th of the third month, 1740, to the 30th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1740. ESTC No. T102586. Grub Street ID 399934.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 18th of the third month, 1741, to the 22d of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1741. ESTC No. T102587. Grub Street ID 399935.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 7th of the fourth month, 1742, to the 12th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1742. ESTC No. T102588. Grub Street ID 399936.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 23d of the third month, 1743, to the 28th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1743. ESTC No. T102589. Grub Street ID 399937.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. To George the Second, King of Great Britain, &c. The humble address of the people called Quakers, from their General Annual Assembly in London. May it please the King! We humbly beg leave to approach Thy Royal Presence with united hearts, to congratulate thee upon the deliverance of these kingdoms from the late impending dangers, with a joy as sincere as the occasion is signal. . London : s.n., 1746. ESTC No. N470270. Grub Street ID 400008.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 14th of the third month, 1744, to the 19th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1744. ESTC No. T102590. Grub Street ID 399938.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 2d of the fourth month, 1745, to the 7th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1745. ESTC No. T102591. Grub Street ID 399939.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 19th of the third month, 1746 to the 24th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1746. ESTC No. T102592. Grub Street ID 399940.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 7th of the fourth month, 1747, to the 12th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1747. ESTC No. T102593. Grub Street ID 399941.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournment, from the 30th of the third month, to the 3d of the fourth month, 1748, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1748. ESTC No. T102594. Grub Street ID 399942.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 15th of the third month, 1749, to the 20th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1749. ESTC No. T102595. Grub Street ID 399943.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 4th of the fourth month, 1750, to the 8th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of friends and brethren, in Great Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London : s.n., 1750. ESTC No. T102596. Grub Street ID 399944.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 27th of the third month, 1751, to the 31st of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1751. ESTC No. T102597. Grub Street ID 399945.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 18th of the fifth month, 1752, to the 23d of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1752. ESTC No. T102598. Grub Street ID 399946.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 11th of the sixth month, 1753, to the 16th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1753. ESTC No. T102599. Grub Street ID 399947.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Rules for proceeding in relation to marriage, agreed upon by the yearly-meeting in London, 1754. London, 1754. ESTC No. T207473. Grub Street ID 399894.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 3d of the sixth month 1754, to the 10th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1754. ESTC No. T102600. Grub Street ID 399948.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from our yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 19th day of the fifth month, to the 24th of the same, inclusive, 1755. To our friends and brethren at their next yearly-meeting to be held at Philadelphia, for Pennsylvania and New-Jersey. London, 1755. ESTC No. N9259. Grub Street ID 399879.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 19th of the fifth month 1755, to the 24th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1755. ESTC No. T102601. Grub Street ID 399949.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 7th day of the sixth month 1756, to the 12th of the same month, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1756. ESTC No. T102602. Grub Street ID 399950.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 30th day of the fifth month 1757, to the 4th day of the sixth month, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1757. ESTC No. T102603. Grub Street ID 399951.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 15th day of the fifth month 1758, to the 20th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1758. ESTC No. T102604. Grub Street ID 399952.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 4th of the sixth month 1759, to the 9th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1759. ESTC No. T102605. Grub Street ID 399953.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Report of the committee appointed to form a proposal for the encouragement of school-masters and mistresses; to the meeting for sufferings. The committee appointed to form some suitable proposal for the better encouragement of school-masters and mistresses in the several counties, pursuant to the direction of the yearly meeting, . S.l. : s.n. , 1759?. ESTC No. N470035. Grub Street ID 400005.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. At the yearly meeting held in London, the fifth month, 1760. London, 1760. ESTC No. N4930. Grub Street ID 399875.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 26th day of the fifth month 1760, to the 31st of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1760. ESTC No. T102606. Grub Street ID 399954.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Report of the committee appointed to form a proposal for the encouragement of school-masters and mistresses; to the meeting for sufferings. The committee appointed to form some suitable proposal for the better encouragement of school-masters and mistresses in the several counties, pursuant to the direction of the yearly meeting, . S.l. : s.n. , 1760?. ESTC No. N470036. Grub Street ID 400006.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Epistles from the yearly meeting of the people called Quakers, held in London, to the quarterly and monthly meetings in Great Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere; from the year 1675, to 1759, inclusive. With an index to the principal subjects of advice. London : printed and sold by Samuel Clark, in Bread-Street, near Cheapside, MDCCLX. [1760]. ESTC No. T84115. Grub Street ID 304532.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 11th day of the fifth month 1761, to the 18th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1761. ESTC No. T102607. Grub Street ID 399955.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 31st day of the fifth month 1762, to the 7th of the sixth month, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1762. ESTC No. T102608. Grub Street ID 399956.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. To George the Third, King of Great-Britain, and the dominions thereunto belonging, the humble address of his protestant subjects, the people called Quakers. London : printed in the year, 1763. ESTC No. T51117. Grub Street ID 278591.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 23d of the fifth month 1763, to the 31st of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1763. ESTC No. T102609. Grub Street ID 399957.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 11th day of the sixth month 1764, to the 16th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1764. ESTC No. T102610. Grub Street ID 399958.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Yearly Meeting, London, 1764. Meetings for Worship, to be held this week. Third Day, the 12th of the sixth month, Morning, 9th hour, Devonshire House[.] Afternoon, 3d hour, Horsleydown[.] Fourth day, ... N.B. The Meeting on fourth day at Deptford is discontinued for this year. London? : s.n., 1764. ESTC No. N470971. Grub Street ID 400012.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 27th of the fifth month 1765, to the 1st of the sixth month, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1765. ESTC No. T102611. Grub Street ID 399959.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 19th day of the fifth month 1766, to the 24th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1766. ESTC No. T102612. Grub Street ID 399960.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Yearly-Meeting, London, 1766. Meetings for Worship, to be held this week as follows. Third Day, morning, 9th hour, Devonshire-House. London? : s.n., 1766. ESTC No. N472307. Grub Street ID 400022.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 8th of the sixth month 1767, to the 13th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1767. ESTC No. T102613. Grub Street ID 399961.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 23d day of the fifth month 1768, to the 28th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1768. ESTC No. T102614. Grub Street ID 399962.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, from the 15th day of the fifth month 1769, to the 20th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1769. ESTC No. T102615. Grub Street ID 399963.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 4th day of the sixth month 1770, to the 9th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1770. ESTC No. T102616. Grub Street ID 399964.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 20th of the fifth month 1771, to the 25th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1771. ESTC No. T102617. Grub Street ID 399965.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 8th of the sixth month 1772, to the 13th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1772. ESTC No. T102618. Grub Street ID 399966.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 31st of the fifth month to the 5th of the sixth month, 1773, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly-meetings of Friends,. London, 1773. ESTC No. N35380. Grub Street ID 399874.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 31st of the fifth month, to the 5th of the sixth month 1773, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London : s.n., 1773. ESTC No. T102619. Grub Street ID 399967.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. To the quarterly and monthly-meetings in Great-Britain. Dear friends, Our minds being at this time exercised in a deep concern that friends, every where, may walk so circumspectly in every part of their conversation, . London : s.n., 1774. ESTC No. T179021. Grub Street ID 399891.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, Held in London, by adjournments, from the 23d of the fifth month, 1774, to the 28th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London : s.n., 1774. ESTC No. T102620. Grub Street ID 399968.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Directions for a more general uniformity in keeping records, agreed to at the yearly-meeting held in London, 1774. London, 1774. ESTC No. N28404. Grub Street ID 399871.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 5th of the sixth month, 1775, to the 10th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly-meetings of friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London : s.n., 1775. ESTC No. T102621. Grub Street ID 399969.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held by adjournments, from the 27th of the fifth month to the 1st of the sixth month 1776, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends and Brethren in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London : s.n., 1776. ESTC No. T102622. Grub Street ID 399970.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held by adjournments, from the 19th of the fifth month 1777, to the 24th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London : s.n., 1777. ESTC No. T102623. Grub Street ID 399971.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Minute of the yearly-meeting held in London, the 13th of the sixth month 1778. London, 1778. ESTC No. T173153. Grub Street ID 399890.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held by adjournments, from the 8th of the sixth month 1778, to the 13th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London : s.n., 1778. ESTC No. T102624. Grub Street ID 399972.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. At a yearly-meeting held in London, from the 24th of the 5th month, 1779, to the 29th of the same, inclusive. London, 1779. ESTC No. T22650. Grub Street ID 399887.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held by adjournments, from the 24th of the fifth month 1779, to the 29th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1779. ESTC No. T102625. Grub Street ID 399973.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held by adjournments, from the 15th of the fifth month 1780, to the 20th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1780. ESTC No. T102626. Grub Street ID 399974.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held by adjournments, from the 15th of the fifth month 1780, to the 20th of the same, inclusive. To the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London? s.n., 1780. ESTC No. N479433. Grub Street ID 400027.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held by adjournments, from the 4th of the sixth month 1781, to the 9th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1781. ESTC No. T102627. Grub Street ID 399975.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held by adjournments, from the 20th of the fifth month 1782, to the 25th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1782. ESTC No. T102628. Grub Street ID 399976.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly meeting in London, held by adjournments, from the 9th of the sixth month 1783, to the 14th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1783. ESTC No. N31180. Grub Street ID 399872.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting in London, held by adjournments, from the 9th of the sixth month 1783, to the 16th of the same, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1783. ESTC No. T102629. Grub Street ID 399977.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Extracts from the minutes and advices of the yearly meeting of Friends held in London, from its first institution. London] : Printed by James Phillips, 1783. ESTC No. T84116. Grub Street ID 304533.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. [Appeals.]. London : s.n., 1783. ESTC No. N474994. Grub Street ID 400026.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting held in London, by adjournments, from the 31st day of the fifth month 1784, to the 5th day of the sixth month inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1784. ESTC No. T102630. Grub Street ID 399978.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 16th of the fifth month 1785, to the 23d of the same inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1785. ESTC No. T102631. Grub Street ID 399979.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. A list of the Meetings for Worship on first and week days, and of the Two-Weeks, Monthly, Six-Weeks, and Quarterly Meetings in London; also, the Committee of Friends School and Workhouse, and when held, for the year 1785. London? : s.n., 1785. ESTC No. N470904. Grub Street ID 400011.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 5th of the sixth month 1786, to the 12th of the same inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1786. ESTC No. T102632. Grub Street ID 399980.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. At a sub-committee for managing the donation-fund for the relief of Friends in America. Present, David Barclay, Thomas Wagstaffe, Joseph Woods, Robert Barclay, Joseph Gurney Bevan, and George Harrison. London, 1786. ESTC No. N15883. Grub Street ID 399869.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 28th day of the fifth month to the 4th day of the sixth month, 1787, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1787. ESTC No. T102633. Grub Street ID 399981.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. At a sub-committee for managing the donation fund for the relief of Friends in America; present, David Barclay, Joseph Gurney Bevan, Morris Birkbeck, Richard Chester, George Harrison, George Wallis, together with several of the representatives to the Yearly Meeting. A letter from the trustees of the Negro-School in Philadelphia, acknowledging the five hundred pounds allotted to them, was brought in and read; . London, 1787. ESTC No. N15882. Grub Street ID 399868.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Respected friend, the Meeting for sufferings, after mature deliberation, having concluded it proper to present another petition to Parliament for the abolition of the slave-trade . London, 1788. ESTC No. T192072. Grub Street ID 399893.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 12th day of the fifth month, 1788, to the 19th day of the same inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1788. ESTC No. T102634. Grub Street ID 399982.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 1st to the 9th of the sixth month, 1789, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1789. ESTC No. N54678. Grub Street ID 399877.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 1st to the 9th of the sixth month, 1789, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1789. ESTC No. T102635. Grub Street ID 399983.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 1st to the 9th of the sixth month, 1789, inclusive, to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London] : [s.n.], [1789. ESTC No. N508490. Grub Street ID 400031.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 17th to the 25th of the fifth month, 1790, inclusive, to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1790. ESTC No. T102636. Grub Street ID 399984.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Advices of the yearly meeting, 1791, to be read at least once in the Year, in each of the Men's and Women's Quarterly and Monthly Meetings. London : s.n., 1791. ESTC No. T21080. Grub Street ID 399886.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 16th to the 24th of the fifth month, 1791, inclusive, to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1791. ESTC No. T102637. Grub Street ID 399985.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The queries for women Friends, as settled by the yearly meeting, 1791. London : s.n., 1791. ESTC No. T46195. Grub Street ID 399995.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Advices of the yearly meeting, 1791, to be read at least once in the year, in each of the men's and women's Quarterly and Monthly Meetings. London? : s.n., 1791. ESTC No. N474891. Grub Street ID 400034.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. From our yearly-meeting held in London, by adjournments from the 21st of the fifth month, 1792, to the 29th of the same, inclusive, to the next yearly-meeting of Friends to be held in Philadelphia,. London, 1792. ESTC No. N31811. Grub Street ID 399873.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Yearly meeting, 1792. On considering the nature and extent of the discipline committed to women Friends,. London, 1792. ESTC No. N66406. Grub Street ID 399878.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Appendix to the extracts from the minutes and advices of the yearly meeting, of Friends held in London. London] : Printed by James Phillips, 1792. ESTC No. T84621. Grub Street ID 305000.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly-meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 21st to the 29th of the fifth month, 1792, inclusive, to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London] : [s.n.], [1792. ESTC No. T102638. Grub Street ID 399986.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Llythyr oddiwrth y cyfarfod blynyddawl a` gynhaliwyd yn Llundain, Trwy ediadau o'r 21ain i'r 29ain o'r 5ed Mis, 1792, At y Tri-Mifol, a'r Mifol Gyfarfodau, o Gyfeillion, ym Mhrydain Fawr, Iwerddon, ac ereill Fannau:. London : s.n. 1792. ESTC No. N470342. Grub Street ID 400009.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Advices to ministers and elders. London], 1792. ESTC No. N16322. Grub Street ID 399870.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the Yearly Meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 20th to the 28th of the fifth month, 1793, inclusive, to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1793. ESTC No. T102639. Grub Street ID 399987.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Address to the King from Friends, 1st month 1793. To George the IIId. King of Great Britain and the dominions thereunto belonging. May it please the King, thy dutiful subjects, the religious society of Friends, called Quakers, have felt their minds deeply affected with the calamities attendant on war, and the inconsistency thereof with the doctrine of Christ the Prince of Peace;. London? : s.n., 1793. ESTC No. N471071. Grub Street ID 400018.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the Yearly-Meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 20th to the 28th of the fifth month, 1793, inclusive. To the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London? : s.n., 1793. ESTC No. N479434. Grub Street ID 400028.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the Yearly Meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 20th to the 28th of the fifth month, 1793, inclusive, to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in Great Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London] : [s.n.], [1793. ESTC No. N510386. Grub Street ID 400032.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 19th to the 28th of the fifth month, 1794, inclusive, to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends,. London, 1794. ESTC No. N54508. Grub Street ID 399876.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 19th to the 28th of the fifth month, 1794, inclusive, to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends,. London, 1794. ESTC No. T102640. Grub Street ID 399988.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Yearly Meeting, 1794. Meetings for Worship. Fourth Day morning, 10th hour. Devonshire House[.] Gracechurch-Street[.] Park[.] Peel[.] Ratcliffe[.] Westminster[.] Sixth day morning, 10th hour. Hourslydown[.] Peel[.] Ratcliffe[.] Westminster[.] All the Meetings for Worship on the first day in the Yearly Meeting week, and the first day following, begin at the 10th hour in the morning, and at the 3d hour in the afternoon. London? : s.n., 1794. ESTC No. N472310. Grub Street ID 400023.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the Yearly Meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 19th to the 28th of the fifth month, 1794, inclusive. To the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends, in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London? s.n., 1794. ESTC No. N479435. Grub Street ID 400029.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 18th to the 27th of the fifth month, 1795, inclusive, to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends,. London, 1795. ESTC No. T102641. Grub Street ID 399989.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly meeting held in London, by adjournments, from the 16th to the 25th of the fifth month, 1796, inclusive. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends in Great Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London] : [s.n.], [1796. ESTC No. T102642. Grub Street ID 399990.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 22d to the 31st of the fifth month, 1797. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London] : [s.n.], [1797. ESTC No. T102643. Grub Street ID 399991.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 22d to the 31st of the fifth month, 1797. To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends in Great Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. London] : [s.n.], [1797. ESTC No. N510475. Grub Street ID 400033.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 21st to the 29th of the fifth month, 1798, inclusive; to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1798. ESTC No. T102644. Grub Street ID 399992.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. Yearly meeting, 1798. Meetings for worship. London?], 1798. ESTC No. T52863. Grub Street ID 399996.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. [Extract from an epistle from the yearly meeting] We desire afresh to press upon all our members, the necessity of a peaceful and innocent demeanour amongst men; and especially, let all be careful not to seek or accept profit by any concern in the preparations so extensively making for war: for how reproachfully inconsistent would it be, to refuse an active compliance with warlike measures; and, at the same time, not to hesitate to enrich ourselves by the commerce and other circumstances dependent on war! 1798. P.E. London : W. Phillips, Printer, George Yard, Lombard Street, [1798]. ESTC No. N471073. Grub Street ID 400019.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 22d to the 31st of the fifth month, 1799, inclusive; to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London, 1799. ESTC No. T102645. Grub Street ID 399993.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the Yearly Meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 22d to the 31st of the fifth month, 1799, inclusive; to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, and Ireland. London? : s.n, 1799. ESTC No. N479438. Grub Street ID 400030.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The address of the people called Quakers to the king, on his late providental deliverance from assassination. To George the Third, King of Great-Britain, and the dominions thereunto belonging. . London? : s.n., 1800. ESTC No. N470792. Grub Street ID 400010.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, having been, for some time, calumniated as oppressors of the laborious and indigent classes of the community, by combining to monopolize those necessary articles of life, corn and flour, think themselves called upon to vindicate their own innocence and integrity, . London? : s.n., 1800. ESTC No. N471096. Grub Street ID 400020.
  • London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).. The epistle from the yearly meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 21st to the 31st of the fifth month, 1800, inclusive; to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends. London] : Printed by W. Phillips, George Yard, Lombard Street, [1800. ESTC No. T102646. Grub Street ID 156360.